Monday,-October 26, 1025 ' '■ \ ' •! 1/rLmh j Gar . {WS Too t / Fancy r for . « Our ' Clean ers— — Use yVON-O-LIN Holds the Color as it Cleans i Delicate laces, ribbon sashes, elaborate embroidery St matters not what the dress or its adornment, our improved process N with VOlf-O-Llft brings your clothes back Just | like new. PHONE 787 To achieve elegance, mndmn order-! ed a pair of smart boots frdm sri ex- 1 pensive shop. Some days after reliv- j ery she returned them. I "Vour boots don't fit well. I can't walk in them." I' * "M;1 da ill.” replied the dignified sh/»|t keeper, "people . who have to \/ulk don't shop here." 4 OUT xOUR WAY BY WILLIAMS nWOfTN POP ~ BYTAYhOEr" f HENRY ICEKfIAIMLV \/ iHE WLoLE (\Y ~ WHEN tWA'J<DOWNTHE STREET T "l' EhNY YOU Y3UR ABILITY LIES #0 taSHiWQ LI 1 TAKE LONS StePS -3Y DOING THIS ' T 6 ECONOMIZE-I WISH T THE MOETOUTOF I iMf X SET MORE WEAR OUT OF MY 9HCES- / I HAD ACQUIRED IRE 1 EVERVTHIWG-' til WHEN 1 LEAVE A VDNCM COUNTER. I / f f ~VIHEN t BIOE TC> ViOfcK I NEVER \ viHENA OQAR 13 ABOUT tSOOE \=^§ A BOY A NEWSPAPER BECAUSE THERE'S \ , { 6TIC* IT IN YOUR PIPE AMO FINISH TIS fr always someone ©rnweNotr to | > rr-fr% easy lb borrow all IKE 1§ §> ME WfTH ONE-.YOU CAN DODGE F ( MAttHES YOU NEED AND THUS SAVE 4gl UTTUB EXPENSES BY LEAVING YOUR J > THE WEAff AND TEAR ON,YOUR. AT HOME -IT'S - REMEMBER THE i’ v NOT ALARMED. Winstcu-Salfhi Journal. If the News and Observer still speaks for the Democratic organiza tion in North Oaa»ina, the organiza tion is not at ill alarmed by the re ports in gome - quarters mat "big busiue-s” in this State is merely looking for n goon excuse to go Ue pnblieun. j The Journal quoted last Sunday an editorial from the pen o i Arclii buld JohUson, a 1 leiticerai. Vno didn’t hesitate to express the, view that •‘there i« in this section df the country a steadily grow ing element who arc ready tfl cart off thei party collar. The gfbat thanm. facturern, for instance, are some what restive under Democratic rule and are waiting lor onjy an excuse to land in the Republican camp. The ' number of these men Vi* steadily growing. PSrty shibboieths count for very little with these voters. They care nothing for Smith’s re ligion or his views, on . prohibition. They are interested only in financial policies and they believe the Republi cans are soinuler on the money question than the Democrats.” The News ami Observer denies, this ami calls attention to the fol lowing facts, of record: “Among the great Industrial counties containing the most in fluential ‘great manufacturers’ *rc Mecklenburg. Gaston, Cabarrus, Rowan. Guilford. Forsyth, Ala mance. Durham, Wake. Buncombe, ito mention only the big _ counties where big factories, are located. If/ one of the.-e counties, with pbssibfy ' one exception, the Democratic J ma jorities have steadily increased. More thatr That: the Repußßtan party, once Influential in syich coun ties. for example, as Forsyth and Durham, has steadily lost’caste and influence." I Mr. Daniels _ thinks rnat Mr. j Johnson may or may not be right in some of his observations and is , inclined to believe that he probably As, but is certain that the veteran Editor of Charity and Children is nil wrong "in uceeptiug the muclw repeated and as Often exposed button that ‘great manufacturers’ are apt to carry North Carolina Republican in State or National elections.” Mr. Daniels thinks that Mr. John son "has failed to observe the ten dency cf the vute and the underly ing truth that Nofth, in doctrinated by Thomas Jefferson and Nathaniel Macon, i. a w*-k.ribbed Democratic State on and fundamental Democratic principles." •‘lt is quite true,” Mr. Daniels adds, "that some men, brought up in the faith, are ready to barter it in the hope-of getting a tariff or tax euMkly, but they arc fewer than is; believed, and those who are ready to do this can control very few, votes —sometimes not even tlieir own.” j Charlctta Men Take Maeouic 33rd Degree. Washington, Oct. 2o.—Among those who received the 33rd decree in full form at the House of Temple, at the hands of the Supreme Cetiucil, Scot tish Rite Masons, ‘acre, were John C. Vanee, Asheville: Henry B. Benoi and Alfred B, SolomoiC Charlotte; Clin ton F. White, Greensboro: Edgar W. Timberlake, Wake Forest'; James C. Braswell, Whitakers, and Elvie 1.. White, Wilmington. Gained 10 Pounds In 22 Days Thud's j-oing soine-r-but skinny men, women and children just can't help / putting on good, healthy flesh when . they take McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets. As chock full of vitainines as the -nasty, fishy-tasting cod liver oil itself, bin, fthese sugar-coated tasteless tab iets are as easy to take as candy, and wcqit uiisct tile stomach. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, sixty cent and money back if not satisfied, i Ask the Pearl Drug Co. or any drug gist for McCoy's Cod Liver Oil t'oin t pound Tablets. Directions and for i ibula on each box. ' “Oct McCoy’s, the original and gen i uine Cod Liver Oil Tablet.” . fHi coUcokb bAHV tribune NEW LICENSE! TAG BALKS “PIKERS” Will Make it impossible to Run Packard oil Ford License and Get Away With It. Raleigh Times. North Carolina’s next year auto mobile license tages will make It impossible to operate a twiu six on a license brought for a four cylinder car, according to Sprague® Silver, head of the automobile license bu reuu of the State Department <Jf Revenue. An initial letter or some' other symbol will precede the figures on the license plate and will enable in i speetors to tell at a glance into just j which classification the car being operated will fall. At present there | are four classifications of pleasure ears, according to horse'power. and the license cost ranges from sl2-50 to $40.00. The contract for the new license plates was recently awarded the Western ’ Display Company, of St. Paul, the same concern which made the plates last year. It, is estimated that four hundred thousand will be required. Plates will have a black back ground with figures in white and will be smaller than this year’s plates being 5x15 inches instead of «xl«. They will cost the State noout ten thousand dollars less than this year's. Miraculous Escapes. The Pathfinder. Nora Palmer. 12, swallowed a quarter. Breathing with great pain and difficulty, she was being rush ed to the Atlantic City, N. J.. hos pital when the ambulance hit a bump. The quarter waif (.-.s lodged. Four-yea r-old Ko.-s SJtrnhl of Philadelphia was todding across a street when he was struck by an auto. Thrbwn 20 feet, he yvns placed in the car and driven to a hospital where it was fthind thnt he was un injured. “Take me home or tun vfil whip me." he whimpered. Crtwliug from a chair to a win dow ledge while her mother was in another room. Aloe Klein, aged two. toppled from the third-story win dow of a New Tork tenement. A passer-by caught the child as it fell. Samuel Walters, a Washington fireman, tripped over a hose uml fell in the path of a heavy fire engine that was backing! The wheel of the apparatus bit his head but instead of crushing it pushed the man a dis tance of 30 feet. Walters was not hurt -orious'.y. A lightning ko!t hit Noah Mirrs 67, while he. was reclining in u lent, near Bakersfield. Cal. A spot about ox inches in diameter was tpirned under his left arm. When that lieal 'ed Mlers found lie could use the ami which had been paralyzed for ionic time. ‘ .( An aigto driven by William Bro-wn t crashed into the statute of Chief Kisco at Mount Kisco, S'. I’. Tin cast iroi figure was demolished and tin- auto was wrecked Bur Brown wasn't scratched. While painting the steeple of the German Lutheran church in l'hila ~ deiphia. Frederick Herbert, 02, f?l| to the l-cos, rolled over the eaves and finally branded in the church yard flit feet below. But doctors at the hospital ,could find only minor bruise- cn his body so he went back to work. Mute ijlmco an attack of infanti'e paralysis three years ago, eight een r-old Harold Fatz of Lockport, N. V.. was struck by ah unto and is now üblo to,talk again. ■ Where Caution May Save Life. St. Paul Pioneer P/css- Why, of all places, do so many automobiles stall on railroud cross ings? Os course frequency of the occur rence is due to driver's panic in prrseuce of danger. Fasten your gaze /some day upon a speeding locomotive; imagine you suddenly discovered it rushing toward you just beftn-c you had driven up<jn a grade crosiug. Would it not be easy, applying all the brakes, to some to a stop, with the engine killed, oh Hie i crossing itself? Then imagine yourself, with not too many instants to lose, staring fascinated at the approaching mon ster while seeking desperately for starter, thrott’c and gear-shift all ?it once. Would't it be easy to blunder— to be caught as so many arc, stand ing