PAGE SIX HBBHB "npßßp “\k ii lri*y** fmrw * # ~ jy~ mmm ' , ZJ — __ vi Newest Furniture Fashions YEARS ago, dark massive furniture was the vogue. Now, every room of the home is made bright and cheerful as well as rich with Heywood* Wakefield Reed and Fibre Furniture. Ninety-nine years of furniture-building leadership puts Heywood-Wakefield in a position to meet your wants in comfort and quality, design and colors. We have a varied stock of the latest Heywood-Wake field productions in suites and single pieces at within* your-reach prices. 4-PIECE SUITE $62.95 SETTEE, CHAIR, ROCKER AND TABLE Loose cushions. Spring Seats, Covered in good grade cre onne Suits are finished grav or ivory. Decorated or plain. r,i ? <i (ro„, $62.95 *° $98.50 pash or Terms Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE —:: —Eat—:: — JOHNSON’S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH § IT 13 DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO 8 YOUR GROCER j< Price Only 20 Cents a Pound SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I THE UNIVERSAL CAR Public opinion is slowly formed. It is not easily '[ ] changed, and if there is a general opinion fixed in the !j 1 1 minds of the public, you can be assured that it is reason- jt j| ably we ll justified. '! j! We have not been in Concord so long, but so far as we ; know, there is no one who has dealt with us that can com- i i 1 plain on anything we have done. If there should be a 1 ! 1 1 cause for complaint, we openly invite your coming to us. i| ; We are always willing to go beyond the usual practices |i | and every reasonable expectation of our customers. ! REID MOTOR CO. I CONCORD’S FORD DEALER !j Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. jFetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE I Y. M. C. A. Members Take Notice! I THE SPECIALTY STORE I I Headquarters for All s I Athletic and Gym Equipment l 1 S.UnionSt Opposite Court House! .Concord Daily Tribune TIME OP CLOSING MAILS j The time at the closing of mails at the Concord postoffjce is as follows: * Northbound P. M. 36*-10:00 A. M 34 4 :10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30-11 ;00 P. M. Southbound 39 9;30 A. M 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8.00 P. M. 23—11:00 IV M | LOCAL MENTION |j Jonah Talbirt. who was taken to' the Concord Hospital for treatment, continues to be in an improved con dition. He is ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Lacy, of Richmond, has ar rived in the city and will open Efird's Beauty Shop Thursday. All the dis-; ferent kinds of work of this character i will be done in the shop. According to a deed filed Tuesday at the court, house G. D. Grimes and R. M. Cline have sold to A. X,. Bold ing for $29(1 part of the Sherrill-Day vault lands in this county. Bishop E. A. Penick will hold ser vices at All Saints Episcopal Church Thursday evening at 7 :30 o’clock. The public is invited to attend this ser vice and hear the bishop. At a meeting of the Higli-Y boys Tuesday evening at the Y. M. C. A., l Hr. Thomas W. Rowlett made an irn- i pressive talk to those present. The i girls of the H ! gh-G Club also had a ( meeting Tuesday night. j i Register, of Deeds Ellioitt Tuesday j issued marriage licenses to the follow- J ing couples: William Xesb'f and Mrs. Esther O. Morris, both of Salisbury ’ Route 2: and Otho L. Corl and Miss j Maude Fisher, both of Concord. Two eases are scheduled for tt-ial 1 in recorder’s court this afternoon. One t defendant is charged with being intox- ( : cated. and the other is charged with 1 selling liquor ami with larceny. These : cases have developed since the last 1 session of the court held Monday. During the two opening days. Fri day and Saturday of this week, (line's . Pharmacy is going to sell 2.000 may- j ket bags for 25 cents each. In each j of these bags you will tiiul at least 23 . samples of various high class goods, which you will find enumerated in the page ad. today. The expression class of Miss Del- * ma Herspergor will be heard in a re- ’ cital, which is to be for parents. Fri