PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN . W One Day Only, a Foot will be at our st-jjie. If have any foot troubles what- com*' in for free examina- Mp ll - 1 V:- Shoe Co. 2l)-ltp. j wmm Selected Oysters Today. Phaue ■HfS and 68<>. Sanitary tlrorory Ko. ai-it-p. SHjMIt 5* and 886 For (,oo*l Eats. bams, pure pork sausage. |K'pork and steaks. Nice trout. Saui- Grocery Co. 20-lt-p. Southern. Corby an«l Whale bread, fresh roles every day. Host. Co. 21-1 t-p. Furnace .in Good F. .1. Haywood. 29-3 t-p. ■pr! Sale—Highly Desirable Seven-1 residence iu ipiiet retim'd large lot and all ooti- A bargain at SB,OOO. room house with kitchenette. ■ Mid eight yactini lots on St. Charles A. MeLaurin. Rhone 435. ■ 2!Kdt-p. ■)’ Home on East Depot Street For gate, or will trade for small farm city. Jesse u. McLellun. MpFtf -n Sale—Slightly Used Dodge Coupe. reduction. fori Motor Co. jMp*-3t-n. Hwaiit Lots For Sal*—One l ot. W. St.. $1,250. 50x200, Kan- Koad $750. 50.\.".0. Kannap- Koad near old County Home ■ Sim 30x160 Kannapolis Road near ; Sat Mi. Large lot from street through to Soutli Fn- Bm street* 53.400. Several lots on St.. $450 and up. 00x121. street. .SI2OO. Several lots street $430 and up. Sever al lots Glenn Bt.. S3OO and up. lots. Cedar St., near High School. Hp,ooo each. It. A. .MeLaurin. Hhni’t Fail lo S*e Our Fcot-('omfort tomorrow. !!'■ is -cnt here' Dr. School anil ran give you j relief. lie will examine.! feet free Friday. day "idy. HjjsVey Slice Co. 20-lt-p. j K Wool Army Socks 25e. Concord Anuy A Navy Store. 20-(>t-p. j ■test Between ronevrd and Kaimapwiis i Fisk iUtlitern tires. 'Shipping ■.tag bearing Cocrikey and Carpmiter, Htaiina Grove. Reward of SIO.OO ■if returned to Howards Service Stn ■ twftv or Fretiicksou . Minor Espread • ■ Co.. 21 S. College,St.i (Jlkadotte. N. ’ ■C. V.. -«i4*3t-i>.l ! ■— — —■ ■ * | ■or Rent—New Five Room Buiigalo Bon Douglas Aimpte. Apply Waddell' • I Store. tfflliS 2(i-0t p. j Boving and llititSm; J/)citl pud tjmg ■edista nee. 1 ijS’ Or 'tv'.fcUt. Bflcc ' MNSloop & Co. ' Photo* lot. 4 ' J 27-10 i-p. . • I ■uileases. Well .Made, 95c.* Concord ! Hbnt«d at Slice*— Spinners and Wind- ; B.«* hands 'fortnight work. Apply HKiftdley MilN. Jit: Pleasant. ■ 270 t-c. ■U Leather Leggins. Strap or Spring Hpptjle. $2.15. Concord Army & Nary ■ Store. 2(i-ot-p. Hw aU ‘ ,ir Lt:l- Trade—Anderson BRnuring car, 1025 mode]. Good ■pjnditioa. .1. H. Whit lev. Ashlvn B AV> '' 27 4!-!,; | Blureh Street Barber Shop Now Open ■for business. Next door to fahar- Union Store. F. J. Wise, pro -27-Bt-p. Boot* $3.00 pair._ Cenrord Army & Navy Store. 2U-(it-p. |efirds I I BARGAIN BASEMENT § | Is Well Furnished With 8 | OUTING, GINGHAM i 11 - SHEETING SHOES I SWEATERS UNDERWEAR | and so on at Wonderful Bar- I I - gain Giving Prices ■l' •» 8 i m g m S : ■ aj , I: ■pW>OOOo<x»oQooooooooogoooooooocooooooooooooooc J / '.hi; FOR SALE—ONE NEW, FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW WITH A BATH AND OTHER MODERN CONVENIENCES ON KANNAP OLIS, AND CONCORD ROAD: BEST LOCATION' IN’ PAUK AVOOf)—AT THE I'NDERPASB. TERMS EASY. B. L. UMBER GER, JR, TELEPHONE 776 W. 37-3 t-p. NOTICE—.AFTER OCTOBER 3tst WE W'ILL GIN COTTON C)N TUESDAY OF EACH WEEK ONLY. BROWN & FLOWE. ! 26-'4t-p. Fresh Salt Mackerel' Dove-Boat Co. 20-lt-p. For Sale—6 rosin House on Kerr St. $5,000. 5 room house Kerr St.. So.poo. Two 3 room houses Ker.