T uesday,' December 1,1925 11 COLD WEATHER | but -1 LOATHS HOT BLAST HEATER j f 1 Will Keep You Warm I I If you are in the market for any kind j ■ I °f Heating Stove we can certainly J I save you money. II Yorke & Wadsworth Co. ] f I THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE S ! ' 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 iS i . Q A Real Character # «!| I BABY DOLL | $4.50 Value SPECIAL $3.45 This F.xtra Special Exactly As Illustrated !; K ; j More Doll Value Than Any Other Store By Comparison '! if FISHER’S j! a ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooe Out of the confusion of one of the lit most indecisive football seasons on i record the task of picking the clinni pions and ranking the elevens in dif >l ferent sections of the country has ; i proved to be anytliiug but n happy, l joyous parlor amusement. J USB PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS* Bi ■ > Fifty years ago- the brightest stars 1 in the billiard .firmament were \Yil - liam Sexton, George F. Slosson, A. - P. Rndolphe, Albert Gamier and the s two Dion brothers. A woman, Mrs. R. 11. Zachary, of AA’aycross, was the first Georgia hunt - l er to bag a deer thjs season. [ COUNTR.YJ CORRESTONDENCH KAITH. Here is a nice letter we just reeelv e<l: Greensborq. X. Route 7. Box IOC, Xov. 21. 15125. Mr. ,1. T. Wyatt, Salisbury, X. Route 2, Rox 10. Dear Friend: —l yens down to see you in September and bought a dollar size jar of your eczema ointment for my wife's hands. She bad done used up a 25 cent sample of your ointment and it hope her hands n great deal. She has now used aboul half of the dollar jar that I got in September and I am glad to say now that her hands are better now of the eczema than they have been in twelve months. They do not iteli any at all now, but she is still using the ointment. I am very thankful that, a remedy has been | found that e#n relieve the itching ec zema. Your ointment lias done ev erything that you claim it to do, and I can recommend it to any sufferer of eczema. 1-can not' praise it’ too high ly. From vour fl-iend, W, A. REACH. Route 7. Box ICKI, Greensboro. X. C. ‘ Here is a letter we just received: Peck's Poultry Place, Kannapolis Road, Concord, X. (\, Xov, 21. Hear Venus: I have read your itmos •ill the Concord Tribune for a number of years ahd enjoy them very much. Occasionally I notice where some one tells you of some old article and ask you if you can beat it t«j trot it out. I liave'something that I think I can ask .them all to stand aside for, when “it comes to age. I have a violin or as it was railed when made “fiddle" that is over 400 years old. It has been handed down from generation lo generation and it came into my pos session through my grandfather. So as they say, if they can-find something older, trot it. out. Yours very truly, C. H. PECK. Miss Ina Rrown and Miss Lillian Holobongh, oft Salisbury, are spending Thanksgiving with home-folks here in Fn’th.. We met Hr. C. M. Higgins. He liv ed in Salisbury 25 years, now with McFarlain Pharmacy, McFarlan. An son county, Xorth Carolina. ' TEXT'S. MIDLAND. | Miss Myrtle Hamilton has return ed to Greensboro, after visiting her sister, Mrs. G. C. Sossamon. Mrs. Bain Green is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. 4Aert Griffin in Forest City. Misses Laura Mae Sljinn and Lil lian Widenhouse spent the .week-end with their grandmother, Mrs. Moses Furr. I)r. and Mrs. .T. 0. Sossamon spent last Friday in Xorwood. Mr. Waldo Xelson, of Monroe, spent the week-end with his sister, . Airs. T. C. Blakeney. I Mrsy Rost Green and little daugh ter, Dorothy Nqgl, have returned as -1 ter visiting relatives in Polkton. Mr. and Mrs. C. AV. Barrino and children, of Marshviile, Mr. and Airs. Frank Pounds, of Coneortf were the guests of Mrs. Barrino and Mrs. C. E. Tucker, Sunday. Miss Katharine Hart sell, of High Point College, spent' the week-end with her,parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hartsell. Miss Pink Willeford spent the week end in Concord. Miss Ida Mae Widenhouse,'who is leaching in Kannapolis, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Mrs. A. P. WLidonhnuso. Air. and Airs. Hugh Alexander and children, of Gastonia, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. ,1. Hartsell Sun day. Miss Faye Black spent th« week end in Matthews. Tucker Brothers are erecting a large brick hardware store. WRITER. ENOCH VILI.E. Afr. and Mrs. 11. S. Rumple and children spent last Sunday at the home of Air. Chanopy