PAGE FOUR ||> The Concord Daily Tribune i-.\’ "ift- J. B. SHERRILL * ... . "'*■ Editor and Publisher R? W. M7 SHERRILL, Associate Editor I MEMBER OF THB K " ’ ASSOCIATED PRESS Mr. Tie. Associated Press is exclusively r* <Btimd to the use for republicatiou of all news credited to it or not otherwise HE’ Mgdtttd in this paper and also the 10-1> 1> cal'Tews published herein. IliM rights of republication of spec if ial-aispatehes herein are alac reserved. : Special Represent*ti Tie |» * FROST, LANDIS & KOHN It* , ”525 Fifth Avenue. N.ew York KA M‘fyoples , * , Gas Buffding, Chicago B Bw4 Candler Building. Atlanta §£■ Entered as second class mail matter kS' at the postoffice at Concord, N. C., un “ der the Act of March 3, 1879. I* h" 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES In the City of Concord by Carrier : Tear ; $6.00 B 1 ? Six Months 3.00 Three Months : w 1.50 t , One Month .50 t _ Outside of the State the Subscription Is the Same as in the City | Out of the city and by mail in North " * Carolina the following prices will pre f„:~ vail: - I 1 One Tear v'— $5.00 Six Months 2.50 I Three Months i 1.25 | ■ Less Than Three Months. 50 Cents a Month AH Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance RAILROAD SCHEDULE | In Effect .Tuue 28. 1925 Northbound | No. 40 To New York 9:2S P. M. ?■ No. 136 To Waslrngton 5:05 A. M. r No. 36 To New York 10:25 A. M. I No. 34 To New York 4:43 P.'M No. 46 To Danville. 3:15 P. M. i No. 12 To Richmond 7:10 P. M No. 32 To New York 9:03 P. M. I No. 30 To New York 1:55 AM. Soptbbound fr, No. 45 To Charlotte 3:55 P. M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9 :56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2:35 A. M | No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M No. 33 To New Orleans 8:25 A M - No. 11 To Charlotte 8:05 A. M No. 135 To Atlanta 8:35 P. M - No. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M No. 39 To New Orleans 9:55 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers coming from be yond Washington. X —FOR TODAY—I if] Bible Thonjrl.ts memorized, will prove a li | HOW TO ESCAPE FKOM.EYIL: —Because thou made the Lord. J which is my refuse, even the Most . High, thy 'habitation; there shall no * evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For i— cO-ov iris angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all they ways. H ... ii: ;Ml. NOW IS THE TIME TO > ACT. f : ■ If we want to get the Piedmont & Horthern railway to extend its lines through Concord we must act now. | The death of James B. Duke, the | - controlling head of the interurban >ys- W no way will affect plans for | -the extension of the line. Before his death .Mr. Duke announced that he [: had perfected plans for the conti n jr ' uance of his work, and tin- I*. & X. extension will go forward just the '■ same as though Mr. Duke were alive. We can get the line through Con-1 f cord if we are willing to make some sacrifices. Officials of the interurban 1 company state that they are willing s to |<ay for right of ways when land ; values are not too high, hut they will not pay what appears to them to be I • unrffisonable prices. They can build the. extension without touching Oon f cord with the line, and that i-s just £ what they art- going to do unless a | Uw of our people will grant right of ..ways for sums much less than de '( mantled now. ri. In this case we should co-operate as a civic unit. We should make !? 'concessions if necessary, for the eom p . inon good. \Ve should forget self in our zeal to benefit our city and coun f t.v. Civic pride should come before C personal gain. Now is the time to act. It will be K l .: too late when the extension has been |i. built through the l’oplar Tent section g of the county. THE TYPICAL AMERICAN SPIRIT. Ri Mr. Firestone, the well known tile |. manufacturer, is determined to take U America front the dutches of the nth- K, ber mouoiwlists. and his method of »/ doing so is typical, we believe, of the | American spirit. Mr.- Firestone found his industry Ey outdone by the British monopoly on | xubber, so lie purchased 1,000,006 incrcs of Liberian lands and annottue j|’ ( cs that he w ill expend $160,000,000 Kj’-Jn (levcloj)ing a rubber farm in that I distant land so the British monopoly can .be broken. The Charlotte News says 'that is B§3tbe spirit that has put America to the Kdfprefrout of the Nations of the earth, K. the everlasting determination plus B. that 'thrift and aggressive spirit that Bljyltnow s no interruptiug barriers. Atn- Mg.'lwieaiiw can't Ik 1 beat. When they ■plktud a thing they go and get it and Bgi.Sf it is not lying around where they »-' <*«n ..easi v 'in th' > bends on t |.