day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. This is the first recital of the year for Miss Hersperger's class. A public recital will ze heeld at a date later in the year. Temperatures here dropped a num ber of degrees during the night and heavy ice was reported this morning in many parts of the city, i.ower temperature- will continue for sever al days, according to weather re ports, with snow predicted for some sections of the State. The new power schedule becomes ef fective in this county tomorrow. Un der the ruling the textile plants of the county will operate until six o’clock tomorrow night instead of stopping work at noon as they had been doing for some time. Improvement in the water situation in the western part of the state is responsible for the im proved schedule. L. V. Elliott, register of deeds for the county, is preparing now his semi annual report to be sent to Raleigh. The fiscal year for Mr. Elliott’s office ends November 30th and the report will be sent in to Raleigh as early as possible after that date. Figures cov ering every department of Mr. El-' Fott’s office must be included in the report. i Local football fans are much in terested in the announcement that State and Carolina have agreed on a date for their 1926 football game The game will be played on October 30th, one year at Chapel Hill and the next at Raleigh. It was feared the teams could not agree on a date and fans will be glad to know the teams are to meet in the future. DR. HOUSTON ENTERTAINS Gives Banquet at Central Methodist Church in Honor of New Pastor. i Dr. W. C. Houston gave a banquet 1 Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock in < honor of the new pastor, Ret. Robert M. Courtney. The banquet was serv ed in the assembly room of the new, i Sunday school building, and Dr. Hous ton had as his guests the other Meth odist pastors of the city and the board of stewards of Central Church. The following pastors were pres ent : Revs. R. M. Courtney. E. My ers, T. F. Higgins, A. G. Loftin, J. C. Keever. The fol!ow ; ng stewards were pres ent: D. B. Coltrane, K. L. Craven, J. A. Hartsell, A. J. Dayvault, W, E. Fisher, R. L. Miller. A. F. Good man, Gray Bost, .T. L. Crowell, Jr., Grover C. Love, W. J. Glass, Jacob Btirewalt, A. S. Dayvault, J. W. B. Long. R. A. Brower. H. M. Shinn, E. C. Turner. IV. F. Goodman, A. S. Webb, J. L. Crowell, Howard Collie, W. B. Ward, B. R. Craven, W. D. . Pemberton, I. I. Davis, J. E. Smoot, I C. M. Ivey, A F. Hartsell, J. B. Sherrill. Every steward was present except one, who was unavoidably detained. S The evening was one of delightful X fellowship, and was thoroughly enjoy- K ed by each guest. The following pro- D gram was carried out: X Greetings to Pastor—By thq Host. K Address by D. B. Coltrane. D Address by Howard Collie. X Address: Central's Achievements in 5 the Past—J. L. Crowell. 9! Address: Central’s Outlook and X Responsibility—A. S, Webb. 5 Address: What Methodism Owe* 9 the Community—Rev. T. T. Higgins. 5 Response by Rev. R. M. Courtney, g Benediction by Rev. E. Myers, gjCSI RMHT OOUMM-R pats' THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Judge; "Did you hare any accom plice in this hurglary?" | Prisoner: "No, your honor; I'm ' not doing well enough to have an as sistant." «■■ - Visitor: “Your goods may be first class, but you can’t hold a candle to ours.” * 4 Manufacturer: “Oh. are you in this line, too?" ,’• j ' Visitor: “No. we make gunpowder" GOOD HEALTH. GOOD LOOKS —She)by Studio MRS. J. E. HENDERSON “For about live .veal's I was in vev> poor health brought on through a ner vons breakdown.” said Mrs. J. E., Henderson, who resides at 423 S. Columbia St., Gastonia. N. C. “I lost in weight, got very thin and almost too weak to get around. I could not sleep or get any rest, liad no appetite. I was eompCetely worn out and suffered so with my head that I would nearly go mad. I had backaches and pains in my side. I doctored and took med icine but : t was Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptioh that finally restored me to health. It was worth hundreds of