ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV A Big Opportunity Is Offered In Our Great Subscription Campaign Your Nomination Is But the Starting Point the First Step in the Work That Is Before You. THE FIRST VOTE COUNT TODAY AH Subscriptions Received Up to Last Night Appear in the Count in the Page Ad. Today. The notice of each and every con testant ; x called to tlie published list of candidates. If there is any one who has entered the race and hie or her name does not appear, please notify the campaign department immediately. Furthermore if any contestant is list ed in the wrong district, the campaign . management would appreciate it if would advise them of the error. Each and every contestant MUST be listed in his or her own district. Nominations are NOT closed. In fact, today there are more prises than there are active candidates. Oppor tunity without a handicap is here to day for new entries who will "carry on" in The Tribune and Times $lO,- 000 automobile cash campaign. The small list published elsewhere in this issue today must not be mis understood. Some of the names print ed are just nominations. The list only serves to show who is entered. Some who have been nominated have failed, so fur, to turn in one single solitary subscription to The Tribune or Times. Some have not even called to get an official receipt book. They are. so far, candidates in name only, nothing more. .Subscriptions Will Win. Candidates who will not produce subscriptions can not hope to win. The more subscriptions you can pro duce, the more votes you earn. The free coupons appearing in The Trib une and Times from day to day are valuable only in the degree in which you enhance your vote score by sub scriptions. There is absolutely no hope in coupons alone. Coupons are printed primarily to stimulate interest. Os course they do have soms value, but it is questionable when ouei-considers that one subwvtp tloii alone offsets a whole bundle of coupons. Nominations But Start. Simple nomination of a candidate does not mean anything. The date does not mean anything. The nomi nation is but the first step, the start ing point. An.voue content to rest after nomination can not get far in this election. Active work, honest ef fort, constant attention to the buxi ness in hand, and that alone can get r votes. And votes win. And subscrip- tions mean votes. With so few candidates entered, and so many of those not yet, at least, manifesting any LIFE or ACTIVITY, the opportunity is here for some live ones to enter and “carry on” to win. In fact, the more candidates enter ed the less votes it will take to win. If two candidates are running for office they must have all the votes be tween them. The winner must have a majority—over half—of all the votes cast. But if five candidates seek the same office the winner only needs to have more votes than the nert higher candidate. Then, too, in this campaign, "Ev erybody Wins Something,” There are four beautiful enclosed automo biles. There are purses of silver to taling over a thousand dollars. Then, too, remember the cash commission of 10 per cent., paid on every dollar turned in, to all active non-prize win ners. In an election for office but one candidate wins. In this election, "Ev erybody Wins.” YOU WIN. To Candidates. The first vote count of each candi date entered appears today. AH sub scriptions received up to 0 o'clock last night appear in the count. . Fruit In Avery County of Good Qual ity. Newland, N. C„ Sept. 22.—(A 1 ) Practjcally all the fruit in Avery IJF county is of better quality and the C apples pnt on tbe market this year will be considerably suptrior to those marketed last year. This is the report made by Farm Agent C, B. Baird, who believes spray ing, pruning and proper cultivattion ( are very largely responsible for the improved conditions. He particular ly points out that Cranberry orchards as a splendid erample of what spray ing. pruning, and proper cultivation will do for fruit in this section. Good prices are being secured for practieally all surplus farm products, finds Mr. Baird, and the farmers are finding a ready market for them. Wants United States to Be Lenient. Paris, Sept. 22.