PAGE EIGHT Big Reduction in Floor Lamps During Our Stock Reducing Sale Full Size Floor Lamps $14.95 Polychrome Stand. Weighted Rase, full silk lined shades, in Mg variety of colors to select from. Iron Stand Bridge Lamps Complete for $1.95 Everything has been reduced for this sale. See our goods and ’get our prices and terms before you buy. Goods guaranteed as represented or your money refunded. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE Ft'HMTVKE STORE g&trnr a-ararrn—ri-nTr-n lisitt aasrwt; rEira-g nu-nagsrira \ 10 Per Cent. Discount For Cash ION ORDERS FOR Engraved Christmas Cards On all orders received for Christmas Cards before De- j tember Ist, we will allow 10 per cent, discount for cash | from our already low prices. We have in stock a beauti- I :ul line of these cards, and can furnish them on a few jq hours’ notice. Call and see samples. Tribune-Times Office JOHNSON’S PURE PORK LIVER MUSH j ]!! IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO if YOUR GROCER 8 Price Only 20 Cents a Pound I INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. | P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE —g M S 3 >r ~ F-gg-IHJ■ lr ..I.Hi.MMmU HJ.m-M.ld k-b *4 I.MHinU! -irCTT X)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX}OOOOOOOQ j|j Y. M. C. A. Members Take Notice! jjl THE SPECIALTY STORE Headquarters for All Athletic and Gym Equipment S. Union St. Opposite Court House ;i| 1 I A Dazzling Mystery Romance 8 | Twenty Famous Authors I I Now Running in The Tribune * gOOOOOOOOOPOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Concord Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postofgce is as follows: Northbound 136—J1:00 P. M. 3&<-10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 30— 9:30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8 :00 P. M. 23—11:0O V. M. [ LOCAL MENTION | Tho condition of P. G. Cook is re ported as being unchanged tojlay. Robert Snfrit, who has been con fined to his home on Valley street, has recovered from his illness and is able to be out. / The Parish Guild of the Episcopal Church will have a bazaar at the Y. i M. C. A. Thursday. December .‘5 at (> :M0 o’clock. See ad.. It. D. Goodman, county farm agent, is spending the day in States ville where he is visiting 't’lie district agent on business matters. The regular meeting of the Kiwanis (•hib was held today at the M. A. Joe Pike was in charge of the program at the meeting. T|p wonderful infant doll is now being sold at Fisher’s at only $3.4.">, a remarkably low price for such a dolt. See ad. and get one or more for . Chrfetmas. Miss Martha Creighton, district home demonstration agent, will be in the city Saturday for conferences with Mias Mattie Lee Cotwcy, Cabarrus county home demonstration agent. Local Pythians will give a Thanks giving program this evening in Castle Hall. Cue club rooms in the Pythian building. All members of the order, theft* families and the general public are invited to be present at the pro gram. Mr. and Mrs, Rob Roy Peary, of Salisbury, random! several sections to the High School student body Wed nesday morning in Chapel, Mr. Perry playing his accompaniments oil the piano. Mr. and Mrs. I Very returned to Salisbury today. A conference will be hold at the court house Saturday morning for a part of the primary teachers of the county. According to County Superintendent J. B. Robertson, is to be for the benefit of teachers having a limited experience. The meeting starts at 10 o'clock. Work on the new hotel and bank building is progressing rapidly now,! the brick work on one side anfi most of the back having been completed, i Stone work is underway on the front and side. According to persons work ing on the building, it will «be com pleted in the latter part of March or early April. A large number of Concord people attended tile performance of George White’s Scandals in Charlotte Thurs-' day evening. Among those attend ing were Miss- Margaret Ford, Miss Mary Horton, Mrs Lindsay Ross, Miss Stella Misenheimer. Buford- Blackwe'der, Eugene Brown and Hr. R, M. Patterson. The underpass on the Concord- Ivanna polls highway, for several years a roug'd spot in the otherwise excel lent road, has been paved and was opened for use Wednesday night, ae-, cording to highway commission offi cials. The old road was used as a detour during the time when the pav ing work was being done. In the game at Chapel Hill Thurs day, Carolina and Virginia tied 3-3 in a contest which was marked by 1 superiority of Virgiiva throughout the first three periods. Other games in the state resulted in a victory of David son over Duke. 26-0. Wake Forest j beat Eton 05-0, Lenoir-Rhyne was vie- j torious over Guilford 41-0. Members of the Hi-Y clubs, both j tile boys’ and girls' organizations, are spending the day at the Country Club today on a picnic, tinder the ehaper onage of Miss Delma Hersperger, Harry Lee Johnson and Livingston Easley. A