PAGE EIGHT I ■ 1^ : ■ 1 i tfj Original Price $175.00 jj Sale Price $90.00 s I Columbia Grafonola, Console Type, in Walnut and c mahogany finishes. Non-set automatic stop. Four Spring I- Motors. Extra Large sound box. Shelving for records. E A beautiful piece of furniture, when not in use as a Graf- | onola. Limited number at the above prices. Opportun- | ity of a lifetime to get a real high grade Columbia Graf- I onola at Half Price. Cash or Terms. I Concord Furniture Co.! p ■ t" THE RELIABLE FUBMTURE STORE —:: —Eat—:: — JOHNSON’S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH ! ! IT IS DELIVERED FRESH pVERY DAY TO 8 YOUR GROCER > jj Price Only 20 Cents a Pound oooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooc THE UNIVERSAL CAR It has truthfully been said that a murderet cannot I keep his secret, and the truth of the statement has been ij proven many times. It has been found to be equally as ]| true that the attitude of an individual, or firm, if consist- 'I est will sooner or later be known. I 1 ! In our business, we feel that a deep confidence has ' been shown in us whereby we operate as the Authorized |l Ford Dealer of Concord and its trading area. We are l|‘ glad of the opportunity to aid the service the motor car is j', g giving our people, and it is our purpose to promote the j!| O good will of our industry, which was founded for your ser- Ij! X vice, convenience and pleasure. ]i REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER ij! 8 Corbin and Church Streets * 1 Phone 220 MOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOtEMOOOOOOQnnnntvvvwvvvwMy^^ftftooop INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE booooooooooooooobooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Y. M. C. A* Members Take Notice! 1 THE SPECIALTY STORE I Headquarters for All Athletic and Gym Equipment S. Union St. Opposite Court House | ooo^wwNwcioooooeoutockiopidoeijßeooooooooooocKxio \ Concord Daily Tribune . TIME OP CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffiee is as follows: '' Northbound 136-*1:00 P. M. A. M 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 3D—11:00 P. M. Southbound 89— 9:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. Id. . 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 I‘. M. > ‘ LOCAL MENTION [ The Rethel Community Club will meet Thursday, November 12th. Mrs. C. E. Boger, who entered the Charlotte Sanatorium last Tuesday, does not show any improvement, ad vices from the hospital state. The prices for “I’eter Pan" at the Star Theatre today, Tuesday and Wednesday are 15 oents for children and 25 cents for adults. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collie and son moved today from the T. W. Smith house on Marsh street to the house on Loan street occupied by Prof, and Mrs. Price Doyle and fam ily. H. W. Blanks spent Sunday morn ing in Kannapolis where he addressed a large audience at the First Metho dist Church. # ln the absence of the pastor, he made a talk to the congre gation. Miss Delma has re turned to Concord after being called to her home in Mayfield. N. Y., on account of the death of her brother. She began her regular classes in kin : dergarten and expression today. Funeral services for Mrs. Effie Hooks, who died Saturday afternoon at her home in No. 11 township, were held yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock at the home. Interment was made in Union cemetery. The black cat which camp to The Times-Tribune office Saturday was not l far from home at that, for he belongs | to Cline’s Pharmacy. Plenty of food 1 and the best of care prevailed not upon the cat which yesterday after noon returned to its home. The condition of Mrs. M. A. E. Talbirt, who is ill at the home of her son. L. A. Talbirt, on Marsh street, is reported today as unchanged. She has been seriously ill- for the past week and little hope is entertained for her recovery. In addition to the regular program at the Y. M. C. A. Saturday evening the Indian Entertainers were sent from the Pastime Theatre by W E. Stewart. The program rendered by these entertainers was greatly en joyed by those present at the Y.- M. C. A. Mrs. Nora B. Dorton has sold to C. R Blackwelder property in Dublin, Concord suburb, for S2OO, according to a deed filed Saturday. Another deed filed at the same time records 'he* sale of property in Ward 4 by ’he Southern Loan and Trust Co., to i Will Harris for SIOO. Four defendants are to be tried in : recorder's court this afternoon, it is reported. One defendant is charged with laving and transporting liquor, another is charged with cruelty to anima's and two others are charged with spe(sling The week-end was one of the quietest in recent weeks, officers report. Carqlina supporters are jubilant now following the Tar Heel victory over V. M. I. Davidson met a fine team in Hampden-Sydney and was lucky to get an even break. State and V. P. I. played a scoreless tie and YVake Forest defeated Duke after being held scoreless for the first half | of the game. [ Winter temperatures are prevail ing here again after several warm days. The change became noticeable i last night and a heavy frost w’as re i ported throughout the city this morn j ing. Weather .forecasts predict sev- I eral clear days now, the lower