* St., SIO6O each. Six room house Church St., $5,000. Six-room house Church St., $4,500. Three room house Crowell St. SI,OOO. Five room liouse Crowell St.. SI,BOO. Three room house Crowell St.. $2,000. Four room house. Crowell St.. $2,000. One house, large lot. Spring St.. $8,500. Three 4-room houses AY. Depot St.. SB,OOO each. House large lot IV. Depot St., $4,500. House and lot. D. Depot St.. $lO,- 000. Five room house and two va cant lots, Harris St.. $2*500. Four houses, Isabel St.. SSSO each. House and lot, Kerr St.. $8,500. Three 5- room houses, City View, $2,000 each. 1). A! MeLaurin. Phone 485. 20V8t-p. j Mustard Salad. Carrots. Squash, Tin -' ; nips, celery, lettuce. Phoue <SBO or 070 for good eats. Sanitary Grocery | Co. 20-lt-p. J List — Bunch of Keys. Finder Re-! turn to Tribune office. 20-lt-p. I Bring Ycur Foot Troubles to Us To- 1 morrow. Let our foot comfort ex pert examine your feet. The ex amination is free. He can give you lasting and immediate relief. Ivey 1 Shoe Co. 20-3Dp. j f? j New Catch Lake White Fish and j ; Norway mackerel. W. J. ! and Son. 20-it-p., I j * —t-v I"a . j For .Sale—Three Fresh MiUi Cow^. | P. K. Miller. ’ Conci»rd. Iroufc 4: { 1 .afefo- . . j.! Big HaHowF’en S*|uare Paiwf Sutilr- ■ day ITight; <hj. Mist/' , iit Poplar j. Lake. (’<)!.(-ord. N. 4 k i 'nzrs to bo awardsyj tyr* spt'ctiyinrs.amt dauyct'ft' ; inclnd’ug t>nc ( bi)f im-kOy. Barbvoiuv ; | - rpfrc.Aimsnfs gntlm. big tims Jor aH-l i . Daw**!*!. t«fnirrt»<J. ft* fit>oY-witb'y'd’ ! witlamt. cofrtunWs ifnsilF- b*’, |va.iuf | iiar*>lit*'-atrlrf* bands* BwtM<i« Ni' j>. m. Come early. Note: The I’op-J lur Lake hall has recently been en < Inset! ami is now <• ijyy and warm. - s '4t 4*. - 1 '- ' : ' ' ■’• ’" 1 | Apples! Again! Fresn Car Load oft I bulk apples just arrived. Also I western box apples. 'Phone 505. Ed.' ! M. Cook Company.. 2>*-oc-p. Fall Millinery To Be Sold at Oner. Bargains. Miss Hrnvht'n. 2S-nt-p. Cement ami ConcrcU; Work, (oil Our; estimate ami bid. Brice Sloooji & Co. Phone HU. 27-lOt-p. Cliairs^tT;limned and Repaired AN itli cane, oval or rattan. Call lilOl, S. J. Gwyn. 27-3 S-p. Lost—Gold Fountain Pen With Name “E. R. Blume" (engraved on. Re j ward if returned to Mrs. G. A. Blume. South Union" St.' 277!t-p. I Wool C'liUdren’s Sweaters $1.95. Con cord Army & Navy Store. 2G-(st-p. Men’s Winter l iiion Suits 95c. Con cord Army & Navy Store. 26-fit-p. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY ‘ . PRIZE WINNERS IN LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT : At Cabafrus Fair.—Many Persons - ■ Had Entries and Won Premiums. The judges in the livestock depaet ■ inept of the recent Cabarrus Fair have . announced tile premium awards in that department, which were as fol ■ lows: Holstein. Bui!, two years old or older—Sec ■ om}. J. W. Bin* kwelder. Concord Route 4. ■ Bull. 1 year and under 2—First. Jaeksou Training School, Concord: second. C. 11. Gra'cber, Concord: 3rd . C. H. Graeber. Concord. Bull Calf-—First and 2nd, Jackson Training School, Coti.