I'hursday, October 2d, 192$ - I ««*- i i.tMl I 7 I /rLflh / Gar -1 rflwßli / ment Ipj Too C / Fancy «Our Clean ers— Use - VON-O-LIN Bolds the Colot as it Cleans Delicate laces, ribbon sashes, elaborate embroidery it matters not what the dress or its adornment, our improved process with VON-O-LIN brings “your clothes back just | like new. > PHONE 787 ’ Asker—What's the matter with Mr. ami Mrs. Nayber: they're so ‘1 ituek up since they bought their hew Ford sedan that they won’t notice me V ’ N Teller—Why don’t you Jiear? They l! listovered that some parts salvaged 1 from that War fleet were used in mak ’ iug their machine ami they feel as if, _ they had Won the war. OUT SUR WAY BY WILLIAMS 1! |l MiMbTX -| 7 / .... |l| : • ’ —'ll * I'm GETTim T |! >/cAREFOuftAr| l U3W& ll , : CAWELfOL.! 1 ~ i jLI | £ Bt-TTtR LtT | ( ' (r* 1 ME -TAMS, rn 4 I '' ijr.R. j ,' HEROES ARE MftPE - HOT BORKT- a ,« >&' 19 j MOM’N POP , BY TAYLOR r HEMRV HAVE WOO "Y gY JINGO-7H&rlSßl6tflV J <=Av tnc. rtu t "\ j FoRGcffTEN THATOUR VJE'LL HAvETTb f BORROW A COUPLE LITTLE WEPHEW’S / 6000 REGINALD } cSSS PHSEONS W SURE , 1 ' BiRTHDAV IS rA. SOMETHING-HIS HEART ( TfLL MEXT /MONDAY? Thing! LA ...r " * ' $ These carrier pigeons /f ||jK - vifeu- l omlv borrowed ’em.- "S wiu, BE Jbsrr tßeThimg ./ecrr TfKvfor 6. J® H lg^ | |llS . “".TS,!TrS™.J Gerald Chapman’s Psl Believed by Some Officers tc B&AUdings N«jr A'-ftevttle. j.’ J • Asheville, 28. —Is "Dntctf' An derson, notorious fugitive Irom jus tice, hiding in the mountain-■ fast nesses of western Noyth Carolina? . Federal secret service men hive vis ited ‘Asheville ‘during the past week in search of Anderson and while here made a trip to Flats, a small tillage wfiere they expected investigation would reveal ths hiding (he famous bandit. T . Jt is a well known fact thal the 1 search by Department of Justice of ( fleers over the etuinffy for Anderson is going on with tindirainished vigor and several arrests have been made of men who resembled Gerald Chap man's pal. | Postal authorities, together will id eal deputy mars'ja'.B, visited another place in lladkson county where a man resembling Anderson had been ar rested, but their investigation failed to warrant their holding him. The fact that this is a tourist center, giv ing a stranger free range and causing him to attract little attention any where around here is believed to have influenced agents in following the tip that “DutcV Anderson was in this ■ section- to evade capture. Anderson, ‘it will be recalled, was with Chapman in his. daring escape from the federal prison at Atlanta, and has. since the conviction of his pal for thiWmurder of a New Rrunswick, X.. J.. police man. been demised of murtlering Ben Tlanee and his wife, who informed' against Chapman in the murder lease. He is considered one of the country’s most dangerous ciigliuais, and a staggering reward 1 lias been offered for ’ais arrest. I “I’m not in favor of all these sta tistics," objected the pessimist. “Why?” “Because it makes my wife ask why . Vm not an nveruge"man, with •'vlDt.tlh in thr'bank and an income of $.">7.50.” j ■ I ——■——w——— I BALTIMORE BANK I l _ GETS THE BI S DINES , Hsmbletcn and Company Secures Op-1 tions on the Orcansboro-RtUeigh Dims. Raleigh News and Observer. Fight between rival organizations, to secure options on bus lines in this territory appeared yesterday to have resulted in complete victory for Hambieton and Company, investment bankers of Baltimore, who have se cured options on ail lines between Raleigh and Greensboro. Tre Baltimore bankers through Major W. J. Thorne, of New York. - and Willis Smith. Ijcal attorneys, have secured options for the purchase of the Southern Transit Company, the Safety Coach Lines, Inc., ami the Carolina .Motor Coach Lilies, operat ing between Greensboro and Raleigh at a price said to be arOuad $275.