Maaday, Nov. 6, 1925 ? Proper Cleansing involves almost in finite details. There is the necessity for un derstanding the changes in fabrics constantly coming out*, the late shades and modes in colors; the new styles and ways ofWraping. * Attention to the>e details gives , our cleansing the up-to-date ness that Phone 787 OUT OUR WAY by WILLIAMS ■ -- * - ——— ———-■———.—.—, _ —.. SNbH MOTHERS GET GRPH- j GQtETTKIGS. p i«a» it au at»iv«x pq, j MOM’N POP . BY TAYLOR "tell ME MORE OF that ') 6EE'HE DRIVES Y YES, YOU SEE KIS "\ Young man next vxjgp. ) f they call t > a nice car A father is present AUNT LUCY-WHAT'S .J ( HIM CHICK- / l DOESN'T HE*? /(°F WE MAGIC MOD CO, TIRST NAME A ( AND g^RE^SUPPOSED - A * J \ , . , - . At*- '- -V . t etrSThETfeotJfeLE* V I COH HAS HE A SISTER ? A * A-HE'S ODTEt/ERY ( ( LET'S INVITE THEM BoTh OVER ) s —s MTERTAINIIMS HIS A To piMWER TONIGHT-I'D _// jt \ l FRIENDS WITH ♦ V, LOVE to MEET HER f ) , jS “SWEET-IEE.” Mordant on Xews-Herald. It» a sorry sbrt of a “sport” who •can't take a joke when it happens to be on himself, or herself, as the cause ■ may be, but in ''taking” this one that lis reported in The Hickory Daily Record the editor of The XewtpHer ald passes along gratis this advice— never fell a newspaper man anything that you don't want to see in prinf,. for in all probability, sooner or later he will let it out: .“We always hate to bear a. mgp start out by warning his listeners that he will now tell a joke, but that is just exactly what we are go ing to'do. A joke is weighing heav ily, upon us and we propose to unload itjat any host. If Miss Beatrice Cobb, editor of The Morganton Xews- Hcrald, come a-hunting us • a shotgun in each hand we are prepared to pay tile penalty, but the joke must be told. months ago the Xorth Carolina press convention was held in Asheville. Miss Cobb is secre tary of that body and naturally sbc yus kept pretty busy during the meet iyg. After a particularly hectic day she was dressing for dinner in her suite at the George Vanderbilt Hotel. Miss Cobb had suite E. We pre sume there is a suite A. and suite B, and suite D, and maybe down through suite Z. That is spectilja tive, however, ami we qre positive that Mice Cobb had suite E. “During her rush to get ready in time for dinner the telophome rang. Miss Cobb answered and a tender masculine voice said, or MTss Cobb swore he said, "Hello—o—o. Is that Swget-iee?” "The color rose to Miss, Cobb's (tieeks, we feel sure, and she says that her glance .loft iCyeles on the telephone. In a haughty voice she asked, 'Whom do you wish to speak to?' “'I want to speak to»Miss Cobb. Isn’t that Sweet-iee?' replied the man. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE "The persistence of the speaker ah most Hoofed the Morganton editrix. She told him it was Miss Cobb but she. did not mention the endearing name he had talked on. The busi , »es.s was discussed over tbe 'phone and that night she asked him hotly what he meant by calling her “sweet-iee,” “ 'Why. I was only calling your siuter Haven't you got suite E?’ he asked. “And that's the joke on Miss Cobb."’ Tbe Good Benefits of tbe Building ‘ and Doan. Here is something good from the Detroit Free lYess, and should be used in building and loan advertise ments : ' "The longing for a home has always been—it is and always will bo—the one universal desire of mankind. Around your won fireside abide ten der memor'es—within the seclusion of your own liome are new desires nwajtened; , y “It is the one place where n wel come awaits you, where you may hide from a busy world and rest, where you may forget for n time; the traits of life and feast upoh the pleasure of living. “Wherever you may brT wherever, you may return to—and that place or spot is somewhere—pome resort of kve and; joy and peace and plenty, that yoii may return to—that place could be no other than home. • ■"Deep in the heart of every man is-, that (insatiable desire tfi be the master of his own home. The Amer ican will never be content as long as he continues to dole out his monthly percentage to the ever ambitious rent collector. "Picture, if jou can. the typical' American paying rent. Can you im agine Lincoln, Garfield. Hayes or Mc- KijkJey meeting the rent collector at the door every montu with the rent? Theodore Koosevelt scratching his head and wondering where lie will move next, as he has.just received no tice to vacate." ORDER from governor IX ALVIN MANSEL CASE Xegrto is Now in Penitentiai-y Aualtigk Electrocution For trim inal Assault in Asheville. Uaieigh, Ncv. 7.