**■■" ■ 'it" » i ..I ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV OIL) HO WEEKS HE MINE BIG HEMPMGN CLOSES » Only Eleyen More Work ing Days of the Big Con test Remain.—Will You Win Two Autos? DON’T SLACKEN i PACE FOR A MOMENT | This Great Campaign Is! Now the Talk of This Entire Section.—Every thing Is a]t Fever Heat. Now that one-naif of the third pe riod of Tho Tribune-Times automo bile and cash campaign has passed into history and but two short weeks will! only eleven more working days remain until the final close, contest ants have actuaHy entered the home stretch that, will no doubt witness a sen-ationnl driving finish for | the wonderful prizes that wily reward the successful ones. Seemingly, the add- ! ed prize of the Ford (’oupe which is to be contested for over iv period of only three weeks, has spurred ambi tious workers on toward greater ac ’cninplishments, with the possibility of a double winning in the.way of*aif t (mobiles. To slacken the pace for even a day or two can very easily sacrifice strong standings for anyone while an increase on' the part of practically any candi date can menu added opportunity to win one of the big pr : zes. With still one more cut in votes bet weep now and the end nnd that coming between the third and the fourth and last pe riod, makes that hour, midnight of . Saturday, November 14, easily the most important #f the few remaining days. Weakness at that time will be fatal. A good'lend then will have the opposite effect upon the outcome. Mary and more does the public seem to bet-ouie vitally interested in the v fortunes of favorite workers, which only goes to show that this great campaign of The Tribune and Times has come to be the topie of the hour in Concord and sumnjnding territory. Now is the time for candidates to -make that final drive for victory, when the eyes of friends are upon them. A is certainly no hardship 1 upon any one to give the pest, they warning days of the campaign when so mpeh is at stake to be won or lost. One' should stop and consider that there are five automobiles, with an aggregate value of over $(1,500 wait ing for their winners to clainf them. There are three cash prizes of S2OO each and three of SIOO each, to bo awarded as second and third prizes in each of the three districts. Then there is the guarantee As ten per cent, cash commission to be paid all active non-prize winners. (#nce more we call attention to the method of casting business arid votes in the last period of the campaign. During that final week, ending No vember 2i, at 10 o'clock p. m„ can didates will Deposit all business in a locked and sealed ballot box which will be placed in the Cabarrus Sav ings Bank. Not until the campaign is actually closed will this box be opened and the final business and all votes of candidates eauvnssed, and then it is 'to be done by the board of counting judges which will be an nounced the first of the c-oiping week. And also remember that this com-' ing week is the last one in which ex tension votes count on the second pay ment plan on 'subscriptions. In the last period these subscriptions count t only straight votes according to the fourth period vote schedule, which is tlie smallest of the entire campaign. So. if someone is planning on giving you a second year, a second and third, or even bring their total time of sub scribing up to five years, the time to to comt the most is by mid night. Saturday, November 14th. That is the tijne to win your automo biles. * May Turn Sawdust and Waste Into Non-Inflammable Board. Tacoma. Wash., Nov. 7.—A syn thetic board, non-inflammable and re sisting heat and' cold may soon be manufactured from sawdust. A group of lumber men here be came interested in the possibilities of the product, after a demonstration proved that the synthetic board would withstand a flame that would cut through steel., Sawdust and other mill waste ( are treated with Chemicals and made' into a pulp. ' The pulp "oen is pressed into boards of an; site. Lumber men behind the project be lieve that it will make possible fire proof houses of wood. The coat of synthetic boards was estimated at sls per thousand square feet for boards one-quarter of an inch thick. *■ Flight Postponed. Barcelona. Spain, Nov. 7.