Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1925 [Yes, 'it Can Be . B Cleaned With ! if “ Safety I It DOESN’T matter whether ■ It’s silk or wool, plain or I fancy. Send it to us and we’ll I return it looking just like I, I We Clean Fancy Colored I Pieces With 1 VON-O-LIN ; I Itolds the Color as it Cleans 1 We guarantee the color not I to run, there wHi he no Water- I rings, and tha garment will I not be,injured in the slightest I jj^^ y ry UB t °^ ay I 1 PHONE 787 V ilrn. fnown was in the kitchen helping “fe>ra. tile eook, prejgre t«M>- lier. “ft an old saying, ite, mdrke<K t(| JJora. “that ‘too tuanV- eoag spoil the: , broKi.’ What do ydri think?” J ” . “Sure, jna’ani,” she replied, “there's nothing tfc worry about—there’s only wan eookj here/’ - —n mil I j in OUTfOUR Wiflfo >1 a • - • : ; BY WILLIAMS BftsDTWwr: iwsmebjw \ /.£, t me ouxe JOMS-^Tot.ffu/vwa. MOSTN POP -BY TAYLOR r 'GIW COULD LEAtiU Y WHY BtoT4?EA.D SUMM-VOU HAVE VAW -C'MOM JT» A LCfr ev READIWS ft C(P those QUdIWIOWS / SoME SPLENCMD books ] HEMCV-LET'S Hls oWltf BOOKS -Z> TOh«fit)NW;WHIIJE l LET l*E READ To "A, PLAN A LITTLE ji LISTEkI TO WHAT I'M 6UT? PERHAPS \ YOU PROM ] L DOUBLE FELTWAM SAY 6-A > VOQ CANMAKE HIM V vt SOLITAIRE—/ j • . ! !. j•* .. ' | j . J -You’ll get om )( t havemt slaved 'V/kf how come you j( >Mhy the deck \ } {'Tb\r AFTER Kjf UgELV-MV J PLAV 7S' VHOR® OUT SO J | Says Curelty,‘Not Politics, j y Is Stanly County Trouble Raleigh NHts and Observer. Decferiug that ehar|es.,of abuse aud almost', tmhuman cruelty against N. C. Cranford. in charge of fie Stanly county.chain gang were nft the result, of political factions in the county but were tha result of exfensiv’p investi gation' carried op at the request of| prominent 'citfceiw of v Stajily and • Moore counties. Mrs.. Kate Burr' •It'ii) son, State eommnii.-caoner of! charities add public Welfare,' yestorday issued her, first statement 'regarding th* results pf -the investigations which 'vote conducted by tier department. Governor A. W, McLean and At torney General Dennis G. Bruliumitt bntli stated Frida.y that Z. V. : Moss. Stanly county superintendent of char ities and public welfare; J. R. Smitlj. attorney for the Stanly county high way commission, and R. L. Smith, of Stanly county, had presented affi davitt-refitting thp charges of cruelty-, agMust ■Cranford. Mr. Moss, romp j ty welfare officer, ,stptcd. that he had charges were unfouiided..* v it tvhs also stated that the charges of the prisoner's death went buck to I9XB and was investigated by. tlic j courts two years ago. In addition to the charge that the death of a prisoner, Henry Wooten, which occurred last May, was the result of being “horribly abused’’ by Cranford, Mrs. Johnson brings other charges that are “disgusing in their coarseness,” and repeats the opinion expressed by two of her in spectors that “the worst conditions occurring anywhere in North Caro lina are to be found in the Stanly county prison camp.” Following; <t imrtial dterlnsure pf the charges M > adnesday, erti- denied theinLantP charged them ’opto county ppßticg; It is understood that, numerous affidavits have been filed with the State board , of charities and, jnjblicj welfare here refuting the charges. - ' - The investigations were made by four'members of her staff, Mrs. John son stated,, at the request of eitizena -from Moore and Stanly counties.. Among those from Moore county who requested an Investigation were W. | M. Nash. George Ross and Alton Me-, I Ivor, elerk of court. Copies of the [report have been s«>ut to the Stanly . road commissioners, to the attorney genetal, the governor, Judge McElroy and Solicitor Don Phillips. “That Cranford strikes prisoners on the road. \ . > “t- ■ ' '' •' “That cue prisoner 'With a broken' or dislocated wrist received no med ieal a;mitton. . -*■ “That -atisong the punishments, in flicted on prisoner# are fee following : tying lift all day -with arms elevated, allowing and encbnrttging-/stool pig eons' to assault another prisoner; -hanging a juixqner up' by the feet. l‘ “OthtSr ('bargw, of mistreatmenikiro ! disgusting in tneir coarseness, sneh f as smearing the month.of a.OTipouer With rtlTlif same <jf tSse diarges being reiiorted by different prisoners, Crue'4y Causes Destti. “In the case of Btm»ry?fWsAen. tht” negro who died in May, 1D25, Cran ford administered