PAGE EIGHT Complete Outfit $24.75 Bed, Mattress and Springs 8 Two-inch post bed. with large fillers. Finished Walnut, Mahogany, jr I ' Ivory or White. All steel bed with double loots, very strong and £ p rigid. "Large metal casters that never fail to work. | Extra Heavy National Spring, reinforced on sides to prevent sagging, "i H Locks made on springs. No rails or slats necessary. L 1 Forty-five pound cotton mattress, made of all new material. Fancy 1 1 1 ? tick, in blue or pint. jj, j I The above outfit is guaranteed and we will replace any piece that jj j j fails to give good service. S New Goods arriving daily. Come in and loot them over. No ebli- |" } g gation to buy. j {Concord Furniture Co| THE reliable ftrnitvre store JOHNSON’S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO 2 ; YOUR GROCER Price Only 20 Cents a Pound New Supply Golf Balls I Spalding Dimple, Mesh, Kro-Flite, and Baby Dimple % I Ritchie Hardware Ct \ YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 | NOMINATION COUPON | Nomination Blank in The Tribune gad That* “Everybody TfW Campaign |1 . hereby enter and cast 3,000 votes to * I As a candidate in The Tribune and Times "Everybody Wins" Prise Ijj il NOTE—Only one nomination blank accepted flor «*uh candidate nom- 8 fatlWlt- 1 " , —fl-, ■' .11.. NEGRO PAPER MAKES £ APPEAL, TO THE SOUTH imp— Rnwed PIM For Justice Called '*> Forth By Mb—aippl Ly—Mng. Memphis, Term-, Oct. I.—Com jaenting on the recent burning at the jfetake of J. P. Ivy in Union County, wasiasippi, the Weekly Times, . a Begro newspaper published In this Sty. addresses to the people of the South an impassioned pea for pro jjbetion and justice. pmiW_do not condone crime,” says MW editorial. “We want to see every Wtatinal punished to the limit of the Kw. fegardiens of color; but we do want punishment meted out by law, the courts. We appeal to tks beet blood of the .Sooth for protection and Justice We appeal to the of white ministers for condemnation of such acts. We appeal to the Governor and all officers of the law for punishment of the guilty. We appeal to every agency for making sentiment, that the ends of justice may be served, and that right quick ly- , ' - Buffalo Jones, a hunter of the Southwest, husoes and captures alive mountain lions in their native • Concord Daily Tribune Time of closing' maHs The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 136-^1:00 P. M. I i 3M-10.00 4. M. ! «S— 4:10 P. M. ! 38— 8:30 P. M. i SO^-11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 46 3 :30 P. M, 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. L'lJ-L," '■ .... l'l »IH II LOCAL MENTION I Smith Peacock resumed his work at : the Times-Tribuqe office today after j being confined to his home with an in j fected foot fur several days. The Dokie drum corps from Char j lotte will be present at the K. of P. I meeting here tonight and all Pyth | ians in the city are urged to attend the meeting. Frank Mund, city building and electrical inspector, reports that dur -1 ing September he issued 21 building j permits for work aggregating $31,600, j and 20 electrical permits. i The County Couincil Home | Demonstration Clubs will meet at the j borne demonstration office Saturday in a very important meeting in which all j members are urged to be present. I The Roberta and Rocky River pub j lie schools will open Monday for the 1 1925-26 term, it was reported this j morning at the office of J. B. Robert | son, superintendent of county schools. ! The school buildings are being eleans | ed and otherwise put in order for the. | opening. J. L. Beaver and George B. King j has sold to J. H. Briggs for $2750 j property in Fairview. according to a deed filed Thursday. Another deed ! records the sale of property in No. 4 I township by John F. Barnhardt and Mrs. M. S. Winecoff to Dallis Crin shaw for SSOO. A meeting of the Fred Y. McCon nell post of the American Legion will be held tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Be ginning with the meeting tonight the post will meet twice a month during j the winter, the first and third Fri j day nights in each month being j chosen as meeting dates. I FuHy 400 rooms will be needed to ! care for visitors here during fair j week and persons having rooms for | rent at that time are asked to notify ! I)r. T. N. Spencer. Up to date about | 125 rooms have been listed and Dr. j Spencer hopes to have the additional 275 by Monday of fair week. Four defendants are to be tried in J court here this afternoon. One is 1 charged with assault