, Mm * n ntr mil rim nfiriT i * ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV Insanity and Self Defense Is Plea Entered by Cole’s Counsel When State Rests STATE WILL FIGHT PLEA OF DEFENSE A. L. Brooks, of Counsel For Cole, Announced Plan For Defense When JState Rested at 11:24. FOUR WITNESSES HEARD IN CASE Three Were Eye Witness es and the Other Was a Physician Who Dressed Wounds of Dead Man. Richmond County Court House, Rockingham. Oct. I.—o4s)—Self-de fense and transitory insanity is the idea of W. ]!. Cole, wealthy cotton manufacturer who last August 15th stint and killed \V. W. Ormond, for merly a suitor for his daughter's hand. A. L. Brooks announced the plea of the defense after the stale rested its case against Cole at 11.24 o'clock. Four witnesses had been called. The state immediately eutered re • sistnnee to the plea of insanity and the jury was excused while the court heard arguments of counsel. Richmond County Court House, Rockingham, Oct. I.—(/P)—With the State expected to rest its case against W. B. Cole before noon, the second day of the cotton manufactureers trial for the murder of W. W. Or mond, started at 0:30 o'clock to day. Jeff Honlon. a mill worker, took the stand as the third witness for the State. He was an eye witness to the sliooting. The witness testified that Ormond was seated in the automobile when Cole advanced front the Manufactur res' building nearby. Ormond's head rested on the back of the seat-, eyes clcsed and a cigarette between his fingers \vhen tlye tirst shot was fired, he said, The witness testified tile door of Ormond's car was closed and that Ormond was unarmed. On crass examination John C. Sykes, for the defense, asked the wit ness his age and employment. He is eighteen years old, cannot read or write, and does not know the month in which he was born. Cole was nervous. He moved to obtain a better view of the witness, who slouched in the chair. The Witness said that after the! third shot was fired Cole walked j toward the building he had left: un breached his pistol with a breaking motion, and entered. He testified he was within five steps of Cole when the shooting occurred, and that he hßd observed the two persons, Frank Steele and Mrs. W. A. Wentz, who late yesterday described the shoot ing. Dr. C. O. Bristow, physician who attended Ormond after the shooting, was called as the next witness. The defense submitted that lie is an ex pert. Ormond was in a critical condition when Dr. Bristow, who had heard the shooting, reached the automobile. He removed Ormond to his office nearby and administered two hypodermics. Solicitor Phillips produced a blue shirt stained with blood, identified by the witness as having been worn by the dead man. The Rev. Mr, Ormond and his two daughters were in tears. Three wounds, one on the right hand, one high on the right shoulder, and one on the right breast, the lat ter described as a “direct entrance” were described by the witness. The cb#st wound, he believed, caused Or mond’s death. COLE JURYMEN MOSTLY FARMERS Also They Are Mostly Baptists; Charlton O. Howard is a Wealthy Planter. Monroe, Sept. 30. —The jurors who will determine the fate of W. B. Cole in the trial at Rockingham are mostly farmers and mostly Baptist. Several of them are very substantial farmers. Charlton O. Howard, who was ac cepted by the defense although he had expressed the opinion that Cole is guilty of first degree murder, is a Presbyterian and a very wealthy far mer. Various details obtained here j about the members of the jury are as follows: No. 2, J. M. Ross, Marshville, route 4, New Salem township, age 50, low in stature, medium height, married, five chidren, education fair, Baptist, substantial farmer. No. 2. W. D. Clark, Waxhaw, route 4, Sandy Bidge township, age 30, medium sixe, married, two children, education fair, Methodist, substantial fnrmer, sat on the jury which sent Martin McGill and Bob Steel to the electric chair at the August term of the Union court. No. 3, J. O. Smith, Marshville, route 3. Lanes Creek township, age 30, medium sixe, married, several children, education fair, Baptist, sub stantial farmer. No. 4, M. M. Winchester, Mineral The Concord Daily Tribune ♦- ANOTHER CUT MADE BY POWER COMPANY Cotton Mills Can Operate Only Three and a Half Days a Week Under the l New Schedule. Charlotte, Oct. I.