PAGE EIGHT I Complete Outfit For $28.75 jj ! I This All Steel Bed. exactly like cut. Two inch pgsts. jr Three cane panels in head and three in foot. Beautiful {- ; mahoganv finish that will not come oft, mounted on all t nretal casters, easily moved about the room. National jl ; 1 Springs. Enameled to prevent rusting. Extra heavy p , | hands on sides to strengthen springs. Forty-five pound E i 1 cotton mattress, made of all new sanitary material. Good I grade fancv art tick. Bed $12.50, Springs, mattress 'j§ Kw. Outfit for $28.75 I Other Steel Beds in two-inch $9.75 $28.50 § 1 posts at | , I Every piece of goods we sell is guaranteed to please or [• ' I money refunded. 1 Concord Furniture Co. I THE RELIABLE FCRNITVRE STORE fV I ; . _ - - ——— ■ - —■ ■ —— aOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXIOOOOOCXXIOCXXXXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOC —:: —Eat —| JOHNSON’S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH • | J ! IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO J YOUR GROCER j< , Price Only 20 Cents a Pound jj ! ooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc t 1 ; i : J I yaaffg-.-tmTiOT? gagIMMI INSURE When You Start To Build The rignt time to take out insurance is when you Stan building. Then if through any cause your building snould burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. \ tfetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE I Y. M. C. A. Members Take Notice! i 1 THE SPECIALTY STORE Headquarters for All I Athletic and Gym Equipment I S. Union St. K Opposite Court House Ccfncord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails ai the Concord postodjee is as follows: Northbound i 136-J1:00 P.M. s 36-1-10:00 A. M. 34 ■-LIO P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9 :30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8 :00 P. M. j 23—11:00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION I 1.. H. Rarnhardt has inovwj from Concord Route 7, to Sanford. X. C. Mrs. Ernest Hicks is confined to her home.on East Depot street by ill ness. Little Jane Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Howard, is ill of erysipelas at her home on South Spring street. Tom Wilkinson, who has been liv ing at the Hartsell Mill here for some time, has moved to North Belmont and is employed there in the Stowe Mill. Miss Margaret Teeter has returned from Charlotte where she underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Presbyterian Hospital. She will re turn to school otr Monday. Eight men sentenced in Cabarrus Superior court last week to serve chain gang sentences, were carried to the chain gang camp Monday and Tuesday. Thetr sentences run frijm 1 90 days to two.years. Dr. Mary Martin Sloop, head of the school at Grossnore, who is visit ing in Concord, was a speaker at the lum'lieon of the Rotary Club to day, giving an account of the work done in that institution. Friends of Mrs. Sallie Sapp will regret to learn that she is confined to her home on account of an attack of appendicitis. Some improvement is shown in her condition today, it is t said. Hundreds of persons m the city nrei expected to attend the Hallowe'en party planned by Secretary Blanks of the Y. M. C. A. The program which will be staged Friday, will include feature* calculated to appeal to per sons in all walks of llife. The State Department of Agricul ture in a recent bulletin estimated the Cabarrus cotton crop on October IS as 60 per cent, of a normal crop. The figures show the Cabarrus estimate to be about the average for the. State this year. A number of Concord and Cabarrus county men plan to go to Pineliurst tomorrow to attend the fair. Tomor row is the big day of the week at the Sandhill Fair and swine entered front this county is to be judged on that day. The Cabarrus swine is ex pected to win prizes at the fair. Cases on Superior court this week have been tr'ed before slim crowds. Cabarrus county people will not show ' much iuterest in the average civil I case, and during Monday afternoon | and Tuesday no more than 20 or'3o persons were in the court room at any t time. v Four cases are to be tried in re-1 corder’s court this afternoon, police j officers state. One defendant is , charged with driving an auto while intoxicated, one is charged with as-1 sault with a deadly weapon, another j with being intoxicated and another with violating a city ordinance. Mrs. B. F, Rogers, Mrs. \V. H. Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. Jones Yorke and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Howard were in Charlotte this morning to attend the funeral of John F. Yorke, who died Monday morning after a long illness. Funeral services were held at 11 o’clock and interment was made in Elmwood cemetery. The War Mothers’ Kitchen Or chestra was presented Tuesday eve n ng before a fair sized audience at the High School auditorium. Per sons attending declared that the per formance was even better than the first showing of this entertainment. Several changes were made in the program as presented. Disposition of the Fred Spradley case is expected to be made in city court this afternoon by Judge M. H. Caldwell. Spradley, is is charged, en tered a medicine cabinet in Cline’s Parmacy Sunday afternoon seeking drugs. Judge Caldwell in court Mon day stated that