—C4>)—A general council of the upper Marne depart ment, of which Chaumont is the cap ital. has passed unanimously a reso lution expressing the hope that the United States will be lenient with France in the coming debt funding discusaiona. Fire In Tujuana Does Damage. f San Diego, Calif., Sept. 22. — (A*) — Flames starting in the Vernon Club in Tujuana early this morning swept through an entire block that included some of the best known resorts in the city, causing a loss that business men estimated would total nearly a mil lion doUara The Concord Daily Tribune ♦ t GREAT CONCLAVE ‘ OP ODD FELLOWS k Sovereign Grand Lodge to Be Held In Portland This Week. Portland, Ore., Sept. 22.—The an nual communication of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows will be held in Portland this week. The sovereign I grand lodge is composed of several hundred representatives of the grand - lodges of the order in the different ( states, in the provinces of Canada. ' and in several foreign countries. Aux iliary organizations will meet during the week. These include the Re . bekali assembly and the Patriarchs militant. The annual parade and i tht military ball will be two of the . big features on the week’s program. Delegatefs to the gathering are al ready arriving in the city and it is ; estimated that fully 50,000 members | of the order will be here for the for . mal opening of the conclave today. Founded in 1810, in Baltimore, by , Thomas Wildey and four others, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows has become one of the greatest fraternal eocitties in the world. It is purely an American institution, more than 75 per cent of the present total mem bership of more than 2.000,00 being residents of the United States and Canada. In recent years tht order has extended its jurisdiction to other countries, and now its ritual is print- j ed in eight languages. While the Independent Order of ■ Odd, Fellows is purely an American organization. Odd Fellowship originat ed in England. The actual origin of the order, however. Is obscure. The earliest lodge of whirfi there is any record was the Loyal Aristraehus, which met in London in 1745. To this source may be traced the Man chester Unity, which is the name un der which the great English order is known. Manchester Unity was es tablished in 181.1, and is now the largest fraternal society in the world. The actual origin of the name of Odd Fellows is as obscure as the foundation of the order. One theory is that originally they were called "hod fellows" (masons' laborers), and another that they were “God’s fel lows.” It has been suggested, too, that the name was bestowed upon the 1 brethren because of the strangeness Ind It was on April 26. 181!), that Thomas Wildey and his four asso ciates met in the tavern of William Lupton. known as "The Seven Stars,” in Baltimore, and founded the first lodge, which was given the name of "Washington Lodge of Odd Fellows.” All five of the founders bad been af filiated with the order in England, and they obtained a charter from thp Duke of York's lodge of the Manches ter Unity, Preston, England. This original charter was surround ed on February 22, 1821, when “The Grand Lodge of Maryland and of the United States of America of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellowsship” was organized. The name of tbe grand lodge was changed in 1825 to "The Grand Lodge of the United States of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,” and again, in 1870, to "The Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows,” by which title it has sinee been known. For twelve years after the found ing of the order Mr. Wildey continued to serve as Grand Master (the title being changed to Grand Sire in 1826), and in 1835 he was made a traveling agent of tbe Grand Lodge in tbe United States. It is stated of his organizing work in every section of the country that “he had faith in man's reciprocity of affection, he had a firm belief in the brotherhood of all, and absolute confidence in the great scheme of fraternity to arouse and give expression to those generally re pressed emotions of friendship and love.” Mudi of the present magni tude of the order Is atttributed to his zealous missionary work. No Conflict Between Science and Re ligion. Charlotte, Sept. 21.