— (A I)—Announce ment of another half-day a week cur tailment of electrical energy in the five zones served by the Southern pow er company, from here was made to day in a letter sent out front the home office. The additional curtailment makes a total of 2 1-2 days a week. The drought of the past three months is given as the cause for such a step. The first reduction was made on 1 August 21st. The elimination applies to all classifications. whose retardation would • affect any entire community. OFFICERS HESITATE TO GIVE VIEWS FREELY Men Hesitate to Give Facts Before the President's Board of Inquiry. Washington, Oct. 1. —(A s )—Naval , officers told the President's air court today that there is a hesitancy among some junior officers to freely express their views before investigating bod ies. The existence of this condition was charged yesterday by Col. Will. Mitch ell, instigator of the present, aircraft controversy, It was developed by Senator Bingham of Connecticut, in questioning witnesses, the first of whom, Lieut. Commander Paunack of the naval bureau of aeronautics, urg ing creation of a separate air corps in the navy, and recommended an ad vanced school for training naval air officers. A Now Radium Spring. Tokyo, Oct. I.—A new radium spring, close to that of Misasa. in Hoki province, which is already recognized ns one of the best radium springs in the world, is reported to have been discovered by a professor of the imperial university who nas b«en making an official tour of in spection es the hot springs region. The new spring is believed to con tain emanations of the third geologicnl period. The spring gushes out at six spot on a farm near the village, and lias long been known by residents of the viointy as a very ef fective healer of skin diseases. Sittings, Sandy Ridge township, age 51, tall and slender, married, five | daughters, education fair, Methodist, I trucker and farmer, was formerly a ' merchant. No. 5, M. A. Griffin, Marshville, Marshville township, age 64, heavy built, married, ten children, education . fair. Baptist, small farmer. No. 6, J. M. Edwards, Marshville, I Marshville township, age 42. medium ' size, married, one child, education | good, Baptist, small merchant. . No. 7, Lester Autry, Marshville, | route 3, Lanes Creek township, age 43, tall, married, several children, edu cation fair, Baptist, very substantial farmer. Mr. Autry is a leader in the Baptist Church being religiously in clined. No. 8. T. C. Edwards, Marshville, Marshville township, age 40, medium size, married several children, educa tion fair, Baptist, scientific farmer in good circumstances. No. 9, C. E. Rushing, Marshville, route 3, Lanes Creek township, age 50, medium weight, married, four children, two grow daughters, educa tion fair. Baptist, excellent farmer. No. 10, R. W. Killough, Indian Trail, Vance township, age 45, me dium size, married, nine children, edu cation fair, Baptist, very substantial farmer. No. 11, J. K. Starnes, Waxhaw, Jackson township, age 38, tall, mar ried, three children, education good, Presbyterian, clerk for J. R. Rodman Company, of Waxhaw. No. 12, Charlton O. Howard, Wax haw, route 3, Sandy Ridge township, age 56, heavy weight, married, one grown son, education good, Presby terian, a very wealthy farmer. Central Baptists Endorse Dr. Poteat and Wake Forest Wake Forest, Sept. 30.—With many Baptist associations throughout the state adopting resolutions con demning Wake Forest College in gen t eral and President Poteat in particu lar for the stand he has taken on evo lution. the central Baptist associa tion, in which Wake Forest College stinds, meeting at Rolesville Church today, completely reversed the order when it unanimously adopted a reso lution endorsing the stand taken by Dr. Poteat and commending the college •to the Baptist of the state. The resolution was offered by Dr. Chase Brewer and was adopted without a dissenting voted. It follows : “The central Baptist association, in the midst of which Wake Forest Col lege stands, desires to commend it anew to the Baptist brotherhood throughout North Carolina. With loyalty to the historic faith of our denomination, it is carrying out the purpose of its founding in 1834. “It Is educating more young men DERRICKS WILL BE PUT ON SUBMARINE! i In Effort to Bring to the Surface the Sub Which Was Rammed and Sunk Last Friday Night. Newport, R. L. Oct. I.—C4>)—With the arrival of the derricks Monarch 1 and Century early this morning at the scene of the sinking of the S-51. • preparations were immediately begun to lift the strieked tnibmnrine in nil effort to determine jhe fate of its ; crew, a wireless message pieked up • at Fort Adams said today. Weather : conditions for the attempt were re ported favorable. The message read: “Weather con ditions have improved. Derricks I Century and Monarch have arrived from Newport. Divers are proceeding to adjust slings, and everything is ready to attempt to lift the S-51.” Tito message was intercepted at ' 9 :18 a. m. Crane Ships Attached to Submarine. ' Aboard the United States Steam ship Camden, Oct. I.