PAGE EIGHT £j|tJSlEggtß3XC^ Complete Outfit $24.75 Bed, Mattress and Springs H Two-inch post bed, with large tillers. 'Finished Walnut, Mahogany, \ S Ivory or White. All steel bed with double looks, very strong and f 8 rigid. Large metal casters that never fail to work. | 13 Extra Heavy National Spring, reinforced on sides to prevent sagging, i H Locks made on springs. No rails or slats necessary. || Forty-five pound cotton mattress, made of all new material. Fancy | S tick, in blue or jvnk. § The above outfit i< guaranteed and we will replace any piece that j |5 fails to give good service. | New Goods arriving daily. Lome in and look them over. No obli- • gation to buy. f Concord Furniture Co, « TIIE RELIABLE Fl RNITI RE STORE j poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc —:: —Eat —:: — JOHNSON’S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH l|: IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO j j j YOUR GROCER } Price Only 20 Cents a Pound GAS OIL | TIRES and TUBES j And the Prices Are Right Standard and Sinclair Gasoline 1 and Motor Oil Goodyear and Lancaster Tires and 1 Tubes Free Air! Free Water! Free Service! 1 Yorke & Wadsworth Co. | I The Old Reliable Hardware Store 1 I Union and Church Streets § j Phone 30 Phone 3C| § Women’s Cloth Coats Luxurious With the Furs That Embellish Them |i g These Coats adhere to the simple in |! '/■/af&l Style ’ w ' th the most skilful attention giv- !j en to line. They are of the richer fabrics jl reserved for fashioning the finer modes. !j EvCry * s ' n perfect harmony, each 1 garment having that very desirable sea- ]! ture distinction. At Special Prices !j Jl $16.95 TO $39.50 IT PAYS TO TRADE AT I FISHER’S -j Concord Daily Tribune M TIME OF CLOSING MAILS L'i. The time of the closing of mails at H the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound ::: p. m. H 3&^10:00 A. M. 1 95 4:10 P. M. 41 3S— 8:30 P. M. -1 30—11.00 P. M. Southbound ■4 , 39 9:30 A. M. H 45 3 :30 P. M. I 135 8:00 P. M. • j 29—11:00 P. M. | LOCAL MENTION i :! The work of repapering the inter ..i ior of the V. M. C. A. was begun this H morning anil will be rushed to eora f j pletion. It is expectpil that A’ class | j! es will be resumed next week if the • • repairs are finished "by that time. |i| Mr. Blanks, who look a party of f.;' tourists to Europe last summer, is al *4 1 ready receiving inquiries about his H! prospective tour for next summer. A •4 letter from Massachusetts today was H j among the earliest to be heard from. }»jj Freeman Wright, for years janitor |||j at the Elks Club here and one of the pi| best known negroes of tile city, died Hj early yesterday morning after a long Li! illness. He will be buried sometime j; Tuesday. |:pj Over a thousand persons attended f"j;the movies Saturday night at the Y. !•;{ M. ('. A. and listened to the boys and H girls who volunteered to tell of extra | | j work they hail done during the week H | in helping at home. M B. K. Harris, city clerk and treas tjSi urer, has completed the work of eom fjij pitting the city taxes. He, is now Hj making out receipts, having eoinplet §iljed receipts for persons living or hav -14 ling property in Ward 1. He plans H 1 to rush work on the other receipts. fjj| Only four oases were in docket for 111-trial in recorder's court this after -1“ : noon, the fact that no session of the ! court lias been held since Friday. ~ | One defendant was charged with be ® j iug intoxieateil. two with speeding 5 and one with operating an auto while X|intoxicated. X Marriage licenses have been issued © to the following coujiles by Register X of Deeds Elliott : Sherlie I’. Calloway © and Miss Ruby Fink, both of Con © ! cord : Ernest Shoe- and Miss Daisy 8 Biles, both cf Concord Route No. 2 : © anil Adam L. Crisco and Mrs. Nettie 51 Mac Jeffcoat, both of this county. g C. O. Moser, of Memphis, Tenn.. X j will speak in Concord next Monday at © the Court House at 3 o'clock. Mr. X Moser is manager of the American X Cotton Growers' Exchange and is © considered an authority on the sub- X jeet of Co-operative Marketing. The © public is invited to attend. _ A child was thrown from an auto at the tmderpas on the Kannaimlis ® road Saturday, according to reports reaching Concord. The underpass is H so rough, it was reported, that the H child was thrown from the car which § was turned and twisted badly by the B| | holes in the road at that point, jfi Reports from the Charlotte Satin- H;torinm, where Nevin Sappeufield is H undergoing treatment, indicated that HI the cast would probably be placed on w i his leg today. Before putting the | cast on, it would be necessary to take kj | several stitches in the flesh wound, it DI was said. H John J. Blair, director of high school U buildings in the state, was here for a || short while today conferring with the ■ county board of education relative to H new high school buildings to be erect |J el in the county in the near future. H The conference was held in the court B house in the office of l’rof. J. B. Rob |U ertson. M The public is invited to inspect the | wonderful rivet grip steel reinforee |j ment now being placed in the new H vault being built by the Concord Nat m ional Bank. This steel, weighing over H 12,000 pounds, will be tilled with' 18 | inches of solid concrete, giving the | last word in protection against fire. ■ mob or burglar attack. M Davidson defeated Wofford 7 to 0 H Saturday while IVake Forest was de- H feating Carolina oto 0. Duke had E little trouble with Guilford. Breaks [3 of the game decided the Davidson |j YVofford game, the teams being very H evenly matched. The Deacons from a Wake Forest outplayed Carolina al " t hough the margin of victory was I close. j Ginnings in this county are far II head of last year, according to avail- i 1 able figures. One g'mner reports that 1 1 at this time last year lie had ginned ]i but 48' bales whereas this year he 11 has ginned more than 500 bales. Gin ji uers are of the opinion that the crop ( i in the county this year will be about 1 1 75 per cent, as large as last year’s 1 1 crop. ] i Hundreds of persons attended the' 1 1 funeral of Mrs. R. A. Russell yester- I day afternoon at the Westford Metho- I I dist Church. The church wa6 packed 1 1 and many other stood on the outside, ji Several hundred persons were in the 11 funeral party when it moved from the 11 church to Oakwood cemetery, where ji interment was made. The services i were conducted by Rev. E. Myers, j | pastor of the deceased. j Funeral services for John C. Fer- I guson, who died Saturday morning, j were held Sunday afternoon. The l services were conducted by Rev. Mr. I j Tibbs, who has been preaching at the i First Baptist Church here this sum j mer, and interment was made in the cemetery at Cold Water Baptist j Church. The services were attended by many friends and relatives of the deceased. Where did the automobile hit you? Well, Judge, if I’d been carrying a license number it would have been busted into a thousand pieces. That he never baa talked over the telephone is the boast of a 42-year-i old citizen of Merrill, Kms. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE —m:'Tires: m. koulat-i? — OSTEOPATHIC Physician Suite 403 Cabarrus Savings Bank Building “Osteopathy treats any illness for which people consult a doctor.” Phone: Office 914 : Res. 557 p|M ; Our New Mechanically Refrig erated Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice cream in the most perfect condition. With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature To the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 Sj SCHOOL WATCHES j|; X Punctuality is a difficult vir- '5 X tuc to cultivate in children. It jij £j is prettily encouraged when V y each carries his very own time- i[i jji piece. We have them for the jjj I S. W. Preslar jji 5 JEWELER X © 8 i 300000000000000000000000 I •OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ! !j SQUIBBS TOOTH jjj! jij PASTE FREE ! | If you buy a tube of iji j J j Squibb's Tooth Paste for jij 1 j 50c we will give you a j|| i iji tube absolutely free. ij j Cline’s Pharmacy j!j Phone 333 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I \uoutafct y, uU/ [ ojoCrm. 3 AOdli I mmsft .jfto AJLOJbcnv j gUc.ldo j Ruth-Kesler Shoe | Store CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, IWS 'I Cotton .23 I Cotton Seod 1-2 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET 1 i (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) 'i Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs > .40 Cbm $155 Sweet Potatoes 1,75 Turkeys .25 to .30 Onions $1.58 Peas $3.00 Butter - 50 Country Ham 50 | Country Shoulder .20 j Country Sides .20 J Young Chickens .25 j Hens _i 2 .18 ] Irish Potatoes $1.50 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE j Regular meeting of Concord Lodge j No. 404 Loyal Order of Moose Mon- I day evening at 8 o’clock. All mem- I I bers requested to be present W. J.-HBTHCOX, Sec. t’SE GASOLINE DRUM FOR BOOTLEG OUTFIT One Negro Is Caught But Two Others Escape.— Another Still Taken in Edgecombe. Tarboro. Sept. 27. —On Friday morning Officer A. S. Harris and Dep uty Sheriff Paul Corbett found a big bootlegging outfit In the dense woods near the George Wimberly farm in No. 7 township. The still, a steam plant, was made from a 50-gnllon gasoline drum. Near this plant were found 400 gallons of beer and a quart of liquor. Vw . w |i|BHbL. ®bw^S HBfeJf* JHp x...