tem l peratures coming after several rains j during the past week. The 'hare and hound race, which I the boys of the Y. M. C. A. con ducted Saturday morning, was won by the hounds. The boys representing the hounds led the way almost to Bost Mill and then turned round and were able to get to Concord without being caught. This race is conducted an an annual affair. Cleaning about a million leaves from the streets of the city is the job of the street cleaning department here now. The heavy winds of Saturday night and Sunday great quan tities of leaves from yards and trees into the streets and in some parts of the city the streets were entirely cov ered. Register of Deeds Elliott has is sued marriage licenses to the follow ing couples: Jofan A. Cosby and Miss Hattie Thompson, both of Concord; , Cleatus J. Biggers and Miss Retta Belle Burris, both of Bost Mill; and William D. Joyce, of Kernersville, and Miss Kathryn Rich, of Winston- Salem. Special music was rendered at St. James Lutheran Church Sunday | .morning whlYi Albert Hall', of Dan- I vitle, gave a solo, "Repent Ye,” by I John Prindell Scott. An .anthem num- I * her was rendered by the choir, “Chris- I tian, the Morn Breaks Sweetly O’er | Thee” by Shelley, with Mr. Hall and I Mrs. H. G. Gibson taking the solo I and duet parts. ) Teachers of the county schools who [ had ■ already begun work when the I last tenehej-s’ meeting was held in the 1 court house, will meet here Saturday , for Conference with Prof. J. B. Rob t ertson. This number represents about I 50 per cent, of the teachers in the , county. Organization of the teachers [ and adoption of a working program [ for the year will be taken up at the conference. ra QOWCOSb PMLT IMUBE ! Sp4s[p This weather is so changeable the man in charge mast be a woman. Being your brother’s keeper NEW YORK I? 1 : Accommodations for 1,000 Guests I In the heart of the dqwn-town business section. Connections to all parts of the City within a few minutes | from our door NEWLY FURNISHED AND RENOVATED High Class Service at Low Rates Large Banquet and Convention Halls gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOQft K.L CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 ' , | COALi I Mortar Colors | ‘ » so devoted much attention to - or- l ganizlng the work, in holding short i courses for club girls, in aa*iming j with club encampments and in train- , ing and selecting demonstration i teams from nmog the young ladies 1 trained by the /county agents.” ] According to Mrs. McKimmon, i Miss Walaee is one of the valued members of the heme demonstration ! division. Her position will not be filled during her absence from North ' Carolina but the work will be din- ! tribute,! among the district agents i and other specialists of the divisioin. ' PENSION CHECKS FOR CONFEDERATE VETERANS ! Half Million Dollars to Be IMstrl. \ buted in Timo For Annual Christ- i mas Shopping. Raleigh, Nov. 7.—Pension cheeks \ for over 8,000 Oonfedrate veterans nnd widows will go out from State Auditor Baxter Durham's office tl\c first of icext wek. distributing a half- i million dollars in time for the old 1 folks to do their Christmas shopping j early. On th* pension rolls are about 3,-. ] 200 veterans and over 5,000 widows of | veterans. Death removed more thni i a thousand names--since the last j checks went out, but other names | were added, largely those oi widows, ;<*o that the number of pensioners has ' not materially decreased. —4 1 USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS J “SNAPPY” happily terms this classy Oxford. It’s the kind men like to wear. So comforta- < ble, so well made, it (typifies the'Ultimate any man can buy for little money. $4.95 UP RUTH-KESLER | SHOE STORE If CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY, NOVEMBER », 1525 f .Cotton .18 J Cotton Seed .43 1.2 r ON SAI.K AT Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Regular meetirfg of Concord Lodge No. 4 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC)OOOOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOCt| SSO Worth of Overcoat ; V. V l Style for Men Who 1 Wish to Pay $35 11* ' I sls worth of weightahle I 1 p (SI S 1 economy—with sls worth I JS l * B ’ll adcleOOOOOOOOOOOO6OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I Phone 799 Phone 799 Service, Quality and Quantity - 'Guaranteed Don’t wait until you bum your last i| , lump to buy. Buy now. Cline & Mabery Coal Co. PHONE 799 jji HOT WATER IN A JIFFY is surely a friend in need [ J [ a friend indeed of every cook i match and in a few minutes for itself quickly. E. B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER * ' Office and Show Roqpi 89 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W oooooQoqpooooopoooooooot IMARTHA-ANN FRUIT X CAKES* 3 The ingredients are the O best obtainable—l 4 va- 8 rieties of fru\ts and 7 x kinds of nuts are used. g 92 per cent fruits and 8 nuts. V- - x 4 per c/ent 1 ONLY >of 5 . flour is used in 100 pounds 8 of cake. Okie’s I Pharmacy 1 S Phone 383 o ooooooooooooopooooooooo Olffi FINIY tBSL M.WMS tff RESULTS Monday, Nov. 9, 1925 1 G 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON CLOCKS If you don’t have a clock that will keep time, see us about one that will keep time. Wo sell theifi for less an