Monday, Mov. 43, T 925 | - Mpto in v Professions Methods scientifically approved and' hygienic processes of dry cleaning combine to meet your ex pectation when refreshed by Bob’s. I t is wofrth l * > r * your patronage regularly, for well-being and com fort is necessary to your I best effort. | MASTER CLEANERS Pnone 787 Handsomely Engraved Visiting Cards, 100 for from $2 35 to $4.00, includ ing plate. From old plate, $1.50 per 100. Times-Twbnne office, ts. use penny column—it pays OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS Ittflwf 60 AHsTtVIIiV' —* —-V. /T, A . - ag/Tl^ | (j@/ home EM? who. Amell vou’u. Y v ./ • VJH MM. |i "~i PAVMEUT OKI ' HAFTA COME OH TfiERE'-WOO - •M||! 1%-Trt' Pi AMAER WAS [1 Round SOME i|[J tLIV ARE BLHIM^Ti^AT \ due dam Tore r\ oirer time. /’MIR CoßTiu! GosH‘ no ' Hi:!. V W»ST\ODW. •,, l] VNOKIMERX COOV.DM- I -s / W/lAir MOTHERS &ET Gkw - «-,* 3 I • ; 1 • »—» rirhmaowicg. me. , MOM-N POP 1 " BY TAVI OR SWEETHEARTT LAST L~ — 2 — LJ# ®!IW fireL She )ss/es LOOKS|| OUR Dwouu> w mswimz i'7"- \ 1 IS IE then TIED tp - ■voe Could C—_J \ outfit mod membership Tb TP.£ 1 ya >PC«E OF OOR Ca£ AMD BORROW W ( COUKSTRY 0-08 -lO FACT VUE COULD L™™ lifts OCCAQIOMAU.V foe a bide- EM \ borrow awytHiwg we meed D l KMOVO MRS.GOWN WOULD \ FROM THEM AOD TVtOS CUT NITE US OV&R OFTEN FOR ODR EXPENSES Hi 1 ..... I . Sometime*-*:* figure ttfut just being tuufried is enough to make.any woman .mad at her husband sometimw. - K The fnM Teeves are -so' beautiful they aeeio 1 almosPas wfoderfu: as those we colored in kindergarten. People W»me_jOu fpr getting into a rot, yet; ahSthg some roads the rot keeps yon out of the ditch These danger signs you see on the highways should' be put before many roadside' restaqraatst The highest a mtn can give a. girl is that be Would miss fair almost Os muth as he would his auto. A case roof fell in Jaurez, Mexico. Maybe because some Mexican had his picture made without a cigaret. (Copyright, 1025, NBA Service, Inc.) j SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID IT. Greensboro Patriot. ' ' I I A speaker at a church meeting de clared recently that the missionaries in China are greatly embarrassed | now, “Chinese students in The United State#,” lie skid, “find it is not, yet Chilian on its race relations pur missionaries have tkuglit the Chinese to expect • equality of race, but we [ fail in this even within our own borders. It is becoming more em-1 barrassing to be a missionary in Chinn,’’ It is embarrassing anywhere to give a false impression and to be caught up With. Hut Who told those mis- j sionaries to say that there is race i equality, in the general sense of the i wflrd, in the United States ? They i knpw better than that. They knew that the race* are nor equal in this Country. Where did they get their authority to teach otherwise, teach something that isn't so? It is their own fault Ts the Chinese, throw it thelh. They should thave stuck to the facts. They took l I it upon themselves to telj the of the alleged race equality and they , will just have to bear the conse quences. No doubt it is embarrass ing. Any person teitoliing what he \ knew to be untrue wou'.d'be embar rassed wjien the person he taught it to confronted him with the facts, : j Hut why did they teach it? Wl*r . -bold [icople responsible far the mis-f i- sionaries teaching something that the people certainly didn’t tell ffiem to' l teach? i In iRa -country the white people a e n„t prepared to tqrn It over to ye low men or men of other .Jojof and anybody who thinks so is <iain crazy. There is ntv use to get aboilt it, . but. that is simply a fact, n omatter wbat anybody has been teaching any where. ./ ■ Riding and Roving. Grgsnsboro Patriot. . ' ; , The presence of eight young white men in Superior court here this week, pleading guilty to charge* of stealing, j moved, toe judge,to comment on the! increasing nlimber of this Class of defendants. * j One trouble is that people are too j anxious to have a '-good time,” which means a wild time. -They like to ride j and rove. • m 4*r They don't want a job because a job Woul<k> interfere with the wild time, with the riding and roving. They want to ride about when the r em ployer would want them to be Work* | i*g. Os course they might think him ihcan if he would not let them drop i everything and go to riding, but he couldn't afford to pay them for rW iB«L They want money—for it takes money with which to ride and rove j and run about and have n good time— j-but they don't want to work for it. j It's iiicdnvetiient to work, confining, : irkhome, tak'ng up too much time. L They Peed parental restraint, firm father# and mothers who w ill tell them plainly that there are certain things they can't do and wlich to be honfe at . night. use pHnnv COLUMN—IT PAYS. THE CONCOftD DAILY TRIBUNE Steußi*!