—(/P)—The giant crane ships. Monarch and Century, were attached to the sunken subma • rine S-51 at 11:45 o'clock this morn ing and work was immediately begun to raise it. Slings were first attached to the wrecking ship Monarch and about linlf an hour later the Century had been moved into position ready to do her share of the work. It was plan . nett to hoist the S-51 by degrees ip . order to minimize the strain upon the wreckers. It was expected that it would take several hours to bring her to the surface. Weather conditions were ideal. The sea was unusually smooth and the wreckers had comparatively little dif ficulty in getting into position. ESCAPED LUNATIC SHOOTS HIMSELF A. C. Covington Tabes 0»n Life While Officers Are Advancing on Him. Lumberton, Sept, 30. —“Give alii the money 1 have to my darling baby” were the words written on a letter found in a hat lying beside the body of A. C. Covington, Mnx ton man. who committed suicide near t hat place early this morning. A coroner’s inquest revealed the fact that the unfortunate man had dur ing the past few days escaped from ' the State hospital for the insane at Raleigh, where lie was sent last year when he attempted to kill a prominent physician of Maxton. the pistol used at the time failed to fire saving the doctor’s life. It was also in evidence at the hearing that officers were notified . that Covington was hanging around I his home, which his wife would not I let him enter. ' The officers went to the scene and (saw the man going in the direction (of the east side cemetery carrying a ! j rifle. They followed him to the cemetery and saw him acting as if . he didn't know what, to do after he had recognized the officers. He hid behind a tombstone and weeds and while the officers were trying to catch him he fired the rifle, the ball entering his head above the right I temple. The gun he had was new aud a large number cartridges was found in his coat pocket. Te had about $6 on his person. The letter found in his hat was addressed to his wife but had never been mniled. Uncertain About Miller’s Resignation. Tampa. Fla.. Oct. i._OP)—-if p. Green Miller, of Louisville, Ivy., *hns resigned his post here in the. prohibi tion enforcement forces, he has gone out of regular routine in doitjg so, Colonel Benjamin J. Simmons, dis trict administrator today/said. Ten thousand refrigerator cars are required to transport the grape crop from the vineyards around Lodi, Calif. A bill has been drafted in Japan to j legalize trade unions. called of God to preach the Gospel than ever before in its history; and these 100 young men will show themselves worthy successors in faitli and works of the 2.000 who have preceded them, and who, under the di vine blessing, have been the chief factor in the progress of Christ's kingdom in our state. “In addition, the college is edu cating 600 other students, who will become teachers, lnwyers, doctors, farmers, and men of business. They go back to the churches confirmed in faith and equipped for responsible position in the varied work of the de nomination. They become officers and teachers in the Sunday school and leaders in the Baptist Young Peoples L’nion, in prayer meeting, in social service, and in all other forms of churchwork. This nursery of Bap tist leadership, tin's training ground 1 of the soldiers of the cross, was never more worthy of the united support of all our churches than it is today.” North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1925 Crosses Mark Traffic Deaths JmW Jra J — «0-" U a warning to autoists and pedestrians, Indianapolis is painting white irosaes on Its streets to mark thevspots where people have been killed in iu(o accidents. Sergeant Harry Smith of the accident prevention bureau Is shown explaining the cross to school children. HEINEN TELLS WHO INFORMANTS WERE Tells Inquiry Board Where He Got the Information About What He Termed Was Cause of Disaster. Lakehurst, X. J.. Oct. I.— UP) — Benjamin (). Hereto, a Shenandoah survivor, and James Work, chief draftsman at the air station here, were named today by Captain An ton Heinen. zeppelin pilot, as the men who gave him the information upon which most of his testimony was | based. The witnesses furnished the names on t*ae direct order of the court for Bear Admiral Jones the demanded the names since the men themselves had not come forward. Heinen in with holding the names yesterday said he thought they should he permitted to volunteer the information. The witness said Horeth came to , him and told him what happened as the Shenandoah broke up. He could not say how long Keretli. a machin ists mate, had been in the crew. Work was .tiie man, Heinen -*ait r who told him that those at the sta tion had been fighting the valve change on the Shenandoah all along, but with out success. FORMER RESIDENT OF CITY TAKES OWN LIFE Robert R. Shuman Commits Suicide at Home of Ills Parents in Salis bury. Salisbury. Oct. I.