PAGE FOUR W. V. SHERRILL, Associate Editor MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wgmj/t Associated Press is exclusively “entitled to the use for republication of all. news credited to it or not otherwise .. credited in this paper and also the 10. . .sal news published herein. All rights of republication of spec : hsl dispatches herein are also reserved. Special Representative frost, Landis & kohn Hi 225 Fifth Avenue, New York Peoples’ Gas Building, Chicago lw)4 Candler Building, Atlanta Entered as second class mail matter j _ *rthe postoffiee at Concord, N. C., un *der the Act of March s, 1879. I ~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES In the City of Concord by Carrier: One Year „ $6.00 Months 3.00 Three Months 1.50 One Month .50 Outside of the State the Subscription Is the Same as in the City Out of the city and by mail in North Carolina the following prices will pre vail: One Year $5.00 Six Months -* 2.60 Three Months 1.25 Less Than Three Months, 50 Cents a Month All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance RAILROAD SCHEDULE ' In Effect June 28, 1025 Northbound No. 40 To New York 9 :28 P. M. Nb. 136 To Washington 5 :05 A. M. No. 36 To. New York 10:25 A. M. No. 34 To New York 4 :43 P. M No. 46 To Danville 3 :15 P. M. No. 12 To Richmond . 7:10 P. M. No. 32 To New York 9 :03 P. M. No. 30 To New York 1:55 A. M. Southbound No. 45 To Charlotte 3:55 P. M. No. *35 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2 :35 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 3:25 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8 :fc A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:35 P. M. No. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. No. 39 To New Orleans 9:55 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to ♦take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers coming from be yond Washington. FOR TODAY—I || Bible Thought* memorized, win prove e ||l to aftepyeer^^^^j^ Safety :—TVfir thou not: for I am with thee: be not dismayed: for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee: yea. I Will help thee, yea, I will uphold tlice with the right hand of my righteousness.—lsaiah 4^:10. DOUBLE ROAD PLAN GAINS FAVOR. The Manufacturers Record recent ly came across an item regarding a British road that is to cost $325,000 a mile. It. is to be built between London and Liverpool and the total cost would be $72,000,000. It will have no cross roads and will pass through no towns. It will be a data ble highway, with one rood for through or fast traffic ahd another for Slow traffic. The Charlotte Observer finds the item “interesting .jis indicating the drift of things in the highway world,’’ and also that it “revives the proposi tion of Commissioner Wilkinspn for a double-track, through highway be tween Charlotte and Gastonia.” The Observer does not disclose who started the movement but in this con nection it states that “already thel proposition for two highways be tween Charlotte and Concord Is being quietly discussed.” and adds that “here the solution is easy for it is only to hard-'Surface the old stage road and these towns will be connected by the two roads almost psirallel.” The Manufacturers Record ttyen re cites that a recent proposition eman ating from Washington, suggested the building of a highway 320 feet it» width between Baltimore and WaslW ingfon. or twelve years ago I!. N. Baker, then one of the leading bus iness men of the world, and creator of the Atlantic Transport Line, suggest ed that a highway 1,000 feet wide should be built between Baltimore and Washington, the center to be occu pied by park space, beautifully laid out. and to be the site of buildings representing each state in the Union, filled with exhibits of historic in terest and of natural resources of each State. Mr. Baker’s suggestion was that in this manner the advant ages of every State in the Union could be studied as in no other way and that the width of this great boulevard would make it one of the outstanding features of world travel. He was ahead of his day in this respect, but the time has certainly come when the country must consider building wide highways, wider than anything we now ' have in America, and beautified as ; Hr as may be possible, and some of \ these highways must be devoted whol ly to motor-truck business and some i to, ope-vay rapid service by automo- UpsT ;• “We are now on a new era,” re marks The Record. “This world knows nothing like it. Only a few Bieii liuve yet visioned the inevitable : Changes which must take place ill the fejuyiding of broader highways, in boau ;• tifying them and building. them so Solid that they can stand any degree of traffic This is an economic con ■ dition jvjkieh has eome„ubout and wo mnsL,faee at «.