PAGE EIGHT rj Buck’s Stove and Range Sale Continued For This Week Only p j- 1 I , H "" We have a few of the premiums left river from last jjj week, and to clean them up, have decided to continue this j-j ; special offer on stoves, ranges and heaters. Free with !»j * every Range or Circulating Heater, a Ruck's Junior fij r range or 1,000 pounds of coal. Your old stove taken in as |j ; part payment. Balance on terms. Come in and let us tj s show you a Real Quality Line. Cost but little more than I"] £ the cheaper makes, and will last twice as long. Concord Furniture Co THE RELIABLE FIRMTIHE STORE SSL. ■% | 1 —:: —Eat—:: — JOHNSON’S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH \ IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO 2 YOUR GROCER !|| Price Only 26 Cento a Pound K onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnj ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc WELCOME | To Our Fair Week Visitors We Ex- j tend a Most Hearty and Hos pitable Welcome It is sincerely hoped that the neighbors’ visit to Con- ![ cord will remain for a long time pleasant in their memo- 'i. ries. J To add to the town’s welcome we cordially invite you j to'make yourself perfectly at home at the REID MOTOR Y COMPANY’S uptown office when in town, or at our booth ] in the big tent when at the fair grounds. Let Us Explain the Advantage of Farming With the FORDSON TRACTORS PRODUCTS REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER K Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 ? ■■■ - r M>aa>a>B | Florence Automatic Oil Cook Stoves I Less Oil-No Wicks Better Service Approved by Good Housekeeping Sold Under a Guarantee York* & Wadsworth Co. Union and Church Streets The Old Reliable Hardware Store Phone 30 Phone 36 I j C6ncord Daily Tribune Time op closing .mails The time of the closing of mails at the iConcord postoffice is as follows: Northbound , 136-*l:(Xrp. M. 1 30*-I0:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P.. M. 35 8:30 P. M. 30—11:0O P. M. Southboond 39 9 :30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 23—11:00 P. hi. LOCAL MENTION Receipts have been made out and the tax books are now open to the pub'.el, according to Charles X. Fields, city tax collector. , Judge John M. Og’.esby spent the I weekend in Concord, ' returning to. j Asheville where he will preside at the j sessions of the Buoombe County Su s perior Court for the next two weeks. t Dr. James A. Bqgigle left Sunday | night for Baltimore and Richmond ■ "Mere he will attend clinics this week I He will return to Concord during ! the latter part op the week. | Mrs Clifford Kluttz is recovering 1 nicely from the operation which she j had performed last week for the re j moval of her appendix. She is in I the Charlotte Sanatorium. I The Citizens Bank and Trust Co., [ commissioner, has sold to J. W. Stal- I lings for $5,565 property on North • I’nion street, according to a deed filed j Saturday. Another deed records the | sale of pruperty in Ward 2 by M. W. | Lyles to D. A. McLaurin for $4,000. Dewey and Marvin Mayberry, of j E'kin, charged with violating the pro hibition law, will be tried in reeord [ er's court here this afternoon. They will be tried by a jury. One other II case, in which the defendant is charged with being intoxicated, will be tried this afternoon. One more victory will give Wash ington the baseball championship for i: the year. By defeating the Pirates l Saturday and Sunday the Senators ran their string of victories to three, iI with Pittsburgh having but one vie ' tory. The teams are playing in i Washington again this afternoon. i A telephone has been installed at i the fair grounds, the number being [ 894. Persons wishing to confer with fair officials during the week can get them most of the time during the [ day by calling this number. A West i ern Union office will be opened at t'.ie 1 j grounds tomorrow. Carolina found Duke easy Satur- I day, running up to 41 points and ! holding Duke scoreless. South Caro lina defeated State 7 to 6 while Dav idson was defeating Guilford and Wake Foreot was winning from Le noir-Rhyne. Georgia TecM defeated Penn State at New York, showing a fine brand of football. Fall weather seems to be here to stay. The low temperatures which became evident several days ago con tinued over the week-end, making ov ercoats and other wraps very neces sary. Snow in the mountains is be lieved to tiave brought the colder weather, the mountains in the western part of the state being covered with two inches of snow. Persons who filed with. Dr. T. N. Spencer a list of rooms for rent dur ing fair weeks are requested by him to rent the rooms when persons call for them. ‘T haven't time to call everyone and tell them I have sent 1 strangers to them for rooms,” he said, “but I give the strangers the ad dresses and persons who want to rent j rooms will please do so without -fur i tber orders from