with a deadly i weapon, two with having liquor in their homes and having liquor for sale and another with transporting ; liquor. The latter case will be tried before a jury at the ropiest of the I j defendant. ] Dr. T. N. Spencer, secretary of the Cabarrus County Fair Association, | was a visitor at the Greensboro Fair , Thursday. The fair there is a very j creditable ore. Dr. Spencer reports, | but the attendance was very light, j especially in view of the fact that j Thursday is usually the biggest day with the Greensboro fair. There were additional signs of rain here Thursday and again this morn ing. While a sprinkle fell here Thursday about noon the clouds soon broke up and Thursday night was ex ceptionally clear. Many farmers hope the rain will not come until cotton is picked while others want rain so they can prepare their ground. Two football games in the state to- I morrow will be of much interest, j . State and Duke meet at Durham and I Wake Forest and Davidson meet at 1 Charlotte. State and Wake Forest 4 have the edge in pre-game dope but 1 Davidson and Duke are expected to I j furnish real opposition. The game in I j Charlotte is certain to draw many 1 Concord fans. I | Local fair officials were interested j i In the story from Shelby to the effect ' j that Grace Direct, Penny Brothers’ 1 mare which established a new track j record here, had been taken to Shelby < I in the hope that the record can be I smashed there. The track there was J described as “the fastest in the South." 1 , Fair officials are confident the Bhelby [ track is slower than the one here and ' they do not believe Grace Direct can 1 lower her record on that track. C. N. Fields, eity tax collector, ex- J pect6 to have his tax receipts ready 1 about October 10th. He and B. E. 1 Harris, city clerk and treasurer, have ] been working on the books for several 1 weeks and they expect to complete ] work on them about two weeks earlier 1 than usual. While Mr. Fields ex- 1 peets his collections to be light this- ] month, as they usually are in Oe- 1 tober. he will have the books ready I for those who want to pay and get ' the taxes out of the way. I After a spirited contest against a [ field of half a dozen opposing can- ; I didates, John D. Nolan of Rochester, | N. Y„ has been re-elected president I of the Shoe Workers' Protective I Union. 1 BSE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAY* K. OF T. NOTICE. Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. 51 K. of P. Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Rowan Isidge No. 100, of Salisbury, and Pythians from Charlotte with D. O. K. K. drum crops will be present. All .Pythians are urged to be on hand and give the Pythians a glad hand tfiake. E. E. PEELE, C. C. CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1, IMS Cotton > 22 1-2. Cotton Seed -a l .49 1-2 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUTE Two of Mysterious Ormond Letters Placed in Record j Rockingham. Octt I.—Two of the mysterious letters claimed to have been a main cause of W. B. Cole's shooting Bill Ormond to death here August 13 beoamij public here today at the 'trialt when the defense introduced them through the agency of Elizabeth Cole, the manufacturer's daughtef und Bill Ormond's former sweetheart, who proved Ormond's handwriting The letters came in after a hard buttle between the opposing lawyers. More biters, it was announced, are to be introduced as opportunity comes. The first letter introduced was iden tified by Miss Cole and read to the jury. It was tvrit'en to her soon af ter the estrangement in October a year ago. It follows : Letter to Miss Cole. “Dear Libbutl am sorry you misunderstood me saying I teas the only one could make you happy or in sinuate that you would be happy with me. I did not mean that at all—for I haven't ability to make you happy, but I can make you nil otherwise. So when you hand out those ‘I don't love you' and about the plans being a 'thing of the past' you did not en lighten me any. I have known that since, the first of August, and I see now why you did not ever want me to talk to your daddy, and what 'ymi told me the last time we parted was only a bluff to keep me from going to him then. You have been telling him one thing and me another, and bluf fing me since October sth. I wjrh 1 could innterpret things like people that had good minds at the time. * "Why haven't 1 the right to tell you one thing and do another? I could hot see any scheme otheir.fhah the one played against me, which was very