PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN W«SB»4-The Mrs. John M. ( o«k in tilt- heart of the city. house. See M, H. Sher . 24-ts-p. tlaiu> Fresh today. Get Dove-Boat < '<». ■Bjesh Oilers Far Thanksgiving. gSHKnxmr ylotir ortier early and be sure |Hp getting' them. Rhone 510 anti Obax. <'. (iraeber. 24-2t-)>. ('hirkrn. Oysters ar.d Fresh and cured meats. Gurry Kft Mabefy. V 24-2 t-p. ■£* Oysters. \\ holes ale and Retail. HpPhone .'AO and 525. i'lms. »'. Grue- J 24-2 t-p. Style stiiHVu Sausage. Liver small perk hams. Satii ■pry Grocery Co. 24-lt-p. of "Fat Hens. AY. •). Glass ft * 24-1 t-p. Supply Large and Small Celery. |B&gttlUv. " eranherries. caiilith-wer. ■ Mr. retard & Hairier. 24-1 t-p. : Hy One .if Our Fruit Cakes. Lip ■ tjiard ft‘Barrier. 24-1 t-p. —pry Heater and Stove \\ mxl stave length. W. F. Cannon. Some f! 23-2 t-p. Bthry. Lett ure and Cranberries. Dove- Cuf 24-1 t-p. | Hnit Cakp-—All Sizes. \\. .1. Glass I ■" & Son. 24-lt-p. J Hhtr Your! Thanksgiving Dinner Call Flumes 21 and 121. Dovc-Bosi H.€o. 24-lt-p. Lots For Sale—On Kannapo- Hfilis Hoad, above undrrpu-.-. 7.1x222. J ■LPlimir 54! BY cr 441 \V. 23-3 t-p. ■See Is Fof Your Denatured Alcohol lor radiators. Curl Motor Co. ■ 23-,lit-e. ■Fur Sale or Rent—One House on Street. .1. S. Slwiffer. i;2.'U. 22-2; -x. Hp*r Sale—l»« Aeres of lanul Loeat- H al 3 1-2 miles easi of Conecrd H the Gold llill Road, s room liouse. B -double barn and nut buildings. M. ■ L. Cline, Route 4. 22-4 t-p. Kff Its Celery. Lettuce. Cranberries, ■ : bananas, lennu:-. ...auges and ap- Bfcpiex. we have them. Also pork Kit hams, sausage, snusr meat and pi ■menta ham. Fruit cakes. Rhone ■ 263. Fisher & Litaker. 23-2 t-p. ■Found —Sample Case. Owner Can ! ■ get same by paying for lliis ad. and BlsGßlling at home of .1.1). LI. Iscn ■L hour. North t'nion street. 21-ts. ■For Sale—“For Hire” Cards For Jit- I neys, at Tribune-Times office. 10 K cents each. 17-ts. I ■BANDITS KIFLK CASH ■ REGISTER IN CAFE ■Order Proprietor. Waiter anil Cus * totner to Throw Hands Ip; (let ■ St:t«. JgfeijPharlottn. N..v, 21. Police were ■e* fishing tonight for two fashion-' Mr dressed bandits who staged a ■bold heidup Sunday night at 11:41 ■wclockin the Little Ruck Case. ■Pry-on street. At the point of rcc.-lvcrs. Jhe\ ■add off one of the proprietors', a ■waiter and three euKtoiners. leoied ■he cash register of SI2S 1,, anil ■prickly made their getaway in auto ■tnobiles. “ customers including the two Hgntlits. seated at tables in the case ■jrere munching sandwiciies I{. y| ■ White. one of the owners, of the rs- Efird’s Beauty Parlor It- - v \ . ANNOUNCES K; Jt Mas Secured the Services of rx MRS. LACY, of Richmond. Ya. an operator of wide experience in all lines of Beauty Culture ~ All ladies cordially invited to visit our Beauty Parlor yj Phone 880 For Appointment £■ ~ ) . HraL-_,& j&foV V v Y. ‘K-C ' j -V • .v Efird’s Beauty Parlor ‘ WATCH FOR BATE AND PI-ACE OF OPENING WOMAN’ S EX CHANGE. 24-2 t-p. - For Keut—House Near the .lacfcwu t Training School on National High way. R. P. Arthurs. Harrisburg Route 8, Phone 4812. 24-lt-p. Let Fns Have Your Thanksgiving ’ orders —we have the goods. Lip- I paixl & Barrier. 24-lt-p. Firework* at Peek’s Place Near l n p devpass on Kannapolis road. Can dles. rockets and big boys. 24-tit-p. ‘' Extra Fancy Celery. Lettuce, Toina ' I toes and cranberries. W. .1. Glass I ft Si n. 24-lt-p. ' i ..'use Received a Barrel of Fresh | 'j pickled pigs feet. Try a few i i pounds with your next order. I’honc i 110 and 521 (’has. C. Graebee. •j 24-2 t-p. I Phone For Your Ford —its the Easiest way. l.ippard ft Barrier. 24-lt-p. Squash, Egg Plaid. Bell Peppers. tomatoes, cauliflower, string beans, spinach, onions, carrots, rhubarb and greens. I>ove-Bost Co. 24-lt-p. Lettuce. Celery, Cranberries. Pump kins. Phones t>7t> amid (MSB. Sani tary Grocery Co. 24-lt-p. Pure Pork Sausage. Country Style. Phone 510 and 525. ('has. C. Grae j her. 24-2 t-p. ! Feindrtl Gootls Make a Good Thanks giving tliuner. l>ove-Bost Co. | 24-lt-p. New Crop Extra Large Pecans Just arrived. W. .J. Glass & Sou. 24-lt-p. Lost—White and Black Spotted Dog, j half feist, small ears, with right ear I split. Notify Dunk Cook and get | reward. Buffalo Street. 