—<A>)— Count Casagrande, attempting a flight . from It«y to South America, Was * not unable to tafe off from Barcelona today. It is believed that the neces sity of repairing his wireless appara tus will make it impossible to leaeve before Monday. £ i Financial Measures Approved. Paris. Nov. Ic-tCP)—Premier Polh- financial measures wsre ap proved by the cabinet today. Hap are being sent to the finance commit tee of tbe chamber of deputies Imme diately. The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily ? He’s Finest BUly Vann Richards, aged 7 months, was adjudged the finest baby, physi cally, of all the babies examined at the Arkansas state fair clinic.' His parents, _ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Richards. live in Little Rock. ANOTHER HAMMER. MURDER MYSTERY Body of Mrs. Hans C. Jen- , son Discovered in Thick et in South Part of the City of Ogden, Utah. Ogden, Utah, Nov. 7.—OP)—The body of Mrs. Hanes ('. Jensen, aged 42, beauty parlor owner, was found ' in a thicket in the south pan of the city today. Nearby was a broken ■'iinipmer, and a small sharp knife. The woman apparently had been struck on the head with the hammer and an effort made later to out off her head. * , SENATE TO INSIST ON TAX PUBLICITY Mellon's Plea For Repeal Will Like ly Be Denied- Washington, Nov. 7.—The pub licity feature of the Income Tax law, although to attacks from business interests all over the coun try nnd condemned by Secretary Mellon, is here to stay so far as the Sedate is concerned. Senate concensus showed that Secretary Mellon’s reconrtnendntion for repeal of the publicity clause will fall upon derif ears even though his suggestion gets a favorable reception in the House. As history reveals the Senate‘has s|>oken the final word on tax legisigt(pn since time immem orial. administration leaders admit ted they face a farloru hope of re pealing the clause. Decision on Tax Rates Proposed in New Bill. Washington. Nov. 5.— I Today's de cision of the Ways and Menus Com mittee on ' income tax rates may be summarized as follows: Normal rates—X* 1-2 per cent, on first $4,000 ; 3 per cent- on next $4,- 000 ; 5 pet - cent, ou balance. Surtax maximum—2o per cent. Exemptions—liaised from 1,000 to $1,500 for single men, from $2,500 to $3,500 for married men. Retention of earned income de duction of 25 per cent, up to $lO,- 000. Etimated revenue reduction $200,000,000. The Mellon propoal discarded are as follows: t Normal rates—l per cent, ou first $3,000 ; 2 per cent, on next. $4,000; 3 per cent, on next $4,000; (i per cent, on the balance. Exemptions the same as at present. Elimination* of earned income de duction provision. , Estimated revenue cut—sl4o,ooo,- 000. This Judge “From Missouri.” London, Nov. 7. —The girls who work in one of the great cotton mills in Halifax saw an odd sight recently. It was that of a well-dressed man of stately and dignified appearance drag ging a heavy skep or basket filled with spools of yarn over the spinning-room floor. He was recognized as a prom-1 inent judge of the county court, arid , he was testing the work offered to a laborer who had had an accident to I his right hand, and who declared that the job was top heavy for him to do with one hahd. The judge did not seem to find it so, for with his left hand he dragged the big basket for a distance of fifty yards on so. The result was that the complainant lost hie case. To Honor Wade H. Harris. Charlotte, N. C-, November 7. Invitations have been sent out from the chamber of commerce by Business Manager Kuester to the membership to ittend the dinner which he will give Monday night. November 16, In honor of the 50th anniversary of Wade H. Harris, editor of the Charlotte Observer in the role of editor. Maasel at State Prison. Raleigh, Nov. 7. —0t) —Alvin Man -1 sel, sentenced to electrocution at Ashe ville Wednesday for an attack on a Whit# woman, was delivered to thf state prison early today by deputy ■ sheriffs of Buncombe county. ' The MSsaouri-Kansan university • football games form one of the oldest ■ continuous gridiron series in the mlddla West, dating from 1890- ’ "•" / . LIVING CONDITIONS LAST YEAR HIGHER i THAN EVER BEFORE: This Fact Make Known In the Economic Review by Secretary Hoover as Part of Annual Report. GIVES REASONS FOR THE COSTS Report Covered All Phases of the Busihess Life as Well as Living Costs in the Country. Washington, Nov. 7.