-oni. Cow, 3 years old or older—First, ■ 2nd and 3rd. Jackson Training School, . Concord. Heifer Calf—First, 2nd and 3rd, Jackson Training School. Concord. Yearling Herd—Second. lacks** l Training School. Concord. Grade Dairy Cattle. Dairy Calf under one year—First . and 2nd—J. A. BlackweMer. Concord Route 4. Dairy Cow, 2 years, uruler—First, j L. O. Cline. Concord Route 8; 2nd | and 3rd, J. A. Blackjvelder. Concord j Route 4. Best family cow. any age—First, j L. (). ('line. Concord Route 8: 2nd, ,J. A. Concord Route 4 ;.,j 3rd. L. O. ('line. Concord Route 3. j Jerseys. Bull 2 years or older—First. L. 0.l j Cline. Concord Route 3: 2nd. Win. L. j Morris. Concord Route 3 % J Bull. 1 year and under 2—Second.; Harris Bros., Newells Route 1. Cow 3 years old or older—First, i and 2nd. Harris Bros.. Newell It. 1. Cow. or Heifer 2 *aud tinder 3 First and 2nd, Harris 8r05.,; Newell | , Route 1. He : fer junior pearling—First and . 2nd, Bros.. Newell Route 1. Heifer Calf— First a-ml 2nd, Harris) Bros.. ;Newetl Route 1. ' -Yeurliug Herd—Sw*ond. Hjirris ! Bros.. Newell Route 1: 4 I j Get of Bire-:-Second. Harris 4 BVoA., i Newell. Route I. J Get of 1 >ain-—First - . 2nd and 3rd.’ parvis Bros.. Newell. U. X. • f * Giifrnseys. V ’) I Butt. 2 )ears o*l dor oUDr—Becoidh 1 J .1. S. Archer. Davidson Route 24.' r i Bull 1 year am? muler—First. R. B. ‘ j Wulthal. ( ’orVeord Houle 0: 2ml, 1 pG./tfo«4jmai^ k Concord* Route 2: Kbit (’aif—FiYst ami 2ml, 8. Atcuer. Davidson Route'2*4. '■Cow 3 years obi or First fW*ff ( yjh!kl. li. D. Goodinnij. 4’oaiaond»: 3rd; aJ.-i 8. Davidson 24. i 1 -liuiibr senior ’>Tv*trliiig—First.: ll. *| ID. < ioodman. < 'niieord : find. ‘F. G l . * Goodman, Itolnbe ‘2.n C <K^‘| Heifer. JfinW y^rrlitig—First niid •2nd. W.III. f.. MooSc Jf.. CdiWorfl. 1( ‘ ' | Heifer Calf—-JFirst. K.'il. .man. Concord Route 2; 2nd. 3>. * Goi.'dihan. C«incord; '' f Yearling Sm-ond. 1«\ 4J. mail. Concjilxl Route 2. " , r i'ipUtMM* of Dam—First, R. D. Goidl inan, (’om-jrtfd: 2hd. R. G. Roadman;f Riiute 2. 4 d She*i>. ■ I Yany; * ifhfrs .fid ‘or Mdet<i- ■ First 1 -, \Vni. L. Jt.. l d onV'drd t f 2nd. Wm. iL. 'Morris ; 3rd. A. )l. ia u i taker. Conceifd Rhtfte 5. ' * ' ' k Best rain under 1 year—First Unit j 2mk"Win. L. Morris ..Ir.. Co/iWd'd: ■ -*i (l. A. H. Ivifakers < 'oheord It. 5. * T | B*‘st ewe under 1 year—Second. A. H. Litakeit, (’oncord It. 5. Best aged dock (1 raftii3 First and 2nd, Wm. L. Morrwr .Ir.. | : Conccrd: 3rd. A..JI. Litaker,.*<>n-j cord Route .. . . *■.,.. j Rees. Italian queen and her work-, ers—Second. H. Hb Bunds, Concord. Route 1. Best colony Italian bees, in obser vation hive—Second. R. D. Goodman. Concord. N. C. > Best case sect I .dll honey (24 sec- | tiops)—Second, R. D. Goodman. Con-1 cord. Best 10 frames ( Kxt. ) in super— First, H. K, Bohds. i’oncurd Route Xi 2nd and 3rd. R. D. Goodman. Concord. Be»t half doren packages chunk romb homy—Second. Mrs. R. L. Fat terson. 'China Grove Route 2. Best half dozen glass packages ex tracted honey—Second. W. D. Yorkc. < oueord Route 4. Best five janimls of wax—Second. 11. E. Bonds. Concord Route t. Best display honey and wax—Sec ond, H. E. Bonos, Concord Route 1. . Best display modern bee fixtures by ] county bee-keepers—Fast. Jim. F.) Brafford. Concord Route 2: 2nd. El vin Green, Concord. Jackson Training School; 3rd. 11. E. Bonds. Concord Route 1. Brother of Miss Hersperger Killed. Miss Dclma Her.s]ierger, teac*'icr in the kindergarten and expression classes conducted at the Y. M. C. A., left this morning on Train No. 80 for Buffalo. N. V.. lx'ing called there by the death es her brother. Adam. In a message received yesterday afternoon from relatives at home Miss Hersperger was advised that her