ASSOCIATED . i PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV - Biggest And Best Fair Yet Held In County Will Start In City Tomorrow Morning Show People, Livestock and Exhibits of All Kinds ! Are Oh Hand Now For the Formal Opening of the Fair Toirtorrow Morning. MIDWAY SHOWS SAIDTO BE OF HIGHEST ORDER Come to Concord With Big Reputation and Will Of fer 21 Separate Acts.—Fire Works Each Night During Fair, Starting Tomorrow. The third, annual Cabarrus County Fair officially opens tomorrow with .prospects for the best attendance in the history of the fair, and with indications that fine interest will he sus tained throughout the week. Gates to the fair grounds will he opened at ' o’clock to morrow morning and when they are thrown open the fair can be said to he officially opened. No parade is scheduled as a prelude to the opening events at the fair grounds, the fair offi cials concentrating this year on exhibits, free acts and rages instead of devoting proceeds for a parade. The fair grounds have fairly swarm ed with persons today. Everyone is busy arranging last minute details, determined to be ready for the thou sands expected tomorrow. The ' Her uardi Shows did sot reach Concord until this morning and members of the troupe have found something to do every minute of the day in prepa ration for the opening of the show tents tonight. No admission will be charged to the grounds tonight but it is planned to have the shows in oper ation for tile benefit of hundreds of visitors expected. The per-ons who are to put on tile free acts arrived in t'oncord yester , day and the manager announced this • morning that he is ready now for the iuitial appearance of Ids troupe which is expected to put on the keenest free acts ever seen in Cpncord. Tlie free acts will cover a wide field, with trained horses and a miniature mule offering acts that are expected to create the greatest Interest imt linps. The first of the free acts will be given tomorrow afternoon begin ning at 1:30. As has been the case in tha. past, fair officials nrb determined to nave the various events begin at scheduled time each day. The races will begin at 1:80 and tVre will not be the de lay that so often detrnet from races. The race program for tomorrow will be as follows: 2:11) trot for S2OO pulse. 2:17 pace for S2OO purse. With 100 horses set and primed for the races, officials of the fair are con fident race fans this year will see races better than any offered at the two previous fairs. The horses which were not quartered here last week ar rived Sunday, and were given light workouts today preparatory to the o|iening races tomorrow. J. Ivey Cline, in charge of the poul try department, had already listed more tiiau 100 birds at noon and he had been assured that more than 160 other birds would be entered during the afternoon. The poultry exhibit has always proved one of the most in teresting features of the fair. The big tent which will house the autos was erected this morning and this afternoon decorators were en . gaged on the interior. All spaces in the tent have been sold, and latest model cars of several makes will be on display. The tent is to be the moeca for mu sic lovers each morning as the Wiscas sett Band, which will play at the grounds during the week, will give a concert in the tent-at 11 a. m. daily. Farm produce and livestock of vari ous kind were listed at the exhibit And livestock building this morning. R. D. Goodman, county farm ngent, and Miss Cooley, home demonstrattfon agent, are assisting with the arrange ments and display of the farm exhib its and livestock. The Bernardi Greater Shows have brought to Concord a complete outfit, it was stated by one of their -repre sentatives this morning as the show was being placed* on the ground. The Bernard: Midway is undoubtedly one of the greatest ever seen in this sec tion, and is so large that management is somewhat cramped for space. There are 21 distinct and separate attractions, and nine riding devices— two of them, the caterpillar and the devil’s plug being European novelties. Many of the attractions, fft is said, were first introduced by the celebrated Bostoek-Ferer: Shows, of which the' Bernardi Greater Shows is the suc cessor. Notable among the attractions Is the jfistly celebrate circus sideshow •which has won for itself international fame as the greatest collection of freaks, curiosities, strange people, and world’sN wonders, gathered from far off lands by the Biemardi’s Shows’ | foreign agents, and assembled under . the big circus