ASSOCIATED . , PRESS . DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV SECOND HD Os CMnn CLOSES SJTOEW NIGHT The Honors Thus Far Are About Evenly Divided Between Candidates.— Straining Every Nerve. WATCH OUTFOR FALSE STORIES Don’t Let Any One Dis courage You by Rumors That Are More Ingeni ) ous Than Accurate. * With Honors thus far about evenly divided, candidates in the Tribune- Times prize campaign are preparing ‘ ysith feverish haste and intensity tr make their final stand for victory in the five days before 12 o'clock this coming Saturday/ night—the close of the second period schedule of votes. Surging forward at the rate of sev eral thousand votes a clip, all of the leading candidates are passing through the final days at tcp speed—straining every nerve in their final efforts foT supremacy. Action Grows Faster. More general and concerted action I should take place during the next few! days than at any other time since the; contest began and with the race liar- i rowing down each cf the favorites I •are more determined than ever to be | declared winners of first honors. I Interest in the competition is run- ; ning high and strong. And it lias not 1 been confined alone to this locality, but has reached out until there are hundreds, yes thousands of eager watching friends who are waiting the final outcome with intense interest. False St cries. It is no doubt natural, with such intense interest being shown in the great race that some would attempt to discourage others by circulating rumors more ingenious than accurate. One hears tales thnt are so highly embellished with frills, so utterly in conceivable that their untrutiifulqess is readily apparent. These exagger ated stories hurt no one but those who / attempt to circulate them. The REAL I eontfstams are those who aretoo busy either to listen or to be bluffed by these would-be bluffers. So on the basis of pcrhonal honor' the comi>etition is being waged xest fully. shedding lustre on this inspiring sight in the'civil pride manifesting it self. This mighty factor is the bul wark behind the various candidates; its reputation for doing things is not going to let some one else walk off with the most desirable prize when a little concerted effort will "bring it home.” With but five more days in winch to turn in subscriptions nnd secure “second period" votes, this race is steadily being brought to a close and the end may now be said to be in sight. Twelve o’clock next Saturday night is positively your last chance to enter subscriptions aAd secure “second pe riod’ votes. Make every day, yes every hour, count while the time counts most. Very Close Race. The entire race is so close that any one of the candidate can forge to the front and cinch the coveted honors while the present vote schedule ia in force. Indeed tie outcome of the whole battV depends almost entirely upon what each individual contestant qevompishe* during the next few days. Some hard work and real hustling will undoubtedly be seen this week. And is it' any wonder? Some of the are going to win the big cats for their efforts these days, othrr live contestants will receive the cash awards. lus’t that sufficient / pnpensation for the very best liust- Wlng almost “night and day” that one can make for so short a period of time? State Fair Gate Receipts Lues. Raleigh, Oct. 20.—C fP) —The gate re ceipts of the North Carolina State Fair this year were about $2,500 less than those qf last year, Manager E. V. Walborn states. The fair was bard hit by rain this year. Wednesday and Thursday, or dinarily the two big dayß of the fair, it rained. Friday, the weather waa unsettled, and it waß muddy under foot. The 'fair continued through Saturday, in the hope of making up for lost time during the rain, but again Saturday prospective fair visi tors were discouraged by rain. Weekly Weather bntlook. Washington, Oct. 25.—The weather outlook for Hie week beginning! Mon day : South Atlantic and East Golf states: Considerable cloudiness and occasional showers probable. Cool Monday, warmer Tuesday or Wed nesday and near normal thereafter. Thousands in Persia Killed By a • Clyclonic Storm; 40 Ships gink. Karachi, India, Oct. 24. —Forty vessels have been sunk in the .Per sian gulf in ' v the worst cycionic storm in the memory, of the present generation. Messages from Hushire, Persia estimate the death list at from 1,000 to 7,000., j Plan Great Church. [ Washington, Oct 24. —Tfic aation- A nl cop noil, of Congregational church e« today unanimously voted sup port of the plan for erecting in Washington a $1,200,000 church, to be the organizatiqh’a national edi fice. ■ ‘ v- Vi..