PAGE SIX ge Outfit $24.75 'ess and Springs fillers. Finished Walnut, Mahogany, jj fd with double looks, very strong and | hat never fail to work. u t § Extra Heavy National Spring, reinforced on sides to prevent sagging, j s IBooks made on springs. No rails or slats necessary. i Forty-five ponnd cotton mattress, made of all new material. Fancy f i tick, in blue or p'nk, !I IK. . 1 The above outfit is guaranteed and we will replace any piece that fails to give good service. New Goods arriving daily. Come in and look them over. No obli- | gat ion to buy. gConcord Furniture Co. I THE RELIABLE FI KNIT! RE STORE QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO —:: —Eat —:: — JOHNSON'S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH I j IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO j| YOUR GROCER A\ Price Only 20 Cents a Pound I6as oil! TIRES and TUBES I And the Prices Are Right Standard and Sinclair Gasoline | and Motor Oil Goodyear and Lancaster Tires and 1 Tubes Free Air! Free Water! Free Service! Yorke & Wadsworth Co. The Old Reliable Hardware Store Union and Church Streets Phone 30 Phone 3C J.IJ 1111. I 1- " g|gg 1, Women’s Cloth Coats Luxurious the Furs That Embellish Them jj „ These Coats adhere to the simple in !' 8 ~UrMsa st y le ' with the most skilful attention giv- ij [ en to line. They are of the richer fabrics |! reserved for fashioning the finer modes, fe Every detail is in perfect harmony, each j 1 FW/ garment; having that very desirable sea- | 9 L jj&f ture—distinction. At Special Prices !j I J[ $16.95 ' $39.50 I IT PAYS TO TRADE AT 1 FISHER’S ~ Concord Daily Tribune r TIME OF CLOSING MAILS h The time of the dosing of mails at I*" the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 136-J1:00 P. M. A. M. 4 :10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 80—11:00 P. M. Southbound ! SO— 9:30 A. M. ] 45 3 :30 P. M. ! 135 8:00 P. M. i 29—11:00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION r j R. C. Killian, of Lenoir, has oo |" ; cepted a position in Efird's and will i. be connected with the ready-to-wear f i department of the store. He began ■I 1 bis new duties in Concord this morn la iDK - I" According to a deed filed Thursday r at the court house here Samuel L Sloop, of Rhode Island, has sold to - W. B. Sloop for $lO and other vain f" able considerations one-fifth interest '1 in property on North Union street. ;■ Dr. S. E. Lee, who has been hold !' ing a tubercular clinic in Concord }!! this week, and Miss Margaret Ford, I- County Tuberculosis Nurse, are !“ spending today in Kannapolis, where th£ are holding a clinic. }., I. I. Pavis, Jr., suffered an injury | to his right eye several days ago when ts I practicing a machine shot, the club i» | striking in a number of pebbles, one }' jof which cut Mr. Pavis’ eye. The £ injured eye is improving satisfaetor !• il.v now, it is reported, i- Raymond Kluttz. who was opera t t ed on at the Concord Hospital for j. the removal of his appendix, will be |“ taken to his home on Franklin avenue £ this evening. Mr. Kluttz' recovery from the operation has been unusually h rapid. | The condition of R. P. Benson, re .... cuperafing at the Concord Hospital from a recent stroke of apoplexy, is » so much improved that he hopes to , be able to return to his home on i Spring street within the next several 1 days. 1 Tile Carolinn-Wake Forest football . j game at Chapel Hill tomorrow will i i be witnessed by a number of local [I fans. The game probably will have l j much bearing on the state ehampion- H ship and for that reason is of more | interest than any other game to be i staged in the state this week. i An edition of the Y. M. C. A. paper | is now being prepared for the press , and will be out in several weeks. This sheet is sent out all over tile I’nited [ States atid to a number of foreign i countries, Mr. Blanks receiving a 1 number of congratulatory messages on its excellence. Only three eases are scheduled to be tried in recorder's court this as • ternoon. according to a report by po m lice officers. Two defendants are B charged with speeding and the other ij with violating the prohibition law. 1 g The tatter defendant is Hoy 1,. Spry, •j who was arrested in Wilson at the B request of local officers. B Three sets of brothers face one an- H other now when the Davidson varsity ■ and freshmen football teams meet in I practice. Two of the brothers are § Dan and Charles Ritchie, of thiscity, It Charles being a member of the varsity i squad while Dan is fighting for a a place on the freshman team. The sj work of the brothers has been of high g order so far this season. a Reports from Nevin Sappenfield, | who is in Charlotte at the Sanator -9 ium since his leg was broken in last | Saturday's football game, indicate 8 that he is getting along as well as | can be expected. The cast has not yet been placed on the broken limb, owing to the fact that the flesh wound will have to heal before this can be put on. Pittsburgh and Washington will fight the world series this year. M ashington clinched the pennant in the American League Thursday by defeating Cleveland two games while