Saturady, October 31, 1&35 §« Gar ment Too Fancy Our Clean ers— l_— Use VON-O-LIN Holds the Color as H Cleans II Delicate laces, ribbon sashes, y elaborate embroidery it - y matters not what the dress or I its adornment, our improved y process with VON-O-LIN , I brings your clothes back just p Hke new. Negro Ministers Favor I'niflcatiou. Rnleigli. Oct. 30.—OP)—Ministers (tending tile annual North Carolina legro conference of the Methodist upiscopal Church in session here to a.v voter! 71 for and 4 against unifl ation with the M. K. Church,"South. 1 ray delegates will vote on the ques- I ion later today. *■ | | OUT OUR WAY . / BY WILLIAMS fwlv MOMENTS WED UKETD LIVE OVER- J.R’« , lA^»a , TME-MORNIMSr AFlfeß-tt<E MISHtT BEFORE K MOM’N POP BY TAYLOR U■*Tl f nSudStSt®®’) 1 D< ?£ rKM <w-7f I've called \ There WASNONeEDI TEfe TO JMV NERVES HAVE A DOCTOR'rfSWELL J TofiAtLA DOCTOR - habits ossu KB£«sg“ ssS?[■asffisaawi agas lijnffi iw— . * I TOBACCO EXCESSIVELY- S - TWILL I , BH , TAKE MV ADVICE AND S\ BE SAVINS ( ‘o| 'Hi Mitchell Court OflkieU ’ I > I BOOTH MORELAND More officials of the Mitchell coti rt-Martial are shown above.' They are: Brig. Gen. Ewing E. Booth, com mandant cavalry school, Fort Riley, Kas.. member of court v <-’ol. Blanton Winship, First Carps 'Area headquar frrs, Boston, law member of court; Col. Sherman More Land. Fifth Corps Area headquarters, Columbus, 0., judge advocate; Col. H. A. White. Mitch ell s military counsel. Ford-" Bankers Shares.” Dearborn Weekly. We are now receiving inquiries from clergymen in all parts of the country, i though mostly West and South, re-1 garding the offer of si-called “Bank-1 ers Shnres” of stock in Ford Motor I Company of Canada. For more than a year the facts about this form of l speculation have been broadcast by l newspapers. Better Business Bureaus and Chambers of Comemrce, but still the chase after “suckeVs" goes on, The exploiters of the “Bankers Shnres" seem to know that they can ply their : art safely because whole sections of our population remain wilfully ig- • noraut ot plainest business facts. | What ib a “Bankers Share”? It is l commonly one share of Ford of Can- 1 ada stock split up into 100 parts. The name Bankers Share* is given iu for effect. The buyer of a “Bankers' Share” does not own a share of stock at all, but the one-hundredth part of a share owned by ifomeone else, i Ford of Canada stock was recently quoted on the stock market at S4XS a (share. The exploiters of-“ Bankers Shares’* usually sell them at .$lO each. That is, there being 100 such “Bankers Shares” “in one share of (Stock, the exploiter gets SI,OOO for I what is quoted at $435 The $515 difference between buy . ing and selling makes tile deal very i profitable to the “banker”—whoever he may be. Usually he is not a bank er. He is oftener a faker who has aectuired a few shares of Ford of Canada stock and is using the' Ford name as a bait to hook the savings of poor people. And poor people, lured • by lies of b'g profits, let their savings | go. j Clergymen, just now, seem to be the particular victims selected to he ’‘per mitted to invest.” Some of them have exercised their common sense in mak ing inquiries before acting. Others have swallowed the misleading litera ture whole. The scheme a prod uct of the swindling, type mind. Peo ple should be warned against it: ttt* CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE 4. TrfK big AUTO RACES " t Premier Speed Kings of America to Return to Qiarlotte Speedway. Charlotte, N. C\, Oct. M.