- 000. Hambieton and Company are also negotiating fat options on the Safety Transit Dines, owned by 8. T. Gresh am. which operates a bus line between Raleigh and Fayetteville and Raleigh and Wilson, according to Mr. Smitlr. It was rumored here yesterday tret ill securing options on the Greeusboro- Raleigh lines. Thorne had beaten John T. Johnson, of Greensboro, who was said to be seeking options for the recently incujipcrated Carolina Tran -1 sit Company. R ,D. McMillan, of the incorporators of the Carolina Transit Company, stated last night that Johnson had secured no options for'hm company hut said that lie un derstood he • hnd been attempting to secure opticus for himself and X’. E. Hart, another incorporator of (tie Carolina Transit Company. The amount* railed for by the op tions pf Hambieton and Company was .estimated by employes of t’lie Corpora tion Commission at between $500,- 000 and. $700,000 but this wds de clared greatly excessive by both Mr. Smith and ptlr. Thorne. A mgu is. as old as lie looks, a l woman ip never over thirty. , ’ J ; :—_ fHE CONCORD BAILY TRIBUNE CHURCH PUBDJCm. - j Statesville Daily. I Talking to the men s Bible Class at the First I'resbyteria* Ctjurch Sunday jnorning. Dr. H. K. Boyer, formerly well known and popular pastor in Statesville, incidentally touching on tne progress of the age, paid tribute to the newspapers. Twenty-five years ago. he said, the newspapers wouldn't touch- church news, white now they ! give jiages to church- news. It is true mat featuring church news is a part of the development of the modern newspaper. One. reason is the exten sion and elaboration of religious agen cies, 'in which a greater number of people ure engagt>d and in which there is, more widespread interest, hence the inegeased importance in the news value of religious work. Another and ! H more important reason, in North Carolina at least, is (be growth nd de telopment of thJ newspapers. With the progress of the State the newspa pers have progressed. They have rnpre space and employ more- lieople amjpcun therefore handle a much more varied collection of matter. Hie reason that church news was given little attention formerly was Hot be cause it was considered unimportant, but the space and the number of em ployes wet-* restricted to the limited business, and under the customs and pfaetiees of the rime the religious fea tures were small because the church papers, being restricted to church news, were supposed to take etire of that field. Jt has not been so long since the newspaper business lias ex panded'sufficiently to permit of tile employment of reporters necessary 1 to •take - < are of n larger field and Ibis field lias been extended to elmreli ac tivities. In the smaller towns the pa pers are still hampered. Their activ ities in news gathering is limited to the. extent of their business. The smaller papers can't afford a- rrtiniber of reporters to work the different fielda. S'nee current tiews of tin day. news in general, is first expected of the paper, it is there chief effort is directed; and it is only On the larger papers that sufficient force can be employed to cultivate {he larger field. For that reason tRo small town paper must rely on the eo-operation of the church people for the* church news that it is glad to carry and wants to carry; and candor compels the state ment that the-'Uo-olps , ration very often doesn’t co-opefifte. One wiio lias hnd long experienclSn the tfbwspapcr field, and who tried ilulnStri-nV-ly. in various ways, to give tin- churches repre sentation in newspaper columns, will testify—und this testimony will be by aryrhyuper ev.-ksrg ?e*y aitkv—lhai -f : 7 a)I informaHou' rtmrflriie#* is the' most difllwiiMV get ami rerpiircj an extraordinary amount of effort tjt times. I fco ’ots tl ir*>JruiT4««-{ia*y anyone jiwpfcntlu tifW Ilf 4 aivlfg out elnldfjLX add \WfMl! b thcccfition of the-■‘tu-Hduffc it is sometimes almost impossible to get information about church affairs. There is. negligence and IndifferentSt in - giving even the church notices in some cases, and special effort lias tc » cn#de-4»K vhtuiu them, -if thermit, speein 1 news of any sort few church people seem to think it is any part o. ftflfiiijUlfitdMijss it to the news pspy waiting to be asked. famfesktapnfiies many ; mjuirit-s fail tc eliijQ wHw, is desired. This isn’t sc much criticism as it is a statement U. facts ft-Jin the newspaper end. 1-lver; up-to-date church should have a soi , ’f bureau of. informatjpu, in charg <{ spmi-btHjy t c£|iahi| ofknowing the "'ays of puMlmty i”o whtilil beli> thi newspaiiers. and more especially help the ehttrehes. bv taking the pains t( give the paper* the information an give it in tihte. not after the paper is ready to go to ptLss, This, would a least remove the complaint sometime heard, which Hs .without sound basis, that the churt-lies- are ignored. Most churches -recognise the value • of newspaper publicity. That is one reason why they Ure 'given such pub iieity'us never before; they make, and should timke. some effort to secure publicity. The C-Hutch that gives