■ • RTednesday Nov. IS, 192? ■_oUCl ETV 1 ’* <'® r Ha GoM«n Links. /• * dpli K hff u»y pn jfrtiinkl the Golden Links Mission* 3>f Society of Forest Hill Methodist hurc-h at a ean social Monday night _ 'it tier home on North Union street. , Each member was naked to brink n • “ in of Jelly or preserves which will be • mt to the Children’s Home at' Win -5' J on-Salem. Each year at Thanksgiving the So j ety sends a box to the Home. Misses Nancy Allred and Ruth ao *f led tlie guests in several inter ting contests, after which the liost ' S, assisted by Mrs. B. F. Allred, ser ' d delicious hot chocolate and sand „ichcs. The members present were! r. and Mrs, Fink, Rev. and Mrs. T. ' 7 Higgins. Mrs. Allred, Mrs. A. .1. ' oasimer, Mrs, W. T. Linker, Mrs. S. r , Howell. Misses Grace Forest, Irene ither, Mnry Ella Cochran. Pauline mes, Then-Morrison, Maude Miller, race Miller, Nancy Allred, Ruth tt V *oaf. Margaret Melchor, Pearl • et brock and .Lora Troutman. Entertains at Birthday Party. Rita Margaret Wallace, little dangh jer of My. and Mrs. Troy Wallace, /' ntertained twelve of her playmates P* ’u<-*ay afternoon in celebration of ■J crAjnrd birthday. The little folks njoydr ’•games indoors and out-of "" oors, after which they were invited 0 • nto the dining room, which was dee ,l rated itt pink. In the centre of the *“ able- was the big white birthday cake rith its three little pink candles burn ** ig. Ice cream and cakes and fruit ' v -ere served to the guests. Mrs. Odell Honors Miss Crowell. “ Mrs. A. O. Oddi was hostess at a :j " autifnl luncheon at her home here londay, complimenting Miss Ruth ■' roweli. of Charlotte,’whose marriage ' i Joseph Leighton Choate, also of • harlotte. will take place this evening. ' The table was covered with cx lisitc lace and in the center was a ' iver basket of bride roses and lilies ' F the valley. Silver candlesticks 1 fid white tapers. Places were laid for Miss- Crowell. 4 liss Helen Crowell, Miss Martha 4 roweli, Miss Willie Choate, Miss ''F liaabeth Burns, Miss Margaret tland, Mrs. Reynolds CuthbertHon, “ Irs. Rhyne Cannon, Mrs. Yates Ed ’• erton, Mrs. Preston Andrews, all of , Charlotte; Mrs. James McFarlnnd, f Dalton, Ga., and Mrs. Joseph P. 'agan, of Atlanta. Jttle Miss Edith Furr Entertains. On Saturday evening, November J 4, little Miss Edith Furr entertain 'da number of her little friends at a ■ ' lirthday party from 2 till 4 o'clock. ‘ 'he occasion was her ninth birthdny " nniversary. Those present were: iarah and Alma Auten, Minnie Bell, .ourse and Machel Matiney, Bessie ml Lenord Farrigat, Martha, Oll'e nd Clifford Petrea, Leugenia and Idlth Littley Margaret Abrigal and arie Shinn. After many games were played they .irehed into the dining room, where e ndwiches, cake, pickles, fruit and f - ndies were served. The table was •*' stily decorated with beautiful out were. The little hostess received’ 7 feral nice and useful presents. All t wishing her many more happy ; ft Inlays. ONE PRESENT. iF YOU WANT SURE RBBULTB IBUNE PENNY ADS. "FY IT. IRONCHITIS ■ Apply Vicks at bedtime, “ rubbing it well in. Then spread on thickly and cover with hot flannel. Arrange bed-clothes so vapors will be inhaled. VICKS ¥ Vapoßub | Ovr IT torn*, Jm U—d Ymt* li " Respect I Sold By | BELL-HARMS FUN URAL PARLOB kJB Day Phaar MO I ] Night PhoM SOO-IMI PERSONAL. W. B. Bruton has gone to New York, where he was called on ac count of the illness of his brother, Er nest Bruton. • • Fred Patterson, of Philadelphia, ar rived in Concord Tuesday evening to spend some time in the city nt the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Patterson. • • • Mrs. J. C. Wadsworth and Mrs. J. Lindsay Ross nre spending today in Charlotte. • • f | Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Morrison, of Wallace. N. 0.. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morri son, in the county • • N Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wadsworth and Mrs. J| Lindsay Ross spent Tuesday in Salisbury visiting friends. • • * Mrs. S. W. Rankin and two chil dren left Tuesday for Washington, where they will spend the winter with I)r. S. W. Rankin, who is taking a course in that city.' m • • Hiss Helen Brown and Mrs. Julius Fisher were visitors in Charlotte and Gastonia Tuesday. Rev. H. S. Bentield and daughter. Ophelia, and Rev. J. G. Bentield, of Lenoir, are spending several days in Concord as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Moore. • * « Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Musgrove, and ! Leigh Colyer, of Charlotte Martin 1 Mcßae and William Benett, of Wades boro, Miss Helen Misenheimer, of Winston, and Mrs. A. A. Edgeworth, of Monroe, have arrived in the city to take part in the Wilkinson-Green wed ding tonight. PameU.Minnish Wedding Announced. The following announcements have been received in the city: Mrs. William C. Parnell announces the marriage of her daughter Sarah Frances i to Mr Victor Benton Minish On Thursday, July the sixteenth , 1 ’ nineteen hundred twenty-five York, South Carolina. At