' T 111 | ' ASSOCIATED i PRESS ' DISPATCHES ' I VOLUME XXV Extension Os Lines Os P. & N. May Miss This City By Several Miles ROUTE VIA POPLAR TENT CONSIDERED Officials of the Company Unwilling to Pay Prices Demanded Now for the Right of Ways. * SURVEY MADE OF THE NEW ROUTE Land Owners In Some In stances Are Demanding Thousand Dollars Acre For Their Property. Concord : s threatened with' exclus ion from the new line of the Pied mont & Northern Railway. This be came known Tuesday lyhen officials of the company came here to confer with officials of the Chamber of Com merce who have been working for the past six months to Ret the extension of the system from Charlotte to Win ston-Salem via Conbord. ' The line is to be built. Chamber* of Commerce officials have been .assured, but it wifi not touch Concord unles come landowners in the county are ....convinced that the railway eompany will not pay, the price they are de manding for their real estate. The matter, now rests with these landowners. They can bring the line to Concord by offering right of ways for reasonable sums, or - they pan force the I*. & N. officials to build their line through the Poplar Teat neighborhood by demanding a thousand dollars an ! acre for their lands as they are noV doing. It has been learned on good author ity that the interurbau company now has its surveyors at work on a line going direct from Charlotte to Kan napolis-via Poplar Tent, and this line will be used unless owners pf the property along the route from Char lotte to Concord are willing to make . eoueession.4. It has also been learned on author ity that cannot be questioned that the line via Poplar Tent would cost less than the line via Concord, and for that reason P. & X. officials are in clined to adopt it. However, at the in sistence of local citizens, headed by Chamber of Commerce officials, they have held the-matter open so that an effort can be made to secure the right of ways through Coneortl at reason- 1 able prices. “The P. &X. is not going. to pay a thousand dollars an acre for right of ( ways," one Chamber of Commerce of ficial stated in discusieng the matter. | "and it is up to the citizens of Oon- ! cord who want to see tlfe line brought here to persuade property owners to give the : r land at a cheaper rate. Con cord is vitally interested in this prop osition. It means much to the busi ness interests of the eity, blit we are goiifg to lose it unless we can get the co-operation of every one. "Lack of co-operation has always ] been a handicap to Concord. The, growth of the city has been hampered! by men wbo have been unwilling t?k make concessions for the common good. I Surely, in this instance, we are not i going to let this proposition fall through because of selfishness." One official of the P. & X. who was in Coneotd this week, told Chamber of Commerce officials that in many instances property owners had given the right of way through their lands. They asked nothing, it was pointed out, realising that the building- of the line through their land would increase its value, and at the same time would serve to build up the entire section served by the line. This official also told Chamber of Commerce 'officials that several land owners on the route via Poplar Tent were so anxious to get the line that • they had voluntarily offered free right of ways. Some of these land owners live in Mecklenburg and some in Cabarrus, it was said. In no instance, it was said, had property owners along this route demanded anything like a thousand dollars ap acre for their land. ~ One business man of Concord who has been untiring in his efforts to get the line through this city, said it "seems' to me we should have learned | | Today and Thursday ] ; KENNETH HAJtLAN AND | HELEN COSTELLO in I “Ranger of the Big Pines” Vitapraph Feature -vj X Also Our Gang Cqmedy | “JUBILO JR.” ,’ SoOWOffWQOOOOOOOOfItOOOfI - , iv v.- fikmk . • ....: i- At .. •. iVi.* The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily v • ♦ our lesson from Knnnapolis." ‘ "Kannapolis would be n port o’ Concord today if property ownet-< had not tried to get unreasonable prices for their property when the late James \V. Cannon sought a site for new mills," he said. "We nil realize now the great loss that came to Concord when Mr. Cennon was* forced to sock property elsewhere. Laud owners here then nppaijfntly thought Mr. Cannon had to build here. He show ed them that lie did not. "The P. & N. officials are going to show us 'the same thing unless we co operate with them in-getting right of ways. They are not going to be ‘held up' because they have unlimited re sources. It will be a distinct reflec tion on Concord if wc