Tuesday, Nov. 24, Is2s T . 7 Mr. Junior Executive Yeung meh rising to distinction will, find it profitable to pay close at tention to details, of busi ness—and their personal ■ dress. A refresKed suit sach week, tie and hat i will set you aside from the CROWD. Good ap pearance is a letter'of rec ommendation. '' MASTER CLEANERS 1 Phone 787 Handsomely Engraved Visiting Cards, 100 for from $2 35 tn SI.OO, includ ing plate. From old, plafe. $1.50 per 100. Times-Tribunc office, ts. USE PENNY COLUMN—it PAYS =-1-' '' ' ■ ' -1. i ... 11 | _ ___ OUT OUR WAY • BY WILLIAMS ' ■T.• __ / 1 v |[§ l|i|j|jiPpy But sheriff -if ( BE-CAuse-jafs a dao^\ . voore. so sure BLam£d CowAßDiTnersA "TVIEw'RE 6rUiUTVi , UviHS J HE'S AFRAtO O g fl~ 11 chd i|l I V exonerate them?/ Pi-mom charlvs GamCt % 111 | Nv ”- t L—— / ' . G-nT'H ,£V©M VsdTH HIM • , t v • if! | i- v • V •■scaißT.-T' death » r.H ’ jl | | S 'll 1 ' —:\ _ThBR OTHER J > • j The CHARACTER ANAL-SST. | 1 MOM*N POP RV TAYI OR , . f { viell iSEE'foo Turtle domes a«e 'X \{Y -YooVE a wise bo> chick-There's 1 C l IMB OV TH« DAVS WHEN i WAS / 7 SEfrUNS DOWN - >oip’LL BE BETTER /X' Ik ! ——| Luc, oec ,v. toe [ LORETTA,? AUMTUICy AWtJ L WANE <[j l BEtU A.U_"THROO6H THIS OORSEUJES- }4 [ \ vie have. talkso it all ouer and / f, .. ma w ni- ,■ tom ra&! SJMsP ■ H * So Wvo ytm enn the door .without w6ttd<*riiig if “ bottling putties a bald-headed man more than “hen- fast his whiskers can grovf. .. , v m awful- stuff. Ft’s a fire which breads out ipjexpcctedy, then Yeeps twojyfcopfe busy gathering fuel And, IfHove is a flame, then jeal ousy is the tire department. Men are tjprrible people. Especial ly married men. . dfcts a married man more to live. Hut maybe if is H'orth more. (Copyright, 1025, NEA Service, Inc) YOU CAN’T KEEP A GOOD MAN „ DOWN. I BY ISABELLA MeSPARREN I |lt takes many people to make up a world, • t "■ . . And many groups each in their place, j It may be in the city, but more is the pity If you try to* put all face to face. Tlie game of it all, is to live vour life fall, , lour own style in eountry or town. It may not be easy, it may even be) squeezy, ' But you can’t keep a good man docji. He is bobbing up here, he is bobbing up there; He's giving, you lutp.-nli bis owu : It'p the law'of the soul, .under God’s own cnhfrol >. ■ •. That you reap just what has been sown, ’ A. | , | The sifting goes on; the best man’s on 1 top He goes calmly ou-r-smile or frown I Is it a mystefy ? ' No—’tih life liis-’ tory J.. , K | You keep a good mtji i Sfewai*t^' ‘LETTER JmS? By CHARLES P. HTIfIVART NBA Service Writer. IVasbingtoßi Nov. 28.—Horseback riding .is a great social fad in Wash ington,'' Ain rug, others a good many ■ very prominent public ‘men go in for i:. Secretary of Agrieuluye Jar dine is One of thejn One might bave exiiected he wou>l be. Nor can it proper.y Be called a fad In bis case. liather, it's part of his very existence. For, atgjdk'the worhl Snows’ he’s avy ex-cowboy’' ' , f ** * X AYf ex-cowboy, hey! He must be a picturesque sight in Washington, In his four-gallrn lint, (lie fringed chaps. Us high-beeled boots with spurs raf fing, bis bhndana knotted loosely in front of his ndam’s apples, his flap ping—tio, no, cut out the six gun. He wouldn’t wear that In Washington But a breezy western figure anyway! —loping along one of the Rock Creek bridle paths on Ills rough,, tough little I cay use. Nee him dway easily in Ills' deep Mex saddle as he rolls a pill for himself with one band an snaps a match aflame with his thumbnail. ‘ t** - " ’ '* ■ A picture of the good old times ami w ide open l spaces, when and where men was men gnd all that stuff, ain't it? I Veil, it’s purely a fancy pie ture, far as Wns’hipgton and Secre tary Jardine are concerned W.hat Sd-retati 1 Jardine really doi-s' fide., i t a taill, gangling, elegantly groomed, animal with a wild rolling eye. a dh dated uoktril, a rut tail and a reached coiffurcHp , perfect typose # of the Eng lish. bujifer—nil bedight 'in as llng- Kgn '*«. saddfl and access-ries as the I l’rinee’ I <)f Wales ever parted company ! from'4t a water pump. ■. t* | -'*; ' * * * V 7*v I Haw does Secretary Jardine sit ' this, critterlf Believe me. he doesn't | sit (him like .a eentanr. Neither does i he .sit hiimi;'like a eattlemahi, rather THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE !-1- T It happened on » ffaTHANKSGIVING Day BY TOM SIMS Thanksgiving Day is coming.ready or not.