«<!> s ? me way, rn^t :——L t £ ; “BIGGER AND BETTER” IS ■El;! » Ua,T j - .> wM*' Aft* to pear and expression i 4 w* often used incorrectly that people have become suspicions when it is used. In connection with the Cabarrus County Fair we used the expression in making predictions. We are ready, i and honestly so, to reiterate the re | mark now. with the “bigger and bet ■ ter” underlined. Officials of — the Cabarrus County Fair are offering this year the finest fair they hove ever shown, and that is covering much ter ritory for we believe the Fair in the past two years would take rank with the hest anywhere in the South. This year the features that proved so successful in the past are offered in larger measure. Therein lies the suc cess for the truth of the "bigger and better" expression. The Midway ex hibits, the free acts, the fireworks and the other features are so near perfec tion insofar - as a county faiar is eon erued, that we are certain we are within the bounds of reason when we say no other county fail- in the South has excelled them and few have equal-, lede them. Many of the horses have been raced at State fairs; the free acts have played four State fairs and the shows ou the Midway have play ed five State fairs.. Only the fact that this fair has the reputation of being as big and as good as State fairs made it possible for the fair management to secure these features. Outside exhibitors, men who go from fair to fair with their livestock are not at the local fair, yet some un usually fine cattle and other stock is on display. The fair Is for Cabar rus county people and other amateurs. The professional is ruled out, and rightly so. Persons who fail to attend the fair will miss something unusually tine. Pest ami Flagg’s Cotton Letter. New York. Oct. 13.—The situation at the outset appeared t 6 be against the market but there were no re ports of actual damage by frost and tables were di-appointing.- The re was renewed and heavy selling iu the early selling which, however, Nurns well taken by demand from the trade and to secure profits on shorts and ■later the market showed a somewhat firmer tone and acted more or less sold out. There was some hedging Put there were also a good many southern orders to buy :frid good judges ex pressed the opinion that prices were now down to a point where a stub pected whitl) would be helped by the fact that ginninf has already prob ably passed its peak for the seas-m. That was true last year at about tins time and this crop is decidedly earl ier than that. Exports wefc again large with a tpioJfylor three day> vucll - iii excels of hist. War though doubt has been ex pressed if exports this month could po-sibly equal those for last October and t liAt many' prove correct. Speak ing broadly, however, trade intedests 'ook for foreign consumers to lake more rather than less American this year and for the totaLto be well up to. pre-war years. As a matter of fact many of the best iu the trade believe cotton is cheap at this price even if the crop is 15 million. Any real falling py in the ginning woahl strengthen that feeling as would al so an early frost that Would ctu off a lot of cotton whoeh has started since the rains and is badly needed if final figures are to approximate the official estimate. POST AND FLAGG. See Way for Germany to Join the League. Locarno. Switzerland, (let. 12.—(d 5 ) —Agreement was practically reached today on conditions of Germany’s en trance into the League of Nations and the delegates to the security confer ence now hopefully predict the sue-* cess 6f the conference, A BAD TASTE WAS THE ' WARNHfItG HERB JUK E Was Taken and a Splendid Condi tain of Health Was the Result. “I felt sick. 1 looked sick! and I was sick .but I did not seem to know what to do to get better. If I had had one particular thing wrong I would have knowii wlmt to do, but in my case I felt generally run-down and out of sorts. 