PAGE TWO P»ENNY COLUMN HtTßent—Tlm- Mrs. John M. (««>!< Usssideiß't* in the heart of the city. K Seven-room house. See J. B. Sher ■figO. 24-ts-p. Ki9'«l of Stolen. White-Liver and ■sicked IShnted dog. *IO.OO reward H- tis returned to South Union Filling HpStation. Phone 847 Z. 27-2 t-p. Hkree Pure Bred Fresh Jersey Milk ■g rows for sale. Phone 510 and 525. E (.'has. C.«6raeber. 27-2 t-p. Ew anted —Out- Big I jimp For Cold ■ Water ijiptist Church._ Also load Kof tire igood for Church. See or ■ phone me. \Y. 1\ 1-ids,-I. 27-P-y. ■or Sale-3-S«eet Milk ami Butter Hpk. l>iume 32SR. Mrs. P. (}. i Cook. -27-2 t-c. ■or Sale—d96_ Acres of Land Locat g ed 3 1 2- miles east of Concord near E the (JoliF Hill Hold, 8 room house, i double hyni aud out buildings. M. Route 4. 23-4 t-p. | BPotiud—Sample Case. Owner Can j V get samq by paying for this ad. and E calling at honic of ,J. I>. 11. Isen- K hour. North Union street. 21-ts. I. _i : IMel-Bro Ltbtion—For Pimples. Black £■; heads, apd all facial blemishes. At pf all drug. stores. 11-6-30 t-e. Heated Furnished Rooms F'or Rent. Desirable residential section. Phone 501. 9-ts-p. Eg.... «. i Goncord, North Carolina t 1920 POPULATION 9,9t0. (FED JERAL CENSUS FIGURES 1920). Present Estimate 12,793. 1. ASSESSED VALUATIONS*' of City of Concord. $12,604,211. | ASSESSED VALUATION of Ca barrus County, $39,803,066. 1 VALUE OF CROPS. $4,424,758. v CITY AND SUBURBAN ESTI pMATE 15,900. NATIVE WHITES 80 PER CENT; NEGROES. 20 PER CENT; Industrial Workers 60 per cent; Eng lish Reading 100 per cent. SCHOOLS: Public Graded, 4,1 High 1; Number of Pupils 2,500 ;j Woman's College (Negro) 1. CHURCHES : Baptist, S; Luther-1 an, 3; Episcopal. 1; Methodist 8; Presbyterian, 4; Miscellaneous, 6. j BANKS: National. 1; State, 2;j Total Resources, $7.250,306.40: Sav ings Bank Deposits Total $4,837,257,- 22. THEATRES: Movihg Pictures, 3; Miscellaneous (Auditoriums, etc.) 1. f LOCATION: In the center of Ca barrus County in the southern part of the State, on the main line of the .Southern Railway. Excellent bus ser vice to all parts of the State and South Carolina. Cabarrus County has population of 35.000. j PRINCIPAL INDUSTRIES: The manufacture of cotton goods and hos iery. Annual pay .rolls are considera bly more than $3,000,000. Largest towel mill. in the world is located at Kannapolis, only six miles from Con cord. i MANUFACTURING ESTAB ! LISIIMKN TS: .-,5. Leading firms: Cannon Mills. Gibson Mfg, Co, Kerr Bleaching & Finishing Works ; Locke I Cotton Mills, Brown Mill;- Hoover Hosiery Company, Hartsell Mills Co, National Lumber Co.. Norcott Mills. White-Parks Mill. Total value of yearly output of factories, estimated at $40i)00,000. •» SPECIAL INFORMATION: A big L== <X ’ oooooooooo^^ Efird’s Beauty Parlor m ' ■! J 1 ANNOUNCES I It Has Secured the Services of I MRS. LACY, of Richmond, Va. ■- no operator of wide experience in all lines of Jj Hk „ Beauty Culture N | ■K'r r> All ladies cordially invited to visit our jj IK ' *■ Beauty Parlor i 0 Bf Phone 890 Ftor Appointment 1 .» . tEfird’s Beauty Parlor j t • I if— 1 ..J R-.- Fresh Car Lead Eating Apples in bulk, very cheap, l’houe 565. We deliver. Ed. M. Cook Company. 25-3 t-p. i For Rent—Query House and Lot on Franklin aveuue. Possession De- j eernber Ist. Apply to J. F. Har- j ris. 25-3 t-p. , For Sale—One Duroc Boar and Two Duroc sows, three months old. Pure bred. C. S. Thompson, Route j 3. Gold Hill. 21-4 t-p. - i F'or Rent—House Near the Jackson Training School on National High-. way. R. I*. Arthurs, Harrisburg ; Route 3, Phone 4812. ■ 24-3 t-p. F'lreworks at Peck’s Place Near Un derpass on Kannapolis mad. Can- i dies, rackets and big bovs. 24-ot-p. Lost—White and Hlaek Spotted Dog, half feist, small ears, with right ear 1 split. Notify Dunk Cook and get | reward, Buffalo Street, 243 t-p. | For Sale—Ford Coupe in Good Con dition. Inquire at Tribune Ofliee. 