home | DO East Depet Street Concord, N. C. The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Min ish comes as a distinct surprise to ! many friends of the bride in the . city. After a wedding trip, they will re turn to Concord where they will make their home for the present. Mrs. Minish is a very popular young woman, having held a position . with the Cannon Lumber Company . since her graduation at Kings Busi | ness College Mr. Minish bolds a re | sponsible position with the Bagby E eetrical CotflJtany of Charlotte. Attending Crowell-Choat Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Patterson, I Miss Helen Patterson, Kay and Fred , Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wag ; oner and Mr; and Mrs. A. G. Odell I are attending the wedding of Jtliss [ Ruth Crowell to Joseph L. Cheat in ■ Charlotte this evening. Mr. K. L. Craven Honored. I Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Weddington en tertained at their home on South Union street Tuesday at noon at a : dinner given in honor of K. L. Craven who was celebrating his Slst birth day anniversary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Craven, Mr. and Mrs. Weddington and children, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Porter and Mr. and Brs. B. R. Craven and son. Giving ’Possum Supper This Evening. Sam W. Eddleman is giving a 'pos sum supper this evening at the Caro lina Case for the employees of the Reid Motor Company and invited guests. The opossums were caught by Mr. Eddleman himself, who is one of the foremost of the local hunt ers in this lino. Gives Dinner to- Sunday School Class. C. A. Cannon was host Tuesday evening at his home on North l , nion street at a dinner, given in honor of the ’captains and lieutennnts of the men's Bible class of the First Pres byterian Church. Mr. Cannon is president of the class. Entertained Bridal Party Tuesday Evening. Miss Margaret Miller was hostess at a party at her home on South Spring street Tuesday evening, com plimentary to Miss Virginia Wilkin son, who is to be married to William Stowe Green this evening at St. James Lutheran Church. Onl ythe bridal party was present. A wedding cake was cut at the con clusion of an evening spent in-danc i »»r Those present were: Miss Virginia Wilkinson, Miss Lois Crowell, Miss Margie MeKachern, Mrs. E. C. Tuck er, Miss Lenna Tucker, Eb White, Stowe Green, Miles Wolff, Ernest Bsbinson, Max Warlick, all of Cop cord, and Miss Nell Green, of .Gas tonia, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Musgrove and Leigh Colyer, of/Charlotte, Wil liam Beanett, Martin Mcßae, of Wadesboro, Miss Helen Misenheimer, of Winston, Miss Winifred Gnann, of Savannah, and Mrs. A. A. Edgeworth, of Monroe. »-. • Mad Dog at Salisbury Creates Ex citement. Salisbury, Nov. 17.—A mad dog running at large created pome ex citement here early tonight. It bit a child of H. A. Rouser and also bit Judge B. B. Miller. Then going to tltf center of the business section, ,11 bit Paul Henry just as officers who were hunting the animal came up. Policeman J. W. Keeler Shot and killed the dog. One shot from the officer’s, gun glanced and lodged in the neck of Mrs. H. E. Kimball, of Spencer, who was passing by. Hie injury to Mrs. Kimball was only Blight. LEGION AUXILIARY KEEPS ’•OPEN HOUSE* A Oet.Tege.hcr Meeting of All the I Members of the Chapter. The American Legion Auxiliary kept “open house" Tuesday evening. i The occasion was a get-together meeting of all the members of the ! chapter. The meeting was held in the d’ning room of the Y. M. C. A This room was beautifully decorated in red and white chrysanthemums with the American flag givep special' prominence. At a long table extend k ing full length of this spacious room every member of the Auxiliary bui three was seated. This table, with its snow white cloth sparkling silver ami profuse decorations in red. white and blue, chrysanthemums and agent tmn being used, was indeed a thing of beauty” and certainly "joy was nn confined," as the happy crowd par took of tlie elegant three-course din ner prepared by Mrs. R. E. Riden lionr. Mrs. W. D. Pemberton acted as tostmistress, and nfter a few word; of affectionate greeting, she told us something of the work of the organi zation during tlie first years of its, existence and then introduced Miss Maude Brown, the president, who very entertainingly told of the work done last year and gave us the plans for the new year. Since the prime object of tlie organization is the care of the nurses in Ward 1 at Oteen, the announcement that a radio for these dear women was to be our Ohristmns present to them, was re ceived with great joy and enthusiasm. And our chief concern now is to raise tlie money for making possible this splendid gift. Mrs. Uidenliour was next introduc ed and gave us first-hand information ! from ithe nurses’ ward, since it had been her privilege to visit them. So vividly did she describe the condi tions that that in our own hearts we each pledged anew our loyalty to these good women who have