PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN [; Young Chickens. Ed i [■Ep.'Ct#fc Company. 3-lt-p. Hffurc Park Sausage. Veal. Choice i Phone Hu Ats. Sanitary tiroeery Co. I Dollar Bill on Hast Cor- M bin Stfeet. Reward. Mrs. How- Hpgrd Paggart, 123 East Corbin St. *3-lt-l),C: Hippies. .tpples, Car Lead Bulk Apples.' KpUso western boxes and New York H 'state baskets. Phone ns. 565. Ed HRipaok Co. 3-Bt-p. Mt—Fur Neck Piece. Return to ■pf. S. J.. Ervin. 3-2 t-p. If Rent—Two Connecting Rooms par’ light housekeeping. For infor mation regarding tids ail. phono J 761 R or apply to P. E. Todd at j HKjpeu-Tribune office. S-ts. t* Sale—November 10th at 1 o'clock BKm horses, one wagon. harness. S*plows, barrows, corn planters, cot Sjfbn pl|ijters. other farmer imple ijricnts. ,J. 1. Crowell. Route 2. Ml. ! ITeasaat. 5-3 t-p. I |- 1 _ j Trained , Nurse (Colored) Desires t- Work, a Eight years' experience. fCnll Phone 2:i!l. Res. V.PI N. Spring gSt, * :n-;st-p. j pr Sale—Chrysanthemums. Plume j | 328 R. Mrs. I’. C. Cook. 31-31-x. j JUy Home Oil East Depot Street For [ hale, ojj will trade for small farm j Linear etty. Jesse R. McLellau. I 26-t -is 1 iStarfPlayer;and Patient ir. » ~ m * 1 **' m : ** IBf j B i . I p fe = s.X ■ B«« we have Max Carev, star outfielder of the Pittsburg' Pirates, playtn* Kwo roles. -ghat of sturdy athlete' and a very sick young man. Shortly I the close of the series Carey, the outstanding star, was taken to the ■hospital. -JT'leunsy, brought on liv a eollision with Manager Harris ot ■Washington in the fifth gam", is the trouble. He's dolng as well as.**: uncivil. as they nay in the hospital. *•— IEFIRDS I I BARGAIN BASEMENT I Is Well Furnished With I OUTING, GINGHAM, I SHEETING SHOES 1 SWEATERS UNDERWEAR E and so on at Wonderful Bar- E I gain Giving Prices ■ E . Mk.. j I Wanted—Quilts to Quilt. Mrs. Joe j I>. Moose, 166 East, Depot Street, j 3-lt-p. V. j Beans, Pintts, White Lima, Great northern, pink, white peas and, dry sugar iieas. Phone us, 365. Ed M. Cook Co. 3-lt-p. If You Want a Home in Concord John Gross will sell your a lot at a bar gain on easy terms. Call 217 W. • Will be glad to show you those lots. S-2t-p. Fresh Shipment Shelled Pecans. Al monds. English walnuts, crystallised j cherries, oranges, lemons, ami cit ron. Phone tiSii and 676. Sani tary Grocery Co. 3-lt-p. Car Load New York Produce—Tur nips, carrots, beets, cabbage, apples, onions Send pears. Phone 563. Ed M. Cook Co. 3-3 t-p. For Sale—Six-riotn House and Lot 100x142 feet on Pine Street neat' Depot Street. Very desirable. A small tract of land with good build ings on highway two miles from court bouse. Jno. K. Patterson. Agent. 3-flt-p. | Cement and Concrete Work. Get Our estimate and bid. Brice Slooop & Co. Phone 161. 27-10 t-p. j Notice Friend: I Am Now With the | Reid Motor Co., See me for Ford i products. S, O. Edtllemaii. Res. i phone 471 R. Office plume 220. | 2-6 t-chg. ; Moving and Hauling, Local and Long j distance. Day or n ; ght. Brice Sloop & Co. Phone 101. 1 27-10 t-p. IN AND ABOUT TOE CITY > * PAVLEY-(H KRAINSKY HERE BEFORE PARIS ENGAGEMENT Their Gorgeous Dance Spectacle to Bfc < Presented at High Sctieol on N«n vetnher 24th. t Due to the fact ; that the Parley-' Ouk rail inky Ballet Rush? *Uasr previ ously contracted fer a three months* , engagement at the Mogador Theatre , in Paijs. it has been possible to in- i elude only a very few leading Ameri-. i can cities in a short tour bes >re the j railing of this world-famous dancing * . organisation in December. T'.iis is one of the fortunate cities ] included in a six weeks' booking of programs which represent the highest peak of terpsiehorean art. More , than half a dozen new ballets, con- j reived and executed while Andreas { Parley and Serge Oukrainsky and { their Ballet Kusse were winning new ] laurels in South and Central America, and given their first acclaimed pre- i miers ai the Century