force the P. & X. to come no nearer to Concord thau Poplar Tent, which is about six miles from the city.” Dr. T. X. Spencer, president, and other Chamber of Commerce officials •are redoubling their efforts now to get the line for Concord, Individ uals who arc not officers of the Cham ber hut who want to see Concord grow and prosper, have volunteered to con fer with property owners who are de manding what is described as “unrea sonable prices,” with the hape that they can assist in straightening out the problem that confronts the eity. The problem is n real one and un less it is settled in the near future Coneortl persons de-iring to ride the P. & / X. or ship freight mid express over it, will hnve to go to Poplar Tent to do so. POLES TALK OF HAVING KING; HENRY FORD IS MENTIONED Others Would Offer Throne to Duke of York or Some Other Member of Rlitish Royalty, Home, Oct. 21.—According to some l\)!isti politicians who ha,vo been pass ing through Italy, the Poles find their republic a heavy burden and are seri ously thinking of finding a\king. As usual with Poland, opinions are di vided as to the kind of-king to seek. One sect ion of the Nee-Monarchists wants the Duke of York, or at any rate, a member of tile British royal family. "The other, 'however, is in favor of an Ameriean business man. Henyy Ford has been seriously talked of as suitab'e. His supporters point out that he would still be able to carry on his vast automobile business, .as his presence would not be needed for every month in the year. And even ,if he retired from car making, lie could well afford to do it: the honor of kingship would make lip for any pecuniary sacrifices. The Fordites say t'hat Poland is in stieh a bady way financially that only a genuis in business can pull her out of the muddle. I *■ KILLED BY EXPLOSION OF DYNAMITE CHARGE ,W. A. Craven, of Randolph County, Victim While Blowing Up Stumps in His Field. Rainsetir, Oct. 20.—W- A. Craven, aged (14, of the Moffitt mill section of Randolph county, 12 miles south , west ,of here, was killed this morn ! ing on his farm when a blast of ! dynamite under a stump exploded. ilYe front of bis head and his ej*Vs I were blown to pieces by the force of Nile explosion and the remainder of I his head was reduced to practically i a jelly. Mr. Craven was standing oyer the stump under which ire had placed the charge of dynamite. He had lighted the ' fuse and apparently thought that it had £one out anil was preparing to relight it when the explosion occurred. * ' Say Ocean Is Breaking Through East , ’ ern Rank*. Kinston, Oct. 20. —Old residents along the const say the fate scientists have predicted for the “banks” of North Carolina is gradually coming to pass. Geologists have predicted that within a few generations the ocean will break through the strip of beach separating the sounds from the sea. This is hundreds of miles long, I«#H than n mile in width at places, and is already broken by a number of inlets. Today persons here from the coast said old-timers claimed to have, noticed considerable wash out*, occurring in a few year's time, south' of Portsmouth and elsewhere. Animals eating the grass and brush from the banks are blamed. With out vegetation to support it, the beach is washing away. An island near Ocracoke has lost a third cf its area within five years. Sheep and rab bits quartered on the island were re sponsible. ReguU* Sleep and Meals Ruled for | Women Athletes. . Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 21.—Training rules for women students at the Uni versity of California who are going in for athletics, which -the Women’s Athletic Association says will be en forced rigidly, are:. Eight hours of sleep five nights a week. Three regulkr meals a day, with j green vegetables on the menu at least once. A pint of milk at. least once a day. No candy between meals and not more than one cup of coffe er tea a day. - , v - IYiuce Henry U the only member' of the English royal family who rides a motorcycle. ” ' It.i. •> *' . ■ 1 : • - A ! BURNING of boat CAUSES INQUIRIES | High Officials of Steam boat Inspection Service' Inquire Into Burning of Comanche. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 21.— UP) — Invest : gation by (ion. (ioo. Vliior. 1 supervising inspector general, anil j Oapt. Goo. llarnoy, supervising in spector of the 3rd district. XT. S. Steamboat . Inspection Service, into conditions silt-rounding the burning of the Clyde Line steamer Comanche off Mnyport last Saturday night was to be resumed to/lay. , Testimony by 3 passengers before the court of investigation yesterday tended to corroborate statements made by oilier passengers ! n Xew York that the crew acted in nnseamanlike man ner, and flint members of the crew were drunk and panicky during the fire. None of those testifying was able to give the source of the fire. NO SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE ON A. C. L. Bith Sides Still Optimistic and Each Is Claiming Vk-tcru Thus Far. Wilmington, X. (’.. Oct. 21.