Irsday, Sept. 10, 1925 f- W*?'" ' 11 1 , ■ ?W ' k BRIGHT, clean portieres and other hangings, IX-tJoolJ iY; l .when tastefully arranged, give the finishing touch of ■■ I ? , /jf-I artistic beauty to the home. To cleanse them proper- K » - where facilities and experience gre 2 lacking, is an almost impossible task. Besides, wrong : methods may prove disastrous to delicate materials or JraH»| ■ Mk kI < I colors. j iffliHr r ' r I<ct ollr modern cleansing and dyeing service do 2 r ” - j tllis ' v " rk f o r you. We can renew their beautv and restore their wholesQme fieshness. I me&b Phone 787 I TODAY’S EVENTS ■traday. September 10. 1025 bn Homan Catholic Iliocese of Hs City is 15 yearK old today, ■diary of the birth of Henry noted economist and one of of the Greenback party. ■ hundred and seventy-live years 1 was born Commodore Xicli r who commanded the first atP'Aiilt by the I nited States in Mevhlution. ■ fourth international first aid ■tine reseue contest, open to all ■s. metallurgical workers and ■men, will be opened today at ■field. HI. ■> memorial erected in Stanley! ■ Prince ltupert. I?. C„ to rom ■rate the visit there of President ■cn G. Harding is scheduled for ■at ion today. ■cushion of methods of insuring B peace will occupy the agenda ■e fifth animal conference of the gUIOUKWAY BYWflira^^^ 80/,VO HASTfcR X* F J^' s' ' CHAMGt-VO STVuE VWjr , [FO QE UlB. \ : VAMfF D»S MUkE. L* «f A/08Ml HE I HOW V VJEU VO HOU DE lu ‘ V ' 'ft ' _ J 'SJZ*** ' TfeR OATS oar IN! PROMT f| . jj ; , OPT MOVE I HE KMOVN HES GOI IY/W > >T' " „ ( I] WIFF DE ..'J. K \beHlmENO* / OAT, J fi mule semse is somethiugt uke. horse semse.- \ ltM lwei j FOP BYTAYT/OR~ j Father V i wish someone X fve a notion Tb f can’t i give Vev jingo Y ( * F »<== I J Tak:e Mv SHOES VOO FOLKS A* ) ThOSE ARE SJI f?tOß^ alootailw A-? F CARRV “ft? I'M . A The sweeTesA UOTHER AOOOTAU.INTHEM-IRIS BRICK 1 GOING Vooß ) WORDS 11 vE ) VollooH V-, <A.( CcAOiSToO V WAV HEARD SINCE Tbi? ' l !! 65 S \ V HARD ON SHOE J > ) I SOT MV LAST J t * ! teDDCD J I' " '! / i.s,' 1 ■BAD old planet after JThiSisamoch / ittertaimiv Y #7 ■All- WHEN A STRANSER y FAQiPO oirvMr; VT LERTAINLV WAS 1 THIS IS ATAXI-T7 ■ picks us op liketo,! /c A Sf«' 4 Vou owe mb A IIT SHOWS THERE r ARE / ANV HOW -I VJ IS H LJSUP-WE CANT A 32 OOCKS FOR j I A FEW PEOPLE LEFT /? A HV HOW I WISH V TRANK VOO ENOUGH UP t / I WHO LIKE TO DO y—-y COULD PASS \ THE RIDE HE UFT .V J Interallied Veterans' Federation, op ening today in Koine. The ancient royal escutcheon of the Kings of France which, mounted on a shield, once graced the <iity gates of old Quebec, will be restored today af ter 10(1 years, A sweeping investigation of the crime situation in . New York State ! will be launrtied in New York City | today by a legislative committee) named to obtain information on which I to base recommendations to the next legislature for remedial measures. Californian Says Uncolu Once Apologized to Him. Oakland. Cal., Sept. 9.—L4>>—John G. Crouch, 82, believes he is the only person who ever received an apology from Abraham Lincoln. Crouch was born on a farm in Ro chester, Sangamon county, eight! miles from Springfield. 111. As a youngster ho often went to the capital with the farm help to dis- pose of produce. Du one occasion he entered the stable on Lincoln’s pro perty and was leaving when Lincoln arrived and searched his pockets, saying that eggs had disappeared from tiic p ace. A week later the Crouch boy was told by his father to visit .Lincoln's i law office. This ho did. | "You are Davis Crouch’s son,” I said tlie future emancipator. "I I wrongfully suspected you of stealing eggs and I want you to forgive me.’’ Crouch,lived in Sangamon county 50 years and saw Lincoln many times. He often sold apples to Mrs. Lincoln. On May 4. 18(55, Crouch viewed the body of the assassinated President. In the theatrical prpfeshion it. has been a popular belief or superstition (that it "ragged" dress rehear al will often result in a. better show on. the first night, than if the final dress rehearsal runs too smoothly.v THfe CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE DINNER STORIES Tourist —I’m almost certain that I must have run across your face sometime or other. Grumpy Waiter—No, sir, it's al ways been like this. “Listen!” he said. “I’ve spent three weeks teaching a girl how to ride a bicycle. Three weeks! Talk about patience—Job was a novice at the game. And what is my reward? I’ve just been to the theater and—” “Seen the girl with another fel low?” “No! A thousand timer, worse! I saw her on the stage. She’s a trick cyclist!” Kindly Motorist (who Ims given old lady a lift, pfter five males)— And where did you say you wanted to go ma’am? Old luidy—Well, to tell you the real truth, I wuz goin’ in the oppo site direction from what you wuz goin’ only I didn’t like to hurt your fellin' when you wuz so kind as to offer me a ride. “Why don't you go into polities?” “I’ve been in politics,’’ answered Farmer Coritcssel. "1 once got elect ed to tlie legislature. And I found the legislature was juut its hard to improve as the farm.” Little Willie—Say, I’a, why are Senator ltlatherekito's whiskers so gray, when his hair is still dark? Pater—-Because, my son, he used his jaw so much more than his head. “The Jones are moving..’’ “Why, they've only been here a year! Peop’e were just beginning to get to know them.” “Yes, that's why they are going.” A mnried coupleVwere knocked down by a motog-ear. The ear dash ed away. Tlie police arrived and found the couple bursting with in, dignation. “Do you know the number of the ear?” asked the policeman. “Y'es,” replied the husband: ’’by a strange coincidence the first two numbers formed my age and the second two formed the age of my wifoi” "■John.” said the wife, “we will let the matter drop at oobe.” To Visit Methodist Shrines. Jeffersonville, Inri., Sept. 9.--Two celebrated Methodist shrines, one lje earliest Prote-tant shrine in Indiana, and (the other a small brick house where the Illinois Methodist con ference was founded 100 years ago. will be visited by the delegates to the Indiana annual conference, which be gan its sessions here today with a large attendance. Both shrines are located at Charlestown, a village twelve miles from this city. The pilgrimage will be made tomorrow. CSK PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS 00900000000000000000000 Q I Let Your Next Battery iji Be An EXIDE | Use Only the Best ooooooeeoooooooooeoooootT One Million Women Have Discovered the Perfect Face ‘Powder. Have You? Stop experimenting! Just ask your dealer for Nadine, only 50c, and realize the pleasure of using a perfect face powder. Nadine fills every possible re quirement of a complexion pow der. In addition, the ingredients are refined to protect and benefit your skim The tone blends perfectly—in visibly; the perfume is delightful, the effect marvelous! Nadine clings all day or evening, through any social activity. If not entirely pleased we’ll refund the price. / Brunette, White. National Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn. eNadine JaceVowder The Lore of Southern Loveliness - ill L .. J, -J Sfesrt 8Y CHARLES P. STEWART NEA Service Writer WASHINGTON. —France’s war in Morocco, with another one just starting in Syria, won’t Improve this country's prospects of arranging a satisfactory debt set tlement. It’s beginning to become appar ent that the Moroc’can affair is of considerable size. The Druses, who are in revolt in Byrla, are stubborn fighters, too. Both these campaigns are expen sive and undoubtedly will make the French feel poorer. * • • - ALL the Indications are that America’s World War For ,v feign Debt Commission will Stand pat in its conversations with Finance Minister Caillaux of Ftunce—that Is it will Insist on an agreement which appears to give the United States all she has com ing. . —> - In reality the figures are likely. FIND LIQUOR IN DUG-OUT , ON RIOI .MAN’S FARM Sixty-five Gallons in 5-Gallon "Cans Seized Near High Point. High Point, Sept, s.—After (>5 gallons cf liquors hud been seized on his property near iiere. a warran was isuited this afternoon for the arrest of. Henry Charles, Wealthy Winston- Saleip man, charging him with hav ing Whiskey in his laissessio-u for the purpose of sale. The liquor was seized by Prohibi tion Officers Kennedy, Shopelott, While and Hendrix and Deputy Sfieriff Gray all of High Point. The officers found the fluid in five gallon a dug-hut noth* Charles' barn on the Winston-Salem road. -The dug- .according to the officers, ap peared to have been made for the. storage of liquor, as it .had a trap dolor. .'Charles does pot live on this pro perty and he w-as not: there at the time of tin* seizure. The officers re tnrned to High Point aud caused a warrant to be issued for the arrest, of Charles.' ■ - , Reduced Fares For Matle-in-Carolinas Exposition. Atlanta. Ga.. Sept. 9.—Reduced fares for the Made-in-Caroiinas Ex position. which will be held at Char lotte, X. (’.. were announced here to day by \\. H .Howard, chairman of the Southern Passenger Association. Tlie rates will be effective in North and South Carolina. Virginia, except <m t' ,"’ illstOD ' Sal ™i Southbound and Virginian Railway, from points in' WT Thin Men Run Down Men Nervous Men probably know that Cod Liver J Oil is till* greatest flesh producer in | the world. Jlecause it contains more Vitamines than any food you can get. \ou’ll be glad to know that Cod Liver Oil conn** in sugar coated tab lets now. so if you really want to put i 10 or 20 pounds of solid healtfiy flesh j on your bones and feel well and j strong ask the I’earl Drug Co. or anv druggist for a box of McCoy's (oil Liver Oil Compound Tablets. Only (>() cents for 60 tablets and if you don’t fcain five pounds in .