|j*iberoA&' nlwuysr somebody, -like Mr. E* F ea >aring, the Kmlttittvo sniff the wealth to go the a limit for development.’’ E THE WOMAN IN THE CASK AtIALN. KfSdnnie Brooks bus been found not Bjlptilty of murder for the killing of former M.n»r Bryant. of Ueuilemv- Bgi' ■ —~— ■ 11 1 - . ville. The jury in the case took but , two ballots before reaching a decis ion. The unwritten law was the 'eon ; trolling factor in the case, for al though insanity, and self-defense were the announced ideas on which Brooks j sought his freedom, relations between . his wife and Bryson led to all the ■ trouble and this fact led to a “not guilty" verdict. Brooks told of finding Bryson -in his home and his efforts to shoot him . at the time. That testimony alone ; would free him in any court in North ! Carolina. Whether Mrs. Brooks wanted Bryson there is not important, and such evidence is never, important. The jux-y in such cases always acts on the assumption that any impi-oper relations is caused by the man. Three mnwritten law cases have been tried in North Carolina within the past month and in each of. them the defendant was acquitted. It is an ae- j cepted fact by the public if not by the law, that when a man interferes with another man and wife he is flirting with death. There are laws which would punish the man who slanders a woman, or who makes improper proposals to a woman or who goes further and has improper relations with a woman, but usuady such laws never have opportunity to function, for the husband, father, brother or some other relative of the woman takes the law into his own hand and kilts the man who makes such pro posals or who commits such deeds. And seldom are such slayers convicted in our courts. The jury lias no law to warrant acquittal but they make a law of their own and their decision is final. JOBLESS BEAUTIES NO LONGER SWAMP COLONY ♦ Advice to Film-Struck Men ami Wo men to Stay Away From Holly wood Has Effect. Hollywood . Oct. i2l.—Wretched jobless movie-struck girls are no more. Gone, too are the shiny-topped, out-of-work cinema-mad sheiks. Hollywood’s army of job-seeking young men aud women with feverish visions of fame in motion pictures has passed. Published admonitions to movie truck men and women to stay away from Hollywood have had extremely beneficial effects, a survey showed to day. Girls Heed Advice. Young girls working behind greasy lunch counters in middle* Western small towns, ywhuse swains haw told them they are the perfect image of Gloria Swanson, are taking wise men’s advice aud so also are bank clerks and messenger boys xtho may have imagined themselves as merely diamonds in the l'ough as far as Rudy Valentino or Thomas Meighan wore concerned. Warned that life in Hollywood is far front a bed of roses, they are staying at home where they belong, realizing there is always more talent in Hollywood than demand. A year ago at this time, picture company officials reported from two to five hundred girls and youths were clustered around studio gate, begging for employment. Today, less than a hundred applicants were found at each studio, and only a few of These had been in Hollywood less than six months. As a result, conditions Tor extras are been greatly improved, accord ing to producers. The extra workers have been able to obtain employment for four and five days a week, where as' in the past, they were fortunate to be employed that many times a month. More Trained Players. The motion picture industry as a direct result has more trained play ers on which to call than cvrr before in history ami producers are not forc ed to devote many hours in selection ;f suitable actors for minor roles. A glance at police records reveals the improved conditions. In recent months the number of •iersens held for worthless check 'barges has been greatly reduced. Vhildreu Abed by 9:15 P. M.; Take First Prize in Survey. New York. Oct. 21.-—04 s )—rßecause 93 per cent of the children of New ton. Mass., are in bed at 9:15 p. m they take first place in that sectior >f a health survey of 86 cities math by the American Child Health Asso elation. Across a few states to McKeesport Pa., only 32 perc-M of the children were in bed at that hour. Massachusetts and California were found to lead in long hours of sleep Children of Chattanooga. Montgom ry. Ala., and Springfield. 