Tuesday, Dtcembsr 1,1025 fgo cIE Tyn - i: Scarf Collar •rue tweed'or-Jersey suit for spring | has a scarf collar that neutralises ; the severe revere so suggestive oi i .masculine attire. It- is of the same 1 material as the suit, r&ther narrow,*' - and aims to contribute to the well bcing'of the ensemble rather than to focus attention on itself.. Study Club to Meet Thursday. Members of the Study Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with .Mrs. Edward Sauvnin at her home on North Vuion street. Mr. and Mrs. Over-rash Entertain. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Overcash delightfully entertained -at nil elaborate six o'clock dinner at their home on South I'nlon stroel. (lovers'were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Oven-ash, Mr. Brice Riggers, Mr. and Mrs. .T. It. Womblc, Mr. and Mrs. \V. It. Ward, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ivey. To Entertain Floral Club. Mrs. Charles Cunnen will entcr tuin the Floral Club QVednesday af ternoon at 3 o'clock at her home on North Union street. .Music Club to Meet Tonight. j The Music Club, which will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. K. f,. Ridenhour. will give its program on Iteethovea. Mrs. A. E. Harris is to assist Mrs. Kidenhom- as hostess. Ail members who have not paid their dues are asked to do so at this time. The program is as follows: 1 introductory Sketch—Mrs. Ben Craven. 3 l’iano “Solo: Two Movements s from “Moonlight Bonntn""(Beethoven) —Mrs. Leslie forrell. 3/ Our Church Ilymnars Debt to the ttreat “Muster of Harmonies - ' (a group of Hymns)—Mrs. J. B. Worn ble. 4 Beading: “A Day With Beethov en--—Miss Itose Harris. it Song: "Ich Liebe Dieh" (Bee* tlmyen)—Mrs. H. (i. Hibson. ii l'iano Solo—Mrs. (leorge Ed wards. 7 Vocal Soio—Miss I.ois Crowell. Experience cannot he bought on credit. Burns or scalds of small area, cover first with wet bak ing soda. When dry, y take this oft Dress with Vicks, gently. Do not rub in. Bandage lightly. UICKS v Vapoßub Op«r IT Million Jmrm tW IWrb | •J , y . ~ | f I *■ ■old By ; ' ! j BELL-HARRIfI i FtJW- Kmi PARLOR ... , piv Pkuaa Ml NlffM PfeMM MO-I**L ffl PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Whitlock and 1 children, of Albemarle, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j. L. Potts at tlieir home on Elm street. Mrs. Potts is a niece of Mr. Whitlock. • • • Mrs. Archie Allred, of High Point, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. G. E. Fisher, on Loan street. • « • Mr. and Mrs, Charles Cannon have returned from Pinehurst' where they ’aave been spending several days. • * * j Mrs. Agnes N. Schriefer and her ■sister. Miss Itosa "Issertell, of Brook lyn. N. Y., are visiting at the home of Mr. und Mrs. V. L. Norman on Tribune street. Miss Iseertell and Mrs. Schriefer are cousins of Mr. Norman and have, for tin- past eight ’and one-half years, had charge of a large orphanage infirmary in Brook lyn. • • • J. W. Darnell is spending several t days in Elkin, where he has gone on i a business trip. W* . • j Mrs. A. Jones Yorke and her sister- I Mrs. Kenneth Royal, of Goldsboro, | Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr., and Miss j Adelaide Hurrls are the day - ip Charlotte. Miss Adelaide Harris, has returned from Chattel Hill, where she attended the Thanksgiving dances. KINGS DAUGHTERS ‘HOLD REGULAR MONTHLY MEET Reports Received From Various Com- Mittecs.—To Look After Christinas Opportunities Again. ) The King's Daughters held the : r regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. H. Jarratt. on West Depot Street, Monday evening. After the devotional conducted by Mrs. S. J. Ervin, the reading of the minutes and treasurer's report, the visiting committee, Mrs. C. AV. Byrd, M iss Mary King and Mrs. Guy Beav er. made the following report: Fif teen homos visited, clothing given to seventeen people, ifiedieal services and med'citic,secured for two patents, roll er chair furnished to old lady, several cheer visits to shut-ins and flowers and fruits given, tender services ren dered in the burial of an infant whose ! pareits were strangers hi mil- midst and all arrangements made for tin placing of mi unfortunate negro in a hospital for the treatment •of gun shot wounds. Till- King's Daughters were grati fied with the hearty response their friends made in returning well-filled Opportunity envelopes. This co-oper ation und helpfulness oik the part of the public is a source of encourage ment in the work of relieving suffer ing and needs amongst us. The Circle, decided to look after Christmas Opportunities again, so as to make it possible that Concdi-d's needy will not be neglected at this eoraiug Christmas season. The Christ inas Opportunity