PAGE TWO I PEN' .IT t -v v ( # §i £ Sale—Dry Heutci~in<( Stove \\ uod rnrlff*I'* 1 '* stove length. W. F. (’anuou, mpkoute Mf 7 28-2 t-p. R For Salt—On Kaimapo H K Koatl. above underpass. 75x222. ■Bntone 549 W or 445 AV 23-3 t-p. PP B,r, For Your Denatured Ylcoliol |fftjßfor radiators. Coil JMotor Co. inJpr Sale or Kent—One House on Street. .1. S. Shaffer. MKJtThon.- liglU. 23-St-*, ■pi 3 1-2 Judes east of Cone rd near HEpth* Cold Hill Road, s room house. XBeS double barn and out buildings. M Cline/ Route 4. 23-4 t-p. Oranges. Grapefruit. Fancy HI ai'Ph- and bananas. Anything for Dove-Bust Co. IPSHt-ii. ■ f Its Celt ry. l.ettuee. Cranberries, ■K'i bananas, lemons, oranges and :ii we have them. Also pork sausage, meat and pi- ham. Fruit eakes. Rhone Fisher A I.itaker. 23-21-p. jB iVesh Shipment Roysters Delicious lVamit brittle and eoeoanut Dave-Host Co. 23-lt-p. K|batlii —San:,ill Case. Owner (all Hg . get same by paying for tliis ad. and at home of .1. I>. H. Isen- Kt hour. North Cnion street. 21-ts. a Brewn Feather Traveling Hag ■BP between Harrisburg and Coueord. Friday evening. Rag contains i BBk'clothing. students' i-epm-i and bank witfi my name. Reward if re- HHptinned to Tribune office or to Mar-; Litaker. l’aldwing Senior Station. Harrisburg. X. C. ■ 21-2 t-p. “For Hire" Cards For Jit- at Tribune-Times office. 10 each. 17-ts. weight wrestler of Europe, 110 in this country recently from topnotehers in the mat gam* .during his stay in America. «**-*—- ; . ... .. » If Efird’s Beauty Parlor H| ; ANNOUNCES HE It lias Secured the Services of MRS. LACY, of Richmond, Ya. M filL’ an operator of wide experience in all lines of k H Beauty Culture g Bp, * All ladies cordially invited to visit our $ K Beauty Parlor X s. Phone 890 For Appointment u x ■ Efird s Beauty Parlor HBOdoboooeoooooooooooooooooooooooooQooooooooo 1 2 i For Sale—Ford Coupe in Good Con i, ’»dition. Inquire at Tribune Office. 23-ts-p. s Thanksgiving Specials—Celery, Let t. tuce. cauliflower, bell peppers, Span ish onions, carrots, brissel sprouts, ■ greens, turnips, squash and rbu- I barb. Dove-Rest Co. 23-It-p. Phene Us Y'our Order For Your ■ Thanksgiving "dinner—Cranberries. * celery, lettuce, fruits and nuts. - Sauitary Grocery Co. 28-lt-p. - For Sole—Eleven Pigs December 10 at VY. O. Petrea's. 23-St-p. r For Sale—Bird Dog. Price Reasona j ble. S. J. Etird. Rost Mill. : i ; t'ranfcenues, Cranberried'. Cranberries. r AVe have ’em. I)ove-Rost Co. 23-1 t-p. - Get Pay Every Day: Distribute 130 . necessary products to established users. Extracts, soaps, food pt-od ‘ nets, etc. World's largest company will back you with surprising plan. ' Write the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. K-3, 231 Johnson Ave., New ark, X. J. 21-2 t-p. Heated F'urnished Rooms For Rent. Desirable residential section. Phone 301. 9-ts-p. i . I Don’t Forget tltat We Will Give 10 per cent, discount for cash with or der for Engraved Christmas Cards received before December Ist. We ■ have in stock a beautiful new line ; I of these cards. Call and see them. ' j Orders delivered within a few ■ | hours after receipt. ts. Mcl-Bro Lotion—For Pimples. Black heads, and all facial blemishes. At. all drug stores. 11-0-30 t-c. For Sale—One Duroe Boar and Two Duroc sows, three months old. I Pure bred. C. S. Thompson. Route 3, Gold Hill. 21-4 t-p. | Imprisoned OM| ; luSH™* MM -imps Vi 1' j | Kansas City humane society officers had to break down a door to rescue . t-year-old Marlon Cartwright from-a j house in which her parents had kept 1- her for six months without letting her go out of doors once. When they left the house, she said, she wa* ■ j locked in a closet and the house wa* | often . allowed to grow cold. ATh* ' parents are being sought. .. I CSE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS - - - v:— ipa-v , - , tMJ-UL#*, ~ai 2.