ytnesday, Dec. 2, 1925 (B\merican » Legion Men A. E. F. Soldiers will recall how good it /elt to change into a uniform that had been dry clean ed. It made cf you a bet ter fighter. Good appear ance today will not only strengthen you mentally, but set you off as suc cessful in the passing pa r rade of busines. “Fall in” with your patronage for Bob’s. ■master cleaners v Phone 787 BLndsrtnely Engraved Visiting Cards,' HIOO for from $2 35 to $4.00, inelrnl- Bing plate. From old plate, $1.50 . K Per 100. Timcs-Tribune oEce. ts. | SB PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS i OUT OUR WAY /BY WILLIAMS THE FAIR WEATHER MORSE 1 E ltl - rnrT ,.: x •ttmmmmmfet.m. J I MOM’N POP ~ BYTAYLOR ts" SAY YOUWG f NOVd WAIT A MINUTE POP - X -BUT I'VE (SOT A \ / HOW DO YOU £.«.FLCf\ I ; MAM - IMe / ) KWo\a! | T^ A CW»)oOf To PLAM ALU YJORKEDOar UTo PAY ME SACK Been )( the c?4 Tf< f > T o pay you Back cot 0 vmksmycudomt VIAITIMG ) l Know rs = DD J r / l M T OWM TICKET J HAVE A CEUT s To See r \t o such a -n am sawed iap -1 Teu. , | i~y -----* —- (/ NOW WAIT.A MNOOTE - \ WELL XME DECIDED To TAKE THE 1 *1 i ) I'LL P«j , 'fcußAO< t/ Au. RI6HT- COME L DECEMBER INSTALLMENT As A i ? ( The Ntoioey (M r>ur ]( across ? 1 / ;! . 11 —1 > 8 TOM na» SJMS.p s>§k§ Lots of things most cf Vik are look ing for are not anywhere. Time, tide Thanksgiving and Christinas wait for no, man Try so save too much and you may waste it all: No wonder a camel can't go through the eye of a needle. He's all tifed out by the time, lie finds it in the haystack. Hitting file high Spots can give a man an awful jolt. The moon has her quarters and halves, but t liar s because she doesn't get full very often. (Copyright, 1925, XEA Service, Imv) The absent-minded professor—no, this is another one—‘had wandered in to the floral shop to buy Christmas decorations. » >J "Ah—how liiuch is the mistletoe?" i he asked the pretty clerk, j “It's very high grade," she replied, , “so it's quite expensive." , . "Ah—yes. Ah—in that case, be i fore I buy, would you mind—ah— demonstrating it?” • Colds l e d Go Stop them today, Stop them quickly-j-ajl their dangers and ! discomforts. End thefeverand headache. Force j the poison* out. Hffts break colds in 14 hours. ; They tonethe wholesystem.The prompt,re-1 , liable results have led milliagjiloempioy them. -) Pon t rely on lesser helps, aon’t delay. I !| An druggist. Price 30c } cascaraJ^quinine j 1 Get Red Box with portrait I ‘LET By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer ' Washington, Dee. 1. —“The best luck a government employe can have." said an erderly chief clerk who has sn-n' al' his adu t years in a bureau of one of the Washington executive , departments, “is to be fired before 'he has time to become really de pendent on iris job. "Under The old spoils system, when a general cleaning out usually fol lowed a change in administration, there was hope of) this. "The civil service commission prac tically has ended it. "Today a federal appointment gen era'ly means a life sentence. The poor boob who gets onesdpesn't know it at the time, but lie ifiight as we‘l be accepting n nice cell in the At lanta penitentiary. “The chances for advancement are about equal in either case. In Washington maybe yru win your way .upto a chief clerkship. At Atlan ta, if you’re good, they make you a trusty.” ' , * * * The old man pondered, his faded eyes brooding. 1 "On the who’fe,” he reflected, "I thing I’d have preferred Atlanta - j Locked up young. Awouldu't have ac | quired a family to support on ail in ' adequate salary. Tliey tell me well- I bdbaved prisoners are made very com j fori able. - any yqte. they don’t I have tn worry. And if they don't | 'ike It, they Can get out, sometimes Their terms expire or they escape or I are pardoned. I “In Washjngt/t>h—(a ke me, for in- I stance I spend ra.V waking hours figuring on schemes to make ends meet. At night I dream abnnt it It isn't only the necessaries. I have to ‘front’ to keep up. My .family THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNB and I must look respectable. My j wife has to work, too, or we couldn't do it. And hardly anybody, once fairly