0.. were ''mud to be early risers. The average American child of the fifth grade gets up at 7 :06 a m.. and elites at 9 :05 p. m., rite association ’iwcovered. Other habits of the aver age American youngster ai-e: Drinks 1.4 glasses of milk daily, takes a bath once a week, usually 'rushes his teeth at least once a day and visits the dentist about once ir two years. The survey disclosed t*xat 73 peg tent of fifth grade children had been vaccinated against smallpox. Alto gether the association found that great progress is being made in the schools in teaching health to children. The Irish Question. Pat had opened his first bank ac count and had taken to paying most of his debts by check. One day the bank sent hint a statement, togel'ie witb a packet of canceled checks. Os the statement Pad made neither head nor tail, but the returned cheeks great ly pleased Hint. "Mike," lie said to a friend, "sure an' it's a smart hunk : Pm doin' business wid now.” 'Tluw's that'/" "Wbj. Oi. pwd a)l we bills wid. cheeks, an’ be jabbers if the batik wasn't slick enough to get iveryt'teek buck for me.” The United States Golf Association has decided to hold its next annual - turning iu Chicago, ui Jtuiuuiy It tlx. . I ' ■■■ - 'dan, | Published by fiiinnffiaijM Pfcfrws, Inch, and Frank CHAPTER XVII. (Continued) The tents were up, a big camp fire was blazing brightly, when fierce Phillips, burdened with a huge armful of spruce boughs and blinded by the illumination, stepped too close to the river's rim and felt the soil beneath him crumble away. Down he plunged, amid an ava lanche of earth and gravel; the last round he heard before the icy wat -1 trs received him was Laure’s af frighted scream. An instant later he had seized a “sweeper,” to which he clung until help arrived. He was wet to the skin, of course; his teeth were chattering by the titrie he had regained the camp-fire. Os the en tire party, Laure alone had bo com ment to make upon the accident. t!he stood motionless, leaning for support against a tent-pole, her face hidden in her hands. Best's song birds were noisily twittering about Fierce; Best himself was congratu lating the young man upon his abil ity to swim, when Laure spoke, sharply, imperiously: “Somebody fintj his dry things, quickly. And you, Morris, get your whisky.” While one of the men ran for Pierce's duffle-bag, Best came hur rying with a bottle which he prof fered to Pierce. The latter refused it, asserting that he was quite all right; but Laure exclaimed: “Drink! Take a good one, then go into our tent and change as fast as you can.” “Sure!” the manager urged. “Don’t be afraid of good liquor. There isn’t much left. Drink it all.” A short time later, whsn Pierce reappeared, clad in dry garments, he felt none the worse for his mishap, but when he undertook to aid in the preparations for the night he sus pected that he had taken his em ployer’s orders too literally, for his brain was whirling. Soon he dis covered that his movements were awkward and his hands uncertain, and when his camp-mates began to joke he desisted with a laughing confession that he had imbibed too much. Laure drew him out of hearing, then inquired, anxiously, “Are you all right again? ’ “Sure! I feci great.” “I—l thought I’d die when I saw you disappear.” She shuddered and iiid her faceNn her hands for a sec ond time. It was quite dark where they stood; they were sheltered from observation. “Served me right,” he declared. “Next time I’ll look where—” He halted in amazement. “Why, Laure, I believe you’re crying!” She lifted her face and nodded. She lifted her face and nodded. “I’m frightened yet.” “I'm frightened yet.” She laid trembling, exploratory hands upon him, as if to reassure herself of his safety. "Pierce! Pierce!" she ex claimed, brokenly. Suddenly Phillips discovered that this girl's concern effected him deeply, for it was genuine—it was not in the least put on. ATI at once the seemed very near to him. very much a part of himself. His head was spinning now and something tiithin him had quickened magically. There was a new note in his voice when he undertook to reassure his companion. At his first word Laure looked up, startled; into her dark tves, still misty with tears, there lamed a light of wonder and of rladness. She swayed closer; she look the lapels of his coat between »er gloved fingers and drew his lead down to hers; then she kissed |im full upon the lips. Slowly, res ilutely, his arms encircled her. On the following morning Laure isked Morris Best for a bottle