helplessly on the crossing? The motorist, stalled on a grade crossing is in aba dfix. But it is a pre dicament that may be avoided by approaching the grade crossing al ways with the car under perfect control. Keep out of that emergency which induces drivers's panic. ILst Your H? I Next-Battery I QQOQOOOOGiOOOOOOOpopOOOOO Stevdrt tfF,CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer "Many people vv have an Idea that congress men are pretty dumb,'* writes a correspondent. "Just how tree is thisT” he asks. "As to •lalns and education, how do they •&ck up?” ■Brains? That'* largely a matter •f opinion. As to education they Stack up extrtmety well. . Os the 96 Wnators in the 68th Cojngress, 74 were college men. Not dttlte all of the 74 were graduates, but most of them were, and all had hPleast made a start, t The representatives are a less •elect body and thetr showing wasn't so brilliant. Still, tt Iwas good. Qf the 413 of them—there *ere two vacancies In the house ♦hen Congress adjourned last March—29o had at least entered college and the overwhelming *ma- Jortty were graduates, many with exceptional honors.- J ! Duke University Secures Medical School State Was Unable to Negotiate 1 Brock Karklcy tn Charlotte Observer Ral< nh. Oct. 24.—James v 38. Mke,sv bequest of $4,000,000 for the establihliinent. of a school of medi cjne at I>uke recalled here how the state of North Carolina two y*»aiv ago turned duwi: a proposal from what was then Triutry college 'the building of- a great medical institution to be under the joint idspue- and control of Trinity and the State university. Daring the general askenibiy of i lite.” Trinity’s president, Dr. Wil iam I’. Few. came before members of the board of trustees of the Cni vcrtHti of North Carolina. Governor Mom--- and others with a propwal for The ,-tate to match a $2.Wk1.06t) fund and join in building a medical lollegi to be located at Durham. Jr. Few's fund was to come from Ir. Duke. x Althi.ngh the proposal won a varm reception and the active cham lionslfip of Governor Morrison and ' leveyal members of the board of ■ rusters i f the university, ii fell j hrotigh and the ujiversitj-. clung to i tw i-ycar medical * coarse, while Wiiflrv looked hoiiefully tp the time, hen confidently anticipated and now ibout to be realized, when Mr. Duke vouWl provide the institution with a ’epical school of its own. i. State Effort Failed. . J At tlnii time an active effort was rnder way in the legislature for the ipprbpriation of a few hundred ‘horesni I dollars for tin- extrusion of the university's medical coursi* from wo to four years. That effort also ailed, however, largely as tin- re nll of inability of supporters to grre ou the location of the pro la-cd sehool. the university faculty nd many members of the board pf rust cent insisting ou the campus at 'lmpel Hill, While otju-rs, in t"ha •gislature and on the board, sought t- location at various places in the ulr. t'huilotte; Greensboro, Raleigh ud Durham all fighting for it. It with coneidered then that the lefeat was only a temporary set mck, but tile efforlj was uqt revived Gift of Water Earns Legacy, rile l’athfinder. It was 60 years ago when the Hor net. a sailing ship, burned to the wat -r s edge near the equator. For 43 lays her crew and Henry Ferguson, i passenger, drifted in an open boat. Meanwhile four of the crew died. A one keg of water was guarded by Fred Clough, n young sailor who saw to il I hat everyone received his right ful share but that none received more than t4iat. Ferguson, the .passenger, had suf fered greatly from the blistering tropic - t ■■■-== 4VISREIT TRUE BY CONDO AW'D rtf-'’ . Tt? idH/TT Do You -THINK THAT F • "o (AJH.iSN X 'POT MY u? To -H/M 1, You MeAN Yq UR, I - ( , S' tZ&'/fftler- | ’, ta WE 69th Congress will cliff.'* | | X somewhat from the 68th and i the new members' biographies are not available yet. but it Is rea- 1 sonably safe to predict that th« ] two houses' educational average i next winter will not be materially 1 unlike the last two. • New England members of the ! 68th Congress, representatives as I well as senators, were almost 100 ] per cent'liberally educated. Next i came the middle northwest—states 1 like Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Da- \ kotas and lowa—and the south. 