settled in it. ever is ab'e to get out of the government service.” Afternosn Newspapers Organize. Greensboro Heeord. The organization of the North Car olina Association of Afternoon News-' papers, effected in this city Saturday evening, is a great forward step not only for those papers but augurs we'l for the future growth and develop meat of this state at a time wlier conditions are rine for uiipreceden’ed advancement of the state along a' constructive and des’>ablc«lines. Th association tend str-ngly to uni fixation and strength of the afternoor press, a 1 ready recognized as the great field for the newsjmper of today. It is conservatively estimated that even now some G 50.000 people are egi brae.d among the readers of the as ternoon newspapers of North Car 'ina With a c'oser bond of eomm-n interest established and accentuate' among these papers and through r‘ definite and well planned effort t<- promote efficiency in the gathering and dissemination of reliable news of the state and particularly es its gov ernmental affairs, the afternoon press will be enabled- to give its renders a 1 better news service than ever before. The masses of the people do not have time to read a newspaper, save in the most perfunctory and cursory maunr before they must be at their dai'y work, and by the time they returr ■home in the afternoon the paper with the latest developments in all import ant flews is awaiting them at their homes.- Furthermore, they have leis ure and comfort and can read the as ternoon paper thoroughly and thought fully. Even in the larger cities of the eountry the number of morning news papers is steadily decreasing, botji in strength and in numbers. There are reasons for this I rend in the news paper world,, and as the afternoon newspapers develop in capacity and efficiency they will grow even mere notably in advertising putronage and in readers until they become every where tile leading newspapers. The organization of the afternoon press Os .North Carolinavis a noteworthy for ward step in the recognition of a community of interest umrng their and the application of the co-opera tive principle, in ; promoting efficiency and better service. This marked trend in journalism is particularly marked during the, last decade and will con tinue during the ensuing one. Reformed. At the convention of the Legion’s. Department of Delaware, two smqll boys were much interested in watch ing the* delegates trooping into a hi tel lobby. “Who's all I hose men?" asked :he yon ngster, * "That's the American Legion.” < "What's that?" "b ell, they used to kill peop’e. To^i« one, hut don't get skeered. 'cause'they're tame now.” Hos - COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creo* mulsipt), is a new medicaj discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflated membranes and in hibits germ growth. Os all known drugs, creosote is rec ognized by high medical authorities as oae of the greatest healing agencies for persistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote,' other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, js ab sorbed into die blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, I bronchitis and other forms of respira tory diseases, and is exoe&ent for build ing up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold is 1 sot relieved if ter taking according to directions. Ask your druggist. Creo jnulsion Company, Atlanta, Ga. (ad-,) -Let Your Next Battery |j Be An EXIDE Use Only the j! Best I / - * ; ‘i BS l Wlm NKSai charlotte men oppose - I BUILDING NEW COURT HOUSE' r "T j W- C. I)owd Says It Would Be “Stupendous Folly ” Charlotte News. Opponents of_jhe proposal to move :he Mecklenburg county court house from its present site to the new lo cation bargainedr for by the county commissioners op East Trade street delivered their opinions to the ecm- 1 missioners Monday morning at a spe-, ’■•J session which t’ae board called to' ear the pr- tee'ants. ; Arguments were presented by rep-: ■eseutetive citizen* of both-the city! and county against the removal of he court house. Magistrate John ** Hunter, of_Ma'lard Creek, assert ’d that the rural citizen would