*■ " ■ ■■■ I a -lit M ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV OPPORTUNITY HERE FOR YOU IF WILL ONLY GRASP IT Enter The Tribune-Times Subscription Campaign and Share in the Big Prize Distribution. THE CAMPAIGN JUST STARTING When It Is Too Late You Will Say, “Why, I Could Have Done That So Easily.’” Opportunity—going! going'.. Will it bo gone for you? This in n call to i help you help yourselves, by entering j The Tribune and Times extraordinary I pr’ze distribution. It is an offer en- I tailing greater possibilities than will i ever come to you in a life time. [ Today can be one of the most mom- M oruble of all your life. Will it? Cap m ital prizes today are more numerous " than active contestants entered. Many sections not even represented. Op poitnnity is litre for you if you will it so. Just stop and consider just what tliis election offers you for your ef forts ill your spare time. A new Huiek Six lirougbam. a new Special Six Studebakrr Duplex Phaeton, a new Hudson Coach, a new Chevrolet Sedan, and tliouxaqds of dollars in eush prizes. Auy one of these val uable prizes would be quite a neat lit tle sum to earn for your spare time efforts the next few weeks, don't you think? Make Your Start Today. Sign the nomination blank in to day's issue. See that it gets to the campaign office. Make the start—that will make you more money in a few weeks of just your spare moments than the average family makes in a year. How can The Tribune and Times make you realize the opportunity there is for a man or woman who will go in to win—who will go in and "carry on.” If you could see it as we can see it, you would have your appli cation in til's very minute. Capitalize the Situation. Now, with conditions as they ure, all should make the best of it. You ought to get into this electiou win. ' When this is over a good many are going out behind the garage and "kick themselves." When it is too late someone will see where "I could have done that easily.” It will be too la[e then. Today is the accepted time to decide. Today is our day. Today you win or you leave opportunity behind. The election is a business proposi tion. There is no time for sentiment. In order to get added circulation The Tribune nnd Times is putting up over SIO,OOO. In order to participate in the award yon must get subscriptions. You get paid mighty well. too. Where else can you go in a few weeks and carry away up to $2,110. In This Election You Win. No matter whether the winner has 100,000 votes or one million votes, the high man or woman wins. And the second high wins. And the third high wins and so on. dip out or tear out nomination blank in this issue. Fill in your name and address and mail or bring it to the campaign office, room 20!) Cabarrus Bank Building. Do it now amp you are then in line to be one of the proud prize winners. Opcrtunity is Knocking. Surely a greater opportunity has never knocked at your door. The four biggest prizes in the distribution are four beautiful, powerful automo biles. They are cars of known value and worth—no chea(i ones. What an opportunity exists for persons who are wide-awake enough to send in their nominations nnd secure one dur ing their spare moments these next _ few weeks. And what a companion a big motor car is for the whole family. It laughs at distance, gives pleasure and health and makes the wonders of the country and city equally accessible. All these wonderful cars will mean years of pleasure to the recipients. They will put glowing color into moth er's cheeks, take the kink out of father's nerves and make the chil dren’s eye* dance with delight. They are cars that will do your bidding without question—that will take you where you want to go quickly and comfortably—through the beauties of the city and the open country. These cars are just four of the WARNER BROS. CONCORD THEATRE i (The Cool Spot) Last Showing Today JOHNNY HINES IN ' “The Cracker 1 Jack” A Beal Good Show EXTRA Aesop* Fables and “WATCH OUT” bj I Educational Comedy USUAL PRICES Tomorrow Only ( I “Speed” | The Concord Daily Tribune Storm Kills One And Causes Some Damage Robert Rowland Killed When He Became En tangled in Charged Pipes During Storm. MT. PLEASANT STORM CENTER Chimneys Blown Down and Trees Damaged by High Winds.