— (A 3 ) —Robert R. Shuman, 34 years old, former drug cVrk and painter, shot and killed’iiiin- I self at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fdgar Shuman, in this city, shortly after 10 o’clock this morning, using a pistol. The bullet was tired in the right temple and passed through the head. 11l health and despondency is said to have prompted the deed. He is survived by four brothers and three sisters. The shooting took place in his bedroom. (Mr. Shuman formerly was n resi dent of Concord, making his home on East Corbin Street.—Editor). FLEET CORPORATION LOSES SOME POWER Powers Delegated to It Last Year Withdrawn By Shipping Board. Washington, Oct. I. broad powers delegated to the fleet corpora tion last year at the suggestion of President Coolidge were withdrawn today by the shipping board. Rescindipg resolutions entrusting the corporation with extensive admin istrative powers. President Palmer will revert more to the position of an employee than officer with independ ent powers over many of the details of the shipping administration. Dismiss Charge of Inciting Riot Against , Asheville Woman. Asheville, Sept. 30.—The case of the State against Mrs. G. T. Rollins, charged with attempting to incite a riot and with efforts to form n mob, I wan dropped here this afternoon when no probable cause was found by Magistrate R. C. Miller following a preliminary hearing. The woman was released. About half a dozen wit nesses were examined. The case of Robert Wilson, in dicted before B. L. Lyda, magistrate, on a charge of assisting the women in stirring up a riot and with ob structing an officer, was postponed when called this afternoon until 4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The case is expected to be dismissed. Plane Crashes on Test. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 30.— Plane No. 8 of the Ford reliability tour, a Waco piloted by Ed G. Knapp, crav ed late today, two and one half miles southwest of Dearborn, Mo. The pilot and passenger escaped with minor injuries. The plane was bad ly damaged. Correspondent Killed in Morocco. Fez, French Morocco, Oct. I.— UP) —Reginald Kahn, eorrespondent on the Moroccan front Temps, leading Paris newspaper, was killed by a Riffian bullet today a few mo ment after leaving the staff head quarters of Gen. N^aulin. Peking has more than 200 daily newspapers. SECRETARY TALKS BEFORE VISITORS Inter-Parliamentary Union Delegates Welcomed to Washington By Secre tary Kellogg. Wafthiugton, Oct. I.—ltf s)—Extend ing the American government’s wel come to the assembled delegates. Sec , ret ary Kellogg declared in an address at the opening session today of the Inter Parliamentary Union that the presence in the American capital of ; so many representatives of self gov erning nations “shows that in this re- , markable age the attention of the world is centered upon the study of i self-government.’ “Nothing can he more stimulating to the advancement of liberal ideals • or will contribute more certainly to • peace,” Mr. Kellogg said, “than for members of various parliaments and i legislative bodies to meet as you are : doing, to exchange views on your ro- I spective problems.” The Secretary reminded the dele gates that they represented countries . with varying economic conditions, rac es with widely political his • t dries and traditions. TELLS OF GROWTH OF THE POULTRY INDUSTRY I I>r. Kaupp Makes Interesting Ad dress in Chicago. ■ Raleigh, Oct. I.—oP) —“The South • is one of the most fertile fields and the most rapidly developing section of the American continent.” declared' Dr. R. F. Kauff, head of the poultry department of State College, in a recent address delivered before the | National Poultry Council *ield in Chi cago. Dr. Kaupp was on the program to make a report on poultry progress i in the South and his paper, covering ; some five pages of type, was said to have been one of the most instructive and valuable papers presented to the council. In it Dr. Kaupp recounted the growth of the poultry business, show ing how there had been an awaken ing as to the real value if poultry, particularly in Nort'ii Carolina, and gave some facts about the