is a work of love and the Circle hopes to have the co operation of every individual, church and patriotic and eviie organization in Concord. The visiting committee for Decem ber is composed of Mrs. B. E. Bid eukotiP. Fr., Mrs. M. L. Marsh, Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mrs. J. Y. Pharr. Mrs. F. L. Boat and Misses Laura Gillou und Elizabeth Woodhouse. The Ci-ele adjourned to meet tin first Monday evening in January 1026, at the home of Mrs. Guy Braver, on Grorgia Avenue. NEW AUTOMATIC SIGNALS TO BE ERECTED AT ONCE Three New “Stop and Go" Signs Have Been Purchased ami lYcliminary Wiring Is Being Done. At an early date. Concord citizens : will see the new electric “stop and go" signals, similar to the one in use of the square, erected at three other intersections of tile city. The intersections which will be served by the now automatic signals ! arc Corbin and Upton at the Lutheran Church corner. Depot and Church at Bell & Harris, und Grove and Spring at the Baptist Church corner. Purchase ofythe new signals was made some months ago,niton it was found that the one erected on the square was so satisfactory. They were purchased froAl the same firm in Balcigh that the first one was bought from J. K. McCarthy Company. Work in erecting them was delayed when the special wire cable which was ordered for the purpose of sus pending them, failed to arrive. The s ; gns themselves have been liet-e sev eral wi-eks. Wlieu the cable arrived \louduy, a wire was scut to Mr. MacCurth) to j come and erect the signs. The city Water and Light Department bus men today fastening the wires at their places. It was said by Frank Maud, who lias this work in charge, that it j would boa week before lie completed j the preliminary- wiring. All the signs are lo\be suspended from overhead wires und this will make iiossible the removal of the con crete go-to-the right sign at (lx- Luth eran church eorucr. - Honors Mrs. Kenneth Royal. ‘ Mrs. J. F. Cannon wus hostess at two tables,.of bridge Monday after noon honoring Mrs. Kennel',i lloyal, ! of Goldsboro, who is visiting her sis ter. Mrs. A. Jones Y'orke. At the l conclusion of the game, rafreshpicnta ! wereNn-rvcd. I To Entertain at Bridge. Miss Adelaide Harris is enterUin | ing at two tnbles of bridge this af ternoon honoring Mrs. Kenneth Itoynl, of Goldsboro, who Is visiting in the city. A number of otjier affajt-H iu«- being planned for Mrs.'lloyul 1 during liet*- visit here. Tn the middle of (he seventeenth century u woman held the official po sition of rut catcher jit the Tower Os London, us shown by un old warrant recently discovered. KANNAPOLIS LEADS J " IN Y. St C. A. SERVICE Loral Association Is Blazing flic 1 Trail For 342 Cities. (BY JAZZY MOORE) Kannapolis, Dec. I.—According to facts the Kannapolis Young* Men's I Christian Association so far surpass es in efficiency, membership and Chris tian influence most of the 342 Y. M. C. A. cities of its class. No city of its size can boast of two such large and well equipped Y’s as has Knn napolis. Cabarrus Y. M.‘ C. A. The Cabarrus Y. M. C. A., of which John S. Carpenter \is- general secre tary, is a tine structure. It is equip ped with a recreation room, gymnas- . iutn, swimming pool, forty dormitory rooms, and a s|>acious dining room, in which 70.030 meals were served last year amid most artistic and congenial surroundings. In every dormitory room there is hot and cold water, and Olr every floor there are drinking wat er fountains and showers. The kitch en is equipped with inoderii-upto dutc and down to-the-minute conven iences. All the cooking is done by electricity. Cabarrus athletics are known far and wide. As a mutter of fact the siiorts’ department has become an in tegral part of the organization. Ttie director of athletirs receives tin- same pay as any other department head. Re cently the eomnrttee elected James 1,. Moore to head this department. He will exercise general supervision over the entire athletic program. Assist ing Moore in this work are. several fin ished college athletes, namely: Bozo Bozeman. ex-Georgia Tecli star; Ho mer Ketyhie, former Duke Univer sity flash: and Ray Roberts, late of Vanderbilt University. The pioneer Boy Scouts of Kan napolis, troojis one and two: Elite for young men: Hi-Y for boys; Ili-Y for girls: and Tuck-a-battiies for juniors, are included in the social clubs. Cannon Y. M. C .A. The Canuon i. M. (1. A. is also a fine structure. In addition to ihe tine features that go to make a first class Y\ it has magnificent auditorium with a seating capacity of 1400. Tin auditorium is used as u moving pic ture theatre five nights each week. Cannon Y* operates a' twelve table poo] room and a small barbershop also. Numerous