PAGE EIGHT g 10 PER CENT J DISCOUNT S On all orders for engraved 5 Christmas Cards placed (hiring i the month of September. We | S' represent one of the best yn- S gravers in the country. Come * in and make your selection ear- | S ly while stock is fresh and com -2 plete. I S. W. Preslar : JEWELER | | ICE CREAM EVERY DAY j lee cream was first made in | ! Italy in 1756. Mistress Dolly <[ < Madison, wife of the fourth ]i j President of the T. T . S. A., was j i j the pioneer in serving this won- I I derful food product in this j i ] i country. She served it at state Ij • dinners in the White House I I <2ur $ ng her husband’s adminis- ( 11 tration in 1869. Cline’s Pharmacy [ Phone 333 | TIMESTKIBINE PENNY AI)S. ALWAYS GET RESULTS [ THE UNIVERSAL CAR 8 is a pretty good bunch of folks, hut this number by actual 1 1 i 8 count viewed the improved model Ford Car which we now X : X have on display in our show-room, yesterday between the X 8 hours of 3 o’clock and 8 o'clock. Have you seen it yet? !' : 8 If not, you are cordially invited to give it your closest in- ij! 8 spection today—if you have seen it tell, your friends about X 9 it and bring them in to see it. jij : O If you have not already placed your order as so many i[! j 8 are doing, NOW would be an opportune time to place it X ] \ with us sd that we may be in position to take care of your j!| i 1 needs when all models begin coming in. i]i ■ REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER jj J | It’s Time to Think of Fall Cleaning j ; fi To fully appreciate our Cleaning and Correct press- ,j i ing is to give others the once over. j l ] ! A phone call will bring our truck. Telephone 420 | 1 1 r i ( M. R. POUNDS ! I 1- Dry Cleaning Department I 1 , ; I ] j i - CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET Weekly by Cline & Moose) produce on the market: 9 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Regular meeting of Concord Lodge ! No. 404 Loyal Order of Moose Mon- ; 1 day evening at 8 o’clock. All ’ mem ! bera requested to be present. W. J. HETHCOX, Sec. ; , _2 JOHN \V. CLINE STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE. 1 The entire stock of goods in the , store of J. W. Cline on East Depot street in Concord for sale in bulk pri ' vately. i j Persons desiring to bid on same j 1 j will do so in writing addressed to , | either Mrs. J. \V. Cline or .T. Lee j i Crowell. Attorney, Concord, N. C. 1 Terms cash. : MRS. L. I. CLINE. B J. LEE CROWELL, Atty. ; io-tf. lllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHI! BULBS BULBS Hyacinths !, Narcissus ' Jonquils 1 Tulips Crocus | ~Fusias Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store 1 BULBS BULBS iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Country Shoulder .20 Country Sides .20 Young Chickens .25 i Hen# —r ... Irish Potatoes I__|Lso I l 7 ——■ ! Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 136—11:00 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 30— 0:30 A. M. 45 3 :30, P."M. | 135 8:00 P. M. ; 20—11:00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION Marriage licenses have been issued to the following couples: Lester G. Troxel). of Winston-Snlem, and Miss Cleo Lentz, of Gold Hill; G. H. Mc- Lain, of Hiddenite, and Miss Mary Belle McLain, of Kannapolis. The poultry meetings which were held in the county last week will be continued during the present week. The meetings were in par; well attend ed and discussions were made on the subject of cullihg for better egg pro duction, feeding housing and disuses' Owing to the continued excessive heat which is prevalent, the city st trails will teach only one session each day, it was announced today by Supt. A. S. Webb. This will elimi nate the nece-dry of having tpy chd dren return to '-..1n o] after lunch hour. Although Charlotte won the last game of the season Saturday, Spar tanburg won also and in bo doing won the Soul’ll Atlantic pennant. The team today starts a series with Rich mond to determine the winner of the South Atlantic-Virginia leagues. Judge John M. Oglesby, who pre sided at sessions of Randolph county court ill Asheboro last week, spent the ' week-end here. He left early this morning for Salisbury, where lie will preside at sessions of Rowan Superior Court this week. U. B. Blalock, general manager of the N. C. C’ottou Growers’ Associa tion. will speak to the farmers of the county on the 25th of this month at the Court House, it was announced by local Co-op officials. All farmers arc urged to be present at this time and Mr. Blalock. Pittsburgh lout two games in the National League. Sunday while New York was idle. In the American League Washington and Philadelphia played a tic game, leaving the teams with the same standing. Pittsburgh has lost four of the last live games played but (still has a big lead over New York. Robert Burnett, two-year-old s >n of Mr. mid Mrs. Will Burnett, died at the home of his parents at Franklin Mill Saturday morning at 10:30 o’clock after an illness of two reeks. Funeral serrices were held Sunday af ternoon at 3 o’clock at the home ami bur al was mode r.t Union Ccui-t-ry, Rev. A. T. i’ain officiating. It is reported hero that Prohibition Agent Widenhouse and some other agents seized three stills last week and one, located below Thunderstruck bridge, yesterday. It is also report ed that the