PAGE TEN if, YOIJ WILL SOON BE taking stock of vour wardrobe for fall. Don’t 11 ’ . forget that our skill in cleaning, pressing, dyeing or repairing may save you real money by reviving the beauty and prolonging the life of your garments. If you MUST have a new coat for fall, our care will keep it looking new V. and our skill will make the old one into a presentable second best. Phone us and we’ll call for your garments when you are ready. * \ ■ Phone 787 ,- — - 1 - ,^ *-**-**— CHARLOTTE BARBER’S WIFE NOW HI NTED BY HTSBAXD Mrs. Minnie Watts Li»ft Home in Wilmington Last Friday*—Native of Statesville. OiiaVlotte Observer. Mrs. Minnie Watts, wife *if a Char lotto harbor, who has bet Ji working this summer at Wrightsville Beach, disappeared from her home?, 720 Mar ket street. Wilmington, hast Friday night, and her husband has be**n in Charlotte making search f!or her. Be-1 fore her marriage she was Miss Min-! Hie Price, of Statesville. Mr. Watts afi been searching for lit'r both here and in Statesville, and ha<> reached the inclusion that something ha* hap pened to his wife to prevent her from communicating with him. He believes that she left to punish 'aim for drink ing. but thinks she would have re OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS | A DOZEN PwT?\ . r WiiQDBR CNOH-f'-rrt’GOAT YIF/. \nELL CoRLM ,lU-3BS LAW U ' j 1 I | RANCH VNMUT VNONOE-RFOU AfJ| A COOP\I- TtU-SHt Y\ \ I j ;,£)OO£tdUUTS NO MAKE - AM-AM- 4 } f M GrTS BACK FROM EJR "TOIP |j\ ? |vdt\.L-SHE SAID SStSCPA-ZVlr 11-T'CtERMA.MW. LESSEE WOvM h I * ABOUT GOOD DOOGrWMUTS, At 4Jj I V=>WES OMW 6\tS GOtdE Boot J; l ’L.'Tt)L HER MO WAG A TuRRBUU. IkV ‘SiX MOKtfHS -THtw’U- KEEP, ij * 1 GOOD UEARttD MAM.AM MANSE/ \ SHES ON\W STAMiM A MEAR/y : LET ME BRimGEP over/ \ SIX ER SEVEN ER SO-ER-/ r, -i r~7—\ ' ' '' in- VSMEN A FOX MELTS-A. FOX. turned before this titme. as they had never had any serious trouble, he said. He had returned to Wilmington to get hk< business straightened out and ex pects to come back home this week. Mr. Watts states that he will offer a reward for information that will lead to finding Mrs. Watts. He de scribes her as being thirty years Wd. five feet four inches tall, weighing 14."» pounds, dark gray eyes, reddish brown bobbed hair, a five-inch scar on the under part of her left arm, a deep scar on the end of her middle finger , on the left hand, gold plates in the back part of her mouth. She went away with a square tan ha ml bag and with two dresses, one short-sleeved black dress, the other a short-sleeved tan dress with cream lace in front. Mrs. Watts asks that any informa tion be communicated to tlie chief of police at Wilmington or to his wife's sister. Mrs. R. T. Edwards, the Globe Mill, at Belmont. Salisbury’ Contractor Dies Very Sud denly. Salisbury. Sept. 3.—Roy J. Lofiin. aged (»<), carpenter and contractor, died suddenly this morning at his home on East Henderson street, death being caused by heart trouble. He was a native of Davidson county, but had lived in Salisbury about forty years. Eight children survive. Loyal. Housewife: 1 saw the store-boy kiss you this morning. I'll take the groceries myself after this. The Maid: If won't do any good, ma’am. He promised to kir*> no body except me. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Sj, DINNER STORIES Professor—Can you tell me what nationality Napoleon was? Bluffer—Er-a—course I can. Professor—Htn-ni. Corsican is right. Editor—Your story as it stands is too bald. Author —Then I wilt introduce a few hair-raising incidents. Edythe—She says her face is her fortune. Nancy—Yes, one of those fortunes than are made overnight. She told me to kiss her on either cheek. Which one did yon choose? Well, I hesitated a long time be tween them. Lecturer—ln Rome you see some spectacles you can never forget. Old Lady—Would they sell me a pair? 1 always forget to take mine to church. Wife—Threat are ve loosin' for, Mike?' Mike—Nothing Wife—Thin you'll, find it in the jug where the whiskey was. Nothing lo Worry .About. A sudden hurst of cursing issued from the bathroom where Blank was shaving. "Isn't that terrible?" gasped the horrified visitor. "No." calmly replied Mrs. Blanks. "Probably just a little, scratch.” “Please don't ask me again,” beg ged Winnie, wearily. "To be perfectly fntttk. only a fool would tnurry you.” "A1 right." snorted (’larance. peeved at last. "You've had your last chance!” Classified Doctor. "Your husband will not bo with us long, Mrs. Zoop, if there is anything you wish to say to him." Mrs. Zoop: “Oh. tnercy. yes. Ezra, dear, do you mind if I deposit your insurance money in the First Nation al? They have such a handsome calendar!” hopesliltesti- MONY MAY HELP OTHERS Ciihson Mill Enmloyee Testifies in Be half of IIKRB .11 ICE— Says Its a (treat System Builder. "My case seemed hopeless when I began using HERB JUICE. With tile first few doses I begun to feel better. It is a great laxative and system cleanser. HERB .H'K’E lias brought me lasthig freedom from my suffering anil I would be glad to know that