Tuesday, November 3,102$ TSOCIETV I 11 ' *r Th« Busy King’s Daughters Meat. The Stonewall Circle' of King's Daughters field its tegular monthly meeting Monday evening with Mrs. J. A. Cannon. After the devotional conducted by Miss May White, secre tary Miss Janie Klutz read the min utes and Treasurer Miss Margie Mc- Eaehern made her report. The visiting committee during the recent cold spell had many calls for warm clothing osffPWally for small' children. The committee gave cloth ing to nineteen people, of whom six teen were very small children and made many visits to shut-ins. The King’s Daughters decided to again put on Christmas Opportuni • ties this year and they invite the co operation of their many friends in dispensing cheer to the poor and needy cf the city. The committee to lead in this noble work will be announced later. T.ie circle will distribute their en velope-; about the 21st of this mouth. This will convey to everybody the privilege and pleasure hi aiding the King's Daughters to make this year's activities amoug the needy and dis tressed as effective as in the* past i years. The circle lias purchased a voller i Miss Kay Lutz has returned to her . home in Shelby after visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Patter son for several days. • • • Albert Fisher ami J. B. Wright, of Raleigh, spent Sundoy with Mr. Fisher's parents, Mr. and Mrs L. M. Fisher,. * • « Miss Margn ret Hnrtsell, who is in ‘ scluiol at Salem College, is spending 1 several days in Concord visiting her i parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hart sell. • * v Hobson Goldstou, of Leaksville. has returned to ills home after spending the week-end in the city with friends, e ... Frank Cain, of Salisbury, has re turned to his home after visiting friends in Concord. ANNUAL FLORAL FAIR. s To Take Place at the Y- M. C. A. on Thursday, Aftemdon, November 5. The Annual Floral Fair and Ba zaar takes place at the Y. M. C. A. Thursday afternoon, November sth. The doors will be opened at 4 o’clock. The prizes are as folows: Best single chrysanthemum of any color—Bottle Toilet Water, donated by Cabarrus Drug Co. Best three pink—Towels donated by A. L. Brown. Best three cream—Candy donated by Gibson Drug Co.' Best three yellow—Town's, elonat , ed by F. It. Sheppard. Be t three red—Half dozen cans of sugar peas, donated by Dove & Best. Best three white—Stooging* do nated by Fishers's. Best three bronze—l Can coffee, donated by Lippard & Barrier. Brst three lavender—l bridge set,, demited by Airs. It. E. Kidenhour. BevSt six different color*— Silk ho-c, donated by Hoover's Hosiery' mill. Best collection chrysanthemums— Electric heater, douut.od- by Scott & Co. Best collection—Second Prize. 1 rug, donated by 11. I!. Wilkinson. . Bust potted plant—Towels- donat ed by JYV Id Browp.. » • , s ? ' 1 chU %jvi'rs-^lsitth i room fixture, donated by T 5. ' B. Grady. Best bouquet dahlias—l box pow-. • Uer. 'donated-- by 'Cthtf&cphaniM'f.v. Best piece fancy work—Towels, donated by F. R. Sheppard. Ex b^iu '-qf; tip users mugt.be enter ed onVrßiiredi.t.vVov. 5 at If) o'clock. Tile doors will be openetf to the public at 4. Admission at door sc. Will have on.sale flowirs, fancy work, candy, Japanese articles and •oodles, chicken salad, supper, etc. 3-2t-cr Bridge Club Entertained Saturday. Miss Lois Crowell was hostess to the bridge club Saturday evening when she entertained at hey home on Franklin AVenue. Miss Mary Pem berton was winner of the top score .prize. Among the invited guests w'ere Miss Mary Pemberton, Miss Adele Pemberton and Mrs. N. T. Deaton. For years the biggest gridiron event cf tlie season in West Virginia has been the annual elasli between West Virginia University and West Vir ginia Wes'eyan. In seventeen years the State University has won thirteen of the gamjs. Tricks Fail Hjg ttMjktf- A | mm Wjmfc, m ■ - -i i« 11 iu—miaeag—i— Claude A.' Cottlin, of Hollywood. Alexundertlie