Tuesday, October 6, 1925 fLet Us.Shdw You what Modern Equip ment Means in *1 CLEANING and BLOCKING HATS One Day Service * ROBERTA The weather still continues to be As. ili«H Alary Motley spent 'awhile lurday afternoon with her eotisin, Jltss Lida Motley, neare Harrisbirfg. ’ , ? Ir - **• H - Hatley and family and Willie Alexander spent Sunday eve ning with Mr. Hatley's Mother, near Howell's Church. little James Kiser is sick at this writing. Airs, Carl Williams returned home 'lrani the Charlotte hospital Saturday. Airs. Roy Smith, of Concord, spent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. George Easley. ''AH- Ed. Alexander and family spent the week-end with his . brother. Dun Alexander, at lioneer Mills. nTTTi nTTD _ nrtu UUK WAY BY WILLIAMS (! tnrsntm.. .- - irt, WE. VNOMT BdEwX /wee -EE-HAH HAHv\/po«E SMOK&MtX \ TvJH ME— 1 BRVJMCr \l VMEUL-EE-VAEE-VKiEU.* V IMG O'KAE.YACAM BEADS V We!s THRO fcF HE HIS PA&SPDWTS < W S VAMCE- AmTH STRiMGt DlDw GtfT A NOfHOH ' WEE-HtC - iD -AM 'DES AMEN X WAS BOOK, TAKIW', BOOKS OH \NEU_ -Et HtE. - OKI MW KMEtS PICKIM' BACK WAS ItV ONAX VNIVL FIND A 5 - IkJ WALKS SMOKER A excuse he coo HMD i i'll TAKE ISA CNo. • and good ' flrices have been received for all products brought in. (he county agent say< Among women who have made hood in local (Kilitics inay be men tioned Airs. Graee Schiska of Eugene, Oregon. Airs. Bchiska made her po litical debut as a candidate for city reoortler and was elected. Later she became a police judge, and now she has been appointed to the office of county treasurer. TIMES-TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. fHE COKICOkb bAILY TRIBUNE FAITH. J The good people at Concord, N. C..| who has been reading his items for a number of years in the Concord Times and Daily Tribune don’t forget Venus when they have a big time. The fair people have just Venus a pack of tickets to attend the fair. Here is what is on the outside: "Cabarrus county Fair, Concord. N. C\, Oct. 13, 1-4. 15. i(i, 17. l!)o,-, Complimentary ticket issued to J. T. AVyatt. J. F. Cannon. President ; Dr. T. N. Spencer, Secretary. If the people at the Concord fair would furnish J. T. AVyatt of Faith, a booth and a few show cases or some window sash with glass to lay over Rs collection he would take them to the fair and place them where they could be seen by tile, thousands of people who will be there, provided They would send a truck after him the day or two before the fair and take him ami his exhibits back home after the fair free of cost to him, like the jieople did at the Alillingport Com munity fair. Then tlie people will sec something worth while and people would come for miles and miles if they knew Venus would be there with his big collection of old time things of every description. Venus would like to know if the manager of the fair will send after him at their expense to Fa ; th one dw before the fair op ens so we can out the curios One of the readers of the Faith items of Alouut Pleasant Route 2, Box 37, send for a dollar jar of home made Eczema salve. t Born to Mr. and Airs. 11. C. Eagle September 30. a daughter. J. TV. AVyatt got an order today for two pair millstones and a check with the order to pay for them. That’s the way to do business. Rev. and Mrs. A. O. Leonard, of Lexington, spent Friday herb with home folks. Miss Pearle Fisher, who is teaching in the high school at China Grove, is spending the week-end here with home folks. All’s. B. Safrit, of China Grove, is visiting relatives iieye for a week. The Sons and Daughters of Liberty here have on a contest which wiii continue throughout the rest of this year and they will meet every Tues day night at 7 o’clock. Alcmbers come out and find out. about it. Ed. AA’illiams and AlisH Irene Rons) were married Friday night. John Safrit took them to South Carolina in ins car, where they .were married. Mr. Safrit is getting up quite a reputation for taking young people to Smith Car olina to get married. This'is his sec ond