—C4 s)—Materi al conditions of living for the Ameri can people during the last 1 year have been ’‘the highest of ail history,” Sec retary Hoover declared today in an economic review made public as part of the annual report of the Commerce Department. • Factors listed by the secretary as contributing to this condition included a practically complete absence of un employment. high wages, efficient rail way operation, an equable balance of prices as among the greater produc ing groups of pile population and a gradual return to stable currencies aind normal business operations among the nations abroad. Mr. Hoover's review, took in the banking sitilation and noted the in vestment abroad by Americans dur ing the year ending June 30. 1025 of $1,382,000,000. and a net gold export from the country of $115,000,000,0 as ■further contributions to general sta bility. VIRGINIA WILL’ BUILD ROAD TO WASHINGTON Richmond-Washington Highway Will Be Rebuilt During the Next Year. Richmond, Nov. 7. — UP) —The Rieh mand-Washington highway, the sub ject of much criticism by tourists and others, will be completed by the state of Virginia within the next year, it was announced today by Gov. E. Lee Trinkle. The executive said $1,000,- 000 has been allotted by the State Highway Commission for this work, and an additional $400,000 lias been allotted for hard surfacing the entire length of route 31 of which.the Rich mond-Washiugton highway is . part, The greater part of the latter sum.. will be spent oil the road south of Petersburg to the North Carolina state line. In addition to these' sums $620,000 will bo allotted from the three road districts through which the highway runs. HOPES FOR SETTLEMENT OF ANTHRACITE STRIKE Governor Pinriiot Thinks Early Set tlement of Strike Is Probable. New York, Nov. 7.— UP)— Belief that an early settlement of the an thracite coal strike will be reached was expressed today in a letter from Governor Pinchot, of Pennsylvania, to Major William F. Deegan, • fore man of tlie Brcnx grand jury which investigated the fuel situation. The governor replying to a telegram nrging him to use his good offices to bring abflut an early settlement, said he was "rather optimistic that each side would shortly he much more ready to agree than they were when the strike commenced.’’ Killed When Officers Fired on Auto. Chester, 8. C„ Nov. 7.—-OP)—Sid Clyhurn, of Rook Hill, was shot and fatally wounded today when Chester county officers fired upon an auto mobile in which Clyhurn and two companions/ were believed to he run ning a load of whiskey from Chester to Rook Hill. So far ns cdtihl be learned here the officerS" opened fire when the small touring oar in which Clyhurn with another man and a woman was rid ing, refused to halt upon command. No shots were fired from the automo bile, it was stated. Officers reported that fifty gallons of liquor were found in the automo bile. Thirty Thousand Boy Scouts Are Reg istered Forest Guides. | New York, Nov. 7.—Thirty thou -1 sand Boy Scouts in Pennsylvania are i registered forest guides, according to a statement iHsned by the National Scout office, based on a report of the department of forest and waters of that state. "These boys,” states the report, “are co-operating splendidly with the department on forest protection by posting fire warnings, patrolling and fire fighting to the extent permitted by legal 16-year age." .Extensive work in forestry and con servation has been performed also by Boy Scouts of other states. State Rests in Blazer Cue. • Littleton. Colo., Nov. 7.—UP)—Af ter placing only six witnesses on the ■tand, the state rested today in the case of Dr. Harold Elmer Blazer, charged with the murder of his daugh ter, Hazel, a 34-year-old “child wom an.” Golf teams are to be organized in -ach of the five high schools of Dal ’os, Texas, Jby the Municipal Goif Commission of that city. Fourteen Pages Today Three Sections 1 ." Mi . M CONCORD, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1925. Five Miraculously Escape Death f/ M H Ij I ■ Jgi mm JH i \Msi If si / 1 ■lTjpvssMpp #ypr Although this automobile was hit broadside by a switch engine and thrown from the flooring of a railroad .bridge at Warren. Pa., to the steel girders at the side, all five occupants of the car escaped with but slight Injuries.. Tho top of the automobile was reduced, to kindling wood. FINOSTKENEGROES IRE TREOTED RIGHT Attorney Examiner For I. C. C. Recommends That Complaint Against Rail road Be Dismissed. Washington, .