— UP) — John W. Anderson, vice president of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, today was expected to issue an ocialffi statement encouraging the strike of telegrapii operators on the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. Both the tele graphers and railroad were claiming victory in the walkout. Reporting train service as normal, railroad officials here declared last night that 837 positions out of 1,151 have been filled since the strike start ed Monday. Mr. Anderson on file other hand said the reports received by him were of an encouraging na ture, and indicated continued success Os the strike. - VARIANT. FORMS OF TAX RELIEF SOUGHT Ways qpd Means Committee Hears Quite » Number of Person*. , Washington, Oct. 21.— UP) —Varfs ant forms of tax relief were sought by a number of organized interests through representatives appearing at today’s sessions of hearings before the House ways and means comittee on a new revenue bill. Nine organizations were allotted time 'today by the committee, which will bear all parties interested in the proposed tax reduction measure before starting wrfrk a week from Monday on the drafting of the bill. Arab Says “Needle’s Eye” of Bible Refers to Wall Gate. 1 Pittsburgh, Kan., Oct. 21 — UP)— The “needel’s eye” referred to in t’u'e New Testament is a small gate in the' Wall of Jerusalem, not a . sewing needle, at least in the opinion of Job N’egiem, 23-year-old Arab guide in the Holy Land, who is studying music at the Pittsburgh State Teachers Col lege. The Biblical passage to which th's modern Job has adduced a new mean ing is in Mark 10.-25, wherein Jesus chided those wlyo “trust in riches,” saying: “It is easier for a camel to go through the ejukof a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” , “The needle's -eye,” says Xegiem, “commonly misundnerstood as the eye of a sewing needle, is known to Jeru salem as a small gate within a larger gate in the city walls. It is for the use of pedestrians after the larger gate is closed for protection. The gate is eo low that an average-sized man must stoop low to go through it.” nr _ INVEST YOUR DOL- i LARS with us—r* i —BECAUSE our meth- | l ods., 1 management and plan give you unques- ’ tioned safety. | ; Our. 'Neyv Series will op- 1 ’ en Saturday,. November | the Seventh. BEGIN NOW CITIZENS BUILDING ? I AND LOAN ASSO- g i CIATION V I , Office in Citizens Bank O | Building CONCORD, N, C„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1925 Wreckage of Airmail Plane Lost Ten Days life ji |L jj K f jjfc After hundreds of people had searched for him for 10 day 9 in the Pennsylvania mountains, the wrecked plane and dead body of Charles H. Ames, airmail pilot, were found in a dense woods on the side of Mt. Nlttany. •ear Bellefonte. Pa. He apparently lost his bearings in a fog and crashed into the side of the mountain. The ' vu found gown with Am'** still in the pilot’s seat. POLICE OFFICER IS PROBABLY FATALLY SHOT DURING NIGHT Officer D. C. Chasson Shot When He Went to In vestigate Noise Fay etteville Observer Office. NO CLUES TO HIS ASSAILANT Officer Was Shot In Right Breast and His Condi tion Is Now Regarded as Critical. Fayetteville, Oct. 21.—Of) —D. (\ Chasson, local police officer, was shot ami perhaps fatally injured early ltd* morning when he entered the median-' ical room of the Fayetteville Observer office here to investigate after finding the back door open and hearing a noise in the building. Tile bullet entered just to the right of the breast bone and lodged in t lie left side. It was removed by sur geons in a local ‘hospital, at 4 o'clock this morning. Ilospitnl authorities spy he is in a serious condition Bloodhounds, secured from Stnitli field. followed a scent leading from tile Observer officer for ten miles in a circuit of the city, but no atrest had been made early today. Chasson had relieved an officer on he beat a midnight, and was making his first round when 'lie discovered the open door and heard a r. iso. he states. A« he stepped inside the door lie was shot. He jjred twice in re turn, then walked to the nearby At lantic Coatst Line station her ■ he nailed another officer, and started for the -hospital. Xo damage has been) discovered in the Observer office. In fact, an ex amination by the police fails to dis close that anything was touched ex cept a window 12x18 inches, through j which the alleged marauder is sup posed to have made his escape. Foes of Marshal Chang Victorious. Peeking, Oct. 21. — UP) —Chinese | fet-ces opposed to Marshal Chang Tso Lin, the Manchurian militarist, have I captured Hsu Chow, an important I railway junction about 200 miles north of the Yangtsc River. Most of i Chang's troops already had been with- [ drawn north of this point, but a few I hundred were cut off. Destroyers Ordered to Alexandria, . Egypt. Washington, OcJ. 21.