1 was nervous. Imd uo appetite, was often sick at my stom ach. could not sleep at nights niul uch- 1 ed all over. I so completely worn out that I did not know where or how to begin to build up. 1 soon got such a bad taste iu my mouth that I could not endure it. It would got up in the i morning that way and it would nevey | leave me all day. I knew that it was : probably all caused from m.v stomach and so decided to take something for stomach trouble ami 'Constipation.” said Mrs. W. A, Helms, a young wom ■ ail of Concord. N. C, It. F. I). 4. , JUICE demonstrator and tell the dom wheii she came to see the HERB onstrafotr how very pleased she was 1 with HERB JUICE. Continuing her remarks. Mrs. Helms said: “I Had read so much about HERB JUICE and 1 was Thi " I pressed with what I had read. I de ■ I cided to try it, iW knew it was sttp- I posed to be splendid for stomach trou ble. I bought my first bottle and to day I am still buying it. It has made me feel like a different person, I I have gained fifteen pounds in we ght. . My stomach is in such good condition now that 1 can eat anything I want. Best of all. I do not have that disa • green hie taste in my mouth, for t lie i couse of it has been removed, I sleep . like a top at night aud do not suffer from nervousness as I did. It is the best laxative on the market aud I at-. ■ tribute my Cnt,lr^- buikl* me up as* done. I am only too pleased to rec ommend it. as I* know it will do more for one titan «**>• other medicine liR-SSMW*. Published fax Azrucamaaf with Fint National Picture*, lac, and Frank Hart Frnfcartgm, Inc. CHAPTER XII A chilly twilight had fallen by the time the castaways arrived at the encampment above the rapids. Kit by and his daughter were shaking from the'cold. The Countess Cour teau hurried on ahead to start a fire in her tent, and thitfier she insisted upon taking Rouletta, white her men attended to the father's comfort. On the way up there had been considerable speculation among those who knew Sam Kirby best, for none of them had ever seen the old fellow in quite such a frame of mind as now. His misfortune had crushed him; he appeared to be numbed by the realization of his overwhelming loss; gone entirely was that gambler’s nonchalance for which he was famous. The winning or the losing of large sums of money had never deeply stirred the old sporting-man; the turn of a card, the swift tattoo of horses hoofs, often had meant far more to him in dollars and cents than the destruc tion of that barge-load of liquor; he had seen sizable fortunes come and go without a sign of emotion, and ; yet tonight he was utterly unnerved. With a man of less physical cour age such an ordeal as he had under gone might well have excused a nervous collapse, but Kirby had no nerves; he had, times without num ber, proved himself to be a man of steel, and so it greatly puzzled his friends to see him shaken and broken. He referred often to Danny Roy als fate, in a dazed and disbelieving mdnner, but through that daze ran lightning-bolts of blind, ferocious rage—rage at tile rage at -this hostile, sinister country and at the curse it had put upon him. .Over and oyer, through blue lips and chattering teeth, he reviled the rapids; more than once he lifted the broken-neckcd bottle to his lips. Os thanksgiving, of gratitude at his own and his daugh ter's deliverance, he appeared to have none, at least 1 for the time being. * ’ . Rouletta’s condition was pitiable enough, but she was concerned less with it than with her father's ex traordinary belVivior, and when'the Countess undertook to procure ior her dry clothing she protested: V “Please don’t trouble. I’ll wt£rm' up a bit; then L must go back to dad.” “My dear, you’re chilled through —you’ll in those wet things,” the older woman told her. > i Mass -Kirfyy ol took* her head aid, hi a fyuier, stratifed,' apprehensive voice, said: “You don’t under ki. UrisJmd,a ,d*ink; it fyc gets Started— *" She shiverefl wretThtfylly, and hid her Whitt face in her hands,, then moaned; “0%, what a day!] Danny's gone! I saw him drown—” "There, there!” The Countess corrtforted her as best she could. "You’ve had a terrible experience, but you mustn't think of it just yet. Now let nte help you.” Finding that the girl's fingers were stiff and useless, the Countess removed the wet skirt and jacket, wrung them out, and hung them up. Then she produced some dry under garments, but Miss Kirby refused to put them on. “You’ll need what few things you have,” said