ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES f VOLUME XXV NEW EVIDEHCE FOR IMF! BOWS CONSDEIUTION NOW Board of Inquiry Drops Military Aspects of Air caft Development to Ex amine Commercial Side. MAIL SERVICE IS TO BE STUDIED Think ThfeWffl Form the Basis For Discussion «f Commercial Uses of Air planes in This Country. Washington, Sept-A 23.—GP)—The President's special air board turned it« attention today from the military aspects of aircraft development to the commercial possibilities of air trans portation and its present rate of prog ress. A The board is laying the general course of its inquiry, decided that it should include the commercial field es aviation as well as the military and that a study of the air mail - sirvice of the post office department >vus the logical darting point on that tide cf the investigation. Postmaster General New thus was called to open the inquiry into the commercial phase of the aircraft de velopment which has been stressed befordf the board by '.ligh officers of both the army and navy as present ing the best approach to the build ing up of an adequate reserve of trained pilots for the national de fense. . Others invited to appear as wit nesses today were Assistant Post master General W. Irving Glover, in charge of the air mail service, and Paul Henderson, his predecessor in office. The board completed its prelimi nary survey of military air forces with qyuestioning of army and navy authorities. The declared views of Secretary Wiljbur and three ranking admirals placed the navy squarely in line with the majority view of the war depart ment in opposing any material change in the present organization of the nation’s mis defense. The four ffltty witnesses .were unanimous in this !*r tfftjhfl}- yprttr the administration of the personnel In" the naval atr service. Will Attend Air Race Washington, Sept. 23.— OP) —The Piesident's air board has decided to attend for one day at least the Pulit zer air raee to be held at Mitchell Field, Long Island, October S, S> and 10th. Also Against Unified Air Service. Washington, Sept. 23—OP)—The post office department boss of the air mail service added its endorsement to day td the stand of the army and navy departments against a unified I separate air service in whieh ail the air activities of the federal govern ment will be consoliated. Postmaster General New appearing before the President's special aircraft board, was asked whether be favored the unified air service like that advo cated by Col. William Mitchell and he replied: “I believe the post office department should control its air serv ice.” Then after a pause he added, "That is all.” With other officials of the depart ment. Mr. New outlined the benefits of the air mail service ns now con stituted. The next cabinet member to be questioned by the board will be Secretary Hoover, who will appear late 'today .or tomorrow. With Our Advertisers. Let Bob's Dry Cleaning Co. show you what modern equipment means in cleaning and blocking hats. Phone 787. Clean hand picked ,i coal Bold by Cline & Mabery Coad Co. Phone 709. They have that famous Jeilico coal. Make your hens lay by giving them the foods you can get at Cline & Moose's. Naked, half-starved hens will not lay. Today only at Warner's Concord Theatre, Heed Howes and Effie Shan non' in "Lightning Romance. Also "Heloved Bozo” comedy and "The Majestic Trio,” the musicians. On Thursday and Friday, “His Majesty ' Bunker Bean.” Douglas Fairbanks in the great picture, “The Tlilef of Bagdad," at Warner’s Concord Theatre Monday and Tuesday, September 28th and 20th. This story abounds in astound ing and unbelievable magic. The Specialty Store specializes in football and athletic goods. Next to Cline’s Pharmacy. Doesn't Want Modification of the Vot- Newark. N. J., Sept. 23.— UP)— Christian W. Feignestan, president of the Christian Feignstan Brewery of Newark, today announced he had of fered his resignation aa. president of the United States Brewers’’ Associa tion because of his opposition to the reported attempt of representatives of the association to reach a compromise with the anti-saloon league on modifi cation of the Volstead law. Mtaspprehension About Protest. Washington, Sept. 23.—OP)—Navy Department officials said today a mis. " apprehension evidently had developed in testimony before the naval court of inquiry into the . Shenandoah disas ter at Lakehurst on the position of Lieut. Commander Lansdowne io ref erence to the time of making the flight, j ♦ «•***&& *&.