-' The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily Greek Leader . ym £HP ! 11 < m H || ! jf| i %wk . -jf ■ t* >' V'>4 Premier Pangalos of Greece Is one o* the leading figures In the warlike controversy between that country and Bulgaria He formerly waa Greek war minister* THE COTTON MARKET Publication of Government Crop Re port Preceded by Nervous Fluctua tions. New York, Oct. 2(l.—(>P)—Tublica | tion of the government crop report I was preceded by nervous and irregu i lar fluctunttions in the cotton mar i ket here today. The opoirng was ' barely steady rrt a decline of 4 to 14 1 | paints under overnight hedge selling) by the South and liquidation, although I Liverpool was better than due. There I also were reports of bad weather iaj the belt. December sold off to 21.14 at the start, or back to the low price touch ed on last bureau day, but a good deal of covering developed at this fig ure nnd prices ruled 10 or 12 i>oints from the lowest before the end of the first hour. Cotton futures opened barely steady. October unquoted; Dec. 21.10 Jan. 20.40; March 20.05: Mav 20.75.1 Veteran Hunter Turns Joke on Com-1 ' panions. Kinston, Oct. 23, —Luck helped a 1 veteran deer hunter to foil practicalj jokers in a chase in on eastern Caro- | olina swamp, according to an account given by Eugene Wood, widely known! , local Sportsman. The old-tfffier was: an unwaicome member of a party of) hunters. He had killed more than j 100 fleer In his flay, but was no long- 1 er able to keep up with the crowd, Wood said. He was assigned a place at the edge of the swamp and the chase started. The veteran fired two shots at a buck headed toward the sjKtt here be was concealed. He "missed.” The shot* had been with drawn from, the cartridges by his com panions. The deer, pursued by a number of hounds, crashed into a clump of brush and its antlers be came hopelessly entangled. The aged hunter cut his throat with a pocket ’ knife and proudly exhibited the kill, when .the rest of the part came up. It was the only deer tAgged by the outfit. Davidson “Home-Coming.” Davidson, Oet. 25.—Home-coming day at Davidson Collegb has been set for October 31st. at which time many , of the alumni of this institution are expected to come back for one day's entertainment. Heretofore very little, attention had been paid to this day, but plans this year indicate that Oe-j tober 31st will bo an eventful day | at Davidson for the students and for the alumni. Luther Cabinet Will Not Resign. Berlin, Oct. 20.— UP) —Chancellor Luther's cabinet at a meeting todny decided to remajn in office notwith stand'ng the resignation yesterday ol the three nationalist ministers whose party has declared its dissatisfaction j with the security agreements negotiat- j cd at Locarno. Alabama Tornado Takes a Toll of Sixteen Lives Troy, A'a., Oct. 25.—3rxteen per sona were reported killed and more than a score injured by a tornado which struck Pike eounty, Ala,, early today. Ma»y> homes were laid waste, causing thousands of dollars damage. Relief measures were undertaken this afternoon and first aid was rushed to several communities which bore the brunt of the terrific storm. Victims who fled here were sheltered by citizens of Troy and the local hos pital was taxed to capacity in taking care of the, injured. Tremendous Force. Sweeping down with tremendous force, the storm roared through this sections, level ing homes and bariis. and rushed on its way Southeast ward. Loss of life was reported in the Good Hope section, at Luverne in the Oak Grove neighborhood, nt Union Springs, in Comer and Spring Hill, the last three places being in Barbour county, and at Eufaln. where three negroes were reported killed, and several pcnsqps injured. Reports reaching here indicated the tornado struck first in Pike county and then shifted to Barbour eounty, where it spent its force in this section and then jumped to "the south and eagt. Os the sixteen ;>er sons reported killed, thirteen were residents of Pike county, who lived ! within a sort distance of Troy. The I other three, all of whom are negroes, l SHUff BREAK FOR COTTON FOLLOWING LATEST FOREMST Prices Broke Six Dollars Per Bale on Forecast of Crop of More Than 15,- 000,000 Bales. 15,226,0001 s NEW FORECAST This Is Increase Over Re port Made Two Weeks Ago.—More Than Nine Million Bales Ginned. • Washington, Oct. 20.—UP)—A probable cotton production of about 10 220,000 equivalent 500-lb. bales, the Department of Agriculture an nounced today, is indicated by reports as of October 18 on condition, aban donment, probable yield and ginn'ngs. A probable crop of 15,759.000 bales was indicated two weeks ago. Last year's crop totalled 13,027.930 bales. Big Break in Prices. New York, Oct. 20.