she, “and—l'll soon warm up. There’s up -felling whit dad will do. I must "keep an aye on him.” “You give yourself too much con cern. He’s chilled through and it’s natural that ne should take a drink. My men will give him something dry to wear, and meanwhile—” Rouletta interrupted with a shake of her head, but the Countess gently persisted: “Don’t take your misfortune too hard. The loss of your outfit means nothing compared with your safety. It was a great tragedy, of course, but you and your father were saved. You still have him and he'has you.” “Danny knew what was coming,” said the girl, and "tears welled into her eyes, then slowly oyerflowed down her white cheeks. “Sht he faced it. He was game. He was a good man at heart. He bad his 1 faults, of course, but he loved dad and he loved me;'why, he used to carry me out to see the horses be fore I could walk; he was my friend, I my playmate, my pal. JSe’d have I done murifer for me!” iTirough her, 1 tears Rouletta looked up. “It’s hard, for you to believe that I knew, after! what he did to you, -but—you know how men afe on the trail. Nothing matters. He was angry when yqu outwitted -him, and so was father, for that matter, but I told them it served us right and I forbhde them to molest you further.” ‘ “You did that? ' Theft it’s you T havd to thank.” The Countess smiled gravely. “I could never un derstand why I came off so easily.”. “I’m glad I imde them behave. You’ve more than repaid—” Rou letta paused, she strained her ears to .catch the sound of voices from the neighboring tents. “I don’t h«ir father,’ said she. “I wonder if he could hare gone?” “Perhaps the men have put him to bed—" \ Blit Miss Kirby would not accept if to djfaw it on. *OK child, you mustn't! Y<*t raf&r j* msSkx ;i. .... . THE CONCORD DAILY TRieUNE and make sure he’s all right.” The half-clad girl smiled miser ably. “Thank you,” said she. But when the'Countess had stepped out into thd nfght she finished dressing herself. Her clothing* of course, was as wet as ever, for the warmth of the tent in these few moments had not even heated it thsough; nevertheless, her apprehension was so keen that she was conscious of little bodily discomfort. "You were right,” the Countess announced when she returned. *He slipped into sorqe borrowed clothes and went up-town. He told the boys be couldn’t sit still. But you mustn’t follow—at least in that dress— * “Did he—drink any more?” “I’m afraid he did.” Heedless of the elder woman’4 re straining hands, Rouletta Kirby made for the tent opening. “Please don’t stop me.” she implored. “There’s no time to lose and—l’ll dry out in time.” “Let me go for you.”/ “No, no!” “Then may I go along?” Again the girl shook her head. “I can handle him better alone. He’s a strange man, a terrible man, when he’s this way. I—hope I’m not too late.” Rouletta’s wet skirts slatted afyout her ankles as she ran; it was a ■windy, chilly night, and, in spite of the fact that it was a steep climb to the top of the low bluff, she' was chilled to the bone when she (came panting into the sprawling cluster of habitations that formed the tempo rary town of White Horse. Tents were scattered* over a dim, stutnpy clearing, lights shone through trees that were still standing, a meander ing trail led past a straggling yow of canvas-topped structures, and from jiac of these issued the wavesing, metallic notes of a phonograph, ad vertising the place as a houskfiot entertainment. Sam Kirby was at.the baradficn his daughter discovered hfch, Hud her first scare hiqg'ldok brought may to thj* gjtlvF Pushing her, Vay through the crowd, she said, quietly: /L x i It. Sip ■ n liMni Pipnß (?. “HelloF’ he exclaimed in snrprliifc) i “What are yothdoing here?” “Fatherl” “Hello!” he exclhmed, in surprise. “What are you doing here?” ' “I want to speak to you.” V “Now, Letty," he protested, when she had drawn him aside, “havesd’-t i you been through enough for ofte day? Run back to the Countess’ camp where I left you.” “Don’t drink any more,” she ias« plored, with an agony of dread in her face. Kirby’s bleak countenance set it ; self in stony lines. “I've got to,” said he. “I’m cold—frozen to the : quick. I need something to warm me up.” Letty could smelt the whisky on ' his breath, she could see a new light ■ in his eyes and already 6he sensed . rather than observed , a subtle , change in his demeanor “Oh, dad!” she quavered; theft* she bowed her head weakly upatf his arm and her shoulders shook, i’*; 1 Kirby laid a gentle hand upon her, I then exclaimed in surprise;' “Wlffi, : kid, you’re still wet! Got those; i same clothes on, haven’t you?” He! ; raised his voice to the men he hxi 1 just left. “Want to see the gamest »■; girl in the world? Well, here she is. ■ You saw how she-took her medicine , today? Now listen to this: she!