■■4. ff W AiND ABOUT TWfc CITY ; I— : ; ANDREAS PAVLEY IS tvOVNG CONCORD MAN INIMITABLE DANCER DIED FROM WOUNDS Famous Russian Takes Place as Johnny Hand Fatally Shot hi Cous- World's Foremost Classical Dancer 1,,. Robert Pruett. White Hunting —Story of Life. Saturday. , ■ Frotn his Russian mother Pavle.v JnkimyHorVcl. son of Mr. and Mrs. doubtless inherits a love .-or that j YV. Harvcl. of this oitv, died at most vivid of all national art ex pres- the Concord Hospital yesterday after sions (lanerug. 1 rom his Dutch poon from woim< ,„ he r ,^ ivwt Satur father the placidity and poise which afternoon.when accidentally shot • has made of him a classicist among by his cousin. Robert Pruett dancers. The fact that he was bora rrnett waß ( , 18rtfiTn „, by a kroner’s i a £, d rTt bIS earl vL- j«<’> last night and exonerated when v, , t w* 1 T: 1 " 1 , ,K1,a ’ > ,r,,bablj ' be ami several other witnesses told has tended to add to h,s extraordm- th ,, } shooting was accidental.; : ® r - v pertsonal equipment of a note of The shooti nettr Mid luscious warmth which together , d afternoon . Harvel. with his remarkable ability and poetic and two oth( . r men .;, av . beauty, make of him so colourful a }nf go?|(i tbprp , 0 hunt the lail(| ( ancc of Kunn Bafbeq, friernl of the Harvel A pupil of ( eeeeenetti ami Crus- X .. .. , tine on the one hand, and Jacques »*“£• ?, ho< : t,n « '' as *'""*** Dale rule on the other, he combines b > S.vlv’estcr llarbee the others in ’ the superb rhythmic values of the absent wh,>, ‘ the ,rag ' latter with the choreographic techni- °rcuije<l. 1 que taiiffht by the *reat masters of 0 to tcstnmmy to the jury • the Russian school. Barbee Pruett and Harvel sat down By common consent Pavley is one °n the bank of a discarded road te» m»t of the most illustrious dancers df the a^l< ‘ r hunting several hours. While present day. distinguished by manly »»"»»* ***** Harvel asked Pruett to; beauty and strength, ttawfess tech- *>*" him W* for prae ideal skill. exceeding grace and *iqe. ***&■ did st> - after teHln * agility of motion, rare creative Harvel that he only had thm* ear ’ imagination of invention iti thd com- tridges and not to waste them. - position of his dances, and an uu- Harvel twice, it was said, then usual and ]a*rv«iding j>ersonality.' i pitched the gun to Pruett. Later; : 111 such ballets as “A l>ance "hen Han*el started to drink water Poem" and ‘ Yeuusberg," he clothes from a hole. Pruett warned him superlative feats of skill in «« re- against it and shot into the lade. | markable a beauty: hi the “Syrian Harvel tSien walked across a meadow] ' Ballet" and ‘Dance Macabre.*’ he to some ejear water and while return adds jieetie invention and ittusioins mg was >^biot. ;to this bi'outy and \lhis skill, while While walking across the meadow, in such mimo-drauias as “The Gate the jury was told. Harvel went of Redemption" he rise** higli in vivid through military drill with Pruett giv and exotic impersonation. ing commands. “Right,** “Ijeft,** So dancer of our age has indi- “Halt.** were the commands. Each viduality of t<o wide a range as he time he said halt. l*ruett snapped his has. He is not only recognized as an pistol at Harvel. When Harvel got , artist of wonderful dramatic power within two yards of Pruett, the lat and originality but also as a remark- ter snapped his gun at ’aim again. . able producer. this time responding with the bullet Pavley headed his own company in that penetrated Marvel* stomach. Europe before coming to America. Harvel was rushed to the I’oneord In this country he ha* developed and Hospital where an ojieration was per perfected a school which has been a formed but attending physicians never eci.tinuation and advancement of the entertained more than a lighting Russian School. His world famous chance for his recovery. Pavlcy-OukraiTisk.v Bnl’et. the su- The deceased was twenty years of preme ballet of today, is the result of age and i* survived by his parents, his. imagimjtion and creative art. and three sisters. Dorot'iy. Violet and Pavley ivt tlh* head'Jnf his compauy, Shirley Harvel. the