Qeeiit. u found one man who enn't be fooled— Ihe Income tax collector. Conlln has been sued by the government for I fWt,W3_tor Income tax from IfSkts I 7“ * lUa-i ln< 's'v«, "- ' * WEEK OF PRAYER TO I START HERE SUNDAY | Y. M. C. A. Sponsoring Movement' Which Begins With Breakfast on Sunday Morning. Next Sunday will begin the Week lof Prayer which is being sponsored' by the Y. M. C. A. of America throughout the country. , Locally the week will start with a ! Sunday morning prayer breakfast for young men at 8 o'clock, at which time a number of the younger men of the city will gather for opening services. Breakfast will be served by the wom en of the city. The principal services of the day, I However, will be held at 5 o'clock I Sunday Dr. J. C. Row l * an has agreed to turn over his ves pers for this purpose and it is prob able that an out-of-town speaker will be secured. Representatives of the- Hi-Y club will visit each of the Sunday schools that morning" and extend an invita tion to the people to wondiip at the Presbyterian Church Sunday after noon. During the remainder of the week, services are to be held at the Y.' M. C. A. at 8 o'clock every morning for a period not to exceed ten mimitcvj. HIGH SCHOOL PLAY'S ALBEMARLE FRIDAY Locals' Expect to Take on Stanly Boys For Victory.—May Get Game In Concord. Although Concord w(s eliminated by Spencer in tlie State champion ship series last week when she lost to the visiting team by a score of 13-0. several more games are to be played before the season is closed. The Albemarle team, which was beaten by the locals in the first game of the season, will be played on Fri day at the Stanly county metropolis. Tlie locals are set on resuming their winning streak which they lost in re cent games. Following the Albemarle game it is likely that a game will be sched uled for the home grounds .some time later. Although no definite arrange ments have been made, Belmont Ab bey may be booked for such a con test. BOARD OF STEWARDS MEET MONDAY NIGHT Hold First Session of Year Since the New Pastor Has Taken Charge of Church. 'At a meeting of the board of stew ards of Central Methodist Church Monday evening. I). B. Coltrane was unanimously elected to serve as chair man of the board. Mr. Co] franc has held this position for a period of over ,25 yeanf. This was the first meeting of the year since Rev. R. M. Courtney took charge of the congregation. Mr. Court ney preached his first sermon in the city Sunday to an audience which filled the auditorium of the church. It was decided at the'meeting of tile stewards to hold the everv-nivtuhi ; canvas next Sunday, at which time the members of the congregation will 'be asked tp subscribe to the work yf tile cwfifcß. COMMISSIONERS MEET Es rkgulak session Routine Matters Only Acted Upon at November Meeting of the County CwntoissHmersiV ’ Members of the board of county Commissioners for Cabarrus met iu regular session at the court house Monday. but 4 only routine matters were acted upon. During the morning session of the board gll matters presented to the coinmmissioners were disposed of but tlie board held another session in the afternoon so that if any person de sired to present any questions the board would be in session. Several tax questions were dis cussed hut. action was not taken on them, the discussions being conducted informally as no request for definite action on tim. matter whs made. Sarah Electa Host Saunders. Sarah Elect a Bost Saunders was born February 23, 1836, and departed this life November 1, 1025. Aged 80 years, 8 months and 8 days. She was the daughter of Sol omon and Mill}’ Faggart Bost. Sla vas married June-24. 1856, to B. H. Saunders, who in December. 1803, pre ceded her to the glare. To thin union there were born 13 'children. 