243 t-p. For Sale—Ford Coupe in Good Oon • ditiini. Inquire at Tribune Office. 23-ts-p. For Sale — Eleven I’igs Decemlter 10 at W. O. Petrea s. 23-.'lt-p. .Heated Furnished Rooms For Kent. Desirable residential section, llione 501. D-ts-p. Don't Forget that We Will Give 10 per cent, discount for east) with or der for Kngraved Christmas Cards received before December Ist. We have in stock a beautiful new line of these cards. Cull and see them. Orders delivered within a few hours after receipt. ts. j .Wel-Bro I .id ion—For Pimples. Black. heads, and all facial blemishes. At all drug stores. 11-6-30 t-e. For Sab"—One Duror Boar and Two Duroc sows, three months old. . Bure bred. C. S. Thompson. Route I 3, Gold Hill. 21-41-p. tablisbment. was in the case. George Mi-Swain, a waiter was serving the customers. Suddenly the two whipping out revolvers, sprang to. their fret. level ing the weapons on the others and shouted almost in concert: “Hands Up.'" Ten -hands went up. The men got away in an auto waiting outside tile case. An examination was proceeding- in the class room. Inspector: “Can any boy tell me what rentes in like a lion a ml gees out liko a lamb?" Silence prevailed for a few min utes. then a piping voice from tile hack: ”(>ur landlord, when he gets the back rent." TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. TF.Y IT. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY Is Constltutiouai Government at Stake? This : s the subject of a lec ture to be given in the 11. E. Church. South, at Kannapolis Thursday eve ning. November 211th, at 7:3t> by the lion. Oliver \V. Stewart, of Chicago. Hi. Mr. Step art is well known in all parts of tlie country for his cease less work in the cause of prohibition, and continuous campaign in the cause of Lajv Enforcement for the past four years. His lecture in this city will place the number well i«»st the 1300 mark that this veteran has given in the cause of civil righteousness. He \vas associated with the late Frank Hanly. Ex-Governor of Illinois, when the latter established tire National Enquirer, HI years ago, to aid in the passage of tltv 18th Amendment to tile Co Hat it at ion. and of wh ; ch Mr. Stewart is the present Editor. Mr. Stewart makes a challenge to the wets in iheir latest announcement, that they expert to rapture control of the next Congress. Local men appearing on the pro gram are Rev. .1. F. Moser and Rev. IV. C. Jamison, both of Kannapolis, will have charge of the meeting for tlie evening. The public is invited to meet Mr. Stewart. SCHOOLS OF CITY AND COUNTY HAVE HOLIDAY Work Will Be Suspended in Sell olds For Thairksgiviiig Day awl Rest of W eek. Public schools of Cone n d will close tomorrow aftornoon for the remainder of tlie week, tlie usual Thanksgiving holidays to lie observed. County schools will officially ob serve Thanksgiving Day with a holi day and onie of them will he closed Friday also. Those school* which close on Friday will teach an extra day inter to make up for tlie holiday, as the one day is all that is allowed although teachers have tlie rght to close Friday also if they can make up tlie work at a later date. A number of the teachers in tlie city schools plan to spend the holidays with home folks. They will return in time to resume regular work Mon day morning. STINGIEST PERSON. New York Mirror. The stingiest person 1 know is a [ fellow who monopolizes a girl all ctr-1 iitng at a dance and bids her itflieu at j tire subway entrance. The stingiest person I know is a lady who saves all undesirable gifts and presents them to her friends at < 'hristnnis. The stingVst person I know is tlie man who keeps his )my envelope oil i Saturday niglii and tells his wife lie lost it. The stingiest person I know is a; man nisi calls to see his girl friend too late to take her to a theatre andt suggests they go to tile movies. The -tingiest person I know is at man who goes to the theatre alone | and brings home lie program to read j to his wife. A