of chisky. The evenings were grow ng cold and some of the' girls teeded a stimulant while camp was teing pitched, she explained. The tottle she gave to Pierce, with a re (uest to stow it in his baggage for iafekeeping, and that night when hey landed, cramped and chilly, she trevailed upon him to open it and to |rink. The experiment worked, .aure began to understand that rhen Pierce Phillips’ blood flowed rarmly, When he was artificially ex hilarated, then he saw her with the yes of a lover. It was not a flat tring discovery, but the girl con tnted herself, for by now she was esperate enough to snatch at traws. Thenceforth she counted pon strong'drink as her ally. The clpsing scenes of the great utumn stampede to Dawson were icturesque, for the pushing river (as crowded with boats all racing tith one another, ’Neath lowering Icies, past ghostly shores seen dim r through a tenuous curtain of sift tg snowflakes, swept these craft; ley went by ones and by twos, in romps and in flotillas; hourly .the tv ir ling cifrfent bore them along, id as the miles grew steadily’iKss ie spirits of the crews mounted, oud laughter, songs, yells of greet g and encouragement, ran back id forth; a triumphant joyfulness, Jovian mirth, animated these men The concord daily tribune of brawn, tor tney had met the North and they had bested her. Re straint had dropped away by now, and they reveled in a' new-found freedom. There was license in the air, for Adventure was afoot and the Unknown beckoned. Urged on by oar and sweep, pro pelled by favoring breezes, the Ar gonauts pressed forward exultaitly. At night their roaring camp-fires winked at one another like beacon lights along some friendly channel. Unrolling before them was an end less panorama of spruce and birch and cottonwood, of high hills white with stfow, of unexplored valleys dark with promise. As the Yukon increased in volume it became mud dy, singing a low, hissing song, as if the falling particles of snow melted on its surface and turned to steam. Out <of all the traffic that flowed past the dance-hall party, among all the boats they ovarhauled and left behind, Pierce Phillips nowhere rec ognized the Countess Courteau’s outfit. Whether she was ahead or whether they had outdistanced her he did not know and inquiry re warded him with'no hint. During this journey a significant change gradually came over the young man. Familiarity, a certain intimacy with his companions, taught him much, and in time he forgot to look upon them as pariahs. Best, for Instance, proved to be an itritable but good-hearted little He brew; he developed a genuine fond ness for Pierce, which he took every occasion toyshow, -.nd Pierce grew to like him. The girls, too, opened their hearts and made him feel their friendship. For the mo.-t part they were warm, impulsive creatures, and Pierce was amazed to discover how little they differed from the girls he had known at home. Among their faults he discovered unusual traits of character; there was not a little kind liness, generosity, and of course much cheerfulness. They were free ■handed with what they had; they were’ready with a smile, a word of encouragement or of sympathy; .they were absurdly grateful, too, for the smallest favor or the least act of kindness. Moreover, they be haved themselves extremely well. They were an education to Phil lips; he acknowledged that he hat! gravely misjudged them, and he be : gan to suspect that they had taught him something of charity. As for Laure, he knew her very : well by now and she knew hini*- even better. This knowledge hat ' come- to them not without cost — 1 wisdom is never cheap—but pre- 1 cisely what each of them had paid t or was destined to pay for their? : better understanding of each other 1 ■ they had not the slightest idea. One thing the girl by this time had made : sure of, viz., when Pierce was his t natural self he felt her appeal only ; faintly. On the other hand, the : moment he was net his natural self, the moment his pitch was raised, he l saw allurements in her ,and at such ; times they met on common ground. . She made the most of this fact. Pierce longed for some one to . whom he could confide his feeling ; of triumph, but nowhere did he rec : ognize a face. Finally he strolled into one of the larger saloons and gambling-houses, and was contcnt : edly eyeing the scene when he felt a gaze fixed upon him. He turned ; his head, opened his lips to speak, . then stiffened in his tracks. He pould not credit his senses, for