brother, who was 15 years of age. had been fatally injured in an auto accident, death following soon after the accident. The classes conducted by \Jiss Her sperger will be diacontinued until she returns toT Concord. A woman gets depressed when she can’t get everything else. - Woman’s Statement Will Help Concord “l lialetj lovking btvauflt all I ut*> turned sour aiid formed gas. I drunk hot water and tdjve oil by the gallon. Nothing helped until I took Adlerjka.” Unless due to deep-seated eauses, Adleiika helps ally case gas on the stomach in a surprisingly QUICK time. It is a wonderful remedy to run tor constipation—it often work* in into '.lours a pd never grilles. Pearl l>ru- Coippgnv. \ 1 THE CONCORD .ftAfLY TRIBUNE WANTS CONCORD TO WORK FOR HOSPITAL * Kotarians Hope d# Get Hospital lis der Duke FunAdation Plan.—Dr. Martin Skicp Speaks. t Kotarians of (’uncord at tiieir week- I I.V meeting a‘t the Y. M. C, A. yea - teeday were urged hy President Odell to work in behalf of a hospital for Coneord under the Duke Foundation * plan. President Odell expressed the | belief that such a hosp : tai could be secured for this city, ami he appoint . ed members of the Public Affairs ; ccmmittee'nml Dp. R. It. Rankin as I I a committee to go into the .matter and see what cgn be done. 1] Robert E. Kidenhour. Jr.. c|iair mail of the program committee, was . in cliarge of the program al the meeting, and lie lia*l as his guests j.Miss Jean Maxwell and l)r. Mary Mar , tin Sloop, of tile Urossnore School. | After the business session Dr. Sloop i was invited to address the club, j Charles F. Ritchie introduced to the ! club members I)r. Sloop who made u very interesting talk on this mountain school, pointing nut some of the Work :if has accomplished and pleading for more State aid so the school can in- I crease its usefulness to the mountain' J children. ! H. Wayne Blanks, who will have j charge of the Hallowe'en celebration 1 to be staged tomorrow night, cxplii'li ed to .the eltib his celebration phms j and named the members of the club i wlio jjr*' to take part in the rope inill ! ing contest with members of the Sal i isbury Rotary Club Friday night. AT } ter tlte meeting those selected were called to the gymnasium of the Y. where Physical Director Dcmiy i them instructions in rope piiTling. Guests of the club in addition to Miss Maxwell and I>r. Sloop were L. ;W. Itrander with 1.. M. Rielnuond. and Dr. S. V. Rankin with Dr. Joe jA. Hartsell. .-' F’nmtal of John F’. Ytirke. I Charlotte Obsetver. Funeral services f*u- John K. Yotke. welf kuoWn and highly eHteenied busi | ness mail of Charlotte, Wert- held at ;11 o'clock yesterday moming at the ;Chur<*T of the Holy t/omforter. Rev., * Robert Briii'e Owens, rector, officiated; | I’urial- followed at Elmwood cemetery,' 1 Mrs, Lillian Momesly liott s*uig '.Ymv the Day Is O'er." which was 1 Mr. York/- favorite song. 1 H«i; ,'fefte' died Alonday morning j at his residence. !> 'A rdsh I *-' VoOd; f’ark, folh/iving s»- Dink pW*!b<E ( of I*l health. His comfitlon iuid grAb | dally grown""wors-e 'uiftil recetitly- 4** \ | 'was tWred to retire from m thi‘ : bus?/ ' n*'sM; lb* Imtf been a suei-risßlV lttW ■Jrighiy for* mHu.t yVnifs in (,'liiiftotte/ '!