-—An order from the governor was necessary for the' commitment of Alvin * Mansel, the uegro convicted in superior court at Asheville of assaulting a white wom an. when he arrived at -the state's prison with ti Buncombe county deputy sheriff late last night. The deputy failed to get the com mitment pallets before leaving Ashe ville, and the pri ■: u is without au thority tdj accept a prisoner without thrin except u)xm executive orders. Upon t(r deputy's arrival witli the negro the (prison authorities corns mwdented with Gtivrrnor Mr Leal, and promptly received the proper in structions. IJSE PENNV COLUMN—IT PATS Vi PNEUMONIA Persistent coughs and colds lead to Serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creo mulsion is a new medical discovery with twofold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in hibits germ growth. Os all knowti drugs, creosote is rec ognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes, and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is ab sorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the gertns. V . (Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, > bronchitis and other forms of respira tory diseases, and is excellent for build ing up the system after colds or fit*. Money refunded if any cough or cold is not relieved after taking according to directions, '/fsk your druggist. Crso- \ ~>ulsion Company, Atlanta, Ga. (adv ' ooeooocoooooocoooooooooo I. ' - 6 Let Xour Next Battery Be An EXIDE Use Only the i / Best GQGPoooooooqoooopoooooo METHODIST PROTESTANTS HOLD TO fcXNDAMKNTALS | Conference in Session at High Point Goes en Record. IJigli Point, Nov. B.—Saturday’s session of the North Cjyolina annual conference, Methodist Protestant Church, which is being held in this city, was devoted largely to the read ing of reports of vurious conference committees. The ministers and lay men passed a resolution, reaffirming their "in the fundamental prin ciples and doctrines fojmulated’ffiy the men of a century ago.” The committee gp young peoples work, rendered' a report, Which was adopted, authorising the continuance of the ( Bice of field secretary of young pedfdu- vcTk, ami also authorizing an appropriation of $2,300 for support of the office and expenses connected with the work among the young peo ple. The conference gA down to real busine-s this afternoon. Heretofore the’Jse.ssions had been '.devoted largely to addresses by men prominent in (•hutch work, and these speakers gave sopiid advice to the ministers, but tfle reading of reports occasioned keen in teSpt, as di,i. also? the reeommenda tietfs mode by the committees! »be boundary committee, in its re port. lvcomnieaded that changes be made in the boundaries of several pas toral charges'. 1 The report, iwhieb wa% adopted, suggested that addition al-charges be created. Be omim*mlations of tbe pastoral coiumi tee were accepted by tbe con ference. Tbe report exalted the pas tor ami his wofk, declaring that pas toral visiting i* of supreme import ance. “Tin 4 leader and shepherd of his flock, the minister should recognize fcffe place in his life which belongs to •nfiflftdering to the needs of the sick and tfie distressed among his church constituency,” read the report. Rev. W. A. Murray, representing the Near East relief, was introduced to the conference afternoon ses sion, and delivered a forceful address in the interest of the Near East re lief work, which is being earrie on t’afolina among the chuijflies of all denominations. He urged mem bers of tlie conference to aid the or ganization by giving publicity to the needs of the work. r J> ■ommittee on Evangelism made I :ts reports, which recommended the continuance of the important work of preaching tile gospel for the spe cific purpose “of saving File lost. The report was presented by Kev. W. H. Xeese. c-f Kandleman, chairman of the committee. The conference tonight adopted a repc’rt of the committee on social re form in which it voiced its serious ob iect'ion to “swinnujng pools where the sexes swim together." "Ho far as we can see there can be no objection to a properly con lucted swimming pool where tile sexes wini apart." read the report, which was adopted unanimously by the con ference. “We do, however, most se riously object to such pools where the .sexes swim together. Our indict ment of such pools is based oh the belief- ghat the general mixing of the sexes in this manner tends to destroy Ilioii'jptv which is an., imlrspcjtsah’.e safeguard to character. Japan at tributes the low morals of her peo p'c to her public bathing places. Judges from the court bench have spoken strongly against this evil, and surely the church can not be silent. Our children should be parentialiy re . strained, and the people of our con-* gregation warned against this menace. The report also read that a worth while censorship of moving pictures seems impossible "and until the state furnishes protection, the church is compelled to withhold its'Shdoreeiuent ts the movie screen." MnHr strict observance of the Sab batli also was urged in the report, to which it was added that society’s on!> salvation is to he found in the Christian religion. llie debtor in India is so honest that he pays not only his own debts hut also those of his father, brother, and other relatives. I ♦SVgRETT. TRUK , B* CONDO -.-IIP, f.I T | | ISfewai’tfc M washwotqn<^ ‘LETTER jKa W Washington, Xov. 7.—Member* of i the and Magus' Committee of ] the House of Hep resent at ives, now , wrestling with taxation questions, pre- 1 liminary to next meeting, 1 agree on one thing—‘taxes must be ! cut. Concerning details there a‘re 1 plenty of difference* of opinion, not of tliem partisan. The two outstanding controversies are: 3. Shall the very large taxpayers ; or the rank and tile of smaller ones j get most of the benefit of the ex- s pcetrtl cut ? 