— (/P) —Cotton prices broke $0 a bale today on pub lication of a government crop esti mate of 15.220.000 bales, an in crease of 407,000 bales, compared with the forecast on October 1. De cember contracts sold as low as 19.98 1 and January 19.22. | 9.510,784 Bales Ginned. Washington. Oet. 20.—UP)—Cot | ton of this year’s growth ginned prior 1 to .October 18 totalled 9,519,784 run ning bales, counting round at l half bales, and excluding Haters, the Cen sus Bureau today announced. Last year 7,015,981 bales, or 55.8 per cent, of the crop had been ginned to that dnte. MAY ISSUE WARRANT FOR | FEDERAL JUDGE E. Y. WEBB j Magistrate at Greensboro Proposes to I Try Jurist on Charge of Speeding I on Highway. I . Greensboro, Oct. 25—,T. W. Duke. 1 a magistrate in this city, states that j if there is further delay, and he is ; not excusable, m the matter of tSie speeding charge against Judges E. I Yates Webb, of western North Caro j ihra federal d!strTct~bourt, ‘a Tear rent may be served on the judge eompeli | ing him to give bond for his appear ; ance to answer to the charge. The judge was overhauled by Rural Policeman Frank McAdoo. of Guil ford county, on the Gibsonville- Oreensboro road on September 16th, and was said to have been going 55 miles an hour. The policeman asked what the hurry was and was told .he said, by the judge that the latter was returning from the state fair and was in a hurry to get to his home in Shelby. Tire magistrate sent a letter to ' Judge Webb notifying him to be on hand yesterday afternoon to answer to tlie charge but the magistrate is not sure that the judge received the letter. The warrant itself has not been yet served. SIOO,OOO Fire at Charlottesville. Charlottesville, Ya., Oet. 20. — UP) — > Fire starting in the furnace room of Surbor Arundale Company shortly be fore midnight last night completely : destroyed the company's publishing ( plant and the main office of the West | erii Unjon Telegraph companl, taking I an estimated damage toll of SIOO,OOO latest checks today reveal. Only he roic efforts prevented other buildings !n the same block from burning. China Makes Proposal. Peking, Oct. 20.—(A»)—Chinn open ed Chinese customs conference here ' today with a proposal that the powers restore to her complete tariff auton- I omy. and agree to the enforcement of j a Chinese national customs law begin ning not later than January 1, 1029. lived nt Comer, in Barbour county. Local physicians und Red Cross workers quiekl.v offered their services in earing for tornado 'victims at s mass meeting held here this after noon. Five thousand dollars was raised for relief work and rescue parties were oganized to search for any additional victims of the storm. Heavy Damage. At Orion, on the Montgomcry- Troy road, the home and store of Walter Kelly was completely de molished. Mr. Ke'.ly nnd his family all escaped injury, while a brother was slightly hurt. In the path of the storm a trial of wreckage wns left, homos demolish ed. barns blown down, cattle and other live stock wandering aimless ly about.—/ ' Fouiteen house-e were completely destroyed. Noah Griffin, one of the seriously injured, was hit on. the head by a heavy piece of timber which was blown through the win dow of his home just before the tor nado picked it up nnd scattered it to the winds. The residents near the path of tbo storm were aroused by the-terrific wind and the cries of the injured, and worked in a heavy downpour of rain and vivid ashes of lightning for hours rendering aid to the injured and searching for the missing. The dead nnd injured wore scattered along tie road nnd the fielfis and around the demolisihed 1 homes. CONCORD, N. C„ MONDAY, OpTOBER 26, 1925 College Queen ♦ ■ : ■ . •• • :• *j ~! • 1 a: ' . | 'Qpcen of American Colleges" waa the title conferred on Miss Mary Blla Pace, above, of Haskell, Tehas. it a beauty contest between co-eds sf 38 colleges and universities in Dallas, Texas, recently. SEVENTEEN LOST LIVES IN STORM Most of Weaths Occurred nd Three Counties in' Alabama.—Thirty Hurt. _Troy, Ala., Oct. 2C-—WP)—Report*! summarized here by means of com munication over crippled wires indi cate that yesterday's tornado, which assumed cyclonic aspects took a toll of 17 lives, brought injury to at least 30 others, and property loss estimat ed at $250,000. * Harbour, Pike and Crenshaw coun ties were hard hit in spots. The Injured list is not as heavy as was at first feared. Reports indicat ed that 13 persons were injured in Crenshaw county, 11 in Pike, and (i in Barbour. These persons are ex pected to recover with few exceptions. Red Cross to Give Aid. Washington, Oct. 2(l.