dollars to me, for it made me a well woman. I gained back my \yeig. i and have enjoyed the very best o: health since.” You should obtain this famous Pro scription now at ycur nearest drug -tore in tablets or liquid, or -end 10 to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo. X. Y.. for trial package. Write for free medical advice. CONCORD COTTON MARKET WEDNESDAY. NOV. 18, 1925 Cotton .19 1-2 Cotton Seed .40 1-2 Molasses, Sugar Fresh Cabarrus County Sorgum Molasses. Its scarce this season. be sure to have a supply for at least a part of the season we bought thje output of thlirce of the best makers. We have it. Call us. Send your ves sel. Fine Porto Rico Molasses. It has that high flavor md very fine quality. You can always find it with us. Domiuo Fine Granulated Sugar, is the best. We sell it debaucse it is the best. We deliver quick everywhere. Cline & Moose ii ■ I i School C 1 : Teachers 8 How many of your pu pils have learned the first lesson of life—cleanli ness? Too many parents leave this vital subject for you to. teach- alone. Are you teaching that outer clothing dry clean ed regularly is a promise of better health? All con tagious germs in Cloth ing are destroyed when “Refreshed by Bob’s. Phone 787 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline it Mooee) Figures named represent priose paid for product on the market: Eggs Jf» Sweet potatoes SIJB Turkeys —__ .25 to At Butter -- T j| Country Hsm .4s FATHIfc AND SON BANQUET TO BE HELD HERE FRIDAY Peppy Program Being Prepared Ear Turkey Dinner to Be Slaved ait the Y. M. T. A. Sinee dad started in to make a mil lion, and determined to do better than 90 pi) the course, and So many other interests hare taken him away from home and now that the boys are grow ing up and consume their share of the gas, run the schools, and fuss the girls, there hasn't been much time for these male members ot the family to get together. So in the interest of “Better Everything Weeks” which are so popular now, there is set aside a week when dad spurns money, fame and pleasure to get ncquainted with junior, ami this young man in turn refuses dates, joy rides and tile like to be with dad, and find out how r*%l- I ly tine he is. The Father and Son Banquet is an j annual eeent to renew the finest rela | tionships and fellowship. Dads i should welcome this chanye for collec | tively pledging themselves to the in terest and development of their sons. Millar’s Antisaptlo Oil Known As Snake OH Will Positively Relieve Pain in a Few Minutes ■ irnr ITIA Try 11 ri « ht now for Rheumatism, Neural* UIiUL | |\ gia. Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen 1 ILIXL I | |u Joints, pain in the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc, After one application pain üßually disappear® as if by magic. A new remedy used externally for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Influensa, Sore Throat, Jl fIIUERS Diphtheria and Tonsilltis. \ ft luTisspnc This oil is conceded to be the most pene- I OIL trating remedy known. Its prompt and * “wSlakVoil immediate effect in relieving pain Is due r t 0 the ,act that it penetrates to the af *! mSm fected parts at once. As an illustration: 3| THE GREAT Pour ten d ops on the hickest piece of I f MiNMFniriHF sole leather and it will penetrate this sub ■ minutes. « 1 nSSSLuSnSm Refuse cheap imitations, any other prep- SSKSwwS aration bearing similar name is an lmita it tion of our product, having recently IS mSZZZZ'oZ.*. changed their carton after we had created 2 jgßßJUick demand for this preparation, tor the sole li 1 purpose of taking advantage of our adver tising, which is an infringement on our 3 MM rights. Demand the genuine Miller’s An- tiseptic Oil (known as Snake Oil) the only one advertised in the newspapers. "NOT HEALING on/’ but Miller’s Antiseptic (known as Snake Oil). It is golden red color only. Get it and we guarantee beneficial results. Contains Coal Oil. Turpentine. Csmphor. Caplenm. Oil Eulacyptus and other valuable Ingredients. Cse it quick. Chest colds. Influ enza, rnrnmonia. etc Penetrates to the affected porta quickly, relieving the congestion. For sale by Gibson Drug Store, Concord; F. L. Smith Drug Co., Kannapo- Atwater Kent RADIO Jk I jl £T~\ANCE on a smooth floor with plenty of room—with the people you pick out for the occasion. And dance to the < music of the orchestras that are crowd ing the most popular dancing places in f the country. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE j-g rr r lT-;”-r;-~Hnn5-r i Ttt* sWiSMZSnTfTIl■ iliauL.a- I BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL 667-677 BROADWAY f § NEW YORK J Accommodations For 1,000 Guests In the heart of the dowri-town business section. ■ Connections to all parts of the City within a few minutes from our door NEWLY FURNISHED AND RENOVATED High Class Service at Low Rates I 8 Lacge Banquet and Convention Halls LL. CRAVEN & SONS * '4- PHONE 74 !il»SM>M»«aoMao<iannsno l WW Q Sons will measure up to the privilege 1 of being op a plane with dad. 6e 1 each other's guests at this reunion of j Father and Son. J The annual Father and Sop Ban- j quet this rear will be beM at the j Y. M. C. A. on Friday evening. No- J vember 20th, at T o’vlock. i A program has beep prepared which J will consist of ipupical numbers and J a few brief speeches. No talks over, j two minutes will be allowed. | A. G. Odell baa been chosen as the j toastmaster for the oeeasion and the l Bovie Yodleing Quartet, of Charlotte. J will render vocal selections. Tho High' School Orchestra will also play at the, dinner. Presentation of a “loving howl" is l to be made to the man who has per- j formed the greatest service in the , community this yeaer. Harry Lee Johnson has the name’ of a number of boys who have no one; to take them. Any business man who ji can take one or a number of them is, \ asked to notify Mr. Johnson in order that he may make the necessary ar- 1 rangements. OOGO OOOOOPGOQOOOOOeBGGOMIIIBOOOOeOOdOOOOOOOOOOOOCgf $ How to cure f] | a cold— V i I Sec your family'physician j 8 at the fitst necd^-drop fi into the Drug Store for wfN!f > yJ~ J} ! 5 the pills—then come "fIY 1 around to Hoover’s for | v the heavy underwear. l L woolen hose and outing flannel night clothes. t \—-aI Don’t go to the M. D.’s . ~f nor to the Drug store nor i to Hoover’s but let the cold take its course and it will go j av?ay—AND TAKE YOU WITH IT! • Muffler*—Warm Pajamas—Cozy Underwear—Woolen jj • t Hos?. [ HOOVER’S,kc. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” | xtooooooooooooooooQcoooeoeooooooortoooooooooooooo} ■ oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot I COAL I The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS PHONE 844 OR 279 OMOuOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOqOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOci i * Superior Advantages - ; Are in store for the Young Men and Women who acquire > j the habit of thrift in their early youth. t Success requires living within your income and laying ■ f up something for the future. The first two or three en- J « tries in your pass book will help inspire you to make ad- jj j ditions. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK ; 8 Phone 799 .Phone 799 ijj | Service, Quality and Quantity § Guaranteed | Don’t wait until you bum your last 11 lump to buy. Buynow. 1: Cline & Mabery Coal Co. j| - PHONE 799 j| HOT WATER IN A JIFFY i iri > s s “ re 'y. a * r ' cn< * * n nee(^an<^ II iMT match and in a few minutes steaming hot water will run I EB. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER * j Office and Show Room 88 B. Corbin St. Office Phone 384 W | OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK ij; THERMOMETERS | | Minute Thermometer* j Red Letters, Making it j easy to read fj ; Prices Are Right Cline’s f Pharmacy Phone 868 § I fW P.——— AIYC * A—! 1- B D- I r«ny m/D. uet v£uick Kesults - - f- Wednesday, Nov. 12. 1025 86 PER CENT. , DISCOUNT ON CLOCKS If you don’t have a clock that will keep time, see us about one that will keep time. We sell them for less and on easy terms if you wish. S. W. Preslar j . JEWELER

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