Wednesday, Oct. 7,1925 ■——— mmmmm r Let Us Show You what Modern Equip- I ment Means in y j . Wyp CLEANING and V/j \&j { . BLOCKING HATS \jLj One Day Service ■.. \ ..... f . t TODAY’S EVENTS. I Wednesday. October 7. 1023. ' l <■ year ago today the S. a*lldfeible .Shenandoah left I.ake ■ Nf .1., on . her nietnorable ■ flight to the Pacific. ('oast. ■ Toduy, weather permitting, the ■ Pittsburgh and Washington baseball H team* will meet in Pittsburgh for ■ the initial game in 4lie World Series. ■ John A. Bell, president of the de ■ funct Carnegie Trust Company, a jH voluntary bankraii+t is to be arraign § vd f°r trial in Pittsburgh today. | The opening of * the Savannah ,J River Coastal 'Highway bridge, an important link iu the new highway I from Maine t*> Florida. will be made 1 the occasion for a * celebration >n I Savanna# today. jp Following the close of their ses OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS I I I Ij/lM *TH’NIAME n. */"TbRME v Y RtLIZE. HESIAUKIW' V CrOOD GOSH A.. " [[(HI/ OF "Th\«s GRATfe \ HISSfcUF AM* US OUTA A OOB? ATS A \ C I STATt,X OEMAMO \ TUBS IS TR' OK M CPtMIMUI- o«pu_ LOMCr * ls | i f 'IhT TUBS DESPRiT ' sy/E GOT, AM \F \ne SEkoOnce BeTmeeki | CRIMINGrNAL SHOO BIM FtR UFE,VnIHOS GONNA AVTOESTS. II BE SfEMTIMcEO TO KEEP 1R V CRIME WANE. GO'kl’ / FIFTEEN MINUTES —Jr) LIFE IMPRiSONMINT , SO'S-TFttS COURT KIM KEEP A '-ONOr ANWFP/ I V FER LIFE- FER SEtCTNCE. J I : . I ' '* TOO MUCH QF A GOOD TtAIMGr. •ms «v Mg* jmgfcjhb, J j TOWN POP BfMXOg= Ers nothing^'l/if j listen* she)s ) i trat means we’ll have ' Maas >-iSS«AnS yroissK wudaffiSS \ For Tonight/7 i suppose-she don’t realize That SHE'S / MM | I . - ~™v ' a I JUST CAME IN lb iT "l SEE IF EVERYONE / GRACIOUS V I , L>6 COMFORTABLE J VEfe - ) SHOULD ft AND ENJOYING A EVERYTHING { SAVSo- sior« in Washington* today the dole gates to the conference of the In-| terpa filamentary Union will become the guests for four days of the Carnegie Endowment for Inter national Veaee. More than 100 invitations have been i-nued for the wedding in New York today of Miss Ada Heituse. a j of the late Augustus Heiuzc, the Montana eop|«*r magnate, to Ira Itolette Warner. of Bridgeport, Conn. Prayer book revision, tiimnoe pro gram revision and the choir* of a presiding bishop are' among the im portant tasks confronting the 4Xtb tbiennial .General Convention of Ihr Protestant Episcopal Church, which begins its sessions today in New (Means. l s USE PENNY COLUMN—>T PAYS ft—>' n Eat her of Seventeen Passed lb Meck | ■ lenborg. | Charlotte, Oct. . 4.—l);ivid L. El liott. aged JS. *l>e<l at S a. m. Satur day of his home in I.onk Creekjtown ship. county, surronudrsl by Irs heventren children and his wife. Mr. Elliott laid been married three I times, having children by each of his wives. He has fort.v-one giaini,ej)ii jk'pn and thirteen great grand-ehildfen. Suffers Broken Leg In Automobile Ac cident. Salisbury, Oct/4. —Cade Barnes, 25 year old clerk at the Southern traffic shed, is in the Salisbury Hospital with a broken leg and severe euts and bruises as a result of fin automobile wreck at Church Land, davidson coun i ty, this afternoon. fHE Concord daily-tribune DINNER STORIES # ' - T .- / „l | Some llcht<wittiiisins. i Ikey wjts in the hospital, his friend, finding him in despondency, . asked what t'.ie trouble might be. i I . “It's nothing but trouble. Now I dese doctors vant to put in some ! monkey glands yet." j "Weil, why not Ikey, if they will i make you well?" “Sure, vhy not? But it will cost me fife thousand dollars for a fen monkey giants, ven I know vare 1 can get a whole monkey for twelft dollars." Two gentleman /stopped on the street to talk to each other, one wear ing a large diamond tie pin. 