these, lounging at ease against the bar, his face distorted into an evil grin, stood Joe McCaskey! , Pierce blinked; he found that his ,aw had dropped in amazement. McCaskey enjoyed the sensation he had created; he leered at his former camp-mate, and in his expression was a hint of that same venorm he had displayed when he had run the gauntlet at Sheep Camp after his flogging. He broke the spell of Pierce’s amazemeht and proved him self to be indeed a reality by utter ing a greeting. Pierce was inclined to ignore the salutation, but curiosity got the bet ter of him and he answered: ■ "Well! This is a surprise*. Do vou own a pair of seven-league oqpts or—what?” McCaskey bared his teeth further. Ir. triumph he said: “Thought you’d lost me, didn’t you? But I fooled you—fooled all of you. I jumped out to the States-and caught the last boat for St. Michael, made connec tions there with the last up-river packet, and—here I am. I don’t ' quit; I’m a finisher.” Pierce noted, the emohasis with ; which Joe's list words were deliv ered, but as jypt Ids ctßiosjjty was U’nsfcttipfied. He wqndercd if the fcl- , low,was sufficiently, calloused to dis- . (regard his humiliating experience or < if he proposed in some way to con ceal ft. Certainly he had not evaded , recognition, nor had he made the slightest attempt to alter his. appear* L ance. From his bold inaoueiance h seemed evident that he was total:; indifferent as to who recognized him. Either the man r possessed moral courage of the extremest sort or else an’unbelievable effrontery. As for Pierce, he was deeply rv sentful of Joe’s false accusation— the memory of that was ineradicable —nevertheless, in view cf the o«t-. come of that cowardly attempt, fee had no desire for further revenga It seemed to him that the fellow had sufficiently punished for his misdeed; in tact, he could lava found it easy to feel sorry for bmi had it not been for the ill-concealed malice in Joe's present tone tad attitude. He was upon the point of answfl ing Joe’s indirect threat with a warning; when his attention was at tracted to a short, thick-set, nerv-uf man at his elbow. The latter had edged close and was staring envi ously at him. He spoke now, saying. “So you’re Phillips, eh?” It was Joe-who replied: "Sum This is him.” There was no need of an intro duction. Pierce recognized th« stranger as another McCaskey, iol the family likeness was stamped up on his features. During an awkwatd moment the two men eyed eaci other, and Joe McGaskey appeared to gloat as their glances clashed. "This is Frank,” the la'tcr ex plained, with a malicious grin. “ll# and Jim was pals. And, say! Here’i another guy you ought to meet.’ He laid a hand upon still a second stranger, a man leaning across tht bar in conversation with a white aproned attendant. “Count, here'l that fellow I told you about.” The man aldresscd turned, expos j ing a handsome, smiling blond laci ornamented with a well-cared-sot | mustache. “I beg pardon?” he ex t claimed, vacuously. “Meet Phillips. He can give yoi some dope on your wife.” Jo. chuckled. Phillips flushed; then b paled; his face hardened,. "Ah! To be sure.” Count Cour teau bowed, but he did not extent ; his hand. “Phillips! Yes, yes. ! remember. You will understar.i that I‘m distracted for news c> Hilda. She is-with you, perhaps?" “I left her employ at Whiti Horse. If she’-s not here, she’} probably arrive soon.” “Excellent; I shall surprise her.’ Pierce spoke dryly. “I’m afrai' it won’t be so much of a surprise ai you think. She rather expects yott. I With a short nod and with wha pretense of carelessness he cottlt assume he moved on toward tit rear off the building, whence cam the sounds of music and the voio of a dance-hall caller. For some time he looked ot blindly at the whirling figures. Jo McCaskey here! And Count Cour leau! What an astonishing coir,ci • dence! And yet there was nothini so remarkably about it; doubtles the same ship had brought ther. • north, in which event they could no well have avoided a meeting. Piero ' remembered Hilda’s prophecy tha her indigent husband would turn uj [ *like a bad penny. His presence wa agitating— tor that matter, so wa t the presence of Joe McCaskey* brother Frank, as yet an unknowt quantity. he was an enemt was certain; together, he and Jo made an evil team, Pierce wa at a loss just how to meet them. Later, when he strolled out of th saloon, fie saw the three men still a the bar; t their heads were togethei they were talking earnestly. CHAPTER XVIII Rouletta