PAGE EIGHT B | I; ' i- I P #- 1 a y> i; Original Price $175.00 I 1 Sale Price $90.00 * B I I Columbia Grafonola. Console Type, in Walnut and | p mahogany finishes. Non-set automatic stop. Four Spring I I Motors. Extra Large sound box. Shelving for records. £ jt A beautiful piece of furniture, when not in use as a Graf- ti | onola. Limited number at the above prices. Oppo'rtun- | | ity of a lifetime to get a real high grade Columbia Graf- f 14 onola at Half Price. Cash or Terms. I 1 . ® I Concord Furniture Co. m t THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE \ : || •-- | _ •; 1 - JOHNSON'S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH | § IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO $ YOUR GROCER 5 Price Only 20 Cents a Pound . OOOOOCMOQOOQOCXXMOOOOOOQOOOOCjOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC THE UNIVERSAL CAR | Each day a number of Ford owners come into our ! i|i place to have their car inspected, repaired or adjusted. | ; ij| Many garage men come in to buy parts for their own ]![ shops. The greater part have a pleasant greeting for us j iji and never question anything. " !j! We appreciate these customers and they us, for they ! | | appreciate our policy of absolute honesty, courtesy and ] ji [ square dealing. Every success in history has been built ' j !j! on honest, upright principles, and we appreciate greatly X |i| our customers’ recomnition of the fact that “right” rules ]![ REID MOTOR CO CONCORD’S FORD DEALER !j! Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 X —M—MBE—BMMBMBB—aMEg^W—a— INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency ' Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE ■ | Y. M. C. A. Members Take Notice! j I THE SPECIALTY STORE Headquarters for All Athletic and Gym Equipment IS. Union St. Oppose Court House £'■ " s'* v ' '•* . 7 v ? Concord Daily Tribune 1 TIME OF CLOSING MAILS j The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffiee is as follows: Northbound ;; 136—*1:00 P. M. A. M 34 4:10 P. M. " 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound ; 39 9:30 A. M. - 45 3 :30 P. M. ? 135 8:00 P. M. . 29—11:00 P. M ■■ i - ———— LOCAL MENTION I. i ‘ P. G. Cook is confined to his home I by illness. ?| The library is closed today, this be-; ■ I ing r legal holiday. ■ I i The eondilion of Mrs. Charles E. Brger. who is undergoing treatment in a Charlotte hospital, is reitorted to day as very much improved. Miss Nancy Pike entertained a number of her little friends Tuesday afternoon at her home on South I’hfon street at a birthday party. Prayer services will be held Thurs day and Friday mornings at the Y. M. C. A. at 8 o'clock. The services this week have been well attended. The Elowe's Community Club will meet Friday evcmag, November 13th. s»t the Flowe’s sehoolhouse. An in teresting program has been arranged. The condit'on of Mrs. M. A. E. Tal bert. who has been seriously ill for some time at the home of her son, L. A. Talbirt. is reported today as not so favorable. Sam A. Eudy. formerly with the Reid Motor Co., has resigned his po sition with that company and is now agent for the Chrysler automobile, white headquarters at the White Mo tor Co. Improvement is reported in the eon ; dition of Mrs. Victor A. Means, Who lias been confined to her home for some time by illness. Mrs. Means , plans to enter a hospital for an oper | ation in the near future. | The Agnes Peuick Missionary So -5 ciety of Rocky River Church will hold > an all day meeting at the manse oil t Thursday. November 12th, at Which 5 time the women will sew for the Bat.-. | net* Elk Mission hospital. | Persons who plan to see the Car j olina-Virgihia f(Mitball game Thanks [ giving Day should get their tickets { now, according to information from r Cnapel Hill. The tickets are going r fact and it is probable that before ! long all will be sold. j The Concord Bonded Warehouse and 1 Realty Co. has sold to W. M. Auten [ for property in No. 11 township, t according to a deed filed Tuesday at the court house. Another deed re ■ cords the sale of property in Ward 2 by Lonnie I>. Fink to F. W. Dry for ■' *l5O. ! Only one ease was scheduled to be > tried in recorder's court this after ! noon, the defendant being charged i with passing a bad check. It is prob- I able that the case will be settled with | out going to trial. Officers reported | that they have not been busy so far | this week. | The Dodson-Ramseur chapter of IT. | D. C. will present a North Carolina | flag to No. 2 school on Thursday. No ( vember 12th at chapel exercises. 