Philadelphia was losing to St. Louis. Pittsburgh clinched the National League pennant Wednesday. The two teams will begin the world series on October 7th in Pittsburgh. While temperatures during Thurs day were not so low, it was delight fully cool again at night as has been the case during most of the week. Overhanging clouds, bringing threats of rain, probably have accounted for J the lower temperatures, but they have | not sent the rain that is badly needed | by some and not so badly needed by i others. i The Davidson-Wofford football game [ at Davidson tomorrow afternoon . i should be a hard fought, tight battle, i The two teams, according to pre- | season dope, seem about evenly I i matched with the breaks expected ' j to determine the winner. The game , will begin at 3 o'clock at Richardson i Field and a numbers of fans from j this city plan to see it. 1 Hopeless Cripple Under Arrest on a i Liquor Charge. i Monroe, Sept. 24.—W. H. Huntley. \ aged 46, and a man with a body and , i legs, was arrested here yesterday for | retailing. The officers found in his possession six gallons of corn whis key. Huntley, who was bom a crip \ pie, is a native of Wythe county, i Virginia, and says that in that moun i tain section be suffered further afflic | tions from rheumatism. He came to Monroe about nine months ago, looking for a more favorable climate. Since a resident here, he has made his living by selling fruits on the ; streets until June, when the city al i dermen legislated fruit carts and wagons off the streets of Monroe. j There are two sides to every ques tion, but some of the questions now being widely debated in this happy land are like the bass drum, of which 6 it was said that after you had lis ji tened to both aides'of it you hadn't 0 muefc. , \ TOE CONCORD DMLV TRIBUNE —BK-nraa. m. koimw- OSTEOPATHIC Physician Suite 403 Cabarrus Savings Bank ‘ Building “Osteopathy treats any illness for which people consult a doctor.” Phone: Office 914; Res. 557 Our New Mechanically Refrig erated I Autopolar Foun tain ! keeps ice cream in the most 1 perfect condition. With this new .automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the ■ temperature "to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 82 | 10 PER CENT. 1 1 1 Christmas Cards placed during i I I I [ the month of September. We | ] i] i represent one of the best en- ' i 1 1 gravers in the country. Come ] 1 in and makr your selection ear- 'l l] i] i ly while stock is fresh and com- \ i V plete. ' ' 1 jji S. W. Preslar j JEWELER —| OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC SAN-TOX ' i I ! : TOOTH BRUSHES I j ] | A Guaranteed Tooth ;| j j | Brush. __ J | j | | --See the big tooth brush | 1 j 1 ■ in our window. Cline’s Pharmacy i ] I Phone 333 ! ] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ j TLMES-TRIBI'NE PENNY ADS ALWAYS GET RESULTS My Diary | OuErvav. AOdtf I j \xwmuhs - .$0 AJLfIUbOTt [ Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store CONCORD COTTON MARKET FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER K, 1925 I Cotton a—. 23 1-2 2 Cotton Seed T —.53 1-2 jg CONCORD PRODUCE | (Corrected Weekly by Cline k Moose) | Figures turned represent prices | paid for produce on the market: Egge -40 fi Corn - £ $1.35 g Sweet Potatoes 1.75 | Turkeys * .* .25 to .30 Onions $1.50 Peas $3.00 Butter .30 Country Ham .30 Country Shoulder .20 Country Sides A. .20 Young Chickens .25 Hens ; .18 Irish Potatoes 51.60 The poet Byron bad a clubfoot which caused him untold embarrass ment. Talleyrand waa also dub-, footed. * HIGH POINT WOT ©N THE P. AND N. PROGRAM Mr. Morrison Says the Matter Blag Re Discussed Liter. However. High Point*. Sept. 24.—Ex-Gover nor Cameron Morrison will confine his effortts to prevent to the proposed extension of the Piedmont and North ern Railroad from Charlotte to Wins ton-Salem rather than through Thom asville and High Point. This information was conveyed in a letter received from Mr. Morrison yesterday by *tbe local Clumber ot Commerce. Thn communication was in reply to a letter which Secretary Frinke Sizemore, of the Chamber of Commerce, wrote Mr. Morrison ask ing that he make an effort )o have the Duke line extended here. The ex-governor stated that he con siders this an time to broach the matter inasmuch as he is endeavoring to have the line extended to the Twin City. Mr. Morrison said ibis was being done not because Winston-Salem was any dearer to him than High Point, but because tbe Norfolk and Western Railroad has its tracks through the Twin City. Mr. Morrison said in hi sletter that he hoped circumstances will arise so that a little later the nutter may be discussed. A government censor is present - in every newspaper office in Italy. Some issues have to be “made up” five or six times before they are approved. The result of this suppression is a secret press opposed to Mussolini. :jj Made in Carolinas Exposition, Char- ! ; lotte, N. C., Sept. 21-Oct 3,1925 ||| SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM: |[j Announces reduced fares for thU occasion from the following terri- i I North Carolina. South Carolina. Virginia, including