^ M WASHINGTON^I Hy CHARLES I». STEWART NEA Service Writer j Washington, Nov. 28.—Something ; I said ip print recently concerning motorists' troubes in Washington fretted Traffic Director E’dridge ao tint he dropped in. with blo d ih his ",ve ; t-> «ee me about It. ' “No doubt ' yod’ve been p'nched vourself.” be accused' “That’s what makes you so uppity.” i “Mr Eldridge,” I assured him, “out of this country’s entire grown-up population I®’ oile of about haff a drzen who never owned or drove an automobile.” His expression changed from an noyance to deep wander. “I didn’t j know we had one of ’em here in the i capital. I’ll, notify the Rmitbson ian Institution-—unthorological divi sion. Dr? Htdljcka’ll be wild about you.” ,*• * N “You see,” the director explained, ail his anger lost now in curiosity, “we have to bear down pretty hard here onr-traffic law violations- or there’d be a massacre. “All the states roundabout have au tomobile registration regulations which make it hard to ‘ dispose of stolen’ cats. But in the District of Co lumbia we have name. Consequently the minute a machine’s swiped any where in our vicinity, it’s rushed into the district to be disposed of, and it sells for a song, generally. “The result is that mere totally irresponsible people own autos iu Washington than any city in the United States, for its size,,, They’d race -right through the ckpftol, knock down the Washington monument and park in the~Lincoin Memorial if we didn't keep a tight rein on ’em.” Then-1 broached to the traffic di rector, my great scheme for a Pedes trians' League of America. ‘‘What we pedestrians need,'' J argued, “is organization. The auto ■ists have it. When -their rights arc involved they have a big association with high priced lawyers, a legists ' tive It bby aud barrels of money, t fight for them. "Hut the individual pedestrian is just a poor, lone, downtrodden pedes trian.. lie. wouldn't be so safe t kick, cuff, browbeat, knock down air’ run over if he belonged to a powerful league, sworn to defend him” ‘'There couldn't." objected Eldridge "be .such n thing as ‘powerful’ 4>ede tflans league. There aren't enough of them to form a quorum, let alone a league, with any punch behind it.” Moustaches Urged by a Methodist , Bishop. T. 11. I.aney in Monroe journal. Bishop: Denny says wear'a liious tache. The only tiling to do to dis tinguish sex. Women bob the hair J*«th'ge*i-T"Ud- and-tile only thing foe men to do is t* grow the wisp of bai on the upper lip. Get beyond them wear the moustache, aud this” great Bishop was doing just what he advis , And the Editor of the Journal was presented with an 'lnspiration' and lie advised his barber to leave them alone Let them grow and regardless of coin or style t he.\ will be looked ou as a blessing to distinguish men from his frail. , Then D. B Synder, of the Uni Finance Company caused his trust’ razor to shy awuy from the upper lit and leave the marker for he l was tired of be’ng called Miss or Mrs. And a walk down the street you sec a ms that was once as clean as ,a girl’s fae< come staggering along behind tin brush and >dme of the beprd are e rank and w"oo 1 v that the English spur wjws have already built their neat' there for winter* quarters. And this is noL nil. Often you se the eyes of a mouse peeping 'out from this brush because Be fears to ven tore. But, up there an a jaw bon' he is comfortable and just think man has got to endute all this to distil’ guiSh himself from some fair ma’de -The gills first bobbed the hair and man thought it was awful. Then she shnved the Peck arid when the heavy quids like the porcupine began to grow, naughty man quit neck kissing Then they clipped the back of the head and put on knickers. Then it was tlie great and good Methodist Bishop cried aloud, turn--Blit your moustache. Do something to distinguish man from woinhu. °oeoooooooooooooobdboCN I' Let Your Next Batter\ • Be An EXIdE Use Only the , Best f " .V. i. L.'GREGORY HELD FOR SUPERIOR COURT Slayer of 8. W. Smith at Badin Will Probably Be Tried at Albe nw!e Neat Week. A'-bamar e, Nov. 21,—J. L. Greg ory, who is charged with having shot aed Allied H. tV. Smith on the streets of Bbdin on last Thursday morning, was given «r preliminai-y hearing here today before inquire J. E. Agle and was bound over to Superior court tvitMvt right of ball. Superior court convtmes here next