• ■.!■■■ 4 & ■ The Concord Daily Tribune Real Opportunity Now . For Ambitious People Iu Our Subscription Campaign There Are Hundreds of ! People Waiting for You to Come and Get Their Subscriptions. 1 ACT NOW AND HAVE NO REGRETS i . i You Cannot Lose and You Can Win Big.—There Is l Room for You if You Have Desire to Win. With the publication of the very brief list of candidates in The Tribune and Times SIO,OOO autcftnobile and cash prize campaign, it seems that some have come to the conclusion that there exist real opportunities in each of the three districts for ambitious people to participate in this great of fer and win handsome rewards for well spent time on their part. How ever, in regard to most districts the impression seems to have reached only the stage of comment and the admis sion that there is a genuine rfiance to profit handsomely in the next few days. Even though district No. 1 has seen three or four new entries, the other two, are still in the same condition as existed at the first announcement and it locks as if there should be some live-wire people who would act on rile dictate* of their 1 best judgment by getting Into this great competition right now. There are still more cap ital prizes than there are active work ers and we believe that as soon as some few come to the realization of this fact the list of candidates in every district will present a more healthy appearance. There is no real advantage to be overcome by any one with the deter mination to win one of the Ifiggest prizrß but it is important that you be one of the first to grasp this situa tion and get off to a good start be fore the campaign gains its momen tum. There are hundreds, yes thou sands of prospective subscribers in the circulation territory of The Tribune and ’Times who will be glad to back up aoine favorite as soon as they get in and get busy. Whole miles and (Rite* oLiertitory fife «» yet. absolute y uriFeffresenfed by a candidate, sec tions which can easily support win ners for the big prizes if that per son will just make liim or herself known and claim that support. Let's act now and have no regrets after a few weeks. There is a prize of any size desired for every one who participates in this astounding prize offer. Think of it —slo,ooo in automobiles and cash awards. You eanuot lose. You can win big. There is the $2,110 Buick Master-Six Brougham, the $l,OlO Studehaker Speeial-Six Duplex I’hae ;ten, the $1,335 Hudson Coach, the $938 Chevrolet Sedan, three cash prizes of S2OO each and three cash prizes of SIOO each. And then for every person who does not win one of these prizes there is the 10 per cent cash commission paid on the to tal amount of subscription business done. You are paid in proportion to what you do. Is that not the fairest offer you can conceive of? We know for a fact that there are many people who have talked this great opportunity over at home. There are many husbands and wives who have decided that it would be a won derful accomplishment to obtain their own car or some cash to afford many of those little things they have held off for so long. These tales come to the campaign department every 'day. Then why do these people who are really ambitious not act on their desires? Now is the time to start realizing those hopes. There is room for you who have the desire to win. Get in touch with the campaign de partment at room 209 Cabarrus Sav ings Bank building, or phone 579, Concord. If you can not come per sonally phone or write Box 431, Con cord, and a representative will call at any address to help get you started toward something better than every day accomplishments. A woman suffrage bill has been in troduced in the Argentina congress. ■ J i i ANNOUNCEMENT * l The 56th series in this ol<J reliable building and loan s and savings association v/11 open on October 3rd, 1925. \ The Officers and Stockholders invite each and every I j person in Concord to take some shares in this series. ■ i Running shares cost 26 cents per share per week. j 1 Prepaid shares cost $72.25 per share. . ! ‘ l Each share is worth SIOO.OO at maturity. We have been maturing our stock in 328 weeks. f Tax return day is coming-. vJVRSTREMEMBER THAT ALL STOCK WITH US IS NON-TAXABLE.” START INOW 1 j CABARRUS COUNTY BUILDING LOAN AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION I Office in the Concord National Bank j JiTiii j : .i>i :,i i rrm-iiM gama ■ * ROWAN MAN RECEIVES PARDON FROM M’LEAN Harvey Young. Having served One Yrar of Two-Year Sentence, Is Given Release. Raleigh, Sept. 22.