'lsaacs,” said the other, "dot Is a line diamond / you have it. Vare you get it?" "Veil," explained Isaacs, “my brother '.ie died and left $450 for u stoite. And dis is de stone.” Ikey (eagerly): “Fadfler. I vos in do woods an' I saw a nest full of young birts an' dey did nothing but sing 'Cheep! Cheep!” 5 Cohenstcin: "Mine gracious, Ikey! Get all dein birts you can. I'll hong dem in dor front of der store and let dem holler 'bout der goots." Biddle Scmmy: "Faffer. was your ti/eble vel-to-do?" Big Semmy: “No, but mien gosh, (ley vas hard to do.” CONCORD FARMER SAYS TO ASK HIM Says That He Owes His Good Health ‘ and Strengtii to HERB JUICE. 'Must tell the people .'wound here to ask me about HERB JUICE and I will tell the facts about this medicine that will surprise them in more ways thou one," said Mr. A. L. Goodman. Well-known and highly respected .farmer who resides at (Ki St. Mary's street. ConcorcUN. C.. when he called to see the HEHB JUICE man few I dayft ago. Mm \ aßr jy?M R mm '■'w ti4jj£ ' l '9r \ JpPPPPfISfRIf <mm\J * MR. A. T„ GOODMAN “Why, before I was fortunate enough to hear about this wonderful tonic laxative," continued Mr. Good man, "I \yas in about as bad run down condition as a person could lie ami. still keep going. My stomach was all out of shape. Iti plain words. I thought it was just about worn out. 1 could not eat and enjoy a tiling as my food seemed to sour just as soon as ii readied the stomach, and for hours after eating I would suffer ter rible jiains from gas and indigestion. - My kidneys also acted very irregular ly which caused me to be tip all hours of the night making it impossible for me to get my prbper rest. In addi tion to this, I was badly uoustijmtcd and try as I would. I could not find any medicine that would relieve this trouble or regulate mV bowels until I started using HEHB JUICE. That's why I say just tell the folks around home to ask me about this medicine. 1 now feel better in every way than I nave for years. Kidneys act tcgulur l.Y, sleep just fine at night and don't, have a pain or ache. HEHB JUICE has also regulated my bowels aud. re lieved me of the constipation trouble with the result that my .stomach is free of all poisons and I can eat urn! enjoy my meals without any indiges tion pains afterwards. I can sure speak a good word for this medicine and recommend HEHB JUICE to ev ery one. HERB JUICE is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded by Gibscn Drug Store. ' 2°®OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I Use Only the j COOOOeKIOOOOOOOOOOOCXXX^ SWtfrt JY CHARLES P. fcTEWART * NBA Service Writer VPTASjnNGTON—Boosters for W :r “greater Washington""— ' 1,000,000 population is their present bufiseye—may mean well, hut personally I’m out of Sympa thy with them. //Washington, the boosters say, is on&s of the nicest—perhaps the wary nicest —of all the towns in yhc country to live In. / Well, so it is, and one of the ‘nicest things about it is that it ‘isn't too beastly big. It’s grown / to, beat a full house in recent years, but even yet it retains a good many of the characteristics of a smallish burg—all the con-' veniences of a' big city minus a lot Os the drawbacks. Up to date the capital has qual Uy—not quite so much of it as be fore it began to grow so fast, but considerable. The boosters are prepared to sacrifice more and more of it in the Interests of quantity. • » » WASHINGTON'S many trees and numerous pretty little parks, squares and circles ... are among its chief attractions. '■ Already the "greater city” boosters have them marked for de struction. Indeed, they actually ' have begun on the trees. -The streeti, though they average pretty wide, aren't wide enough for the increasing population's au