\*ov. 7.—OP)—A rec ommendation tiiat the railroads of the South and the Pullman Company be acquitted of charges of racial discrim ination was laid before the Interstate Commerce Commission today by one of the examiners who investigated the subject. The investigation resulted from a complaint by Dr. E. Urosby, a negro doctor, who sought jjjugagep ot fl%fc.. TIOO because o?'alleged'"tltßcrnniiint ion. John McChord, attorney examiner, who took evidence for the Commission in the matter, reported that “unjust discrimination or prejudice against persons of the colored race in favor of persons of the white race, has not been shown as alleged" and added fur ther that “the Commission lias no jur isdiction to award punitive or exem plary damages.” He recommended that the Commission dismiss the cum plaint and deny any repetition. Well Dressed Teacher Has Mental Es- j feet on Pupils. Kan Francisco, Nov. 7.—OP)—Ap-1 propriately and attractively dressed j public school teachers are in favor with their superintendent, Joseph' Man - Gwinn. The superintendent maintains that teachers should be well dressed beenuse of the mental effect t upon the children. “The clothes of the teacher are the ornament upon which the eyes of tlie children are bent more frequently than anywhere else,” said Dir. Gwinn. "Al so it is generally proved that tt'.ien ever one is dressed properly and well, he or she is more optimistic and dees better Work.” ' Bishop Dennis O’Doiiaghue Dead. Louisville, Ky„ Nov. 7. —OP)—r. sh op Dennis O'Donaghue, who resigned ■ from the Louisville diocese in Aug ust, 1924, after half a century in the Catholic priesthood, died at his home here today. He held the titular rank of Bishdp of Lebedus nt the time of his death, which had been expected for some d«ys. 4 Completes Flight From Tokio to Rome. ' Rome, Nov. 7. —CP)—Commander Francesco de Pinedo, Italian aviator, today completed his record-breaking return flight from Tokio, arriv ng here from Naples at 3 p. m. $ NEW SERIES OPENS TODAY | ] | Begin now to save something'”every week by taking out a ]!] ;!; few shares of stock in our new series. iji i If you want to buy, or to build a home come m and talk |[!| ! | it over with us. Ji| ; ; This Building and Loan Assosciation can help you as it 11 i has helped thousands of others, to make your future sure. ! I WE SELL PREPAID STOCK |j; ;j Citizens Building & Loan Association jij \ W. C. Houston, President A. F. Goodman, Sec. & Treas. |i| NEELY CASE MAY GO TO THEJURY TODAY Only One Argument Re-j mains to Be Delivered Before the Case Will Be Given to the Jury. Asheville, Nov. 7.—OP)—AV Ith con cluding argument for the state by So licitor .T. E. Swain, the case of the state against Preston Neely, negro on trial for alleged criminal attack on a white woman, is expected to reach the jury in Superior Court this nf temoon. G. Lyle Jones, speaking for the de fense this morning contended a com plete jgmii.-_b<wl been .established by Neely and that the white woman who accused him of the crime was mistak en in her idenHfication. Several wit nesses testified that Neely was at work at the time the alleged crime was jcom-1 mitteil. Tho trial of 46 members of a mob that stormed the Buncombe County jail on the night of September 22 will start in Superior Court Monday morn ing, Solicitor Swain announced today. A majority of them have-been at lib- I erty under bonds of $2,500 each, al ! though several unable to supply bail j are in jail awaiting trial. : Salisbury Entertains Several Hundred Boys. I Salisbury, Nov. H.—Salisbury is en tertaining several hundred boys who arc here attending a conference under , the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. They come from the central state district, in cluding twenty counties. The sessions are held at the First Methodist Church and will continue through Sunday afternoon. Tonight the principal speaker was Dr. 4Y. A. Harper, president of Elon College. Saturday morning Airs. T. W. Bickett speaks, and Sunday morn ing tlie annual sermon will ho by Rev. Roy Thompson. Tonight's sessivti was presided over by Joe Carlton. of Winston-Salem, president of tlie 1924 conference. , Boy Scouts Nearing 800.000 Mark. New York, Nov. 7.