—No Dam age Here. One person was killed and consider able property damaged in Mt. Pleas ant Monday afternoon during a wind; and eleetrical storm which struck that town about 4:30 o’clock nnd moved on southward to wreak further dam age in tile county. Robert Rowland, sixteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland, was killed during the storin when lie became entangled in some charged water pipes, it being presumed that the pipes had become charged during the storm. His body was badly burned at places where it came in contact with the pipes. During the storm, according to re ports from Mt. Pleasant, a motor in the ice plant of the Tusearora Mills caugiit afire, presumably from light ning. Young Rowland started from the mill to get a bucket of water to throw on the motor nnd struck the highly charged pipes, it was reported, dentil being almost instantaneous. The deceased was a grandson of James Rowland, of Concord, and James Lefler, of Mt. Pleasant. Chimneys on the homes of \V. J. Moose and .7. L. Lefler in Mt. Pleas ant were damaged by wind during the storin. nnd according to roportH received here, roofs on several barns and outhouses in the town were blown off or badly damaged by ttte wind. Several trees in the town were snapped off near the roots and large limbs were torn from others. It is generally believed that Mt. Pleasant was in the path of a whirl wind, this theory being advanced by those persons who noticed that the wind blew in a southern direction between here and Alt. Pleasant and in a northern direction in the town prop er. At several places between Con cord and Alt. Pleasant the highway was strewn with pine needles and in each case the needles lind been blown in a southern direction. However. In M». Pleasant the direction of the wind had changed to the north and the cohverging of the winds near there is believed to have caused the severity of the storm as no damage from wind was reported anywhere in Concord nnd the vicinity of Concord. From Mt. Pleasant the storm moved south to the Barrier mill neighborhood, where it is reported the wind was accompanied by consider able hail. Barns, trees and outhouses in this community wore damaged by wind, it was reported. The rainfall in Mt. Pleasant was no heavier than it was in Concord although, according to reports, there was much more lightning there than herme. The storm lasted only about twenty minutes in this city and there was no wind at all. The rainfall iiere was negligible as it was in Mt. Pleasant. Several Concord persons who were on the highways north of this city, reported on their return home that they had run into several hard rains. It was reported here that a heavy rain fell between China Grove and Salisbury. While several buildings in Mt. Pleasant were badly damaged luring the storm no one was injured except young Rowland. The tower on the Kindley Mill was blown off and large tree limbs tossed about, but fortu nately the falling timbers struck no one. Ban on United States Flour In Poland. Warsaw, Sept. B.—Governmental efforts to reduce the cost of living have gained the sympathy of the bak ers. Acting on the government’s sug gestion they will now bake bread ex clusively of Polish flour, which is cheaper than the American product. many grand awards that The Trib une and Times will give away to those who are nominated in its gift cam paign. These cars are all perfect mechani cally and practically throuble proof or as near perfection as a motor car can be; simple to drive and care for, costing little to operate—the long life of usefulness and satisfaction is assur ed. The pleasure and health your fam ily will derive from the car will more than repay you for the little easy ef fort you put forth in winning it. Do not envy your neighbor's ear. but find out for yourself how easy it will be ttj win one of your own in this generous prize campaign. This Is the Way. Right now—this very day is the time to start your campaign in earnest. The names of the candidates who have been nominated will be publish ed in a few days. Thus far a sur prisingly small number of candidates have been nominated considering the number and value of the prises to be given away. There is plenty of room for some real “live wires." If you haven’t done so yet, bring in your nomination right away. You are sure to regret it if you fall to get into this mammoth “Everybody Wins” SIO,OOO grand gift distribution. The election headquarters in Room 200 Cabarrus Savings Bank Build ing Is open each evening until 0:00 o'clock. Phone 579. ♦ Harrison Noel "' / f i A / lb. NFA. . y A face to study is that of Harrison Noel, tile youthful slayer of Mary Daly, six-year-old girl of Montclair. N. J. He had social advantages, money to spend, his own cur ami was : regarded as a brilliant student. His case is parallel in many respects to that of the famous murder of Bobby Frank* by Loeb and Irfopold in Chi cago. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Week of October 10 to 14 Set Aside.— Plans Now Being Made. Raleigh. Sept. 8. —OP)—The week of October -4th to lOtli lias been set | aside as Fire Prevention Week in North Carolina, Stacey W. Wade, in surance commissioner, has announced. The governor is expected to issue a proclamation shortly officially desig nating it as such. Mr. Wade stated. The department is already at work making plans for Fire Prevention Week, and getting in touch with mu nicipal officials and civic organiza tions, through which the fire preven tion program will be made effective, Mr. Wade says. The commissioner has written the civic organizations and clubs through out the state, asking their co-opera tion. Pointing out Hint “3411 lives and five and a half millions lost in property is too great a toll for one state to pay,” the letter continues: “Our citizenship must be impressed by the fact that five and a half mil lion dollars has to be paid out of North Carolina's resources, and that unless the men big enough to take Hue lead in civic activities take the proper attitude toward the rigid en- j forcemeat of our building laws, bet ter construction, better equipped fire departments, safe eleetrical installa tion, better and safer school build ings, dormitories and hospitals, we can reasonably expect this enormous toll to increase from year to year. It is indeed a challenge to every civic organization in North Carolina.” MITCHELL’S CASE TO ARMY INSPECTOR GENERAL Investigation and Report Will Be Made For Army by the Inspector. Washington, Sept. B.— o4 s ) —Col. Mitchell’s latest criticism of the ad ministration’s air service policy was referred today to the inspector general of th# army for investigation and re port. The action of the War Department will not be determined until this re port has been received. Should grounds for disciplinary action be found, act ing secretary Davis will then decide whether court martial proceedings shall be initiated. Major General Helmick, the in spector general, presumably will call upon Col. Mitchell for the facts. On receipt of a statement from the Col. onel that he did make the charges against army and navy officers, con tained in tile statement issued at San Antonio Saturday, General Helmick would be in a position to formulate his recommendations. Sees Little Improvement in Conditions in 20 Years. Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 8. — UP) — After 20 years in the office of the Clerk of the Superior court of New Hanover county, Alajor W. N. Har ris, now clerk of the court, sees little Improvement in eondittions during the ' two decades he has been in the office. One exception was noted by the vet -1 eran officer. “Before prohibition was i enacted, there were usually five mur i dey trials on the docket to every one i now," he snid. “Otherwise, I do not see much improvement. And he pointed out that now there are more ' cases other than murders on the dock et than ever before.” i Major Harries entered the office 20 • years ago as deputy clerk. He be • came clerk six and a half years after i entering the office, and has held the ' position ever since. The betting in New York lias been 3to 1 against H.vlan. And while the 1 betting will not decide the mayoralty ■ contest, it can be said that, as a rule, i the odds on* New' York betting gen i erally indicate which way the politi | can wind is blowing. It seems that Gov. Al. Smith's personal popularity, • taken in connection with the other an -1 tl-Hylnn factors, is going to prove 1 too much for the Mayor. North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily CONCORD,N. C„ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1925 Noel and His Death Weapon The death wenpon with which garrison Noel is chargedwithshnoriiig to death Mary Daley, of Montclair, N. J.. and Raymond Fierce, chauffeur, is held by 1 hies of I'qlicp Riley, of Montclair. Unperturbed. the alleged ‘thrill murderer" poses for the cameraman. The gun was found in Noel's auto. , LEGION OFFICERS BE MED TODAY Three Candidates in Field, For Post Now Held by Major Phillips.