Friday, September 4, 1925 ksociETVn LABORATE RECEPTION GIVEN THURSDAY HERE irs. VV. A. Overcash Entertains Fer Quests From Iltincis.—Two Hun dred Present. One of the most elaborate affairs of e season was a reception given on mrsday afternoon by Mrs. IV. A. vercasb at her home on South Union reel honoring her guests, Mrs. Mat ww Patton /and Mrs. Nathan E. tall, of Springfield, 111. The home was lovely in a profus >n of summer cut flowers and ferns. The guests were met at the front JOr by Mrs. J. B. Womble and Mrs. . M. Ivey. In the reeeivin'g line were: Mrs. atton, Mrs. Wall, Mrs*, Brice Cald ell, of Little Rock, Ark., Mrs. Wal ‘r Kestler, of Davidson, Mrs. .1. C. lowan, Mrs. Q. Ed. Kestler, Mrs. W. Goodman and Mrs, W. A. Over tsh. From the receiving line, the guests ere shown to the dining room bv Mrs. . F. Ritchie and Mrs. W. B. Ward, lere Mrs. H. S. Williams and Miss losa Mund entertained the guests, erving were Miss Mary Kestler, [rs, Fred Kestler, Miss Virginia Matte. Miss Lucy Hart sell, Miss Cora Bee Buchanan, Miss Barah Kestler Bid Miss Sara Louis Cline. ■ A delicious course consisting of an- Bi cake, ice cream, punch and mints Here served. 1.. L. Mauldin and Mrs. G. |B Batte showed the guests from the ■Bing room to the punch room. punch were Mrs. ,T. E. tins. Miss Ruby Cline, Mis,s Rebec- Dnyvault and Miss Margaret Hart -11. From the punch bowl, guests were own to the front door by Mrs. .lohn orter and Mrs. A. C. Cline. Over two hundred guests were pres it during the evening. Entertains at Bridge Party. Dr. and Mrs. W. 11. Wadsworth en rtained Thursday evening at a idge party at their home on North lurch street. Covers were laid at ur tables. Miss Margaret Virginia Ervin and nther T. Hartseil won the top score ■izes. At the conclusion of the game, de cious refreshments were served. .Dr. and Mrs. Wadsworth's guests vere: Miss Margaret Virginia Ervin, lliss Elizabeth Smjth, Miss Lucy lichmond Lentz, Miss Helen Marsh, iliss Louise Bennett, of Quitman, in., Mrs. J. Stanton Northrup, of s’ew York, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Lorke, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. H:\iWll, Irthur Newberry, of Cleveland, Earl lende-.son Brown, William Morris, ililes Wolff, Thomas Webb aud Wil iam Muse. ' * ________________ Sappenfleld-Fowler Invitations Re s—ats wived. .... Invitations have been received in the city as follows: Hr. and Mm. Joseph Henry Fowler ■equest the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Christine to Mr. James Alexander Sappenfield on Saturday the 26th of September at twelve o’clock, noon First Baptist Church Great Falls,,South Carolina kMr. Sappenfield is the son of Mrs. ■ L. Sappenfield, of North Spring Brreet, and has a large number of Ffriends in the city. Miss Fowler is, f also well known in Concord, haring ; visited here on several occasions. SUMNER COLDS that make you so uncom fortable in hot weather, are better treated exter nally—Rub over chest and throat and apply fre quently up nostrils — VICKS V Vapoßub Omr 17 MiUiomJanU—d Ymarfr » K !jj ~ ft* - *rt 1 x* Hold By ■ i BELL-HARRIS FUN- i rERAIi PARLOR j DV Phone MO j Night Phone* S6O-IML PERSONALS Mrs. Howard H. Faggart left to -1 day for Philadelphia, where she will ■ spend some time visiting friends. • * • Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hartseil, Miss i Margaret Hartseil. Miss Lucy Hart . sell. Miss Sarah Castor and Miss i Mary McConnell, the two latter of . Spartanburg, have gone to the moun , tains of western North Carolina, where they will spend several days. * * * Miss Muriel Bulwinkle, dean bf ' girls in the high school and head of the English department, arrived this morning from her home in Gastonia. She was accompanied by her brother, ! Congressman A. L. Bulwinkle, who spent a short while in tbe city. • • ■ Miss Wilma Correll has returned ' from a visit of several weeks in South Carolina. ' Kitchen Shower for Miss Miller. Miss Fay Denny was the delightful ’ hostess at her home on the Kannapo -1 lis road Wednesday evening, oompli ■ menting Miss Anna Belle Miller, ’ bride-elect of the fitonth. 