—OP) —The disaster relief service of the American Red Cross was set in motion this "morning for relief of sufferers in the Alabama tornado. Telegrams offer ing the rescuers of the national organ ization were sent to the Pike county chapter of Troy, Ala., and the Har bour County chapter at City ton, Ala JUDGE WEBB PAYS $lO AND COSTS FOR SPEEDING Tells Justice Duke He Meant No Dis respect For His Court. Greensboro. Oet. 20.—OP)—Judge E. Yates Webb, of Shelby, of the United States court of western North Carolina, entered a plea of nolo con tendere in the court of Justice of Peace Odis W. Duke in connection with tSie charge instituted (against him b 4 v Deputy Sheriff Frank Mc- Adno. charging the judge with having "exceeded the speed limit in his auto mobile in this county a short time ago. He was finer! $lO and costs. The plea-for Judge Webb was en tered by Judge A. Way laud Cooke and R. L. Blalock, clerk for the United States court. Justice Duke today received a letter from Judge Webb, the latter explaining that be would be unable to come to Greensboro be cause of his court duties. Judge Webb said that the reason he had not settled the matter before was due to the fact that he had been in a hospital and had not been furnished with mail, and he assured Justice Duke that "I meant no disrespect for your court.” With Our Advertisers. Have you seen the Simmons new gtaeo line of all steel beds at H. B. Wilkinson's? * Suits with many styles for the boys, ■ two pair pants, only $9.90 at J. ('. Penny Use's. Efird's Beauty Shoppe is being (dos ed for a few days to make some re pairs. Watch for announcement. Diamond cluster ring, with seven stones set in platinum, only $(!5 at S. W. Preslar'B. You can get ten day* free trial of a good room beater at Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. Phone 142. The new series of stock ill the Cit izens Building and Loan Association will open November 7th. Better take some shares in this (cries. Durant Denies Rumors. New Y'qrk, Oct. 20. —OP)—W. Durant, automobile manufacturer and stock mnrket operator, in a formal statement today denied reports cur rent in Wall Street for the last few weeks that he was seeking control of 1 the General Motors Corporation, of which be was formerly the head. CHICAGO OFFICERS ! LAUNCH DRIVE TO MISTERS Capt. Stege of Detective Bureau of Windy City | Says Gangsters Will Be j Controlled by Law. BIG CAMPAIGN IS UNDERWAY! Gangsters Must Flee, Sur-j render Or Be Killed the Detective Captain Yells His Assistants. Chicago. Oot. 26.—G4 3 )—Flight, cap ; lure of <|path arp flip alternatives open ilo Chicago killers. 'high-jackers, booze j icings nml hoodlum leaders under a I grim edict announced by Captain Siege, of the detective bureau. Sixty squads of live men each were ! directed to afrest every notorious i gangster they find. Three speeial j squads manned by the most fearless I I toughest policemen on the foree, were ! organized with the sole duty of hunt ! ing down and killing or capturing the outlaws. "Von must send all the gangsters to tile penitentiary, you must drive Mem from Chieago. or you must kill tliem." said Captain Stege / to his men. j "And remymber, gunmen sent to the j morgue never are paroled, and they ! never tvcane." The names of a picked number of Chieago gangsters were j given to every squad of men, with di j rections to give them special harsh and vigilant treatment. CAROLINA KIWAXIS DISTRICT CONVENTION I One of the Special Features Will Be a Golf Tournament. Raleigh, Oct. 20.—GP1—;One of the features Which it is expected will con tribute to the success of the Caro l linns Kiwanis district convention at I I’inelrarst on November nth and Oth is a golf tournament which has been arranged for. Kiwanians from both North and South Carolina will gather at this winter resort for tfiose dayß for theie annual convention, t Dr. M. R. Gibson, of Raleigh, has J been appointed chairman ot the golf committee for the (listfief convention, and lie announced that his committee has made arrangements for the tour nament, Which will be played, on the Pineliurst golf courses on the after noon of Thursday, November sth Every Kiwanian of the two Caro linas has been invited by the commit tee to participate .for the individual prizes and the clubs furnishing as many as four players, says Dr. Gib son, may compete for a trophy that will be awarded. It is the plan of th» committee to stage a tournament at oarii of these animal