Pavley-Oukraiticskv Hfljlet. will Funeral services were held this af appear at the High School Audi- ternoon at Meadow Creek and inter torium. Xovember 24. ment made in the cemetery there. Pruett was very nervous when ques- LEATRfCE rfOV HAS EXCITING by the coroner's jury, breaking HOI K IN THE WEDDING SONG into sobs ' vbt * u ask< ‘<* if ,10 11 ,uI Harvel _____ had had any cross words during the Star Climbs Cliff Amid Fusilade ami <•«>’• "Ho was my best friwid.” hr Other Semes Are Moss Thriltimc replied between sobs. FI never have lniiipinr u girl worming her way another friend as pood, as Johnny, desperately up the almost perpendi- Harvel came to Ooneord several i-nlar side of a cliff, lashed by a toj* ap,> to seeure work in a textile furious tropieal si or ill. whi’e a pronp plant. He spent Pile summer in of persons a hundred feet blow try Charlotte working as a carpenter, hut their marksmanship on her strug- returned to Concord to secure inside gling body during frequent flashes of work during the winter, light 11 ing— and- yon have one of the- The jury summoned by Coroner dramatic -dilation* which will have Hwtscli- for the inquest held last spectators of "The Wedding Song.” niglrt in the Wilkinson Funeral Home, which comes to the Concord thedtre was eotuposed of L. 1). Coltrane, Monday and Tuesday, on the edges Royd Riggers. Tom Hendrix, C. A. of their -iiiafs. Alois. E. F. Shepherd and AA’. Al. It is oily a |Nirt of the spee- Sherrill. raenlarly dramaiie finish of a pieture ! loaded with act ion that would hold. Lecture Tuesday Night, the attention of an andienee through ,•„! Alfred 1.. Aloud’v, of Waterloo, an earth quake, and with I, in trier Indiana, will deliver his famous lec- Joy. the Star, and her genius for tur ,. -The Rock of Liberty," to Con come, I>. Ihe A\ eddirg Song has ~ord audiences, Wednesday evening, all the ear-marks of one of those pic- Xovember 23th. in the Forest H : ll lures which eonte once in a long nme. Methodist Church al 7:30. ' It was direetetl by Alan Hale Col. Aloudy comes highly recoin- EtM. Alumford. author of m( . 11d ,.d as a finished speaker. He ■ Ihc Wedding Song might have ha(i an educator of prominence wrmen the novel with Joy in tU ... lo(liana s( . lu))lls for . M in third, for the Story given her an candidate for Governor of < j xr<*!h*nt upt>ortumty to display nnr *, . . . . , , 1 j talent for both gripping drama ami thl ” l Mr ' *"' d ' ha ' ch ver comedy. Robert Ames plays “? - nvlabl '' record for ser- Alias Joy. while Ethel "‘ Alexn-an Rorder amliu Wales. Charles Gerard and Rosa ** " “f l ' l L ''. nr ’ a “‘ !lol,l L dw ’ Rudami have imia.rtan. roles, (liar- ‘"teflon ol WaM 01. m the l.*oth $ le» Whitaker mid l>ouglas Dotv Artulrrj 1 . *.. Army. wrote the adaption of “The Weddi-ng local people will have part iiv the program of the evening. Rev. ) T. F. IliggiuK, pastor of the Forest Geirge White’s Scandals. Hfil ( ' b ' , 7 h - and « w - < ’ uur '- The Sixth edition of George White’s m ' 4 , "l 1 of the evening. Scandal* will he presented at (he v N ‘‘ I '' • «* Charlotte auditorium on Thanksgiving V M A ' "■.U have charge of the I Day. Thursday November 20i'i. mnti- an,, 1 „ . nee and night The revue is in two ~T * F ,"" ral '* , '" l ' ,l,aUv acts ami thirty elaburate scenes. Some V,,M ' b, ' ar v1!,1t,,1 « I ‘P« kpl ’" i of the big numbers are "I'ps and Downs in l'ogo Town.” "Aruby,” 4u,, ‘ <> Wit lead over Harvard | “Year After Year.” “The Censors,’’ ' ll I nuinbiT of its football vietor ‘•Alnm Jong." "I. >ver of Art,” "Hose ies - b »‘ <l*c Crimson lias been coming of Madrid." and "Land of Congo." al,:u K faster fn late years. Up Pi 1010 The settings ami costiiining of the Harvard had won only 5 of .'MI games.’ revue are elaborate and costly. The 'osing 22 and tieing three. An idea I company numbers approximately one °f /*ow fe\y and far between were the hundred entertainers, including Nyra Crimson victories may be gained front Brown. Fred Lightner. John Getz, “ mention of years. Harvard won in Tom I’atten, Betty Ross. Ace , Rrown, ‘ 57.». 