hike had been planned but owing to the rain it was decided to have a Country Club picnic. | Prohibition Agent Dan F. Widen- J house. Depnty Sheriff C. R. Honey cutt and Jimmie Moore made a Thanksgiving raid Thursday and as a result were able to “tote” two small stills to Concord as their property. One of the stills had been recently operated, it is said, although no one was caught. The seizure was made near the California mine. Concord Masons hope to be able to occupy their new home above the Con eord-Kannapolis Gas Company by their next regular communication which is to be held the first week in December, it was said this morning by members of the order. Every thing has been finished and the furni ture, which was ordered some time ' ago, has been shipped, and should be [ here in time for the meeting. i Maine Boatwright, colored, who 1 was tried Monday for having liquor i in her possession and for sale at her l house, and who appealed through here | attorney, W. S. Bogle, decided to take her sentence Wednesday at court and was fined SIOO and costs for having | liquor in her possession. In addi- I tion she was given a snpended sen [ tence of six months, on condition that I, she would not sell any more liquor. I Men of the city, who guaranteed 1, the Pavley-Oukrainsky Ballet Kusse !, which gave a performance in the city [ Tuesday evening, will have to pay I $8.75 in order to cover the deficit [ which was incurred when a small au j diehce greeted the artists, according l to H. W. Blanks, who had the show [ in charge. After all debts wage paid it was found that an amount of over j S4OO was necessary to get out of debt. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE IS SMELL OF LIQUOR EVIDENCE IN COI RT? j Catawba Man. Convictrd Transport- 1 ing Appeals on (•roum) "Smell' AH That Was Found. ) Raleigh, Xov. 25.—Whether the ■ smell of whiskey, whcii Vie actual I goods are missing, constitutes evi dence sufficient for eonvicton of tiunsporting, was presented to the i wupremp court for determination in an appijnl today by Lay Sigmon, Catawba county .voting man. wao was convicted and .sentenced to ten months on the roads by Catawba superior court upon testimony io the effect that his automobile bore the tell tale odor. According to the contention of Sigmon's attarnoys, who argued his case before the court today, no signs of whiskey were found in his car when searched by officers excep: the •‘smell." They contended that did not justify a guilty verdict. K. OF P. NOTICE. Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. 51 K. of P. Friday evening at 7 :30 I o'clock. This will be a Thank giv ing memorial meeting with a-special program. All Pythians are most cor dially invited to come and bring their Wives or ladv friends. E. E. PEEI.E, C. C. GOOD DISPOSITIONS INVALUABLE You can't watch your disposition too carefully. A crab and a 'grouch are rarely successful. If your liver and stomach are in an unhealthy con dition you cau not have a sunny <Tis i position because they affect the brain as well as the entire system. Mint's I Wonderful Remedy has been usually I successful in such cases. Our ad vice to every one troubled in this way, especially when accompanied with bloating in the stomach, is to try this remedy. It is a ’ simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal traet and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and in- j testinal ailments, including appendi- j eitis. Gibson Drug Store and drug- j gists everywhere. j ON THE TOP HAIR \ The only genuine preparation that! gives back the natural color hair (no dye). Absolutely cures' dandrtiff; stops failing hair and itch ing scalp immediately ; grows hair on . bald heads where the roots are not I I dead. This treatment of the scalp is a discovery of I*r., Fitzwater. of Ho: Springs, Arkansas, and is abso lutely the best known remedy of this kind sold on (lie market by any in- j stitution in America. Solfi exclu sively at Cline's Pharmacy. Money back proposition if results are not obtained! Be sure to call for On ! The Top. ■ Colds Will stop tomorrow Cold* break in 14 hoar* for the millions ! who use Hill's. Fever and headache* go. La Grippe yields in 3 days. This is the quick, the scientific way to end these dangers and I discomforts. Don't trust lesser helps, don't j wait. Get back to normal at once. All druggists Price 30e CASCARAJ.QUININE j Gee Red Box with portrait I This time get sturdy I wear-resisting fabrics ItKirschbawn Overcoats ' give lotig service * Most men are determined to avoid the annoyance caused by overcoat fabrics that show the effects of wear and the loss of ' the surface nap after slight ;,*-•! service. Those men will come here for overcoat satisfaction, because Kirschbaum Over- i coats solve the soft - surfaced fabric problem. Wear-resisting fabrics—-in patterns and colors of rare beauty; overcoat fash ions true to the mode, and tai loring of the most worthy kind. $35 TO $45 Each overcoat. yoked and full ( II sleeve-lined with Skinner’s satins. <&&& % ' I IT RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. *P 1: 'Vll . __ ~~— 1 ‘ WELL KNOWN FARMER DIES NEAR NORWOOD 'Bartel of Mrs. W. 11. Harris—Two Ltmmrn Have Narrow Escape i From Dtath By Live Wire. Norwood. Nov- 25.