•*.; u > ' Frieiiil/. reHitiSes frorht thbitjgdfihidjliis' ml rite lint drev -Ariioitg rtiVeo*-fitVm ' bA’-klf-tOhhl 'wi*fe IVr: 4’i'ahk Ilo(b l r«. <T 'Uttle ltik ; le. Ark. f Mrs/ Al. ta'luler ITowaird, Mr. and Mrs. Jones Y.rkv, .JMfit If; F; Rogers. Mrs.:tV/JI/tiiM-- . iikmlM Alts jiattie Lee Cannon.' Mrs; > Il'ri-. and Mrs. -Z*4* 4is..**-, aif ,if tlOtlj-nril. 7 (( c‘li)a<l /./■ |, ■AI Yul'ka. !’tw}4l Ukts 1 ffhniTati Grid 1 and’ Tifyfdily; resp*'*-te*l family;- -is- sor vim'd ’hr rhe wiilmv amPietvf sitnt ■ F-vnnt-i/'Hogi-M avnjlorne damgbleip' ■ Mrs.’ • FrVnk M inter. "'He haflMiairr l j'rorrdfic'id fgiiiiky isauieelimis-in-'this Section of tile.'state. ‘ u ‘ i r *ni» Founly Opening o*uWr »l**t. A\ ith the return, t»f .ro**l weatliec it . j» planned to. open the County Mark*'j, again iu tile t'cuji:y Iluihiiug <o; t'hureh street. Oetuber Mist, aj *r*-ldck. 'lies in* ans tile dpors will hr opened hi this hour for the tin foods arranged there for dis(iosal. Till' emnity wujpe* will welcome this medium of getting before the buyer they have for sale. Bntffr. eggs, dressed poultry, cot tage cheese, jellies, preserves, pickles ! and other tilings too numerous to meu t ion may be had at the market next Saturday and if the weather continue cool it is hoped fresh meats will also be on salt*. Orders are solicited. Just telephone NGIW. early in the .week and, your wants shall be supplied. All goods are sold under a .guaran tee. It e bespeak for tin* county mar ket the support of the housewives and: their husbands of Concord. At the County market yon will learn to know your rural sister bet ter. There may be met some of tin* progressive women who really stand I fop advancement. The town of Con cord tieeds and wants a* market so step in line and bo n booster for youV town and I’abarrus county. B. Praise, His Chevrolet Car. Frank F. Bunn, of Los Angeles, recently arrived in Concord, ami while here lie praised highly die Chevrolet ear ill which he made tile trip across tlie cant incut. Mr. lhinn left his California home on September ltith and reached Con cord October Ist. the time includ ing all stops. Tin- first 1,200 miles. Mr. Bunn stuted, were almost impas sable and for the next 1.500 miles lie had to use rough roads. The last (550 miles were over improved roads. It took Mr. Kunn ten hours to go thirty miles ut one time, lie said, due to mud ami rain, yet he averaged about 22 miles to the gallon of gas iui that road. The last 407 miles Mr. Ttunn drove in sixteen hams, he said, averaging 2(1 mill's to the gallon of gas. Mr. Riilth said tlint In* averaged 20 miles to the gallon of gas from late An geles to Coneord. and iiad to ehuuge oil Iml tyvice. The famous Youugr .Street. iV ronto, originated in 1703 us a roud from Luke Simcoe llj#l fur-traders from the Js’orth need not pass through Detroit when the latter nl*ke was taken over by the United States. France has given permission for 30,000 Jewish families to settle in that country. • One Jewish family Iter village is the rule! tru he fol- Wcd. < I COL XAinvn i* smith ■>'-* DIETIN' CHARLOTTE Onosl Queen City’s Best Known Cjti aens and Business Men ter Half a Century. - • I , Charlotte, Qfct. 28.—Colonel Arthur L. JSinitli, for half a century one of. . the bc.-t known vitiseus and business , iu*‘i| of Charlotte, died today at (its lioirtc on North Union street following . an Illness of several tn'oiihrs. Heart trthib'.e wns assigned as the cause of death . Coc'iiel Smith was T 5 years of age and was a native of Halifax county, , haying been born at the old Smith . home near Scotland Neck, on De cember 23. 