boys' and girls - dubs are numbered in the social curriculum. Troop three of Bo.v Scouts represent the upper scout movement under tin auspices of this Y. M. <’. A. This in stitution is sponsor of the fourth scout contingent, a troop of colored Bo.v Scouts. In 1024 the Cannon volley ball sex tette won the North Carolina state championship. Edward J. Sharpe is general secre tary of the Cannon Memorial Y. M. C. A. Messrs. Carpenter and Sharpe ai'c Michigan men hut they have resid ed in Kannapolis so long they seem to be more like Tar Heels. Both sec retaries are leaders of everything pro gressive in tile The former is teacher of the Tuek-a-bathies, the largest junior Subbuth school class in Cabarrus county. Mr. Sharpe also takes aH active part in the Sunday school work of hi* church. They‘'have been frequently used in sneaking en gagements in this county and in near by associationcenters. The membership of the two asso ciations is over three-thousand, while the value of the institutions is ap proximately one half million dollars. CHAPEL OF UNDERTAKING PARLOUS BEING USED Men's Bible Class of St. James Luther an Church Using Bell & Harris’ (‘lmpel. Due to congested conditions within the Church, member* of the Men’s Bible Class of St. Jumes Lutheran 1 Church Ore now meeting rti the Chap el of the Bell & Harris Undertaking Parlors. M. M. Linker, manager of the un dertaking parlors, last week extended to the class the use of (he cliapel and the offer was immediately accepted. The class met in the* chapel for the first time last Sunday. The chapel is arranged to comfort ably scat 200 persons, and is elegant ly fitted out with modern equipment. At present the men's class of St. Janies Church has (Ml members enroll ed and for the service Sunday 40 members were present. Prof. j. B. Robertson is teacher of the class. The growth of the Sunday School at-St. James resulted in a* congestion uud the men's class is pleased to find suitable aiid excellent quarters for their ufture meetings. WINSTON COURT CROW D IS MUCH DISAPPOINTED Case of Man and Woman. Sunday School (Yorkers, Continued. Winston-Salem, Nov. 30.—The city police court proved a popular place thR) morning, the court room being crowded to the- door* and in the hull were a number of people who were unable to get on the inside. The case that wu« looked for Vitk' chief interest was the one in which M. A\\ Brabham, of Nashville, Tcnn.. . and Miss Yfrgiuiu Jenkins, of Salis bury. were cliurged with violating the hotel law, having been arrested early yesterday morning at one of Pile lend ing hotels in this city. in the hear ing of this trial the crowd was very much disappointed, ns the case was Continued until December Bth. * Mr. Brabham and Miss Jenklu* are taking no part in the Sunday school training school now being held ut Centenary Methodist Church.- While no attorneys appeared in the municipal i-ourt this morning to rep resent the defendants, it is understood that able counsel has been employed. With the December issue True Ex periences, a Macfudden publication, makes it* initial how to the reudlug public. “Songs and Shadows" Is the ] record of: one i* girFs -amuziugt adVen- Jiire. “fler , lliiptriiti-d^Stnl'y”'con cerns itself with a reporter who , squashed a story contrary to the law of newspaperdom. "Two Kinds of Love" is Malva's extraordinary story, ; while "AVho \Vas to Blame" draws a ! vivid, relentless picture of modern i life. , » THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE E.W. G. Huffman, of Salisbury, to De liver Principal Speech.—Business Matters tn Be Discussed. The annual meeting of the Lutheran brotherhood of North Carolina will be held next Sunday at St. James Luth eran Church iu tins city, the opening session of the meeting beginning at 2:30 o'clock. A large attendance is expected from the entire state, delegates having been selected from the various brother hoods to attend the meeting in Con cord next Sunday. The principal address of the eve ning is to be delivered by the Hon. -E. AV. G. Huffman, of Salisbury, who is chairman of file stewardship com mittee. Tips is to be followed by a business meeting in which the elec tion of officers wilt be held. Among the other important busi ness matters to be brought iqi is the loan fund of SIOO,OOO. all of which is expected to beraised by the time of the meeting. An effort lias been made to secure SI,OOO from 100 men in Noyth Carolina for use in build ing new churches in new territory. Up. to the time of the meeting of the synod in November, n total of $67- (fO had been subscribed and there were indications that the remainder would be raised at an early dale. The stewardship side of church life will also be taken up and an effort will be