* : wet through, but she came looking: ■ for her old dajf—afraid he’d get into I trouble!” Disregarding tfie crowd and the ■ appreciative murmur her father’#. : praise evoked, Rouletta begged, in t a low, earnest voice; “Please, dear,] come away. Please—you know why. : Come away—won’t you—.for my i sake?” Kirby stirred uneasily. “I tell you / I’m cold," he muttered, but stopped; t short, staring. “Yes, and I see ■ Danny. I see him as hi went overi board. Drowned 1 I'll never get hims . out of my sight. I can’t seem to understand that he's gone, but— - everything’? gone, for that matter. 5 i Everything I" "Oh nb, d«d. Why, you're here : and I’m here I We’ve been broke before. > Kirby entiled again, but checr-j lessly. “Oh, we aintl exactly broke J I’ve got the bank-roll on me and* it’ll pufl us through. We’ve hadj bad fudk lor a year Or two, butH’di ion need* iwarhi'up Igel j into the m 3 She fbok his hand- IWaiyen't dpi] . i'_.\ 3. ' ' r * '***> * s - '“* ' 4 ’ * -- 'V if be foolish,” he cried, shortly. “I know what I need ana Ifjcnow what I I can stand. These men are friends of mine, and you needn’t be uneasy. Now, kid, you let me find a place for you to speifd the night.” “Not until you're ready to go along.” “All right, stick around for a little while. I won’t be long.” Old Sam drew a bench up beside the stove and seated the girl upon it. "I’m all broke up and I’ve just got to keep moving,” he explained, more feeling ly. Then he returned to the bar. Realizing that he was completely out of hand and that further argu ment was futile, Rouletta Kirby set tled herself to wait. In spite of hei misery it never occurred to her to abandon her father to his own de vices, even for an hour—she knew him too well to run that risk. But her very bones were frozen and she shivered wretchedly as she held hey shoe's up to the stove. Although the fire began slowly to dry'her outer garments, the clothes next to he* flesh remained cold and clammy. Even so, their chill was as nothing to the icy dread that paralyzed the very core of her being. Pierce Phillips told himself that this had been a wonderful day—an epoch-making day—for him. Lately he had been conscious that the North was working a change in him, but the precise extent of that change, even the direction it was taking, had not been altogether clear; now, however, he thought be understood. He had been quite right, that first hour in Dyea, when he told himself that Life lay just ahead of him—just over the Chilkoot. Such, indeed had proved to. be the-case. -Yes, and it had welcomed him with open arms; it had ushered him into a new and wondrous world. —His hands bad fallen to men's fasks,' experi ence bad comk*ti> him by leaps and bounds. In a rush he had emerged front groping Iteyhqod into full ma turity;.physimljß’, mentally, morally, lie hft<f growj Ijroug and broad and brown. Hadinj; abinddfied bprtiself to the tides of circumstance, life! had been swept into a new -existence where/Aifev.ertturc had rubbed feljpur ders with,-him, where Love had smiled into his eyes. ( Danger had tested his mettle, too, and todgy the final climax had come. \Vlfct reused hisAhypest satisfaction now was th« ljppwlettee tfeat be had met ttfiit di " max with crckjit. Toilight “ft seemed to him that he had reached full manhood, and in the first flnsh ol realization he assured himsett that he could no longer drift wire the aimless current of events, buUTnust begip shape affairs to hi| own 1 4fl * , * n'A $ if a s ’ Mbfe than ojjqfi d latfe be had pondered a certain thought? .and now, having arrived at a decision, he determined to act upon it. Ever • since that stormy.evening at Linder man his infatuation for Hilda had increased, hut, owing to circum stances, he had been thwarted -in enjoying it's full d.elights. \ During - the daylight hours of tfisif trip, as » matter of fact, the ;two had never been alone together even for a quar ter .of an hour; '.they \iad scarcely 1 hath a word in confidence, and in , consequence he had been forced to ; derive what comfort he could from . Z ’chance look, a smile, some inflec* lion of her voice. Even at night, after camp was pitched, it had been t little better, for the thin Walls of her canvas shelter afforded little E privacy, and, being mindful of ap pearances, he had never permitted himself to be alone with her very long at a time—only long enough, in fact, to make sure that his happi ness was not all a dream. A Vibrant protestation now a secret kiss or two, a few stolen moments of delirium, that was as far as his R>ve-affair had progressed. Not yet > had he and Hilda arrived at a defi nite understanding; never had they thoroughly talked out the subject that engrossed them both, never had they found either time or oppgrtu : nity in which to do more than sigh ; ; and whisper and hold hands, and as/ a result the woman remained almost as much qt a mystery to Pierce as she had been at the moment of her first surrender. “ / h was an intolerable situation, and so, under the spell of his buoy • ant spirits, he determined to make an end of it once for all. The-Countess recognized his step when he came to her tetjt and she spoke to him. Mistaking her greet ing for permission to enter, he un tied the* strings and stepped inside, only to find her unprepared for his reception. She had made her shel ter snug, a lively fire was burning, the place was i ragrant oL<*>me boughs, and a few 4 deft feminine touches here and there had trans formed it into a boudoir. Hfida bad removed her jacket and waist and was occupied in combing’hey hair, but at Pierce’s unexpected entrance she hurriedly gathered the -golden shower about her bare. shoulders and voiced a protest his intrusion. He stood smiling doirtf at her and refused to withdraw. • Never had 'Phillips, seen ju*ch an I aßuring picture. Now that her hair Iwas undone, its length and its pro j sind through it ** [ v « ■ | *(Ta : W mtiMii) I * - :• - • * - am ii —i DINNER STORBfe • 1— - Lone Way Around. Chronic Borrower—Say, Brown, are you using, jrour lawn mower this afternoon? Brown—Why, yes. 1 expect to cut my lawn. •*-. ‘if C. B.—That’s Fine, then yah waq't be wanting your tenuis rac-kty I’ve] broken mine. * Nat in the Laundry Vet. “Eliza,’’ said a friend ot the faini)y to the old colored washer woman. “have you sen Miss, Edith’s finnir!" . Eliza pondered a moment, then . bent over the laundry tub once more. “No, ma'am” she said, .“H ain’t been in de wash yet.” Still Wondering. _ A man walking along ■ country road found an Irishman i>eithed up on a signpost which iiointad north, with the inscription, "Thiti will take you to Malvern.” “What hre you up there for?” asked the man. "fe’aithi* said the other. “I've been sitting here for two hours, and I’m wondering what time it starts.” >, A wide-awake young man who had just arived at the summer hotel sought out the proprietor and said: “I notice a sign up which reads: Guests will please exercise patients until the meals are served.’ ” ? “Yes. sir,” said the proprietor. “Well, if that pretty, but pale looking girl over there is ,one of your patients, I will gladly take, her for a walk along the bench.”. y An army officer was showing his fair guest about the camps when a bugle sounded. “What's that for?" the fair one in quired. "Tljat's tattoo,* the officer ex plained. “Oh. I understand,” she remark ed. “I've often seen jf on. r soldiers’ arms, but 1 didn’t know they had a special time for doing it." He—“ Than you like the idea of' mv comjng out without ahas ? v . it isn't that, but I'd soaner jmu without a hat .than waring the ; sort'of hat 1 you would wear if you wore a hat-" H. B. Sea bright. V- D., Presbyterian Moderator. - - Mooresrille, Oct. 13.—The Synod of North Carolina, at the opening of, the one hundred and, twelfth annual session .'thi* ieVeiriiife’ elected lfev. H. B. Scabright. I). !