conventions in future, tile winner of the trophy to hold it for a year, the trophy to pass at the next convention to the winning club at that convention. Already, says Dr. Gibson, eight or ten clubs have pledged a team for the tournament and more are expect ed to enter before the date of the convention. In urging Kiwanians to enter the tournament, Dr. Gibson 'has stated that it will be mainly a handicap tournament and there will be a place for the good and the poor golfers. In fact, he has stated, the idea of get ting the Kiwanians closer together is considered by the committee of equal ly importance with the actual golfing displayed at the event. WORLD WANTS PEACE. SECRETARY HOOVER SAYS If World Had Been Willing to Ad just Differences. World War Would Have Boon Avoided. Washington. Oct. 20—04 3 )—Had the wdllngness to adjust differences now being shown in Europe been shown in July. 1914, the minis of the past decade lihocl not have been writ ten in blood, said Secretary Hoover in an address here today to the Inter national Young Men's Christian Ass ociation convention. If a referendum could be taken of the earth’s population to discover its dearest wish, the Secretary said, the desire for insurance of peace would win overwhelmingly. Ruling Covers Express Package In surance. Washington. Oct. 26.—(A 3 )—Ex- i press companies are not liable for the actual value of property shipped ] in their custody when the package is | not fully insured, but is sent at ai minimum rate, the Supreme Court de-; cided today in a ease brought by the American Haihvay Express Company from Georgia. Tennessee Bank Robbed. Rums. Tenn.. Oet. 26. —The Peo ples Bank at White Bluff, Tenn., was robbed this morning by a bandit who, wearing a red liandkerchief over his face, entered the bank about 8:30 a. m. The band : t obtained $2,500. Anson Cotton Crop. Wadesboro, Oct. <2s.—The cotton | crop has practically all been gathered in Anson county. .The crop is only n . trifle above half of normal, due to the prolonged drought. A. McCoy Surratt Dead. Lexington, N. C„ Oet. 20. —(A 3 ) —A. McCoy Surratt, for the past seven years state sanitary inspector, died I this morning at a local hospital. CAILLAUXREFUSFS ! TO LEAVE OFFICE; ! . SITUATION S!E President Called Meeting to Dispose of Financial Program But Nothing Was Done. PREMIERWANTS NEW MINISTER But Caillaux Is Reported to Have Refused Flatly to Hand in His Resigna tion at Present. Paris, Oct. 2C. —OP)—The internal dissension in the I’ainleve cabinet came to a head today .at a meeting which had been called as a prelimi nary to one under the chairmanship of President Doumergue for final de cision on the financial program. i 1 While the ministers adjourned with out definite action, and the meeting 1 with the President was postponed un til morrow, the breach between Fi nance Miuisler Caillaux on one hand and Premier Painleve and Foreign Minister Briand on the other reached a point considered by political quar ters as beyond healing. I M. Caillaux this morning is report ed to have refused flatly a request by Premier Painleve for his resignation. W. B COLE TO BE SUED FOR: KILLING ORMOND Rev. A. L. Ormond Preparing to Bring Civil Damage Suit for the Death of His Son. Nashville. Oct. 25.—’Rev. j\. Ij Ormond, Methodist minister of this place, will bring suit for damages agains: W. It. Cole, of Rockingham, for the killing of his son. W. W. Or mond, according tc The Nashville Graphic, local newspaper. The suit will be brought in Wake county and will be brought by the local minister in his capacity as ad nfinistrafor of hi« son whom Cole shot to death early in August, being later acquitted by a Union county jury, • Just when the summons will be is sued against Cole has not been de termined, but it. is quite probable that this will be dine ' Ihimedialoly iipoiV Cole's return from a distant state where, it Is stated, Cole has gone to 1 recuperate. There has been no intimation of the amount of damages that will be asked by Rev. Mr. Ormond, and this question will probably be determined when there is a conference of the at torneys who are to represent him in the contest against Cole. During the past week Mr. Ormond has been busi ly engaged perfecting nis array of legal counsel, who are to press the suit against the slayer of young Or mond. , The Graphic learns, it states, from a most reliable sources that Douglass and Douglass, of Raleigh: Larry I. Moore, of New Bern : AY. R Jones, of Rockingham, and Harold IV Cooley, of Nashville, have been retained as counsel for Mr. Ormond, and pos-! sibly others may be added to the ar ray. Harrison Noel Faces Trial. New Y'ork, Oet. 2(i—Not in along time has a murder trial hereabouts attracted so much attention as is cen tered in that scheduled to begin in Newark today, when Harrison Noel, the Montclair youth who confessed he killed six-year-old Mary Daly and Raymond Pierce, negro chauffeur, is called to the bar to stand trial for his life. Noel, who already has been officially declared sane, is to be tried first for the Pierce murder, 0 Mrs. Frley Wins Suit. Mineola, X. \ r „ Oet. 2fi.