8:45 | a. m. This flag is to be presented i by Mrs. W. D. Pemberton. All mem i bers of the diapter are expected to ! be present. Officials of the Cabarrus County Fair association already are making i plans for the 1926 fair. It is proba -1 ble that the dates for the next fair will be announced in the near future. It is tentatively agreed to have the fair the second week in October but this date has not been definitely ac ' eepted. Armistice Day was quietly observ ed in Concord. Streets in the busi ness section were decorated with Am erican flags and flags also were flown from many homes during the' day. There was no set program of celebra ' tion, however, although in some busi ness sections work was at a standstill for a minute rtt 11 o'clock. i Hundreds of autos passed through | Concord today en route to Charlotte i where the Armistice Day races art' 1 being staged this afternoon. Chief ’ Talbirt of the local police department, has made arrangements for his officers to handle the crowd that is expected to pass through this eity this after noon and tonight after the races. While the Carolina-Virginia game Thanksgiving Day is expected to draw a record crowd at Chapel Hill, at least 10.000 persons are expected to witness the Carolina-Davidson game Saturday. A number of local fans expect to motor to Chapel Hill for Saturday's game and many more will go down for the Thanksgiving classic. Salisbury Post: “Clyde Miller, of Rockwell, assistant meat inspector for the city of Salisbury, is in a local hospital suffeffering from injuries he received last night when his automo bile met heat on the Yadkin passen ger train at a crossing near Granite Quarry. The machine was torn to pieces. Miller is reported as getting on well, although he has painful In juries. 1 * CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline fir Moose) Figures named represent pries* paid for product on the market: Eggs .30 ► Corn ; sl.lO 1 Sweet potatoes $1.50 Turkeys .25 to A0 Onions $1.50 Psss ± SB.OO Butter .30 Country Ham .40 I < ountgjr Shoulder „ .25 Gantry Sides .20 Young Chickens .25 Bsns .18 Irish Potatoes $1.50 .. , \ ■ , • s • ' V v * J THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TOM pa s|msLP , oax§ A Strange things 'happen. We know a man who has everything in the world he wants, and still he its happy. A wise fellow never stands 0111 in the rain or ihinlts the world is all wrong just because he is. The greatest suffering in the world is not half so painful as the fear of facing it. i We have-our tits; and downs. The 1 man who goes the highest is the one ‘who bounces when he hits'the hot- j tom. On’y thing on earth more trouble '.than raising a family is taking care, of a young bird dog. Society gets plenty of exercise try ing to cut head lettuce with * fork instead of a knife. (Copyright, 1925, NEA Service Inc.) “ROSETIME” PROMISES TO BE GOOD PRODI CTION Stellar Cast Is Making Play One of ! Best Ever Given in City of Con eonl. Rehearsals for the musical comedy, “Rosetime." which is to be given at the High School Friday night, indicate that the performance will be one of the most delightful that lias been pre sented in Concord in recent years The cast is well chosen and the members seem to have taken hold of | their party quickly. Such favorites' as Mrs. Gales Pickard. Ilinton Me- j I.cod. Miss Margaret Virginia Ervin and others will again give a display of their dramatic powers. Miss Lois Crowell, in the leading part, however, will be th? star of the occasion, executing her part with a ! finish that is seldom seen in amateur I theatricals. She is supported in ex- j oellent fashion by R. E. Riden'nur. Jr. Among other newcomers in the lo cal world are William M<- Auley and Dick Richards, both in< fi bers of the high school faculty, who are giving good accounts of'th : .-j selves in their parts. The chorus, sixteen girls and eight ' boys, is splendid in its songs and , ' dances and compares favorably rt> higl. ' class production** ('horns. — 2 | SIMPLE CELEBRATION FOR ARMISTICE DAY HERE War Mothers Scattrcd Flowers Over Graves of Soldiers.—Hartscll Mill Whistles Blow. The city roea'led today the 11th of November, seven years ago. when the glad news was flashed around the world telling that the war had come ■ to an end. Concord's celebration in commemo- . ration of the event was simple. Tiie , War Mothers met and scattered flow- I ers on the graves of those who lost 1 ] their lives in France in serylcq ofj! their country. ‘ . ’ It The Hartscll Mill whistle Jtvas blown for over ten minutes, starting; 1 at five minutes before eleven. The fire bell was a’so pressed into service ! and rang in wnshion similar to the]' way it was rung in 1919. A few motorists, caught by the spirit of the occasion, blew the horns of their automobiles excessively for a few moments. With tSiese few exceptions Ar mistice Day had but little out of the; ordinary to remind the people of the city that it was a day of wild re joicing some years ago. Going to That Virginia Game? Get Your Ticket Now. Chapel Hill, Nov. 10.