Kirby was awakened h the sound of chopping; in the stil frosty morning the blows of the ai rang out loudly. For a moment sh. lay staring upward at the slopint tent-roof over her bed, studying witl sleepy interest the frost-f ring l formed by her breath during th| night. This fringe was of intricat' design; it resembled tatters of film] lace and ctrtain fragments of it hunj down at least a foot, a warning tha the day was to be extremely cold But Rouletta needed "no proof ol that fact beyond the evidence Os ha nose, the tip of which wsci like id and so stiff that she could barel] wrinkle it. She covered it now witl a warm palm and manipulated it gently, solicitously. The > chopping abruptly ceased Pol eon’s voice greeted her gaily “Ron jour, mo socurt By golly You gettin’ be de mos’ gal! j ’sped you sleep all day only I mak beeg noise.” - , “Good morning!” Rouletta’: voice was muffled. As if repeating a lesson, she ran on: “Yes, I feel fine. I had a dandy sleep; didn’t cough and my lungs don’t hurt. And no bad dreams. So I wafit ’to gel up. There! I’m well.” “You hongry, too, I bet, eh?” “Oh, I’m dying. And my nose it won’t work.” Doret shouted his laughter. “You wait. I mak’ fire queedc an’ cook de breakfas’, den—.yon’ nose goin' work all right. I got beeg s’prist for dat li 1 nose to-day. The top of' Roulette’s head, hei eyes, then her mouth, came cautious ly out from hiding. V -What is it, ’Pofeon? Something “Satirel What I tot’ yon? Every I minute eat, eat 1 You’ worse dan harmy of Swede’. I ain’t goin’ to!’' sumed hjs labor; every s2roseof the •Sh„ wai accompanied Ijy 3 lou4 voiced one word, “Canbour* Again Rouletta uttered a famished , : V ' • b . ii . =T DINNER STORES Good Reason. I “Why didn't. Brown cry out when he sat on the hornet V "lie felt it beneath him." Making a Sale Anyway. Customer: "I want a quarter’s worth of earbolie add." ’ - Proprietor: "Veil, dis is a pawn shop, but, mister, 1 ' we have razors, ropes and revolvers." The Fas! Worker. i Gass—“Heard that you were en gaged.” , ' -* O’Leen —"Yeah, two weeks." Gass—"Hissed her yet ?” O’Leen—"No. but I think I could." He had spoken to her on the street and she was properly insulted. "I don't know you from Adam!” .'lie exclaimed indignantly. "You ought." he retorted mildly. "I’m dressed different." Not in the. Window, Dear. Customer—"l ' want to try that chemise on in the .window.” Flustered Clack —“Wliver thank you for your kind offer, madapi, bnt we are very well suited with the dis play we already have.” "What color dress are you going to wear to the Final Ball?" “I’m going to wear black to match my date’s hair. What color’ll you wear?” “I—l—don't think I'll go. My date's baldbeaded." First Oapshooter (rattling dice furiously—Shoots a dollah ! Fade me. somebody fade me! Second Sportsman (producing a roll that would strangle a shark) Fade you? Black boy. you'- bleached? SAFETY DEVICE Stalling of Airolanes Eliminated by British Apparatus. London. Oct. 21. —A device which is claimed will elim’uate the inadvert ent stalling >f aeroplane.--, a dread mishap which has caused practically DO per cent, of the known flying acci- j dents since the invention of the aero- i plane, has been successfully tested 1 here. _ The device jerks forward the con- i troi lever in the pilot's hand, should | he unconsciously allow the machine to slow to stalling speed, the machine i dips automat cully and regain- flying speed. ’ , The complete apparatus only Weighs six uud a half pounds, and the Brit- 1 Ish Air Ministry is so favorably im- i Pressed with it that a number have 1 h ordered for use on army ma- | chines. ' I Sportlife for November, a Maefad- ' d<m PubliciCinn. contains a very time- j iy story, "The Unsung Heroes of Foot- ! bal . It .will make you rea'ize that there are football heroes who “do their stuff" before empty seats. “The Ca ruso o,f the Marshes” is Ed Finney, who in summer is a baseball umpire on a Pacific coast league, but who just now uses his vocal chords to lure mallards, pintail and widgeon. "This New York Society Woman Hunts Big Game." She is no other than Mrs. Frederick Y. Daiziel. who was a mem ber of the Sir Charles llos ex|>edi tion into the Tanganyika region of Africa. The lifelike cover of . this magazine was drawn by Miss Jean Oldham. I ADIES! | All the beauty creams on earth can't give you an active liver. Keep your storrich sweet your liver active. You wiD be repaid with, sparkling eves—clear, smooth, healthy skin—and a breath with the> odor of Spring. Chamberlain’s