- JBplffiK jgfiK, . a^bb: \ >■••> One of tin amazing features of THE THIEF OF BAGDAD IS Douglas Fairbanks’ dashing ride through the clouds astride a Winged Horse. CONCORD THEATRE TODAY AND TUESDAY I Made in Carolinas Exposition, Char- Ij: lotte, N. C., Sept. 21-oct 3,1925 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Announces reduced fares for this occasion from the following terri- 1 1 North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, including Washington, D. 1 1 C., Eastern Tennessee, also from Atlanta and all stations'in Georgia i 1 and east thereof, including Augusta. ]l l I Tickets on sale Sept. 20th to October 3, 1925, inclusive: Final limit ' | all tickets good to reach original starting point prior to midnight Oc- i! \ The Made in Carolinas Exposition is bigger and better than ever V before. % i Wonderful program has been arranged for this*show this year. |l| For detailed information call on any Southern Railway agent or ad- '!' R. H. GRAHAM, Ji| Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. 1 11 BE PREPARED FOR THESE COLD SNAPS J ; Buy a Ton of Our Clean Hand Picked Coal Cline & Mabery Coal Co. PHONE 799 Yes We Have That Famous JELLICO COAL j QQOOOQfXXXKXiooooeyvvvvvyiAfynfvvvwwvvwMiftzvtr^^oq ;.;• rr.; i-r-r rnt t-i:i ■i„ i-rT-wTtrn-prrw-rwrr-^ | FREE VOTING COUPON i In The Tribune and Times ‘‘Everybody Wins” Grand Prize Campaign | GOOD FOR 100 VOTES E I hereby cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of— This coupon, neatly dipped out, name and address of the candidate 1 filled in, and mailed or delivered to the Election Department of The m Tribune and Times, Room 200 Cabarrus Bank Bldg., or P. O. Box D : 131, will count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does not cost anything to 13; : east these coupons for your favorite candidate, and you are not re- I ' ' stricted in any sense in voting them. Opt all you can and send them In hi | —they all count Do not roll or fold. Deliver In flat packages. NOTE f» ; —This coupon must be voted on or before OCTOBER 3rd. When the officers arrived three ne gro men were working at the still. Two men escaped but the third. Tur-1 i ner Garrett, was taken into custody. When captured the still was in full blast. It was cut up and the beer spidded upon the ground. Moore Centenarian Is on the Sick List. , Jackson Springs. Sept. 27. —Miss Arjpie McDuffie, a lady *of nearly one hundred and ten years of age. is sick. She. although she it* over a century old. is able to help herself. Her mind is still good. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOI 1 : : Jl CAN YOU READ 1 : v* CHINESE? 4 I' /| Os course not! $9 iso we’ll give you the 6ld Chinese proverb in Eng «■ I A* “One look is worth a j | thousand words" H I And * t s i rue - Sp We cannot convey in type i - these new Schloss Fall models even with Daniel ! ' , Webster at our elbow— i i bo—we 11 cut short on words and ask you to take one j [ long look. The Schloss Fall Suits are Hc're—s2s to S4O HOOVER’S, Inc. gl ;!; “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” ' “41#'” oooooaooooooooooooooocxx»oooooooooooooooocx30ooocM | COAL ; The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS |l PHONE 244 OR 270 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO PRODUCING RESULTS By assembling the funds of many individuals and put ting these funds at tvork earning interest in various ways, it is possible for a bank to help tire community and achieve results for its depositors. This process of earning ihterest starts the coming I" month. If you have no Special Interest Account, open one now and enjoy the advantages of accumulating mon- CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 swwurrnnnagg B—BMMB nngffg.irtj.B e* i, a I ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocx I FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR | GOOD FOR 20,000 EXTRA VOTES FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON jj Accompanied by the nomination blank, and your first subscription | this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Tribune and j Times gifts with a grand total of more than 30,000 votes. This cou j pon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a j subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber ... „ Contestant’s Name Amount Enclosed | This coupon will count 20,000 free votes when returned to the Cam paign Manager, together with the first subscription you obtain. It I mast be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free votes are IN ADDITION I to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. NOMINATION COUPON Nomination Blank In The Tribune and Times “Everybody Wins” Campaign i J hereby enter and cast 5,000 votes for j M - Address | As a candidate In The Tribune and Times “Everybody Wins” Prize si Distribution. | NOTE—Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nom- I inated. Axii-am nan'.l thnnrajrTaarmTmivi;i. *n Monday, Sept. 25, 1925

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