PAGE TWO Leg gins 51.45.C0n- Army & Navy Store. l-.jt-p. ffluybt Salary : $35.00 Per \Vi>ek an.l pßßxpcnsesJ' Man or woman with rg Egg Producer. Eureka East St. Louis, 111. Arnfr & Xavy Store. l-srp. Hpr Sale—Two Rhode Island Red M. R. Pounds. .‘s. 11. lsen llfiiioiir. North Union street. 21-ts. ■jfael-Bro Lotkm—For Pimples. Black- and all facial blemfshes. At Hi all drug store-:,. 11-G-MOt-e. ■jHeatcd Fumislied Rooms For Rent. IH Desirable residential section. Phone B 501. 9-ts-p. ■flagged by men with I PISTOLS. STRIKES ONE HfC. W. Lyerly. Rowan County Mail. Ik Says Ht Refused to Be Robbed and g Kan Over Man. HpKrahl'gton. Nov. 30.—Xc trace had ■been secured 1: ti* today of an unknown reported to have been run over H£y HU automobile on the central liigh- Btf about three miles south of here nearly this morning, when three men Wire alleged to have attempted to hold iu|i C. W. Lyerly. of Faith, ltowan ■county, with pistols, w Air. Lyerly reported to local officers on reaching here that tliree men were standing iii the road near the bridge Over Swearing Creek and that two of them had pistols in hand and waved | him to stop. He started to slow down lie stated to the officers but on j second thought decided t. make a dash to escape being robbed, so stepping on the accelerator, swerved to Pile right and pulled full speed ahead. He foiled to miss out* of the men and was of the opinion he rail almost Squarely over him. He is quoted as saying that lie glanced back after lie was a safe distance away and saw two men dragging a third ' ff the'road .way. ; Officers from here went to rite scene at once and saw some evidence that a ear had struck something. T.iere was no definite trace of the men. though a person living near the place is reported to have stated that an automobile, stopped near tile creek about the time Mr. Everly reported striking tin* alleged highwaymen. I .It is fhoughj that ho* men either bail a •ar nearby or else stopped a passing machine and took their emu- Jifuiiou away. Sj-Tbe aetKin of Northwestern Fni vorsity in .surrendering all claim to the “Big ’ten" football championship in favor of Michigan will certainly r go down in gridiron history as "a splendid example of sportsmans' nip.” S oooooooooooooooooo °ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo EFIRDS I I Attractive Winter Coats and Dresses [■ Ladies' Bolivia and Velour Coats, plain and *1 A Cfk j jßrur Trimmed. Priced at , __ l^r.OU i;Bpolivia, Velour and Corduroy Coats, regular tlft Est 8'.524.50 value. Priced at vIO.OU j ®;One Hack of Presses in Crepes and Satins, d»10 QC K latest colors, specially priced at «P1A»570 Blptlier Dresses in Silks. Charmeen Satins and Crepes— | 1 " lriced a * $14.50 tu $24.50 ■Pfe Are Exclusive Dealers For the Famous Irene Castle a ■ Dresses X I ' I , • , mm,' i| ■ 3j|K)OOOOOQOOQQOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOQOOQOQOQOOQQQOO£ New Magazines—T rue story, Physical Culture, Movie. C. Covington* 1-1 t-p. Carnations White ami lTnk. Designs and flowers. 37 X. Crowell'. St. Tbone ICIW. Mrs. J. C- *jktery. J-2tT- EiMiieutt A Johnson 16 Inch Leather boot shoes. s4.a*i. yoneord army & Xavy Store. 1 -st-p. For Sale—One Baby Carriage Almost new. Inquire at Tribune office. l-3t-p. Lest—White and Black Bull Dog. Reward of $5.00 if returned to Sam Barber. 55 Reid Street ;io2t-p. All Wool Amy Socks 25c Bair. Con cord Army & Xavy Store. 1 -st-p. For Sale—Young Strain White Leg horn cockrels. $3 each. J. Ivey Cline. Concord Route One. •'iO-Ht-p. I Boys Riding Breeches $1.45. Concord j Army A Xavy Store. l-nt-p. Fireworks at Peek’s Place Near I'n derpass on Kannapolis road. Cau dles. rockets and big boys. 24-(it-p. For Sale—Ford Coupe in Good Con dition. Inquire at Tribune Office. 