VISION OF LIFE. BY ISABELLA MeSPARKEN. i Only a bundle of fagots. Broken and twisted in turn: Laid in p : lc for the lighter. High and straight let it burn. II I can see the tine wood. Made by tlie Master so keer- Tortt in flic middle ami sever,si. Twisted unfit to be seen. HI Tims does life with her subjects I. when its heart's sick and sore; Each piece twisted and wasted. AY it 1 1 so much of. promise before. IV Broken by word and action, Broken and misunderstood: laiid on a heap at angles Like so much kindling wood. < Five Deeds Recorded Here Monday. Five real estate transfers were re corded at the court house Monday, property in various parts e.f the coun ty changing hands as a result of tlie {transactions recorded. Tlie follow ing deeds wore tiled: Mrs. Minnie Ice Click to C. M. Kiser for $2,500 property in No. 5 township. John Bradford to J. C. AleEaehern for $1,200 property in No. 10 town ship. M. F. Teeter to Mrs Janie Lawiug fe,r $1 Mil property in I’etrea Heights J. R. McMakiu to Mrs. C. R, Hmitti for $550 property in Harris addi tion. 11. N. Thompson to C. E. Barger for SB,OOO property in Kannapolis. Sooth Carolina Makes Seleethnn of Immortals. Columbia, 8. C„ Noy^-23.—At. the meeting of the corauviHee held in the •late eapitol here this afternoon to select South Carolina's five heroes for the Stone Mouutain memorial, the following names were selected w, AVarte Hampton. Richard 11. An derson, Joseph B. Kershuw. Stephen' B. Lee ajid Mart Gary. T'.ie find three names were chosen unanimously. The Only museum in the world de voted to the sport of skiing is located at V rognersaetera, a short distance from Oslo, the Norwegian capital. THE CONCORD &AILY TRIBUNE KANNAPOLIS BOYS TO GO ON EUROPEAN TOUR Plans Maturing For the Third World Friendriilp Trfl».—C» harms \. m. C. A. Sends Three .Members. BY JAZZY M(X>RK Kannapolis, Nov. 24.—TlirVe boys from Cabarrus county an' being con sidered •as possible members of the Third World Friendship Toui'. to be conducted through ten foreign emvi tries next summer under the auspites of the National Council of tlie Young Men's Christian Association, i: was announced today by John S, Cariieu ter. general secretary of the Cabar rus Y. M. C. A. Forty boys from nearly forty -tales will be accommo dated this year, as against twenty from eleven states in L!>2s. The boys selected will be divided in to two groups of twenty each, line group, to be gone ten weeks, will sail, from New York in June and visit ten countries. The other, wli'e’i will be away five weeks, will attend ,he AYorld Y. M. C. A. tmnfcrenee at Hel singfors, where two thousand pOfsoas from about fifty countries three hun dred of them boys under twnnty-oue, wiil meet to discuss world problems. "Efforts will be made to have the tours as reprcsentat : ve as possible." said Mr. Carpenter. "Four negro bays will be included among the forty" tourisms, and. if possible, one Ameri eqn Indian. Tlie boys mas; be bt high character and outstanding quali ties of leadership. It is obvious, of course, that many applicants of good standing and eligibility w'i' have to be rejected, since the size of each group is limited." The longer of the two tours, fail ed the A-t tour, will leave New on June 2<> and wiil return Septem ber 1. A'isits to England. Belgium, France. Germany. Holland. Sweden, Finland, and Denmlfkk will be in cluded. From July 31 to Angus' 7 the party will be at IMsingfors, where, with members of the shorter tour, they will camp with fcovs of for eign countries and attend sue,- a! boys meetings. It is expected that in many of the countries visited prominent officials will greet the American txyvs. This past summer, the A'. \i. ('. A. pirty was received by many officials, in cluding !