PAGE EIGHT 9COCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT 1 11 On nil orders for engraved ]l l 1 11 Christmas Cards placed during i[ i |l the month of September. We V i ] represent one of the best en- ,i, gravers in the country. Come iji jr in and make your selection ear ■ | ly while stock is fresh and com- ( \ S. W. Preslar ij JEWELER ■Oooooooocooooooooooooooc I SCHOOL SUPPLIES 8 Palmer Tablets 5 Ink Tablets 8 Pencil Tablets 8 Pencils g Pen Points O Fountain Pens X Composition books. 2 Ink. O Cline’s | Pharmacy § Phone 333 § OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOC TIMES-TRIBI'NK PENNY ADS. •ALWAY S GET RESILTS I THE UNIVERSAL CAR 8 iji The true desire to be of service, the efforts of honest men, iji X the guarantee of a firm, or any other assurance offered jij jij you by a car dealer is worthless unless there is back of V i] 1 it the ability to give the service you have a right to expect. iji <j We have invested a large amount in modern machinery to X X make our service department the best in this section. We X j] 1 carry thousands of dollars worth of parts to insure every <j ! [I requirement being met. We have specially trained men 8 X with years experience of servicing Ford cars. Y X To you, as a Ford owner, this mean's a lower cost for vour 0 i[i work by use of modern equipment and methods. Backed X by a guarantee and a desire to serve, it positively assures X X you of satisfaction at all times. X X We would be glad to serve you. i[i REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD, N. C. |j; | WE KNOW WE KNOW FORDS ooccooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc sooooooooooooooooooocxsooooooooooooooccocxxxxxxxxxx I It’s Time to Think of Fall Cleaning j: To fully appreciate our Cleaning and Correct press- ( | ing is to give others the once over. iji A phone call will bring our truck. ji[ Telephone 420 M. R. POUNDS Dry Cleaning Department X 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 jij THE SMARTEST I FALL APPAREL 8 Fashion Points Approvingly 8 at These Dresses | j'j A VARIETY THAT ASSURES § X INDIVIDUALITY OF CHOICE g jjj ness of line these frocks are jjj jjj speak the better garment. Each jjj are jjj $6 75 10 $24.50 1 jl IT PAYS TO TRADE AT jj 1 FISHER’S | CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Figures named represent prices 'paid for produce on the market: |ggs .40 •Corn $1.35 Hweet Potatoes 1.75 jTurkeys .25 to .30 {jpnions $1.50 ■Peas $3.00 Mtatter .30 j'jjffruatry Ham .30 ) Forced to Don Coat. i Tucson. Ariz., Sept. TO.—Whether , the Southern Pacific railroad can re i quire a male passenger to wear his j coat whiltbeing served in the dining j car will be passed upon by the Ari i tuna Corporation Commission as a re j suit of a complaint made by X. A. i Pennington, of Tucson, j In a letter to the commission, Pen i nington charges that while en route to 1 Phoenix Saturday. T. 1.. Woodling. a i steward, required him to don his coat i before serving him. In his letter lie j explains he wore a new shirt which i cost S4.UB, offering this fact that he 1 i was dressed properly. | ? D’ORSAYS PERFUMES { Chevalier [ Muquet | Charmc j| Toujours Fidele Jasmin. [ Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Country Shoulder .20 Country Sides .20 Young Chickens .25 Hens .18 Irish Potatoes $1.50 CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1925 Cotton 22 1-2 Cotton Seed ,4B USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS ’ The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound ; 136—11:00 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. ■ 34 4 :10 P. M. > 38— 8:30 P. M. 1 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound * 30— <1 ;30 A. M. 1 i 45 3 :M0 P. M. ' 135 8:00 P. M. 23—11:00 P. M. I LOCAL MENTION Miss Rosa Mu ml is confined to her home on South Union street on ac count of illness. The weekly meeting of the Concord Kiwanis Club will be held at the Y. M. U. A. tomorrow at 12:30 o’clock. The play. “Mrs. Tabbs of Shanty town.” which was to have been given on re.vt Friday night at Fink school htnt>© by the community club, has bein postponed until a later date. Watch • f.,r lint her announcement. No session of the recorder's court was held yesterday afternoon as po lice officers had no cases docketed for , trial. Officers again this morning repair ted /little business during the past two days. There is no mystery about the red marks to be found on sidewalks all over the city. The marks were placed on the sidewalks by persons who are preparing to renumber houses in Con cord, the marks denoting a certain number of feet between the houses. The numbers will he placed on the houses during the next several weeks. L. T. Hartsell, .7r., underwent an operation for the removal of his ap j pendix in a Charlotte hospital yester day morning. The operation was said to have been successful and Mr. Hartsell was reported today as rest -1 ing very comfortably. Mrs. Hartsell is visiting relatives in Charlotte to be with her husband while he is re cuperating there. Davidson College has opened for the 11)25-2(5 term ami those young