sideshow tent. Other striking M'dway features are Shebo,” the Enchantress, one of the most talked of features in outdoor amusement circles. Bernardi Greater Shows’ Freak An imal Exhibit which offers no less than 05 of the most remarkable and puz zling actual freaks of animal nature.. Some more of the attractions to be seen in the Midway- are: Mamda f Ben's "Follies de Paris," “The Show Beautiful," a most fascinating and colorful Dream of Arabian Nighta,” "The Bug House,” “Cryatal Mate,” “Crossword Puasle, “Oh, Look,” "Leo"; "The Wonder Man"; “Con* The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily greys of Athletes"; "The One-Eyed :Circus;” and a dozen thrilling anil sensational riding devices of the lat est and safest types. The Bernardi show played the State Fair at Baltimore, ami was seen at the Allentown Fair; Jersey State Fail- at Trenton: Virginia State Fair at Richmond, and other large fairs throughout the nation*. I>r. Spencer and othey fair officials when seen at the grounds this morn ing. reiterated the’r belief that /the fair will be the greatest ever offered in this section of the State. "1 know we have never offered such shows, free acts, fireworks and races as we have booked for this year." <>tv‘ official said, "and so far as we know ilo other fair in this section of the country has offered anything better. We have striven to get the best pos sible, and we are confident thousands of people will show their appreciation and pleasure by attending the fair." The free acts each evening will be gin at 0:45 to continue an hour. At 7 :45 the fireworks will be staged. The fireworks will be the most elaborate ever-showu at a local fair and were secured at a cost much in excess of ■HWtt sjifoit list year for a program that was entirely pleasing. Admission |irices this year are 50 cents rof adults at day, 25 cents at night ami 25 cents for children at all tfhies. Autos can be parked inside the grounds for 25 cents. BROOKS JURY HAS NOT YET BEEN COMPLETED Difficulty Experienced in (liooslng Last Three of Jury to Try Bonnie j Brooks. Hendersonville, Oct. 12.—Kxamina ’nation of ten venire men in an effort to secure three more men to complete the jury in the case of Bonnie L. j Brooks, charged with the murder of Sam Y. Bryson, former mayor, took up practically the whole morning ses sion of the Superior Court today. Out of this number no one was found available, two being related to the defendant and the other 8 having fixed opinions as to the guijt or inno cence of Brooks. There are still about 100 venire men to be examined if necessary in order to complete the jury, and it was indicated today that it will probably be late this afternoon or perhaps tomorrow morning before the testimony in the case will be made public. University Celebrating Semi- Centen nial. • Chapel Hill. , Oct. 12.—OP)—The University of North Carolina today is celebrating the sinie-centennial of the reopening of the University of North Carolina following the war between the state.- While the celebration will last only one day during today the university is the mecea for a notable gathering of educational leaders from all sections of the country. The Western North Carolina Conference Meets at Statesville Statesville, N. C., Oct. 12.— (A') — Although the outstanding question of the annual Western North Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, when it convenes here Wednesday, will be that of the unifi cation of Methodism in the United Btates, many other matters *of inter est will claim the attention of the . conference. Other matters to be considered are: the appointment of preachers for an other yeap; election of delegates to I the quadrennial general conference in May, 1026: the hearing of reports on various activities in North Carolina Methodism as represented' by the Western North Carolina conference; and the presentation of connections! interests by official vis'tora from headquarters at Nashville, Tenn., Louisville, Ky., St. .Louis, and At lanta, where the various church boards and publishing houses are 10, , cated. > . On Tuesday, preceding the organi zation of the body, there will be meet ings of various committees and con ference boards, and of the presiding Bishop and hia cabinet, The confer ence will hold its first business meet ing Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock, when it will be organiaed by Bishop !♦**«********** * NO PAPER TOMORROW. * ! * On account of the fact that j 'M tomorrow is Everybody’s Day at j it! the Fair, and of course every- # j iK body will be there, there will be ! dUno issue of The Tribune on that jjO & day. * !