-t-Forti fied by a string of victories on the motor ' speedways from coast to coast, premier speed kings of Aroer ica return to the Charlotte Speed way, November 11th, Armist'ice Day, primed for, a contest which will test the skill of drivers aim tlio per formance of the fast cars in raee omd. Drivers who were placed far down the list of winners in the first two Charlotte races since have had a taste of victory. They are coming back able to point to achievements 011 the other speedways as proof that theirs Is no disputed claim to the victor’s crown. A setting has been given the ap proaching race entirely different from the way the speed demons stood prior to the last Charlotte race in May. Pete DePap.o is iresh from his terrific grind of 500 miles in the Indianapolis event, but will be hard pressed by a coterie of dar || ing aces who have tuned their ' speedy mounts in gruelling contests [ | that brought fresh laurels to those who could set the fastest paee. The youngster. Bob '"McDonogh. clinched his claim to a place in . racing nunals by capturing the Labor Day classic at Altoona. The . Fresuo race produced 11 victory for Fred Comer, always among "the al ; so rans” at Charlotte. Harry Hart*, who makes a special ty of stirring second pace finishes, 1 was second at Syracuse and fourth at Altoona. Bennett Hill gave Comer a rim for his money and was placed second at Fresno. Two other knights of the boards, who were forced out of the last' Charlotte race by trouble, have been “in the money” on other tracks. Dr. William Slmttuc, mil-' 1 liouaire racing physician, drove a smashing race at Fresno, while Jerry Wonderlieh, (He dll ring “Sheik of Hollywood,” was among the first few at Syracuse. Httrtz, by virtue of his ownership pf the cars piloted by Comer and Diirny. in three races, saw liis fleet gather in one first place, two seconds and a fourth. If recent perforinauces count for anything in reckoning possibilities in tlie* next 250 miles championship feature at Char’dtte. it will be far from a, one man victory. Success ire recent racing ventures will: matc(m l.v heighten the thrill.of the dash for a share in the $25,000’ in prize money and u higher standing in an mini championship of motor racing. Reserve scats for the Charlotte classic have been put on sale at the S. & W. Cafeteria in Charlotte. Mail Orders are receiving prompt atten tion from Osmond 1.. Barringer, General Manager, Charlotte, X. C. CAROLINA-V. M. I. GAME"" Elat nr alti Plans Being Made For th' Game November 7th. Chapel Ilili, Oct. 30.—The Caro liua-\. M. I. game in Richmond or November Tilt will rival the Oaioiina- Virginia games of years ago in bril liance and general interest, according to elaborate plans afoot here and ii Richmond. As for the game itself, appears now that two evenly matched team; wi'l face each other. Which mean that the contest ought to bo tremend usl.v interesting from start to fin ish. lint the sidelights will form an important part of the day’s program Among t’j'e spectators will be a di titiguished host of notables from •North Carolina-aud Virginia. Among the Virginia notables Who have ac eepted an invitation to attend are Gcvernor-Eelect and Mrs. Byrd, Col Dallam, chief <of staff of ihe 80th di vision, the maybr of Richmond am’ others. Governor McLean and otbe: North Carolina notables are beiir urged to attend. There will be a big mass meeting in I'he lobby of the Jefferson Hote’ on the morning of the gutfie, when student bodies from the two institu tions will cheer and sing alternately and the rival bands will get into ac tion. Tlic \ . M. I. Club of Richmond is 1 in charge of arrangements there. A special train-will be run from here to take North Carolina rooters to the game. There will be Pullman accommodations. The train will leave 'here Friday night and leave Richmond Saturday night. The round trip fare will be $0.72 The student body is >utluisiast,ie about the game and will be well represented. American postmasters bud t'ae franking privilege in the early days. ooeooooooooooooooooooooo Let Your j Sfext Battery Be An EXIDE : Use Best OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO. Stewart 6Y CHARLES P. STEWART NEA Service Writer WASHINGTON Ralph Beaver Strassburger of Pennsylvania. That man Will be nation lly very prominent yet. Outside his own state, who knew 'anything about him prior to the apring of 1924? Nobody but his personal friends. At that point he | took a notion to get his name on (the Republican ticket .for the No vember presidential election. He could see that President Coolidge was going .to get first place but the vice presidential (nomination seemed to be available. Strassburger