PAGE SIX CASH FOR YOU-OR A CAR TO THOSE WHO HAVE TO those WHO HAVE NOT fcJN ILKtL> ENTERED Time is passing swiftly by and The opportunity is still at hand for ! there remain three more weeks un- new candidates. If you are alive til the close of the First Period in the J Wk r awake *» chance now be- Tribune-Times great gift distribu- // W * ore y° u > are willing to give tion. After October 19th the big # some of your spare time and thought vote schedule of the First Period &?JL , a proposition whereby SIO,OOO in will be gone forever, and a reduced -j prizes areat stake-then you should schedule of votes will be in force. v a c f n ,^ e ™ campaign. Don’t let a single subscription get ' fiAjT Y OU ““I™ B ? nd m y° ur name to “ away from you now-it will cost you ™™ a . * e e^ y° u # can 8e " big votes and votes are what it takes cure your choice of the four big pow tOwin. You may never again have ertul automobiles or hundreds of the opportunity that is before you. _ dollars m cash. The work is easy, t How can you earn over S2OOO in two requires no special talent or educa months during your spare time? The . tlon Ca S l the Tribune and Times will give you awards. Your opportunity, then, precisely that amount in the value a 1 ajKSk 7, :? wm a prize that will repay many of one of its popular model cars times for your efforts is here-right which will be awarded to hustlers in jr now. But to get your rightful share a few short weeks. Get busy now * yflv & e \ husy at once, while the big votes are in force for W/f , ~? n * l a S in the campaign; don’t subscriptions and see how easy it is hesitate or be timid about your race, to mass a large number of votes. Ev- 8 V ° to it and keep right at it. Give eryone has an equal chance to select urmg your spare time as you would their own prize in the election. an y S°°d busmess proposition. The greatest opportunity of your life is before you. Here’s How a Few Tribune Subscriptions Will Count You VOTES in This Period Six 1-Year subscriptions 60,000 Extra votes if new 120,000 This would make 2 clubs by carrier 200,000 Total vote for 6 subscriptions __ .‘ISO,OOO Three 3-vear subscriptions 225,000 Extra votes if new 180,000 This would make 3 clubs by carrier 300,000 Total vote for 3 subscriptions 105,000 . Two 5-year subscriptions 500.000 Extra votes if new 200,000 This would make 3 clubs by carrier 300,000 * Total vote for 2 subscriptions __ 1,000,000 HERE IS A SUGGESTION FOR A ST ART TOWARD RIDING IN YOUR AU TOMOBILE HUDSON COACH Purchased From Concord Motor Co. Value $1335 l Purchased From White Auto Co. ■h / Value $938 ■ i. ■ Frankly, Were You Ever In All Your Life Offered a Better Business Proposition Than Here’s How a Few Tim** is Open to You In The Tribune-Times “Everybody Wins Something” SIO,OOO Gift D V Subscriptions Will Count* 20! tr button! You VOTES in This Period HERE IT IS IN A NUTSHELL Without investing one dollar, without risking one cent, you can make up to s2llO in the next few weeks of your spare moments (moments that will otherwise be wasted) and you can not lose. You know in entering the election that you will add to your present income for the next few weeks; you know that you will make more money than you are now making. Everyone who par ticipates will make some money out of the Gift Distribution—and some will make whole scads of it. WHY, THEN, HESITATE ABOUT ENTERING? VOTE SCORE R District No. 1 KJ| Following is the list of candidates, with their votes published, in this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, a£& one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. commission to all other active ean didates must he awarded in this district. In case of any omißsion or r incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once. H. A. Allred 131,600 Miss Marie Barrier (58,300 Miss Edna Margaret Fink 5,000 Mrs. ,T. Herman I.aughlin 213,700 Miss Maefield Lentz 8,100 Stephen Morris 147,100 Paul Query 145,100 Miss Dorothy Roberts 200,400 Mrs. R. M. Sappenfield 209,100 District No. 2 Following is the list of candidates, with their votes published, in this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. coram’ssion to all other active can didates must be awarded in this district. In case of any omission or insorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once. Miss Lucile Cline, Kannapolis 138,300 W. H. Fowler, Kannapolis , 5,000 A. O. Maulden, Kannapolis 57,100 Miss Billie Sapp. R. F. D„ Concord .... 61,000 Miss Ethel Saxon, Mary Ella Hall, Kannapolis 7,400 Mrs. Nina Stogner, R. F. D. 1, Concord 40,300 District No. 3 Nft Following is the list of candidates, with their votes published, in MB} this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. commission to all other active ean j9y didates must be awarded in this district. In case of any omission or incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once. Boyd Carpenter, Stanfield 158,000 Ruth Fry ling Marcho, R. F. D. 5, Concord 145,800 Ed. Gray, B. F. D. 6. Concord 2 156.100 C. H .Lipe, R. F. D. 2, Mt. Pleasant 7,000 Rev. E. Myers, R. F. D. 6, Concord 175,000 THE CONCOkD DAILY TRIfcUNE Nine 1-year subscriptions 36,000 Extra votes if new __ 72,000 This would make one club loojooo Total vote for 9 subscriptions __ 208,000 Three 3-year subscriptions 90,000 Extra votes if new 72,000 This would make 1 club 100^000 Total vote for 3 subscriptions ... 262,000 Two 5-year subscriptions 200 000 Extra votes if new 80,000 This would make 1 club 100,000 Total vote for 2 subscriptions -.380,000 HERE'S ANOTHER HINT FOR A START TOWARD RIDING IN YOUR AUTOMOBILE. STUDEBAKER PHAETON Value sl6lO Purchased from Auto Supply & Repair Co. t^j'.■■ dm MASTER SIX BUICK BROUGHAM Purchased from Standard Buick Co. Value s2llO 4 . • Wednesday, Sept. 30, 192!