officers sized some beer last night in No. 2 township. Two of tile stills found last week were in Montgomery county, it is reported. The wonder picture of the age. Douglas Fairbanks in "Robin Hood." at the Concord Theatre today and Tuesday. Special prices: Lower floor 40 cents, balcony 30 cents, children 15 cents. Shows at 1:30, 4, 6:30 and 0 p. m. The entire music score of the opera will be played by Klassette on the big Hope-Jones organ. Hits will be a rare treat. The Southern Railway will run an excursion to Atlanta and Birming ham on Thursday, September 17th. The train will leave Concord at 8:25 a. m„ next Thursday, arriving in Atlanta at 6 p. m., and Birmingham at 5:30 a. m. Friday. Fare for the round trip to Atlanta $7.50: to Bur mingham, $0.50. See ad. in this pa per. Eleven defendats will be tried in recorder's conrt this afternoon, po lice officers etated this morning. One is charged with passing & worthless check, two with gambling, two with operating cars while intoxicated, one with having liquor in his possession three with speeding, one with operat ing a car without a State license and one with assault. June Dilger, four-year-old girl who has been under the care here of J. H. Brown, county welfare officer, since tbe arrest of her father, William Dil ger, was sent to Durhatfl Sunday. Mr. Brown was advised by the wel fare officer of Durham coußy that a good home had been found for the child in Durham county and that he would see that She was propery cared for in the future. While temperatures here Saturday and Sunday night were not so op pressive, they were about as hot as usual during she two days. Low hanging clouds, with many flashes of lightning, brought sings of rain last night, but only a sprinkle fell. i The prediction of the weather bureau that blankets would be needed proved un founded so far as this section of the state was concerned. Failure of Lespedeza. Monroe, Sept. 13.—The much praised I.eepedeza, thought in Union county to be a crop infallible, has succumbed absolutely to tbe summer’s drought, and disappointed hundreds of Union county farmers. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAifS CARD OF THANKS. X f f THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE DEATH OF JUDGE HOKE Former Chief Justice Dies Suddenly ' at Rex Hospital, Raleigh. Raleigh. Sept. 13.—William A. Hoke, former chief justice and for twenty years an associate justice of the North Carolina supreme conrt. died suddenly at 9:30 o’clock this morning at Rex Hospital, from what physicians believe to have been an attack of angina pectoris. Judge Hoke underwent an opera tion two weeks ago from which ap parently he was recuperating satis factorily, and he bad anticipated leaving the hospital in a few days. His condition had been surfi as to cause hi» friends gratification, and they were looking forward to his re covery. His daughter. Miss Mary Hoke. called to see him this morning, found him in fine spiritß and left to attend Sunday school. A few min utes later, while talking with his nurse and an intern, he suddenly passed away. He had been suffering from heart trouble for some time, and physician’s examination indicat ed his death to have been due to thnr cause. Funeral and burial will take place Tuesday in his old home town of Lincolnton. which he had always con sidered his legal residence despite his many years in Raleigh as a member of the State's highest court. Plans Annouced For Carolina Ex- . position. t Charlotte, Sept. v2.—Final plans ! for the Carolines Exposition. to Is’ held here September 21-October 3 were announced here today and in titule many noteworthy features. Governor McLeod, of South Caro lina and Governor McLean, of North Carolina, will be invited to attend, j while Chief Justice Marshal, of the; Ohio Supreme court, lias already ac cepted an invitation to niqiear during civic club week. Colonel Shopsihere, of Birmingham, founder of Civitnn. will also attend. He has been named as the principal sjieaker on Civitan Club Day. The Lion, Rotary and Kiwanis will also have separate days for their program. J mp) \ j mm . \\& 1 1 ■ : <scene from * Douglas isißßAnK^ir^soJ3in*s!rns!^^ AT THE COitCGRD THEATRE TODAY AND TOMORROW ■ 17i ■■!■■■* Vii .. i ■ ■. 'i ■ ■■| ggsa^a^saaaagaß^ Hß - \BEAUTY • COMFORT • CONVENIENCE • UTILITY -J 192,368 Orders Already Received The increased popularity of the improved Ford cars has already become an established net. *rnTTU r TVT/-S rA T, Since the announcement of these cars, 192,368 orders A in car. have been placed with Authorized Ford Dealers—« sales record that is without precedent. W V See the improved cars at your nearest Authorized Y / Ford Dealer's. Place your order now to insure pr®* g ferred position on the dealer’s delivery list. Enjoy r. 0.8. Detroit the new beauty and increased riding comfort of r I RUNABOUT . $260 Ford car thi? Fall and Winter. COUPE ... 520 | TUDOR SEDAN 580 FORDOR SEDAN 660 JF Demountable Sunt andSuner Estm JS R 'IkT #■* n * . _ _ , If 1 . L' 1.'.'1" DUKE WILL BUILD POWER PLANT FOR EMERGENCY To Create Reserve of Current That Will Make Cart ailment Unneces sary. Charlotte. Sept. 12.