put in his bid for it as nonchalantly as if it were something of no particular im portance he was asking for. • • • VU7EI,L, he didn’t get it' -He s-ySI wasn’t even a strong con tender. Nevertheless the made an im pression. Starting from absolute ly nowhere, he got himself men tioned as one of the candidates He came out of the convention, not exactly known to everybody, like Douglas Fairbanks, but heard Os by politicians and newspaper •pen thrCughout the eountrv any way Nor had his campaign been al together ridiculous.' One thing, if Profit For Mills Goes Up Faster Than Cotton Drops jlaleigli News and Observer. , • While the price of cotton to farm-1 ers hn< dropped from 24 to If) ‘ cento' a pound 'inet* August 1, the margin j of pr« lit ro manufacturers under the j inutie from cotton has ad-j vaneed from four to *?vcn cents u j npuid durii g the same period, ar- | row!ing to figures compiled anti ; ’ottchfi' for by- the Merchants’ Nu- I tioiMil Rank of Boston . which b! (bout a,< f;tr away front any prejn- j dice that might be attributed to an! insfihitii t, in the cotton belt as’ it , • pcs-ih'.c to get. The figures of the Boston bank' •bowing the “spread between cotton! -liid good in eeuts per pound follow: i Van-: duly 5, 11124, 3.42 cents; August 1. 11)25, (1.12 cents; October | 7. 11125. 11.22 cents. Print cloths; July 5, 11124. 12.1,s rents: August 1. 11)25, 17.04 cents; JNWRITTEN LAW . FAILS TO WORK Jan \\ Ito Killed Alleged Violator of Home is Found Guilty. Asheville, Oct. 30.—-The unwßiUcn aw was was-given iitt’.e ltctitl |to lay in Swain county superior epurt t Rrj'ison City when a verdict of under in the second degree was rc ui-ncd in the case of AI Dorsey ’.urged with slaying Troy Muse of In vide, in a pistol due! on the ■veiling of September 21. Sentence .i 1 probably be pronounced-, Tttes «.v by Judge James L. Webb. Ihe verdict of guilty wltielu was fought to the court room Wlteii the art returned after deliberating tin our anti 20 minutes was apparently lot unexpected. The court room was row (led. ' \ Solicitor Grover Davis, of Way nesvillc, had asked for a verdict of nurdcr it: the second degree. In hits charge to the jury, Judge iVcbb denounced tile so called mt writleil law declaring that it doc not exist and directed the jury to reach its verdict upon the law in volved. The defense had entered a plea of insanity and self-defence, (lie same flint had been employed with great sic • • -s in the Cole ami Brooks trials, uni throughout the trial there were tiVERETT TRUE Bl CONDO t- RIGH i / 111 t/a kg cd ne ow V T-riESB. <3-IVE ME ONE THAT'S r IN <3.00D COiVPITION. THIS OIVE -- HAS A A NICK T LET'S See, cOfL THAT'S ALL RIS-HT, THAT JtoN'T HLRR.T ANV- mrus.. nothing else, redeemed it from that. Strassburger was opposed by Governor Pinchot as Pennsyl vania delegate-at-large to the Cleveland convention. He beat the governor soundly, which wasn’t a (eat to be sneezed at, though only of state-wide proportions, • * • SOME TIME ago Mr. and Mrs. Strassburger, visiting the French seaside rer -t of Deau ville, met Countess arolyi of Hungary Hhd invited Her to visit them in this country. Later the countess arranged to come, but when she applied for a passport vise Secretary of State Kellogg refused, saying she was barred by law, as e communist, from the United States. • • * This nettled Strassburger, who called on Secretary Kellogg to pro test but got no satisfaction. So the best way for him to do some thing about it appears to be for him to break into the Senate There he can talk and maybe act. Penn - sylvania elects a senator next year. 1 Strassburger wouldn't confirm the report while in Washington, but they say he intends to chuck hla hat into the ring, with Senator Pepper’s, Congressman Vare's and Gov Pinchot’s.’ If he does he'll be a factor to ba reckoned with, as Pinchot, at ant rate, can testify., ■ I October 17, 11)25. 23 81 cents, j Sheeting: July 5. 1024. 5.31 •cents; August 1, 1025. 7.64 cents: | October 17. 1025. 23.31 cents, j Ducks ar-d drills: July 5, 1024. j 7.01 cents: August 1. 1025, 11.17 ; cents: October 17. 