>r. Michael Haiuiseh. presi dent of Austria, who presented each boy with a large autographed photo graph. The chief idea of tlie AYorld Friend ship Tours is "to promote a better understanding among tlie nations of tlie world, through introducing their youth to one another before they have reached tlie age where thoughtless prejudice sets in, ' according t« J. A. Aim Dis. of the national conned, who has conducted tlie tours in the pasl. George White's Scandals. > flow would you like to bn the of ficial ehpemakcr to four dozen dainty ('ibderellns? Snell is the tin 'll 'tial position of one AA'eilington AA'ard. of Devonshire. England, wlm is now in America ministering to the shoe needs of the famous beavity chorus to lie seen with George White's Sen Jala's of 1P24. coming to the Charlotte Auditorium on Thanks giving Day. Thursday. November 26. niaCnee and night. It is Ward's sole la-k to provide tlm necessary footwear worn on the stage by tlie feminine contingent of the “Seaminis." And may be be hasn't got some job. The exceedingly high imiiort duty on the finislusV .Englsh boot product is the direct cause of his being in this country. It is figured a big saving in foot wear will be made by having tlie unfinished product imported and romfileted at AA’ard's plant in New Aork. after which they are res hipped to the members of the chorus, as yceded, on tour The George White feminine beau ties require a specific type of danc ing slipper that cannot be dtipli rated in America, and owing to tlie peculiar nature of their dance per formances the girls need stipper re placements at surprisingly frequent intervals. AA'orking right hours a (Lay. it takes Ward, who is a skilled shoemaker of some twenty years or more experience. approximately a full month to turn out tlie requisite four dozen jaiirs of dancing slippers of the special design, with sizes and construction varying according to the indiv'dual measurements of the youthfitt Iret. The George AA’hite Scaagkils of 1924 will be iu two nets and thirty lavish scenes. The costumes. Stage decorations and curtains used ! in the revue were made in Puri* ny Max AA'ekly, from design* furnished bv Erte. _ A Word of Appreciation. To my many friends in the city, of Concord and over that part qftCabar rus county which I canvassed in the recent Tribune-Times Automobile Contest. T wish to express my s'ueerr thunks. I appreciate more than I can express, the interest each one of you has shown in me besides giving me your, subscriptions. I feel that my largest reward not the S2OO cash prize I have won, but iu the large list of new friends I have made.durjng this contest. And while I am defeated so far as an automobile is concerned, I aiu not defeated in the larger and richer things, the acquisi tions of friendships, for these will be fresh, anti good when the automobile is worn out and gone. And-this fact helps to enable me to hold up my head itiqi smile, and say "the will of the Lord be done" in the face of defeat. Sincerely, E. MYERS Concord.'X. Xuv. 24. 1925. No measure taken by the new gov ernment in Turkey can be regarded • as helf so radical as the order for the Turks to discard the fez for the hat'of western Euriqm. For cen turies, so iieartily have the Turks hated the head covering of Europe that a common way to accuse a Turk of infidelity to Islam ha* been to nail u lint to’ his door. „ „, . \ I SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPH EXPLAINED AS FAKE Pletftre of Fir mam Shown in New I York Made in Chicago, Dr. Prihce Tells the Scientific American. New York AA’orld. ' i Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, lecturing on spiritualism in tiiis city once. I showed hix audience a picture of L 2 tirenn n ity Cliicagt* against a back ground of smoke under tlie impres sion that lie was exhibiting u remark able spirit photograph, writes Dr. i Walter Franklin Prince. widely t known investigator of supernatural phenomena, in the current issue of the Scientific American. llr Prince, whose article. "My Doubts Abi ut Spirit Photographs," is itearrihed as a answer to Conan Doyle's recent "The Case for Spirit Photographs." explains that lie is telling for the first time lmw the fncted spiritualist was fooled by a fake. Adopted as Spirit Photograph. “'A a lecture in New York," the investigator writes, "Doyle showed a picture of a dozen firemen who per ished in a Chicago fire, thrown on a bncKgiotmd of smoke from tlie burn* ingt building. He admitted Fiat he dull not know the history of tlie pic ture but it looked so much like the famous Cenotaph spirit that lie adopted it. “1 recognized it at once as a fake mndc by a Chicago photographer to show what eould be done. I saved the lecturer from reiieating his blun der Hml would not tell Flic story t|ow had 1 >oyk‘ net be<*ome so bitter against ttjipjiion sense caution anil w> «langer* oi|{4 to the public wliicii thinks the in ventor of an impossible fiction deter tivf must himself b<» a deteetive.