tdmobiles. So, here and there, the boosters are widening them. v Thi* meane thp trpp® hnvp to \o4r Coimncnclahle. i Lexington Dispatch. To say that, the action of .lames A. Lockhart. Charlotte lawyer aimug in the dofunse of W. B. Co’o for the killing of W. W. Ormond, in at tetnfoting to besmirch the war l'ecoi’d of a dead i»s not commend- 1 able is perhaps stating it in the mogt i haritable fnanner possible. I if there had been Haws in , the -supposed service record of the , dead soldier, whether he had been * twenty-five * miles or twenty-live yards from the enemy trencher, it , would come with bud grace from a forwr commander of fife American ■ J xa v make such- an attack. i Th.ii, other ex-soldiejs were quick ( to repudiate IjcckhnrYls attack and ; to defend the record of Ormond is refresh ing. AiuV it appears t’’iat they] have the' facts on the side <jf the i dead, which i.s further ,to the dis credit of the talkative Charlotte man. I Tne Legion -hsis had to stand for a | gooff-deal of embarrassment from this! man Lockhart, whom its mem hers hadx paid bigli honor in recognition nf i|i< own honorable service in the wait 11 was hardly very well pleased wihei he made an attack upon Ibe' chhf justice of the North (‘nrol in a supfoinC 'rkmrt becau-e that dignitary was not »in the armed service during j tbr wjir. j In view of ihes<» and other utter- Ain w of Mr. Lockhart, the public perhaps would not. feel like protest ing if there should be a movement front within the*Legion to purge it self of disturbing influences. Dfvoe’s Weather Forecasts For Mhnth of October. Ist’, cold wave. 2nd, storm over South Atlantic states, moving vorth \r<fiß? 3rd to 4th, snow and rain, oth to, eleariitg. 7th, storm over Mis souri valley, travelling southeast waid. Nth to l)th. warmer. loth si.nn (£ver Ohio valley, moving east ward. lith to 12tl», showeiNs. 114th, \vamer. • 14th. waTln wave over mid dle west. 15th to 10, warm and cloudy, followed by rain. 17th. a cold wave will form over the Dissuiiri valley. 18th. storm over Texas, thim ling northeastward. 10th to 20i!i. KKbw over northwestrn states, bill rain over eastern part cf coun try 21st to A 22ml rain and snow, 20, EVERETT TRUE BY COND< BY THC OoAY~ HR. WHITMAN, jT ij/j k. o _ l ■HeAiR'D THAT MAiHON&V To HA-P HIS TONSILS TAKtMOUT. I V „ „ He,.: e.—• m&X — ( I £&3£&d(etfer* ' come down, several streets nav* beefi spoiled thus and a campaign Is on to spoil more, wholesale. The little squares and circles are in demand to park cars In. Old timers are fighting it, but a few old timers don't staild much chance in the long run against a gang of up-to-date, energetic boosters. • « » OLD original Washington has a style of its own It looks like Washington and no other place, 'Architecturally It's natural and picturesque. For cold blooded utility it may not stack up with the newer sections, but it pleases the eye These newer sections—the boost ers' work—are built according to booster tastes They re standard ised. They're exactly like the very newest part of any other town Inside, the houses are strong on modern conveniences they're handy to live in and no mistake— but externally they're deadly • monotonous. Internally, too. Ugly, likewise—all cheap gin | getbread and fresh paint and efH ciency and about as much indi p viduality as a flivver. You don't have to come to [| Washington to learn how the new ” er part of it looks. Just take a * walk in the apartment house and duplex district of yhur own home town, 'that's what ft's like. 3 The boosters wafit to remodel € the entire place on the same-pat- i tern. "Rookeries" they call the i older buildings. They yearn to teat C 'cm down. I cold wave will form over the Missouri X 'and squally. 