efforts of farmers to improve their Hocks. He also told of the success attend ing the co-operative marketing sales of poultry during the past spring. The work done in encouraging hatch eries where disease free chicks are produced was given some attention, too, in Dr. Kaupp’s paper. “Work in North Carolina has been along many lines,” lie said, ‘‘but di rected chiefly along the lines of re-1 seart’a in breeding, nutrition and dis ease control, with these facts being) given to the grower that he might | use them under actual farm condi- 1 tious. “Three experimental poultry plants | are maintained in the state, one in | the mountains, at Swannanoa, a sec ond in the Piedmont section, at Ral eigh, and a third in the coastal sec tion. at Willard. The college also sends out two extension men to work with the county home farm agents before groups of people and to give practical short courses. “The college also helps along the j marketing work bs»ing done in the j state by V. W. Lewis and his as sociates in the State division of mar kets. These efforts are in addition to the regular poultry courses given; at the college and leading to de grees.” Parrot Sounds Alarm But Perishes in I Fire. New York. Sept. 20.—Cries of a parrot, shrieking in high tones the deck orders, “Gather the crew” and “All hands on deck” failed to save the lives of more than 200 of his feath-, t ered mates today when a fire started in a bird store in Upper Broadway. ! The parrot hero was one of the vic tims, most of which were canary birds. A patrolman turned in an alarm after hearing the cries of the parrot, a brilliantly colored Brazilian i specie. For Methodist Unity. Owensboro, Ky„ Sept. .'{o.—The Louisville conference of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, today voted 1.12 to 72 in favor of unifica tion of the northern and southern branches of the church. Candidates Beginning To Display Interest In The End Os First Big Vote Period .ilute /jh_ j - STANDARD OIL AND INDEPENDENTS AT WAR j Over a Trade Mark—Standard Says. Its “Red Crown” is Infringed Upon. | Chicago, 111.. Oct. I.—lndependent I Oil Men and The Standard Oil Co. 'have gone to battle in a new sector; J a tight over a trade mark. The Ltrade mark banners of the conte*t (ar.ts reveal the Independent Oil Men lof America flying the insignia “Red i Hat.*’ and Standard waving “Red j Crown.” I The story is that the Independ ents. an organization) selling gasoline Ifrom the Atlantic to the Pacific, last (spring entered application in Wash ington. I>. (\. for registry of a .series of trade marks for motor fuel* and oils. This trade mark consisted iof a hat something after the order of the typical four-gallon lid worn by lTide Sam in popular drawing*. Under this general design, acoord ing to color Rheme, registration was sought covering the names High Hat, Red Hat, White Hat. Gren Ilai. Purple Hat and Blue Hat. t ßecently the Standard of Indiana and the Standard of Ohio tiled opposition to the trade mark on the ground that it conflicts with their own widely ad vertised Red Crown brand of gaso line. Standard contends that “Red Hat” was chosen deliberately to confuse tlie public mind. L. V. Nicholas. Presi dent of the Independent Oil Men of America, speaking for the Inde pendents, denies this, saying: “In selecting this series of trade marks much time was given ro chocking design* and names which might not conbict with any other brand. The only conflict at all is in the one word ‘red*, and a color is not subject to exclusive appropria tion. We feel sure that the public can readily distinguish between a hat and a crown." t The hearing in the case has been j set for October 13 before Thomas E. i Robertson, commissioner of patents, jin Washington. Owing to the power ful influences behind both factions in the tight and the established in signia at stake it is of wide interest, to the public. Botli sides have been and are now carrying on national advertising campaigns in newspaper* and maga zines. Seeks to Nullify Use of Animal Steel Trap. ' 'Washington. Oct. I.