*>() days | your druggist is authorized to hand you back the money you paid for them. It isn’t anything unusual for a per-! son to gain 10 pounds in .*lO days. ‘Let McCoy’s, the original and gen uine Cod Liver Oil Tablet.’’ 1 I EVER ETT true by condo [ Y®*- 7 throw a G<s-HTe.o] Butt DoouM I , t , / Vol» x. !Po ii /And VJqrt o\_- m'y C>OSIAf&SS IS BAY/MCS. th&v Take a to be hocussed so as to make a goo 3 many concessions to the French, but it must be done so that nobody will know it except a few super experts, like Secretaries Mellon and Hoover and Senator Smoot. It must be done ttiat. way be cause the administration doesn’t believe American public opinion would approve undue leniency to ward the French, but this .vfon’t suit. Minister Caillaux, whose game is to make his people think they’re getting more than they are. The outlook doesn’t favor har mony. • • • THE beauty of the , whole thing la that nobody on the Inside la Washington expects America to get full payment on war loans except from England. , As for the rest—little Inter* 'est, perhaps, here and there, hut nothing more, ■.,■& <*.vA The poqfllng negotiations are for •pdpular cdps unapt ton. Tennessee on and cast of the C. X. O. | & T. It. Itaihyay. front points in I! Oeorgia, Augusta, Atlanta and .inter- I; ■ mediate stations on tlie Scabbard Air I bine Hallway juul tlii*'Southern rail- i ' way. including the Southern’s 1 branches, Athens to Lula. (la., and EJ -1 bOrton to .Toccoa. Ga., and also from 3 Washington, 1). C r . Tickets may be. purchased during j the period September TOrOetofter Ural j with finaF return limit of. Octota-r sth. |l Because, of file prospects of an cnor- ] mobs attendance at the Exposition, i passenger officials were glad to ar- !■ ; range the ..reduced- fares, whh-h «re mi j the basis df a fare and a half for the I pound trip, and to co-operate in mak- j lug the Exposition successful. ' l A French inventor ,is reported to I have obtained surprisingly good re ■ suits toward the construction of a J fast aeroplane which will di pen sc , J with propellers and rely for pro)nil- , j sion u lion a discharge of highly-com- J pressed gas. i J biliousjims i From Which Kentucky Man Snf- | sered Two or Three Times a | Month, Relieved by Black-Draught. Lawrenceburg, Ky. — Mr. J. P. § Nevln3, a local coal dealer and far- i mer, about two years ago learned i| of the value of Thedford’s Black- | Draught liver medicine, and now H he says: "Until then I suffered with se- i vere bilious attacks that came on a two or three times each month, jg I would get nauseated. I would have dizziness and couldn’t work. , “I would take pills until I was ! worn-out with them. I didn’t seem ; to get relief. After taking the pills I my bowels would act a couple or : three times, then I would be very constipated. J "A neighbor told me of Black i Draught and I began, its. use. I i never have found so much relief 'as it gave me. I would not be j without it for anything, j “It seemed to cleanse my whole system and make me feel like new. i I would take a few doses—get rid of the bile and have my usual clear head, feel full of ’pep' and could do twice the work.” j One cent a dose. NC-161 j| ! aasssgappHffspTii» = Time to RE-ROOF | We have a complete stock of GALVANIZED roofing 1/ and ASPHALT SHINGLES. V e sell only 29 gauge roofing and give you nails and B ? washers for putting it on. H ; We save you money if you give us 1 ! Yorke & Wadsworth Co. j The Old Reliable Hardware Store I Union and Church Streets Phone 30 Phone 30 1 111 .. , - -■"■ V SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOt || DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries j! Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ! ijnating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- ! | mating current. R. H. OWEN, Agent j^ 00 ®*** Concord, N. C. SGCOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOaOOOOOOOOa : — — —— ■ K FALL HATS— SNAPPY STYLES In the Newest Colors Priced $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 I Throw that old straw away and I let us fit you in your particular style 1 hat. RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. Just received a large shipment of Fiber Suites. Many new Styles and Finishes to Select From. Prices most reasonable. Come in and select yours today. H. B. Wilkinson Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresville Car Washing! Alemite Greasing! Crank Case Service Let us wash vour ear and grease it with Alemite High j 1 lessure lubricating system for everybody knows that !;|j pioper lubrication I 'is 'the'dife of any car. •%, V 1 exaco gasoline and oils—Goodrich tires and -tubes. f\ 1 lire changing, Accessories, Free-Air and Water ■ CENTRAL FILLING STATION ft PHONE 700 !< PAGE SEVEN

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