made by the brotherhood to see that the churches raise their ap portionment tobenevoiences. Owing to tlie fact that the duties of the president of synod have be come so heavy, tin- matter of procur ing an executive secretary will be taken up and may he secured to as sist the president. Discussion will .probably be held, it is said, on the matter of the con struction of a church at Chapel Hill, for the use of the students* The $6,000,000 pensioSj fund for aged min isters will also be discussed. Officers of the state brotherhood are Bismnrk Capps, of Gastonia, pres ident : A. B. Rhyne, of Charlotte, vice president; H. E. Isenhimr, ol* Salisbury, secretary : and It.' AV. Grac ber, of Statesville, treasurer. RACKETEERS PRACTICE FOR SALISBURY TILT Former High School Stars Boost the Prospects For Y Team This Year. —Charlotte Next. In preparation for the first, game which is to bo played at Salisbury oji Thursday night, the Y basketball team put in hard practice Monday night and showed some of the classiest stuff that lias been exhibited on the local floor iu a number of years. From present indications the team will be a shooting aggregation which will take ns its motto that an offense is the best kind of defense. Three former high silioof stars were used in combination with the two Yegulars from last. year. They were Living ston Easley, J. F. Harris and James '•Lineberger. The last two were pip y ih in guard positions and the til's; was a forward. . Cole, a newcomer to the city, out* ployed with the surveyors for the P. & N. rnilaoad, has also been doing good work at both forward and guard as has "Bub" Sullivan, a high se'iool football star. There arc an unusually large num ber of candidates out for the learn this year, there being twenty lia-n cut for practice Monday night. After the Salisbury game, Charlotte Y is the next on the schedule and toward tin- last of December several college games will be played. Salisbury is very anxious to win the* game since they lost In Vie series lust year after winning the first game of the three. REV. C. H. TRUEBLOOD MOVES TO THIS CITY Ready to Begin Dufies as Pastor of First Baptist Chureh in Concord. Rev- C. 11. Trucblood. who comes, to Concord as pastor of the First Baptist Church, expects to move hi« family to this city on Friday of ibis week, it wus stated this morning by a member of the First Bpptist Clim-rh. Mr.''Trucblood spent Monday night uud pgrt of today here with friend*; making filial plans for the work In is to conduct as pastor of the church here. The household goods of Mr. Trtie hlood and family were shipped to Con cord last Friday from Thoinasville, and have been stored in file parsonage of the church. The parsonage lias been completely overhauled during tlie past’ several months. The following story from Thomas villo will be of Interest here: “l{ev. ('. H. Trucblood conducted a farewell service a>s pastor of the First Baptist Chureh Sunday night with a full house, the Main Street Methodist, tfie Reformed and Presbyterian pas tors, AV. L. Hutchins. J. A. Palmer, add A N. Moffit. respectively calling In then- services and their congrega tions joining in the one farewell oc casion.” STATE CHAPLAIN FOR JUNIOR ORDER IS DEAD Bcv. Charles A. G.‘ TUotnas, Once ChapUn in the Jnionr Order. Dies at Rocky Mount. Rocky Mount. November 30.- Ib-v. Charles A. G. Thomas, pioneer Hap tist minister and prominent friitmiul leuder. died at his home iu this city lute this afternoon, following a de cline in health for the past several years, but after being in h serious condition only since Thanksgiving. The body was taken tonighl In 1 Salisbury, where he served one of his , longest pastorates and where funeral i Services and interment will take place ] tomorrow afternoon-at 3 o'clock. The , services will Ik- in charge of the v lun- i ior Order'of United American Me- ] eliuilies, of -which UeV. Mr. Tholmis i had loug bega,state Chaplain,- to which position hc jliadlbecii 'electci jor life ut the lust stati-’moetlnfc'of the or der. l The beating of the tom-tom in j Melanesia serves to warn the vil lagers of the approach of the tax i collector who finds only-cold hearth- I stones and deserted dwellings- ... v == MOTOR ALTERS SHOW' BUSINESS Gasoline Transportation Makes Pos sible Big Product ions in Smaller Centers. “Ten years ago any yrodwer who had ttf present a show of the size and cost of operation sur rounding World of Pleasure, ill other than New York. Chicago, Philadelphia and Bostou, the so-called “run” cities would have been considered a fool— and what is more he would have been " - Ti, waij made to Grace Michael, manager of the Auditorium. Charlotte, recently by the advance man with another impending attrac tion. The