evident from several viewpoints and at all places. “And you want things to stay as (hey are—it's fine as long as you have the upper hand, but when the time conies from me to put m.v cards on the table, you want to beg off—l thiuk just about as much of you now as you do of me. You don't care a snap for my feelings or anything else—so! why shouldn't 1 have a say-so, as you ' have had yours? Yes. it s something driving me as it was you—isn't that fair also? “I do not blame you for not loving me any more. I regret having such a horrible temper, but why is it so— you can answer that absolutely—and 1 hape that will be the next thing that goes out of my life. "I can say sincerely that I do not love you, either: am glad I found you out before it was too late. “Sincerely, "BILL ORMOND.” "Watch my smoke.” The next letter was written to W. B. Cole from Ormond, written at a time which caused the letter to the Cole home on the celebration of 1 jj FREE VOTING COUPON in The Tribune and Times "Everybody Wins” Grand Prise Campaign I ] GOOD FOR 100 VOTES r I hereby cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of— K ' j m j i Address ja_.. This conpon, neatly clipped ont, name and address of the candidate ■ filled in, and mailed or delivered to the Election Department of The 0 Tribune and Times, Room 208- Oabarrus Bank Bldg., or P. O. Box fit : 431, will count as 100 FREE VOTER It does not cost anything to 5} cast these coupons for your favorite candidate, and you are not re- s 1 !stricted,in any sense in voting them. Get all yon can and send.them In pi ! —they all count. Do not roll or fold. Deliver In flat packages. NOTE 19 ' —This coupon must be voted on or b efore OCTOBER 3rd. j? 1 I Made in Carolina* Exposition, Char- j lotte, N. C., Sept. 21-Oct 3,1925 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ] Announces reduced fare, for this occasion from the following terri- 1 tory: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, including Washington, D. 9 C., Eastern Tennessee, also from Atlanta amL-all stations in Georgia 5 and east thereof, including Auginta. u Tickets on sale Sept. 20th to October 3, 1925, inclusive. Final limit 9 5 all tickets good to reach original starting point prior to midnight Oc- O | tober 5, 1925. 5 The Made in CaroMnas Exposition is bigger and better than ever X X before. 9 Wonderful program has been trranged tor this show this year. ■ 0 For detailed information call on any Southern Railway agent or ad- X X dress. . » X £ Ah. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent, 8 Charlotte, N. C. 91 our PEf m m IfluLif Our Penny ADS. Get Quickßesults —*» * ! ? the silver wedding anniversary of Mr.| t and Mrs. Cole, last February 14, ac-i ; i-ording to the daughter's testimony, t The letter follows : ‘ Letter to Cole. I “Dear .Mr, Cole: i "You hare received two letters from I me. One was as nice as I knew ho\v > to write, and no attention was paid to it. The other was- written with I no hard feelings. I simply tried to . let you know the relation that had • existed between your daughter and! myself. Realizing as Ido juatyher position I think It nothing but right and just to her and your family for ■ me to clear my skirts as a man. by making this my last effort to inform you of our relations and leave the matter With you. 1 am honest in coming to you, and all my Statements are true from my Mart, I will feel better knowing that I have been hon , pst with you. “There is no hatred or malice at ail on my part toward you or any of the family, but when 1 see I.ibbut's future tind your home at stake it does not make me mad when you all treat me with contempt, but I have a feel ing of pity knowing what might hap pen if the facts were uncovered, it is for your family I am writing this.l “I havervt any hard feelings toward you for this, but still you do not renlize what you have done to her. 1 am only pleading for her sake. What would she feel like marrying some one after we have had relations as man and wife for over a year? She would be miserable all her life as she is now. I know she is putting up a hold -front, but down in her heart she does not know what to do. and you need not be surprised at what she might do. “It is for your sake that 1 am giv- ■ ing the facts in the case. If we had not done what we have through de voted love for each other, I would have dropped the matter when she j told me, but I think enough of the ( family to save it from exposure. j "In your estimation I know what J you think of me but it was not all i together my fault. ‘Bill. I love you ' ! enough to do anything and we are go- . . ing to get married soon.' ‘Do you 1 think I would do this if I did not \ love you Bill.’ As I see it we have i commited no sin except to society. 1 "You did not show her the first \ letter I wrote you. I doubt if you t iiad the heart to heart talk, with her. 1 1 would be glad to know that the i weight on her heart was lifted. You i have no idea what she is going through j with, trying to please you. "It is very evident to me during 1 my last visit to town that the whole family hated me. Still at the same time 1 felt sorry for them, they not knowing the facts. “I hope you take this in the same l spirit in which it is written. "Sincerely, i "W. W. ORMOND.” w——. .{ —PR. THBfl. I! K6WLETO OSTEOPATHIC | nyiMu l Suite 403 Caburros Savings Bank Building ■ “Osteopathy treats any illness for which people consult a doctor.” ' 'Phone: Office 914; Res, 567 Our New Mechanically Refrig- ' erfited Autopolar Foun- j tain keeps ice cream in the most i perfect condition. With this ] new automatic refrigerating i device, it is possible to hold the ! temperature 1o the zero mark | if‘desired, and this insures all ( ice cream and (drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 92 ] 000000000000000000000000 ! j|j SCHOOL WATCHES ijl j i [ Punctuality is a difficult vir- ' ] ]l j tue to cultivate in children. It ‘ ! i V is prettily encouraged when 11 ] ji each carries his very own time- 1 piece. We have them for the | ]i' boys and girls. S. W. Preslar ijj jjl JEWELER ooooooodoooooooooooooooo ,j!| SQUIBBS TOOTH PASTE FREE ■ If you buy a tube of 8 Squibb’s Tooth Paste for 60c we will give you a | I tube absolutely free. ' Cline’s Pharmacy | Phone 333 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline 4 Moose) i Figures named represent priced ' paid for produce on the market: Eggs -40 ( Corn $1.85 Sweet Potatoes ___ 1.75 j Turkeys . .29 to .80 j Onions ... $1.50 Peas $3.00 Butter AO Country Ham ' 1 .80 Countly Shoulder .20 Country Sides .20 Toung Chickens .25 j Hens .18 Irish Potatoes $1.50 * J “SLYMPH” I ? is highly appropri- S l ate in name for this £ 9 ravishing Pump..By 5 5 its utter simplicity g 9 adorned with a s I fetching bow, it be- •Jl j $ comes most interest- s! j ing to the woman IJ I S seeking a daytime ,W r shoe. In patent |] j I. leather of a superb £ 9 quality. P |[ c Bench made. | $6.95 | L RUTH-KESLER j f SHOE STORE “A ' ■ 'i < >OOOOOOOO n Jfc CAN YOU READ T W 4 CHINESE? ( M course notL JW . So we’ll give you the old ' K “ Ji Chinese proverb in Eng- j ! | “One look is worth a j V ■ thousand words" J ‘ We cannot convey in type si* these new Scbloss Kail models even with Daniel o ... , , , Webster at out elbow— < J I So—well cut short on words and ask von ta take one “ ; iong lqok. ,*■ K une } The Schloss Fall Suits are Here—s2s to S4O j HOOVER’S,Inc. A j “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” 1 ~ i ,O '' XJOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC | I COAL I The Right Coal For the Right Purpose j j i A. B. POUNDS || PHONE 244 OR 279 ; ; ' OOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX>OOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO( sßMt«Bmßgss3gga3SEg3lF£sTMnrraaarrngaa ■ - 3 j SAVE SYSTEMATICALLY ! | I October Ist is the beginning of a New Interest Quar- \ || ter. All deposits ninde through October loth will draw j ' i| interest from October Ist. , 4 : » I CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK I 8 Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 g r^Bii ' ’FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAK § ■jl BE PREPARED FOR THESE COLD SNAPS ;j[ Buy 'a Ton of Our Clean Hand Picked Coal Cline & Mabery Coal Co. ' PHONE 799 Yes We Have That Famous X JELLICO COAL . y\ 1 | I GOOD FOR2o!oOOEXTRA VOTES ' , x. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Accompanied by the nomination blank, and your first subscription H this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Tribune and > , H Times Kits with a grand total of more than 35,000 votes. This cou- 1 ij pon may‘be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. ‘ t Name of Subscriber -a * i | Name ; ' j * ■'• ' * ■ J Amount Enclosed • V- . 't Tills coupon will count 20,000 free votes when returned to the Cam paign Manager, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule.. aimaAßaaaadajraii aawißUMifliki a =i a jam « mi ami ah OUR m NR. ILK GET RESIlt' Friday, October 2,1925 M

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