1025. 15.63 cents. J The above figures are taken as i showing l conclusively that cotton j mil’.- have entirely recovered from ; the depressing conditions of a year ! ago and are now only limited by the I consumption of cotton goods ami it is expected that this consumption j will increase rather titan decrease. | Wolf known cotton brokers are j predicting that if the present esti i mates of a 15.000.000 hale crop of - cotton are fulfilled that present’ • prices of cotton- will go even lower, lat least temporarily, but that if the | estimates- should prove to be too large that prices will show a dis tinct trend upward. frequent niusfons to the charge made by Dorsey to the effect, that Muse had violated his homo. BRAVE WOMAN KILLS i 140 ANGRY RATTLERS Wife <ff Kanchinan Saves ller Life an:! That of Her Little Child. Fort Lepton, Colo., Oct. 80.— Mrs. H. H. S’.uutcrback, wife of a rancher near here, killed 140 rattle -nakes with a club yesterday in a | twc-liour battle for her life and that of her three year old child. Mrs. Slanterbark said she was riding on t-.ersei.aek .through a pasture on her, husband's ranch and was carrying her child. Discounting to open the gate, sho heard the warning rattle and saw a snake nearby. Si!-- picked up a stiek and killed it. Immediately a second snake ap peared. then a third. They came by twos, threes, fours and final y by the dozen, she said. In a' few minutes she was hemmed in by scores of angry* serpents while her baby citing .to the horse nearby. Frantically wielding the club, she disposed of the snakes as they came within reach. Mrs. Slauterback was net bitten. Two ranchers went to the scene aud verified Mrs. Slauter baek's story. Photographs also nave been taken as evidence of the at!-] venture. I ———n, I j - -Jg | "The way of truth is like a great road. It is not difficult to know. The evil > is only that men will not seek it. Do you go home and search for itF-wMaus This newspaper make' ’ ,: ~Wul your search for the truth. If you meet a friend and he tells you of some thing that has happened, you believe him. You believe him because he is your friend. This newspaper is your friend. It is its aim to present to you only truthful news. The local news and the world news of The ASSOCIATED Press is entertainingly presented and it is truthfully presented. Nothing is guessed at —an honest endeavor is made to give without bias only the facts. Treat this newspaper as your friend—it will present to you only truth in local and world news. | KAYSERS HOSIERY i' - \ All the New Season’s Colors A Pure Thread Silk Stocking that J j Will Wear I Light Weight, Medium Weight and I j Heavy Weight j Kaysers Slipper Heel Stockings I 3 Are the First in Fashion RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. : 1 - E DELCO LIGHT i; . ? Light Plants and Batteries j « J Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or -\lter- ' J nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or AD 1 5 ternating Current. £ R. H. OWEN, Agent 5 --Phone 669 Concord, N. C. ' r^? e f 3^ 3OOOe3O< ttQQaGOOOOC>OOOOOCXXKXX3OO9Qr*KMKKXKK>9 f pi 1 1 j ij | . IT have you seen the simmons’ new graceline ALL-STE>EL BEDS? In \\ Lite, Copper Oxidized and Beautiful Wood Finishes? Lmbiacing the new shape post and filler made exclusL r ely By Simmons. Come and see Them Today ' H. B. WILKINSON Out of the Hijzh Rent District . r - Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville China Grovfe jj CYLINDER REBORING • « ° have installed a Rottler Rcbortng machine so that we can re- M |j rc lc i’yhudcrs of cars ami tit new pistous, rings and wrist pins jjl I I without removing the motor from the frame, thereby saving a large h H u hoi‘ charge. Just give us » trial and convinee jxmrself. (;:{ . carry a full line of Goodrich Tires, Tubes, Piston Rings and j„ H Musvo brake liniug. Sparton Hor«>, PrestO-LUo Butteries, I; t': Whig Auto Soup and Polish and Genuine Ford Parts. ' ? ft i STI DKBAKEK SALES AND SERVICE _ | Auto Supply & Repair Co. , RHONE 228 -• . _ _ .... , |" PAGE SEVEN

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