couple in the last few weeks. Ten thousand tihis' of diirax pav ing blocks shipped from here every year. If you can beat that trot out your blocks, , Air. AI. S. Mencham has left the Salisbury Post ami the mnilng loom is iu charge of It. E. Poplin, a line clever young man. AA inston-Salem lms a hundred thou sand square yards of Durax paving laid. If any other oily can beat that for the best paving in the world, trot out ynuy. city. r J> vittie-' daughter of Mr. "d.’e.i Aliigph n-igls -Venus' items. , AA e met .Miss Fay Idysinger, one of Salisbury's good salesladies, taking dinner at the Salisbury Case. AA «■ met T. Techener and ids pret ty little daughter who read Venus items. She is only 11 years old and wc.gha 11)2 pounds. AA ho c-i-i heat that? She is ip the seventh grade Air. Techener has been working for the .Southern Railroad for 38 years as machinist. If you can beat that trot out your man. Harvey Wyatt, of Rockwell, and his partner are drilling u deep well for Tom Byrd at Garner Creek at his beautiful home. They are going down through solid rock and a gold vein. Mr. Byrd also has electric lights now. AA e met our old schoolmate, Luther Aliller, who has beeu with the South ern Railway Co. for 35 years. VENUS. Burk# County Poultry by the Car. Load. , Alorgauton, X. t’., Oc£ 3.—oP) 1 armors in Burke county shipped 3,5!>7 pounds of live poultry last week ami received SIBO for it at the car door, according to Farsi Agent K. fi. Sloan. This was the lirst time a car had ever stopped in Alorgauton for car load shipments, ami the farmers are delighted with the arrangement, says Air. Sloan. 'Hens, cocks, fcrqjlei’s. geese, and ducks were included in the sale and the price received wllTdo muoh to tax,St future shipments in the county, Mr. Sloan believes. ALWAYS GET RESULTS Ijl Let Yoyr j Next Battery ; jj Be An ijl ij EXIDE j Use Only the i: Best f Stewart 51 CHARLES Y. STEWART I NBA Service Writer IV J ASHINGTON National ad- I W ministrations will be damned if they do and damned if they don’t. President Coolidge is due for trouble at the next session ft Congress for not saving enough j money and for saving too much. * • » HIS claim to credit for federal tax reduction will be dis puted by administration op ponents. His charge that state and local taxes are being unreason ably increased will be disputed, too. * • * THE fact remains that federal • taxes are being cut and that state and local taxes are in creasing. So how are the na tional administration's critics go ing to make their story stick? They haven’t been very clear about this. The president has been perfectly clear in all he said. GOA'ERNOR ‘‘Al'’ Smith of New York finally has told the anti-administration side definitely. As a Democrat, he at tacks the president's case. As a state executive, he defends local government, president, he says, ; Isn’t economizing, but simply, getting ’ A HORSE IS TIRED—WHtSmULUm ' HE REST? ‘ S. W 'lien a man is tired he sits down. -V-hd when _ a horse is tired, why shouldn't -ho sit down, ton? That’s what this horse argued between seems jn “The Vanishing American,'” the Ziuu* Grey Indian epic which I’ara niouijf'* made on the Arizona desert, with George B. Seitz d : reeling. SVERETT TRUK BY CONDO { H Vv RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. tYou Need Not Worry about the coining severe winter and large coal, bills if you let us install a Cole’s Down, Draft Heater in your « f s ’ ze >r cvor y purpose, a price • Guaranteed to to of Come in today and make your selec- ‘ H. B. Wilkinson = HA* Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresvfyj 1 Car Washing! Alemite Greasing! | Crank Case Service Let us wash your car and grease it with Alemite High l ressure lubricating system for everybody knows that ■ * lubrication is the life of any car. 1 exaco gasoline and oils—Goodrich tires and tubes. ■ . ; iue changing, Accessories, Free Air and yv&tt r CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE :qq ;■ *.'***! i PAGE SEVEN