1800, 1808, 1001. 11 KIM. Then Astoi- Sisters. Mary Lelund. Kimm «*»>e the turn of the tide and the fig -1 and Row. Harmony Four, the De “T* a l ’"’ show Yale with 25 victor ! Nardos and their Sheik Orchestra. and Harvard with 13, five games Virginia Aiorris. Gertrude AleAlabon. ending in tie scores. \ Pol* Sinton, Wilma Vivienne, John i Grove. Irene Porter and the famous international style of, skat- George White beauty chorus of fifty. "* in 'ogue in the continental coqn ’ tries of Europe requires a much siuall i Several Deeds Recorded Saturday er rink surfaic than the English i Seven deeds were reewded Saturday The English skater makes a j at the courthouse, the largest- number »f s»me 50 yards at one stroke [ filed ill a single day in several weeks. an ‘ l fo,lr skaters doing a combined tig- I The deeds were a,s follows: ’‘re will require an area of at least I St. D. Black to 8. C. Bryans, for ,brw or f,,ur thousand square unfl'- I *1230 proiierty in No. 1 township. e, ’ K - <>n t,, '‘ other hand, two conti- J Charles H. Foil to John Black for m ' mal skaters, waltzing together, are I $lO property in Ward 4. satisfied on a piece of ice 300 square I Geo. F. Rodgers to AA'illiam Flow I for *lO property in this county. A. W. Sloan to J. AV. Rowland for Harvard lost six successive foot -31300 property in No. 3 township. 1,1,11 * aln< ‘s with Yale up td 1908. F. AV. Hedrick to O. C. Towell for won in that y ear and lost only two *1575 property on Bentley Avenue. qf tile jiext eleven games. | C. U. and G. I*. Andrew tp W. AV. Andrew for $lO proiierty in No. 2 ON THE TOP HAIR RESTORER. 1 township. I AA. AA . Andrew to C. R. anilC. P. The only genuine preparation that S Andrew property in No. 2.township give* back the natural colot’,to grey for $lO. hair (no dye y. Absolutely cures *■ dandruff :'stops fulling hair opd itch- In ( unuda more than 50 new golf ing scalp immediately; grows hairon clubs have come into existence in the buld heads where the roots are not last two or .three years, and the Do- dead. This treatment of the scfilp minion considers itself the fastest is_a discovery of Dr. Kitawatev. of growing golfing ground in the world. Hot Springs. Arkansas, and is abso- -i . Intel> the best known remedy of tljfs Representatives of British and kind sold on the market by any insti- Swiss universities are to engage in a tut kid in America. Sold eictnsivfl.v series of international ski races in the »t Cline's Rharmhcy. Money back Bernese (flierltaud Jhe middle of Jan- propAsition if results are not obtained, wry. ’ . B« sure to call for On The Top. » THE CONCORD PAILY TRIBUNE POUR N. C. TRAMS \VIN IN wSKiEM) MATCHBB Wake F*rest Take* Measure of South Caro Una Champ*.—Duke Secures Wtory Over Wofford.- The last week-eud of football for the 1923 season has been played and fans u North 'Carolina are Rooking forward to Thanksgiving games for the wrndup of the year’s grid aetivi-' tie*. 1 | Borne cosolatiou to assauge the grief’ arising from the fact that collegiate football is nearing an end for another twelve-months was garnered when four of the five North Carolina teams playing teams in other states were successful. AA’ake Forest, ‘Duke,’ Le uqjre-Uhyne and Elon were all suc cessful. State lost, and Carolina. *nd Davidson were idle in anticipa tion of Thanksgiving events. Wake Forest gets the lion’s share of the honors with Duke as runner up. The Demon Deacons aided ma terially in elevating their splotched ■record when they smashed through tfie Kunnaii "Purple Hurricane” for a 9-u victory, incidentally upsetting a goodly number of pots containing select footbnll dope. n, Pe. pie who had seen the Furman team in action at Charlotte were al most uniformly of the opinion that Wake Forest was in for a good heat ing when the two Baptist institutions I met. The North Carolinians, how ever/ showed a marked superiority at all