he probably would dis- * pose of the case today. State college alumni here will be | interested in the announcement that the football team of that college likely will be shaken up by Coach Tebel before the game with Davidson Saftirday. The coach is not pleased with the work of his team, it ia said., and plans to replace several men. The State-Davidsou game is expected to attract 7,000 fans Saturday. H. W. Blanks spent the morning in Mt. Pleasant where 'he secured a team of cadets from the Institute to take part in the rope pulling contest which is to be a feature of the Hal lowe'en carnival program. Twenty men are coming to take part in the contest from Salisbury and they are bringing with them a large delega tion of rooters. | Large numbers of people marveled ' at the beautiful display of colors in Tuesday afternoon’s sunset. The en- i tire western heavens were illuminated j in the most brilliant hues, shading j from a bright blue to a flame red and j then grading off into delicate tints' cf orchid and yellow. A fleecy batik i of clouds gave a background for the remarkable aizht. In the appointment of Miss Mary W. Wimpenny, of Edgartown, Gov. Fuller, of Massachusetts, has named the first woman ever to serve as a register of probat - and insol venCey in the Bay Stale. '■ “ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE nspr We heard a man raising caln wtih his wife because he made her mad. | You needn’t blow up just because 1 your auto tire does. The opinions of : those with you are much harder to I ; change. I Some people marry for better or ■ worse while others marry so they can get some sleep. ! Winter Is coming. Don’t bpy a car that’s hard to. start unless you livs on top of a hill. | You can always get a few more ; i miles out of last winter’s clothes. Don’t be Impolite, but watt sot ’ some people to finish what they are saying and you will die of old age. {Copyright. 1923. NEA Service, Inc.) •‘Look prosperous anyway,” •al ! vertises a pressing shop. Yes, ti) ppwer of the press Is great. Something about work makee u so mad we would like to grow u,! and marry a rich widow. .j A bachelor is a man who can' 1 even enjoy staying away from home Money won't get you into society but lack of It will put you out. At beauty shows, all of It does. An old golf club and a new hus hand make excellent rug beaters, Los Angeles man left JIO.OOO tio a girl who refused to marry him. Her kindness was nevw forgotten Seattle man who was arrested for raising checks was sent up hlrpself for five years Chicago man Is suing a dealer be cause hie shoes hurt Shoe dealers please make a foot-note of this I We shipped a million pounds of i hunting powder to South America, but she may be hunting trouble Bigamist says be married nlnt j times because he was erdzy Some i think they were crazy for doing It once Boston man gives the preacher ISO 1 when he misses church to absence makes the preacher's hurt grow fonder * 'Copyright. 1925. NLA Se al«. Inc.) , hDTonlght •w» !o ton* and utrengthet? the organs of *s*. 'Stic i and elimination, Impr. sppstits, stop sick haadachss, rotieve Ml ! iousness, correct constipation. I They set promolly, pleasantly,- | | mildly, yot thoroughly. ( i Tomorrow Alright Gibson Drug Store. " 10 Days tw Trial of a Gas Room Heater Think what an opportunity! Right now when mornings and evenings are sharp, when coming idays will be cold and rainy 'and dismal, we install a grand new gas heater in your home, connect it free aiftt leave it right there for you to use 10 days! • ' * , «£ HEATERS FOR’HOMES WITH OR WITHOUT .FIREPLACE Heaters for bedroom, hath, living room, or dining room, Come to the store and see the many new styles. Make application fpr FIjEE TRIAL IN STALLATION at once as we’ll have many requests for tljem, and only a limited number of heaters will be sent out. ' *- fcHQNE TODAY i, Concord & Kannapolis Gas Company ‘Tf Its Done With Heat, you can do it Better with GAS” """■ 11 '■■■■" rS* " " ' 1111 "ftiTT—- '■■■■■■ I Post and Flagg’s Cotton Getter- I J New York, Oct. 27.—Although! j prices have steadied at times tradihg] tapetrf off even on moderate rallies!, and whatever demand on a scale i down might preve to be there in none as yet that feels under any compul sion to follow advances. That con dition to exist, until posi tive evidence, is available that the r supply large as it promises to be | j will for one reason or another prove, a closer fit for requirement* than ia now considered at all probable in I trading circles. I The report seems not tof have ttp | -:eL the goods markets seriously though the break lias list to coikss sions in some eases of an eighty to la quarter with mil!,), however, as a | rule resisting a try concessions. Spot dealers a'_ o report, prices well main-1 , tained with the outlook that a | scramble for desirable types will be ! "ecu though seven-eighths cotton is j offered at rather large discounts for | the present. 