lesday, ! ~ 1 American Legion Men \ A. E. F. Soldiers will recall how good it felt to change into a uniform that had been dry clean ed. It made of you a bet ter fighter. Good appear ance today will not only strengthen you mentally, but set you off as suc cessful in the passing pa rade of busines. “Fall in” with your patronage' for j Bob’s. Ip Phone 787 [Handsomely Ungraved Visiting Cards, g 100 for from $2 35 to $4.00, inclr.d --1 ing plate. From old plate, $1.50 ■ per 100. Timea-Tribune office, ts. BUSE pfeINNY COLI-MX—IT PAYS IOUT OUR WAY ' fit WlEfelfflfig Hi iff P/WOAV "mines 7" | 1 pt|/ TwE - LF CLOCK" n( AM ‘™ SAMK will BE. LOADED WITH \ r I 111 I|S i[f OPfTiS x/ER I JACK FR,OAV-TH'BEST-ItME *S ■ yl|[llll i. F,ME * £v/ERV I 3E.S ERBOOT KIOOKJ VMEM OiE- o' I||| Boom is inside lIW clerks is ouTT' Dimmer. FWP*^ ! p* 3 I'TOEA-rAT’ /V^' OE - , '- L 'TAv<E KEER o'lti'GOM * " 111 —i .... ,i ..liii.ii (14— Curas air ——— MDIVrN POP ; “"BFTAfmF -- (~rS=t 'WHAT A FAT LETTER FROM \ f* -- — 7? f A S X v V 4'4°/ 4AJMOAL EEPOICr OUT J /p\ THis’w.jST < Be aw" 1 -o . ■>. V“ RLYIt " s Ye «_X gill L Jv V* .. A P 1 miy \ Dn?Ecrof?s is f-TI The sustJAruiUE on) these dimmer7ucv fui/iw-1 ' ■ ’ TOMra* mw Being sorry for yourself is wasting sympathy on souie one you know doesn't deserve it. The only successful substitute for luck is work. The honeymoon i« over when ho can carry a cigar in bis vest pocket ■ without it being broken . Cussing tight shoes will not help you in a pinch. Thanksgiving makes the turkeys umd. Lots of them even lose their heads over it. We never hear of an insurance man marrying that we dop’t wonder if he did if just to get to sell her some insurance. (Copyright. 11)25, XKA Service, Inc.) i TOiIAY’S EVENTS < Tuesday, December 1, 1925 • t Festival of St. Eioy, the patron saint of ail metal workers. - ; One hundred years ago today died Alexander Osar of Russia If the Queen Mother Alexandra had ’ived until today she would have been 81 years old. . -• 1 ; Tlie fifth annual meeting of the Liberal-Conservative Association of Canada is to be he’.ef today at To ronto. * ■, OkTuhomn *City is to bo the meet ing place today' <if the annual con ference of the south central division of the Chamber of Commerce .of tiie United States. v> The foreign office ni London is to be tluna-pne of a history-making event today, when representatives of the European nations meet to sign the I.cearnT) treaties. J Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover is to receive an honorary mem bership in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at a public ceremony in New York this evening. Plans for a 'study of church rela- L L. Itionship to war and a nation-wide campaign of education through the churches, are to be discussed let a national study conference on the cliurehes and world peace, to be op ened in Washington today. The opening gun of the 1020 lia j tional campaign .will bp . tired today j at Pierre, S. Dak., when the political | parties of that state assemble to design j nate thejr candidates for the United' States Senate and House and for I slate offices. ~ " \ Mall Your Christmas Presents Early. Says Postmaster General. Washington, ov. 20.—The annual Chalstmas appeal to mail “early” was issued today by Postmaster General New, along with announce ment of plans to expedite the ser vice. N 1 ■ | “The people of the United States, j be said. have it wjthin their power j o adjust the enormous holiday , burden on clerks nod carriers sp that these, too, may enjoy the seas Sn. | “A, merry Christmas is in store for each pue of us if we wi l only I stop to consider for a few moments how the facl.itiea of-, the postoffiee will be taxed from raw until aftlr the' holiday season,7 he asserted. “The American public will do well to Ire member that many a hard-Womed letter--carrier or i>ostal clerk may be deprived, of enpoying the Christmas dpy at his own fireside Jf the Christ mas shopping and mailing is post poned until the ast moment. Dj not | wait until tomorrow, start today " With the annual meetings of the two imijpr leagues close tit hand', the baseball fans ears -to .the ground awaiting son# news of inter est. It is regarded as ncj improbab e 1 , that some important may be put tlirough at the conceives of the 1 j elpb magnates, as ft is known flint | several star players ard anxious t ■ change tueir club affiliations and it is ‘ i possible (he magnates may tftid some | way of accommodating them. - :' : r~~ • Judging by the auspicious manner f in Wilich Winter racing has been ? inaugurated at New Orleans and Tia , Juana, the sport seems booked up for -a prosperous season., THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ■-L-.. * J. ‘ Modem Sward, of ■ Stewarfell ‘LETTED %dSSI lly UHAKLES I*. .STEWART NEA Service Wister f’l. Washington. X'ov. 311.