Frieze. Air. -Tno. Miller sold a nice lot of Thanksgiving turkeys Monday. Air. and Mrs. Howard Rumple and son. Mr. and Airs. AV. F. Allman and children, were visitors last Sunday evening at Air. C. C. Upright's. One of Mr. and Airs. Triplett's chil dren unfortunately broke its arm yes terday. Lon Smith has accepted work in the Cannon Mill al Kannapolis. Mr. C. I>. Overcnsh unfortunately jrnn a nail into his foot last week, causing much pain. Born to Air. and Mrs. C. C. "Up right, .November ISth, a daughter. The farmers in this section arc about through sowing grain. The general health of this commun ity is very good at present. BUSY BEE. WHITE HALL. Hay by day in every way the air is getting eolder and colder. AVo sure had a good Thanksgiving around White Hall and Route 7. . Mrs. C. A. Harr son, of Salisbury. I and Air. and Airs. R. F. Ktraugbn, of East Speneer, and Airs. Carl AVeint and children, of West Speneer, were visitors, at thg homo of Air. and Airs. H. O. Christenbury on Route, 7 on Thanksgiving Day. Master Arlie Harrison, Jr., and Alaster Buddy Weint, of Salisbury, spent a few days last week with Mas ter Elmer Christenbury of Route 7. No session of the White Hall Lit erary Society was held last week, but the society will meet Friday, Decem ber 4th. The debate will be ns fol lows : Resolved that a friend is more useful than money. The affirmative speakers will be Aliss Grier Kiser and Aliss Aletia Alnbry, the negative will be uphold by Miss Alattde Talbert and Air. Floyd, Garmon. The AVliite Hall boys went to Rocky River Wednesday and played a game of basketball. Rocky River won by the score of 20 and 15. Rocky River will give us a return game Fri day. December 4th. - Come to White Hall and help us win. The boys also played the Jackson Training School Saturday. AVe lost by the score of 3 to 5. The roll call for the high school pupils is as follows: Seventh grade—Alargntet Anton, Margaret Corzine, Sadie Joyner, Elo ise White, Hurley Thompson, Dixon Tall irt. Kate Bost, Irene Meninb and Cary White. Eijlith grade—Dovie Bost, Willene Linker, Annie Mae Sides, Lucile Bar bee, Nettie Litaker, Robert Littles. Ninth grade—Grace Kiser, Roy Christenbury. Tenth grade—Lloyd Garmon, Rollie McDonald, Viola Sides and Ruth Kis er. • Mr. C. A. Harrison, of Salisbury, was a visitor at the homesof Mr. and Sirs. R. O. Christenbury Sunday morning. We send law breakers to the pen and the chain gang but if all the boss men are as mean as N. C. Cranford, of the Stanly gang, we sure feel sor ry for them. , CAROLINA KID. CONCORD ROUTE THREE. AVe seem to be having some very cold weather along now. Mr. and Hrs. Henry Klinkscales, of Raleigh, spent Thursday morning' with Mrs. P. D. Blackwolder. Mrs. A. G. Deal and children, of China Grove, and Mrs. A. D. Wilson, of Watts Cross' Roads, spent Friday afternoon with their father and moth er and Air. and Mrs. E. K. Misenheim er and family. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Suther, November 22nd, a son. Mrs. Maggie Dry and children, of this section, spent last Thursday in Rimer with Mr. Jake Safrit and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. John Faggart, of China Grove, spent Sunday after noon with their daughter, Mr. and Airs. Pink Walters and family. A'anee Patterson has purchased a new roadster. Miss Blanche ratterson, is spend ing Thanksgiving at home. Mr. and Mrs. Garvis Pless have I moved back to their home on Route 3. AVe are glad to have them as neigh bors again. POLLY' PARROT. • CONCORD ROUTE FIVE. AVe are having fine weather for Thanksgiving porkers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnhardt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Aathey Holland. • The little son of Newton Stowe, is right sick with shingles, t The condition Qf Julius Furr does not seem to improve very much. Mr. Jacob Barnhardt had the mis fortune to fall out of his wagon last Wednesday while hauling. He sus tained some very painful injuries, but | it is thought he w : ll recover. Mr. and Mrs. John Petrea spent a short while Sunday at Air. J. R. Barn hardt's. Mr. Homer Barnhardt spent Sun day at the bedside of his father, Jl. R. Barnhardt. i Mr. T. F. Rowland, principal of Fink’s School, has been called home on account of the illness of his wife. Mr. Ed. Barrier js teaching while Mr. i Rowland is away. The surrounding community was saddened Tuesday when the death of Mrs. Rowland occurred. The bereaved family has our heartfelt sympathy. There will be preaching at Friend ship