—The present membership of the Boy Scouts of America is 791,120 according to a statement just issued by the National Scout office. Os this number 620,- 196 are boy members; and 170,924, adult leaders. The total also in cludes 92,123 Lone Scouts. The gain in membership within the past twelve months has been approxi mately 100,000. NO FOOTBALL GAME ! FOB CAROLINA AND STATENEXT YEAR' i Athletic Relations of Two 1 Institutions Not Broken But the Date' Cannot Be Agreed Upon. i STATE WANTED NOVEMBER GAME r And Carolina Held Out j For October So As Not to Interfere With The! Thanksgiving Game. Raleigh. Nov. 7.— (A l )—The Univer-j pity of North Carolina and State Col lege will not meet in football n«*xt jseason. The announcement by State College j officials here today came after it was j j learned that athletic committees of j tile two institutions at Durham failed ! to agree upon a date for the game. I State College, it is understood, at j the meeting maintained that the game, generally played here during | Fair Week, has come too early in the) season, and held out for a date in November, the game to alternate be- [ tween Kaleigh and Chapel Hill. Uni versity authorities on the other hand, argued that a State-CaroliuA game during November would overshadow the long standing Virginia-Carolina game, and for this reason, it it stated, refused to agree to the later date. The committees are said to be hope lessly deadlocked over the football date, and State College ntiirials'con sider the matter closed, and state that Leach committee will proceed with the completion of its sehedujes. | While the committee from State College insisted upon a Nbvember date, it is understood they offered to clear any date during November for the game. The University representa tives agreed to continue playing the j game at Kaleigh in mid-October, and j expresseed a willingness to sanction a date for the game 10 days later, the contest to alternate between Raleigh' and Chapel Hill, bur steadfastly re- to agree to a November date. Failure of the two committees to agree upon a football date does not mean a break in athletic relations be tween the two institutions, it was stated. They will continue to meet in other branches of sport: hut for next season at least there will! be no foot ball game. It is announced at State College that a game will be playede at Rid- I dick Field during Fair Week next fall, and negotiations for a game with some other institutions are said to be underway. POLICE FORCE GIVEN STOCK OF TEAR BOMBS i Greensboro Proposes to Take No ! Chances in Matter of a Mob Up rising and Attack. Greensboro. Nov. fi.—To prevent | any possible attack ots the city jail j ■here by a mob, the city purchasing | agent today laid in a stock of tear bombs for the use of the police de partment. A dozen of the bombs costs S9O. They are copper shells which break when coming in contact with a hard substance and a steel ball in them breaks glass containers, full of fluids, which unite and form It thick cloud of gas, heavier than air. This renders those into \rfiose eyes it gets blind for 30 minutes, but when that time is up sight is re-1 stored, with no other after affects. The fluids were made by the inventor of I.ewistite, a deadly gas which the United Slates government was pre paring to use when the World War ended. Heavens in This Month Will Tempt Teiescppers. * Berkley, Calif.. Nov. fi.—This is the-month star gazers should poliHh up their telescopes, for the heavens! will be full of unusual astral sights. Prof. W. F. Myers, associated inl astrophysics of the University of | California, in a statement today, told of the stars that will be visible ; in November. High in the northeast the bright ! star Capelin, the “She Goat" and i the constellation as Capelin's Kids j will be clearly visible. he said. Capella, the fifth in the heavens in the order of brightness, is a yellow star, nearly the same color ns the sun. “Mira the Wonderful,” which is approaching its maximum bright ■ ness, will be seen in the southern I sky while over in the east, says Pro fessor Myers, will be the great star i Rldebarnn, with its diameter of 30.