— (A 3 ) —The general public and organizations of sportsmen, as well as some officials | of the U. S. Biological Survey, are charged by the newly-organized Anti- Steel Trap League with adopting an improper attitude toward the use of steel traps in the capture of animals. ! The point at issue is the degree of (■suffering experienced by entrapped an imals. • Officials of the league are preparing i a pamphlet written by Edward Brock, j writer, lecturer and former naval of ficer, who is president of the organi zation. It will contain an appeal for j general support of the league’s pro j gram, which covers both the United States and Uanada. This program the organization’s officials summarize as follows : —“We propose to bring about the passage of a law by all tlie state and provincial legislatures making illegal all use of the torturing steel trap and other non-killing devices for raking fur, except by the authorities in the case of vermin. | “Propaganda against wearing fur is helpful of course, but flip above is the only way to win within a reasonable period of time, say a few years in some states and a few more in others.” Every woman who ever wore fur will be asked to contribute one dol lar. Strong British Fleet in Near Eastern Waters. London, Oct. I.— (A 3 ) —Strong Brit ish naval forces will he maintained in Near Eastern waters during the next few weeks under amended orders issued by the admirality of the Med iterranean fleet. The minimum union wage of hotel | waitresses in New York City is sls i a week, to which are added meals j and tip*. ANNOUNCEMENT | J I | The sGth series in this old reliable building and loan ; I j and savings association w'll open on October 3rd, 1925. jj J The Officers and Stockholders invite each and every !i ij person in Concord to take some shares in this series. Hj Running shares cost 25 cents per share per week, tj Prepaid shares cost $12.25 per share. ii jj Each share is worth SIOO.OO at maturity, j We have been maturing our stock in 328 weeks. I 1 Tax return day is coming. • “JUST REMEMBER THAT ALL STOCK WITH s 5 US iS NON-TAXABLE.” START NOW I I CABARRUS COUNTY BUILDING LOAN AND M SAVINGS ASSOCIATION i ii Office in the Concord National Bank i; Still Any i,»„ Entering May Be Able to Win One of Big Prizes Offered. NO ONE CANLOSE IN THIS CAMPAIGN There Should Be at Least Twenty Active Workers In Each One of the Prize Districts. The few candidates who are now striving toward one of the big prizes in The Tribune and Times campaign are beginning to display interest rel ative to the end of the first big vote 1 , period which closes at midnight Mon day, October 10th. and as a result ! a little more life Mas been injected into t’iie contest. This does not mean. J however, that a new candidate enter ing now would he unable to win one of the big prizes for there is plenty j of room for any live person who wants one of the four motor cars or | his or her share of the thousands of ■ dollars in cash which must be award- | ed at the end of Pile few weeks. j Right now. when the campaign is j just gaining a little momentum, is the i time for you, who have been hesitat ing. to step in with a handful of sub- j script ions to The Tribune or the; Times and see what they will do for ; you in the vote columns. Brand new workers have jumped to the lead of their districts within a few days, as you will have noticed if you have been following the daily announce ments of the score. You have prob ably also noticed that there are nine candidates in district No. 1, six in No. 2 and but five in No. 2*. There i should be at least twenty active work ers in each one of the district work ing in a determined way for one of Piie ten big capital prizes. When you stop to think that no one can lose, that every one who par ticipates in this great offer must win. it is beyond comprehension why so few are ambitious enough to want to turn their spare moments into cash— cash that they would procure in no other way. All that it takes is, first of all. the desire to make something on the side, even as high as .$2,110, in a few weeks of effort. Those who awake to what an opportunity this really is now will have something on those who realize after it is over I with and the winners are announced j that they might as well have had their share. Yes, three weeks of time have elapsed since this generous offer was announced by The Tribune and Times ] but in results what has been accom plished can be duplicated by a few j determined workers in a few days, j We put this directly up to you now. | If you act you will profit by such j action. There is room for you. I Two Beys Walk 175 Miles to Attend College. I Birmingham. Ain., Oct. I.