2<lth lo 27th, clearing. C 2Nth, storm over lower Mississippi 1 val’.ey, taveling northeastward. 20th X to 30th, cloudy and cold, with show I and rain. 31st. cold wave. X 1 It Will Come I'p Again. S Morganton News-Herald, j There is no doubt, at all bat that Jj one of the question that will oc- X copy the'Attention of the tlext State. ( 'Legislatin'! l , as it did the last, will be J the Aast.itt/ian Hullot. Already the campaign -is being planned and al- * ready it is apparent that an even more determined effort ,Ilian ia January- * | February 10251 will he made to bring i |iu North Carolina this great ballot I reform. ? The women are taking an active I part in the movement. Last week in I Greensboro a group of civic minded women, directors in the North Caro lina League of Women Voters, adopt- 1 ed a nwolutijin declaring their belief I Mil and pledging their supimrc of a State-wide Australian balot. Some lime ago the State Farmers' Con- 1 vent ion went on record as heartily endorsing Hie I lie plan. Doubtless hi'iwt'Cr now and the of 1327 othet organzatioris will put their shoulders to jlie wheel and will J propagate such a wide spread de hlttml for a fair form of secret ballot as the lawmakers cannot osist. The Australian blillot is lint only a progre-sive measure; ir is an economical measure as well. The present system involves the printing of dozens of different tickets. With the Australian ballot iu force, all the names of candidates would be printed on ticket. Hence a saving in time, labor aid paper, with a correspond ing lowering of the erpeuse. The DemoeratiY' party owes it to the State to provide a modern system of voting. Ami the people will not be 'iitistied until tile need is supplied. ''George.'' said the smart Aleck to an old farm laborer, "you arc getting very bent. Why don't you stand up straight ljke me?" V "M elf, sir," answered George, "do you see that field of corn?" "I do," said the .smagt one. . "Then you'll notice the empty heads . stand up." Florence Automatic Oil Cook g Stoves Less Oil—No Wicks Better Service Approved by Good Housekeeping j Sold Under a Guarantee York* & Wadsworth Co. Union and Church Streets The Old Reliable Hardware Store 1 Phone 30 ,■ Phone 30 | SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries 8 D?ep and Shallow Well Pumps for Ditect or Alter- Brtating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- Onating current. 1 R. H. OWEN, Agent 0 Phone 881 Concord. N. C jj XIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI I agEaaan apt ag mm msessaataßm mmmmamrnmemm \S » 4 KAYSERS HOSIERY All the New Season’s Colors A Pure Thread Silk Stocking that Will Wear Light Weight, Medium Weight and Heavy Weight Kaysers Slipper Heel Stockings Are the First in Fashion RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. '") •: ‘ * 1 ' *>*s4 Erg'S. *s. jjfrga —* " You Need Not Worry about the coining severe winter and l ■8 large coal bills if you let us install a mi Cole’s Down Draft Heater in your HI f , | ||r home. Hi j 111 A size fur every purpose, a price;] ■j! 'Jj llj I for every purse. Guaranteed to save 1-3 to 1-2 of;! JSfcUnfirmV 1\ coal. Come in today and make your selec-' O 'W*Sp''"Sßßr 'll tiou. yf r am / H. B. Wilkinson - Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresvilft f, 8. i .Ur: , 4«..a.U T y .j,,.. j.... ... Car Washing! Alemite Greasing! Crank Case Service Let us wash your car and grease it witli Alemite High * ressure lubricating system for everybody knows that lubrication is the life of any car. Texaco gasoline and oils— Goodrich tires and tubes. 1 ire Changing, Accessories, Fret; Air and Wattr CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE 700 PAGE SEVEN

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