23-ts-p. Don’t Forget that We WiU Give 10 per cent, discount for cash with or der for Engraved Christmas Cards received before December Ist. We have iu stock a beautiful new line , of these cards. Call and see them. ! Orders delivered within a few hours after receipt. ts. i ——' ' . • industrial center, situated in the cen ter of a splendid farming country, with direct railroad connections with the North, South and West. Sixteen hours by rail from New York City, ten hours from Washington, D. C, seven hours from Atlanta, Ga. RESIDENTIAL FEATURES: Mostly one-family houses; limited sec tion devoted to workingmen's tene ments; private homes predominate;! majority of private homes attractive, modern houses; number of wired houses 2,015 ; artificial gas ; alternat ing electric current, soft water. | RETAIL SHOPPING SECTION: I Extends one block north and three j ; blocks south of the public square on ! Union Street and Church street; one block easy and three blocks west on Depot street, Corbin street, Means street and Barbrick street. There are I several smaller neighborhood sections, i with the usual grocery, confectionery, meat and small shops. TRADING AREA: Extends teu miles north, south, east and west, and \ is also a trading area for splendid country district. WHOLESALE HOUSES: Grocer ies, 4; Meats, 1; Fruits, 4; Miseel- j laneous Line 1. NUMBER OF RETAIL OUT LETS FOR NATIONALLY ADYER-1 TISED PRODUCT: Passenger auto-i mobile agencies, 7: commercial auto j agencies 2; automobile tire agencies. 4; automobile accessories, 10; bak ers, 1; cgiar stores and stands (in-j l eluding hotels) S: confectioners (in-, j eluding hotel stands) 8; dress makers, j |6; druggists. 6; dry goods, 6: depart j | ment stores, 3; electrical supplies, 2;! j florist, 1; fruits. 3; farniture, 4; ga rages (public) 6; grocers, 47; hard | ware, 3; jewelry. 4; meat markets. 8; [ men's furnishings. 9; men's clothing, 0; milliners. 8* opticians. 2: photog raphers, 3; pianos (and miscellaneous musical instruments.) 2; radio sup-[ pljes. 2; restaurants (including hotels) j 15: shoes, 8; sporting goods, 2; sta tioners. 4; women’s apparel. 2: med ical doctors 12; dentists, 7; osteo paths. 1; chiropractors, 1. IN AND ABOUT CITY THIRTEEN CASES ON DOCKET THIS AFTERNOON i One Man Arrested Charged With Driv ing While Intoxicated. Speeding. | and Having No Lights. 1 Thirteen cases are on docket for, i this afternoon's Recorder’s Court, ac ' cording to city officials, most of the men on trial being holiday offenders, j Four cases of intoxication are to be tried, four people are to be tried i for haviiig liquor iu their possession, qjjjfe man to appear on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon, one is | charged w’-th operating ah automobile • while under the influence of liquor aud. i in addition to these, there are two 1 speeders and one man charged with ilarceny. The mast serious offense during the | holidays occurred on Wednesday night 1 when a collision occurred on the Reid Motor Co. corner between Robert Bui ! ris and a car driven by Miss .Jack ; Cook. The former was arrested by ; officers,, charged with operating an automobile while .under the influence j of liquor, for speeding and for driving j without lights. i The car which Miss Cook was driv | ing, ovfued by Dan 1\ Covington, po l lice officers said, was badly damaged as a result of the collision. LARGE Nt'MEBR OF GIRLS ENTER RISC ITT CONTEST | Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight En tries Already.—Eliminations Come | Next Week. Three hundred and seventy-eight girls have entered the biscuit contest which is to be held in the county at i an early date under the auspice* of Miss Mattie Ley Cooley, home demon stration agent. Much interest is being manifest in the contest and the girls ajl over the country are working in an effort to improve on making of this article of food, according to Miss Cooley, who has visited every school in the county i with the exception of five. These muainifilsfive are to be visit ed at once and the preliminaries for I the elimination will be held the first week in December at whidi time three girls will be selected from each school as representatives for the final trial. ! These three will bring biscuits to Coficord on December 12th. which will be judged for the final prizes. Singers* Convention. A s : Mgers’ convention will be held at Mt. Hoj>e Reformed Church on the new Concord and Salisbury road the fifth Sunday, November 29fh, at 10 o’clock a. m. This \viJl be the last convention to be held this year, i The election of officer?? for next year and the annual report will be : rendered. Conn* bring well filled bas kets and your friends who love good | singing spent another day in this year singing praises to* the Lord most high. A. E. SLOOP, Asst. Sec. At Ccld Water Baptist Church. . Preaching fifth Sundae in Noveni-1 | her at 2:20 o’clock. We are also ex-» I peeling Rev. !