harsh and 'confirm'd cruel treatment, according to prison-' ers. One day after Wooten had beep beaten lip several fjmes, he refused to walk. o| tbought he tliuld not walk. A snatch chain fvas fastened to' fills shackles and he was dragged bc'iind a tractor for some distance. After this treatment he walked. Cranford walked behind him and threw stones 'at liim. bitting him almost every step. Wooten was never able to work ou- thq. read after tluwjdaft «et‘trt,paiohing tff> -plorhaf qf tfe j»rb<mef#>: When®e cOui4*not pijdli ;|li#'taAp Se was atuLinaae (so work -mini midnight; WooteiP didd 28 days from the time lie came to the road camp. The last week he was Unable trf do 'awy'syork. According -to COMOORfi bAILV t&IBUNE I the prisoner wto cut hte chains Off 1 two days- before he died, his Mikles were skinned, his legs burst and bis body raw from the floggings. Dr. Lenfz, the county physician, staged to Hrown that the shackles had inflamed the mart’s anktes. and that it was necessary (or hW to open tile skin ’ to let OHt the, pun. | “Another negro prisoner, Arthnr I Hutler. was made to stand up ail day I .Sunday, with his bands tied above his head, because, according to Cran ford. he would not Work during Hie' week. Prisoners' stated that Cran ford beat Hutler constantly. On one occasion, Cranford put a bo* of ep. som salts on his .food and made him eat it, standing' over 'aim with a strait, 7 Whep he,‘Vomitted the fowl, Cnrhfnrd forced hmi to eat it again, i Moore County Ouit ’Stanly. Mooge county foonerljf hired their prisone* to Staaty.’m-cOrding to Sirs. I Johnson s treatnfent,' but' digoonrtnued»j the lirgetice <-ii aeeiwtnt of the poor! physical conditiotis of the prisoners on | their retiirjr, finti on acepunt of the 1 “stories of mistreatment of the prison ,*JN ' i 'i''' .g; f- ‘ SheWlso ('aarges Cranford with hav ing. his prisoners so completely intimi dated that it is almost iniprssible to get information. He is said to have 'promised the prisoners he "would .band it back'’ tojhem, if they told "on 'Ki«ri, In itltgfi£tf to this, she called;, aftention to the Nash county easei she said the truth wqp never I gotten from the * prisoners who testi fied in Hie trial until the resignation of the ‘siiperirftemjent of she camp , was .secured, ./w ■ V / i “Many timea/’-Ishe said, "i pritwn- > er would rather suffer tne torture he is undergoing In silence if fie knotv’a he has to continue under the man who is administering tlie crnel treat ment, rather than be subjected to worse torture fhr felling. Os all un- human beings, the prisoner is tjic mast' helpless.” ff these inch are made to fed-, tiiaf th p’ will he protected from -Cran ftrrd, Mrs. Johnson feels siifw*'w-iflr all the affidavits that she has secured from prisoners and ex-prisoners the court will have no difficulty in get ting statements from them. Issue Statement. Mrs. Johnson's statement in full Is as follows: “The investigations of tfie Stanly county chain gung have been made by four members of the staff of the State board of charities and public iiwlfme. ,/Tlie repmua qu conditions aM'.ftlpatJiPiit, whicn pith been liaud mehts niade “Citizens of Stanly and Moore counties have requested investigations from time to time. Mr. W, M. Nasfi, Mr. George Ross, and Mr. Alton 11c- Tver, elerk of the .court,t»*re unions the citizens of wSuKl'yVbfl[ asked for a pi'oreaSttlf affokaUill tions in the gang as a result of stories of mis treatment of prisoners. Moore coun ty formerly hired their prisoners to Stanly, but we understand this prac tice wa^discontinued because of these reports. <EJ. Thoroughly Investigated. <sA “Mr. ltoy M. Brown and Mr. Vuley Saunders investigated' the camp in PJ23. and in August, Me,.Roy AL [Brown und Mr. Roy E. Brown 'made a thorough investigation of tfie ramp. They found that conditions were such that they demanded atten-. ition, and a summary of their report [was given to the Stanly road eom pnistiioners. with a request that they .rectify conditions at once. It was 'duly after they had received the se lls) rt wifi the charges of ill treat ment, that the State board gave the matter over to the attorney -general. the governor und others. “At the suggestion <n the governor and the request of the commission ers, Mr. L. G. Whitley, inspector for the State board of charities and pub lic welfare and the