Monday, &ept. ]4, 1925 +*- ■ «») - BRIGHT, clean portieres and other hangings, r r af ’TV , fl l«ftftil when tastefully arranged, give the finishing touch of Jj J artistic beauty to the home. To cleanse them proper*. Bfcjjit * n the home, where facilities and experience are • lacking, is an almost impossible task. Besides, wrong W methods may prove disastrous to delicate materials or colors. our modern cleansing and dyeing service do V this work for you. We can renew their beauty and 'fSPPP hitjpi restore their wholesome freshness. „ 7iK! fysO&'th Phone 787 mvntmvr "HP TODAY’S EVENTS , - , Morfiay. September If i#23 Twenty-fourtb anniversary of tlie path of President McKinley. Centenary of the birth ofbGen. Wil mn R. Morrison. Illinois soldier, ngrcssman and chairman of the In rotate Commerce Commission. Western Canada's first radio expo tioir will be opened in Winnipeg to continued through the re aimser of the week. Hoo Hoo. the national frateual or inization of the lumber industry, will >en its. thirty-ninth annual conven on today in Spokane. The Pfiillippine Independence Com lission of eight members is scheduled » arrive at Seattle today on its way [y Washington. SUT OURWAY BY WILLIAMS mmmmm Gfo6vA X % - / HuBRWOP VN\m SOME \- W&vziffir ! 1, | l safety pivjfei we'o a z, y—Br .jP > 1 *''% j LOST TH’ HOUL BUSINESS J wjz I I rw~g -jO IP 1 HAOKI’ A HELD OYJTA ILM V HH I _ 1 \~r ALUTH' WAV FROM -TH’ II 9A L Bi -1 ‘otore. ON AT HIS Ti-rta A ViRAP IT UP AND QEN& \ /sooD JOKE TT TO'MR. A.SONN CARE OF J iSftWE TUE fAA6IC MUD CO"-AND y A8 a TOhW TOM MKJVT&a FATHER -ij. BE SURE TOO GET IT IN / — v || -« ' ~L ~ ..., . JL . . . The fluestion of harnessing the tildes «# fba-Bay of Fundy. as a part of one of this greatest hydro-electric ; developnfent projects ever planned, will be submitted to a referendum of - the voters of Maine at the state elec , tion today. • • Stanly Should Meet Bahama. - Albemarle I’rees. Cabarrus is finishing a fine road to ■ the Stanly line between Albemarle and Coneord. Stanly county should meet Cabarrus at least byway of I compromise and oil the road between Albemarle and tire Cabarrus line. Cater on this link will be hard sur • fated. In turn. Cabarrus should be ! ready to oil the gravel-lay link on the Albemarle-Cbarlotte highway. Daring recent weeks, this nine-mile stretch has held out danger to every traveler over it. And the same is true of Stanly's part of the AlbemarlMo- Concord stretch of slightly more than ten miles. Let us not only keep these tilings in mind,'but bend ener gies towards accomplishment and the removal of grave menaces over a dusty season. , Durham Postoffice Records Broken. Durham. Sept. 12—UP) —All rec ords in the .Durham post office were broken the other day when the office received an order from the Southern Railway for 100,000 two-cent stamps. The supply of stamps in the office was ■ far from depleted by the big order, post office officials state. ESE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS tue CONCORD DAILY fftt6UNß * DINNER STORIES The boas recently received a letter from one of bis clerks who was on a wadding trip: “I am sitting by the Niagara Falls drinking it all in.” Haughty Lady (after'.purchasing a stamp): "Must ® put It on myself?” Polite Post Office Clerk: “Nor .madam, on the letter.” ■ ' “I am very much surprised to hear that they are married; I thought he was merely flirting with her.” t “He thought so too.” Something Better. „ r Goodcatch: “Look here, Johnny. I don’t see you hanging around the parlor as you did when I first be gan calling on your sister.” Johnny : “No; ’taint necessary since urn put in’a dictograph.” Not a Counter Irritant. Bill: “Smith’s grocery store was a failure until he engaged the pretty young salesgirl. All the sports of the town patronise it now. ■ Jack: “That’s what comes of hav ing a counter attraction.” Nit Fu»*y. After a long wait the waiter ap proached. “Let me see, sir. Did you order bass.” “Yes, but I’ll take trout if the bass aren't biting.” A Sickly Lot. First Flapper: “Say, what is an oc togenarian, anyway?” Next Flapper: “Aw, I dunno. Why?’ First Flapper': “Weil, they must be an awfully sickly lot, because whenever I hear of one of themi they're always dying.” An Earthly Heaven. Sunday School ’Teacher: "Where do Htfle boys go who fish on Sunday?” Johnny: “Over to the deep holt on Perkin’s farm.” Trade Terms. Teacher: “Sammy, name the four seasons.” Sammie: “Salt, must awl, vinegar and peeper.” The eork centre baseball was fimt introduced iu the major leagues in 1900. THANKS THE HERB JUICE MAN Mrs. Lucy Whitley Says Hfc Medi cine Completely Restored Her Health and Hopes All Sufferers Will Try It. “I want to thank yon for coming to Concord with your medicine. HERB JI7CE has done wonders for men, and I feel as though I should tell others about it.”, said Mrs. Lucy Whitley, tvho resides on Reed