— UP) —Two American destroyers hnve been order ed from Gibraltar to Alexandria, Egypt, to remain in readiness there to proceed to Syrian ports should I their presence become necessary for ' tbe protection of American lives and property, as a result of a revolt by tribesmen in that country. GOING UP! The trend of speed madness is ever upward. It is not so long ago that CO miles $n hour was lighting pace. But traveling at a rate of two miles a minute is no longer a spec tacular feat. The day may not be fur distant when the dnshing motors will be making a speed seemingly impossible at present. Here are a few things that were . considered fast in the events enumerated: Ml’H. Driver Place Year 86.0 Darie Resta . Santa Moqnicn ‘ 10X0 08.23 Joe Boyer Indianapolis 1017 100.3 Jimmy Murphy Los Angeles 1021 HC.fi Harlan Fenglcr Beverly Hills 1024 118.1 Tommy Milton Charlotte 1024 120.8 Tommy Milton. Culver City 1024 j 135.5 P*te Depanto v laurel, Md. 1025 What will be the. new high mark in speed? Racing authorities believe that, whatever may be the new mark, it .will be set on the Charlotte Speedway, November 11th. All agree | j this is the world’s fastest track anti that here some driver and his car : will win added glory. 1 CAPT. AMUNDSEN SEES PRESIDENT Tells President Dirigible Is Best Craft To Be Used In Trips To The Frozen North. Washington, Oct. 21.—C4 s )—Capt. Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian ex plorer. calling at the White House to day, paid his respects to President Coolidge, said he believes the best way to fly over the North Pole is by dirigible. He believes, however, that development of the airplane within the next few years might make it the most feasible means. Tile explorer recently returned from an attempted airplane Polar flight. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Easy Today at Decline of 5 to 19 Points and Sold 17 to 21 Prints Ixiwer. New Lork. Oct. 21.— UP) —The cot ton market opened easy at at decline of ii to 1D points and sold 17 to 21 points not lower in early trading un der liquidation and a Renewal of Southern or loeal pressdre inspired by the tendency to increase estimates of the crop, despite recent unfavor able weather conditions. A prominent local spot firm issued a report estimating the ginn'ngs to October 18 at only 9.200,000 bales out of the indicated crop of 14,832,- 060, compared with an estimate of 13,- ■838,000 toward the end of the last month. These crop figures evidently encouraged early selling, but after de-) dining to 21.45 for December, the, market steadied on trade buying and * covering which may have been in fluenced by unfavorable features in the weekly repost of the weather bu reau. Cotton futures opened easy: Octo ber 21.85 ; December 21.50; January 20.70; March 21.02; May 21.13. With Our Advertisers. Tlie new series in the Citizens Building and Loan Association will begin Saturday, November 7. X'a better place to invest your dollars. Of fice in Citizens Bank. Kenneth Harlan and Helen Costello in "Ringer of the Big Pines” at War : nor's Concord Theatre today and i Thursday. Also Our Gang comedy. "Jubilee. Jr." Investigate tile facilities of the Ca barrus Saviugs Bank to meet your parCeular needs. j Everybody is waiting for the Old | Fiddlers Convention next Friday night at Warner's Concord Theatre. I Large shipment of overstuffer liv-! ing room suites just received by H. I B. Wilkinson. I The Specialty Store is hendquar- I ters for all athletic and gym equip ' ment. Next to Cline's Pharmacy, The Upton, a new marathon hat, at J. C. Penny Co.’s, at $4.98. Italian Vessel Abandoned. New York, Oct. 21.—(/P)—The Italian freighter Ignacio Fiorio, which sent out S. O. S. signals oil Monday ! night, was abandoned in a sinking condition this morning after the crew had been rescued by the S. S. Presi dent Harding, the U, S. Line was in | formed by radio. ONLY THREE MYS OF THE EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE LEFT Bishops and Deputies Are Seeking to Clear Calen dars of the Two Houses Any Delay. PRAYER BOOK BEFORE BISHOPS The Suggestion That Some Changes Be Made to the Book Considered of Much Importance. New Orleans, La.,*Oct. 21.—