Washington, D. 11 ij, 0., Eastern Tennessee, also from Atlanta and all stations in Georgia I I ji| and cast thereof, including Augusta. fi Tickets on sale Sept. 29th to October 3, 1925, inclusive. Final limit <; all tickets good to reach original starting point prior to midnight Oc- I C i tober 5, 1925. j f The Made in Carolinas Exposition is bigger and better than ever ' ' | Wonderful program has been arranged for tills show this year, j For detailed information call on any Southern Railway agent or ad- *j R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, J Charlotte, N. C. - ■ ’BE PREPARED FOR THESE CQLD SNAPS J Buy a Ton of Our Clean Hand j Picked Coal Cline & Mabery Coal Co. PHONE 799 Yes We Have That Famous JELLICO COAL )000000000000^ 0000ftnnnf>fwvv><VMV^KNHF v *v'i r rnrin r )o< ;> uuo rnt-U?-T'' < ; ,■> -t,■i ; , t q., t ,m , t -, i,,,, ~; , ■ ' M , if FREE VOTING COUPON j 'ln The Tribune and Times “Everybody Wins” Grand Prise Campaign GOOD FOR 100 VOTES I hereby cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of— Address This coupon, neatly clipped ont, name and address of the candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered to tbe Election Department of The Tribune and Times, Room 200 Cabarrus Bank Bldg., or P. O. Box B *Bl, wiU count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does not cost anything to H east these coupons fog your favorite candidate, and yon are not re- -W itricted in any sense in voting them. Get alt yon can and bend them in Q —they all count Do not roll or fold. Deliver in fiat-packages. NOTE pi —This coupon must be voted on og before SEPTEMBER 26th. H j NOMINATION COUPON I Nomination Blank in The Tribune and Times “Everybody Wins” n Campaign * pi R I hereby ester and cast p,OOO votes for ' . 1 ' . —" '; -V . As a candidate in The Tribune and Times “Everybody Wins” Prise Distribution. ' • N NOTE—Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nom inated. ' Oon l worry it thla .luff tall* lo amuse you. -sJew Jersey man brdt* ' bis Jaw laughing at a friend’s Jobs.' Kellogg has barred Saktatvala from America. But ha might slip . in disguised as a radio station. Pullman porters say they don’t want to be called George. Wo find they don’t want to be called at all. When a man la kicking about something he is usually kicking him self about Another evil of prohibition Is it keeps the weather from being the, world’s most discussed subject. Storm blew a Hammonton <N. J.I. girl out of bed. Many mothers would; enjoy such a storm every morning. ; (Copyright, 19ft. NBA Service. Inc.), K. OF P. NOTICE. Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. 51 K. of I*. Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Work fn third rank. De gree team will please be prsecnt. * E. E. FEELE, C. C. *IT ALWAYS PAYS TO USE THE TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. TRY IT. I-TOnoooooonoooni w)uuuouuuuuuuuuuoooooooooooooooooo< ■ Jk f CAN YOU READ 'VT W CHINESE? 8 )f course not! jSy S 8 we'll give you the old O Chinese proverb in Eng- 8 Ak “One look is worth a And it's true. mt We cannot convey in type 8 mi these new. Schloss Fall 9 models even with Daniel O ,„«»u . , . Webster at our elbow- 8 kmgkJok Sh ° n WOrdS and aSk yOU to take ,one I The Schloss Fall Suits are Here—s2s to \ § HOOVER’S, Inc. 105 “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” ;$ [ COAL | The Right Coal For the'Right Purpose ! I A. B. POUNDS g PHONE 244 OR 279 OOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOCKttOOOOOOOfMXMVWvypftooofIp^ - ■■ ■ ■■■ • - -■ ■ ■ ..... 1 m.i . k ,i, m.n. I PRODUCING RESULTS .By assembling the funds of many Individuals and put ting these funds at work earning interest in various ways, it is possible for a bank to help the community and achieve results for its Tleposltors. ;j This process of earning interest starts the coming month. If you have no Special 'lnterest Account, open one now and'enjoy the advantages of accumulating mon cabArrus savings bank Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 -■ ■ ■■■ - - -a f, " FANCY bSY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAK GOOD FOR 20,000 EXTRA VOTES / FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Accompanied by the nomtnttion blank, and your first subscription thia coupon will start yon in the race for the magnificent Tribune and Times gifts with a grand total of more than 35,000 votes. This cou pon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. ft, '■ ' ''V v ' v. .'J / \ ■ ■'s Name of Subscriber , Contestant’s Name Amount Enclosed This coupon will count 20,000 free votes when returned to the Cam paign Manager, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. Know at All Times That You Have § The Right Amount of Oil in 1 Your Ford .•*, | This Is Made Possible by Installing an Ever-Restdy Automatic Oiler Ten Days Free Trial. Every User Must Be Satisfied, or a Purchase Price Refunded 1 L. E. Boger, Factory Representative jj Room No. 6 Maness Building O OOtXXlOOOOOOOO^CKXlOOOOtXXyoonoftrirvvvvvvywvyy^ffpftQqpg: | * r~ — t * ——• Friday, September 25, 1925

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