—Fu1l pardon for Harvey H. Young. Rowan oonftty young man who has served nearly a | year of his two yeans on the roads for burning a barn, was ordered to day by Governor McLean. I Young, who comes of a good Rowan family, is the beneiciary of a dend judge's letter. The late Judge Benjamin F. Long, who tried and sentenced him, saw the weakness of the case nud gave the prisoner a rather Might sentence. Young, who earried water and did other work of a trusty oh the road between Mocks ville and Salisbury, interested many residents in his case. There is the greatest doubt about, bis guilt. Gov ernor McLean in part says: "Honorable B. F. Long, now de ceased, in a letter to the governor's office, states that tbe evidence in this case was entirely circumstantial and that from facts that hnu arisen since the trial clemency on the part of the ’ executive would be approved by him. The jurors who tried the ease have unanimously requested elemenpy ior the prisoner, as have many of the officials nnd n thousand or more citizens of Rowan county. "This very unusual request for' clemency is based on the fact that several barn burnings occurred in the neighborhood and especially be cause another citizen of Rowan coun ty later confessed to having burned two barns after this date and was adjudged' insane nnd sent to the state asylum for. tbe insane for the second time for this same offense. I am reliably informed that no burn ings of this nature have occurred in this section since the last named party jvae removed from the com munity. “It appears also- that the principal evidence against Young connecting him with the crime was the testi mony of a state witness, giving an automobile number corresponding with Young's, alleging that he re membered this number by merely see ing it by the roadside on one occas ion), without pretending to know the ear of Young, and at the same time admitting that he did not know his own j-iutomobile number. “In view of the peculiar circum stances surrounding this case, and especially the fact that the burnings continued after this prisoner’s re moval from the community and ceased immediately upon the re moval of another from it, and the nature of tiie evidence in the case. I have this day pardoned the prison er for the remainder of bis tem." SPEEDY TRIALS FOR THE ASHEVILLE MOB LEADERS All But Three of Alleged Twenty Leaders Held in Jail in Default of Bonds. . Asheville, Sept. 23.—OP)—Speedy trials will be given the alleged lead ers of the mob that stormed the Bun combe county jail last Saturday night with the intention of lynching Alvin Mansel, negro, identified as the assail ant of a white woman on Sunset Mountain, Solicitor J. E. Swain an nounced this morning. The statement was made by the so licitor after twenty of the thirty men who were indicted by the grand jury yesterday afternoon had been served with capiases. Ail but three of the twenty alleged leaders and participants in the mob were held in jail today unable to give ; the required bonds of $2,500 each. Pope Permits Catholic a Marry [ Lutheran. Rome, Sept. 22. —The pope has granted a special dispensation for the marriage of Princess Mafalda, ! Catholic, and Prince Philip of Hesse, 1 Lutheran, for the particular reason 1 that, not only does Mafalda remain 1 undisturbed in the Catholic faith, but has promised to bring up the children of the union in the same re- j ligion, without interference or re- < straint from her husband. ( I Native Maori women of New Zea- I land salute their friends in the street i by rubbing noses. North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily CONCORD, N. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1925 Her Diamond Caused a Murder I i Mrs. Suzanne Crawford, of Saq Antonio, Tex., showed her former hus band, t barles Crawford, a diamond engagement ring her fiance, Prentice M Henley, had given her. A quarrel resnlted and Crawford was seriously wounded. Henley offered his blood, believing a transfusion operation might save Crawford’s life, but he died. Mrs. Crawford is being held under SISOO bond in connection with the slaying. New Cotton Forecast Made By government New Forecast Calls For a Crop of 13,931,000 Bales, an Increase Over Report Made Two Weeks Ago,,. ginninGsahead OF LAST YEAR 4,275,928 Bales Have Been