times. Their touchdown came $a a result of a blocked punt but they bad nevertheless ’aad a drive which, their opponents! acked. A strange feature of the game was that neither team was able to set any forward pass, iiito operation, nineteen being tried with only three successes. Both have been gout in this at previous games. Student's at the Baptist institution have two victories to be elacted over this week, their football team’s win, a n,| iheir president’s victory ill tiiei Rapti convention. Furman, incidentally, has already eoppeii file South Carolina state cham pionship. which makes the. Wake Fore- 1 victory all- the more impres sive. fluke, which has had her worst sea son since the resumption of football: at thin .-c'lool, showed that the recent tlashi - were not spurious by beating Wofford, in r.n exhibition of straight footbnll. The Spartanburg team was outclassed, seemingly, in every de partment of the game. Chief in the offense was the work of Caldwell. Duke's shilling light, who was largely influential in milking tin touchdown. The score was (1-0 Davidson's squad, which was eittiny on pin- sidelines, was brought to thi realization of the fact that the Tur key 1 ay contest will not be u set-up. j In fact. Duke is considered as having attoutside chance of bringing a dis nstrim- season U> a brjlliun close. Stan s rejuvenation was insufficient to stem the tide of end runs nnd lillt piling - in the game with AVmsliing ton ami Lee and the North Carolin ians lest by u score of 14-0. To be bcati”! two touchdowns by the Gen erabi is' tin disgrace anil in order to have kept them from more tallies. State niiist have put up sis nice a brand of ball as they have played this year. The Washington and Lee team is one of the strongest, in the South, having a spot less conference record. A’irginia was beaten several weeks ago two touchdowns by W. and L. which gives ail indication of the ex cellent work which the State team lira. AlacDowell’sßuining, though a bit erratic, seems to have been the out standing iierformanee among the mem bers of the State eleven. l.ittle trouble was experienced by 1 .'inJe-fUtyin* in defeating East Ten nessee State Normal, the final wore being in the neighborhood of 454). Spurlock was brilliant for the Luth erans. Elon. after a series of losses, at lasi broke in the win column by beat ing Emmy and Henry (,’ollege from A n-ginia The work of Raul was outstanding. He was dubbed the "lied Grange" of the game by his ndniiiters. Singers’ Convention. A singer*’ convention will be held new Concord and Salisbury road the at Alt. Hope Reformed Church on the liftli Sunday. November 29th, al 1(1 o’clock n. in. This will Is- the last mnveiltion to lie held this year. * The election of officer- for next year and the annual report will be, i rendered. Come bring well filled bas ■ kets and your friends who love good singing spent another day- in this . year singing praises to the Lord most high. A. E. SLOOP, Asst. Sec. “No fTrespassing" Notices, 20 Cents a dooen, at Times-Tribune Office, ts-e. NOTICE OF SALK OF STREET CAB, SYSTEM FOR NON PAY MENT OF STREET FAY ING ASSESSMENTS. * * Notice is hereby given that the un -1 ilei-sggned Tax Collector for the City ■ of Concord, N. C., will sell at Public Aileron at the Court House Door in ■ ConcOrd, N. C. at 11 o'clock A. M.. on Monday the 7th day of December. 1 1923, to the highest bidder ifor cash ‘ the following described properly: TBo franchise granted by the City of Concord and all property, real and - personal of the Street Railway Sys • tern in the City of Concord listed in ' the name of the North Carolina Pub lie Service Company. Said ptopor : ty consists of One lot and car barn . on the South side of West iDepoV Sire* in Ward No. 4 of the City of r Condferd, all street ears, dynamos, wiring, ’pole*, tracks, trolley*, find all i other property used in connection • with the operation of Jhe Street Car i system of the City. [ The amount of street assessment