Church Sunday at 11 o’clock. Sunday school at 10 o’clock. ' ' ' NANCY JANE. FAITH. The Faith people are all busy quar rying and cutting and hauling gran ite ahd loading cars at Granite Quar ry, Rockwell and Crescent and deliv ering a lot of fine street curbing to the City of Salisbury and Silencer. Faith is now one of the best known gran ! te town? in the United Slates, and it was started up by J. T. AVyatl, who shipped the first ear. load from the Faith settlement. AVe took our Thanksgiving turkey dinner this year nt the Yadkin Hotel in Salisbury on November 211th, and got one of the finest dinners in North Carolina. A lot of traveling people took dinner there at the same time A'entis <1 i<l and were praising the good dinner to Venus. Here are the names of some of the people we mpt there: J. H. Hnyuell, Belhaven, X. M- J- liieker, Raleigh, X. C., C. K. Cm 11. < 'harleston, S. C., Air. anil Mr#. E. I). Alonroe. Salisbury. X. C.. just recently married and have not yet decided what to buy, a Ford car or Chevrolet: A. X. Alyer, Dr. and Airs. I". Al.vers, Aliss Betty Myers. Greensboro. X. <’.. F. Fields, Greens boro, X. C. J. B. AA'ehster, Greens boro, X. ('.. Herman, Cline Basing er, of the Yadkin Drug Co., Salisbury, N, A. Morris, Charlotte, AVhen we asked him what his business was he said a rum runner. Others told us he was a traveling salesman. J. 'll. Griffin is a fine young fel low. AVe met him in Salisbury. Miss Stella Small, cashier at. the Yadkin Hotel, was'bus.v Thanksgiving day, taking in the money. Mr. and Airs. X. L. Puckett, of Salisbury and Airs. ,T. X. AVade, of New Y'ork City, motored out to Faith Friday in a big fine ear Oft Ea>t. Liberty street we saw the butcher man with his motor car of beef, pork and veal, the finest you ev er saw. AAV met Air. J. Cicero Aliller, one of the wealthy Rowan county farmers of near South River in Salisbury. AA’e were boys together. Mrs. C. \\ Pennington, of Albemarle Route 4, box .‘lOti, sent 20 cents in postnge stamps for one of those lec tures (,f beautiful flowers. / Some of those college boys just sent Venus a funny card to be filled in. It -ays "I spend my spare time rending your items." It is from Davidson, X. C. The shoemaker nt the Bell Shoe Store and the owner of Dutch Lunch No. 2 in Salisbury are (wo people who are getting j-ich faster than any body we ever saw. AA'e know be cause we have been there. AVe net J. \A’. Shaping. He lived in Faith nt one time. AA'e met Alex Cruse, a good farmer. AVe met David Fry, a hustling , young man, in Salisbury. Oh November 2S we had the most ■ beautiful clear day yon ever saw. Here is something else put lip to Venus for him to explain : M. S., the locust correspondent, snys“ one of the largest droves of wild geese they have ever seen flew over here last | AVednesday going toward the north- I east. AVe were under the impression they were going in the wrong direc tion. A’enus, can you tell us the sig ? nificanee of their flight?" Yes, they were going where nature directed them. They were going to attend to r their business. They know their ius ine-s better than we do. Another ‘ thing, there was no room in Florida ■ because that state is crowded so full of human beings that there was no , room for them there. That was the . reason they were going in the oppo ’ site direction. If you have anything queer that no l one else has, write and tell Venus s about it. A'ENUS. ROBERTA. AA’e are having some .warm sunshiny weather now. Thanksgiving day was very gloomy , at Roberta, owing to the fact that Howard Cochrane, son of Mr. and : Mrs. Mack Cochrane, was shot by his | cousin, Clarence Cochrane, and died a few hotirs later. He was carried to , the Charlotte Sanatorium and all that could be done for him was done. Death ! came about four o’clock that after noon. Funeral services were held nt the Roberta Alethodist Protestant Church, conducted by Rev. J. T. Sisk, assisted by Rev. X. Brittain. Howard was a bright, industrious boy, loved and admired by all who knew him. Cousins of his were pallbearers. They were: Charlie and Garner A’erble, Lewis Lefler, Andrew Cochrane, Clar ence and Glenn Little. Flower girls were: Bonnie Linker, Irene Furr, Pauline and Gladys Blackwelder, Kathleen Furr, A'irginia Cochrane, Lillian Blackwelder, Elma Miller, Margie Verble, Effie Lefler and Lula Taylor. It was one of the saddest funerals we have ever attended. Every heart seemed pierced to the uttermost. The deceased is survived by his fath er, mother, one brother and one small sister, and a large number of relatives and friends. The bereaved family has our sympathy. “AVeep not, father and mother, for me, I am waiting in glory for thee.” Oi.r school closed AVednesday for the holidays. It resumed work again on Aionday. Aliss Ethel. Blackwelder, who is teaching in Georgeville, spent the hol idays with home folks. Come on, Harrisburg, with your items. AVe-like to read them. ’ SAVEET DREAMS. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS. ! The most embarrassing moment in my life was a few evenings ago. A friend invited me to go motoring with two lady friends of his. AA'lien I en tered the car. I found my wife was . one of the ladies. * Last Sunday in church while wait ing for thle collector to reach the seat , where I was, I became absent-minded, and thinking the collector was pass- I ing the basket, I dropped my offering into the upturned derby of a gentle man who was endeavoring to get a seat beside me. I could not explain, and felt very much embarrassed. Teacher—Order, please. Absent-minded Student —Elgg sand wich. . » The %cent wedding of Princess Mnlfalda, of Italy, to Prince Phillip, of HesSe, 'afforded the first instance on record that a member of the royal House of Savoy had a Prot estant. MIAMI IS DEMORALIZED BY TIIK HEAVY BAIN FALL Alxml 8 Foot of Precipitation Within 12 Hours Converts Business See thm Into Lakes anti Pools. Miami. Fla.. Nov. SO. —Miami, drenched and dripping, resumed her interrupted labors late today, utter the mo«! devastating rainfall in her history. The downpour established a new record for a single day's rainfall help, with a precipitation of betw’een 11 and 12 inches, according to I'nited States Weather Observer Richard W. Gray here. This new mark bettered the former record set on October 24. 1024. when 9.70 inches of rain wan recorded. Blanketed ' under this mnntle of water. Miami and her satellite cities and towns suspended business gener ally today, litany ntercanti’e estab lishments and offices in the down tewn section opening their doors only after the thoroughfare gave up their burden of water and pedestrian travel was possible. Twelve-Hour Rain. Covering an almost exact 12-hour period, the rainfall which continued unabated, with only Intermittent lulls from Sunday midnight uuti noon today, transformed greater Miami into a series of minature lakes and rivers. Principal avenues of travel in both Miami and Miami Beaeh were under from Severn inches to thre and four feet ot wufer in places, and hundreds of automo biles nml motor vehicles, their ell gines temporarily drowned by the high water, were marooned for hours along blocks at a stretch making the highway impassible for more fortunate conveyances. Highway communication out of the city in all directions was severed by the water obstacle, and trains were apparently the only suceessfu' means of locomotive through the out lying settlements flinging the city proper. s' Surburb Hard Hit. Haileah. one of the mushroom "ities of the Miami winterland. a site of varied sporting attractions, was comp.etc y out of touch witl Miami for a time, both by highway and telephone and probably suffers'’ more from the effects of the high water than other neighboring com muni ties. City utilities in general were sev orely paralyzed by the torrential tropical downpour and lack of puwei in the city lighting system threw a pall of darkness over the city during the early morning which crippled ordinary activities in this immediate section. ' “The close sign" was posted on every hand and the stores and busi ] ness houses operating were in the mirtority.and labored by candle light. The crippling of lighting facilities seriously handicapped local newspa pers and a morning paper published its usual stret edition early in the afternoon while afternoon papers ap • peared about dark. All augmented electric company force succeeded in l drying out generator coils to inaugU i rate service in’a limited area by 4.30 ■ p. m. Stores Are Flooded. : Water crept over street curbing in numerous paces and flooded the 1 ground floors of not a few stories. • Damage wiUiin Miami proper will run up in the thousands of dollars it is believed, although no effort has 1 been made to estimate the losses in > cur rod. Shipping in this port anti along • this- strip of coast appeared unaf fected by the rainfall and no reports , were received ofany mishap to craft in these waters. The storm was not accompanied by more than ordinary winds, and apparently was limited to rain. I A