Ginned While Last Year Total Was About Half at Same Period. •Washington, Sept. 23. —OT»)—Cot- ton production this year, forecast from the condition of the crop Sep tember 10th is indicated at 13.931,000 aquivalent 500-pound bales, the de partment of agriculture' announced today. A fortnight ago 13,740,000 bales were forecast. Last year’s! crop was 13.027,936 bales. The number of bales of cotton 1 ginned from the growth of 1925 prior! to September lOih was 4.275.928 running bales, counting round as half: bales, the census bureau announced. To that date last year 2,605.793 run ning bales were ginned. The condition of the crop on Sep tember 16th was 54.8 per cent of a normal, indicating a yield per acre of about 143.5 pounds, compared with a condition of 56.2 per cent, indicat ing an acreage yield of 141.5 on Sep tember Ist this year, and 55.4 per cent on September 10th last year when the final yield was 157.1} pounds per acre. The condition of the crop' and pro duction indicated therefrom by states include North Carolina, 62 per cent and 1,103,000; South Carolina, 43 per cent and 837,000. Break hi Prices Follows. New York, Sept. 23.—OP)—A per pendicular break of $6 to $7 a hale in cotton prices followed the publication of the government report on produc tion and ginnings today estimating the condition at 53.8 per cent, of nor mal, and a crop of 13,031,000 bales. Fire at Massachusetts State Farm. Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23.—5 P) —lire broke out at the State farm today and rapidly swept through the buildings where hundreds of prisons-: ers are confined. Aid was summoned from four nearby towns. Spanish Troops Advance. Madrid, Spain, Sept. 23. —CP)—lt is announced officially that the Span ish forces operating in the Alhura mas sector have advanced and occu pied Moro Viejo, Maltnusi and Cuer nesxauan. Your Last Chance TO HEAR * “THE MAJESTIC TRIO” TODAY AT 3:30—7:30—9:30 CONCORD THEATRE i ♦ I MORE SWEATERS TO BE MADE IN CITY '■ Mrs. G. B. Lewis Gives a Sleeveless Sweater and Mrs. C. A. Cannon a Sweater With Sleeves. More responses have been made this week to the Red Cross appeal ' for sweaters for siek soldiers, Mrs. O. B, Lewis sending in a sleepless sweater and Mrs. C. A. Cannon prom ising a sweater with sleeves. Trior to t'liis Mrs. D. L. Bost. Mrs J. F. Cannon and Miss Elizabeth . Gibson had promised sweaters, rals lying the total promised now to live. In addition to promising sweaters [ Mrs. C. A. Cannon and Mrs. Lewis i promised wool for another sweater ij if some one will make it. Any one | desiring to do is asked to notify Rev. iW. A. Jenkins, local Red Cross t chairman. I I While this city has been asked to ■\ furnish only six sweaters Mr. Jenkins I is anxious to get as many as possible. "There is no limit on the number we can send in,” he stated, "and I hope we will greatly exceed our quota.” Persons desiring information as to how the sweaters should be made are asked to confer with Mr. Jenkins. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Firm Today at Advance of 9 to 22 Points in Response to Firm Cables. New York, Sept. 23.—CP)—The cot ton market opened firm today at an advance of 9 to 22 points in response to relatively firm Liverpool cables, trade buying and covering in prepar ation for the day's government re port. On considerable Southern selling and realizing, December after selling at 24.80 at the start, eased off to 24.60, but covering continued and be came more active toward the end of tbe first hour on reports of cold rains in Texas. Private cables said tile advance in Liverpool was due to covering and trade buying, with moderate demands from spinners and improved business •in cotton cloths in Manchester. Cotton futures opened firm. Oct. 24.35; Dec. 24.80; Jan. 24.07; March 24.35; May 24.58. An ancient Persian ambassador to France every morning before th* day's business saluted a turf of earth dug from his native soil to remind him of the loyalty due his country in all the transactions of the day. —■> ■ . 1 French Debt Mission Reaches This Country SCOTLAND DAY AT THE CHARLOTTE EXPOSITION | Big Gathering of the Scotch Expect ed Today at Made-In-Carolina. Charlotte. Sept. 22.