—lnterest at Fever Heat. Fayetteville, Sept. B.—(/s>)—With interest centering in the election of| officers, scheduled for this afternoon, j the second day of the annual conven tion of the North Carolina Depart ment of the American Legion opened here today. A business program fac ed the members after a short businifcK sens'on of yesterday, followed by taps eral hours of festivities and other en tertainment. Selection of a meeting place for 1026 was also on the calen dar. Col. John Hall Manning of Raleigh; Henry Stevens, of Warsaw; and I. Roland Williams, of Duun, were out standing candidates for commander as the business session opened today. In terest in the forthcoming election reached fever heat yesterday afternoon when members of the Greensboro dele gation which is divided, engaged in a disagreement which attracted con siderable attention. THE COTTON MARKET After Opening Generally Steady at Decline of 1 Point to Advance of 4 Points, Market Fluctuated. New York, Sept. 8. — UP) —The ac tion of the cotton marked early today suggested that accounts had been fair ly well evening up before the holiday and that traders were willing for the government crop report. Apnrcntly there was no change in sentiment sh I to the probable showing of the official ' figures on either crop prospects or gin nings, and after opening steady at a decline of 1 point to an advance of 4 points on all months except July which was 12 points higher, prices fluctuated within a range of 5 or (5 points dur ing the first hour. Some hedge selling was reported here, but it seemed to be about offset by trade buying and orders on the whole were well divided. Reports of high temperatures in the South over the throe-day adjournment probnbly had a sustaining influence which off set the effect of a slightly easier mar ket in Liverpool. Cotton futures opened steady; Oc tober 22.37; December 22.71; Jan uary 22.23; March 22.52; May 22.83. Huge Waste of Gasoline Results From Useless Running of Motors Pittsburgh, Sept. 8. —Statistics complied by Prof. Alexander Silver man, head of the chemistry depart ment of the University of Pittsburgh, discoses that autoqiobiles aud truck drivers annually are wasting 385.- 170,200 gallons of gasoline. This waste is caused by permitting mot ors to run- while machines are stand ing still. In addition to the gasoline waste the useless operation of the motors declare* Prof. Silverman. releases 257,864,120,400 cubic feet of carbon-] monoxide gas, which has caused nu merous deaths. ij Water Restrictions Lifted j|| !; The General public is hereby notified that the restric- '[ ;! tions relative to the conservation of water in Concord are ! j New Fall dresses in new Fall ma . terlals at Efird's. Priced to sell • quick, $9.95 to $22.95. Pastures in Cherokee County Give Out. Murphy. N. 0., Sept. B.—OP)-—The pastures in Cherokee county liave ► given out, and many of the cattle will J have to be sold, R. W. Gray, county ! farm agent, reports. i “A list of the farmers having cattle j for sale has been made and we will i try to get them off in the next week or two, as the farmers wish to sell before the animals shrink too much,” says Mr. Gray. The continued Uiok of rain has hurt Hie farmers in that section more than low prices, accord ing to Mr. Gray. | The first golf tournament for the i women’s championship of the United ] States was held in 1895 and was won I by Mrs. C. S. Brown. 