stationary storm, centering 1 south of the Florida peninsula, was 1 given asthe cause of' the unpre ’ cedented fall of rain by Observer Grey, who announced that he was convinced that Miami had received the brunt of the tropical storm, which he added, had undoubtedly spent its force. Corn-Cracker Says Holdup Imaginary. Shelby Star. Recently M. L. White, known over the state as Cleveland's “Corn-Crack- j er” philosopher, wrote a story regard- | ing prohibition officers mistaking his Cleveland Springs sulphur water for liquor. Hereabouts, knowing- Corn Craver's wit, the story was thought to be imaginary, as Mr. White usually puts over his ideas a la O Henry, but over the stale several editors were wont to indulge in remarks about prohibition officers who knew not the difference of sulphur water and fier water. To clear up the situation, The Star addressed inquiry to Corn Cracker, who replied in this manner: “Your polite letter and request duly received, and permit me to* say {hat the hold-up was altogether imaginary. “As you know, the density of some people is monumental. A joke is re garded as a piece of sad news, and as both ungodly and unseemly. Some really good people are sp materials- j tie that the realms of fancy are un explored regions and always will be They would he surprised to learn that the Arabian Nights is not ‘strictly , true, and that Mark Twain did not give way to tumultous emotion at the tomb of Adam, or that he did not slay an infidel at the tomb of Godfrey with the keen Damascus blade of the doughty Crusader. “Os Course I have some foundation for all these apocryphal happenings described in my correspondence; for I have at least the rudiments of an imagination." THE STINGIEST PERSON. New York Mirror. The stingiest person I know is a person who fills his pipe in our office and walks three blocks to a cigar store where he can use a lighter and ■save a match. The stingiest person I know is a man who takes his vacation at Christ mas so that he won’t have to buy any presents for any of the other fellows in the office. A new sundial that tells timo to within half a minute, on an ordinary clock face, has been perfected by W. | E. Cooke, of Sydney, Australia. I fl (wrrm-wiDp I W . INSTITUTION-* | jijßimeyvp WULDEPARTMENT STORES JO-54 South Union Street. Concord- N. C. Scotch Plaid Mufflers Gifts for Men and Women ® Imported Wool Mufflers} dozens and dozens of de signs in breezy, colorful Scotch plaids, that make ideal gifts. Wide, long, fringed, in s* 11 colors. Warmth without weight or Among the best values we have ever assembled. Ready for choosing, low JilrTT It $1.49 §f|l|f: und $1.98 ' i JftiSGfoti [ . \ 1 2jp> AMMUNITION •*& e \mt World’s : JyjF Champion Ammunition For three consecutive years WESTERN WINS the 5 1 World’s Greatest Trapshooting handicap, ts Read —details posted on show window—Also other | victories for Western—“ Choice of Champion.” Western ammunition the choice of the world’s best | shots, will kill more game and add to your hunting satis -1 faction this fall. I jj Ritchie Hardivare Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE I PHONE 117 jagarjgir;m::isa 3COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC THE UNIVERSAL CAR Are you going to buy a car? If so, what are you con- ]j| ji sidering as related to the dealer from whom you intend ijl ! buying? There are many things you should weigh well i| !| before making up your mind. Ji We are offering a car of known value and undisputed 1 ' j! leadership. Our organization is reliable and trustworthy I 1 ! iJ through desire to be so and not by necessity. Our service ji 1 is good because our mCn know their business and want to 'I 1 |J help our customers in every possible way. ||l In short, oUr spirit of helpfulness and friendliness to 'J' Ji our patrons forms a tie between them and us that is sel- !|! 1 1 dom broken. ]i[ REID MOTOR CO. 11 CONCORD’S FORD DEALER j! Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 j OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I The Seasons Newest Footwear The finest leathers and shoe fabrics are represented in our HIGH 'J GRADE SHOES, and in each instance the material is adapted to the J i Heels and Soles conform as well, so that in every detail Our 1 1 Shoes are far above those usually found at these prices— s2.9s $3.95™ $6.95 MARKSON SHOE STORE PHONE 897 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OUR PENNY ADS. ALIYS GET RESULTS PAGE THREE

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