—How manr Imericans can tell who represents in Congress’/ .."T ory few." swers A. D Fairbairti, and lie td'is a story which rounds us if lie knows wiiut he's miking about. Fairborn is a Washingtonian who recently had occasion to take a trip Through 15 of die 4N states, and in the course of this journey aeeident started him on an investigation into tile extent of Pile average man's fa miliarity witli political personalities. [“Amazing ignorance” is what he fouiiud, "in all walks of life," he ge .ports. , v , I. e e 4 Tfre accident which started him? Well, while he was in Omaha it Chaneed that lie needed to learn the name of the congressman from Pile sc" ""liking it for granted that almost- tiny local vot er could tell him, lie asked one. To his surprise, tile voter didn't know. . He asked another. Neither did the second one knew. Curious by this time, Fairborn kept on asking until lie reached the 26th. a hotel clerk, "who,” lie says, “.scratched his head, gave tlie. matter about thrpe minutes’ thought and then found, to his keen flight, that In actually could name \Judge W. G Bears"—and Bears, by tiw> way, is a congressman of more than averagi distinctirn. Not to know'who tie is in Omaha, is something like not know ing. who Calvin Coolidge is in Wash ingtru At that, the hotel clerk was un aeipiaihted with Sears' polities '* » * His Omaha experience made sue! an impression tin Fuirbair that lie continued his questioning throughout the rest of his trip. It'led to iiis discovery of the fact (hut “the Omaha incident' was not unusual but typi cal.” , It was flic same way about sena tors’. As for cabinet members, Kairbuirn says Be foliurl hardly anybody who could ftame all of them correctly. • Tlie first automobile club for women has been founded in I'aris. f Let Your Next Battery Be An | EXIDE 7 | Use Only the Best 7 muTT-n — prohibition Agents WARNED BY MEEKINS Tails Them They Must Slop Shooting at Supposed L'quor Law Vlt 'a • -'tris. | -Ra cigli Nov 30.—Judge Isaac M. Sleekins thin morning told federal! ,pacers ‘.‘lull they must stop shooting j ifcy&OTsons supjiosed to be prohibition ' vi<flatoi-s. - r TTio judge declared it a violation of; the inw tu shoot at them when they fleet ami it is, lie said, a dangerous tiling to shoot into the air to frighten them. The judge cauntioned the of fieigs against assuming that violation f tplie prohibition act is a capital felony. It is against the law. lie said, hut it is not tiie worst crime. He'told the officers who had testi fied that they shot to stop Peyton Edwards in Hulifax, that if a man is treated that way he has reason to think that he is being attacked and he can tight back- The judge was net right sure that a legal anti moral defense could not be made. Judge Meekins discountenances the 'vactiec of federal officers iu persuad ng others to violate the law in order to make a ease. He declared that when lie is convinced cf such methods used in getting evidence he will dis ■harge tlie defendant. Mrs. Fannie Brcm. a/ widow with nine children, testified'that one Ben Faulkner, nfio has been getting up such evidence, pretended to be xiok and goiHg fiish in*. lie asked her for a pint and she gave tlie fellow the liquor that her husband had before lie died. Faulk ner. from her testimony, must have needed the liquor. She said he drank nearly all of it. Beware of .Medical Fakers. Dr. Register, hi Progressive Farmer. Vor have some chronic ailment that has not been benefited by your family doctor. W'ligt ure you to do? You see page advertisements of doctors or medical institutes in your favorite daily newspaper, and in first class i RRBTT TRITE BY CONDO' r Mv NA-Me is TRUe. very ixiELU MY Wipe INSISTS THAT )P Yoo W|L.