>. C. Clanton, of near* ! Wilkesboro. to help us in a meeting at this time. Everybody is invited | to come and help make this a real old | time revival. \V*. P. EDS EL. j A quaint marriage custom prevails | among the native tribes on the Kennui river, in Central Africa. When a ! man marries, his sister goes through | a wedding ceremony with the bride’s j brother. If there is no sister the bridegroom has to enter into an agree ment with his brother-in-law to work I for him for a period of three years. ! this being the standard value of a sis ter. J To be ignorant of what happened in the world before you were born is to be all your life a child. educational methods improve vastly in 15 years i - IMEDIGAL EXAMIKATtON CHICAGO—Based on tbe pres ent rate of progress in education, pupils in the grades of the pnblic schools of twenty yean hence ; should be reading Horace in the original Latin and discussing Ein i stein’s theory of relativity. \ ! Modern educators declare teach ing methods have improved nt least 100 percent In the last fifteen years. The chief reason, they any, A visitor to the 19*6 classroom Would he impressed by the Snap literature, the attention to cteaaM- The Kjpfi in the present-day public school is taughtWteS jLthy? A chiidfatti.fimSde ■gw* his caloric refluiremegts at THE CONCORD DAILY-TRIBUNE DEMOLAY MEMBERS HAVE • THANKSGIVING DINNER • Over Fifty Guests Invited to the Ban quet.—AHvtaory Council Make Talks to Members. The members of (he DeMolay order - held a banquet Thursday evening at ' 8 o'clock at tbe Y. M. C. A., to ■ whteh were iffvited over fifty guests, > which Included the Masonic Advxisory l Council and g number of ladies. • After an old-fashioned' turkey din- I ner, talks were made by the advisors ' aud H. \V. Blanks. Miss Maigarct ■ Miller gave several musical selection*. • At the conclusion of the program. ' an informal dance was held at Hie Elks 1 Ball Room. Tlie program was as follows: ' Eugene Isenhour, Toastmaster. Invocation —Wesley Walker. I Talk—H. W. Blanks. Y. M. A. Secretary. ; • Reading—Miss Lorraine Blanks. Talk—E. B. Grady, Advisory Ooun > cil. ’ Music—-Miss Margaret Miller. : Talk"— ()u ; ut E. (Dad) Smith. Ad visor of Advisory Council. Talk—J. (’. Fink, Advisory Coun cil. I Interpolation. Talk—Gilbert H. Hendrix, (hair man of Advisory Council. ' KANNAPOLIS DEFEATS TEAM FROM GREENSBORO Last Year’s Volley Balt Champions Take Measure of Visitors Thurs day Night. Kannapolis Volley ball team, last year’s state /champs, continued their winning streak when they defeated Greensboro Thursday night in a game which looked like a rout fur the cham : . 1 pious iihy the first game, but which was 1 featured by a strong come-back later J iu the game. ‘ The scores were : Greensboro Jo —Kannapolis N. Kannapolis 15 —Greensboro 2. Kaunapolis 15—Greensboro 7. Kannapolis 15—Greensboro (> At the outset. Green-boro looked like sure winners, their spikers driv ing the hall with uncanny speed and working all round the Kffhna|M>l’£ six. Afterward, however, the Gabar rus County team settled down to work and were able to keep the in vaders at bay. Playing for Kannapolis were Alli son. Flowe, Brown, Lindsay. Gilliam.' Widenhouse anti Allred.. Charlotte is to be played next week in Charlotte aud the Kannapo lis team is confident of a victory in this encounter. Mrs. Michael Dead at Home in Lex ington. Mrs. Michatd. mother of Mrs. Lew is Patterson, of this city, died at her home *in Lexington Thursday, morning at 7 o’clock. Funeral ser vices were TfWT ih Lexington' thi< af ternoon ay 3 o’clock. A daughter of Mrs. Michael died a week from last I Wednesday. Mrs. Michael had visited