0 of whom me still living. She is also survived by 34 grand children and 11 great-grand children. Funeral services were held in St. Paul's Methodist Church, where she was a member, on Monday afternoon, November 2nd. The services were conducted by Rev. \V. L. Scott, her paster, assisted by Rev. X. it. Ki<;h ardsoji. a former pastor, Her remains were laid in the cemetery on the hill above St. Paul's (’Lurch. R. Mrs. McEachern Dead at Home Here. Mrs. .folio O. McEachern, 25 years of age, died at her home at Franklin M.li, at 11 o'clock Monday morning after anjllness of three months. The funeral services were held this af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the homo, bur ial being made at Union Cemetery. Rev. E. Myers officiated. McEachern was born in Stan ly County on Marchy 27. WOO, the daughter of Ur. and Mrs. William j Burris. She hud lived at the Frank lin Mill for some .veal's. Surviving are a husband ami three children, her father, four brothers, ami one sister, all of Cabarrus Coiui t.v. Winners in Bicycle Race Given. The winners in tlie Saturday relay race, which were given incompletely in Monday's Tribune are as follows Twomiilc run—Felix Ernk. first; (Jerry Potts, second, and Sinclair Wil-' ‘ liams. 3rd. tThese prizes were given by the V., M. C. A. to the Loyd mukiug the , Leet jitne pn tlie Concord team*. They I "coirdsti'd of gold, silver and bronze medals. For SAle—“For Hire" Card* For Jit neys, at Tribune-Times office, 10 Ceuta each. 17-ts, < •» ' . »'• ■ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ! >ig!' Says Anne i r '-"'7 ‘ . wjjn < ■ - >' ■■■i :•:> V v , : n jfl® Demand that John W. Hubbard (hovel king, shovel out half a mlltiol Is made in a suit filed at Pittsburi by Anne Caldwell, actress. Hubbart foiled to carry out his promise, sayi lh« actress, to make her the "above queen" of America, and Install he In the beautiful Pittsburg mansloi Shown with Miss Caldwell above EDWARD DAVIS INJURED ON STORE ELEVATOR Narrowly Escapes Death When Head Is Caught Between Moving Eleva tor and Fluor. Edward Davis, seven year old sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Diivis, was in jured Monday ufteruoon when his head was caught between tlie moving elevator y and the seeond Story floor projection at tlie Concord Furniture Store, badly cutting his ; skull and breaking his nose. Authorities at the Concord Hospit al where he was rushed immediately after lie w'us hurt, have discovered that His skull was not fractured us was first thought to be the case. The child was playing in the store building near the, elevator just prior j to the accident. The elevator, which is a slow moving freight carrier, was started by a negro employee, who was gping to the second floor to get some furniture. After the negro had start eel the elevator, the boy jumped on it in order to ride up with him. The negro, who had his back turn ed to tlie boy, did 'not know that he was on the elevator until he heard the scream as the boy’s head was mashed at the secoud floor. Investigation later proved that tile boy had dropped a toy as he jumped on and that he lay flat ou the floor and peeped over the edge to see where it was below, being in this ’position when the accident occurred. It is considered miraculous that the child escaped with his life. If he had been an inch further over the edge, it is likely tlmt his skull would have been crushed, observers declare. Howard Glenn Dams Dead. Howard Glenn Davis, eight months old child As Jlv. and Mrs. G. W. Da vis, died at the home of his parents Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Fun eral serViceS were ' conducted at - the home this afternoon at 3 o'clock and burial was made at Rocky Ridge cemetery. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS He’ll Wed Cortland S. •Dines I'nP Denver, who j was shot during a Hhw Year cclebra -1 tlon In Los Angeles two years ago by Mabel Normand's chauffeur, fs to be married to Miss Ruth Gibson, also (ts Denver. It trill be his third mat rb H to BtOBlAl YWUiity " ELECTION FAILS TO ►' AROUSE MUCH INTEREST Most Apathetic Mayoralty Cam paign That New York Has Ever Had. New York. Nov. 2.