Theatre in Xew r ; York four weeks ago. as well as some old favorites will comprise the jro- i gram at the High School auditorium j on November 24th. Mr. Pavley brings with his com- ( pany the four pmeriere (laiKseusCs who , •have won laurels with the ballet dur- ] ing its I'hieago and San Garion Grand Opera seasons in Chicago and New | York. They are the Miles. Milar. s Elisius, Bennett and Compaua. A j symphony orchestra, directed by Adolf ; Schmid will accompany the dancing. The program features the new one- , act baiiet. “Trianon”, inspired by the , music of \Mozart aiftl Saint-Saens. to ; be given for the tiivt time in this j city. li is a joyous and colorful creation concerning the playful jam! , hapi>y episodes t’hat take place in the wondrous gardens of Trianon near Paris. Wit. humor and subtle satire ( chara< tf{rize this ballet, as well as the light-heurted charm of flirtatious pranks. Eleven varied divoi ti*semeut.v con clude the program, including Bee- , thoven's “Holland i>am*e ': stendeE ssohn's "Bird and Serpent”: Boro- < dines "ahce’ , t “Russian DanccT: Strauss’ "lUue Danube”; HandePs "Largi)“: Gamie's “Victory”;' V’ogrich-Berber * “Orientals* ami "Czar .d;ts.” • . ■ • NEW NI MBERS PI.At ED f the. city Kliould not bccTVttrc uudUi\ aVarmed if some ► stranige ipau walks, un to /heir front ( j pulls something out of a bag lie at* carrying, und, ttnks tlus' *h|uj3 in a conspicuous spit Var tliy |4« -iilu-r a viiiuhi! imr’a biR- KliEjiiml (!»• |ioliyv sk'niiM; uot Ui i .illji in siR yi'obaßiiitj hv vyi! 1 imly bo one us t'.ie three y.nim; men, fiiir' l'apt. (>uiut city enjiti liet-e. i- -emliins onl fur tile purpose of juitliiif; new littnibers nn lioll Y'- eommeiiei’ii several (Tilt's iijJtV 1 egnAiberiii"; The s-tfee’rs anti part vff tint..biiM'ness seitifin of the eiiy has' - aiIIHRIy been t’eTeir. I.itße eliunse wiik-Biadc in this part of Coneortl blit it As said that there will lie liiiteh 1 shifriie; of nnnibers nt'er The residen tial-fiorl ion of the erty before the work i- 'finished; For years. accoMling to Caplain SinU‘,l. one of tlw worst things about Ci neyrd was the way in which the houses were numbered, and. in many eases, were not numbered. Strang ers found it impossible to make their way abuts the town by any means other than by impiiry. Last year the street names were elected, which i-laritied the muddle considerably. With the new and more systematic niet’oodjjt nmnher ing the homes, there sl/rnld be no oc casion for any future trouble on this St'ore. ‘ Captain Smith declared that the work would be rushed to eotnpieti. t; , as rapidly as possible. The new I numbers, he pointed our, are black in color, whereas the old ones were of a silvered appearance. MR. BLANKS PREPARING NEW KI'ROPFAN TRIP Plans te Take Party Abraail' Again Witli Visits to Priiieipal tnntiiien tal Comitries. f Mr. Blanks, t'oncord's best booster j and hardest worker, lias couinieaeed to work out the details of his new tour to Europe. After such a successful trip as the one which lie abroad last 1 summer, many of the people of the | city mid slate are already making their plans to go with him Phis year. Although the details -of the itiner ary have by no means been completed, I be has made a rough draft of tite places he expects to visit on his sec i' ohtl Carolina tour. He will visit. ; f>e says, England, Norway. The Laud of Midnight Stin. Holland, Germany. Switzerland and France. The date set for sailing is July 3rd, with the Leviathan as the boat in Which he will travel. After leav ing England, the party will take a week's cruise up to North Capes and tin* Land of the Midnight Sun. From ; Caere the Central European countries i are to be visited. The trip last summer, in which there were over twenty Conrfird peo ple, was made to England. Belgium, Holland. France. Switzerland ami Italy. This year's route is very dif ferent. several new countries being visited. y Already persons ate writing for in formation and particulars, declaring that they are anxious to be booked in this party. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS ( YRD OF THANKS. [ .We wish to express our apprecia tion for tile sympathy and kindness shown us during the illness and deatli 5 of our daughter. Also for the beau -5 tiful Dowers. K Mr. AND MRS. S. C. FLOWK. e 3-lt-p. / THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNt MONDAY' MKKTING BEGINS WORR FOR NEW HOSPITAL* Civic Organizations and Doctors in Session to About Securing Duke MoHCy. Impetus was given in the movement which has for its aim the acquisition of a new hospital in Concord when, on Monday afternoon, committees from three of the local civic organiza tions and the Cabarrus County Med ical Society met in the Si. O. A. and took initial steps in the matter' which is of vital interest in the com munity. -V committee was appointed which shall have preliminary inquiries in charge ami shall report hack to - the group of committees as scon as the desired information is obtained. This committee is composed of five mem bers as follows: Dr. T. N Spencer, president of the Chamber of Commerce: Dr. I’. R. MacFailyen, Dr. Joe A. Hartsel,, Dr| R. it. Rankin and J. I’. Cook. Mr. Cook was selected by the committee itself to ac( as chairman. Work which these five men have to do. as outlined in *he meeting, is to communicate with /members of the Duke foundation to see if there is any possibility Vis getting the hospital here, to find what the requirements are, ami to then determine whether it will be possible to meet with these requirements. Ju tite latter case, however, it is considered probable that a general comnunittce meeting will lie called 1A discuss tlic matter before final dis posal is made of the proposition. The meeting Monday afternoon was called by Dr. T. N. Spencer and in tite absence of Dr. Spencer, George 1.. Patterson, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, presided. It was brief and to the point. Soon after being called to order F. J. Haywood presented the motion that a. committee be appointed with duties a> outlined above. It was put to a vote and Mr, Patterson ap pointed the committee ns named. Im niediateh after the general meeting, the newly appointed committee had a meeting in which it determined on ■ its epijrse of action. Tite (movement to secure a hospital ’for Cpneard from the Duke fund, f th«ugf i geuerajl.v talked for soyo* time past. Igd its iiicepnion when Rotary -and Kfwauis dubs took artficial action niaY 'declared themselves ready to hic k such a increment, Monday's meeting came as a result of this declaration. Not only are the HotUry aftil Ki wapis clubs hacking the, effort to got, 'money for, a mew hospital, not thm Chamber of Commerce is 'interested and also the (faharrus County Mortd fcal- As- *-iati . "(I'’' 'll Nqvv Power Schedule luereascn hy' llalf a'Day Running Time of Loral I’lanlL Rains in the,.western |u»*t* < f the soil': during the past apwritl. ivenkn .are iesponsibh-i'for 'tint chjtngo in the P w,er. si' as angotilicod Munilay *'u> tiie Southern.' lhitve.n On. Tiie Wftfer situation insofar asethe ptewer’ rompgny i coneenied. . Was heenj wv. improved* Ip rite tarns that the ban on power hue hren lifted for half « day "iieli week for all plants'served' liy 'the coin pa fry. . -dt i The new ruling means that heal plants using "jitiee'' from Hie liowee eoiiilPiiny must stand only front T'turs r. Ma farlaml declared presented the|| adosi serious situation in Europe to- ' day and to meet this and other con ditions the League of Nations should readjust or reinterpret tiie Treaty of Wish i lies. He urged the people of the Cnited Stuns to usd*their influence to per suade ail governments to treat luinor ititi with sympathetic consideration, adding that “the government of the Cnited States cannot be deaf and blind to these