have! to borrow money' this year to pay Kieir taxes, and, therefore, would not welcono' the additional cost that gvould have to be met by increased taxes. A B. Justice said the pro 'oned new court house by floating a i’'ort term nqte issfie in-tead of by a 11 nd issue, shou'd not be token as an ■suranee that it would not mean ad litional debt to the county The gmup sos protestants named Parks Brown, of Charlotte and Meck eribprg county, as master of core ! naoaies. Mr. Brown has his office in the city and is a real estate man but resides in the county. He in fodpeed the speakers. The ’ist of protesting sneakers in -'uded A. M. .McDonald, former mem ber of thf*4)oar<l of commissioners Meekb-üburg county; H. N. Pharr, former State senator; R. C. Freeman, firmer representative of Mecklenburg county in the lower house of the gen* era* assembly; Plato D. Price,• former member of the Mecklenburg county 1 beard of commissioners and former] member of the county board of eduea-1 tion; \V. C Drwd, publisher of The' Charlotte News ; Magistrate John P. Hui Per. of Mal’ard Creek township, magistrate in Mecklenburg countv for ‘ forty years; Frank S. Neal. iroini- j nent farmer of Charlotte township, J and A I>. Justice, member rs the j CSar’ctte bar. Mr. Dowd summarized bis opinion about the contemplated removal of the court house by the statement that j “our new city hall is a handsome, monument to the most Ktupendous municipal folly I ever saw and 11 don’t expect to see anything t" equal it unless the commissioners carry out their plans about a new * court house.’* Mr. Dcwd argued further that the present court ’liouse, 1 with improvements that can be made with comparatively little expense, will! last the county and meet all its needs for a court house for a long time to come. Life-Saving Dog Honored. The Pathfinder. Within nine years Felix, dog mas cot of a Chicago fire engine company. t?aved at least four persons from be ing'lmrned to death. Everybody who kneW the dog loved him and when he •diech recently six school children were the distinction of carrying body in a little woooeu casket .heap-, ed Wtn flowers to his grave. Eight ante* made up the funeral proces- j sion and 20 firemen were ou hand toj attest their sorrow over the loss of their dumb mascot. Rusiness men, and firemen contributed S4OO for flow- j ers and a tombstone for the dog who i was buried in a plot in the forest pre-1 serves. • • I Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION t\\ MUn indigesti OMjl 6 Bpu-ANS ftr Sure Relief DELL-ANS 254 arid 754 Packages Everywhere evbrbtt true by condo 1 -f-teccc?, (How's Youie Uv&r f/.d I IS /ICC IT's ny TH*T r s -^r^r j HOTEL BOAjjrS FOR MIAMI. I l kiafiftg Hostetries manned to Re lieve Housing Shortage. j Boston, Dec. 2.—Application na ! been fi od with the Secretary of the Cotnmonvrea'.th /or a charter for the North ard Soath Floating Inu Com pany. the announced purpose of which is to operate steaimiliipts to Florida and anchor them oft Miami .I us floating hote’s to relieve the . present Incusing shortage in that city. ■ The papers of incorporation filet ■ on beha.f of Miami iaterests. give the ,|iuth, r.zed capital as 3,000 shares of j common stock with a par va.ue ol : 1 SIOO- The President of the company | is G. Lincoln Billaway of Boston. Men, Not Systems. Raleigh News and Observer. Stanly County, news dispatches say. will probably abolish the cnaii ; gang system of handling prisoners as a result of the expose of conditions by the State Department of Pubh Welfare resulting in holding Super irrtendent Crandford for trial on tLi •havge pf murder. The Department has done well ii bringing to the attention of the com what appears to be flagrant disregard for the most rudimentary principles of humanity in the treatment of prisoners. Its showing in the test :n«ny presented before Judge M E ory sitting as a committing magi trate .was impressive. Os cours -Cranford is entitled to a trial fair and free tria’, and must be he innocent until he has been prove guilty. Yet. if even a vestige ot ti ev.deuce adduced by the representr. tives of the Department of Publi Welfare is borne out, they will hav rendered ihe .State! great .service though wo are shamed in the recog ‘nition of it. 1 Os course, Stanly county sbouli I abolish the chain gang. But abolish ing the chain gang, as desirable a that step is, will pot suffice. As ong as prisoners are abso utely ur der the control of vicious, thought j CHS, or reckless men, the county ac‘ | the State will be continual : liumi in tc-d *by the shocking thing which have stirred North (lanolin recently. j Post and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. I New York, Dee- I.