Mrs. Pat- I tersen hen* and had many friends who will regret to learn of her death. Concord Riders Defeated by Salisbury Concord bicycle riders were defeat ed Wednesday afternoon nt the* Fair Grounds by Salisbury in a very close race, a five second* margin scparat : ng the two last riders. A silver loving cup was awarded to Salisbury. Be fore the rhee, a physical exhibition was held at the High School in which all the children of the grammar schools participated, under the direction of- J. VC. Denny. The first man for propounding a i-clieme for building a tunnel under the Englhvi Channel was* a French mining engineer Mathie. who impressed Napoleon with the idea at the beginning of last century. mMm well as he knows tk? mnltipliea njerj that evaporaUd aillk la7ta t&s mml of 1^ Mater removed, tkinm itl Lf'-/ r ' 0 ; '-J& ■ ■ \ x:.! xK t *4 i) -m. ■ j:- - N. C. FARMER'S LBjjON. Annual Convention Will Be Held in Raleigh December 3-4. tl'e hope that every farmer in the state who can will avail himself of tbe opportunity to attend tbK meet tin*. I »m sure you mill *o away a better uiiioiii man than ever. We exiKx-t Mr. W. A. Graham aini liis workers from »jie Agri euUmnl Department to be (here and explain fully to us how we ran get markets and more of them for all ‘kindk of produce raised in tbe slate, and not onlv tell us but help o put it across. We expec t I swernl other able speakers among tlIVn. Mr. McClure of Asheville. We also expect to discuss and decide on the best way to purchase our fer tilise I’lease see that your county ie well Tpresonted. ' - SECRETARY. DEMONSTRATION CLUBS MEET HERE SATURDAY Dr. T. N. Spencer to Address/ the Women.—Other Features Arranged For Program. A meeting of the Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at ’the Y. M. C. A., at which time all members of t'je clubs in the county are invited to be present. l)i T. X. Spencer is scheduled to make a talk tosthe women and. in ad dition to Dr. Spencer’s talk, other features have been arranged. The Rock? River girls’ club team wilt give a demonstration in table setting. Miss Fannie McCurdy, a member of 4he faculty of Flowe’s school, will have ter pupils present a short pro gram. A Japanese medical scientist claims to liare discovered an elixir that will make wool grow so that sheep ninyjie sheared three times a ’ year. The mixture is injected into tlie animal's vein-. t ■ USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAY„ j; Ready for 5 Christmas girers — y ! NAVARRE' 1 1.. PEARLS | [; "Gifts That Last ” | i | TN far-off France skilled | i 1 JLcraftsmcn moulded, coated < * sj and finished'them the g beautiful syands of Navarre , j 5 Pearls we have on display I J Navarre Pearls arc per- 1 j-i ■J fectly formed; they will last i j 6 a lifetime. Make your gift J1 t| (elections now. 9 $7.50 to S3OO { j El. STARNES-MIL- gM ■ft LEKPARKER ftjl tnoi* • than douWe the richness of He' hseli vlUminea *" ' “—— —■ ■ ■■( II .1 ... i. i . M ■ m..\ - . f. ,■■ , d •Citizens Bank and Trust Company RESOURCES OVER ONE DOLLAIIS CHAS. B. WAGONER. President C. I. PROPBT, Cashier A. F. GOODMAN, Vice President BOYD BIGGERS Asst. Cashier M. L. MARSH E. C. BARNHARDT GEO. L. PATTERSON ■ p F. STALLINGS W. D. PEMBERTON J. F. GOODMAN A. F. GOODMAN, A. N. JAMES A. R. HOWARD L. UMBERGER CHAS. 8. 'WAGONER i'' a- ' We lend money on approved security. THE HOME OF We receive deposits subject to check.. ■GOOD BANKING We issue Certificates of Deposit bearing four per ceftt. interest. • v , * \ FLORIDA (ELEVEN I BEATS W. 'AND L.I Generals Go Down to Defeated by a I Score of 17 to 14 in a Thrilling Game. i Jacksonville. Fla.. Nov. 26.—The ] Washington and Lee Generals made i an unsuccessful invasion of “'Gator- 1 land" today and marched back to Vie- ] ginia tonight with their claim to a i tit for the Southern conference title 1 ripped to hits by the Floridn Alliga- | tors. The score wa« 17 to 14. Cap- I tain Edgar Jones, of Florida, played ] his Inst game for Florida. led his ttjam i to a startling victory, scoring all of 1 his team’s seventeen points. Trailing seven to three at tlie half, i tlie ’Gators ripped the lines-ami over headed their way to two toiu’idewns tind victory. The ’Gators’ last touch down came a few minutes before the whistle tpiled the game when an ine yard toss. Bishop to Jones, found the 1 Florida captain with the bull in l"is! a tons acrdSs the !