—A special train carrying 500 persons, including 275 school children nnd teachers of Scotland county, is expected Wed nesday at 11 o'clock for the Made- In-Caro’.ina Exposition. More than 500 persons will coine by automobile. The program will be under the direction of Xcotlnnd eoifnty folks, Paul C. Whitlock, of Charlotte, will deliver the address of welcome, and Edward 11. Gibson, of Scotland coun ty, will respond. A reception and luncheon for dis tinguished Carolina women will be given Wednesday at Hotel Charlotte. The visitors will be Mrs. Lei toy Springs, of Lancaster, S. C\, the first woman to be honored with the nomination of vice-president of the United States, and who was a dele gate to the National Democratic Convention in 1924; Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt, of Biltmore, former President of the North Carolina .Agricultural Society; Mrs. Edwin C- Gregory, of Salisbury, State Regent of the I>. A. A., nnd Mies Jenn Col trnne, of Concord, former Historian General of the D. A. R. Interest of the women who were in the crowd Tueedny appeared to center on forthcoming special events at the Made-In-Carolina Exjiosltion, including the series of six style revues and the prospective visit of Lois Wilson, formerly of Alabama, motion picture star, who will be honor guest of Friday, when a ball will be given at the Exposition building in honor of her and her sis ter, Mies Diana Kane, also a -screen actress. Some of the "high spots” as in dicated 'by the Exposition’s program included the following: Wednesday, Sept. 23, Scotland County day, and style revue. Thursday, Sept- 24, Kiwanis Club, and style revue. Friday, Sept. 25.. Lois Wilson day. Civitan day, and Movie ball. Saturday, Sept. 26. Biuefield Boosters day and Children's Style revue. Tuesday, Sept. 29, Dry Goods Merchants Convention nnd Lunch eon. Textile Diversification dinner; visit by Governor McLean of North Carolina. SecretarvPatton said that the tex tile diversification dinner will be l held Tuesday evening. Sept. 29,i and I will be one of the outstanding events! of the Exposition, which will close , October 3- ] Tax Reductions to Have Right of Way. Washington, Sept. 23. —(/P)—Tax ! reductions will have right of way in j the House from the day Congress con venes, President Coolidge was in formed today by Representative Til son. of Connecticut, the new Republi can floor leader. Even the appropriation bills will be pu; aside, he said, in an effort to complete the House action on the rev enue measure before Christmas. He predicted that the bill would bo in the hands of the President for his signature well in advance of March! 15, next, when the first installments j of taxes on 1925 incomes will be due.! “Peace” Commission in Secret Session. \ Atlantic City, N. J.. Sept. 23.—0 P) i * —“The peace” commission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States assembled again behind closed doors today to wrestle with the many problems facing the church, especial ly the question .of doctrinal differ ences between fundamentalists and modernists. Steamer George Washington Refloated Bremen. Germany, Sept. 23.—CP)— The steamer George Washington, af ter having gone aground today on Mellum Flat in the River Weser, was refloated without damage this after noon and continued on her way to New York, to which she is bound from Bremerhaven. Tom Moore, the Irish poet, was a grocer’s son, short of stature and of insignificant appearance. To Have More Horses Than Ever At The Fair Races Here This Year With more than sixty entries al ready listed, officials of the Cabarrus County Fair Association expect more horses than ever for the races at the fair to begin October 13th. The en try lists do not close until October 10th, fair officials point out. and be tween now and then more than fifty aditional horses are expected to be entered for the handsome purses to be given to the winners in the va rious track events. Fifteen horses are quartered at the fair grounds now and while most of them have just returned from a swing through Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee and other states they are being groomed daily for the races here. Activities are daily increasing at the fair grounds as opening day for the fair draws near. Exhibit halls are being put in shape, booths which will house lunch and cold drink stands are being repaired, and the grounds are being cleaned. Due to the fact , that a caretaker stays at the grounds ] the year round, little has to be done! to get the grounds in shape. “We are going to offer the best l fair we have ever offered, and people who have been at the other two know what that means," Dr. T. N. Spencer, I secretary of the fair