—The time has come when the so-called “conflict be tween science and religion” must end said Rt. Rev. E. A. Penlck, of Char lotte, bishop coadjutor of the Episco pal diocese of North Carolina, speak ing before the Churchmen’s Club of the Church of the Holy Comforter, at the home of J. M. Reardon, in Myers Park. There is really no conflict, Bishop l Penick said, for both science and re ligion are working toward the great truth of life. Science is descriptive and religion interprets life, was the main thought of his discourse, and both operate in two different spheres and supplement each other in the search for the great truth. Bishop Penick went into the sub ject, which be said is a great ques tion of the day, thoroughly, and ex plained that his address was prepared after study and deliberation. Leonard Seriously Hurt. Salisbury, Sept. 21.—Walter J. Leonard, former salesman for a ' local wholesale grocery house in Winston-Salem, met with a serious accident at Hartman’s cotton fin, tour miles' east of this city, inis ■ morning when his left hand was < caught in the gin, the arm being : drawn in op to the elbow. The band i and arm were badly mangled. Leon s ard was brought to a local hospital, i Whether or not amputation will be - necessary has not yet been deter mined [DURMOF MNIFURWE IN NEW YORK CITY Police Officer Heard Wom an Scream, Made Inquiry and Located Body in a Furnace of Lumber Kiln. FIREMANBEING HELD FOR CRIME Police Say He Told Them He Killed Her Because He Was Afraid She Was Planning to Poison Him. New York. Sept. 22.— (/P) —Police today discovered the body of Mrs. Sophie Poleski, a young East Side woman, in the furnace of a lumber yard kiln in Lewis Street. George Symuk, fireman of the lumber yard was arrested in connection with the woman’s death. The police said they believe she had been plnced in the furnace alive. Patrolman William Merrick, hear ing a woman’s screams coming from the lumber yard investigated. As he scrambled over ttoe piles of lumber the screnmx ceased. Merrick found Symuk near the fur nace. but he denied that a woman was 'on the premises. As Merrick began to question Symuk fled, and Merrick | fired his revolver. The shot was heard 1 by two other patrolmen, who caught the fireman and took him back to the furnace room. Tile officers found Mrs. Poleski's body inside the furnace, the door of which had been closed, and a shovel propped against it. Physicians said an autopsy would be necessary to determine whether she was burned alive, or whether she was first killed with blows over the head. Symuk told the police that the woman often visited him at the yard, and that she once threatened to poison him. When she brought him two bottles of wine early this morning he suspected that she had placed poison in the wine. He said he beat her over the head with a bottle, and then carried her body from an office in the main building to the furnace room. Police said Mrs, Poleski was gagged before being placed in the furnace. Symuk told his captors that when 4w>, xaiij lrom tbe lumber yard he in tended to commit suicide by jumping into the East River nearby. He was held on a charge of homi cide. Says Woman Was Burned Aliv*. New York, Sept. 22.— UP) —Mrs. So phie Poleskfi whose body was found by the police today in the furnace of thp East Side Lumber Yard kiln, was was placed in the furnace while still alive, and was burned to death, medi cal examiner Schwartz announced fol lowing an autopsy. Two fractures were found on the woman’s skull. George Symuk, the fireman in <"hnrge of the furnace, was arrested ami charged with Mrs. Poles ki's death. A policeman, attracted to the lumber yard by the woman’s screams, located the body. SEVEN CHURCHES HOLDING REVIVAL AT LEXINGTON Services Being Held Twice a Day and Business Houses Close for Morning Service. Lexington, Sept. 21.—Lexington has not only a fair this week but it has a big simultaneous evangelistic campaign going on in seven of the local churches. Services began yesterday and each day this week are being conducted at 8 in the morning and aj night. Bus iness houses are closing from 8 to 8:30 of the mornings in co-operation with the meetings. Rev. J. H. Barn hardt. of Charlotte. Rev. Wade C. Smith, Richmond; Rev. Joe H. Car ter, Elkin; Mrs. A. G. Dixon, Greens boro; Rev. Harvey A. Fesperman, Greensboro; Rev. John C. Peeler, of Lenoir, and Rev. Bertram Brown, Tar boro, are the preachers at First Meth odist, First Presbyterian, Dacotah Presbyterian, State Street Methodist Protestant, Second Reformed, First Reformed aud Grace Episcopal, re spectively. The conflict in dates appears to have been overlooked until too late conveniently to change either the meetings or the fair. W. M. Ivey. Stanly County, is Dead At New London. New London, Sept. 21-—W. M. Ivey. 68, one of Stanly county’s most prominent citizens, died at his home in New London