1 The netual trade finds it diffieu't. if not impossible to believe that any , such increase in the crop have taken I place since September 1 as shown by | the report in view of Jlie character lof the weather during the period. If ;the weather responsible for a 'decline of over 000.000 Sales in the ginning for the last to tfie crop. It i* also pointed out that frost damage I came too la to to affect the reports to the crop boaord. ■ It is useles to vlllify the erhp j board but if their more recent esti- I mates are nothing more than a series of efforts to rectify some earilier* error the board would seem to have outlined its usefulness and cannot be eliminated too quickly as the cost of its operation to the cotton trndiL as a who'e whi'o impossible to de- Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION BtLL-AlfS j UAfcwM® Hot water Sure Relief DELL-ANS 25t and 75g Packages Everywhere , The finest import ed Flower Bulbs, Narcissus Hya cinths, Choice Til lips and Lilies di rest from France and Holland. I —at— Pearl Drug Co. Or the Square Phone 82 tortniim o*n safely be described ns I staggering. The trade could muddle' along much better by . itself With , tmthing more than an official roti- < mate at the end of the growing sea- ] son but with the help of the ginning , figures which are not so much open to the objection of being gues.-es ar rived at by comp’iented 'formulas. POST AND FLAGG. Aulit Hct’s Creator Vs No Speech i Maker. Shelby. Oct. 2t>.—Robert Quillen, well known newspaper feature writer cf Fountain Inn., 8. C.. pocks a lot of punch in what he says through newspaper columns, but he is a zero 1 or ho less than nil When it comes to .putting things over orally. At | least one derives that idea in read- 1 ing Quillen's refusal to make a pub- J lie speech, in this state. Quillen, who originates “Aunt Het” and her j quainf, .homely sayings, was invited i by Lee B. Weal hers, vice president ] of the North Carolina Press Asso- , ciatitm. to make a speech at the news- i paper institute Jo be held at the Cni- j versity next month. Quillen’s re- i ply ran thus : I Mr. Wtnthers: ] "I would if "I could, and gladly. I But 1 can't make a speech—never ] have and nsrer shall—and no man i has a right' to do in public a thing i lie can't do well, "Thanking you for wanting me. i “Cordially, 1 “ROBERT QUILLEN.” J From the brevity of the letter, a I Quillen characteristic, one judges 1 that the creator of Aunt Het will , ■continue to “let her dp the talking in public.” --* ~ I NOBODY LOVES YOU. It is impossible to get anywhere if ] you are a crab. Nobody loves you. I To be successful you must have a ] kindly, lovable disposition. You can | not have this with an unhealthy liver i and stomach. They don’t go to- j gether. Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy , has given complete and permanent re- t suits in thousands of such cases. Our ' advice to everyone troubled in this i way, especially when accompanied 1 with bloating in the stomach, is to j try this remedy. It is a simple, i harmless preparation that removes the 1 catarrhal mucus from the intestinal '] tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. At the Gibson Drug Store and druggists everywhede. / DIAMOND CLUSTER j|| RING !> Seven stones set in plat- !j! !ji inum with a white gold I ! ]i| shank, priced at $65.00 i i 1 cash, or if you prefer you 1 j !j! may have, it on easy ,j! S..W. Preslar J| JEWELER IS CONCORD COTTON MARKET K . Wednesday, October 28, toss Gotton .10 (jotton Seed .43 1-2 - • a pr 6k THOk. M. fcOVVUfFf OSTEOPATHIC Physician Suite 403 Cabarrus Savings Bank Building "Osteopathy treats any illness for which people consult a doctor." Officq 014; Res. 167 || aooooooooodboooooopooooopoooeoooooooooooooooooooo The proper caper | for cutting capers | Mi, pi Hallowe’en — j ■ I r day night and tfte pasty of J 'l the first part who is giving j i ' . tlje .party is expecting you j, to be right up to the second _ I , —she isn’t inviting antiques. , Everything in top trim here to let you look like a man who is having the time of his life.! Schloss Fall Suits $25.00 Itarfy Berger Fall Shirts $1.50 S-Choble Fall Hat? $5.00 New Fall Neckwear j HOOVER’S,Inc. I i 1 “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE - N A L 3000090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - —a r ; | 30Q000000000000000000000000003000000000000000000C I COAL ; \ The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS j! ■ .PHONE 244 OR 279 OOOtiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -yeeltJfnWl 4 lriJ.ila... 3 .nkigHSal a-5'5 si i ! i ,3*';; j| The start ami development of a business requires cap- I m ital,- experience, industry and a good banking connection. | l The resources of this bank are available to its custom- I ers for the promotion of promising,business enterprise and | cj fve invite you to investigate our facilities to meet your’ gj I particular needs. *' v CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK j oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooeoooooo j! PANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAW j 0000000006000000000000000000000090000000000000000 BE PREPARED FOR THESE COLD SNAPS j;. Buy a Ton of Our Ge&n Hand Picked Coal * jjh Cline & Mabery Coal Co. PHONE 799 0 | \ . Yes We Have That Famous JELLICO COAL , HOT WATER IN A JIFFY ; t’ is surely a friend in need and a friend indeed of every cook 1' M match and in a few minutes I steaming hot water wiH run E. B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEMJBR Office and* Show Room 89 E. Cochin St. Office Rhone 384 W i in.■ —m.w. i■„ ■' »i—■ _i —i 13 1 OUR HR IDS. ILK SET (BUT? Oct. 2? 192*

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