—The most apathetic mayoralty campaign that Father Knickerbocker has probably ever witnessed came to a listless dose tonight, with the leading candi dates, Senator James J. Walker, Democrat, and Frank D. Waterman. Republican, making their final ap peals to the voters over the radio. Moth parties claimed victory at the [mils tomorrow. Tammany, which I Let Us Be Your Fuel Man WE GUARANTEE DELIVERIES When other fuel* are scarce and delayed in transit or held up by strikes or shortages, what company dealing in those fuels will promise you delivery any time specified during the winter? \\ e guarantee delivery of Gas—the clean, ready, depend- j able fuel—on any day, at any hour, in any quantity you -demand! Cast your fuel burden on us. Let our heating man ad- I vise with you. They'll estimate the initial cost of the ap pliances and the average monthly gas consumption. ' .Find Out the Advantages of Gas Heating Gas Radiators, Fireplace Heaters, Portable Heaters, Garage Heaters Kitchen Heaters Concord and Kannapolis Gas Co. “If it’s done with Heat, you can do it Better with GAS” r ~~—— 1 ... , Qoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxjooooooodbooooc jj FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAK I Do Tires Cost Too Much? | Ityours have been costing you too much it will pay yoJi to come in and sCe us. ?! If y hi want absolute assurance of satisfaction before you 2 buy—if you want fair, square, courteous treatment —if you 1 want the direst tires built (Goodyears) at a range of prices ! to suit any pocketbook—we can give you all this. J Ask anyone who ever bought a tire or anything else here what they think of pur merchandise, our prices and our service. Yorke & Wadsworth Co ! r y < Union and Church Streets The Old Reliable Hardware Store Phone 30 Phone 30 s OOOOO9OOOOOQOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO9QOOOOQOQOOOOOOOC long has held city hall m an iron grip, predicted a Democratic tidal i wave in all five boroughs, with | plurality ranging from 200.000 to '>{so,ooo for the Senator. The Refyub- j Means who have not elected a mayor | sißce Seth Low. on a fusion ticket ; in > Soo2, claim Mr- Waterman will ! win by 100,000. The pin their hope on a ‘-grqgt ground swell” of silent voters, which they ray has set in during the last few days. Mayor Hylan’s plurality four years ago was 417,000. IF YOU WANT SURE RESULTS 1 USE TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. ! \ Last week came a man who j Vniw®i 8 “doesn’t have to watch his ; l 'clA/ 0 t pennies” but who owns bar- I rels of them—because he I, —J m R ! ! makes every one cotfnt. f’N )k\t\ 9 o “If your prices are not too jjl } |!> steep, I’ll buy a suit today— J 7^ iji but I won’t pay a farthing w“ rtfrawßlf j!jj over $40,” -Vas his speech to !i[i “You don t even have to pay S4O-—for we have cabinet af ;>! ter cabinet of fine suits to fit you sir, at $32 and $35,”* we J;!; replied. jiji Prices— tut, tut, —at BROWN’S —they are too reasonable , X tto reason with. - ’ I Ijjt Roberts-Wicks Suits $25.00 to $45.00 L ! O Roberts-Wicks Top Coats $25.00 to $40.00 > !j! Knox Fall Hats $7.00 to SB.OO f !( Browns-Cannon Co. I Where You Get Your Money’s Worth 8 CANNON BUILDING 7 STAR THEATRE “1 November 4th and sth—Wednesday and Thursday mason Ay- MM MYSTERYl s duce more eggs. > s We guarantee all our Feeds to do just what we claim. ? 8 PHONE 122 CASH FEED STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS We Want Your Trade-^— ! If good, Reliable Goods, Lowest Possible Prices* Fair.,!* Riid Square Dealing, Polite Attention, will get it, we can"* ! count on you for a customer. Ej We Believe That He Profits Most Who Serves Best. I* When you need groceries, Fresh Meats and Country)* i Produce Call. Phone G 8 and our service is at ybur eom-'J GH. BARRIER & CO. jj a 1 II j || 11 |in J PAGE FIVE