some attention to publicity is the church that su-operates with the news-' impi-f that would serve the churches us all jiaitbvs arc ready to do. Those who fail in this respect have, only themselves to blame if they do not get a full Share of the pmulicity. When a woman becomes engaged I she thinks of the furs she will have; Vilen she marries she thinks ofthdi-e she might have had. - - A woman needs only to lx- told she is a fine pvodiic-ticn 'to believe jt for “the rest 0? iter life—a mail’s -clotsix’t tired telling * 1 V , - • - S- - OOOQOOOQOOOOqgOOOOOOOOOG I Let Your | Next, Battery 1 Be An EXIDE Use Only the Best Stewart <nr CHARLES p. STEWART NEA Service Writer WASHINGTON l* Senator Burton K- _ being ft persecuted? A good many df his brother sen ators are going to make up their minds affirmatively unless the gov ernment makes out a stronger case against Mm at his coming trial here than it made out against Him In Montana, on the charge of having acted as '‘fixer” at the In terior Department for Gordon Campbell, 'the oil man. At least that’s the consensus of gossip. around the capltoj now. < PBRSECUTING a senator,' in Other senators’ eyes, is t the worst offense imaginable. Senators are something like roy alty. Kings may quarrel between thdmselves, but let the populace rise up against any particular king and all the other kings are on His side, Their feeling Is that an institu- COTTOX ADVANCES BUT I IATER BECOMES EASY j (Hewer cir New- Orleans rixeiiange' Ejnils I’rices :l to o Points Dower | hlpr Day. New Orleans,' Oct. 'US.— I The cot-1 (on murkrt. was fairly active today | anil Muiiri; flic first hour of trading 1 Pl'ifiVH uiHvuiiml owing to the frees-1 faftwyOwr:dyer the rortlnvest pelt. - Tier in advance of to .’{2 points the’ lhtiiket ittrni-il easier on the claim tint tin freeze had done no ‘‘-'lolls harm but would tin some good by prematurely opening many colls. 3y neon practically all the early ;ain wa - hist .find although the mar- ‘ -i#t ahp'.vrd a'disposition to rally at tnrA ‘it tuvried i-a-y again ini’the ifteififcui and-was at lone time 0 to 11 points below the previous elo.se. he close was a little above the ! jweat, showing net losses for Jlie ; ay of o to 0 [mints. Tte jppt ning was irregulurly. jngji- , r, J|te first trade in December bofing a gain of 27 point's, ivhile ite)|mort|ui gained win 5 IjH ijj | uinfs. The market continued to 1-n a though a ratiter more favor* tb'.e weekly ,-tsfatlier and crop ye-, AJmu exytectcd cauaed . a niodcr-' 1 “ite.a'i I* ti-'B. Ity the huil Os the li st Hour' lii-s-whibcir tradiil up to 1 <ttTl 1.- -r 32 points up, Jaiumry at l!Mjp. iarci; at 10.58 m:d May at 10.02, r t-- -’j P#nts above ye-ott-rjiay's losej gntekt-t then (t|j«#d|oß idnfl ontijufil <fliJtliq downfijraiu- wRK acasnma! ralUes under; pressure of , iqujda i i'ti and hedge selling ttttlil :ear tl 1- md. The dose was ;t mtle tip from the low si The null-kef was j helped -- the end by fears of further freezing temperatures tonight. - te# 1 ant V A.-.-Ai 'l'"- to •iud "fWSiiUI wate? isht-. Tho mill al'egtvs .Uint .tlu* <j#ty ak< ' .»<H).000 of' wfltcx* /jom he l iver daily aud that the - amount s Hitticienr to ( rifvp’.eV the* 'iiowrt- to pvi.tte the plant at isfookford. > Tie- movement of the mill Owners .aincil force when it wa> annottr.ced hat Ihe city of Hickory , would sell vatcr to West Hickory. The mill ! will ullegt* that Hickory has no right to tsi 1 this water to other muntei-! palin- s when the dispccml of it will j •urfail the power for which it j elaihi* water rights. The matter wa -1 nr* ntjSd more or less informally I la -1 night, by Mr. wthtener and no I triik &\_tondo t4NO X ~jj You Becievis f 'rtou Becieve im spire of thcs Yact s 1 Fftoti n\ 3- V\t> TOe SOORI G4M 6fe- SHOWN, MR. jcoyc i>. Teswe S Just Sow -po -nr>u tin-d it m yy j T<F uR C -■ '- ' ‘ , ~%o*nJt)asAtngibn ,§<££.o(et(er* ' tion of which they're a part le be ing attacked. What weakens or overthrows one king threatens the whole kingly syetenf. •• • . PLENTY of senators disliked Senator Wheeler’s investiga tion of the Jtptice department. When he was tndlbtfcd some of them may have hoped the govern ment laid adequate grounds for It. But If it was a “fnupeup,’’ then each senator's attitude is “The same thing may happen to me, when a party I don't belong to Is In control, and I start something Jt wants to stop." So nearly all of them—ls anybody tried to "frame" Senator Wheeler—reseat it per sonally. • • » SHOULD