—Mrs. Catherine Frey, of Louisville, K.v.. to day was awarded a jury’s verdict for $37,500 against Wilda Bennett, musi cal comedy actress, for alienating the ! affections of the plaintiffs husband. Chits. C. Frey, race horse owner and sportsman. Carl Beaver, who had an operation for the removal of 'his appendix at the Charlotte Sanatorium, lias re turned to his home here. J0000000O000000CX)G0000OC3(Xm I MAKE SURE OF THE YEARS I AHEAD !|i Six days out of the week you work for your money. X X But do you make it work for you? * '[ | “ARE YOU SAVING MONEY?” I ! BE THRIFTY and carry a few sliares of Building ] jX an d Loan and in a few years' you will be surprised at the ' till amount you have seved. ] NEW SERIES OPEN NOV. 7th | Citizens Building & Loan Association; j We Sell Prepaid Stock (Office in Citizens Bank) J 1 " ' ‘ * 1 “ ~ 1 And Didn’t Pop s "‘te >*«»*»>*: “Ocean Johnnie” Chapman of Loa Angeles Is so-called because It take* j pretty nearly an ocean of liquid to quench his thirst. Forty-three bot tles in 19 minutes was the soda pop todflumption record he hung ud re- I ' centiy,, NON-STANDARD TEACHERS In a Few Years Only Graduates Will I Be Teachers in Our Public Schools, j Raleigh, Oet. 2(l.—GP)—ln three j more years there will be no teachers in North Carolina's public schools who j have educational qualifications of less than grttdnation from a standard high school, if the present rate of decrease I in the number of these so-called non-1 standard teachers employed in the j public schools continues during the next three yea tv. at the same rate j maintained during the past five years. I This is shown by figures compiled in tile office of the State superin tendent of public instruction, and published in tile current issue of Stale School Facts, a department publica tion, jpst issued. The figures show a ylienominally rapid decrease in the number of teachers in the public schools of education than graduation from a standard ingh school. ’ The decrease in the city schools. ' it : is shown, is more rapid 11tan in the rural com munities, but there i« a big decrease in both types of schools. In 1919-20 there wefe 5.348 non standard rural white teachers and 320 non-standard city white teachers. In comparison, during the past school year the number had decreased to 1.- 653 rural and 67 city non-standard white teaeherms. The percentage of decrease in figures by State School Facts was 6!) in the rural schools and I 70 in the city school. ; 111 tlie negro schools there has like wise been a decrease, though not so rapid as in the white schools. The percentage of decrease in the negro rural schools during the past "year is shown to have been 14.7, and in the negro city schools 59 per cent, i At the present rate, says the pub lication, there will beno non-standard j white teachers in the city schools in | two years: in the rural schools, in three years; in the negro city schools in four years; and in the negro rural schools it is estimated that, at the present rate of decrease, it will take 29 years to eliminate the non-stand ard teachers. Tells Wliy Women's Legs Look Short, i London, Oct. 26.—" Fashion cannot j be relied upon to exhibit the well- j proportioned form." declared I’rofes-; soi* Arthur Thomson, in an anatomical ] i lecture to art students at the Royal Academy. Shortness of legs is a common fail ing of female form, the professor said, and legs appear shorter by low ering the Waistline. 1 Six Killed in Auto Accidents. Atlanta, Ga.. Oct. 26 __ (/P) _ s ; x person's were dead ami 28 others were ! suffering injuries today as a result of a series of five automobile mishaps yesterday iu four southern states Eleven of the injured were classed us serous, four of whom were not ex pected to live. TRIBUNE | TODAY’S NEWS TODAY I NO. 255 ONLY ONE BRlTima ENTRY QUALIFIES II FOR 810 AIR RACE ! Capt. Hubert Broad Will 1| Pilot Only British Plane 1! Able to Qualify For the 9 I Schneider Race. I SIX PILOTS ARE I READY FOR RACE 1 Perfect Weather Condle S tions Are Predicted For m j Race Which Will Begin If During the Afternoon. I ! Bay Shore Park, Baltimore, Oct. 26 jj —