automobile and hard roads lias revolutionized not only the theatrical business but outdoor amusements as well. A decade or more ago an at traction was obliged to deiiend largely upon the citizens of the immediate show stand for support. Now oom panies of importance do not so much about the size of the city in which they play as to the seating capacity of the theatre, the nature of surrouunding country and facili ties for motorists. Theatrical papers last fall com mented that the greatest single per formance in money gross,'.,in tile his tory of American amusements was rung up by the combined Burimm & liailey-Riugling brothers shows, not at Chicago or New York, but at the little Kansas town of Concordia. At Mitchell. South Dakota, the annual Corn Palace attracts a money gross exceeding that enjoyed by, even the largest New York musical shows. These straws show which way the wind blows and the sponsors of the World of Pleasure are observant busi- ! ness men. They are willing to al low Mr. Ziegfeld peace in his own IT" " '■* lr " ■■‘fi Nunn-Bush a /Inkle-Fashioned Oxfords- Stunningly good looking. Stylish with your finest apparel. Comfortable with the first wearing. But more than this* Nmui-BSsh oxfords are ankle-fashioned; no -> I unsightly gapping, no slipping at the heel. Come in, look over the latest styles. RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. Nufm-Bush I DONT FORGET I [ Better Get Those Goodyear Tires | This Week | I We are actually selling them for less | I than they can be replaced for as we !ji 1 are giving 10 per cent, off our al- § | ready low price. Also we are giving I § 5 gallons of gasoline with every S2O § 1 purchase of anything in the store. 1 Yorke & Wadsworth Co. & Union and Church Streets | '< The, Old Reliable Hardware Store || Phone 30 Phone 30 bailiwick, the few large cities, while World of Pleasure, still each season fresh in the spring of its youth, goes forth and garners profits throughout 1 the country. The- big show will ap- j pear at tjie Auditorium. Chariotth, I Saturday, December ."sth. matinee and! night. Teacher—Now. you must prove to : me that the earth i.s round- Pupil—Why I never said that it was. December-9th is the date fixed fori the ten-round contest between Mike Ballertho and Tod Morgan, to be neld at Jack Root's "club in Lot Angeles. Melrose Flour i Liberty Self-Rising Flour ■We bought liberally of these two high grade flor.rs while the market was lower. ' The market on flour has advanced right much. Our early buy ing has saved money which we now give you in the better price. Mlerose Flour, is a household ne-l eessity. Its high quality remains for l more than a quarter of a century. We have always been its sole ugents. Liberty Self-Rising is newer to the trade., but it has already won its way! to the tastes of the most exacting i trade. Jt’s ''Melrose'' iu quality, j That's our guarantee. Buy now all the Hour you may need for the balance of the year. We have you money on Hour. Cline & Moose P. B.—Y’our charge account, fcs ] well as your cash, is good with us., Costs you no more. Our polite, de-1 livery men go quick everywhere. 1 Bring Your Wife Along to See I //VS A §Z- These New Suits and Over- j M coats and be thankful you have | t 0 ' m ( vV Lots of husbands think., that'! the only thing of maspyljjj«s ft, Vx/L ttCl /Tfil gender that a wife knows any-' j|i| thing about is picking out a * U\ «h\ first class husband. !j! iJ4 m The truth is that the best look-ii || r *y ' clothing you ever wore .she Hi helped v6u select—own up 1 i;‘ We are inviting the married men of Concord to come he;re X this week with their wives and see an overcoat display so ]< bewildering in fabric and model that you’ll feel sorry'ior : i]i thq, single chap who hasn't a partner' to help him select. ! x one beauty from $ storeful. |]l| Roberts-Wicks Suits and Overcoats $23.00 to slo.oo' ’ ;!| Bright Woolen Hose New Caps | !]! Neckwear New Shirts j! i I Browns-Cannon Co. j j| Where You Get Your Money’s Worth 8 CANNON BUILDING OOOOOOOOOOOQQQO °^^ -sifSSmSst faftad & ' ii ‘C j ><.■■l iii. ilii -I ;u"k| iur prices H Jr 4/1 are fair.— M | y’TRAAfIEfIT “° u p A RKst E LK a .“’' : 8 | -HAIR WAVE- Beauty Shoppe p Stf Phone BH2 sv •» m Your Ad in This Paper I" ■ j The use of space in this paper i to tell the story of the merchan dise in your store is the one certain way to get the interest of the people in this community. And in propor tion to the interest you arouse in your store and your mer chandise, will be the amount of | business you will do. We are ready to help you tell your story—phone 78 and we will call at your convenience with a detailed plan for proper ly merchandising your stock. ' j The Concord Daily Tribune PAGE FIVE