&nl line for then winning points. > , 1 A in.-rn is so apt to mistake his loyo i of experience for love of a woman, that half of the time he doesn’t know ! which is which. Woman's intuition is man’s worst i enemy. Money back without questfor \\lif HUNT’S GUAR ANT EEC \ SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES Wfi/ N/ (Hunt*# Salve and Soap), fall It y I ft the treatment of Itch, Eczema V^ 1 it j Ringworm, Tetter or other itch ing skin diseases. Try thk treatment at our riak. ECZEMA^ if HUNT’S QUARAHTEEP SKIN DISEASE REMEDfgs (Hunt’s Salve and Soapl.taiUnf Jsf/ the treatment of Itch, Eczema, J Ringwonn.Tetterorotheritch- (If / / In* akin diseases. Try this * *-»• « ‘ treatment at our risk. PEARL DRUG COMPANY "» r “ “ A Equal bistance from Pennsylvania and Grand Central Stations. ...Broadway at 63rd St... I I PPOM WITH PQIVATE BATH all outside rooms — —; J —■'' '\ “r i Good Advice Now, Reuben, you go over to the Pearl Drug Store I jytst know they have medi cine that’ll cure Hanner, She's nervous, can’t sleep—but tonight she’ll snore, Aud, Reuben, they can cure, your “janders” in like Sakes alive! man, their medi cine is the best out, It’s gbod—don’t take a thou- „ sand bottles to cure! ' They can cure ev’ry ailment, even the gout, And 1 when you get well, you stay well to be sure. That store'si not just for the rich, but plso the poor So what's the use for sick folks to set and holler? Git the Pearl Drug Store Rem edies, to * , Everytirrte—for they’ll give y you the woftli of your dollar. POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCiOOO A Real Character BABY DOLL $4.50 Value SPECIAL ?3.4S I I Tlii- " ' i-■ tlv .Vs [Hu-tr,U‘<l I More Doll A alue 1 ban Any Other Store By Comparison ! FISHER’S CAN YOU SOLVE THIS? ; DIE R-jEJfc. A G Ji| The i » l >ove letters when properly arranged form the name of a Iqte 8 X president. Everyone sending in th? correct solution wiU be awarded X 1 1 a building lole size 20x106 feet, FREE and clear of aU encurabran- 8 , c f s ’ * n one of our subdivlsiotis between New York and Atlan- X tic CHy. v | THIS OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 15, 1925 x MAXIM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ! i - 455 Jy'e w jork CHy 1 | r .. . BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL 667-677 BROAD WAY j NEW YCHUC j | [ k Accommodations For 1,000 Guests i l In the heart of the down-town business section. | t Connections to all parts of the City within a few minutes | i! : : from our door r " ! NEWLY FURNISHED AND RENOVATED jjj • Tligh Class Service at Low Rates 11 Large Banquet and Convention Halls E ■ > ~ * ;1 1 corasw Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You -can stop them , now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that it pleasSnPto take. Creo muleion is a new medical discotery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in hibits germ growth. Os all known drugs, creosote is rep- , ognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies foi persistent coughs and coldjead othei - forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, jn addition to creosote, othei healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop tht irritation and inflammation, white tht creosote goes on to the stomadh, is ab sorbed into the blood, attacks tbe seal at tbe trokble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion fa guaranteed satisfac tory and is excellent foHjufld mulfion Company*Atlaata!^L.(^> Friday, November 27, 1925 By Day and By / Night Okie Smartast Women Demand Perfume D^Orsay Sold Only By Gibson Drug Store, Rexall Store Do Your Hens Lay You ean makelfleni lav *aml pay, by feeding Spartan Lay-; ing. Ma.4lr. Every safck. guar anteed.’ , ,AlSw Extrji Gpod Scratch Feed, only $3i.90 per bag ’ Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. PHONE 571 W V [C-y * fx ■ r

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