me.” Sentiment here seems about evenly ’ divided on tbe Cole case. Those per sons who wanted Cole to be freed based their arguments on tbe “un written law” while those who wanted him convicted argued that juries in North Carolina should make their de cisions on the law and not on senti ment. Most persons heard discuss ing the case today expressed the be | lief that Judge Finley will not hold ( Cole for insanity. t The Star Theatre will on Wednes ( day and Thursday, October, 14 and j 15, show “Dante’s Inferno,” 'the pic i. turization of the greatest book on ' earth. It carries an all star cast. Through hell with Dante on the road - to happiness. A spectacle of drama r and beauty. It's a Fox special. This ! picture should show for 25c and 50c, but this theatre is only charging 10c and 25c admission. Don’t miss this one. . Marriage licenses have been issued * to the following couples: Alfred H. j B adk welder, of Route No. 5 and I Miss Annie Pless, of Bost Mill; Henry Burr and Miss Gladys Parker, both of, Kannapolis; Robert Lee Mullis and Miss Annie McGinnis, both Os Route No. 6; David O. Tuck and Miss Birda Lee Hawkins, both of 1 Kannapolis; Luther Crayton and Mrs. Helen Verner Bass, both of Con cord. Thought They Knew Lord’s Prayer. Col. Henry Hall, the veteran Wash ington correspondent, tells an amus ing story of the remarkable ignorance of two congressmen of fundamental religious matters. They were out in tbe lobby after tbe session had ad journed and Jack was joshing Mac on his very religious strain of the last speech he had inflicted on the house. "I’ll bet you $5,” said Jack, “you can’t repeat the Lord's Prayer now. “Done!” cried Mac, and thinking a moment hf began: ‘“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord ray soul to keep; If I should die before I wake I pray tbe Lord my soul to take.” “There, I told you I could.” “Well, I give up beat,” replied Jack, paying over the money. “I wouldn’t have thought you could do It.” i THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Jackson— “ The idea of jelling your wife go about telling the neigh- I burs ihai *>he made a man of you!' You don’t hear tnv wife sayina lhai." Johnson—”No: but I heart her telling my wife kite had dong her best." • 15 YOUR CHILD THIN AND WEAK? Cod Liver Oil in Sugar Coated Tablets Puts, on Flesh and Builds . Them»Up. hi just a few days—quicker Ilian you ever dreamed of—these wonderful 1 ea'th building.' flash making tablets called McCoy\j Cod I.iver Oil Com- , jionnd Tablets will s:nrt to help any I thin, underweight little one. After sickness and "Mere rickets are} suspected they are especially valuable. No need to give them any more nasty Cod Liver Oii—these tablets -are made j to take the place of that good, but . evil smelling, stomach upsetting medi cine and they surely do it. A very sickly child, age 9, gained 12 pounds in 7 months. Ask the Pearl Drug Company or any druggist for McCoy’s Cod Liver! Oil Compound Tablets—as easy to take as candy—6o tablets 60 cents and money back if not satisfied. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Regular meeting of Concord Lodge No. 404 Loyal_ Order of Moose Mon day. evening at 8 o’clock. All mem bers requested to be present W. ,T. HF.THCOX, See. W. O. W. NOTICE. . Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. 16 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 8:00 o’clock in the Moose Lodge Room. Ev ery member is urged to be present. S. A. WELLINGTON, C. C. R, C. LITAKEK, Clerk. y World Series Play by Play Through the Courtesy of The Concord Telephone Co. We have a Radio in our store to get the World Series Play by Play. ' Call Around and Enjoy the Games Pearl Drug Co, On the Square Phone 22 000000000000000000000000 I Our Watches ]| ; Will help you to be on time ij. at school or college. Prompt- ,I [ ness is n virtue much to be de- j i sired, especially in the student i, l who would get the most out of ij i his studies. Wc have them in V white aud yellow gold. S. W. Preslar jj JEWELER ’VVVVVVXXtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Open Day And Night We will be open day and night from October the 9th till 18th for Fair Week. Stop .and eat with us. Meals That Satisfy You If We Please You Tell Others If Not, Tell Us. Clean and Quick Service 100 Per Cent. Pure Food— You Can Get it at the New York .Case and Hotel We Serve Maxwell House Coffee—Come and Try One NEW YORK CAFE AND HOTEL a—L , CONCORD COTTON MARKBT MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, lies Cotton - j.