situations without eul- , liability for any disaster that may ensue." ! Czechoslovakia was comniemled for ittl attitude toward religious minori ties. which I)r. Macfarlnud said to mime extent sets an example for ttie resi of Europe. The Lithunninu Situation was he’.ppd by .permitting churches of German speaking people to have organic relationship with rheir sister churches in Germany. “The situation in Poland lias been greedy aggravated, however." he said, “an i the mistake of the Rumanian government, is not so niiicli in what it i> trying to do. as jt is the method ( emi'd yd. “The Kumainia effort to induce uniformity and identity gt one stroke of tivo people of such differ ing language, customs and traditions is the eoni mi salon of both a wrong and a blunder, especially when this is’ attempted by -forcible means. . “The most sensitive point is that of the confessional schools and. while the Rumania government will find sympathy for its efforts to develop -a' pul, school system, the ntutner -in which it is taking over the confi's- ■ sioiiai schools and properties, involv ing tie sudden disperseuieut of both faculties and pupils, is the serious thing “There is probably wo dnftbF but Winii these Hungarian populations fife dbvimtsfy very far from being Whole hearted. loyal 'citizens ho Rnmatiia.'j Und if is quite probable Hurt men 'ns-’: sfieiati'd in a responsible way with the 'imp-lies are participating ftJ a bloc in' i>o4itfr?nl affairs: It erfn ais-v hardly be dkirfeil that on prevolUs is*- casions, l 1 a slnii ar ermtse'with alien ntinoHHed. The ditfieultj 'fk thtH ifiipafent ly" Ilir iftania .uqUihUUig. -Uig-aihl- jmtUuaL.., Ilf leyeiige. repression and force. . “’ll Is, 1 olivitniH'bnougb ttvati the dfed-> (j on record hvitht the'Leugttdmff iKon I; ttiiiV- i- no I being observed-efrtu-v in t. leltj, i o)-; in iqdgitp Bad it ik ,ln* 'itofieil tiiat the League of Nation* 1 > U$ tlut it i* gafhering slid*, moral and Inftlllinee. limy b» a*vle tu iyffW se’ its proper ran Uni in tins* . sititntioiis, ... - .j; .'i R.. . ,/i:s “jt* does lev alter Hie. JhiHsli situar; ifop by .-ay ingot hut tite Foies iwtit, jin nr . frenttHg .v.w ttba* ‘wuyi n ine‘Germans oihv , tvrated. Haef IVihesc - i It ip il iiuer-tion- Us dill »i|iether -a- view dialer is to Inigg Justhsi and pnmu ~ of tm* old order is simply to neiqieaii- • ate ,Qie u ur. ' . After eOnteastiug Hie efforts made i in tSzcelioslovnkia. and Lithuamig* ’to hHng. about a better treatment of mi norities. Dr. .YiunfaeJand sakl . 1 loss: 1 danger si«its were made so by Iccepivig alive the political condition.*! anil methods, the national and avi- i tagOmsms. and the social and redho-. , mis inaldjuaataieuts tilt fidlpeili ito lirmg on the war. 0,. Why tarheeua wins. A.-fieville Citizen. (hie reason why North Carolina «n far' outstrips Virginia in industrial progress is that Virginia lints 'irifle-, sensible burdens of taxation upon ili coi-|M*rated companies while this state, through dealing with them fairly' in 11 1 a t“ respei-t .encourages tbelli to lo cate and operate within hm bounda ries. According to The Manttfac t miers' Record. Mr. J. H. Humbert, president of the Covington (Va.) Ma chine Company, received tiie follow ing communication from'a group of New Yorkers who liad contemplated investing in industry in Virginia : "We are in receipt of your favor regarding the plant at Covington, ami in reply we ivofkt state that when we first to"*- the matter up of a change \ve considered the State of Virginiu, tint upon investigation we found that their tax laws were absolutely imjKis -ihje as far as. incorporated companies are concerned, und for a persons with any means io reside in Virginia seem ed out of the question: that their . Inns are absolutely beyond any laws of any other state; that uimj.ii investi gation their inheritance jlyoptM-d all ' ousideration of the State of Virginia, and at tlw same