ev eryone in need of such a splendid med icine would try it," said, Mr. Tom Shoe. Gibson Mill employee, who re sides at 05 Bruton street. Concord, N. C. Continuing his statement to the HERB .II'ICE demonstrator, Mr. Shoe said: "Living is now a pleasure since I haove taken the HERB JUICE, treatment. Before I used it. 1 was hardly able to eat anything at all. My stomaeh was in a terrible condi tion. Gas pains and bloating spell’s gave me a lot of trouble. I was nev er able to get my rest and sleep at night ami would only arise in the morning feeling worse than when I went to bed. I had a poor appetite, little energy or strength to do any thing. A disordered stomach and constipation had gotten the best of me. I was looking for something that would give me relief aDd restore me to a normal condition jot health. In HERB JUICE I found the right rem edy. Since I have taken it my stom ach is in splendid working order: I can eat three meals a day. enjoy them and I now properly digest my food. The gas pains soon vanished after I began using this medicine, further still, my system has been thoroughly cleansed and regulated, so much so that I am not bothered one bit with constipation and J am feelin* better in every way than I have in yiffiers. In my opinion, HERB JUICE is the best I laxative and system regulator on the market today for stomach trouble ami constipation. I truly hope that t, y testimony may be the means of Induc ing other sufferers to try this great system cleanser, for I am sure it will be of exceptional benefit to them as it Inis been to me.” IIERB JtTCE is sold and guaran teed to give satisfaction or money re funded .by Gibson Drug Co. oooooooooooooooooooooooc I Let Your Next Battery I t Be An EXIDE Use Only the ; Best jgj&y Stewart BY CRASLES P. STEWART NRA Sortie* Writer -r#tABttINOTON Everybody ' JW knelt President Coolldge was but oven tor him it 'onto* "going some" to evolve * scheme bit which the government's | to get 1160.000,000 worth of pub lic buildings without spending anything—in fact, in the long run saving money, x ■ever, it's simpleC. V. • • rpO begin with, the government iJL has about half as much room » as it needs to accommodate, suitably. Its numerous personnel in Washington. Os the other half about SO per cent are'quartered in a lot of war built shacks that never were meant to be anything but temporary and now are on the verge of falling fiat down if they’re not torn down. Kpr the remaining workers rented office room is provided. a Tj \ • • • . •_ ) fTIHE president wants to get the \1 war shacks’ occupants into I regular, permanent buildings before their present roofs collapse on them. He wants also to cut ' ' '** tl'l-Uiimj.' TRYING TO MISLEAD Statesville Daily. Strictly speaking, the free discus sion of the Hchmond rounty homi ■ ide, in which newspapers generally have indulged, hasn't been exactly fair in advance of the hearing. But on the face of it tile slgying was seemingly so coldblooded, it so much resembled an assassination," and the added fact that the perpetrator of the deed was a man of wealth and influ ence. the temptation to remark on the seeming brutality of the homicide and the probable fact that the slayer might be able to defeat justice because of his wealth and standing, was irresist ible. The defense has made no state ment except to say that evidence will lie produced at the proper time to justify the killing: .and it is further explained that the. slayer is not a millionaire, as lias been# published, but that she i(i jrprth uo[ Jnorethan a half million. ,if that. That,"lt may bo'remarked, is amply sufficient. Men worth a ipimjied thousand dollars even do not usually stand before the law, as the practice shows, as one who has nothing. It is useless to pretend otherwise. That fact is so well recog nized that it is hardly a subject for debate. The assertion that the slayer in this case can vindicate his conduct is calculated to confirm the impres sion that there is much reliance on wealth, whether it be a half million or less. For the lawyers for the de fense well know that there is no le gal justification for the keiling. It’ may be established that the dead man was guilty of an offense which, is sometimes wiped out by what is called I the “unwritten law,” but .which in | principle is the same as lynching. I But it is well to remember that fhere is no legal justification for killing ex cept in defense of one’s own life.' And in the face of the claim of justi-1 fixation it should also be remembered that when one commits .the offence which is sometimes offered is justifi cation for taking human life, it is the custom so rthe aggrieved to look up the offender. In the Rocking ham case the attack was made under circumstances that suggest a sudden flare of passion that would not have provoked the homicide but for the meeting of the enemies. That the dead man expected no trouble is evi denced by the fact that he was not prepared, was taken unawares. Neiher Mr. Cole's wealth nor standing should be held against him. The evidence he has to offer byway of excuse should be received with an EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO RcrusJV^ That's ABSOLUTSCf m L £>o J* | -AUtT I OL.MTT shl. ‘ THAT'«S v TtX;R fosrttoM / W "-rr" ■ THAT’S ~ ~ ~ p - / 6ff" thT |rt,*o«,»oo~ur s*B, oog.oo* / it«m which th« govcfntncht now I 4 pays ahituaUy ifc rental*. «** What, hs asked. would b* th* coat ot putting up th* necessary structure* to house th* entire out fit in th* sty!