liday, September 18,1925 I—. i is U Cl E TV 1 IIPH • aaquie -übi joj jaddoa uj ptrs mtid JOj ni mßnoj.* übu «| Jl iulsund aoj juaiuujopv Wl aqi «1 appnq . Factory tot Be Built by W. M. Linker. The site foj the new furniture fac tory to be erected here by W. M. . Linker is being cleared now and it i is planned to begin actual work on the building within the next several , weeks. The land on which the factory will be built was formerly used as t!ie site , of another furniture factory, but it , lias not been used for a number of years and of necessity must be cleared off before work on the new building can be started. Mr. Linker purchased theUand sev eral Greeks ago but did not have it ' cleared off until he had perfected all plans for the factory and was about ready to start construction work. Mr. Linker will make tables and chairs~in his factory and will have one of the best equipped and most modern plants to be found in the South. If you love sport for sport’s sake the October issue of Sportlife, a Mac -1 fndden Publication, should appeal to you. “The Moose of Mad Moontime" will make you want to start cleaning your guns and digging out your hunt ing clothes, while “The Mutt” from ' the pen of A. W. Tillinghast, concerns ’ itself with a golf tournament and the part a little yellow mongrel played in it. “An Alaskan >)oan of Arc” is the true life story of Mrs. Nellie Law : ing, of Roosevelt, Alaska, who filled the place of a man in the conquest of • the North Country. ■> i USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS ! Our New Mechanically Refrig erated i i Autopolar Foun tain i keeps ice cream in the most perfect condition. With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the : temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 t>R. Tkos. M. RbwLKT'f OSTEOPATHIC Physician Suite 403 Cabarrus Savings Bank Building "Osteopathy treats any illness for which people consult a doctor.” Phone: Office 914; Res. 857 Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising Flour We have had much trouble recent ly to get these most popular brands of flour. Why? Because their high quality haa made such aif immense demand that the mills are continually behind on orders. Moral—Buy Fresh Melrose Now. It’a always the beat. Liberty Self-Rising hap grown in demand beyond all expectations. The purest phosphate and salt are mixed in just the exact proportions. Cooks with little experience make good bread with Self Rising Flour. We have both Brandi Fresh. Give us your order now. Its cheaper. . Cline & Moose MAIL BAG ROBBERY DISCOVERED HERE Carton Slipped From Hartsell Mills Rifled and Goods Carried Away.— Dropped F«rm Car. Discovery was made this morning of a mail bag which had been split and looted of its contents and left beside the railroad track a short distance above t'.ie Kerr Bleachery. R. L. Cress, who found file “rnpty sack, re ported it to the police who later turn ed the case over to she Postal Author ities. The mail bag had been shipped from this cily on the Kith on Train No. 12 ahd contained a carton in which were four tablecloths manufactured at the Hartsell Mill. It was being shipped io Cleveland. All the boxes in which the goods had been packed had been torn open and the goods carried off. The only way in which the robbery could be accounted for was that it had fallen from the ear and had been opened later by some person or per sons who happened to discover it. On the date that the package was ship , ..,.i ' ALL ABOARD TO SEE MONTE BLUE CONCORD THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY 0000000000000000000000000000000000009000000000000 | THE SPECIALTY STORE | CONCORD’S NEWEST STORE lj! . i|; . IS NOW OPEN WITH A FULL LINE OP jjj Luggage, Gents Furnishings and | Novelties Your inspection cordially invited I ! Next Door to Carolina Case 72 S. Union St. ![ 0000966660000000660006666066066000066006666666600 ’ Every Pound of I JOHNSON’S PURE LIVER MUSH f { i|! -j: j Is Sold Under a Guarantee of Satisfaction or Money Back Price 20 Cents a Pound Stop Those Drugs They never affect the Liver ■ * 1 _ When you take cathartics you be lieve that they directly affect the liver. They do not. Countless recent tests have proved that. That’s why all those treatments bring you disappointment. But modern science has found away to really stimulate the liver. That is ox-gall, a liver secretion. Physicians the world over now employ it to do what you’ve tried to do. Many of our ailments are due to torpid livers. We have tried to cor rect them, but we failed. As a re sult, we have suffered—most of us— from troubles of this »