- j 1 000,000 miles. | Also hi the east is the Pleiades i group, known as the "Seven Sisters." | Dies SiUing in Her Chair. Norwood, Nov. 0. —Mrs. James Swaringen, of this place, died Wed nesday night, November 4th, at about 10:30 or 11 o’clock. Mrs. Swaringen bad shown no signs of sickness until late in the evening when she seemed to have a sinking spell and called j on her husband to ,get. a doctor but |! before he and the doctor returned i she watt dead and was found sitting ' in a chair. i Southern Railway Earnings Two Mil lion Over 1924, \ New York, Nov. fi.—Officially esti i mated gross earnings of the South ' orn Railway for Oeiober show an in | crease of $1,547,9(13 over October last year and a gain of $2,0811.207 for the 1 ten months of 1925 over the same pe -1 riod last year. Unshaken v Js. Hi i The belief in evolution does not shake'a Christian's belief in immor | i > tallty in the slightest degree, BishO) | Francis J. McConnell declared h i< Chicago during a debate will i j Clarence Darrow. Rather, he said, ■ j . belief in God follows logically on i , belief in Darwin’s theory. , GLEE CLUB MEETS WITH AN ACCIDENT ! 1 Bus In Which Club Was Going to Richmond Ran Into the Ditch.—No One i Was Hurt. Durham, Nov. 7.— UP) —A motor 1 bus carrying 23 members of the Uni- ' versity* of North Carolina Glee Club I was wrecked about five miles from | : Durham early today when it ran into a ditch. No members of the gUee Club were injured. The club was on its way to Rich- 1 mond for its appearance there tonight when the accident occurred. Another bus was procured to complete the trip. , i METHODIST PROTESTANT CONFERENCE AT HIGH POINT Conference at High Point Hears Dr. Lewis. President of General Con ference, and Dr. Few. High Point, Nov. 6.—Ministers and : laymen here attending the North Car- j olina annual conference. Methodist Protestant Church, heard two short addresses today, one by Dr. T. H. LawiSr of Washington, president of the general conference. «id 'the other by. Dr. W. P. Few. president of Duke University, Durham. These promi nent educators spoke at the morning session. f Tonight's session was devoted to t'/i* program, during which reports | for the pear wtere made by Mrs. ‘ tV. C. Hammer, of Aghcbnro. presi ' dent of the North Carolina Home Mis- I sionary Society, and Mbs. Minnie P. ; Harrell, of High Point, secretary of | the North Carolina Foreign Mission | ary Society. The reports were very ! satisfactory. j The afternoon eonfereuee raommit tee reports were heard. The report lof the committee on superannuate j caused much discussion. A strong j appeal for better support for the superannuates was made by Rev. J. H. Morton, of Greensboro. The re port was adopted. The first address was delivered by Dr. Lewis. It was the second of a series of addresses on "The Minister and His Own Soul." His subject today was “The Energy of Love." Dr. Lewis discussed love as the es sence of Christianity and the link that binds the minister to the people in bringing about results n church work. Love was declared to be a divine angel and the energy that moves the world. The speaker ox pressed the supreme importance of the minister of the gospel possessing this energy of love, which should be the actual and 1 propelling force in all the work of tile minister. Work is Main Thing. I Work was declared by Dr. Lewis to be the chief result of love. He | declared that the call to the min i istry cannot be truly accepted with | out an unconditional and immediate ' surrender of his time, his life an dhis j all. Nothing but love could compel j such a surrender Mid no power can I be evident without the surrender. I Closing his address,' Dr. Lewis ex alted Pile quality of love by declar ing that the many waters of the catch cannot quench love; neither can the floods of the earth drown it. Dr. Few spoke on religion and edit- j cation. Dr. Few came to the con- ! ference as fraternal messenger of the North Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal Churbli, South. I The president of Duke University spoke of the tendency of latter years to break down the barrier which sep arates Methodists in the nation, and then proceeded to discuss the advant-1 ages of Co-op'eratlon between branches of Methodism now existing. He as serted that co-operation pays in busi ness. in education, in religion and ev erywhere. Dr. Few pointed out that this ideal I must include that reverence which, born out of a sense of infinitude and I a realization of t'iie ministry of earthly , things links thorn over all. The rich est. fullest and oompletest life is the great ideal to be sought by the people . of North Carolina, Dr. Few said in conclusion. Broadside at Agnosticism. The conference tired .a broadside - into the ranks of the present day ag -1 nosticism. when it adopted the report ? of education and literature, read by - Prof. P. S. kenneth, of High Point College. i * THE TRIBUNE- 4 PRINTS Wm TODAY’S NEWS TODAVI NO. 266 t TAX MEASURE THAT 1 IS BEING PLANNED | TO PROVE POPULA® Chairman Green Expects* the Measure to Get ed Support When GiveiH to Congress. 