*, the government ought to maintain its hireling* in* The answer, *iUmated._was SISO,- ~—- - - - rpp£ 'presidential soul TvoluA X at the thought ot taking any \ % such sum out ot th*. govern ment’s pocket. Wasn't there aom* way of getting the buildings with out doing It? The president be gan figuring. We won’t appropri ate $1*0.000,000, he said to him self: we’ll issue long term 4 per cent bonds for It. The interest will be **.400,000 annually. Thus our housing prob lem win be solved and we’ll b* saving each year the difference between $*,400,000 Interest and $20,000,000 to $25,000,000 rentals, I or $13,«00,000 to ' At the end of a doren years at most this saving will amount to enough to pay off our *1*0.000.000 bond issue. Then we’ll have our buildings cost free, and can begin to economise. open mind and he should have the full benefit. But this talk about “justi fication'’ is nn attempt to mislead. It may be provoked by attacks made on Cole bnt the unbiased public, who ask nothing but justice, should take notice that it is misleading. A True Fabry Tale. Who says that fairy takes are false? Once, and it was only yester day, there was v a little girl whose par ents were poor. But she was as good as good can be though she Is only 11 years old, was thankful for what she had and wanted all the litte children cooped up in tenements in the big city of New York to have an opportunity to enjoy the grass aud the trees of the country and the exhilarating air of the seashore, .ays the Philadelphia Inipiirer. She conferred with her playmates and they formed a vacation club. They appealed to all good people of their little'thwn on Bony Island and received donations. They held a bazar on Saturday and it was a wonderful success, providing funds to take scores of city children into the open places for a vaentiou. On Monday the good fairies re warded little Mary Elizabeth Ruth land. for that is her name. They waved their hands in concert, and what, should appear but a postman bearing a letter sealed with the most important kind of seals and stamped with marks Os a long journey over distant aeas? Inside was the an nouncement that Mary Elizabeth's father was the heir to an estate of 1 £300,000 amassed by his brother who died recently in the Argentine re public. | And now Mary Elizabeth can have !al the beautiful things for which I one longs when one is 11, nnd one’s parents cannot afford to purchase them. And, doubtless, she will have ; herher omn treasure chest to draw I upon as she continues to be as good as good can be. Her Favorite. Druggist: Yes. miss; you'll find that most ladies like this lipstick. Y'oung Girl: You couldn’t—ah— tell me the kind the men like, could you? Objection. Prospective Bride —Mary my wed ding is fixed for Tuesday, the 28th. Maid —Oh, Miss, you can’t it’s my day out! ■When the coffee crop is left to de cay on the trees they do not bear for the three succeeding years. gto RE-ROOF t stock of GALVANIZED' roafine I fQLES. I igf tooling and give you na#s and ! bn. < ' : . '' *• . York* & Wadsworth Co. | 1 The Old Reliable Hardware Store Union and Church Streets I Phone 30 Phone 30 j aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorwww^ DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ! ! Dating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- 1 oating current. R. H. OWEN, Agent |Phoi» Ml Concord, N. C. !! 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000* Boys Clothes for Fall Sturdy Well Made Clothes For Your Boy. Suits with long trousers or short trousers. A goodly number of Suits are ready now. Let us show you. Boys’ school toga that will please you. ” RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. n ■ ■ um—LT.feMfljjjta . a ’,d>.i * -m irrsa Just received a large shipment of Fiber Suites. Many new Styles and Finishes to Select From. Prices most reasonable. Come in and select yours today. H. B. Wilkinson Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresville i«aflviijg:Tzrit-ni .. wmuju i. I. ju: bbafjvumi VACATION TIME Let us get your car in first class condition to go to ' the seashore or mountains. We specialize in refining brakes with Rusco brake lining, using a Cady counter sinking and riveting machine. We also carry a full line of Goodrich Silvertown cord tires and tubes, piston rings, spark plugs, bearings, shims, bumpers, Sparton horns, and all kinds of accessories. Genuine Ford Parts Prest-O-Lite Batteries Free Air and Water and Water For Your Battery Auto Supply & Repair Co. PHONE 228 Friday, September 4, 19251

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