♦**********•«*♦, REPORT OF SALARY AND WAGE COMMISSION Orders Annual Decrease in Salaries of $ 10,222. Raleigh, X. Oct. 12.— steamer Peary, of the returning Mae-] ‘ Millan Arctic expedition, marooned | ■ here since Friday on account of wind i “ and storm,’ sailed safely out of this ■ port at 5:80 this morning for Wiscas t set. They are due to arrive at t’J :30 or 10 o'clock. [Hill MADDEN SAYS MUCH MONEY' HAS BEEN WASTED ! Says Army and Navy Have ! Squandered Money in “Purposeless and Mean ndgless” Experiments. WITNESS FOR INQUIRY BOARD Says Aviation Must Be Taken From Army and Navy If Forward Steps I Are to Be Taken Now. i Washington, Oct. 12.— UP) —Thej Army ami Navy were charged today ; by Chairman Madden, of the House appropriations committee, with squan dering millions of dollars “in a pur-j poseless, meaningless, endless experi mental orgy.” in technical airsraft d<- I velopment. I Test Tying before the President’s air board which resumed hearings after a recess of several days, Mr. Madden declared technical development of av iation could no longer be “safely left” to the two military services it the United States was to take its place “among the countries of the world in the air.” * * “If credit is to be given witnesses who have preceded me.” he asserted. | “the experimental development work j conducted by the army and navy since the war has been productive o’ very little if any advance toward a plar. which might he accepted by Con gress.” “You have been lold by men who should know, that with few exceptions i no real steps have been made.” ho j sni.l. Citing testimony of Major General 1 Mason Patrick, chief of the \riny air service, that 202 pursuit planes purs chased by the army have been found deficient in vision requirements’, Mr. Madden sir’d he had “heard something of a charge of criminal negligeuce, but that borders on criminal waste.” “Think of buying 202 pursuit planes that a pilot lias difficulty in seeing t ut of,” failure of the army and navy to spend their money “intel’igently” in the air service, he declared, is not lurque as “similar extravagances get nowhere programs are being carried | NOW OPEN The CCth series in this old reliable building and loan |i r and savings association w’ll open on October 3rd, 1925. The Officers and Stockholders invite each and every l i person in Concord to take some shares in this series. Running shares cost 25 cents per share per week. ■ Prepaid shares cost $72.25 per- share. Each share is worth SIOO.OO at maturity. - We have been maturing our stock itr 328 weeks, t Tax return day is coming. “JUST REMEMBER THAT ALL STOCK WITH | . j US IS NON-TAXABLK.” START NOW CABARRUS COUNTY BUILDING LOAN AND l j| SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Office in the Concord National Bank t 1 ' | ‘SEEKING BODIES OF ! KANSAS PERSONS IN SEBASTIAN INLET Fj 'lute Library . Lost ! : - Boat Capsized.—E 1 e v e n Bodies Are Found. BOY SAVED FOUR PERSONS IN BOAT I Swam Ashore and Return- j ed With Boat.—T w o Children Among Those Drowned. Melbourne, Kla.. Oct. 12.—UP)— 'While fishermen and others were searching today for three missing hod- j iex of 14 persons Who were drowned j here yesterday when the Clara A. a 40-foot pleasure launeh. capsized, the | botlies of 11 others - which had been ] recovered were being prepared for] burial and shipment to their homes, j Most of tltose who lost their lives were Kansas people here on a junket, to inspect Florida farm properties of ! tlte Melbourne Farm Co. whose guests 1 they were on the fatal excursion. | The trip yesterday in the Clara* A i was a part of the company’s program of entertainment for their guests. | It was the intention of Captain Ed j Arnold, master of the little craft, to take them for a ride on the Atlantic Ocean, but after negotiating Sebas tian Inlet, 18 miles south of here, he decided the seas outside were too rough for Ills craft, so he attempted to turn back. Survivors said the boat did not re spond to the helm qtticklv enough and | the waves swept over Iter decks when j she was about a quarter 'around, j sweeping several from the deck. Site had not recovered from this sltoey when a second wave hit Iter, swamp ing the boat. The heroic efforts of James Arnold. I 12-year-olil son of Captain Arnold, saved the lives of four passengers who had been thrown into the raging breakers, when his father'- launch turned turtle. Survivors said the lad swam ashore aud obtained a small boat. Returning I to the yacht he jumped into the water, I and fighting against the high waves I succeeded in placing, four persons in j the boat and landing them s.tmely. Two children wore among those I drowned. I Dan Roach went down with Hg j father. C. E. Roach, and Miss Loretta i I Draining, 15, who had accompanied j D. I'. Ruckles on the excursion, was I the second youthful victim. j Greensboro’s Population Estimated at Being 54,000. j Greensboro. Get. 11.