State board of health, visited the camp on Septem ber .28th, He found the .conditions serious, and the,camp made at total score of o.H 1-2 out of a possible 1(10. The order' and morale of the camp were at low ebb. One of the prison ers hiltC a bad wound in bis head, which had been caused by a blow in flicted by another-prisoner with a bar. Although the wound was so serious that the county physician bad been ealledfto dress it, there was no indica tion that the prisoner had been pun ished for striking the fallow-convict. “Worst Camp in State.” “Mr. Whitley, upon his return ex pressed the opinion that he was con-' vinced that the worst conditions ex- OOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOCOOOOO : • , Stewart WfCHARLES P. STEWART NBA Berrtee Writer "Bjy ASHINGTON Washington W I* America'a oirfV city of tm '- PortaAce where fortune tell m. In Its various forma, goes on reiularly, professionally. op«nly w»« uninterfered with by the law. ) obv e secrecy Is unnecessary and Publicity pays, In the realm of the Aceult as l'n most other Helds, the j*W*»Jne tellers advertise to -the sMvspapers or I Consequently, It’s possible here, [which it Isn’t where they must operate under cover, to fornt some ■Wea as to their number, a i ) Exact figures, to be sure, efre un available. Suffice It to say. how ever. that the community Is sur prisingly large, and seemingly Prosperous,. • • * . (be capital’s seers and /“cresses, Mme. Marcia proba r bly is the best known, By vir tue of the fact that she had ready ~ s£Sf ss (° (be White House duping " ?}*** of admlnlatratlons, as Wactli.loner -of - astrology . extra pi®f!ary to the then “flrst ladies In jthe land.” ] Jn late middle life, Mme. Marcia runs Strongly to embonpoint; Os ! temk learning, except such as* re ntes to astrology, she has> Vrt-y little, and regrets it. r : ■ —»T ' ieting anywhere in North Carolina arc to be found in the Stanly county prison camp. ’ Mr. Roy e! . Brawn Swi Mr. U#y J|| Brown, who hptfiv Uispeco.,l fjjp r airrfi several times, eon-' curred in thfe opinii.n. Mr. Whitley's feiiort s uotn imray’ dcticieiu'es'iii man figemei:! and s’dhitaCion of Tie camp/ “The following is a partial sunn maiq- i f the charges made to Mr. Roy .(*-. Hi ,( A “ii and Mr, Roy H. Brown by Prison l is, ex-prisoners ami other citi zens : t “ Mliut Henry'Wooten, negro pris oner, was horribly abused by Cran ford, and that his death, which oc curred in May, 11125. only four weeks after lie went to Hie chain gang, re sulted from this treatment." , ‘•#i«-)natii difficulty in dealing wjlh ajfifc" hfitiis'flsind. 4je* in f{,. fipL i-/ ext|jemely'liiU'il/itof jel fe-1 Iwv ’ yf) 'vl#eh is Jgfipii* .mißiigk to aWtmiiiiled. Many times w> woSfr rather suffer the torture he is under going in silence if he knows he has to j continue under the man who is ad ministering the cruel treatment, rath-' I than be subjected iff worse tortuS* I '■s&WFWffl “Tlie trust was never gotten from j the prisoners -who testified in the Nash! comity trial, until the resignation of tin* superintendent of tlie camp was seemed. §I!U wu#“offfc\lien that the! faf« in giving texti ffnoiijtev (wnibelfevinth'at Cranford lius. these prisoners absolutely intimidated. Several of them have said that on the days before the inspections by the grand, jury, that he/would put the ■tStnpv in order, line up the prisoners and caution them against- talking. Be i,Would way ; ‘You are free to telj them whatever you "please/But just re ini' timer that if you hand me ashatij’ 'dbal.ffll haml you one back.' Nat 'UraUJjythe.prisoners said nothing. 7 . ng Many Statements. V' have gathered together %n inlni.f Statements from citizens of tlie eonnty, ex-prisoners, and prisoners, that ,'We feel suwC that if these men arc made to feel that they will be 1 protected from N. C. Cranford that | the court will have no difficulty in getting statements from them.” i d'te American Hebrew states that ‘•"ic'd of tlui-'eon versions to Judaism result from intermarriage. It ap pcarf- that there are more women proselytes than riten.” EV®R®BT TRUE by CONDCf y— AN-D ALSO, THAT F?