—Robert Lefler, farmer of the Fork vicinity, died ■ at bis home on Sunday morning about 2 o’clock of paralysis. He, had been i suffering for about three week*. Mr. Lefler had sold out his interests in this section, preparatory to moving near Salisbury when he was sudden ly stricken. Mr. .Lofier was nbont 55 years of age and leaves a wife and a number of children to mourn his loss. J Women prefer a rat-catcher who makes love to them to an Adonis who doesn't. Life is a mirror—it reflects jour smiles a* easily as it reflects your, frowns. CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET • f Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose) Figures named represent prices psid for produce on the market: Eggs .50 Corn ... sl.lO Sweet potatoes $1.50 Turkeys I_, .25 Onions $1.50 Peas $3.00 Butter .85 Country Ham .40 f ountry Shoulder .25 Ountry Sides .20 Young Chickens • .30 Hens ,25c Irish Potatoes $1.50 PYTHIAN NOTICE. A Thanksgiving program will bo held this evening at 7:30 in the thistle Hall of the Pytiiian building. A most cordial invitation is given to the pub lic, especially the Pythians and their families. E. E. PEEI.E, C. C. FIVE GALLONS j i ; | Free Gasoline i | Free Air and Water I With Ever y 520.00 C&sh Purchase 1 Tomorrow and All Next Week g Yorke & Wadsworth Co.! ji] THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE I CONCORD COTTON MARKET i FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2J. »S | Cotton - 19 1-2 to 19 1-1 | Cotton Seed .40 1-2 j Experts in 1 j Advertising j What would you say in I i advertising copy lor a I , Cleaner and Dyer who I j produces the finest re- I suits in America? As I I satisfactory as our ser- I j vice is. we realize it is I j good business to adver- |i tise. Though we aim al- I | ways, to produce better I j dry cleaning than adver- I 1 tising. Rut keep on pat- I J ronizing us. I • Phone 787 I MASTER CLEANERS | 10005000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900 I’ 1 "" ■ •\ I What’s the Reason You f : I Jv)' Sl. l^ an t Afford a New II mty( 7>!Overcoat? iL<iisjißjijik'klffik 1 / -// U’s r 'Slit for you to jy s\ I lc '* t * iat to l,s —* nu >°" ‘* * V1 Jhe liaiullc if we told you • / you couldn’t afford a new |fl J Overcoat this Winter. x VUHjWW r *ri Only abouts» per cent, of J r , the men who plead this ex- i £ ettse are correct —the other S=» L'ffjJSlliPjiH .nr. per cent, arc shielding a threadbare garment with a • threadbare alibi, they 1 **•< 1 should own the happiness II - that d new Schloss Goat J' can bring— ■BßjV Say—What’S this life any-! ' W '" way ? If all the money ihat came into your income stayed in—business would be poor—trade would be stagnant—• employment would be lacking. 'l’hat's why we ask-'-what’s to prevent you from having a new Schloss Overcoat.. Certainly not the prices-—518.50 to $40.00 New Ret}! Neckwear - Woolen Hose , HOOVER’S,Inc. 1 "THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” J& aooooßboQpoooooooooooQooiPoooeooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooddoooooQo(6oobbooooooooooooo6oooRoi COAL I The Right Coal For the Right Purpose I A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 OR 279 3uouoobooooooooooobOboocx>exMx>oaoooocx>oooooooooooa ] For twenty-eight yeari a factor in furthering the de-> 1 | velopment of this vicinity ; the Cabarrus Savings Bank jj | still extends its constryctive service and excellent facili- | j ties in the interest of progressive enterprise. | CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK j coNcorjd, N. C. i MOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCIO iPhone 799 Phone 7991 Service, Quality and Quantity ; I Guaranteed Don’t wait until you bum your last 1 lump to buy. Buy how. Cline & Mabery Coal Co. | PHONE 799 jg !OOOeOOOQOOOOO|OOOjM|QOOP(pOCOOCMOOeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO WATER IN A JIFFY a friend^indeed of every cook match and in a few minutes E.B. GRADY • PLUMBING AND HEAfING DEALER. Office and Show Ropm 89 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W , ■.. i , '' ' " GOLDFISH Common Comets s - . Japanese Nvmphs \ American Faiitails Shubunkins * - * Tadpoles • Pond Snails ’ Sea Moss Fish Bowls . v CLINE’S PHARMACY Our i*enny ADS. Get Quick ResultJ Friday, November 27,192® i For the Young Man A most appropriate ■ gift i'a a high 1 grade watch. Its lessons in accuracy are of much value and it( permanence assures a perpetual remihder of the fiver. You *et accuracy combined with Beauty and Permanence when you buy an ELGIN. S. W. Preslar JEWELER ,

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