1 Soon after the arrival of the guests J eaeli received paper and pencil, and was requested to write a little advice as to "How to Manage a Husband.” ' each sentence to begin with one ietter 1 of the writer's name. The humorous compositions that followed furnished [ much merriment to all present. The pages were then attractively bound and presented to the honoree. Little Geraldine Denny, dressed as a bride, entered the room followed by little Miss. Edith Denny, who pre sented Miss Miller with an umbrella, " announcing that there would soon be 1 a “shower." The many useful gifts received were graciously accepter! by Miss Miller, Following the shower a delicious ccurte 'was served in the attractively decorated (lining room. The guests included Misses Alar> 1 McGinnis, Louise Peck, Winnie and ! Small Warren, Anna Belle Stone, 1 Margie Stone. Margie Miller, Nell . titter, Roxie Fink, Beatrice Fisher, I Stella Benfield, Mrs. J. B. Miller, Mrs. Jno. McGinnis, Myrtle Marlow, Grace Ferguson, Effie Wise, Katie Swink and EUep Punch, of Kan napolis. i Entertains at Dinner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hartseil, Sr., ' entertained M dinner at their home | on North Spring street Thursday eve ning. Covers were laid for Mr. and 1 Mrs. L. T, Hartseil, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. ! L. T. Hartseil. Jr., Mrs. R. S.- Y'oang, Mrs. J. Stanton . Northrup, of New ' York, Miss Margaret Virginia Ervin and Arthur Newberry, of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Green Have Twins. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Josephus • Green;- of -No. 10 Township, twins, 1 both boys on Wednesday, September , 2. Mr. and Mrs. Green are now the parents of eight boys, but have no girts. First Baptist Auxiliary in Meeting. The Young Woman’s Auxiliary of , the First Baptist Church will meet Friday evening at 8 o’clock with Mrs. A. E,. Harris on 8011th Union street. All members are asked to be present. • Shower For Two Recent Brides. The Goiden Links Missionary So -1 ciety of Forest Hill Methodist Church ' entertained at a miscellaneous show er Tuesdny evening at the home of Mrs. J. C. Fink honoring Mrs. Jakie Talbirt and Mrs. H. H. Faggart, two members of the society who have re cently married. After some time spent in games and contests, the president, Mrs. W. T. Linker, entered the living room, with a tea wagon piled high with gifts which she presented to the two brides. The guests were then invited into the dining room which'-was beautiful ly decorated, a color scheme of green and white being carried out. Here Mrs. Fink gave the following toast: I Here’s a wish for you, my dears As your house-keeping days draw near, May you always in happiness dwell, And never No! never, hear the H.'C. of L. May Dame Fortune smile on you, But never her daughter. Misfortune. Mrs. Linker, Misses Grace Forest, Kathleen Smith, Mary EUa Cochrane and Maude Miller then gave several short toasts. After being served, the guests were entertained by Mrs. Bessie McCon nell, who gave a very interesting ac count of her recent trip abroad. X. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS ‘erated Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice cream in the most perfect condition. With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone tt THE OLD NORTH State. As soon as you get to No’th Ca’llna, Thetnoadfl and towns get newah, finqh. The peoplel waflk with a brisker step And evep your motor has more pep, The hookworm's banished, the coun try has A lot more energy, pep and jazz; The livest Northerner couldn't de sign a Livelier state than No'th Ca’lina. The firms look fatter, the hamlets aint Quite ignorant of the a’ght of paint. They’re building roads, and they’re not content With sand and clay, but they use cement. And til? sehoolsl look good, and the millls are bnsy And each inhavitant owns a Lizzie J Or a big twin-six or something finah. As soon as you get to No’th Ca’lina. This state's not dreaming of dayß gone by. There's a modern glilnt in each mor tall's eye, And the vilUage bells and the v'lialge beaux Are as smartly dressed as the crowd which flows ; On Gotham’s streets. You must give ’em credit. These folks are fully awake, you said it. You meet the “Boostali”, you lk>ee the “Whinali,” As soon as you get to No'th Ca'lina. j —BERTON BRALEY. Willlams-Brumley Wedding. 