1 i east, from the Atlantic to the Mis- 11 sisslppl, about neck and neckj ] Then the Pacific coast. Fourthly i the old-time cow country. ’Finally New York City and the Industrial region, between the Alleghenies, the Mississippi and the Ohio River. 1 There's no Implication that the \ men Who fought their way up from i the cattle range, the factory or the 1 throttle to the national capitol are \ any less capable legislators thaty i the white collar element, but feweir \ 1 es them .boast university d mariamj' v \ at the .hist legislature; anil now,' in tile opinion of some members of the univpr-ity board of trustees, as reg- , istered today, the possibilities of the I I niversity of North Carolina estab- ] fishing a four-year medical college i seem extremely remote, certainly for 1 the near future. Secretary of State \V. X. Everetts ' who is a member of the university trustees ami who was favorable to ! the Duke proposal, expressed * the feeling that the state institution may 1 find it necessary eventually to nbaii- i don even its present two-year coarse. ’• if the Duke University Medical school, located a few miles' from ! ( Impel Hill, is built and of a char- i acer anticipated by the size of the ' beiyuest. Interest in Medicine. Mr. Duke's intercut in medical ed- * uc; tiou was found by these who ] talked with him about the time of . [ Tinity’s jwAposal to be very great. 1 • And the prophecy was made with J jconfidence that he would tiring , ) about, the establishment of a great i school of medicine at Tinity or else- j 'vherc. in the state. He was approach- j ed at his home in Chaado'lte with the sugge tion to build an institution for medical education in that city, and there were indications that he igave, it serious consideration. ' Kjlgat- IV. rim it, speaker of the I 1112.1 iegi.s ature and a member of the j L92d body, saw tin* philanthropist j several times regarding, the sugges- ' liun, v ami iouihi iniil keenly interest- J ed in the possibility of oiienxng up a 1 new field of service by providing an ' institution for medical instruction. Mr. Pharr was among those most active in the fight for the state's ex- 1 tension of the university's two-year school, ttnd when that failed lie ap proached Mr. Duke regarding a private seliool. In view of the philanthropist's manifested interest in medical educa tion. the announcement of the $4,- 0(H),000 bequest will be lTeeived by ' many Without surprise, although i with gratification. heat; he was near the end of his en durance. Plough gave ttp Jiis share of witter to Ferguson that lie might live. It saved Ferguson’s lifefi then ajl were rescued. Ferguson later went to' Xew York and made a fortune, lie- ! eently be died and in his will lie left Clough, now SO years old, a monthly income of SIOO. More than 95 tier cent of laud and 91 per tent of factories have been restored in the French devastated re- ' gions. HALLOWE’EN J j SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31*t I i 0 ' , For Hallowe’en Parties— I Dinners, Celebrations \ \ # o We have a full line of Hallowe’en | i| Novelties, Decorations, Masks, Tal- i |i| lies, Black, Cats, Pumpkins, Witches, i j etc. Prices right. Large stock. I L i j' • ■ 5,, Kidd-Frix Music&StationeryCo j jjj Phone 76 58 S. Union St., Concord, N. C. &• KAYSERS HOSIERY j ,j I All the New Season’s Colors IA Pure Thread Silk Stocking that Will Wear : Light Weight, Medium Weight and * Heavy Weight i 1 IKaysers Slipper Heel Stockings Are the First in Fashion RiCi-iTD-FLOWZ iQ.j DELCO LIGHT I I Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps tor Direct or Alter 8 dating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter I-„ nating current. y R H OWEN Agent * > h'>ne - Concord N t jj HAVE YOU SEEN THE SIMMONS' NEW GRACELINE ALL-STEEL BEDS? In White, Copper Oxidized and Beautiful Wood Finishes? Embracing the new shape post and tiller made exclusively By Simmons. ConW and see Them Today H. B. WILKINSON / Out of the High Rent District Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville China Grove Car Washing! Alemite Greasing! Crank Case Service / Let us wash your car and grease it with Alemite High Pressure lubricating system for everybody knows that proper lubrication is the life of any car. .✓"Texaco gasoline and oils—Goodrich tires and tubes. ij Tire changing, Accessories, Free Air arid Water CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE TOO .Vt-' iwurrv. in- i i if PAGE SEVEN

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