Monday with udg* D. A. McElroy presiding aßd thia ease will'likety be heard at that time. Thre eye witnesses to the shooting wefe' offered this afternoon tvho gave t Wtantiaiiy the same testimony. From the evidence gi ven Smith ahd Gregory were standing ta king and angry words were passed, where upon Greggory stated to Smith, “IT shoot, you," reached for his gun and at abort range shot Smith full iin the breast. Whereupon Smith turn ed and ran and when at a distance >f about 20 feet Gregory shot a secogd time. Smith went about 75 •ardh farther, fell asd died in a short time* ■Tust what led up to difficulty has mit bon learned. It is rumored, however, that Gregory had charged with having used abusive anguag,- to Gregory's wife the ove ling before. It is rumored that Tretforv has killed two men prior to bis .homicide but under what - cir •umstauces it is .not inown here. Money Set at Good Task. Greenslsiro Patriot. Benjamin N. Duke gives out his money *50.000 at a time. It’s a long that doesn’t see Mr. Duke put ting out for some eollegc. He selects the denominational ool 'ege, those that have not the great resources of a great state beehind hem, but have to look for support tQ he people of the churches It : s a big help to get $50,000. Mr. Duke does not select any one .denomination, but gives to the colleges of many. The denominational colleges ilo a trekt work. If It were not for tliem toe Slate iustitutlons Would be nvamped, unable to take care of the Tood of students. In addition, they ’tress religion and that is a good hing when judges, solicitors and oth rs are commenting on the fact that be Courts are filled with young men is defendants. Mr. Duke Is putt'ng his money to ■ g'oed task. The sso,of)(hgifts lie is uaking will Jbear heavy dividends, not! laid in cash but *in ■something better, j FILLERS , .etao .** j C',nb women in New Or’cans have ■xagteil a promise from the local sjreet ijj’way company that car steps shall ’e made lower as a measure of safety Advancement 'f women in trade "aUi is indicated hy the appointment f Jill s ‘ Hilda Anderson ns represen tative of the Swedish-American Steam hip Line at Boston. "■ : : , "- Your Frail, — Puny Child Grow Strong—Take on, Weight In just a few (invs—quicker than ■ou ever dreamt rs—these wonderful q reh making tnbVs rafed McCov’s Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets will tart to help any weak, thin, under i urished little one. ' After sickness and where rickets re suspected they are especially valu ’b e. No need to give them any re nasty Cod Liver ()i’ —these tab -ts are made to take the place of hat good but evil sme’liiiT. stomac’’’ citing medicine and they surely 'lo H, 1 ' They do put on flesh. A?dC. the Pearl Drug Co or any '••nggist f-r McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets—as easy to take ” candy and not at all expensive— TO tablets CO cents. . Be sure and get McCoy’s, the orig inal and genuine, and give the child a hance for 30 days. If you aren't de ighted with results you get your nonpy hack. EVERETT TRUE B\ CONDO (SoOfD 1 beAuTiFUL D/<iy / nc; CAN'T HOW it Cam (I LAST ' \\ “*■* ANN LUTHER. GALLAGHER’S Wlf*, SAILS FOR DECREE 1 “I’m Through.” She Says, Leaving Penniless Mate in SaniU-iOrim. New -ork Mirror. L i;king tired and worn, Ann Luth er, the actress-wife of Ed Gallagher, comedian of the onee-famous Mr. Gal lagher and Mr. Shean team, will take i her troubles to that "easiest way out" —a Paris divorce court. She sailed yesterday on the Cunard liner Beren garia. Attired in a green turban hat, a ight-fitting traveling suit and sable,, with a toy dog in her arms, Ann tried, 'jut could not lock chic. She answered uestions W newspaper men in a list ess voice. “I'm through, I have stood all any woman can stand. intend to get a divorce as soon as I can. I don’t know liow I will go about it, but I have friends in Eruope who will help me." , | Asked if she knew whei* Gallagher vas staying, Ann replied: , "Scmcwhere in New York in a anitarium, I havb heard.” j It is Ann’s first trip to Europe. j Second Sale of Marshville Cotton Mill. Monroe Journal. The second kale of the Marshville' cotton mill took place here yesterday. It had prev'oysly been bid off at $55,- 000 to Mr. Robinson, of Lowell, one of the stockholders and promoters. It is understood that any Marshville stockholders who may wish to come in on the reorganization will be taken in on tin l same basis as the sale price. The mill is at present leased for an an inert rental which will pay a good dividend on the purchase price of the property, the debts having been wip ed out by the foreclosure sale. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO USE THE TIMES-TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. GIVES HIS ENDORSEMENT W, M. Kirk Says HERB JUICE Is a Wonderful Remedy For Stomach Trouble and Rheumatism. “'Your HERB JUICE medicine in deed a wonderful remedy—it gave me du ck relief from gas' stomach and rheumatism and I unhesitatingly add Imy name to yob#' list of endorsers that my friends may know what it dul for me ami give it a trial,” such was part of the gratifying statement received by the HERB JUICE repre sentative afew days ago from Mr. \V. M. Kirk, who is timekeeper of Locke t otton Mill- Conor; rd, N. C., and is well known iii Concord and Cabarrus I ounty. "For a number of vears be fore 1 began ns’ng HERB JUICE.” Mr. Kirk continued, ”1 was troubled a great deal with indigestion. Gas pains and bloating in my stomach af ter eating gave me a lot of trouble. This made me very nervous aiid at nuke I cmi'd not sleep and of course would arise-, in. the morning feeling tired and worn-out. In addition to (1,; r. y,-i he»n tr-uh’od w’tb rlieuma tisk fog years and at times would suf fer t"i—ih’v fr m rheumutic pains iu mv buck ami limbs. T noticed « ninnvtooitber , neciite were being lielnerl bv HFJfW JUICE I decided to try it mvse'f. The first bottle did me l o is of goc ( | and after taking tile second. I can sav that T l«ave had more relief from this medicine than any T have ev*e taken. 1 have been relieved of tbe gas pains, bloafng and belching after eating- foot, can eat tpost snvtbing | want nnj it does not hurt nie afioiovneds; Since T have taken tti-pp Tr’rpyr; tt,„ rl-piimiltic nains '“ft ffin and there linS been a great iinorovenient in niv condition cenerallv. I can herdlv rea'ise that «"V inadid-ne could bain a per on so much in such a short time Today I anifcfeel’nv better than I have in veurs: I a!' this T b"l : »re is doe to the use of it"’itP .Tt’iCE ~nd T gladly reeom-1 mend it *n other sufferers as a medi cine worthy of tbo)V confidence” HUKB .Il inp Is sdd t„ rvne-d hy G*hscn I'rut Store and to »’ve satisfaction ui'.'K'V refunded Also F L Smith Drug Co.. Kannapo lis, N. C. FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEA* jt OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ r-aa-uHtw until i nu» SHOES OF REFINEMENT Six New Stylet This Week FOB YOl'tf APPROVAL V 'J Discard your, shaffy shoes and get into a pair of these nt?at dressy new ones and get the benefit ojt a full season’s wear, they’re the pret tiest bits of footwear you have seen and the most stylish we have ever shown. May we show them to you? - $3.95 to $9.00 |; IVEY’S I “THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” FEEDS AND MORE FEEDS Chowder for your hens Cow Chow for your cows * i n Omolih for your horses and mules ■* ! | Pig Chow for your hogs -J Hay and Straw, We-carry groceries of most anything to eat. PHONE 122 V , ll' CASH FEED STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS . ‘ | J -3000°0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ' rg. :: g. mu.. t . t, r: r ,n irrT-r.-r-rrTryyarui.iirrT.i;; i We Want Your Thanksgiving Order for Turkeys and Poultry Me have several hundred Turkeys and Chickens and they are cheaper than Pork and Beef. . u Why not buy the BEST when the Best is cheaper tha-i the rest? Try some of our Home Made Sauer Kraut, Home Made Sorghum an* Home-made Liver Mush? Live at Home and Trade at the ‘‘Old Home Town Store.” 4. C. H. BARRIER & CO. • f * xs °oooooooooooocaxxtod«}oocKXx»ooooooooooe*»c>rvvv*. 1 H DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al ternating Current. N R. H. OWEN, Agent -.Phone 669 Concord, N. C. 'XYYVVWVYVVW ■'vh'vwv'WYyVWYVYWyY ‘ MllTOrs Are So A Netc \ eneiian I _ , Cry*tai Minor Decorative and They cost , 0 Little | H. B. WILKINSON Out of the High Rent District Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville China Grove jjj. *** #■* TKrf JBUI I CYLINDER REBORING I liave installed a Bottler Reboring machine so that we can re- ■* ' J .? t lc cylinders of ears and fit new pistons, rings and wrist pins I' j without removing the mottfr from the frame, thereby saving a largo labor yiargo. Just give us a trial and convince yourself, i; We carry a full line of Goodrich Tires, Tubes, Piston Rings and r I *!??- lAlusc° 1 A lusc ° brake lining, Sparton Horns. Prest-O-Lite Batteries, S ' l t\ uiz Auto Soap and Polish and Genuine Ford Parta j STITDKBAKGR SALES AND SERVICE .. 1 Auto Supply & Repair Go. K w ; ; PHONE 228 i c.' • A1 V ... PAGE SEVEN

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