1 | A wedding of much interest was I [ solemnized last Thursday afternoon ! when Miss Janie Brumley became the bride of Charles ’Williams, at the home of the bride's mother, Rev. Mr. j. Land- -officiating. The beautiful ring ceremony of the Presbyterian church was used. ’ The vows were spoken ill the par- 1 lor. which was beautifully decorated ' with potted plants and ferns. Only , the family and close friends were present. * The bride was handsomely gowned 1 in a henna ensemble suit with aeees- 1 sories to match. * She is the daughter of Mrs. F. 1 1 Davis Brumley, and for the past few 1 ’ years has been a successful school 1 teacher. The groom is the son of Mr. ’ and Mrs. P. I). Williams, of this 1 * county. He is at present engaged in I ’ farming. j 1 The young couple left immediately ( ' after the ceremony for a trip to the ] western part of the state and after J their return they will be at home with I the bride's mother. ' Seventeen hundred laundry workers J I in Seattle are demanding that their 1 minimum wage be increased from 1 $16.50 to $lB per week, while the \ | laundry drivers ask for an increase 1 of their minimum wage from $25 to 1 1 $35. An English manufacturer who us- 1 ed to make 7,000 clay pipes a week ( has just gone out qf business because | ’ clay pipes are no longer in demand. 1 * ' 1 -Li— i l . _ t t - ; : •- Specials! *’ . i FOR SATURDAY ONLY Pairs of the Finest Quality ! WOMEN’S SHOES \ FOR ONLY 0 Pai Markson Shoe Store : Concord, N. C. n 11 iiiipn —1 1111 11 1 /i ■ ' THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ! ■ ■ - • ■■■’ 1 ;i; Announcement l have moved mv florist business to Quint Smith X building on Main street. AH future business will be done X | here. X ; I wish to thank the for their business in the X 1 past and hope to be able to render you better service in X j the future. '|j Mrs. J. A. Walker FLORIST I Phone 112 “Say It With Flowers” THE SPECIALTY STORE 1 CONCORD’S NEWEST STORE ! IS NOW OPEN WITH‘A FULL LTNE OF | | Luggage, Gents Furnishings and Novelties Your inspection cordially invited !| Next Door to Carolina Case 72 S. Union St. ( SSSSSSSSS^SSSSSSSSS^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSgS I I Know at All Times That You Have || The Right Amount of Oil in Your Ford This Is Made Possible by Installing an X Ever-Ready Automatic Oiler X Ten Days Free Trial. Every User Must Be Satisfied, or |!| ]!| Purchase Price Refunded X ! L E. Boger, Factory Representative l|i Room No. 6 Maness Building ! [! X r STOP A BIT AND GRIN. ( Boys' World. When your castles all are falling. And your hopes are growing dim; j When trouble's on you calling. And yon can’t get rid of him: When the world looks dark and low ering And the sun is out of sight; When your soul with dread is cower ing And you want to quit the fight— ] Pucker up your lips and whistle. Stop a bit and grin: Start right in and smash old trouble, 1 Swat him on the chin; Be a game sport in the battle. Stick it out and^win; But. no matter how you struggle. Don't forget the grin. For fortune loves the fighter. Lores the man with grit to smile, his fate hangs in the balance And his manhood is on trial. So. whatever is the trouble. Stop a bit and grin. Pucker up your lips and whistle, Then—wade—in. According to the latest United States census, the great majority of j riiildren who work are not employed i in manufacturing establishments, but ] are w'orking on farms. Tlu\ figures | show that 87 per cent, of minors un- i der the age of 14 engaged in gainful ] pursuits are engaged in agriculture, i and of these nearly nine-tenths are 1 working on the home farm. Foreign trade organizations through out file United States have been in vited to