1850. He was educated , in Halifax county, at Bingham Mili tary school and at William and Mary College in Virginia. Although a mere boy in his teens during the Civil War lie saw exten sive service in tile latter part of that struggle. Since the war he has been active in movements for the benefit of war veterans and was one of the lead ing members of the U. C. V. in this state. Colo A'l Smith came to Charlotte in 1875 and lias lived here since that time. Iu 1882 he married Miss Louise Young, of Charlotte, who survives him. Resides the widow. Col. Smith .leaver .me child, a soil. Burton Smith, of tin- city. Colonel Smith was in .feresi"! in extensive business activity here, being an official of a number of local concerns and also a member of it Brokerage firm. Funeral services will in* held tomor row afternoon at the home with I)r. A.-A MrGca<4iy, pastor of the Sec ond Presbyterian Church, officiating, interment will by in Elmwood eerue ta/f. .) GASTON FARMER DRAWS SIX-YEAR ’SENTENCE Q. F 1 ietiocr Found Guilty, of Crime Against Ills, Own Daughter. • .(jp-nniiaj ,Qct. 28.—Q. E. Heffner, .fanner, wis sentence*! to serve. six ut hard labor today following a jury's verdict that' the defendant was guilty of inceaf; the state wit ness living lliy niau's 12-yeariOld dajtgiU|*r. and his ,tj»:a boys, ages six and seven The {fiatc was able to; show that the mail was guilty because li», aclmiie.l certain factk to: Sheriff R*djert lthyriF. •: s> . ; . . • ■ . jiihj) Summersett. .yopu* white mau: ehgrgi I with criminal assault with intjßiit, I*l epinmif rail*, , (Co ' yeays t*sia.+ .when, (lie jury ■, -after ,. •PKv out s*n yeykfrdgy jmjl. foiind die/yasfgiiilti- of. an ,is shult oi|„a* feiuaii;,r>i : - . v OHRS Wtm 1)f: Urn. rliargtd ,rg|pe jip u 4 i -year-old negro girl, was ®Jslui;ißl 'B-t guilty by Judge Thai! ,Brj|s..u. a/|"i- •••VfihlffiTTmfSr-’fffd’-pm ‘ j ’ : ! »• ■•: •*•"• ••• U- Wupi takisi in *Vf tl'enU 1 in ,tlu cjn orLofidoh/ ~ • • • Y'T'i Ifs»c ttiinfieV as it kiWtlf laf l i of experience;' i!*r <*> the > 'mUf' Yxipflcade curr*et s'r icin' Yia “trorltr.' ■’ j ‘e-v.; <.* -i.’i ej *:)» r.\ v in , *; =''' .-L..1 u.-ce-v 'joit. . .am ■ i' »it?JO . . ,ooti :»ed V-ft i« tea i-«rj | DREADFULPAINS G«<toa Haalort To* M«okJirgi i ht,Wa.A^ti«d to Take Carthd umHs , Now Cjjipabus. Ga*—Mrs. deorgfr S. Hunter, of this cijty, wWtei; “After I married, thirteen fgontha ago; I suffered with dreadful pains in ay Bides during ..V My aid* hurt bo bad It 1 nearly hilled me. I had. to go to bed and §tay somdr times two weeks at a time. . I could not work and I just dragged around the house. “I got very thin—l went from 126 pound*.down to less than 100. My mother had long been a user of Carduf and she knew what a good medicine it was for this trouble, so she told me to get sonic and take it. I seat to the store after it and be fore 1 had taken the first botUa I began to improve. “My aide hurt less and I began to improve In health. ... The Card'ut acted ns a fine tonic and I do not feeb Hto the same person. I am so much better. I am well now. I have gained ten pounds and am still? gaining. My sides do not ' trouble me at all. “iAgflsh every suffering woman ■ ew about Cardui NC-160 A F|W| J I j ■ i fIP f I CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT I For the safe investment of your surplus I ’ funds you will find our interest-bearing Cer- I tificates of Deposit most satisfactory. " . - v 1 I BANKANi) : I v/IllLElijj trust co. — ■ ■ ■ • i . ■ *■/. i'i >i -i j.) i . .. i a., ' ,na 0/i‘uan i v. ' |K ! Weld’s Fastest Cars! *JS a ARMISTICE DAY RACE • mmr - j •>•{) !,>i viMmjpr-*dt I 4ir< well., NOT. 11 « 2P. M. 1 f»W ,fVJ/ -lit » tWtJiJXJ »<1 ?.