this evening about 7 o’clock. He had been lingering be tween life and death for several days and the end was not unexpected. Mr. Ivey was a native of Stanly county aud a pioneer good roads en thusiast, and almost alone set in motion the forces that gave Stanly county Its present highway system. He was also prominently associated with educational developmeent of his community and the county. The B!g Piano Sale at Kidd-Frix Co. Only four more days of the big pi ano sal* at the Kidd-Frix Co., as the sale will end next Saturday night at 9 o’clock. The famous makes of pianos In this sale include; Milton. Cable, Nelson and Lester. You can get a brand new guaranteed 88-note player piano for only $287. See big ad. in today's paper. Dr. C. G. Bostrom, the state rail way's eye specialist in Sweden, has found that between five and six per cent, of all men are color blind. North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily CONCORD, N. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1925 7 ■ - -i - . . , .... Miraculous Escape For Auto Racer F * ’ * nWMlffi HEHSk- ' 4 '•eiW “i t . * pI When Elmer Eitei. racing driver, crashed through the fence of the Tan-foran race track, San Francisco, his car turned over three times, but lieescaped serious injury. Note the stretch of fence Eitei took with him. —r AUTOPSY MAY AID IN MURDER CASE Coroner Inclined to Believe Mrs. Arthur Holt, Who Died Sunday, Took Her Own Life. Waukegan. 111., Sept. 22.—OP)—An I autopsy report may clear Mrs. Clara Hareq. 30, and her step-father, Ar thur Holt, 40, held here in connection with the fatal shooting of the for mer’s mother, Mrs. Lillie Holr. Dr. John Taylor, I.ake Comity coro ner, believes Mrs. Holt shot hersellf, it was disclosed today. MOTION PICTURES PRODUCED WITH ENTIRE CAST OF BUGS Filins Feature Villains Only; 801 l Weevils Insist on Close-Ups; Bee* Chase Camera Man. Washington, D. C.. Sept. 22.—M0. tion pictures with bugs composing the entire east have been completed by the cinema laboratory of the depart ment of agriculture. In eontrnst to the usual productions, with their he roes and heroines, these pictures fea ture only villains. In one film the Calosoma beetle plays the lead, chasing a gypsy motto, decapitating it and then dragging it to its lair. In other pictures the boll weevil perforins on a cotton plant; the clohtes’ moth does its antics on a piece of wool, and the bedbug dem., onstrutes Its liking for human astio- ■ eiation by crawling on an attendant. While the acts were being recorded the warbe fly developed stage fright, and the picture could not be completed until the performer was reduced to semi-consciousness by chloroform. Temperament also was in evidence. Bees so objected to being photo graphed that they chased the camera man into a cellar, and the bo'.l weevils insisted upon close-ups. Several times I the grinding of the camera had to be stopped while the weevils were ex tricated from ttoe lenses. ACCIDENT RESULTS IN i DEATH OF TWO MEN Two Other Men Injured When They Were Caught Beneath Log Loader. Asheville, Sept. 22.—(A s )—Two per sons tv ere killed and two seriously in jured «t Suncrest, in Haywood coun ty. this morning when they were caught beneath a log loader which fell from a flat car on which they were riding. The dead are; Thomas Queen, aged about 50, prominent busi ness man of Canton, N. C.; Baxter Hamlin, 35. of Canton. The in jured are: John Simorly, 30, E. B. Justice, 29. Ttoe accident occurred on the railroad of the Suncrest Lum ber Company at a point about five miles above Suncrest. Record Earnings by Pullman Company New York, Sept. 22. —Gross revenue of the Pullman Company from opera tion of sleeping and parlor enrs in the fiscal year ended July 81 was the greatest in the company's history reaching $83,207,749. Net income from this business was $9,381,403 aud with other income from investments and dividends from Pullman ear nnd manufacturing company, total net in come amounted to $15,771,976. Net surplus for the year after dividends! and reserve for pensions, was $3,-1 033,104. -j *' *" . ANNOUNCEMENT 1 The 56th series in this old reliable building and loan - 2 and savings association w'll open on October 3rd, 1925. ! 