— i/P) Exemplifying the adage “where there’s a will, there's away.” two boys en tered Howard College at the opening of the school year after having walk ed 175 miles. These youths hail from the same town—Flora la. on the southern boun dary of Alabama—and have long been neighbors. One of them, Samuel , Hart, is preparing himself for the • ministry, the other, Edwin Doster, is pursuing a pre-medical course. The boys started on foot from their homes six days before school ppened I with less money than is required to see a couple of good movies. They \ worked en route to Birmingham, ! thereby securing sufficient funds for food and lodging. They neither ask ed nor accepted charity. They arrived at the vollege in fine fettle and enter ed upon their studies with zeal. Both boys are graduates of the Cov ington County High School. In mod est circumstances, they found it nec essary to walk to Birmingham and to ' | depend upon their own efforts if they j were tot attend college. i The Hudsons Bay Company re ceived its charter from King Charles | 11. in 176!). V'li* ' —... i ..-.a THfe TRIBUNIijS! PRINTS —M TODAY’S NEWS TODAY I NO. 235 FRENCH PROPOSAL I IS UNACCEPTABLEi : TO THIS COURTHI secretary Mellon Brands! as Fake Reports of Aifl Agreement On Frenctfl Debt Plan. 1 FRENChT\D VISED If TO THIS EFFECT! President Coolidge Hafl Not Given Approval oil Disapproval to Any Plan Offered. ! Washington, Oct. I.— UP) —The® French proposal for settlement of i war debt to the United States has® bctoi found unacceptable. fl After n conference at the WhitflM House today between President CoolJß ! idge and the American debt ! sion, a statement was issued by ret ary Mellon for the committee called on the President and declmoH rhut no proposal had been to Mr. Coolidge for his approval otfl disapproval. ® "The representation in the press on® the supposed authority of a member tbe French commission that agrees® mem has been reached, and ing to give the terms is entirely | correct. Such a statement did hot come from M. Caiilaux cause before the adjournment of sub-committee last evening the FrencljH members were informed by the ienn members that their were not likely to be accepted. ® “There has been no difference opinion, whatever among the can commission. The visit to the Presf® idem lies morning was to inform of the position of negotiations. projMisal Ims been made acceptable to® the American commission and none® lias been submitted to the President® for ids approval or disapproval.” Some members of the American® commission were of the opinion no possibility of an agreement with® the French was apparent at state. One membprt fell that the commissions were as far apart. they were upon presentation by nance Minister ('aillaix of his firsfi® settlement pro|H)sal last Thursday, ® The American commission imraedi-® ately went into an executive, and it was intimated that following® the scheduled meeting at ll o'clock® with the French mission, a statement® giving more details of the would be made public. M THE COTTON MARKET I 1 Opened Steady Today at an AdvaneM of Two Points to Decline of Threw Prints—December OfT. ® New York. Oct. I.— UP) —The cot® : ton market opened steady today at an® advance of two points to a decline o 9 three points. There was consider-® able covering on relatively steady Liy® orpool cables and trade buying wan® again in evidence, but offerings tvert® heavy as prices weakened after the® call under AVall Street, local aiuf® southern selling. December soon sold® off from 23.1!) to 23.04, and the mar-® ket was unsettled at the end of the® first hour, active montliß showing net® losses of 8 to 12 points. The early® sellilng was accompanied by rumors,ffl bearish private crop figures. Cotton futures opened steady. Oct® 23.07; Dec 23.10; Jan. 22.35; March® 22.00; May 22.83. 1 ■ With Our Advertisers. B Provide for winter now by buying a® ! Buck's parlor heater. At the Coneort® Furniture Co. ® Efird's Dollar Days are Friday and® Saturday. fl "Without Mercy," at Warner's Con® cord Theatre today and tomorrow. Al® so Pnthe News and a comedy, “Fight® ing Fluid." "Without Mercy” is jjjjH ( dramatic treatment of impulses ant® ! emotions. Don't mis sit. I New Head of Pennsylvania System.! j Philadelphia. Pa.. Oct. I.—Gen® j William Wallace Atterbury, who to® day assumes the presidency of the® Pennsylvania Railroad in succession® to Samuel Rea, has been in th® . service of tin- company ever since hi® 'graduation from Yale in' 1886. Be® ginning as riu apprentice he gradual® -1 ly rose in the service until he b< I j came vice president in charge t ® 'operations in 1622. and chief vie I president ofthe entire system la*® 'year. I Passengers Robbed. ® i Omaha. Neb., Sept. 30.—A maske® bandit boarded a Missouri PaciS® passenger train in the railroad yard® here early tonight and robbed 25 pas® j sengers. Te escaped with an undj® termined amount of loot. I SAT'S BEAR SAYS: I mi. i l ® r<i * '>] j& 1 &\ 1 I mS I I I I’nitly cloudy tonight and Frida® : probably showers in extreme wV*t as® extreme north portion*.SlightJ® ■t warmer in north portion Griday. :®j

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