association, stat ed. “For the first time gince we | Finance Minister Caillaux trtain Basis Can Be ' of •Mate 01 DETAILS’OFPLAN ARE KEPT SECRET | Mission Gives No Hint as; to Suggestions It Will Make to the American Officials. New York. Sept. 23. —(/P)—Ex- pressing confidence that the French war debt to the I'nited States can be settled "upon the basis of peace and righteousness.” Jos. Caillaux. French finance minister, arrived on the S. S. Paris today as the head of the French government mission which will open negotiations with the American debt commission in Washington tomorrow. “I hare come accompanied by emi nent members of all political parties in the French parliament." he sa'd in a prepared statement handed to news paper men who boarded the Paris at quarantine, "to bring a settlement of all our debts. There is no instance in history in which France has failed to do so.” The details of his plan are a closely guarded secret which has been reserv ed for the ears of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon and his American conferees. The precise sum which he will offer to begin paying at once was the subject of earnest continuous dis cussion between him and colleagues, several of whom are experts in pre paring financial bills likely to be ac cepted by the country. The minister was receptive to their suggestions, but did not mention to any of them his own figures. v Mr. Caillaux, recalled from obscur ity into which his war activities had led him. to lead his country out of a wilderness of post-war fi.nancial prob lems, reiterated again and again that he expected and hoped to go home with a satisfactory agreement. HEART ATTACK CLAIMS UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN Prank Gambia. Jr„ of Llneobiiton. Found Dead ’Early Tuesday By His Roommate. t Chapel Hill, Sept. 2^.—Frank Gamble, Jr., of I.incolnton, a fresh j man in the university, died hero early today of Heart disease from | which he had been suffering for | many months. j He passed away peacefully some- I time during the early morning horn's. His roommate. R. C. Goode, also of j Li.ncolnton. discovered the corpse ! when he tried to arouse him for classes. Dr. E. A. Abernethy, univer sity physician, who was summoned, said the young man had been dead several lieu is. The family arrived this afternoon to care for the body, which will be accompanied to /Lincolnton by a special escort of university students. Treatment For Rabies Taken by Sev eral Rowan People. j Salisbury, Sept. 22.—Roth dogs and I cats have contributed to n general | scare in this community and local ■ physicians are administering anti rabie treatment to a number of peo ple. One little fox terrior bit sev eral people and n number of dogs while on the flying trip down North Main street, and in the business sec tion a woman and a man were bitten by a dog which was later killed. A woman who has been taking the treatment was scratched by a sick cat which she was chloroforming and a report from Raleigh where its 'head was sent for examination stated that the animal had rabies. A family in the country, the members of which were treated, have lost two milk cows that were bitten by the same dog which bit them. Although there are three million more persons in the cities than in the country, there are two million more children under ten years of age in the country than in Pile cities. started the fair we are satisfied with shows, exhibits and horses secured. It is the same with the free nets. It is safe to say this fair is going to be so much bigger and better than ! anything else offered that the people' will agree with us in the opinion i that it is one of the best in the South.” Friday night of fair week will be “Klan night" and hundreds of mem bers of the organization are expected to be present for the parade and ad dresses which will feature the night’s program. Special fire works will be offered for the Klansmen, accord ing to present plans, and local Klan officers have invited thousands of fel low members to be present to make the occasion one of the most notable in the history of the organization in this part of the state. ■I. Cline, head of the fair’s poultry department, has received en | tries from more than Tf> poultrymen I and the poultry exhibit this year is j expected to be much larger than it I was last year, although 100 new coops I were purchased last year to take care of the increase from the year be fore. I If