--- Falls this year on the last Thursday in the week. Only Thanks, giving Day we will have during 1023, believe it or not. Such a phenomena deserves more tl'.ap a passing thought. Life's a lie-way street. Old Dad Time js the traffic cop. Can't go back for another look at the days you miss. Really, wifi the diception of this l one, we ore entirely out of Thanks giving Days, temporarily. No more in until' next fail. , Then how WiU f yqu ce'ebrate the momentous occasion? Be thankful when the da** arrives? Or thankful when it is gene? Or, perhaps, both? Things you do in life are not so Important as things you don't do. So Brtt. you must plan, what not to do Thanksgiving. Later you may decide upcu what to do. And every body will be happy, and it will be a beautiful world with flowers in the florist' shops. Don’t kick your wife in the ribs as you crawl out of bed on Thanks giving morning Not that it would break a rib, but she might fracture her arm throwing a shoe at you. .Then she couldn’t cook. Don’t disagree with the cook on Thanksgiving morning. If you flo tier f l o,j is liable to disagreed witli you. . Nero fiddled around whi'e Rop.'e burned. Wlm; did he play? Whv, don’t be 'silly, He played i fiddle jVml if .von make the eeok ramie. en - c orning she may fiddle around while dinner burns. One time there was a man an 1 iie vent back into the kitchen whe-e the cook was cooking because cooks al most always cock in a kitchen. This . cook didn't get paid for cooking- in fliis kitchen. ShC was, the man's wife. He said, “You can't make bis cuits like iny mother used to make.” Nlie safd, “You can't, make money like my father used to make.” Didu’t that bumfuzzie him though? It happened one Thanksgiving. Hope it did, anyway. Best way for a man to help his. "life cook is to go into the front part' of the house and smoke u cigur un til she calls him. . ■ w CUMEtfce 4W9AH 7TU. I J- -X Ell sloucliily, with legs ut full- stretch. Hejs anything but a .man and a horse. He's a man on a horse. He's dis tinctly superimposed. He sits in a fashion no tan bark rifling master could' find t-tte least fault with.- -He sits with his knees hiked up in front of him until it's funny he doesn’t bump his chin against ’em when lie bounces. —Tie sits there insecurely on ■'at little leather wafer, with nothing to hang on by, and somehow- he man ages to keep from being shot offTnto space even when his mount breaks into a ealiter As for a lope, that horse would laugh out loud if such a thing were suggested t£ (iim. TRUSTEES WILL PLAN FOR A GREATER DUKE Development of. Property. West of 1 Durham to B« Coiwldered at Meet ing. Durham, Nov. 23.—Bans for the development-of close to 41(00 acres of | Duke University jiroperty west „of ; the city, upon w-hicli will go up the . iiew University of which the present plant will be the Woman's Co lege. | will begin to take definite shape when the Duke University building committee, headed by Chairman*' G. \\ T . Alleia of New York, and the. I Duke University board of trustees headed by Joseph U. Brown of Ra leigh, meel here Wednesday morning. The session js a regular meeting hut takes on great significance aat this period of the building program on the present campus and tho de velopment of a future building pro griTm for the new eampift. Members of both bodies will reach ——: —, ; Let Your I i Next Batters | -Be An |'- EXIDE Use Only the Best , (*W9W(XWOOOOBOOer. Sini - ply because lie might be 4bseut-mind . rdzaiii decided to watt for it. mien 4 arrives three days later he will be ‘ worn out. . ' ~ i 1 Don't try to keep from taking a ' nap after dinner. Better plan to gi*d iii. AVrite the dbetor's number d. ‘ , V 6n tlie wait beside your phone in »r<"' numerals, so. the- children may ; vesJo„ have no idea how extremely important tins is. Tiie kidsimay rail , the undertaker by mistake. And the tfwertaker may come out and bury ycu before you bate U chance to explain. ! One Thanksgiving Day a man ate , a bda dinner and got flat on his 'back and first thing you know- he was d"$ a t"> n g He thought liis ’wife took ’liis > hist dime ami blew it in for a loaf of bread when there wasn't a chew es tobacco in tho house. He lir-ke out in a cold sweat and sc teamed. Neighbors rushed in. They ca ined him. He learned his wife had . done no such thing Nile had only run away with the butter. No there I isdttn use ill trying to keep from ■ dreaming on Thanksgiving. Now, about the tilings you shoulfl do; they, of course, are just Tipposite ■ tc the things you shouldn't do. ' | As you walk about or loaf around * j during the day stop now and, then >| as well as here and there and think 1 .of something for whit'a you are ■ thgnkful. * - . Mm 1 " awa .V y°»e can be thankful 1 it IS Thanksgiving Day instead of a phvlstinas. If it were Christmas, 1 tnst would make two of them this year, and ail the bills for last year's Cbrjstmas not paid yet. j. Be. thankful it isn't the Fourth of July If it