** Dr Prince begins hi» article with tlie t;item<«nt: **l do not deny that thrtc are spirit photographs, but ‘hae ma do"t»* of proncmncwl character/’ Attacks English Pietun. H* attacks first w'uit Conan Iki.vle has said is the most mnarkub’e spirit photograph that lie ever has seen. It was taken by two English boy medi ums in a spiritualist ihurch in Eng hmd. At the top is a male figure with long beard and one liand extend ed with fingers spread. Flanking this are several small nude Child form- The “octoplasm” lies about thick y. Tim mother of the photographers, a medium, said the adult figure wa«! that of St. John the Evangelist, who | at times was her guide. Four ether mothers recogpixed their c&ildrrn in the four baby forms. In National Gallery. “,!>* liOndon spiritualists never visit their national gallery T asks; Dt*. .rrince. “There hung, ami I sup-, pose hangs now. the original of the] picture of *Bt. John* and the four i recognized children, unmutiluted Am I the first to j* that the upper two-fifths of a print of Murillo's Holy Farn?H* i-s whir’ ftirnisheil the basis of this Wpipt photography V "Tiie ‘Ht. Jehu* was meant by the sos the Deity, the four j-eii*g-J Mihltaju are the chertjbs com*- in sm h pictures t\\V> and a half centuries ago. the dove lips been blot ted ont by •ectoplasm.' and the lower halff of picture. <*ut away. l»ut 1 wiil mt dispute that is the best spirit photograph ever.'* l)r. Prince's article follows tests made by the Scientific American of tlie claims of many sjprit mediums, the last one to l>e examined by the pub lication's committee, of which Dr. Prince was a member, being Mrs. E. I. Crandon, more widely known as “Margerly.** wife of a lloston physi-, «ia n. KMBAKKASSING MOMENTS. New York Mirror. My girl frend aud 1 were in a • theatre one evening when a young fdlow entered and occupied glie seat beside ine. He was handsome ami soon I grew interested in him. With- i in an hour. thinking I took my friend-*!* arm. 1 sad : “Dotty, don't lcok now. but isn't the feth>" beside me ImndsoineV** Imagine my embarrass ment when I had taken the fellow's arm instead of the girl's. < i 1 A frii’nil ill tile ntfii i' pi'CSi llted riiv vitb a bottle of wine on the day the bank examiner came to inciter! tlie book*. Everybody was silent anil working yery hard, when suddenly I there runic a sound. "|iliqt," aud tlie! Fork liitided on the desk of the sur- Jirised examiner. It ttiok me quite -■me time to emivi|iee tlie manager that I was not to blame. I, was in Manilla where street ears u f -(divided iiito first ami see olid class FirnGclais fare is six cents and see .Midsriaxx five cents, (file marnitqc I lmmed to my office w ith only a nickel in my pocket. As I boarded the sec ond class I discovered, to my horror. tln*jt a Kiri I laid danced with Die ni|{it before was Itcckonini; to me feoß the first-class. I didn't have the price ty join her. Aly .boss absolutely- forbids. Die gil ls j lo enter the lunchroom adjoining our office during" 'W-incss Ibmre. One' afternoon I tisik tlie opportunity, when my boss left Die office, to go into the luncheon room. Upon sitting at a ta life I found my employer across the tnlAe. * Every night I place my money un der my pillow. Yesterday l forgot to take it when ’I was going to busi iies*. I went to lunch at the iistiql time, and when I went to imy my check, I found that I lutd forgotten to bring my mouey. The manager compelled me to leave my gold watch a- de|Kwit until I could return with the money. A friend of mine sold me two tlicu- Ire tieltrlx for a benefit which wqs Jo take Flnce iu