PAGE SIX To Any Person Nominating | A Winner of Any One of Four Automo biles in TRIBUNE-MS SIO,OOO CAMPAIGN Must Be A Contestant Not Yet Entered nf Here is a chance for you to have a real monetary interest in this wonderful campaign of ours without actually becoming a candidate yourself. You must have a friend, or a member of your family, who you know would have a fine opportunity of winning one of these expensive cars if they would but try. You will pe doing some one a great favor to be the means of Parting them on the road toward success. All you lave to do to have a chance at one of the $25 prizes . offered is to fill out the coupon below with the name and address of your suggestion for a new candidate in this campaign and with your own name in the proper “place. If the one you nominate wins any one of the Four cars you will win $25 in gold. You have noth ing to lose and you may win. Send in your sugges tion today to Box 431, Concord. Yes, you can nomi nate yourself. NOMINATION BLANK [ hereby nominate and cast 5,000 votes for M Address as a candidate in The Concord Tribune and Times 'Everybody Wins” Prize Distribution. Nominated by M Address [f the same person is nominated by more than one, the irst nomination received will qualify for the $25 prize. CHEVROLET SEDAN Purchased From Concord Motor Co. • trtctgi jj , Purchased From White Auto Co. «* i ft nor VSuUCSI6IO Value $938 . Value $1335 ,*, ' • . * . . kM S. -» - - THE'CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Are some of you people losing sight of the fact that “Everybody Wins” in this prize op- , portunity? Remember that second and third contestants in each district receive S2OO and SIOO respectively and that every active par ticipant who does not win either one of the automobiles or one of the cash prizes gets 10 per cent, commission on total subscription business. You can not lose but YOU CAN WIN BIG. You win according to what you do. You are the judge of your own reward. If you want a little, you get a little. If you want more you get more. If you want a car, you can win one. ’ t ’ ■ MASTER SIX BUICK BROUGHAM Purchased from Standard Buick Co. Value s2llO VOTE SCORE I District No. 1 Following is the list or candidates, with tlietr votes published, in this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. commission to all other active can didates must be awarded ki this district. In case of any omission or incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once. H. A. Allred -k Miss Marie Barrier _. T~ Mrs. J. Herman Laughlin ois.iuu Miss Maefield Lentz / 101-200 Stephen Morris Paul Query 185.100 Miss Dorothy Roberts —- —■—270,400 Mrs. R. M. Sappenfield 262,300 District No. 2 Following is the list of candidates, with their votes published, in this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, one SIOO cash prize nnd 10 pet. commission to all other active can didates must be awarded in this district. In case of any omission or incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once. Miss Lucile Cline, Kannapolis .-224,300 Lawrence Fowler, Kannapolis v 6.100 A. O. Maulden, Kannapolis Miss Billie Sapp, R. F. P., Concord 233,200 Mss Ethel Saxon. Mary Ella Hall, Knunapolis ..10,400 Mrs. Nina Stogner, R. F. D, 1, Concord - 145,800 District No. 3 Following is the list of candidates, with their votes published, in this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. commission to all other active can didates must be awarded in this district. In case of any omission or incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once. ( Boyd Carpenter, Stanfield 217,400 Ruth Fryling Marcho, R. F. D. 5, Concord 176,700 Ed. Gray, R. F. D. 6. Concord 237,100 O. H .Lipe, R. F. D. 2, Mt. Pleasant ll,lOO Rev. E. Myers, R. F. D. 6, Concord 233,000 ■ - _ II Wednesday, Oct. 7,1925