were, you might be go^ fi' I'LL "EE -fwANKFUL SJIF *1 TXJLL ing on a idcnie. So beepjaukful it. isll’t tlie Fourth. r. -«-e- i t. . .r* —ts ■ 1 I ,Ji l ; Durham Tuesday evening and will he present at the memorial' exercises for •lames Buchumin I>uke to lie held at the University Wednesday morning. Immediately following the services, -tlus. trustees will in formal session awl take up the business of tlie instilutioio. The reiKirt of the building eom mittet*. which is exyieeted to have a definite plan for landscaping the new property and indefinite proposa s for the building program. Will be the most important matter before ■ the trustees. Co-operation with* the city ! of Durham in its planning and j zoning will be taken tip particularly ! i with regard to parks a-ieL pluy ‘ grounds, street atnl other public , service/ < , . Important announce in ants are ex-1 ported to follow the l trustees ses sion. I'hysies Teacher : "And can any one tell'me whut thought passed through Sir Isaac Newton's head when the apple fell rn it? - ’ lojcc freui class; "Gbid it wasn't a Inck'.” EVEREIT TRUE BY CONDO PRACTICAL fe, . 1 Joses. - S . VICTIM. - The things fog which to be thank ful might be placed in two groups, oue for' each class of people, men and women. Men can be- thankful the?: don’t have to marry some one with whis kers, like women do. A man’s wife's face may be dirty, awfully dirty, and still it won’t, .-Watch. ' Perhaps there are tire goad, tirm. real solid reasons Way men should bb thankful this Thanksgiving. Per haps there are ten. Who knows? Maybe there are the .same number for women. Let’s nee: A man should be thankful be , cause: 1. He can walk along the street and if he hears somebody cussing about something he can tigure maybe something needs cussing about. •He doesn’t have to gey insulted at What somebody eke thinks about some thing else. 2. He can have a shiny nose and yet be happy. _. ,‘l. He doesn’t hare to run to the front window to see if the man ring ing the bell across the street is a bi’l co'leetor or a sheriff. He knows from personal experience the chances are it is both, 4. lie. can blame his wife, because fc T HE WAS ALIVE 1 -that 3 tiiedern kids kick up m re racke' t’ au a tribe of Indigtfs. and why doesn’t- slid quit crying, and do some thing about it? 0. A man can sit down in a chair and prop his feet up on anything as high up as they will prop and wi' soon !**> w” he is'alive through orders from* tile kitchen. <>. He can -spend the insurance money and let his wife tell t'.ie col lector to come back next week. •7. He never has to decide if his hair should be bobbed or long. 8 He can grow old without con »sidering it a serious crime. !> He can smoke a pipe if it will stay lit. ' These are nine reasons why men should lie thankful Thanksgiving. Women should' be thankful just because : - ■ -1. Just because. -* There are nine million reasons why women should be thankful Thanksgiv ing Day. YOUR TOWN. 1 ISABELLA McSPARBEN’ If you think your town the best, Tell 'em so. If you’d have it beat the rest, ' ! Help it grow. 1 when there’s anything to do Let the other count oil you, You 11 fee! dandy when ij's through, Don’t you know? If you're used to g’ving knocks. Change your style. Throw bouquets instead ’of rocks, j For awhile. Let the other fellow roast. i Shun him as you would a ghost, ] Meet his hammer with a boast, j And a smile, j When a stranger from afar. ' Comes ’ along, Tell him wild and what you are Make it strong Never flatter, never bluff, Tell the truth, for. that’s-4«oug!i. Boost your city, you're the stuff— Sing a song. SHOES OF REFINEMENT Six New Styles This Week 4 «• ** a 1 FOR YOUR APPROVAL . i iJ V iS | 3=l Discard your shaffy shoes and get into a pair of these neat dressy • j new ones and get the benefit of a full season's wear, they’re the pret ’. tiest bits of footwear you have seen and. the most stylish we have i.i ever shown. May we show them to you? $3.95 to $9.00 - | I IVEY’S . I THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" *• n 3js 3.a.- 3.3 1 >...■ - I FEEDS AND MORE FEEDS Chowder for your hens * Cow Chow for your tows Omolin for your hprses and mules j Pig Chow for your hogs* • j Hay and Straw, We carry groceries of most anything tc. eat ■ PHONE 122 | CASH FEED STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS \ • -. . j Notice to Our Patrons— j Qur store j will ibe closed all. day I , day 7 ‘■ ' t Please Let; Us Have Your Orders Wednesday. C,l%?iMljpt&CO. J - DELCO '[j Light Plants and Batteries 1 y Deep and Shallow Well Pumps'for Direct or Alter- ’ nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al ternating Current. ; R. H. OWEN, Agent -Phone 669 Concord, N. C.