i now due and uiijmiil, with cost and in f tent* is $33,853.80. No bid will be received unless sitf i fii-ie* In amount to discliurge all the - taxes due together with all costs and expenses of sale. ' , ; CHAS. N. FIELD, . Tax Collector soy City of Concord, j) 4wks. It-wk. ' ’ N. C. > : ; : : : r 7*5 \ • , ; : 7* ; s •“ 1 Citizens Bank and Trust Company ? S Concord, N. O. f • , RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS OFFICERS CHAS. b. WAGONER. HreiMeot \ C. L. PROPST, Caahdar • A. P. GOODMAN, Vice President / BOYD RIGGERS AMt. Ouhler > > , DIRECTORS, M. fc. MARSH E. C. BARNHARDT GEO. L. PATTERSON P. F. STALLINGS W. D. PEMBERTON J. F. GOODMAN - „ A. F. GOODMAN A. N. JAMES A. R. HOWARD : OHAB. M. IVEY R L. UMBERGBR CHAS. B. WAGONER T. N. SPENCER F. C. NIB LOCK , We lend money on approved security. THE HOME OF We receive deposits subject to check.. GOOD BANKING We issue Certificates of Deposit bearing four per cent. interest. ,-■ ■ ■ ■" ■-■-■.'*■■"^"'-11—y •_I!, .■ r 111. ; ,1. ill 1 11 i oooo<xK.oooooooooooaocODoSßeoooo oooooooooo<ooqoooooooooqoooooooooooooooooq BiCK SUITE $91.50 i iEDUccjjKf' Sale now on g everything. Cdrd Tables $i.95. Bridge Lamps Q $20.00 to $25.00 going for $1.4.95 to $19.75, Shiolce K fer Suites. Three pieces $121.50. AH bed-room * ng Room Suites Cut 30 per cent. All Rugs and s jught and paid for during this sale can be left in l> isk. W e have sold already several pieces to be de-, “I! get first choice. | Furniture Co. I E Fl RNITI RE STORE v -X XXXXXJOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt Li! '» ■«. rl■mu II - I 111, i '■ "■ ■■ m lll iinlid 111 ~i, j«, f Close-fitting curtains that open toijring t h e doors make the* Ford '' Touring Car comfortable and - ' AtN I convenient for any weather. Ask the nearest Authorized Ford - Dealer to show you this practi , N good-looking car that is bo coiw* - ' 520 economical own and operate. - Thuot Sedan S SO • i Convenient terms of payment «<T««r* b i«r r .‘on can readily be arranged. , open car*. * ° , All prUm f. e. b. Detroit j ! ' ' .' '- ' . 1 ■■ ■■ - - ! -- '- ' * __ i The Sermon Waa Needed. , “Tomorrow night,” announced the' t evangelist. “I nth going to talk on [ ‘LiarH." Now 1 want all of yon to’ , ,l«ok up the seventeenth Chapter of j Mark before that service,” i Next evening he railed for a show r of hands of nil those who had rend the Seventeenth chapter of Murk. More t titan UOO hands went «i>. “My sermon tofilght will be direct ed to those wllti held up their hands," - The evangelist begins First, let me ; tell Sou there is no aeveindetenhKt)e 1 fell you there U no seventeenth chap ter of Mark.” - i > Accept Ron mania’s Debt Plan. Nov.' 31—(4*1—The Amhiicaa debt commission ),*!, de (lined to accept the first, forirtal Of fer for a funding of Romnnnia’s debt to the irnited States, and to/lay sub mitted to the Roumanian commission a counter proposal. , California and Stanford, the great collegiate football rivals of the far Went, had their first clashes on the gridiron iu IXII3. In that year the Cardinals and the Golden Rears played two games, puc in March ami An other in December. Ktunford won the first, 1.4 to 10, and the second game resulted in a 10-to-10 tie wore. The teacher whs giving the class u lecture on'honesty.- “Now.Ajjfrir*'' Monday, Nov. 23, 1925 fie said, pointing to a toy in the t -k row. “suppose a friend lent you Ills Overcoat, and, putting it on, yon found i(j otic of the pockets a quarter which your friend had completely forgotten. You wouldn't keep that quarter, would you I” '•Certainly not.” , “That's»right," said ,4'ic teacher. “IVhat Would you do?'! . \ *'l would spend it,” 1 “Tlfity bait said: qnhat sa> thay: htl tliunie say,” is the inseription which is carved in stone'over the eu- Irttnce to Maristhal College in Aber deen. Scotland, founded in 1503. It is said to Hbe the motto of Earl Mar kka! Kcilh". the founder. ' '•'V: - v

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