—An 80.000 horsepowee steam electric power plant is to be built by the Southern Power Company immediately in order to create a reserve that will provide atnp’e insurance against any possi bility of any power curtailment in the future. Announcement to this effect waa made this afternoon by C. I. Burkholder, vice president and gener al manager of the power company, who has just returned to Charlotte from Newport, R. 1., where M and W. S. Lee, vice president and chief engineer of tfie power company, were called for a conference with James B. Duke regarding the power situation brought about by the unprecedented, drought whichbas prevailed in the southeastern states for the past sev eral months. The exact location of the huge new power plant has not been announced but it is stated Chat it will be located somewhere on the Catawba River eo as to fit conveniently into the system of power plants of the Southern Pow er system. Te Create Another Reservoir. The purpose of the company in building immediately the new steam plant, according to Mr. Burkholder. Southern Gas and Power Corpora tion Class A Stock Dividend Tli.' regular quarterly dividend of $0.4375 per share (at rate of $1.75 l>er annum) on the Class A Stork of this Corporation has been declared payable September 15, 1025 to sto.khol.lers of record September 10, 1 1025. Cheeks will be mailed. J .C. L.IGIITFOOT, Treasurer. ! Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1025. —— ■■.a , ... , .. , .g55r-.saa«M-jj -i , =a=sa=Mi is to ereate another reservoir of power. | that will be independent of stream] or drought conditions. If the proposed plant were in op eration today, even with the unprece dented Shortage of water in the Ca i tawba .'River, the power company would be able to supply the full re - quire tnente of its customers and have i a considerable margin of electricity > left. The situation confronting the com- i 1 pany in the development of its system was succinctly stated b.v Mr. Duke . who is quoted as follows: “The first pinnts of the Southern j Power system were built in the light of river reconds available over a long period of years. When the flood of 11)16 smashed all previous high records .we put our system in shape to meet any possible eontingencies of ‘flood conditions. Now, with all drought . records smashed we propose'to put the system in shape to meet any possible contingencies of this nature.’’ 25-Year Heat Mark Broken at Ra- ' Ittgh. Raleigh, Sept. 12. —Heat records which had stood for 25 years were 1 brokeh here today when the ther mometer climbed above the ninety ! degree mnrk for the 55th day of the 1 summer. In 1!H)0 the little red fluid ' expunded above the ninety mnrk 54 i days during the summer ot that 1 yean. ] —■■■■ — '-*±**m POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCB The eyes have it—so let yours g take their first view into 1926. I •' Our Opening Fall Clothing An- j nouncement — /O It. tells you that this great -* 1 ' stock of new clothes—new |£fe« clothes and new colors—only / / awa ' ts y° ur Royal 'Presence to I J * ’ MS,= It asks you eagerly and sin ; . J cerely* to take away from your business or leisure enough time to simply look at simply I the greatest collection of men’s garments since you have | known-clothing. 1 Hundreds of Suits at $25 to $45. j i [ Models that are going to be hits—none that have struck ; out! ; Strange hues—new tones—pulse quickeners—that urge ! ownership. A pleasure for us to show, clothes from a show that will ; | delight your summer’s weary spirit. TOMORROW AT HOOVER'S HOOVER’S, Inc. £9 ;|. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE”* OOOOCaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOqCOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOCXKSOOOOOt - *—' '■ '- -1 == — COAL] The Right Coal For the Right Purpose ? A. B. POUNDS ! PHONE 244 OR 279 OOOejCttOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnOftnnnnfinqpftopq i,, •••••• ——— Keeping Up With the Neighbors ■ When you feel yourself to be the equal or superior of - another person, you do not follow his mistakes. If your I | neighbors spend all that they earn, don’t try to keep up I i with them. Extravagance does not advertise the man I who has money in the bank and property in his name. H j Thrift and a bank account will some day make you h I happier than your neighbors. B CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK 1 1 Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 g 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ii j FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR 115 DAY EXCURSION 1 Cincinnati, Ohio Southern Railway System Thursday, September 17th; 1925 I Round trip fare from Concord, N. C. qq g Ticket* on sale September 17th only, good 15 day* in addition to $L date of sale. f Tickets good in Pullman, sleepifg and parlor cars. Baggage checked. ■» Tickets good going.regular train 21 September 17tb, returning good B on all regular trains so as to reach home station prior to midnight, Oc- ‘ ’ tober 2nd. jj Grand opportunity to visit friends in the middle west. J Big league baseball games at Cincinnati and racing at Latonia. j For detailed information and reservations call on nearest South j ern Railway Agent. * M. E. WOODY, R. H. GRAHAM, | Ticket Agent, Division Passenger Agent, Concord, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. 5 Lam. H.ummiam.oamLmJ J I Know at All Times That You Have 1 | The Right^Amount of Oil in 1 Monday, Sept. 14, 1925

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