23-ts-p. Don’t Forget that We Will Give 10 per cent, discount for cash with or der for Engraved Christmas Cards received before December ,Ist. We have in stock a beautiful new line of these cards. Call and see them. Orders delivered within a few hours after receipt. ts. | ASHEVILLE NEGRO DENIES j HE HAS MADE CONFESSION Mansell. Facing Death Sentence. In sists lie Is Innocent to Prison Of ficials. Raleigh. Nov. at).- Alvin Mansel. Asheville negro under sentence of death following bis conviction on a charge of assaulting a white woman, today denied to state prison officials that be bad made any confession of the Clime and persisted in bis claim that lie is innocent. Mansel was questioned as the result of a report from Asheville that tie bad confessed. Mansel displayed a willingness to thoroughly discuss his case and sought to argue to his questioners that the | eirettmstaiiees of liis identification by it lie woman showed thar lie was not ! the man. She knew Bozeman. the Georgia Tech wonder. The local grappler- have been in extensive training for the past week liiider the direction of Ketchie. erst while member of the southern cham pionship Duke f'niversity team. NEW CIRCLE TO RE LAIIJ OFF AT THE CEMETERY Cemetery Commission Decides to Im prove Bark Part of Oak wood at an Early Date. The cemetery commission, at a meet ing held some time ago. authorized iliar work begin as soon as possible the laying out ami construction i f a circle at the rear of the ceme tery. similar to the one which is in the front part of the cemetery. The work, it is said, will make more attractive the new portion of Oak wood. part of winch ’has been recent ly laid off in lots. The comhiission is composed of the following members: Mayor C 11. Barrier. L. T*Hart nell. (\ B. Wagoner, Mrs. Ed Kestlei and Mrs. U. A. Brown. Last Singers’ Convention of the Yen’. The last singers’ convention of the .'ear was held at Mt. Hope Reformed t’hurch on Ncvember 211. A large and attentive audience was present. The program eonsisred of eungregnt choir, quartettes, duets, solo and chor us singing. An attractive feature of the prin gram was a duet by two little tots. Linker and Stirew:jlt children, who are just beginning to talk. They set the audience, in an proar of lengthy ap plause. Onotlier noticeable feature was the president’s cludr. cons : sting of all the old |>eople over 00 years of age. singing the hymns of their cbil hood days. A cash donation by the president to the oldest member of this choir was given to Mrs. Josey. her age being 70 yen:*. Tile program was interspersed with live minute talks which were instruct ive and highly appreciated by the large audience. Talks were made by : Rev. I>. S. Lee. pastor F : rst Bap tist Church. China Grove: RevT H. E. Ha use. pastor Methodist Church. China Grove. Rev. J. I>. Aridrews, of* Faith Reformed Charge. Rev. Mr. Staßings. Oak Ridge Baptist Church. Cabarrus county: Rev. Shu ford Peel er. dean of Catawba College. Salis bury. The election of officers for the en suing year resulted as follows: President—W. T. Durham. Kan napolis. Vice President—H. E. Kluttx. China Grove. Route 1. Secretary and Treasurer—A. K. Sloop, China Grove Route 1. Asst. Secretary—Martin Weaver. Salisbury licute N. In reading the annual report if""was foil ml that the convention was in a healthy progressive condition that the ministers of the different denomina tions had given their cooperation, and had made timely and' appreciative talks during the year, and that 38 different choirs, quartettes, duets, etc., had participated in the programs ren dered during the year. The receipt# for the year amounted to ; disbursements $38.41; leav ing a balance of $17.85. Thus the convention has closed a prosperous year long to be remember ed by those who have attended and es pecially by those who have Taken part in singing praises to their and Savjor Jesus Christ. The convention will begin itw. work the fifth Sunday in January, at the First Baptist Church, China Grove. A. E. SLOOP. A sat. a*. Guest—l suppose I ea n H j) j, frc until I utarve’J Wuiter—liii nil.v that, sit! We close at