—Trading or. the cotton exchange' today has again I been almost entirely professions’ with outside business quieter than ever. The early weakness was -luc chiefly to local selling on a generally favorable weather map and the se | ief that the export movement had reached its jH-uk and will now begin 'to fall off as the foreign demand has decreased considerably of late. Today’s exports were very heavy, 232,873 bales, but apparently hau lit tle effect on prices. Liquidation of December against purchases of May and October was in evidence and October was pnrtictllariy strong Sentiment remains mixed' and Ilic trade and speculators are agaii waiting for tlie next bureau. TOST AND FLAGG. Czcchc '■Slovakia has become famous for its women athletes. i ! U>Tonlght\ • to tone end strengthen the organs pf * aticn end elimination, impi sppotite, step sick headache elieve bil- . tousness, correct constipation, t y : o ;.ra ,^ ly B . ioa ‘ ,ntiyi j i Tomorrow Alright j Gibson Drug Store. i | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR SHOES OF REFINEMENT I Six New Styles This Week FOR YOUR APPROVAL Discard your shaffy shoes and get into a -pair of these neat dressy new ones and get the benefit of a full season’s wear, they’re the pret tiest bits of footwear you have seen and the most stylish, we have I .1 ever shown. May we show them to you? 1 $3.95 to $9.00 ■ ' V. j IVEY’S “THE home OF GOOD SHOES'' TTaixLiiiaaaa 14 .h isamvst?-- - • - - . I^OOOOO °OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC i FEEDS AND MORE FEEDS I Chowder for your hens Cow Chow for your cows * Omolin for your horses and mule? Pig Chow for your hogs Hay and Straw, We carry groceries of most anything to eat PHONE 122 | CASH FEED STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS 0000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ J ’ Wanted: 300 Large Fat Hens 1.1 l le Poultry Market is still dull but we Have an order j for 300 large hens and will pay 18 cents per pound for' all i llens weighing 4 pounds and over delivered to us by Sat | urday noon, December sth. 1 Small hens not wanted but will use a limited num- I her at 16 cents per pound. 1 ' | C. H. BARRIER & CO. - iw- - —v v- v ,^-v— --' DELCO UGHT Light Plants and Batteries < -j Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ! nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Ah | ternating Current. -i R. H. OWEN, Agent --Phone 669 Concord, N. C. ' ’WOOOfVvvw ' The Most Appre- 1 ciated Gift of All I Hoosier Beauty 1 9 Kitchen Cabinet j I ' A Working Center! That's the first thing every kit eh- J | cn needs. And in the Hoosier Beauty you have a perfect fl f one ’ All l h f tlun rs you wor)c with are assembled here in , i H one spot-right where you do the work. And the Hoosier - I I is such a handsome piece of furniture, too. Whether in* 9 shining white enamel, soft French Grey or rich golden j kitchen blHlgS an air cllarm andr attractiveness to any. 4 * - i I 7j t u th l man of tlic bouse know that the Hoosier ~ would be the most appreciated gift of all. H. B. WILKINSON J ‘■-KETgixgsrgr^ ::: :~Z2 :::::: i ::: :TTr~z ■ 7 ”irnm nJ Alemite Lubricating Service ■ e usc . a,l y Lubricants except Alemite Trans-- mission,, Differential and Chasis lubricants, one which al lows the easy shifting of gears even in Zero weather, and greatly reduces friction. Get alcohol in your radiator before it freezes. '*'! Gas, Oil, Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Car Washing, t h I Tire Changing " , " CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE TOO PAGE SEVEN

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