—The Pniver sity of North Carolina's athletic au thorities are making provision to han dle a crowd of 15,000 spectators on Emerson Field at the Carolina-Vtr ginia game here Thanksgiving. Addi tional stands are being erected on the sides and on both, ends of the field, which will be enclosed all around. Applications for reserved seats may be made now and should be addressed to the University Athletic Associa tion, Chapel Hill. The tickets are $2 each, plus 20 cents on each mail order. Applications should be ac companied by a certified cheek or postoffice money order. Seats for which applications have been made will be mailed out of Chapel Hill No vember IC. Newspapers say that it cost W. B. Cole SIOO,OOO to be acquitted oft the murder of W. W. Ormond, the I World War veteran. No doubt Mr. 1 Cole believes it worth the money to be saved from the electric chair. Ht Good Book says all that a man hath will he give for his life. Jenkins: “Your wife seems to *be an .agreeable woman, take her all around." Jacobs: “Yes, but yon should see her sometime when I refuse to." CONCORD COTTON MARKET WEDNESDAY, NOV. It, i9X Cotton .18 j. 2 Cotton Seed .43 j.j Molasses, Sugar Fresh Cabarrus County Sorgum Molasses. Its scarce this season. To be sure to have a supply for at least 'a part of the season we bought the 1 output of thhree of the best makers. ; 1 We have it. Cali us. Send your ves > sel. | Fine Porto Rico Molasses. It has ) that high flavor md very fine quality. > You can always find it with ns. S ' Domino Fine Granulated SuntfLi* the best. We sell it debaucse iuirrhe j best. We deliver quick everywhere. (!. Cline & Moose Whiskers! And HerlJeau Kicked JaMl* SmM ' Mis» Venice Coachman, K. r, let 0 young man kiss hi goodnight and came to grid. i felt whiskers against hi chock. He called the police and it <ievt toped •‘Miss” Coachman was man. She —or he—said he had posed as a woman for four years, doing | because business mer would not hire mnle stenographers. The Stingiest Person The New York Mirror makes a ' daily offer of $1.60 for each example of the stingiest person: The stingiest person I know is a man in our street jvho gets up an hour earlier so that he can read his neigh bor's newspaper before he takes it in. The stingiest iierson I ktiow is the man who gets his daily newspaper from the waste paper can in the sub way station. It is reported that President Cool idge belongs to no secret order save the Phi Gamma Delta, a college fra ternity. I Greater Riding Comfort is found in the New Chevrolet. | Long semi-elliptic springs I and Balloon Tires. Let us take you for a ride. I WHITE AUTO CO. Phone 298 I t L CRAVEN & SONS | PHONE 74 COAL £ | Mortar Colors XrEE!3.l3^.-T---rr>iirTTTra | y UAL HOTEL! (WAY I IRK f( V^l 1,000 Guests rn business section, ty within a few minutes >r ? ID RENOVATED 1 Low Rates ivention Halls nf:agEcttU:nTMHißXi is ON SALE AT Gibson Drug Store | The Rexall Store loomoomoo^Qtooiaoooouoo^oociouoouoQuuuuuixModi^B Ritchie Hard- . ( d ware’s Windows | 1 1 j | Say about yout* ii V, j Soft Hat? AM Men may deny that tHfey Ifc-Wf glance in plate glass win- I > y> j ' dows to see' the 'reflection I tHK, JI,, # l of their profiles—but just • >s | >lp stand in front of any [ ! ) -j 1 good sized window some y / 1 . I day -for 20 minutes. j /** ' ! We’re all human. m > J / If the windows you’ve , v ' ' y passed lately have not i ■•! been giving you the best u** j of it—come look in one that will — I New Schoble Hats in Winter’s Shapes and Shades in ! j] ; Velours, Beavers and Tapestry effects—s.s.oo to SB.OO. j Gaps to Match Your Overcoat ; HOOVER’S,Inc. j jj| “THE YOUNCi MAN’S STORE” J ooooooooooooooooooocdooocioooooooooooooooooooopocn COAL I The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS j; ■ PHONE 244 OR 279 'J M 1-TT,, :: - j* The start and development of a business requires cap- J ■ • ital. experience, industry and a good banking connection. T 11 The resources of this bank are available to its custom- I n ers for the promotion of promising business enterprise and j! r* we invite you to investigate our facilities to meet your P u particular needs. | CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK [ xxwobooooooooooooti&ooooooboooooooooooooooooooooo r Phone 799 Phone 799 ij Service, Quality and Quantity Guaranteed . jj Don’t wait until you bum your last lump to buy. Buy now. Cline & Mabery Coal Co. j ” PHONE 799 : * ; j HOT WATER IN A JIFFY is surely a friend'm need ancf p a y S fey itself quickly.^ E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and. Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 384 W ! OOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOt IMARTHA-ANN FRUIT | CAKES # J | The ingredients are the j best obtainable—l 4 va- ! rieties of fruits and 1 | kinds of nuts are used. 1 92 per cent fruits and B nuts. , x 4 per cent ONLY of# flour is used in 100 pounds | of cake. < Cline’s Pharmacy • MII HI H 111 TmßUH fffll lllljl OUR PEWIT IDS. MS GET REStITS V r . { Wednesday, Nov. 11,. 1925 ** ii; 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT j ON CLOCKS | If you don’t have a clock | that will keep time, see, us | about one that will keep time. | We. sell them for less and on easy term 6 if you wish. S. W. Preslar | JEWELER

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