Ft" o’clock! * • ‘ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE I WMUftLET STOLEN HIKE 5j EOFM) IK SPARTA NIU RG < Three Boys From Chester. Pa.. Ar rcstefl When Found In Auto Stolen Here. i Harry Johnson. Harry Starkey and • Frank Wlllaeur. three white youths i whty told officers their homes are iu > Chester. Pa., are bein* held here in I connection with the theft of Matthew ■ Tucker’s Chevrolet touring car last 1 Friday. The youths were arrested. ’ ill Spartanburg. S ,C\, early Monday “ and were Sleeping in tile car at the | Hnie.of their arrest, local officers have i been! advised. An officer from Spartanburg, en • route to Grepnsboro to get a prisoner, brought the youths and the car to . Concord Monday afternoon. When ’ questioned &ece the boys gave their ■ names and addresses and told officers they were en ynute to Florida and as ’ they had no means of transportation decided to steal the ear herej They ‘ came to Concord with friends who had car trouble here, and after wandering about the city for a couple of honrs ■ found thb car and rode off. Johnson and Sharkey are sixteen ’ years old. racy told local officers. ;1 ll[l Willaeur stated that he is fifteen. The youths were placed in jail here -and will be given a hearing tomorrow afternoon. Police officers report that the Chev rolet was not damaged by the trip, > Spartanburg officers knew of the stol en car by reason t.f a descriptive post' card sent them by local officers.' WARNINGS SENT OFT ON SIOO COl NTEKFEIT “New and Dangerous” Kprious GoW Certificate Described to Postmast ers. Postmaster General New lias warn ed postmasters throughout the coun try to look out for a "new and dang erous counterfeit SIOO gold certifi cate” made by an exi>ert.' The counterfeit is of the series of 1022. 11. V. Spellman, register of the treasury:-Frank White, treasurer of the Flirted States, and bearing the portrait of Benton. -Buy Christmas Seals. The Christmas Seals went on sale on Monday. Three-quarters of the proceeds stay in this county to help in the fight against tuberculosis. The business district was canvassed by the women. On' Friday the school children will canvass the residential part of the town—no other canvass will be made and ]ieople are urged to buy as liberally as possible from the children. The money is used to |iny for mitk and final for the undernour ished children and patients who are tiaaWe to provide for themselves. Miss Ford, tuberculosis Anise, has done a remarkable amount of work throughout tltq whole county and ev ery one is urged to buy Christinas Seals so vviAinay lx* able to furnish nourishment to those whom she finds requiring it. Buy Christmas Seals and help oth ers. ltut Christmas Seals and enjoy your own Christmas more. CABAKRFS COFNTY TFBEIt • v CFLOSiS ASSOCIATION. Colored People Pleased. We colored people of Ward 4 in tin* city of Concord are now tieginning to feel like'we live in the city since the improvement transaction has reached Ward 4. Wr feel Hint the right men are seated around the city aldermen table now for we are_ re ceiving improvements that no other board has ever giveen this section. Mr. cus the pages of “A’ Bride* Diary” ajid re veals the iutimute story of a girl of the present day, “Judge Not" is a true story of marriage by a minister's wife. “Would You Condemn the Wo man'/’’ is (he second prize story in •lie Marriage Story Coutest. “The Most Dangerous A**” denis with a wife: who piqued by her husband s seeming neglect, experimented tdo far. =msss=j2‘.' V> i(Bf..', f!! 1 " W *== Hlbthopisdic SERVICE S*\Y FOR CABARRUS CRIPPLES state Rehabilitation Department to , Assist Disabled Chilians.