-- .20 1-2 Cotton Seed JL.J. .49 J-2 —m ms. hi ftowLEw — , * OSTEOPATHIC PhjnMu Suite 403 Oabarrua Savings Hank Unfitting “Osteopathy treat* any illnea, tor which people consult a doctor," Phone,: Office 814; R<y. I#T 1 Star Theatre || Wednesday, Thursday, October 14-15 The Greatest Book on Earth I ff/fOOe&yOUTHHEADUTQWVO Admission 10c—25c Today—Tuesday Friday Only j “THE GOLDEN ' “HAPPINESS" PRINCESS" A Metro Goldwyn Picture With | With PAT O’MALLEY I Comedy “Masked Marvel" “FULL SPEED” With BUFFAX© BILL. JR. COMEDY “MASKED MARVEL” SPECIAL PICTURES FOR FAIR WEEK VOTE SCORE District No. 1 Following is the list ot candidates, with their votes published, in this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. comnrssion to all other active caa- I didates must be awarded in this district. In case of any omission or i incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once; ; H. A. Allred v 1 450,600 i Miss Marie Barrier Miss Edna Margaret Fink - i Mrs. J. Herman Laughlin 4Ol-000 - Miss Maefield Lentz - J®®-*®® | Stephen Morris -- f”®’™ 1 I’anl Query - v—- 1 Miss Dorothy Roberts 4.)_.000 | Mrs. R. M. Sappenfield - 400,000 District No. 2 Following is the list ot candidates, with their votes published, in this district. One or two of the automobile prizes, one S2OO cash prize, one SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. comnrssion to all other active can didates must be awarded in this district. In case of any omission or incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at oace. Miss Lueile Cline, Kannapolis * 262^200 Lawrence Fowler, Kannapolis 6,000 A. O. Maulden, Kanmfpolis 63^®® Miss Billie Sapp, R. F. D., Concord —; 250,500 Miss Ethel Sazon, Mary'EUa Hall, Kannapolis 11,700 Mrs. Nina Stogner, R. F. D. 1, Concord 1 230,900 District No. 3 i Following U the liat of candidates,'with their votes published, In this distrift. One or two of the automobile prizes, <yie S2OO cash prize, ore SIOO cash prize and 10 pet. comnrssion to all other active can didates must be awarded in this district In case of any omission or . incorrect district classification, notify the campaign department at once. Ralph Beaver, Route 1, Concord 123,900 Boyd Carpenter, Stanfield i - 295.100 Ruth Fryllng Marcho, R. F. D. 5, Concord 2 319,000 j Ed. Gray, R. F. D. 6, Concord— 312,000 C. H .Lipo, R. F. D. 2, Mt. Pleasant 54,200 Rev. 0. Myers, R. F. D. 6, Concord HOT WATER IN A JIFFY This gas hot water heater r . f is Surely a friend in need and HB ’ a friend indeed of every cook I matth and in a few minutes S HU steaming hot water will run ' S H ■ from the faucet—enough for T T»: PffiX Let us install one for you. . / ( E. B. GRADY I PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Offict and Show Room 88 E, Corbin 8t Office Phone BS4W | OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXxjtof “Oh, Listen to the a / - ' Mocking Bird” Idfht Only a store that dcai,s in ! good clothing can give'you r | ihe style you want this Fall, i \ The suit boil ed down tp a price cannot offer you the calories of cut 1/ or the vitamines of values— tube [V; U] singing from a low branch S:J —on price. 20 per cent, of the men we have fce?n selling Sehloss gar-- [ ments to this Fall hearkened to the .siren of $22.50 gar ments last Spring. j The men who pay less than the Right price for Fall s- Clothing will find w.e are right—before Christmas. Sehloss Suits and Top Coats $25.00 to $40:00 vA I HOOVER’S, Inc. IS ' “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” 1 3000000000000c00000e000c»00000000000000000000000» I COAL f The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 OR 279 OOOUOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I agaasttaaaaj j wbhuhw rt<i43:iiramjg3snLi -llij ms&axk geijsed Statement of IS SAVINGS BANK irle, Kannapolis, Mt. Pleasant. siness September 28, 1925: - RESOURCES ... $—2,631,417.42 ~ Real Estate 197,874.73^ i— 2,500.0J^ res c _ 47",918.15 J i from banks 460,263.56 a LIABILITIES I i taxes and depre- / H —- 2,822,593.20 g 11 FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAK OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOCX 300000000000000000000000000CX>00000000000000000000 I BE PREPARED FOR THESE COLD SNAPS j \ Buy a Ton of Our Clean Hand Picked Coal Cline & Mabery Coal Co. ■; ’ PHONE 799 Yes We Have That Famous jELLICp COAL I GOOD FOR 20,000 EXTRA VOTES FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON j | Accompanied by the nomination blank, and your first subscription j t this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Tribune and £ j Times gifts with a grand total of more than 85,000 votes. This cou- j i pon may be used only once and la valid only when accompanied- by a I subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber 1 H Contestant’s Name j| Amount Enclosed M This coupon will count 20,000 free votes when returnod to the Oam- fcj paign Manager, together with the first subscription you obtain. It « must be accompanied by the-cash, and the subscription must be for a nj [3 period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free votes are IN ADDITION H w to the number given on the eohecription as per the regular rote schedule || ! ■ ran K. st Ksita Monday, October W 1025

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