the hear future. I ov erlooked the date of Die performance und took h friend to the theatre. Al ter presenting tin- tickets, the door ■qau shouted. "What's this. These, ticket* were for last night. " 1 neve, felt more embarrassed. - The western league magnates will get together for their winter Kieet i**,.»t Kguags on November SI? - ; --V- - -3 7 ' Citizens Bank and Trust Company |W; RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS < has lb W AHONKK. President C. L PRO PST. CaaMer 3j i —:* AF - GOODMAN, Vice President 110 VD BIGOERS Asst. r».M» r □tag ■ Wit m. l; marsh e. c. barnhardt geo. l. patterson p - *• stallings w. d. pemberton j. f. goodman - i A - *’• GOODMAN A. N. JAMES A. R. HOWARD CHAS 't M N 1 SPENTER L ‘ UMBE^°c R NIBLOC 8 ' B wagoxeb " We lend moneyon approved security. X THE HOIvJe OF Ve receive deposits subject to check- GOOD BANKING We iss u« Certificates of Deposit bearing four per cent interest. _ . •« ' ■ * : V SUS.WCANCBACK SOrTE ain BIG STOCK REDUCCINQ SALE NOW ON Prices cut 15 to ;?(> per cent, on everything. Card Tables $1.95. Bridge Lamps $1.95 to $9.50. Floor Lamps worth $2W.Vh> to $25.00-going for $14.95 to $10'?,5. Smoke Stands $1.45 to 6.95. Big Overstuffer Suites. Three pieces $124.50. All Furniture reduced 20 per cent. Dining Room Suites Gut 50 per cent, All Rugs*and Floor coverings reduced. Goods bought and paid -for during this sale can be left in the store for future delivery at our risk. We have sold already several pieces to be de livered Christmas. Come early and get first choice. - Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE fIKXIHKE STORE 4V Prodigy -• ,/ ■ j /M j|k|» 'TH||| Mm*, \ % flr J Miss Twohtg is ths youngest coed in the University ot Wisconsin. She's only 14. but she's enrolled In the school ot music, hav ing completed her grade school edu cation ih five years and her high -\6chool _worW In three. 4Hd*atlnhabitant —Yes. 1 was !(2 on my last birttylgy. Stranger—And how about your memory ? . ' Oldest Inhabitant—As good as the day I was born. • > - --- The Butterfly The prettiest pattern of the season is now in display for yotir approval. . AiCa to D Widths $8.95 / - Ruth-Kesler Shoe So All May Have a New Dress For Thanksgiving A Great Sale of Dresses For Every Type of Woman Priced at savings, and a scale range to gratify every means of expenditure. In styles for every type of woman. Flat crepe, crepe back satins, fancy faille." Plain georg ette, lace and georgette and beaded georgette models Long and short sleeves. Hifetrsnd low collars. Colors include all that’s newest. special $7,50 $9.95 $14.75 $19.75 and on FISHER’S | VIRGINIA-CAROUNA FOOT BALL GAME' Chape! Hill, N.C. THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, November 26th MOITIIERS railway- system annoincks ; VERY LOW' BOr.NI> TRII* FAKES FROM ALL STATIONS ON SOITHKRN RAILWAY NORTH CAROLINA TO CHAPEL HILL AND KETIRN FOR THIS ANM'AL FOOT , 6ALL GAME . Ticket* on sub- November 25th uud 26th. Final limit November Special train wilt be operated Charlotte to Chapel Hill awl Return c» »hown below: 1 -euve Charlotte at R-jJS J». \{ 1 Leave Concord November 25th at 1 SI:2S I*. m! ! Leave Salisbury November 25tti at 16-2 t) I*. M. ! Leave Lexington. November 25th at 10:45 C. M; ! Ix-ave Thpmusvllld, November 25th at 1 jj p jj‘ ] Leave High Point. November 2611 iat Uj j f>’ j|. I [’ Legve Greensboro. Nov. 26 at 2-50 i. m! i Aa-rive Chapel Hid November 26th at. A. M ! Betjurfiiiig KperiaJ Train will leave Clmpell .Ilill TjOilin f» M. ’ Kb [ veuibrr 26th, returning home morning of November 21th. f I Spw ial Fulln»(U sleeping ears have been arranged mid mnr be oci h pled at < ’lmpel Hill during tie- -liiy. . . . , >. ! Speeinl dining,ear arranged Minting breakfast, luncheon i»d srtcc'al [ Turkey Dialler Noy, 26t!i. For farther informal'on ami reservations cr.ll on any Sou*'re--u Rail | way Agcut or address: It. li. GRAHAM. !-- • invasion Passenger Agent, j Li,;.-. / CharMte, NFC..’. - - j ■ PERI K UK GET UTS Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1(525

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