—Oink at * jliarloTte. ; The State Rehabilitation Depart ment. which has been establislied to . assist disabled civilians in secar'ng t Hieetled treatment and training to the end that their earning capacity may 1 be increased, has recently begun the. < organization of orthopedic clinics at , central points all over the State, tnak i iug available expert orthopedic service ■ for every cripple in need of such at t tent ion. I One of these clinics 4w being located • at Charlotte to serve a group of coun . ties Including Cabarrus. Rowan. st»n --* ly. Fniou. Iredell and Mecklenburg. This clinic will be held at the City i health department building on Sfltur . day. December sth and monthly thcre i after. It is beiug sponsored by the i Charlotte Rotary Club and wilt be in ■ charge of an expert orthopedic snr i genii. This clinic will be equipped so i as to provide thorough examinations i and also treatment such as can be ad ministered outside the hospital. The I examinations will be absolutely free ; for everybody and for those who need : treatment and are not able to pay, pro visions have been made to take care of their needs, wUltoul cost, at the clin ic and in hospitals. All cases that can lx* treated without hospitalization will have the advantage of this clinic every thirty days. Those cases re quiring hospital care, if trader six teen years of age. will be referred to the State Orthopedic Hospital at Gaston a. if over sixteen years of age. be placed in free beds arranged for at hospitals in Charlotte. It should be noted that all cripples, regardless of age, or race, are eligible to this clinic.' Besides the ortliopcdit services, the Rehabilitation Depart ment offers special training, without cost, to cripples over s'xtecu yhnrs of age v hose disability amounts to a vo cational handicap. - A representative of tlii' department will be present at each clinic to interview all eayes it this class who limy wish to educate twin-' Ives for som esuitable o ecu pa tton. If you know of any cripples ir ncenl of these services, you could do them ;i favor by call'ng their atten tion to those provisions beiug made for their benefit or by reporting their numc- to the 1 U'jKirtment of Vocation al Rehabilitation. Raleigh, X. C. It is hoped that b, cripples in this terri tory will fail p) take advantage of tin clink ns they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. PAPER REPLIES TO PARK OPOSPITION Asheville Citizen Maintains Chat It Is "Common Good Against Ex ploitation." Asheville, Nov. 30.—The campaign for funds for the ptirehnse of the Great Smoky Mountains for n luitioual mirk, which begins here in earnc-t tomorrow promisee to tie complicated by the organized opposi tion of certain lumbering interests, nntl by. a battle between these io trests mid the hotel owners. the newnpapers.iind the business inter ests of the cities of Western North < 'nrdfttm, which are lined up firmly on the side of the national park. Full page advertisements in the local dailies have during the jiast week announced the opposition 1 of the Champion Fibre Company to the establishment of a national park in the Great Smoky Mountains. In re ply to ’this broadside the Asheville Citizen, one of the formost pro|«>- nont* of the national park plan yes terday in an editorial declared that the of the establishment of a national forest in the Smokies af ter the mountains laid boon denuded of its tree undtho creation now of a great national park was "a question of common good against individual exploitation.’' "The broad proposition." the news paper says, "is whether the general good of all people, financially as well as otherwise, litvs in the crea tion ofthis park and its maintenance, or in the removal of the remaining portion of this virgin forest which would be completed in a very few Mars, leaving the great summits and sides of theseNiffountuius bare atul open to destruction by fire. It is a question of common good aguinst in dividual 'erploitations. "On tile one band we have the nr- UI intent that it is better to leave these fon-sts to be cut away for industrial purposes and on lie other hand the proposition to preserve them as a rational playground for all the peo ple with the consequent financial re turn* which exjierts say would fol low and • which would continue throkjfbouf all time Evidently if we 666 is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Maliria. It kills tig* germ*. STRENGTH Away back in bistory, sturdy Norsemen found cod- I liver oil sufficient to help develop marvelous strength and endurance. I Scott’s Emulsion is cod-liver oil like the VSk inge thrived on prepared in the form of a rich, JU tasty cream, it bu&h •trength and endurance, • • ——- - - - - ■ ~ T u it j. m m ~ - , r - _ - ~ " 5 - r "f-- " r " " '.I • Citizens Bank and Trust Company Concord, N. C. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS OPIPICERS* / - c. L. PROPST. Caoilier A. F. GOODMAN, Vice President to YD DIGGERS Aset. Caahier & ec. ba.i^hlm«: S geo. l. pattebson a F GOODMVN S W ’ D pfeMB «f. KTON J - r - GOODMAN L. B°WAGONER We lend money on approved security. THE HOME OF rece ' ve deposits subject to check.. GOOD BANKING We issue Certificates of Deposit bearing four per cent interest. , ■i■: > _ - 1 ■■ ■ ■ ■ i ii n ■ i CONVENIENCE! OUR GRANDPARENTS— WE Ordered wood or coal. a . _jf * Stored it in the shed. Turn jr valvfc any hour of ” Paid for it before using. tfce Carried it to the kitchen and out a moment’s notice, have placed it in the scuttle or a hot, clean, perfectly con woodbax. .trolled tire from fuel ’which v \ Fed the fire as needed. we do not have to store. Carried out ashes, daily. which leaves no ash dhd Paid for disposal of ashes, » which we use first and pax later. for afterwards*. “If It’s Done With Heat—You Can Do It Better With GAS’’ Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. • \ "’“it until these mounaina arc <]e iiudis). the interest _of the National Government in them ns a park will have entirety abated.” In a reply to the cliai'gist of the ( hnnipion Fibre (’oittpuny tlnit the Champion Fibre Company that the entnliliehment of a NatinngT park wi I Iniraws for all time atfil regard less of changed economic conditions one of tlie very large natural re sources of Western North Carolina from ull industrial use,” the editor of the Citizen, istint* out (hut the lumbermen of North Carolina have all the forest* of Western North Carolina. outside the relatively small area to be reserved as a •‘park, from which to draw on for lumber. In the January number of True .Story Magazine, ’a Macfaddeu publi cation. appears “The Vnwanted Wom an” in the person of Nora West, who is unwanted by the mau for whom she felt an overwhelming. Overpowering love. Jerry in turn is in love with Marie Savtiritt and to complicate mat ters Jerry s uncle is found murdered. •‘When u Man Lien-” is the Ittory of pretty Jennie Hay. who was the vic tim of an unscrupulous tmfn with a mania for carrying ull the pretty girls he met. There is also the first eHnp tcr of "Broken Homes” which will shortly be seen on the scree it. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYB Do Your Hens Lay You make them lay and* payfeeding Spartan Lay ing Mash. Every sack guar anteed. Also Extra .Good Scratch Feed, only $3.00 per bag Cabarrus Cash v*o. PHONE mw. - aoooecoocooooooooei^ogo^gooocoooooocccocccoooo Bobbed Hair ■ ' A Dazzling Mystery Romance ; I ' *v Twenty famous Authors Now Running in The Tribune OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOaoc Five young women just out of col lege compose a real estate syndicate which is said to have met with won derful success in the Florida htufl Htiecuiation. D’ORSAY’S TOUJOURS FIDELE ' ' / can now be had in single or double compacts, an innovation which certainly will rejoice the numerous friends of jjie exquis ite* scent of Toujotirs Fidele Jtt Blanche, Naturelle, Rachel j Gibson Drug Store i The Rexall Store ’•• ."" '■ '■ ‘ i ' Tuesday, December 1,1025 ■ ''' ' . , m 'i-| . “What's your loom rate like?' 1 "I’rotß- near Everything rye-got.’* "* — : —r— , jRtSMnSa* *o n , d itSS?Ecrn!» traataunt «t (tux It*. A trMtmtnt MoaTriih. * ‘ PEARL DRUG COMPANY