PAGE SIX f A GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITY ft ! ; if . Now, whUe The Tribune-Times SIO,OOO '■'•v'-.'SIHB There is a prize of any size you want here campaign is starting, is the time to get for honest effort Just realize this fact going. We need more live-wire workers. while this condition still exists. rML* life I Concord Motor PHAETON \ vBBBv i Wrl Purchased from Auto Supply & Repair Co. i The list of candidates below should be CHEVROLET SEDAN The weakness of this campaign is our mis : * our tunes this size. Enter now and help Purchased From white Auto Co. fortune but it is your opportunity. There swell the list and also your own assets. Value $938 are cars and cash for those who see it. p *—«, I VOTE SCORE District No. 1 1 ZjJ i Costs Nothing to Investigate or Following is the list of candidates, with their votes published, in iiittl Pj #. this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, afitm jjfijjfc Fntpi'l v one SIOO cash prize and 10 pot. commission to all other active can- ntfAL Hull ? aialllCr. » didates must he awarded iu this district. In case of any omission or flnnW . mm ! I irr^ ri -~--—ifc fn A A £\£\ m ' And it may mean a great deal to or bring in Miss Marie Barrier ZZ~ZZZZ~~~ Miss Edna Margaret Fink l siooo Miami ’ I II I ffiß times” — the means of getting more enjoyment out of life. Z Mw. .T H«roan Laughlin .. 132,800 Sm> Al A “ffl Remember—to get id on this GREAT OFFER takes only Z Stephen B Morris “..ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ li-’ioo taitf jffi a sta . m P or a tri P to headquarters and it doesn’t obligate > Sam Perkins ZZZZZZZ'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ— f) 000 liuujj you in any way to send or bring in the coupon. The op « Paul Query mfSil TTW. T A T T 3 portunity of owning one of these cars is certainly worth * Miss Dorothy Roberts _ 81,600 sß* I ■ /% H WUSS that little trouble. Mrs. R. M. Sappenfield 128,400 Mil 1 I 1 i AA tj I I ffilßß District No. 2 §|| # A ’ «?3S3S* St-5 There is a car or cash M the concord tribune times; I# Z one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. commission to all other active' ™»- IHf for everyone who par- J§|| Gift Department didates must be awarded in this district. In case of any omission or !i lIUIUiL ... Loncord, N. C., incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once ;tlfftHl tICIDatCS. ffljffik GENTLEMEN: Miss Lucile Cline, Kannapolis 129,700 5 Hilt r IfflffSS Miss'F^rriett n br^ a, ffif | §2OO in Cash to each dis- ffll You may send > me further information regarding your |; * Miss Ethel Saxon, Mary Ella Hall, Kannapolis ZZ ojooo ifflSff ** Gift Distribution in which “Everybody Wins.” It is un • Mrs. Nina Stogner. R. F. D. l, Concord 5,000 rffiwaS trict. derstood that this request for information does not obli- - District No. 3 S| SIOO in Cash to each dis- j 8 j Following is the list of candidates, with their votes published in ' tHct. *3sWj Name Phone | this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize Jump one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet, commission to all other active can- HfflfflZ lAT> A . o 1 /i If 10 Per Cent. Cash Com- gg Address , ( HaSAn=r ii™ SB mission to all active 3§ Rev. E. Myers, R. F. D. C, Concord __ _ mvio Jit ffW— 2 JjuJJ | 5,000 non-pnze winners. |||i A TRIBUNE-TIMES CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT Jfc Room 209 Cabarrus Savings Bank Building ||§Wm^||l I MaU Address: Box 431 Office Hours: 9A.M.t09 P. M. Telephone 579 II H THE CONCQHD DAILY TRI&UNI Wednesday, Sept 2?, 1925