—According to estimated by the Hill Directory Com pany. Greensboro has a population of 54.000 persons, the figures made avail able by the local Chamber of Com merce. The company arrived at the' figure by multiplying the names in tile latest city directory by two and one-half. i Rain May Cause Game Postponement. I Washington. Oct. 12.—(/P)—Over cast skies held out a dubious wreath-! er prospect for the fifth world's series j | battle here today between the Sena j tors and Pirates, with a forecast of i "possibly light showers." ’ | Rev. WillUin Brown Deposed. New Orleans, Get. 12.—(/P)—Thej Rev. \\ m. Montgomery Brown, for mer Bishop of Arkansas, was “depos ] ed from the sacred ministry" here this , | morning. . A message from Charlotte states . that tin- condition of Miss Constance . Cline, who underwent an operation at St. Peter’s Hospital at 0 :MO this morning, is very favorable. Miss ] Cline stood the operation well. . The Si-Y Club is the name of a j social organization composed of 1M0! ' deaf and dumb members of the Y. M. C. A. in Dallas, Texas. on in tank development, artillery de- I velopment, chemical warfare, and imi- I munition development.” THE TRIBUNE [1 PRINTS f| TODAY’S NEWS TODAY* NO. 244 j mm i DAYS IN THE FIRST* CAMPAIGN PERIODI Candidate, What Are You ® Going to Do Toward ® Cinching One of the Big ® Automobiles? H THESE ARETHE I CRUCIAL DAYS ® The First Period of Our ® Subscription Campaign® Expires Next Monday at B Midnight. ■ Six more workings days remain in Vs the first period of The campaign. Wei! may the candhlafe* i in this truly great offer ask selves what they are going to do ward cinching one of tin- big mobiles in those all-important big vote days. They are t’oe erueiaP days of Iritis contest, the time when the mate winners show strength in tb«ilC*B| work anil the tine- when the leaMfrjHi candidates keep up only an ordinary pare or drop into a slump. H Six more days until midnight, day. October l!)th. We have known j® al lalong. from the first ment of tliis campaign, tiiat this eiiitig tliere|M will be seen the Studebaker phaeton, the Hudson coach and the Chevrolet B sedan. It may bo rite second day of B tlte fair before Barks Lafferty ,of the ® Standard Buiek Company, from which fl the Buiek Brougham was purchased, can make arrangements to have the M biggest ear on display but it will be B there. It will be a good idea for ® candidates to bring their friend* I around to that booth and show them 3® w’.iat they are working for. I Let midniglit. Monday. October 10. ® be the biggest hour of your lives ahd fl I see that by the time that fateful hour isl arrives yott have done your very best B toward securing the subscriptions and E ] votes for one of the big prizes. I i ® I With Our Advertisers. I Strabbery cleansing cream at Gib- ■ son Drttf Store. I You nay linve pellagrea and not m knew it. See ad. of W. C. Rotth- fl tree, Texarkana. Texas. I Efird's lias one lot of boys’ knee I pants, size Bto IS. at only 75 cents. I Other big bargains in Men's wear. House brooms. 25 cents each while •>!§ they last. ] Don’t fail to see the booth of the I Ritchie Hardware Co. at the Fair. Munsiugwear for everybody gt M | Fisher’s Special ill infants* shirts (too, from 25 to HO cents. Tlte Buck’s stove and range sale at y the. Concord Furniture Co. will be continued for this week only. See ; new ad. today. Tlte Reid Motor Co. wants you to ; fee’ at home at their Ford booth at tlte Fair. "Bobbed Hair" at the Concord The atre today and Tuesday. | Fur trimmed winter coats in smart smooth finish fabrics at J. C. Denney '> !: Oct’s, from $3.90 to $(>9.75. The -J !' styles are at pleasing as the prices.,,-s| ; j See now ad. "Dante's Inferno" at tlte Star The- i atre Wednesday and Thursday of tliis week. Tliis is a spectacle of drama t , and beauty. See ad. on last pago I today. SAT’S BEAR SATS: Mostly eloiidy tonight’and Tuesday, a probably local showers Tuesday in. jj west and central portions, slightly jl warmer tonight in extreme »outhweSt Jl i portion. Moderate west and aottUt- |g west winds. ■ JSW -M j