made such a sacrifice for their country and us. As a fitting close to this lovely meet ing Miss Brown very feelingly express ed her thanks for the loyal support given her in making this hapj y oc casion possible. MEMBER. Getting Ready to Prepare to Try Rank Officers. R. R. Clark in Greensboro News. Incidentally it is noticed that they are beginning to prepare to get ready to make an effort to start the trial of the officers of tlie defunct Peoples' Bank of Salisbury. The bank was closed in June, 1923, and the indict ments were returned in January, 1024. It may be proper to express the hope that there will be no undue baste in rushing the defendants to trial near , two years after they were indicted. They nre, or were, prominent citi zens, highly connected politically. Big Sister—l'm afraid my birthday . cake is heavy: Kid brother —Never mind, sis, there will be enough candles to make it light. Quality Meats Steaks Chops Roasts ' We now have some of the , Choicest Meats it has been our privilege to handle, j Choice Veal Stealdi and Chops, tender, juicy western [ beef in steaks and roasts, i Phone us your order if you ' want the best. Sanitary Grocery Companay , Phones 676 and 686 By Day and By Night [ < The Smartest Women Demand : Perfume D’Orsay Sold Only By Gibson Drug Store r The Rcxall Store. i “SNAPPY” happily terms this classy Oxford. It’s the kind men like to wear. So comforta ble, so well made, it « typifies the ultimate any man can buy for little money. $4.95 up RUTH-KESLER SHOE STORE 1 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ANNUAL SERMON AT THE BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION Rev. W .D. Spinx Chooses as His Subject, “Faith and Prayer." Charlotte. Nov. IT.—(4>)—Choosing as his subject, “Faith and Conduct". Rev. W. D. Spinx. pastor of Brown Memorial Baptist Church, of Winston- j talem, delivering the auiiunl sermon i before the Baptist Rtate convention 1 here tonight, declared that faitli ] moulds conduct and character, that i ’he Christian fail'll of many today is 1 haken, and uncertain and submitted 1 i “faith which we believe will keep he soul steadfast and serene amid ‘ troubled waters.” The three articles in the faith sub- 1 mitted by the minister were: "The supreme value of the immortal soul"; i "Tlie superior dignity and mission of the Chi]nil of Jesus Christ" r and “the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit." Taking as his text 1 Corinthians 15:55, the speaker 'reviewed Paul’s otters to the Corinthians, and dje clared that throughout “the apostle deals with faith nnd conduct as re 'ated to the church, rearfling tlie cli max of his arguments, warnings, ap peals, and instructions in the words which he take for our text: ‘■There fore beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, uumovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." And the implication runs throughout the fifteen chapters, said the speaker, “that faith is the foundation of conduct". . . . “Why, chhraetcr and conduct,” he continued, “are but an exposition of faith. What I believe I am, I do, I practice.” The minister gave as examples of this declaration the character and con duct of the apostle. Paul priof to his conversion, and after. He also cited the belief of the Germans before the World War. “that they were com missioned by heaven to eouguer the world nnd dominated it by German ideals.” “Now, what shall we believe—what must we believe if we are to be stead fast, immovable nnd always abound ing in the work of onr lord? I think you will agree with me that we are living in a day of great unrest, a day of disturbing and demoralizing agitation. Men's souls are being tried sorely. The faith or belief of many is being tested to its very foun dation. Many, we fear, are discover ing they have not the faith they once theought they had—or what they took to be faith, under the test of the times in which we live, is resolving itself into mere speculation They have not that faith in then! breasts ; which made martyrs and saints. A faith for which they could gladly sac rifice their life blood—but not one inch of conviction. They do riot have a faith which produces a life stead fast. unmovable, and abounding." Referring to the three articles of faith lie submitted, Mr. Spinx said . that “by faith we do not mean opiniofi ’ or speculation, but a d&p, abiding, as , suring convieticn, which is what the author of Hebrews defines faith as being.” Os the first artie’es of faith, “the supreme value of the immortal soulj” the speaker said, “that tlie soul of man is of supreme va’ue is admitted by men in realms other than re ligions,” and he thus defined the 1 soul: “The center of the inner life—for just as the heart is the seat and cen ter of the emotions—the is the seat and center of life itself. Our self is our soul. We mean that which we think Jesus means—that in man which is capable of knowing God—of fellowshipping with a holy God—of enjoying God, of being rich toward that which is in danger of being eter nally separated