>., pastor of the I’re-byterian clturch at Washington, as moderator. Henr. lt. A. McLeod, of Hope Mills. Os rending clerk, and Ttev- F. ■' A- Hamm, of < < 'imcord. as temporary: clerk. A pout litKl delegates were present ami 150 others are expected on Wcdinwlny- IT ALW AYS PAYS TO USE THE TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. TV tT -an. .. ■-s-l . ' seeping weel— ..... w . (« vegetable aperient) taken at high* will help keep you),wall, by toning end atrengtbening your di gootien and elimination. Onwthird tin regular doee. Mata of the aame Ingredients, then candy coated. For children and adults. VgttttOLß BY VOW MUQOISThbJI Gibson Dr ox suae. Just- Arrived Another lot of that delicious i Moore County Honey, packed in three pound jars, 95c Let’s Us send you a jar—it’s fine. . v Cabarrus Cash Grocery Comply PHONE 571 W South Church Street *4 - RitMrwoapgTCetterorothemch- I % l v> ‘ ; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaiM I ’ v . ■ The October Victor Records Are ■ • . Here* . /■ • • v . , W^ot 19738—8 y the Light of the Stars, with Mandola and tuitar J^b| ' -V i Jim Miller-Charlie Farrell re The Ring Isn’t Kink Any More, with Mandola and Guitar IHf r Jim Miller-Charlie Farrell a 19757—0 h Say, Can I See You Tonight —* Billy Murray SHI 0 Ukulele Baby, with mandola and Guitar— x Jim Miller-Charlie Farrell #p£ X 19739—1 Married Sic Bootlegger’s Daughter, \ytth piano -Frank Grumit xl 8 How’s Your Folks and My Folks, with paino ■■ V The Happiness Boys ftH O 19744 —The Farmer Toyk Another Load Away! Hay! Hay!, with XI mandolin and guitar , i Jim Miller-Charlie Farrell il Little Lfexdy Lou, with violin, guitar and ukulele Wendel Hall 1 ■ 5 19747—When the Work’s All Done This Fall, 'with guitar. M H , Carl T. Sprague ,9H 8 Bad Companions (cowboy ballad) with guitar 9 • Carl T. Sprague ’re S 1974 S—Dear Old Back Yard Days, with piano Bill Murray-Ed. Smalle If Q It’e'Just That Feeling For Home, with piano , 7 8 BiUy-Munray-Ed Smalle 8 14749 —Sweet Littla Mother of Mine Henry Burr fi i • Down Deep in an Irishman’s Heart , Sterling Trio g DANCE RECORDS - # 19753—1 Miss My Swiss —Fox Trot, with vocal refrain a"i | Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra x The Kinky Kids Parade —Fox trot, with vocal refrain. X UPaul "Whiteman and His Orchestra 8 t a World This Would Be—Fox trot, (from Ggorge White's X i ■ “Scandals”) Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 8 1 1 She's Got 'Em—Fox Trout Fred Hamm and His Orchestra 1 j i 19745—Yes, Sir! That’s M.v Baby—Fox Trot( with vocal refrain) l] I Cooi-Sanderg Original Nighrthawk Orchestra Sometime—Waltz J.i . Jack Shilkret’s Orchestra i 19746—Fooling—Fox Trot__4 —Meyer Davis’ Le Paradis Band | Are Lou Sorry ?—-Fox Trot Don Besfor and His Orchestra | i 19750—Everything ’is Hotsy-Totsy Now—Fox Trot with vocal re-, i fraia Coon-Handers Original Kighthawk Orchestra , That’s All There Is —Fox Trot, with vocal retrain , .; | Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra i S 19751—Summer Nights*—Fox Tfbt Don Bestor and His Orchestra fi j. Charleston Baby of Mine—Fox Trot —Don Bestor and Orch. ft i 19752—Funny—Waltz ——_i I— Jack Shilkret’s Orchestra O Croon a Little Lullaby—Tox Trot, with vocal refrain fi _ International Novelty Orchestra. 8 197'04 —Hong Kong Dream Girl —Fox Trot with vocal refrain S Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra X JVho lYouldn’t Love You—Fox Trot, with vocal refrain w ICoon-'Sgnders Original Nighthawk Orchestra X 19756—The Prtnnenadc Walk—Fox Trot (from Artists and ModehC). B Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serensders ft Cecilia—Fox Tret with vocal refrain X Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders 8 BELL-HAKBiS FURNITURE CO. I " r; - • -• » t - ' ■■ .3; i I i t L A THAT KEEPS OUT ALL WATER «JOT out drop of water can 1 ” «lter this vault, because it is constructed o« the f dte- . in* bell” priaciple, of twelve gauge Keystone copper-bear ing ateel which positively resists rust end corrosion. It affords fhepennaeeiit protec . tion we desire for tho remains of our loved ones. (Stone.'brick and concrete vaults let water iaand hold it,) We tepplyfhe . I Clark Gfeave Vault because it t;.} has proved to be the most per j fact form of protection. It> \ guaranteed for fifty years. 1 WILKINSON'S FUNERAL 1 • HOME .r .. PHONED- : > _ DAY OR NIGHT 1 a mmmmmwm Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1929 Genuine Buick ■if- ■ t PARTS Carried in Stock at ail times STANDARD BUICK CO. Opposite {tfpyjFl f City Fir.- Department Add the Comforts of PLUMBING to Your Home | Modern Plumbing will do as much or than any .oth er one thing toward making your home a comfortable and convenient place ill which to live. It costs you nothing to iget our cost estimate. J .. Cr ; V'rel iMMEgrairwl Pliimhinal real A I%IIIBK/XIMW| N th K ” ' re

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