1 City Officials Rains of M< st» te _ ~ It Possible tb Lift Ban on Water Consumption. CREEK FLOWING VERY FULL NOW While Very Little Rain Fell Here, There Was Heavy Fall Along Watershed, Causing Creek to Rise. Once again the residents of the city of Concord may use water freely with out having a guilty conscience. Heavy rains in the vicinity of Lan dis and Kannaj>olis Monday after*- noon resulted in a rapid rise of Cold Water Creek and converted the tiny rivulet of water into a raging torrent for a short while, leaving the city in much better shape in regard to its supply than it has been for weeks. So much improved is the How of water that Supt. L. A. Fisher today lifted the embargo which had been placed on the excessive use of water last Saturday and declared that per sons might again use the precious j liquid as they pleased. In a statement issued early this | morning. Air. Fished announced that j the restrictions which had prevented people from watering their lawns or washing their cars would no longer be binding unless there was a resump tion of the drought. In the latter eventuality, a proclamation would be issued similar to the first one, it was said. The rains in the upper part of the county and in lower Rowan were! much heavier than in Concord. Around i Landis, which forms the upper part of the watershed, the downpour con tinued for a considerable length of time. Water in the creek began to rise before nightfall and by seven o'clock it was running through the piping at the top of the dam which had been thrown up during the drought to keep from losing any of the water during the drought. Between eight-thirty and nine, the negro watchman at the pumping sta tion called Mr. Fisher and informed him that the dam was about to be washed away. Mr. Fisher rushed out but before he reached the station, it had gone. When the water reached the top, there was a sudden swish and the whole thing disappeared, ac cording to the negro. The planking which had been driv- I en in the sand below the dam to pre- | vent seepage was also torn loose, the j force of the water being sufficient to break the boards off and wash them j downstream. At is height, the water | half filled the ( channel of the creek. Although the water is down tins morning to what it is in ordinary times, it is sufficient to warrant the lifting of the restrictions. It was the concensus of opinion among the officials of the water and Light Department that Monday’s showers were an indication that the drought had broken and that there would be more or less general rains from now on. KEEP UP SEARCH FOR MISSING SEAPLANE Although Hope That Men Are Alive Is About Gone, Hunt Is Not Stop ped. Honolulu. Hawaii. Sept. S.—— Search for the naval seaplane PN-9 No. 1 which disappeared a week ago | after nearly completing a non-stop flight from San Francisco to Honolulu continued unceasingly today. Despite the efforts put forth by the U. S. Navy there has been no trace of the plane, its commander. John Rogers, or the crew of four other men. All naval vessels available are scouring that area of the Pacific wherein the plane is likely to have I drifted. The operations continue in | a sweeping circle. Says Friends Freed Deane From the Chain Gang. Charlotte. Sept. B.—l4 3 ) —The Char- j lotto News t’his afternoon says that I eleven or twelve men swooped down j upon the Cleveland county chain gang within the city limits of Shelby about 2:30 o'clock this morning, held up a lone sentry, and freed Dillard Deane, convict. Deane was serving a two year sentence for alleged assault upon a Gastonia girl. 85 Fishermen Reported Drowned. Manila, P. 1.. Sept. B.—OP)—-Thir ty-five fishermen are believed to have been drowned in a typhoon in the Sulu Sea near the island of Palawan, constabulary reports from Occidental negro provinces indicated. An ac count of the tragedy was brought ashore by five survivors who drifted on a sail boat after battling with a gale for several days. Water System Threatened by Fire. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. B.—UP)—Re ports from Johnson City, Tenn., to day indicated that the water system | there is threatened by the forest fire which is burning, a 40 mile strip through the nearby mountains. Two lives have been lost in the east Tennessee fires, Frank Coppinger and William Graves, of Teliico Plains, em ployees of a lumber company, have been fatally burned while fighting the flames. More Spanish Troops in Morocco. Madrid, Spain, Sept. 8. — UP)—Span ish troops have landed on the Moroc | can coast in the Bay of Alchumas, it 1 was officially announced today. —■■■ -n ■ ■ THfe TRIBUNE 1 PRINTS TODAY’S NEWS TODAY NO. 21$ * WILL ASK GERMANS ~ J in CONFER ABOUT 1 ntW SECURITY PACT j Allies Have About Desi- ft nitely Decided to Invite 1] Germany to Attend the 1 Proposed Conference. j ALLIES CONFERRED DURING THE WEEK j They Are Perfecting De- 1 sects of Plan to Be Out- 1 lined to the Germans at I the Meeting. 