&NiinjT>S TXMSHT/ MY-UTTCe TODNO-STcR —i. cn c ne'3 acluays —■ j- C~| ’ ''l +■ l "Oh. If I only' hud an ofluta' Hour who romarknd. during a talk I hud with h*■ r one day Mrae. Marcia practiced modi uni ship in her youth and admits that she found the spirits extremely unreliable "'But the‘stars." she says, “can't lie." X think she believes In her hokus pokes herself • . m THE question arises. “To what do spiritual, astrologi cal and otner occult sugges tions influence 'governmental poli cies and decisions, executive-, legis lative aitd Judicial?" Not much,' t Imagine Mme. Marcia, It’s true, speaks of numer • ous governmental higher-ups among her clients, but she's vague as to names, and r surmise that, in this respect, she exaggerate* a bit. Prof. Marcus la. Marr, ■ “Washington's famous, medium," agrees with me. “I sincerely wish," he told me. “that 1 could honestly assure you we run the whole government, but the idea’s - ridiculous. • Yovir typical politician is the last man I'd .pick ias suspectible. hr any in fluence but his own best Interests Spirits? Pooh! To Influence ..a politician you heed something a lot* mr»re doncrete-raomething he can see and feel tWli do him some good, like a bunch of votes." • ■' ■ ~ ■* i TODAY'S EVENTS. i Wednesday. October 14, i •)£.">. V Twenty year- kgd'tt&y the Mika ■ <ii ai'il lif’.ic ..i'anr Mgu3l the pvutx i- trentj' (jai'ing Hie ',shl • ImiwcM M'Mtih (lusMia. "p T N | T(,e gMMiu - fonvi-el. i, of. ;|ie • National Association of o>* ton As sociation oj Cotton Mamiftctiirers ( wiii open in Boston 1 tduy am] con itinno in eason oyer ton.iivrow. Dr. John M. Thomas, 1.-jtt* picsi j dent of Pennsylvania “State College, ■ I today wi’l be inaugurated in the ! pesideney of Rutgers College, at i New Brunswick. X. It. . The 2S7th annivenpiry of the [ settlement from* which Hampton and j nine of tiie neighboring towna of New Hampshi|C evolflU will be ob served today tjjtli tlfflbdcdication of position, which is to open today in j the Grand Central Palace, New York- City. [|*j Cotton Growing in Burke. If Morganlou, N. C„ Get. 12.—OP)— Ijßotton planted on the farm of J. A. 'Jehiliel, a fruit grower of Morganlou, 'twill produce a good crop, in contrast I with the sliort crop on most other ■, farms in Burke county, it Is pointed : out by Farm Agent It. L. Sloan. This is the first year that Mr, Shif . let has ever grown cotton, and, on i. the strength of his success, he plans to plant most of his orchard to cot , ton next year. Fertilizer mixtures . for ills cotton, as well as proper ferti lizer for the orchard, were recom mended by State College extension Mr, Slwm reports. Mr. Sloan believes 'tins' fact probably accounts for the Rifckl n-cuffs'-'secured With ciitil cotton aml fruit. ■ ■ ■' ; j •' «drr» — rr-‘— —- —- Cotton Variety Test. Srotlapd Neck, X. C., (Jet. 12.—(/P) T-tsp ty cotton' variety tost in Halifax t-onnt.v. hlexican big boll led five other varietii’s by 120 pnnnflK of sets! cot ton, reports Farm Agent C. |.E. Littlejohn. An increase of 520 I ]wuiuds over the undustod plot was also made on it boll weevil control plot on the first picking. It esays. Members of the Scotland Neck Poul try Asswiivtibu have all their hens and pullets in laying houses, and. ac cording to Mr; Littlejohn, will begin shipping, eggs to New York within another week. DON'T MISS THIS ONE — | The Fair-The Best One* Yet— I And our booths-yes-we have two I (2) booths and demonstration of 1 farm machmery on grounds. Me-1 Cormick-Deering line. You are wel- L come at all three places. Be sure I j and visit them all. II Ritchie Hardware Ct YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 I IDELCO LIGHT 1 ; Light Plants and Batteries I Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or -Alter- § nating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter noting current; t— | R. H. OWEN, Agent 1 Phone 68i Concord, N. C. 8 MOOOOOOOOCXXXXXiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ( World Base Ball Series BY RADIO 2:00 p.m. Daily All ‘Tans” and “Fannies” Invited 1 v ® 1 Kidd-Frix Music &Stationery Co | i | Phone 76 58 S. Union St., Concord, N. C. jf H. B. Wilkinson Car Washing! Alemite Greasing! J| Crank Case Service r Let us wash your car and grease it with Alemite High R Pressure lubricating system v for everybody knows that -R proper lubrication is the life of any car. i| j Texaco gasoline-and ojl^—Goodrich tires and tiihfe«m|Bß Tire changing, Accessories, Free Air and Water » ( CENTRAL FILLING STATION § , PHONE TOO | PAGE SEVEN

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