Street. Concord. N. C„ in a recent interview with the HERB JUICE man. In telling of her condition prior to the time she commenced Using HERB JUICE. Mrs. Whitley said: “I never 'knew what it was to have a well day or be free from pain. I could not eat a thing without it hurting me and wotild suf fer four hours after eating with gas pains and bloating. The footl I ate would sour and I could not eat any food and properly digest it. I knew from this t)iat my* digestive organs were not. functioning in the natural way. ‘so after being urgfu: to try HERB JUICE for this trouble, I finally decided to buy a bottle and give it a fair trial. I will admit that I was skeptical about HERB JUICE at first, but after I had taken-one bottle I noticed n great improvement aud have since continued taking it until today Ifeel as well as I ever did. I don’t have any more trougle from gas pains or bloating, in fact, can eat anything I want without any ill ef fects. That i« why I am so eager to tell others about HERB JUICE, that it has put me in such a splendid con dition again that Jiving is the pleas “*,ll. *j®u|jl**- Lave also found HERB JUICE to be a wonderful lax ative. for since I have taken it mv bowels and also my liver are in ex cellent working order and I' am not bothered one bit with, constipation. There is nothing too good that could be said for HERB JUICE, for I know that my improved condition of health is due to the use of this extra ordinary preparation.” i HERB JUICE Is sold and gu&ran sive saClsfaction or money re funded by Gibson Drug Store. 004)000000000000000000000 Next Battery Ij :| Use Only the | 000000000000000000000000 I i /, _ _ / 8Y CHARLES P. STEWART NEA Service Writer WASHINGTON— A vtat>*u bus been placed decidedly »n the defensive, in this coun try by the loe» of seaplane PN-‘J No. 1 in the attempt to tiy from San Fr»nel*eo to by the tailure of heavier-than-nir craft to accomplish the most Important part of the MacMillan expedition’s mission in the Arctic, and especial ly by the Shenandoah disaster The dirigible is far harder hit than the plane, so much ao that It Is quite likely a full stop has been put to its development In the United States, at any rate for the present. Public confidence even in the plane certainly has been consider ably shaken. • • • NOT only were army and-navy flyers looking forward hope fully to very kindly consider ation of their plans by Congress next winter, but a strong move ment wap afoot in the interest of *V government .subsidy for commer cial aviation. ■ :~ l , . ■ The driby • gif ndvy ' mAi atiJt get, tnurs;' br ieifc? wifat they xriuit, but fin extremely -Mack' eYe feds been, dealt' to tKe argument that airships have rendered sur face fleets obsolete for sea warfare. 1 ,Thp subsidy advocates contend wjft l «n impetus simply cannot be •Wen to commercial flying by any ; WHERE THRDOLp GOfcS. ftutout is Over $500,909,00 a -Year. New York, Sept. Is.— The world's output of gold fs .enorfnous. Thifty’- five years ago it was little more thaii a hundred million dollars a year; now it is over five hundred millidus. Even so there i« not enough to go round. The reasons for this are the quantitites of the precious metal used in- arts and crafts, and the even larg er* Quantities hoarded and lost. Jewelers are the heaviest eonsum era. Every year they work up near ly. a hundred and fifty tons of gold, scarcely an ounce of which in ever recovered. Gold leaf also consumes huge amounts, while large quantities are used for plating other metals. But China and India are the worst offenders. A form of piety in India is to regild the dome of some religious' building. Such an operation often absorbs J 50,000 worth of gold. Not long ago an Indian rejah used 17,000 gold coins to form centers of earii piinute pane in the windows of his b^laoe. yletween ten and fifteen million dol lars in gold vanishes yearly in India, and quite as much iu Chiua. This Is all buried, and as a rule the owner dflflf..srithsut - revealihg the sAr*et of his hiding place, so that the gold is lost forever. Original Poetry. Concord. Sept. 12— UP)— Whether or not Concord is particularly suited to composition or original poetry does not; appear. Neither has it been shown that residents of Concord are particularly desirous of having their poetical products given to the world. lYhat is quite evident is that The Concord Tribune does not solicit con tributions of such poetry. In a front page box, under the heading. “No Moii Original Poetry,” the following, haiappeared in The Tribune: I '•’he Tribune is nothing if not ac-| eoilmodating, hut in future we shall be compelled to draw the line at or iginal poetry. We always want items of news, but we cannot get the con sent of our minds to afflict our read ers with original poetry.” Football (tsu ohu) was played by the Chinese several centuries before the l ' commencement of the Christian era. ~W - i EVERETT (TRUE BY CONDO f fiuer<~<_, won,, wrt&N, other mean*. The recent set. l| Ivtnß*. however, have not improved H their chunrea i>t convincing the pj Rational lawmakers of its desira bility ' ■ •■ > » • « t |tHE possibility exists that two A notable airmen will find their hands strengthened by what has been happening—ppl. “Billy" Mitchell, who insists that aviation is being mismanaged 'by both ■army and navy and that a separate government department ought to be created for it, and Capt. James | V. Martin, who maintains that 3 American flying craft are not what | they ought to be because a 3 monopoly controls them and dis- 1 courages improvements by inde pendent inventors. • * • C4TTB a punishable offense." i A says Capt. Martin, himself a j| master mariner, “to send a * 1 surface ship to sea without an 1 adequate supply of fuel—not mere- p ly enough but a safe margin—for | her port of destination, Tet this is. p Just what was done with thePN-9 If No. 1. “For a 2000-mfle voyage, she }| had, cyan theoretically, only a 200- |i mile margln'of ‘safety. It | ' Save been ai least a 1000-mite mar- ii ’ jjNor-te ithis at all Impossible. ■ France has jiow and- England is ; * building planes with a 3500-mlle 3 range, carrying at 4000-pound load, n This same type of plane. When. s offered to our government, was S rejected." The Smallest Republic. ■ Borne, Sept. 12. San Marine, iu the north of .Italy, ami Andorra, in t'oe I’yranees, have long put forth rival claims to being the smallest re public ih the World. lidt now tt ap pears that the distinction belongs tp neither, but may rightfully be claimed by Tavolara, a little island -situated about seven miles from Sardinia, in the Mediterranean. Tavolara is.lit f}e more than a mile ia length, and has a population of fifty-flve. The sovereignty of the island was given in 1836 to the Bartoleoni family, and up ? to 1882 Paul I. reigued peacefully „ over his island kingdom. On his death the islanders proclaimed a re- 3 public. By the constitution the president is elected for ten years, and both men and women exercise the vote. . .. , „ . . “Don’t Believe In That Kind of Prayer.” Gastonia Gazette. Come to the prayer meeting at the 1 First Presbyterian Chur Oh tomorrow aftemoon at 4 o'clock, said a Gas tonia man to a Gaston'eounty farmer I this morning. “We are going to | pray for rain,” he added. "No sir,” . said the farmer. “We farmers have ! been suffering for lack of rain all 1 summer and you didn’t see fit to pray for rain until your cotton mills hail to shut down for lack of power. Don't believe in that kind of prayer.” i Short Story Section. An extra e : ght-page supplement > containing two entertaining m.vstcy tales by the master novelist. E. Phil ips Oppenlieim, will be given with next Sunday World . These stories, "The Case of Terror" aud “Mrs. Block Contributes,” will be complete in this issue and fully illustrated. ’ Many other features of interest to .every member of the family every week iu The Sunday World. Order jin advance. Edition limited. Flying in the Face of Providence. j “Have you heard the latest? Mrs. . Fisher walks in her sleep 1” “How perfectly absurd.. , , when they hare three cars!" Kuth heads the batting list—only this time it is the Corsicaim player of the name, leading the slugger* in the Texas Association. * =' ' 1 j Garbage Can LI A Approved by the City of Concord All sizes and the Ip kmMi prices are right ' vIBHHF 4 j Yorke & Wadsworth Co. 1 The Old Reliable Hardware Store 1 ■ ;• Union and Church Streets -? ( I Phone 30 V Phone 3C ■ j'■ v '-'ryv — * - .jaa I • ‘■'jp DELCO LIGHT \ \ Light,Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or nating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter nating current. R. H. OWEN, Agent Phone Mi Concord, N. C 30ooooooqpoqoooooqoooooqoooqx>oooo»oqqoqoooo<^6<>p« •••, v ? *» . I i FALL HATS-- SNAPPY STYLES 1 In the Newest Colors { | Priced $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 Throw that old straw away and let us fit you in your particular style : hat. RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. whwwihbmhj—sp , ■ Little Coal Bill— will be your warmest friend i tZf M .throughout this winter if you LITTLE have one of the famous COLE’S -H • -• :|1 With the patented Down Draft and the many exclus- | ive features you will save from 1-3 to 1-2 your coal. Come in and look thenj over today—many new styljes. 1 ] H. B. Wilkinson Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresvifle 1— ■ " , i-Mm u Car Washing! Alemfte Greasing! I Crank Case Service HI Let us wash your car and grease it with Alemite High. HI I Pressure lubricating system for everybody knows thftt ■ P ro Per lubrication is the life of any car. , lexaco gasoline and oilsr-Goodrich tices : {uid fubes.'li lire Changing, Accessories, Free-Air:and Walter. ; CENTRAL FILLING STATION 11 .v. l PAGE SEVEN