from God.” The effect of Bueh faith upon con duct, said the minister, will result in “characterizing it by a holy passion ' for the salvation of the lost souls of men and women. And when any church loses a holy passion for the salvation of the lost—God pity that church.” Discussing the second article of faith—the superior dignity and mis sion of the church of Jesus Christ—he said that the church’s “one outstand ing and distinctive feature” is thut “it is the one great agency through which He operates and carries on His . high purpose of grace for the world. That lifts the church of Jesus Christ in superiority in dignity,, and in mis sion as far above any other institu tion of earth conceived in the mind of man as a glistening star in yon heav en is far above a clod of eartiu” Referring to the superior dignity of the church, 'Mr. Spinx said there were three things said of the church that it would be “sheer blasphemy to say of another institution: “God bought the church with his own blood”; Christ loved the church and gave himself for it’;; and “God gave Jesus to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.” The church, he said, is superior in her mission, for “her mission is that of functioning as the living body of Christ on earth.” And this faith, he said, will affect conduct thus: “It will characterise conduct by a bold ness and aggressiveness that will an swer every challenge of a great task with a ready and full response, and the challenge of every evil with sturdy opposition.”’ The minister concluded his sermon with a discussion of his third article of faith-r-“the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit.” And he con cluded his discussion of this' phase of his sermon : “Suppose we look sincerely to the Holy Spirit to teach us —to comfort us—to glorify God in us —how will it affect conduct? It will affect it in characterising it by a deep and' in tense spirituality. And when a church loses the glow and warmth of deep and intense spirtuality God pity that church —no matter how great she may be in numbers or rich in material resources. “And do it brethren, with a faith in the supreme value of the immortal soul—leading to a holy passion for the lost. With sincere faith—in the superior dignity and mission of the church of the living God—leading to bold nos and ready response to the challenge of every task—or of every evil. Wit’a a faith in I lie super natural ministry of the Holy Somt—- leading ;to a deep and irftense spirt ualky—we shall Is* steadfast, un movable, always abounding —and our I So All May Hav, it : j New Dress For Thanksgiving A Great Sale of Dresses For Every Type of Woman !| j Priced at savings, and a scale range to gratify every !|l | means of expenditure. In styles for every type rtf woman. ]'| I Flat crepe, crepe back satins, fancy faille/ Plain georg- 1 j ette, lace and georgette and beaded georgette models. ! ! < Long and short sleeves. High and low collars. Colors l| J include all that’s newest. ■!> l j Spc $7.50 $9.95 $14.75 $19.75 j 1 FISHER'S 1| ; | Visit Our House Furnishings, China | and Gif t Department V , ; NEW PATTERNS OF CHINA 3 [ | NEW “GIFTS OF UTILITY” ; | Brass Goods, Andirons, Fire Sets \ Fire Screens and Fenders ; Ritchie Hardware Co. I ! YOUR HARDWARE STORE i B PHONE 117 3 i i B ; p Another Cold Winter! | WILL YOU BE COMFORTABLE? f : l ; # ; Again the scientific observers of atmospheric conditions i ! predict a bitter winter —longer and colder by far than last ! ! winter, which broke records everywhere. ! Vigorous days are coming when your furnace will demand ! help. If the rooms are to be kept comfortable and the ] family in health, you’ll need a gas heater for auxiliary j warmth. t Gas Radiant Heaters for rooms with or without ] a fireplace opening Don’t shiver! Make small payment and enjoy the glowing heat of gas fire. Come in add see I the wide variety of new heaters. Concord and Kannapolis Gas Co. To Keep warm—“ You can do it Better with GAS” I liber shall not be in Tain in the c ■ I Lord.” I ■ ’ IT ALWAYS PATS TO USE THE • TIMES-TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. ; __ u\ poqoooooooeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooo* II jrr 7 There Are Two Things | | J • cL • You Ought to Do Today \ | akv The first is to see these ' ! new Roberts-Wicks O’- !j[ \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC *:• ' ~ S "' ' I 1 KAYSERS HOSIERY 1 | I la l " K I All the New Season’s Colors A Pure Thread Silk Stocking that Will Wear Light Weight, Medium Weight and < Heavy Weight Kaysers Slipper Heel Stockings Are the First in Fashion 1 RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. I ' I WHY A LOT OF PEOPLE Have Quit Shopping For Tires The tire you want is here for you. Come in and let us help you choose it from the com- ! plete Goodyear line we carry— Every type and size from the good old Goodyear 1 30x3 1-2 Clincher to-the new SUPERTWIST Goodyear 8 Balloon—and you name the price you want to pay. * \ Yorke & Wadsworth Col Union and Church Streets