4 The Officers and Stockholders invite each and every I person in Concord to take some shares in this series. i 7 Running shares cost 25 cents per share per week, i Prepaid shares cost $72.25 per share. ■; Each share is worth SIOO.OO at maturity. • We have been maturing our stock in 328 weeks. • Tax return day is coming. j " “JUST REMEMBER THAT ALE STOCK WITH | i US IS NON-TAXABLE.” START NOW CABARRUS COUNTY BUILDING LOAN AND ! SAVINGS ASSOCIATION ; Office in the Concord National Bank j; NEW TESTIMONY IS OFFERED RELATIVE TO THE SHENANDOAH Lieut. Thos. H. Hendley Says There Was Unusual Expansion of Gas Cells Before the Crash. ANOTHER OFFICER DENIES ALL THIS Says the Inspections Some Time Before Accident Showed Gas Pressure Was Not Excessive. Lakelmrst, N. J„ Sept. 22.—OP)— A new bit of testimony that there was unusual expansion of the gas cells before the airship Shenandoah broke up was given today before the naval court of inquiry investigating the loss of the ship. Lieut. Thos. H. Hendley, communi cation officer, testified that he was awakened by the pressure of a gas cell on his face, and likewjxe by the unusual angle at which the ship was riding. Previous testimony had been at this time the Shenandoah was above her pressure height, that, is, where the inside pressure of gas equals the outside pressure of the air. Before Lieut. Hentdley was called, Lieut, (’lias. E. Bauch, watch officer on duty at the time, declared inspec tions some lime before the accident | allowed the gas pressure was not ex cessive. Both Lieutenants Ilenly and Bauch, as well as Lieut. Roland J. Mayer, construction officer aboard, agreed with other witnesses that the breakup occurred when the ship's nose sud denly was tilted up during a second rapid ascent. Stories told by civilian eye witness es to the special investigating naval board were summarized to the court by Comander Jacob H. Klein, presi dent of that board. He said the two most intelligent of these witnesses agree that the ship broke at the bot tom Others. Commander Klein said, insisted that the craft ’humped up” and broke at the top. i All Reserved Seats Gone at Pitts burgh. Pittsburgh, Sept. 21.—Owners of the Pittsburgh baseball club again asked the newspapers tonight to an nounce to fans still hopeful of getting seats for the world series games here that there isn’t a chance. "The reserved seat sale is posi tively closed," said Secretary Wat ters. "The space is all gone, and there is not any more. It is useless to ask. All money orders and checks are being returned.” Mail Stolen. Toledo, 0., Sept. 22.—OP)—U. S. registered and first class mail of an undetermined value was stolen bc ■ tween 6:15 aud 6:20 a. m. today from I the registered mail room at the Union Station here. COMMISSION GETS DOWN TO BUSINESS Presbyterian Commission to Study Spiritual Condi tions of Church Is Ready to Start Inquiry. Atlantic City, N. .T.. Sept. 22.— UP) —The special commission appointed at the general assembly of the Pres byterian Church of t'iie Tinted States to study the spiritual conditions of the church and the causes making for unrest, holds its first session today. ' The commission is to report to the next general assembly "to the end 1 that, the purity, peace, unity and progress of the church may be as sured.” 1 THE COTTON MARKET Opened Firm at Advance of 8 to 22 Points in Response to Firm IJver. pool Cables. New York, Sept. 22.— (A>) —The cot- . ton market opened firm today at an advance off) to 22 points in response to relatively firm late cables from Liverpool, complaints of hot weather 1 in the eastern belts and reiteration of smaller crop estimates. Trade buying and covering was sup- 1 plied by realizing or southern selling, and the opening advance to 24.55 for December. Cate fluctuations were rather irregular. December eased off to 24.47 but the market held fairly steady at the end of the first hour, 1 witfi trading quiet. Two more private crop reports were 1 issued, one estimating the condition j 1 of 52. X and the indicated yield at 13.- 488,000 bales, while the other made the crop condition 51.1 and the indi cated crop 13.214.000 bales, based on : the government's estimate of acreage. ' Cotton futures opened firm. Oct. 24.14; Dec. 24.55: Jan. 23.00; March 24.18; May 24.42. • DELEGATES ADDRESSED BY SENATOR OVERMAN P. O. S. of A. Delegates Welcomed to State by Junior Tar Heel Sena- ' tor. Salisbury, Sept. 22. — UP) —The first ' meeting, which was a public one, of 1 the thirty-third biennial convention of the national camp of the patriotic Order Sons of America was held here ' this morning with addresses of wel- 1 come by Mayor J. M. Henderlite for the city and Senator Lee S. Overman for the state, fine latter making a pa triotic talk that fired the enthusiasm of his hearers. The response was by Gabriel H. ] Meyer, of Lebanan, I J a.. national pres , ident of the order. The first business session will be 1 held this afternoon with another to morrow morning, and in the after noon. after which t'iie convention comes to a close. Catfish Can and Do Travel on Dry Land When Necessary. ICinston. Sept. 22.