i men from this city who are to at tend school there this year have re ported for work. It is estimated that the largest number of students in the history of the college reported at the opening this week. About a dozen Concord young men are stu-j dents in the college this year. Philadelphia won from Washington again yesterday in the American League and in the National League Chicago defeated Pittsburgh again. Roth Washington and Pittsburgh have leads of seven games. In the South Atlantic Charlotte gained half a game by winning two games from Columbia while Spartanburg was defeating i Greenville in one game. A Ford sedan belonging to Jones Pharr, of this city, was stolen in (’harlotte Tuesday night while Mr. Pharr was conferring with a friend in tin* Hotel Charlotte. Officers in Charlotte, Concord and other cities Have been asked to keep a watch for the Ford, but nothing yet has been heard of its whereabouts. The car was left parked on a Charlotte street. Mw. N. L. Swaringen has sold property in Ward 2 to I). L. Barn hardt for S4OO. according to a deed filed yesterday. Another deed re cords the sale of property in No. 4 township by B. L. Umberger to Alma M. Durham for $220 and still an other deed records the sale of land in the same township by G. C. Trout man to John S. Carpenter for SIOO and other valuable considerations. Major Bulwinkle. Gastonia Gazette. Misfortune seems to lurk around Congressman Bulwinkle. A year or two ago he hobbled into Gastonia at Christmas time on crutches, due to a fall on the ice in Washington. Last opring his capable and efficient stenog rapher. Miss Pat tie Roberts, suffered serious injuries in an automobile ac cident at Spartanburg. \ Now the genial and much loved congressman himself is laid up with a painful and serious fracture of the thigh sustained in an automobile ac cident last night. The sympathy and condolences of the entire community are extended to Major and Mrs. Bulwinkle and fam ily. It ie needless to say that the progress of Major Bui winkle’s recov ery will be as much of a matter of solicitous concern to everybody in Gaston county and the state as it would be to his wife, and the daily bulletins from his bedside will bo eagerly scanned for good news. Major Bulwinkle is a popular man here and news of the accident was received with universal regret. The best wishes of the entire community are extended him and daily prayers for his complete recovery will be offered. The coast line of the island of Hel igoland which measured 120 miles in 1300 A. D., had been rduced to three miles in 1000 by coasterosion. JOHN W. CLINE STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE. The entire stock of goods in the store of J. W. Cline on East Depot street in Concord for sale in bulk pri vately. Persons desiring to bid on same will do so in writing addressed to either Mrs. J. W. Cline or J. Lee Crowell, Attorney, Concord, N. C. Terms cash. MRS. L. I. CLINE. ' J. LEE CROWELL, Attv. 10-ts. ODD FELLOWS NOTICE. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. M. L. ROSS, N. O. G. H. RITCHIE, Sec. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE MAJ. BULWINKLE NOT SERIOUSLY INJURED Was Painifully Cut and Bruised in Addition to Suffering Broken Leg. Rockingham. Sept. !).—Tie condi tion of Major A. L. Bulwinkle. of Gastonia. Congressman from the ninth district, who was injured here Tuesday night at 9:15 when the Hudsorson Speedster of W. G. War lick. Jr., cf Newton, overturned, isbows an improvement tonight to the extent that no internal injuries are now apprehended and no concussion of the brai resulted. Aside from extreme soreness all over the body, with cuts and lacer ations. his worst injury was to the right leg. The femur bone between the knee and the hip was broken in two places and a part of the hip bone was crushed and the muscles fearfully lacerated. The accident hap pened Tuesday night, but the Major did not really regain consciousness until well towards daybreak this morning. Dr. W. D. James, of the Hamlet Hospital, set the broken bones ami placed the limb in a cast at 2 o’clock this morning in his hos pital at Hamlet. This afternoon Dr. O. L. Milh*r. of the Orthopaedic Hos pital at Gastonia, came to Hamlet to see his fellow townsman, while en rmire to Badin. Also arriving early this morning after a night’s ride to be at his bedside were Mrs. Bulwin kle. his sister, Mrs. A. P. Uudisill. of Dallas, E. N. Brittain ami his secretary Lewis B. Carpenter. It was a remarkable close for both Major Bulwinkle and the driver of the car, Mr. Wariick. Warlich *795 Everyone Says it Prove it r/ HUDSON COACHES, Hudson Brougham % tg® SSM jfgf ' Hudson Sedan *1495 *1695 All Prices Freight and Tax Extra Concord Motor Co. Get Rid of Your Old Cook Stove or Old Gas Range —" ” Let us come and pick it up and take it off your SIO.OO hands at a good allowance. You select the new for gas range you want and we’ll deliver and con your old nect it—all ready to use. A fine, new, shining, Coal, Wood, Oil or clean range for a nice kitchen. Gas Stove The $lO to apply on This is your chance to start new in 