(- I HAVE MY 1 step intxo this. H4VE ■ FOR SOM® -HAH MOV!S ' M IP -L le&SiT (MY HAN-D A<SAIN«3t /AWV FAC& IT VMON'T Be M(U<Sv AMO IT WON'T • magazines. Wliilt must you ilo about, j these highly advertised speclp’ists? You are making a sad mistake if you et these advertising sharks take your time and money. Time is quite i nil item in the cure of diseases. . With a great many diseases, there is { S a time when they are curable. This I | time is often of short duration. This 1 i is the time when you need a real doc- i I tor. not an advertising faker. ' 1 This is tile way some of the adver- i titsers work. They advertise to cure 1 a certain disease —probably the victim ! sees this ad, and thinks he has this I disease. He writes to the faker and i they send him a tong list of. symp- j toms. There are certain symptoms; 1 that you have with most all diseases. They give such, a long list of sym.p --• toms that a few strike your case ex i aetly. The symptoms you have, after i reading and re-reading these adver i tisements, stand out more and more I prominently until the other symp < toms that you do not have pale into I insignificance, and you become morally sure that this is your trouble. Then . begins a lively correspondence with . loads of testimonials, the most of . them fakes. i Many modern business girls in Lon don wifi have cause to remember with ' gratitude the vestry of the Church of , St. George (he -Martyr, Southwark, > which is famous for irx associations , with Dickens' “Little DorMt.” The - rector of the church has invited all I hu iness gir.s working in the vicinity • to use the vestry as a club room, where ■ they can eat their lunch and rest. The Georgia-I’orma Golf League, made up of Moultrie. Valdosta, lSuin bridge, Quitman and Thoinasville ill Georgia, and Tallahassee, Florida, has the distinction of being the oldest reg ularly organized "golf league" in the 1 United Spates. In three cities of file United States women now till the important federal position otf collector of customs. , fancy dry goods WOMEN S WEAS ! 1 SHOES'OF REFINEMENT Six New Style* This Week < FOR YOUR APPROVAL I Discard your Chaffy shoes and get into a pair of these neat dressy j - new °» c s and get the benefit pf a full season's wear, tlfey’re the pret- I I tiest bits of footwear you have seen and the - most stylish we have j S ever shown. May we show them to you? $3.95 to $9.00 j IVEY’S < •THE HOME O F GOOD SHORN* I <9 °°OOOOOOOOO^OOOOOCX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXV>.“><" FEEDS AND MORE FEEDS j ChoWder for your hens Cow Chow for your cows Omolin for your horses and mules Pig Chow for your hogs Hay and Straw, ' : \ i • We carry groceries of most anything to eat PHONE 122 CASH FEED STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS | THANKSGIVING * |;i ... 6 being foremost in the minds of the people at this time ji!| ' ve w ' s * l to ta ke this opportunity to Thank our friends h an d patrons for the liberal support given us during the |;j year. pj We respectfully solicit a continuation of your patron age and pledge you even bett'er service for the future. *4 Call us for ANYTHING you want to eat. 1 ! C. H. BARRIER & CO. <*"*x»OG©ooooon©oor.o6cxxv —- | DELCO LIGHT 5 Light Plants and Batteries ji Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- * ' 5 nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or \I- J ternating Current. • R. H. OWEN, Agent j —Phone 669 Coricord, N. C. lOf>a OOO<WQfy.innrv fVWVvv • | l M St pre_ ! dated Gift of AU * \ Hoosier Beauty • ' Kitchen Cabinet j . A Working Center! That's the first thing every kitch- |j 3 en neC( l s - And in the Hoosier Beauty you have a perfect | one. All the things you work with are assembled here in I i-j one spot-right where you do the work. And the Hoosier . ■j 1! j . sl ? c h a handsome piece of furniture, too. Whether in jj j shining white enamel, soft French Grey or rich golden = ■ oak, it brings an air of charm and to anv * a kitchen. * J * ; • Let the man of the house know that the Hoosiei [- ■j would be the most appreciated gift of all. j H. B. WILKINSON - j IgEX Tl grill: t X i’ I CYLINDER REBORING tVp have installed a Bottler lieboring machine so that we eaa re- 1 boic the cylinders of cars and tit new pistons, rings and wrist pins ® without removing the motor from the frame, thereby saving a large ft labor charge. Just give us a trial and convince yourself. tl We carry a full line of Goodrich I'ires, Tubes, Piston R : ugs and M Usco l>rake lining. Spurt on Horns’, Prest-O-Lite Batteries, El ” k |z Auto Soap and Polish and Genuine Ford PaHi. • / I IStIDEBAKER SALfeS AND SERVICE _ | Auto Supply A Repair Ox . PHONE 22* PAGE SEVEN

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