—The fact up held in a decision by a southern Su preme court that catfish can, when there is urgent necessity or inclina tion, travel over dry land, found further . substatiation today in the claim of Nick Lowrey that a whole colony of Duplin county “cats” mi ' grated from small creek to a slough j i more than 50 yards away, i Lowrey said the upper reaches of j the creek dried up last week under I , the days of a hot sun. The drought ■ was causing small streams through- i * out the section to go dry. With the j water only a few inches deep. | scores of fish, many of them “cats.” struggled for life. Negro farm hands j caught large numbers. Catfish were] plentiful in the muddy water on a morning in the middle of the week. That afternoon at 4 o'clock there was not a representative of the species left in the creek. The following day Lowrey found a small tributary of the creek, in which fish had never beep seen be fore, “literally alive with catfish.” | Dammed at all times by a fallen trees trunk, the mouth of the branch at the time was further blocked by a mud flat. Having no outlet, the water in the branch was considerably deep er than that in the creek. The Fetzers Drive Tar Heel Eleven at Gruelling Gait. Chapel Hill. Sept. 21.—The Fetzer ! 4 brothers are pushing the Tar Heels 4 as they start the last week of train " ing before the Wake Forest enrolln ter, keping the men on the le'.d until - dusk and driving them through a . stiff scrimmage. Jack Cobb, second 4 string quarter since Hackney's in -4 jury, was at half in the first bnck *} field today and Underwood calling 3 the signals for the second quarter. Secretary Wilbur Is I Witness At Inquiry! ■ — ♦ WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE AT STATESVILLE To Meet Wednesday. October 14. Unification to Came Up. Statesville, Sept. 22.—i/P)—Two of t'lf w -“»ttrrs to come bej 10 west prelate Library- ,st con-1 fereftce nor— .8, are not directly mentioned at all on the j formal program prepared by the com mittee on arrangements. One is the vote on the question of unification; the other is the appoint ments of pastors to the various charges in tile conference for tile next year. The latter, however, is taken for granted, and always comes at the close of the conference. The question of the unification of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, with the Methodist Episcopal Church will come before the confer ences of the southern church all over the south at the annual conferences this fall, and will, of course, be the outstanding question in Southern j Methodism during the conferences. The first matter on the program is j the meeting of the conference histtor- j ical society on Tuesday night, Sep- j tember 13tlt. Business sessions will | begin on the following morning. The conference will be brought to a close with the sermon by Rev. ,T. F. Kirk, pastor of the West Market Street Methodist Church, Greensboro, on Sunday night. October ißth. The sessions will be held in the Broad Street Church here, with Bish op Collins Denny presiding. Bishop Denny also presided over' the confer ence at Greensboro last year. The program, as announced by Rev. W. L. Sherrill, secretary of the conference, follows: Tuesday, October 13tli, 7:30 p. m. —Annual meeting of the Conference Historical Society. Address by W. H. West. Wednesday, October 14th, 7:30 p. m. —Anniversary of Sunday school board. Address by Miss Minnie Kennedy, of the Sunday school board. Thursday, October 15th, 3:30 p. m.—Observance of Epworth League anniversary. Thursday. October 15th. 7:30 p. m.—Observance of education anniver sary. Address by Dr. Stonewall An derson, general secretary of educa ttion. Friday, October 16th, 2 :30 p. m.— Brotherhood conference, with sermon nt 3 :30 by Rev. R. M. Hoyle. Friday, October 16th, 7 :30 p. m.— Anniversary of life hoard of missiviis, with address by Dr. IV. W. Pinson, of Nashville, Tenn. Saturday, October 17th, 7:30 p. m. —Observance of tile anniversary of the board of church extension, with address b.v Dr. T. I). Ellis, secretary of the board. Sunday. October 18th, 0 a. m.