2* I rSfp Pn - C the kitchen, with the efficient gas our Vie stick 306 ' “ range you ve long been wantin B- J UBt g s tell us to come and get it. Select 1 your new range NOW. $5.00 Down-12 Months to Pay Balance Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. was thrown clear of the car. but Bulwinkle lauded under it. The car 1 had to be lifted iu order to drag him out. He was given every attention by the townsfolk, white and colored and carried to the hospital. Wariick ap peared to be not badly hurt at the time, but today he began to feel the soleness from bin rough experienee, ns well ns the necessity of beving his bead bandaged from several gashes and cuts. He left thi.s morning by rnil for Newton. Not “Trying It lin the Papers.” Lexington Dispatch Learned counsel for the Jvealthy Mr, t'ole. after several statements iu behalf of their client, strike a dig nified |K>se and avow it is not their purpose to “try the case in the pa pers. There will be no statement, they say. until the defense of their client for killing the young man Or mond is outlined in court. Then said learned and astute coun sel, eminently astute, announced smilingly that there is hardly room' for the slightest doubt that tlicilr client will be promptly acquitted. In (lcedj they are real cocky about it, they let it be known to a representa tive of “the papers” in which they do not want to try the ease. No. indeed, counsel for Mr. Cole are far above such a thing as nsing columns of a newspaper to creat a favorable senti ment for their client. They merely state he is innocent, not only of first degree raurdep. as the state yyill claim, hut of any other species of murder. Sure, he walked up to a man and Khot him a« ho eat smoking a cigar- 1| lotto in his automobiio, but in doing I ( so ho committed no crime. in tho|i opinion of conned who inform the J world through the papers they want ( to keep out of the case. The public might pick to pieces any j statement that the defense would ( make at this time. It might be more ( favorably affected if the able lawyers J on the defuse side merely look pleas- i ed, smile and declare there is noth- i ing to it. Plenty of Petroleum Ahead. ' Review of Reviews. ] So much has been said about our I waste of petroleum and the danger of j exhaustion of the supplies that it is ] reassuring to get a much more cheer- I fill report, from Mr. 3. Kdgar Pew, ] President of the American Petroleum i Institute, as to the future supply of < petroleum in the I'nited States. Be- j sere the wells are exhausted, this nu- i thority predicts that science will have 1 found new ways of using oil more es- ( fectively and substitutes for petro- I leum, which, together with the recourse of water power and other natural i energies, will prevent any shortage of < energy disastrous to the human race.. ] The survey estimates that present i methods will obtain from existing oil 1 fields something like 5,300,000.000 j barrels. But over and above this i there will remain some 2(>.000,000,000 j barrels in the present producing area, | a considerable jiortion of which Mr. 1 Pew thinks can be recovered by Im proved processes. i USE PENNY COLUMN— IT PAYS j ."■i'i-".. 11 ■ 1 ■ 1 mi i■ . The Early Bird \\ Finds Earlier Birds ** ” at Hoover’s J I So many men are coming ear /Ilii to avo ’d the rush that there nfltvsfw as ' 3Cen a rus h to see l ' le new Suits ever since they ar- In other words—the early bird has got to get up before breakfast to have the field to himself. As soon as 8 A. M. these Schloss Fall Suits are displayed to men who were up at 7 and in dozens of cases we are selling in September new suits to men who usually wait until Thanksgiving. Set your alarm for tomorrow — We’re all- set for you today. lntiuaßiip'YAamil SCHLOSS NEW FALL SUITS- IfiffJßl* $25.00 to $45.00 HOOVER'S, Inc. SSI “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” IcoaTJ The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS inamwsnKwwoKwraocro Keeping Up With the Neighbors When you feel yourself to he the equal or superior of g another person, you do not follow his mistakes. If your | neighbors spend all that they earn, don’t try to keep lip } with them. Extravagance does not advertise the man j who has money in the bank and property in his name, j Thrift and a bank account will some day make you | happier than your neighbors. j CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK , | Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 Make Your Summer Free From Ice Worry, Install Kelvin ator electric. refrigeration in your refrigerator and you can forget all about ice deliv ery this summer. Kelvinator will keep your refrigerator much ™lcW and your foods much better and longer. When you go visiting it will stay cold while you are Kelvinator requires no time or attention and M trouble free. It usually costs less to operate Kelvi nator than to buy ice. Phone or call for detaik Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Kelvinator 1 Th« 01d.., Do*..tic Electric Relr i,.r .Horn Thursday, Sept. 10, 1

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