time, on taking this matter up with our friends, came lathe conclusion that it was best for us to sell all holdings of stock, incor porated in tiie State of Virginia on account of their laws. Having done so. we arc continually running against men who are doing the same. You can easily see. therefore, the itn- . possiibilit.v of considering the State, of Virginiu in any move that we may contemplate.” North Carolina, her governors and legislatures long ago iwrceived that one fund ion of government was to promote the material welfare of the., community. They have made poli- " ties in the Old North State a staff on which clean, big anil progressive loi-iness can lean. They hi|te re fu-nd. to prefer one kind of p tv] S'tty io another in any respect. -Making every man ami every company hear a rightful share of tuXatipli. they have i ilcinenstrntetl to the wtoeld and ilk • capital that in North Cttrojinu cuter priHe and courage backed bx money • hay* do limits auve those set by their i own capacities. * I W'licii every state in the Hon Hi I wakes up to the importance of Unit policy, a fuUer und richer day for , Hie South tu> U whole will dawu. V ,r : ) .Jr- : . . »»■ . ■■ ■ . . , .. . ..... „ , ,mmrn • Citizens Bank and Trust Company RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS CHAB. B. WAGONER. Present C. U PROPST. Cashier ' A. F. GOODMAN, Vice President BOYD RIGGERS Asst. Cashier M. L. MARSH E. C. BARNHARDT GEO. L. PATTERSON P. F. STALLINGS W D. PEMBERTON J. F. GOODMAN A. F. GOODMAN A. N. JAMES k. R. HOWARD L. UMBERGER CHAS. B. WAGONER We lend money on approved security. ' ■ • THE HOME OF 1 We receiVe de P« s its subject to check.. GOOD BANKING We issue Certificates of Deposit bearing four per cent, interest. \ t / ' Warm Ro oms to Dress hi On cofd',' winter ;. L * .. . ' open draft—and alrriost immediately the heat Double s * amed M«t "bodies ■rtegms so radiate. ,4n jua fj ""fTOrm room toTress'^ ft where LOTH’S. HQTr. „ r ,, Ini.-! .d|,G'.':i e./..IIII'I; J *■ I - .\ PW j*. BLAS Tis the selected heatKt. Jd : ~, t. , j s -. mi. •«»«..., i,, • »„»*>, •. • '-> <■• » - r<«hosd > *. . il-»! -.T vtioVr' •;. >i v i :>•.:ri id *»* isl- di* ;<• • • t** -i hj till )>i ZZ asd; JL"bigiemttgh'\heater barns i>.ni i ’ Let us shov^ you,Jat>wi to. Mdse frl’tiiig ’' «/•"$/' eb 'M «»d less :uel, "too small." Be sure to get l- '' with' LOTH’-iS HOT-^IiAST„ down-draft we fa m>na* *«* 4° t?W . •' ! °! -ii 1 i work. ' .» -> (heater. ...... , __ __ > Yorke & Wadsworth Co, Stores! HewTfotk Ciiy big(atalog JMB Hp Jfio/ contains bargains Many of our orders aw ■ I shipped the Same day \ ■VTO wonder folks find what they want they are received 5 LN in this big book. By actual count I: ID - CTOVTn7, 1 it contains in its 518 pages, 46,202 dif ferent articles of dependable merchan* dise, including styles, colors and »izes. I and practically ojiof : Here certainly is variety enough to sat* | the balance on the i V isry everybody. farmers, fc following day— \ 3 shop workers—all find in this book the I 94-HOllR" SERYTCF. j I thing 6 they are looking for, at the price f Aivuix cunvivn they want to pay. rFofiTT ■Prrbfitahlr* /a And because of this catalog’s great ***> _ . , I usefulness, we have made it extremely S VEaiCk N , handy and durable. The paper is whiter J to buy by mall 1 and thinner; the book is easier to han* | Use tha catalog for outer and Innar J die and thfi. leaves dtOHOt loosen, f, clothing-for an the family Dry ,1 _ T . . ’ , ' , r . , / Goods—Ruga—Jewelry—Furniture V Use this wonder book for every thing you nee^ 'i —Auto Supplias—Spdhing Goods £ \ —(t will pay you. If you haven’t a catalog • J wiU H M \ Tools—infset, for everything you / once, tree, and postpaid. > ), l - THE CHARLES WILLIAM STORES, INC. rl rsi 914 Stores Building, New York City Cornjuw Our Prices #uA See What tym Can $t ■IMS DID TUI»IDS, ILKIIS GffISBLTS "T * t '*> S •t'J.?! Tuesday, November 1925