1 Geneva. St j lll , S. —C4>)—The allies 'ft have definitely decided to invite Ger» JE many to a conference for cou.xiderae :jE tion of the proposed security pact., a British spokesman announced today- ft The spokesman at the same time 1 stated that Premier Painleve and Fo*- . ft eign Minister Briand of France ac- -9 companies) by Austin Chamberlain, tbft-ft British foreign secretary, are motorinjulft to Aix-les-Raitie this forenoon to cdn-'JjS fer with Stanley Baldwin, the Brit- J | ish Prime Minister, and iron out the ft details of the projected meeting with j j the German foreign minister, Dr. ft Stresemann. I Mr. Baldwin’s trip, he continued, ft was not to be taken as an indication IB of any new crisis in the situation, j which in fact continued hopeful. it?. I The allied and German jurists IfLtrft their recent meeting in London draft- ft ed a provisional text for the security.® pact, with indications of the point* ft on which differences of opinion exist,.; ® Tics draft, will be the basis of nego* ft tiations with Dr. Stresemann. I Will Meet German Minister. I Paris, Sept. B.—OP)—The* ’ allied JB foreign ministers, it was said in of- m ficial quarters today, have practically f|B decided to meet Foreign Minister ft Stresemann, iof Germany, at Lau-1 B sanne. about September 23th, as a ft preliminary to the conference of min- ft inters which will attempt to draft a ft Rhineland security pact. I TO ENTOURAGE PRODUCTION ■■’ft OF MARE AND BETTER CORN ft Southern Railway to Offer a Hand- ft some Silver Cup for Best Ten Ears ft of Corn. I Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. S.—To encour- I age the production of more and better ftj i corn in the South, the Southern rail- ’X ' way system will offer a handsome sil- ft j ver cup. to he competed for annually I | and awards to the grower of the best ft i ten ears of coni grown in Virginia, ft North Carolina. Soutli Carolina, ft Georgia. Alabama. Mississippi, Ten- ft nessce. or Kentucky and exhibited at ft any one of eighteen leading state and :ft district fairs. ft Details of the plan were announced ft by Roland Turner, of Atlanta, general-jft agricultural agent for the Southern, IS The competition will be open to all ft corn growers in the states named, ft tin- only restriction being that ex- ft Mbits must be entered in one of the ft fairs to be held in the state In which, ft the corn was grown. ft The officers of each of the fairs ft will be asked to forward the best ten- ft ear exhibit shown to the general ag- ft rirultural agent of the Southern. soon as exhibits have been received’ft front all the fairs the award of tie ft cup for that year will be made by ft three impartial judges. The names ft | of the judges and the date for the ft award will be announced in advance. -ft The eighteen fairs at which grow- ft ers may enter their exhibits to quali- ft f.v for the Southern’s cup this year ft will be: Virginia State Fair. Rich- ft tnond: North Carolina State Fair, ft Raieigli: Central Fair. Greensboro, ft N. C.: South Carolina State Fair, ft Columbia; Tennessee State Fair,'ft i Nashville; Tri-State Fair, Memphis, ft Tenn.; Chattanooga State Tennessee Division Fair. Knoxvilttffft Kentucky State Fair. Louisvßi*.;qft Southeastern Fair, Atlanta; Georgia, ft State Exposition, Macon; Georgia ft State Fair. Savannah: Chattahoooha* Jft Valley Exposition. Columbus, Ga.; ft Alabama State Fair, Birmingham State Fair of Alabama, Montgomery??;® Mississippi-Alabama Fair, Meridian,Aft Miss.; Mississippi State Fair, Jack-ft son ; South Mississippi Fair, Laurfefft Remus Starts Rattle for Freedom. , -ft Cincinnati, Sept. B.—GP)—Georgia® F. Remus, former Cincinnati logger, began Ihe legal battle for his ft liberali< n from the Montgomery cotlljwft ty jail at Dayton. Ohio, today, wben ft his attorneys filed an application id ft the United States district court hererft for a frit of habeas corpus. Judge ft Smith Hickenlnoper ordered the UnmuH ed States marshal to bring Remuwft from the jail for immediate hearitUrafl of I’oe matter. ft SAT’S BEAR SAVSs ft Fair tonight, slightly cooler in caw! trul and northeast portions; day fair, moderate north and east winds. 'ftP ft