Tablets will do it. Get 60 of these pink ablets for 26 cts. Take two to-night V Sold everywhere m GIl-svu Drug Store. Feed Spartan Feeds For Best Results i Spartan Dairy Feed makes cows give-miore milk. Spartan Laying Mash makes Hens Lay and Pay. Feed the Best—Forget the Rest Cabarrus Cash Grocery Company PHONE 571 W South Church Street 1 -**fjP*\ 1 SlKtime I -M-.t \l if HUNT’S GUARANTEE! —-VAjJF 11 SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES /iffy Kiy (Hunt’s Salve and Soap), bilir I Ml ft the treatment of Itch, Bcrama /A Rinaworm, Tetter or otbecjteh i in* ekin dieeeeea Try tbit treatment at our ittln [ PEARL. DBFJG COMPANY ooooooooooooooooooceoooopooooo6oooeoooeooeooeooooY IBELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. I The October Victor Records Are Here. 19738—8 y the Light of the Stars, with Mandola and Guitar ! , Ilih Mlller-Charlie Farrell The King Isn’t Kink Any More, with Mandola and Guitar | Jim Milier-Charlie Farrell - i 19757—0 h Say, Can I See You Tonight Billy Murray Ukulele Baby, with mandola and Guitar., t \ . Jim Milier-Charlie Farrell 19739—1 Married the Bootlegger's Daughter, with piaho .Frffnk Crumit How’s Your Folks and My Folks, with paino The Happiness Boys * 19744—The Farmer Took Another Load Away ! Hay! HAy!, with \ , - mandolin and guitar 1 Jim Milier-Charlie Fatrell Little Lfndy Lou, w : tb violin, guitar and ukulele—Wendel Hall < I°747—When the Work’s AU Done This Fall, with guitar. Carl T. Sprague Bad Companions (cowboy ballad) with guitar Carl T. Sprague 1 L 1974 S—Dear Old Back Yard Days, with piano Bill Murray-Edi Smalle ij k * It’s Just That Feeling For l^ome,' with piano f \' ' Billy-Murray-Ed Smalle X 14749—Sweet Little Mother of Mine Henry ittarr i| Down Deep in an Irishman's Heart Sterling frit \ I DANCE RECORDS 1(^703 —I Miss My Swiss —Fox Trot, with vocal refrain j _ Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra i[ Tfte Kinky Kids Parade—Fox trot, with vocal refrain. • Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 19737—What a World This Would Pe—Fox trot, (from Gaorge White's ] “Scandals") Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra i She's Got ’Em—Fox Trout Fred Hamm and His Orchestra \ 19745—Yes, Sir! That’s My Baby—Fox Trot( with vocal refrain) j Coon-Sanders Original Nigbthawk Orchestra !' Sometime—Waltz Jack Sbilkret’s Orchestra X 19746—Fooling—Fox Trot ..Meyer Davis' Le Paradis Band |' Are Lou Sorry?—Fox Trot Don Bestor and His Orchestra V' 19750——vthing is Pn'svTnisv Now—Fox Trot with vocal re- X train Coon-Sanders Original Nightbawk Orchestra X .That's All There Is—Fox Trot, with vocal refrain Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra i!i 19751—Summer Nights—Fox Trot Don Bestor and His Orchestra V v,uu..c»toii Liaoy ot Mine—Fox Trot ..Don Bestor and Orch. X 19752—Funny—Waltz Jack Shilkret’s Orchestra | JSrooo a Little Lullaby—Fox Trot, with vocal refrain ji International Novelty Orchestra. | 19754—H0ng Kong Dream Girl —Fox Trot with vocal refrain Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra i j Who Wouldn't Love You —Fox Trot, with vocal refrain j Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra [ 5 19756—The Promenade Walk—Fox Trot (from Artists and Models") ji | . Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serei.aders i' Cecilia—Fox Tret with vocal refrain 5 Johnny Hatnp's Kentucky Screnaders 11 BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. y m W mcatcrsJ CU£ Don't be uncomfortable jjfl 1 in cold weather. Take your heat with you. The w electrical heater ilkts ■■ trated is economical in j price and upkeep, but j will produce a wealth of J heat where you want it. ■ Those who travel should ® see us. tt y “Fixtures of Character” A &J OW. 1. HETHCOX 0 Lg W. Depot St. Phone M# jj , 1— jij Better Service ,| | | Realizing it is 'bur duty" ! \ ! to render better service, t 1 we have added the latest \ model ambulance to our i equipment which is at j your service day or night. I PHONE 9 x I Wilkinson’s 1 Funeral Home X CONCORD, N. C. t 9- Thursday, October 22,1923 Genuine Buick PARTS / - * Carried in Stock at all times 1. ■ STANDARD BUICK CO. v t i .... \dd tHe Comforts 4 of PLUMBING / to Your Home Modem Plumbing will do as much or than any othj er one thing towafd making your home a .comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It costs you nothing to get our cost estimate. >X V Concord Plumbing. Company " 1 North Sen- gt. Phone ««

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