the Washington case against Senator Wheeler fall as flat as the Montana case felk there Is more than likely, then, to be a senotenai Investiga tion to find out what the whole thing was about, boW and why it happened, who began It and all That. ■. ' ** action has .been taken but it was l understood (hat unices re city of i Hickory reachis sonic agreement | with the llrookford mill, regarding I the. water, there will be a legal light, j It was claimed that tile entire usage. lof water for Hickory was' taken j front the pver feeding the. mil! and i that about*7o per eenf of it was car- I lied across to the Catawba river. | City Attorney l'oseph L. Murphy" i- preparing a brief in which lie' will likely contend among other things, that the city of Hickory owns a right of way to the river from whence its water supply is taker and that it owns half of tlje river. No "decided stand wad taken by the city council which will a waif information and advice fropi tln-v city? attorney and other lawyers, Cc -operative Shipment of Livestock, i Sjdra.s N. C., Oct. 28.— UP) —The ! lirtlfc co-operative shipment of live •stetd; ever sent out of .racks®# coun ty wytj- made lust week, when j load ‘of beef cattle was sold ms grow '• ers tof the county through the .eSihrts of T. L. Gwyh and Farm Agent C. W. Tilson. ) Mr. Tilson s reports that fafouM and litwifips inienS of tli« jujfqjy: arc much stfrsttpi irt this inttfcniimt Ad ’'other khflirift'htx ' will fbllflw as ’siffm as tile cattle Can be brought together. Mr. Ttison also reports <m recent sif-' Jiwejpn| jf jfarm fei ail? basinesiSafelj 4t SuGerfimK'Bt wmA time plqtijK Titfffrfr twaW the future agricultural development of Jackson county. ‘ Many a inn if loses his balance when ■ he settles liis wife’s blits. L , i > Watch Your Frail, v/Piiny Child Grow Strong— Take On. Weight oft—wciSinn A After sicknes. and AwNHhJf at;e suspected .they ♦(*s Vwiperatly yalu-. an>. ' No" nNeil 't.V (live "t llSTf"ltllV' *»>*• fljfcfy • 'Coil »• LiuAf? sHfcSf|ese fuh'ets are Ak'de'io tfcfWfW' (feace of that good hut, eyjl .smelling, stomach upsetting medic.iiip arid they "surely (l!> jift They dto jfnt on flesh. Ask the l’earl Drug Company or !any druggist for-McCoy's Cod I.iver I Oil Compound Tablets—as easy to I take as candy and not at all cx i pensive—(id tablets (it) cents, j lie sure and get McCpy's. the orig i iiial and genuine ami-give Lie child a | chance for 30 days. If yon aren't de- I lighted with results you get your I money hack. ", 1 '- " - - fgooooooooooooooooooeoopoooooooooooooooooooooooooa*- HALLOWE’EN f :|| SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st For Hallowe’en Parties— > Dinners, Celebrations •We have a full line of Hallowe’en ij; ; Novelties, Decorations, Masks, Tal- ij: iji li es > Black Cats, Pumpkins, Witches, j .iji etc. Prices right. Large stock. | Kidd-Frix Music & Stationery Co iji S Phone 76 58 S. Union St., Concord, N. C. !]' OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAOfKKf • KAYSERS HOSIERY ' j All the New Season’s Colors A Pure Thread Silk Stocking that jj Will Wear Light Weight, Medium Weight and ... J* 1 Heavy Weight 9 Kaysers Slipper Heel Stockings | | t ff'Fkstin Pashion I I DELCQJ.IiGm Light Plants and; Batteries ' -r-r '".L Up r ,. ; v * , | j Deep and Shallow VV ell Pumps for Direct or Alter orating current and Washing-. Machines for direct or alter Boating current J'„. R H OWEN Agent S" I’™ 1 ’™- ft> Concord. N t o . .v . ■ ' 9’ Vi0n ° oooog>n Qooooooc<y>oo6e»xx>oooooi^o(x>oooooo<x»ooo»j« have YOU SEEN VUE SIMMONS’ NEW GRACEUNE"' AVE-vSTEEE BEDS? In White, Copper Oxidized and Beautiful Wood Finishes? Embracing the tiew shape post and filler made exclusively By Simmons. Come and sec Them Today H. B. WILKINSON Out of the High Rent District Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville China Grove CYLINDER REBORING I We liuve installed a Rottler Kebpring machine so ihtii we run rc , bole Hie cylinders of ears uitfl lit new pistons, rings and wrist pins ■ . without removing the motor from the fraine. thereby saving a large B' labor charge. Just give us u trial and eonviuee yourself. We carry a full Jirio of Goodrich Tires, Tubes, l’iston Kings and I Pins, Itlisco brake lining, Spurt on Horns, Prest-O-Lite I 111111! Auto Soap and Polish ami Genuine Ford Parts.'l; , .a, '■ J NTLDKBAKEK &ALKIS AND SERVICE E Auto Supply & Repair Co. PHONE aas . i PAGE SEVEN

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