fair weather prevails during the week of the fair official expect all pre vious attendance records to be broken. ■ ■ THE TRIBUNE prints -mm TODAY’S NEWS TODAY NO. 229 LANSDOWME DID NOT WANT TO IKE TRIP IN THE SHENANDOAH The Testimony at Inquiry Shows That ConunandCf of 111-Fated Dirigible Wanted to Postpone Trip ship allTright AS SHE STARTED Capt. George Steele, Jr., Said He Inspected It Be fore Startiny and It Asi peared All Right to Him. Lakeburst. N. J., Sept. 23. —G4")—• , Tiie Shenandoah was ordered on her fatal flight to the west on September 2nd. despite recommendations of Lieut. Commander Zachary Lansdowne *bat the trip be deferred until the second • week in September. This is shown by official documents read into the record today of the nav al court of inquiry by Capt. Gee. W. Steele, Jr., commander of the Lake hurst air station. After the navy department had dis approved his plan for starting at the latter period, Commander Lansdowwip; made no further protest, Capt. Steele declared to the court today. The coe-a respondenee showed that the Departs! !, ment was very noxious to have the great ship visit fairs in Ohio, Indiana, ! Michigan, lowa and other westerrf'J states during the first two weeks September. Commander I.ansdowwS replied that, since there would not ba time to complete preparations at.| Scott Field, 111., for reception oI ship lie would suggest that the vojraga;| bo deferred until the second week. The Navy Department disapproved % of 11lls plan, fixed the itinerary and Commander Lansdownic undertook to carry out the trip. It first had been -l suggested in July, but Commander | 1/ansdowne objected because that would be during the season of thun-| derstorms in the Middle West, and it was because of this objection that the flight was deferred until September. After describing frequent inspec tions made of the great airship and particularly of the middle structuife, J Captain Steele told the court that her condition at the time of departure met with his entire approval. He added 1 J that the flight vrtffi fivers and men in the very hopeful spir it of carrying the desirability of this kind of craft on tp tho people of the country. ' 'isl TO DISCI SS PROBLEMS ’ I OF TOBACCO FARMERS In Connection With Tobacco Produc ed WitJi Muriate of Potash. Raleigh, Sept. 23.—C4>)—A meeting , of farmers, fertilizer people and to- ; baeco manufacturers will shortly be called by Commissioner of Agriculture William A. Graham to discuss prob lems in connection wit’h tobacco pro- * duced with muriate of potash, the commissioner has announced.' . The announcement followed an of- ' fieial visit of the official to the to bacco test farm of the department of ’ agriculture at Oxford, made by Mr. Graham in company with F. E. Mil- 1 .er, ill charge of the department’s test farms. “E. G. Moss, in charge of the Ox ford farm, has made a very important discovery," said Commissioner Gra ham, “in t’aat he has found that to bacco grown with muriate of potash i ; makes just as good a yield as that - grown with sulphate of potdsh. I consider this a very important dis- j covery. as for years it was thought that sulphate of potash produced a much better product. "It will be necessary, however,” con tinued Mr. Graham, “to have tha burning process tested out before defi- | nite conclusions or recommendations i can be made. In order that- there : may be a full discussion of this prob- i lem, I shall call a meeting of farm- j ers, fertilizer people, and tobacco man- • ufacturens and ask them to consider ■ it from all standpoints in an effort to reach such conclusions as may be of benefit to all concerned. The best * interests of the tobacco farmers mu«ti| be the first point tot be taken into consideration in this matter.” The question appeared to interest | Mr. Graham extremely, and he indi cated that as soon as the water could be fully investigated and after eon- if ferences with experts, he will make ! whatever recommendations Seem prop- ’ er. i Though the barber shop private?', shaving mug is almost gone, many old- ;, time shops still have many old iudi- i victual cups that are no longer in use, 1 some of them belonging to estates and a unclaimed by their owners. SAT’S BEAR SAYS: Probably showers tonight and 9 Thursday, slightly cooler tonight tile I'ast pol'ttion, warmer in tbt'MMM tnil and wist portions Thursday, J Moderate to fresh east winds.

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