— Love feast to be conducted by Dr. D. Atkins and Dr. ,T. E. Thompson. Sunday, October 18th, 11 a. m.— Senium by Bishop Collins Denny. Sunday, October 18th, 7 :30 p. m. —Sermon by Rev. .1. F. Kirk. ' In addition to the items appearing on the program there will be work on reports and policies for the ensu ing year; appropriations for churches < that will need help must be made; 1 the work of the year must be out- ‘ lined; and the pastors must he as- j signed to their respective charges for J the year. In addititon, of course, there will come up the question of * unification and possibly other ques- 1 tions of church policy. 1 The conference is made up of 1 eleven districts, Asheville, Charlotte, 1 Greensboro, Marion, Mount Airy, 1 Shelby, Salisbury, Statesville, Wins ton-Salem, Waynesville and North 1 Wilkesboro. i WYATT MURDER CASE HAS BEEN POSTPONED 1 Member of Defense Counsel Is 111 and Hearing Is Delayed Until Next Term of Court. Raleigh, Sept. 21.—Illness of Colo nel Armistead Jones, member of the defense counsel in the Wyatt murder case Which was to have begun tomor row, caused a postponement today and the trial will not take place at this term. Twice post polled after a rather bit- I ter fight, the defense, which had been asked for the titme which a delay I gave, was serupuous today about fur | tlier delay, Ed. S. Abelll. of Smith j field, appearing with the state, was j entirely agreeable to the postpone^ | ment. Mr. Aboil was a special friend | of Stephen Holt. Smithtield attorney, j who was killed by Jesse Wyatt, the j plain clothes detective. Picks Cotton at Age of Four and Half Years. Scotland Neck, Sept. 21.—This sec tion fan boast of possibly the young-1 e«t cotton picker in the state, cer tainly in the amount of cotton picked I per day. Little Katie K. Wills, an adopted j orphan. 4 1-2 years old who lives near Hobgood, picked during the past week lOt) pounds of cotton. The lit tle child herself weighs only 31 1-2 1 ]K>imds. but is unusually bright men-] tally for her age. She was adopted I j by Mrs. Lucy E. Wills, of Hobgood. | Two Stitches In Heart Saves Life of a Child. ; Washington September 21. —Two stiches in the heart of five-year-old Melvin Jones saved his life after he had fallen on the points of a pair of scissors. His father supplied blood for a transfusion. The boy was about to cut paper dolls when he fell downstairs. Both scissor points pierced his side, one cutting a quarter inch gash in his heart. THE TRIBUNE J PRINTS TODAY’S NEWS TODAY NO. 228 Secretary of Navy Thittks Department of National Defense)Would Be Great Mistake for the Country. ' PRESENT SERVICE IS NOT SO BAD So Far As Naval Air Serv ice is Concerned Mr. Wfl? j ber Would Leave It As i It Is At Present. Washington, Sept. 22.— UP) —Main- K tenance of the navy air service or- J ganization in substantially its pres* a ent form was advanced today by See* yj retary Wilbur before the President’s air lion nl. Called as the first witness of the S day by the board which yesterday in--8 quired into the policy of the war de partment and the navy air service, j Mr. Wilbur emphatically opposed the j creation of a department of national defense. Such a step, he declared, | | would be a “well nigh irreparable mis- 3 take.” “Air forces,” he asserted, “form *»;! essential part of the fabric of tfcfc'jb navy itself and its administration like all administrative problems inter nal to the navy will, if unmolested by outside influences, be solved with the same efficiency and with the same hap. ■ py results as has been obtained in similar problems ill the past." The Secretary likewise expressed opposition to establishment of the navy air service as a separate corps, analogous to the marine corps. H« declared against a single air maintained for national defense, but not under the army or navy. The navy, he said, requires its own "j air forces as “a vital element of a naval battle” adding that if a “vital ly component part of the navy is un der the direction and authority of an independent air service it removes jS from the naval coiqmander that unity "i of command in time of battle, and that uniformity of training in time of peace, which every war has proved to be essential to victory.” The Secretary assured the board that “all the information in the pos- 8 session of the Navy Department or any of its officers desired by you is 1 at your disposal.” "We wish.” he said, “to present