2. At what rate shall the rest of g the national war debt be paid of? j Secretary of the Treasury Mellon i is on record in the large taxpayers’ f favor. Tilt; rich, he says, won't try to I make more money if (he government j taxes, most of it away from them; i give them a chance to keep a reason- 1 able amount of it and. they’ll' plunge j into business, making better times j for everybody. Besides, the small fry f had the reduction last year. Mellon may be right, but it will be hard, to convince the smaller taxpay ers, whose votes are numerous. Con- i sequently, seine, even of the Bepub- ! lk.-an committeemen .are afraid of his i plan. Tim Democrats are against it 1 in principle. * * * *- The government lias been paying 1 off the war debt at a rate which will i wipe it out in about 25 years. That 1 is to say, the generation which fought , the war will pay for it also. * Secretary Mellon believes in this. He thinks each generation should set tle its own bills. He likewise advo cates cleaning the slate as soon as 1 possible lest something else come up to pile on further obligations. Final ly, hte points out, the faster the debts ] paid, tile less the interest. Yet it's obvious that the present j burden can be lightened, and still J more taxes can l>4 taken off. if the ' period of payment is exteended to 62 years, as the Democrats, and some of the Republicans, among the commit- i tee members suggest. Reports from all sections of the ! country indicate that the present i season- of intercollegiate football J will eclipse all previous records in j the matter of attendance. With i capacious stadiums now dotting the ] bind, gatherings of 50.01X1 epecta- j tprs have become quite common in ' both the East and West. ? the sleeping beauty & that lie 9 underneath the a soiled surface of furni- J) ] lure, floors; doors and N woodwork- O-Cedar I X Polish will take off the > | / marks of use and bring N ] V back a dry hard finish- j Sv Use it,too,on your au- } f tomobile.Youjustpour » the O-Cedar pn, then Xt C rub with a damp cloth. N ! Y Try one bottle. Sold 4 everywhere in various / sizes from 30c to $3. N 80-(SdaH VscPolish^ "Cleans as it Polishes” jJwimSXmA, 1 | J wwm j | ! FANCY DRY GOODS WQMEN’S WEAR |- 3SSEaXgaag3X&&ate I; Satisfaction for \ ii a Little Money | A Whole Lot of j' Here is an oxford that is exactly right, search the world over, you j ■ won't find a more comfortable and likable shoe for daily wear. They t are soft and pliable and snug fitting through the heel and arch be- ) cause they are specially lasted. We are shewing these in both black ► : ■ d “ $4.0 OTO0 TO $5.50 IVEY’S “THE HOME OE GOOD SHOES” | J I FEEDS AND MORE FEEDS Chowder for your hens 1 te.W Cow Chow for your cows Omolin for your horses and mules Pig Chow for your hogs - . ■-a Hay and Straw, We carry groceries of most anything to eat. PHONE 122 ; , CASH FEED STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS ■■ | ANNOUNCEMENT "iv : 3 v SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10th 1 Swift & Compan y -l : ;| § one of the largest meat and produce packers in the United J'" § States, will have a counter in our store oft Vhich they will 1“ ." 3 display a full line of their products at attractive prices, * 3 One of their representatives will have charge of the y ‘ '* sale of these products, but we have ftrranged with them B • to make deliveries and carry accounts for our customers. 1 ~ , 3 Don’t fail to take advantage of this BIG ADVERTIS- 8 .1 ING OFFER OF THEIRS. ' | C. H. BARRIER & CO. J xaaaoQOoaoooodoooocoQooQOOooaooaoooooooooooooorv^ I- • i jj DELCO UGHT I Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- ; ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent 669 Concord, N. C. , Above Floor Furnace At last a furnace has been designed to be placed above the floor. This is the solu- . tion of the heating problem for small home owners. No longer is it necessary to wor- You may have a furnace without the cx- ALLEN’S PARLOR FURNACE No room heater can compare with this jr ~" 5 “ wonderful new Furnace Above the floor, which heats by moist* 1 air circulation. Come by and see it. This invention is the latest development in the stove.indus- "* try. Come by and see it even if you do-not intend to buy. Let * us explain how it works. * * ’ H. B. WILKINSON * Out of High Rent District Concord,- Kannapolis Mooresville China Grove CYLINDER REBORING | !We hare installed a Rottler lieboring machine so that we eon re- n .. bare, the cylinders of cars and fit new pistons, rings and wrist pins E-' i without removing the motor trim the frame, thereby saving a large H - labor charge. Just give us a trial and convince yourself. El, We carry a full line of Goodrich Tires, Tubes, Piston Rings and Es- ' I’ius, Rufico brake lining, Sparc cm Horns, Prest-O-LSte Batteries, Hj Whiz Auto Soup aud Polish and Genuine Ford Pitts. | yj. STUDEBAkKR SALES AND SERVICE || J" Auto Supply & Repair Co. phone aas |*j .y.. 45. 1 .SfripLE A i.. r ' ■ PAGE SEVEN

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