send representatives to a foreign trade conference to be held in Washington October 1-2, under the auspices ‘of the department of labor. a; - * l Modernize Your ft l Old Fashioned Sr S Wedding Ring ft \ 4 Before Remodeled 4 I J DKSIQN PATENTED i 1 & TT can be made over into ji, \ * A the beautiful new Orange * i 1 Blossom design without 1 J cutting the ring. a The inscription is not de- a i j stroyed, or is the cherished ft j . sentiment of the circle* in i a any way harmed. ,Ji | 4 Ask us for particulars. ft ! W "Genuine Orange Blossom * _ , 4 Bings Bear This Mark— fill a | & NoncGeauinc Without If! VI 1/ % L 4 * * l STARNES-MILLER l t PARKER QO. j j I 5 13-21 fify Diary | 'UJOJutafct W XflJLs I QuKmxv. 3 AOui !; | i .$o AjuOubcnv \ Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store j “db. thos. m. r6WLett OSTEOPATHIC Physician Suite 403 Cabarrus Savings Bank I Building “Osteopathy treats any illness for j which people consult a doctor.” Phone: Office 9X4; Res. 557 ; Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising j Flour We have had much trouble recent- 1 'ly to get these most popular brands I of flour. Why? Because thbir high 1 quality has made such an immense I demand that thejnills are continually I behind on orders. Moral—Buy Fresh Melrose Now. | It’s always the best. Liberty Self-Rising has grown in | demand beyond all expectations. The |1 purest phosphate and salt are mixed I in just the exact proportions. Cooks i with little experience make good bread R with Self Rising Flour. We have both Brands Fresh. Give I us your order now. Its cheaper. !|: Cline & Moose '{ OP0<XXXXX>00000000000C>OO000000000000000000000000«M Suits in the Morning and you’ll o We’ve told you that our new 5 trate how really fascinating <-| He i Suppose you come in and try on a few coats- I Within 10 minutes after you have said “hello” you will ' \'x find one suit that hits you right where you live—and you ! • won’t be happy until it is living with you. Style—Man Alive—the new models are alive with it! Roberts-Wicks Suits Knox Hats ~L.S. &D. Oxfords > ~ Browns-Cannon Co. Where You Get Your Money’s Worth CANNON BUILDING “SupeiSu'^^^^^’ You can prove that it has longer range than any load ever put in a shot* gun shell. One trial will convince you that no other load can come within fifteen or twenty yards of “Super-X.” Its close, deadly effective pattern at extraordinary distances has given it a tremendous sale. Onge used, you will never be satisfied with any other shell. There arc many other exclusive features in Western shells and rifle car tridges that interest shooters everywhere. Do you know the advantages of using Western “Field” shells, or why the “New Chief” is such an ' ‘ excellent black powder shell? Are you interested in rifles? “Marksman” ; L. R. .22 cartridge is famous for long-range accuracy. Western has just perfected a new high-velocity .30-30 that you ought to know about, and vw also Western’s Lubaloy bullet jacket metal that absolutely prevent* y\ metal fouling. Tell us what your ammunition problems are. Let us y\ i serve you. We are dealers in the world famous BBL AMMUNITION HffM Ritchie Hardware Co. JfJjjjP It phone 177 ■ n—^ PHONE 74 roAi s. j | ! i J Plaster Mortar Colors £ oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooj? I balance" " ' j Is all right. But some people seem to be so well balanced they never get anything done. What the world demands today is action. | Our Service has all the action possible back of It, and you profit ac cordingly. Every big opportunity of the post was simply to cat down waste some where. Tour opportunity is to trade with us, where waste is eliminated and Quality, Prices and Service, Guaranteed. | “If It’- 1 to eat we have it.” p C. 11. BARRIER & CO. I THE LAURA PUMP 1 Here’s a new one strap / V\ JIM pump that fits every oc- • B ( casion of the day. A fas- K. I cinating model you’ll be -Sj \ I Vs \ On sale now in both ? || Patent and Satin—AAA ~.M| IVEY’S I “THE HOME OF GOOD BHOES” PAGE THREE

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