* m ••: ill-.-* I . , ...... .... . .Lb' * ,’l%B'f ].* 'iMfAUff h iedi jig# j fc* ™' a/ - ‘ *3» a couvet. Tbe wsar of a thunder- .. "!lj^Ri* r i«o«f«VT:, i- • of>«. i.? A-smew -thrill every minute. • Eighteen mi . -if- ispeed ’dethons after ’new trade tficotds. • A *■» *?£ .... < if ms**, :... t: vv pu f . . '. •'...../ :, • ' ?Fsry comfort and convenience for your en-' V- i AdiniMMin New- reads into the grounds: Im ib'iO un- »>f sft Z*iLi Vt'U ll\\ - \,j system. trains from L ,L. jj« . G«ner»i admiuien Hi., ~ .s C2igrlotte "6V€ry~ Half Tfour. EecTuced ~raifway infield ~:a'/.|2.00 ■! i;; ■ farfcs. Make your reservation for tickets now. ;; • Tickets-NOw On Sale . gr-saas; ; ■ i B Grandstand B (re- ! to Osmond L. Barringer, General Man 7. : *SM> •v-v-W.OO -r ager, 24 WpTrada Sty Charlotte, N. C. * , i • -• £, J M 6 jflp j Department Stores The South’s Greatest Speed Classic Don’t Miss It! .... A WE DAYS' COUGH SYOUR DANGER SIGNAL !_ I Persistent coughs and colds lead to ; serious trouble. You can stop them i \ now With Creomulsion, an emulsified 1 1 creosote that is pleasant to take. Creo- j mulsion is a new medical discover* j i with two-fold action i~ it soothes and i 1 heals the inflamed membranes and in- j hlbits germ growth. j Os all known drugs, creosote is reo- j ognizedjiy high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies foi - persistent cough* and colds cad othei I forms of throat troubles. Crnomulsioi. contains, in addition to creosote, othei healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop tht irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is ah sorbed into the blood, attacks the seat ;f the trouble aqd checks the growth of too genus. >. CrepmuleiQ* i* guaranteed satisfac tory w the treatment of ncrsiiteni opughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of dstpira. lory diseases, and is excellent for budd ing UP the system after colds or flu, Money refunded if any cough or cold is not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask yonr druggist CSeo ■tudrioa Company, Atlanta, Ga. (adv.) "‘i l ■" »■. ■ ~ '***■'?-. «i.*t r .mi~ r~ r~ ■Ajsgß 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 i Feed Cow Chow For More Milk i: ;> ChecTvcrbuard Laying Mash with lien Chow will pro- ! 1 j duce more eggs. - . \\ 2 VVc guarantee all our Leeds to do just what we claim. ; ; | PI lUXE 122 I . CASH FEED STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS £ ’gggm^^ygr?rEEggCT»tvt»t t;; rr-^rw"y-rrr-i-r^-t-i' i -iai iit-rrgti We Want Your Trade—^ If good,Reliable Goods; Lowest possible Prices, pair | 4Ud Square pealing, folitc Attention, will get it,*we can, count on you for a customer. v We Believe That He Profits Meet Who Serve* Be»t. When you need groceries, Fresh Meats and Country Produce Call Phone 68 and our service is at you? tom* mand. * . : 4, C. H. BARRIER & CO. 4, f| . IT ; . Thursday, October 29, 1025

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