9j BOTH PARTIES TO % OFFER SUPPORf» Planned to Have Nottefl Partisan Measure So The® Usual Fight Can B«Hj Easily Avoided. fl Washington. Nov. 7.—OP)—Prac-fIH tii-alh united support, both in House mill in committee of the tax <1 net inn bill now in preparation by House ways anil means committee,' almost unprecedented prospect, is. ndH confidently expected by House S With virtually all of the vital coni roversial points of tax red net already ai led upon by the Chairman Green declared today that a non-partisan measure "bearing at most unanimous support" seemed tain. For the first time since the war njraK) publicans and democrats in committginKf have worked out their differences so B| far at least, anil agreed on the mttjraß]] provisions of a revenue bill. In this the committee has approved of the main proposals of Mellon anil rejected others and spirit of compromise was further' rtt-xß* fleeted in the approval in form of the approval of live Garner, of Texas, ranking deino-lßi crat. for increased personal exemglSi tions. H THE COTTON MARKET j|l Opened at Defflinf of 3 to 18 Points S. Under Renewed Realizing and Sett- » >ng. ■ New York. Nov. 7.— VP) —The cot-, 18 ton market opened today at a deolin#ljK! of 3 to 18 points under renewed real izing or selling which ’had been ia»|R progress yesterday. fl January contracts sold off to but the tone wits steady in sympatbJtJß; with fairly steady Liverpool cables /.■, and prices soon rallied on the pcct of rain and cold weather in t|pHs eastern bolt, and another cold war* in the southwest. Prospects for frees ing temperatures in Oklahoma, Ar- K kansas and northwest Texas seemedgß to make a particularly bullisU-impredcij sion on sentiment, and by the end oifl the first hour prices were 3 to lSgl points net higher. January selling at' j 19.98. T .1 Cotton futures opened steady; Ro*;| comber 20.50; January 19.80; March 19.98; May 19.95; July 19.34.r~~ Closed Barely Steady. Now York, Nov. 7.— UP) —Cotton:'] futures closed barely steady at net declines of 3 to 12 points. Jan. high, 20.00. low 19.73, close 19.58-19.88 j I previous close 19.88. March 20.19 ’ high, low 10 02. close 19.99-20.95. pre- j vious close 20.03; May high 20.08, low 19.80. close 19.88-19.90, previous close 20.00; July, high 19.57, low 19.32, .close 19.32-19.30. previous close 19.42; December, high 20.55, low 20.30, close 20.30-20.37, previous close 20.52. With Our Advertisers. g l McDonald’s Scotch Highland Band, 20 famous musicians with six soloist*; fc at the New Concord Theatre Novem*:.' brr 13th. Matinee at 3:30 and eve-< ning at 8. See ad. You will find feeds and more feed* ' at the Cash Feed Store. Phone 122. I Columbia Grafonoln, original prices $175; now S9O. In walnut and inas»c liogany finishes, at Concord FurniturtH Co. Cash or terms. Are you thinking of now lighting; fixtures? Then see W. J. Hot hong. If you want to buy or build a home, go in and talk it over with th£j Citizens Building and Loan Assoela-!-J tion at the Citizens Bank. Two Sisters Killed by Gas FuHMg. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 7.— UP) —Two J sisters. Misses Annie and Margaret j Greene, aged 24 and 20 respectively, | were found dead here today in tbgiijj bath room of them boarding house go 311 Grant Street. They had betm asphyxiated by fumes fttoui a gas heater. i Tlie Condition of Asa G. Candler 1»| changed. i Atlanta. Nov. 7.— (A>) — The condSgj tion of Asa G. Candler, aged capitalist who lias been critically since Monday, early today was re- 1 ported as unchanged. He passed gta restful night, mostly spent in sleepfe ing, it was said. SAT’S BEAR SATSt f|H| 1-. ' Rain tonight, warmer in I and cast portions; Sunday rain. amIJW t warmer in east and colder it) t went portion. Fresh possibly strowjß southeast anti south winds. n I

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